November 30, 2017
Dear Terry,
Mom had a no good rotten day today at work. I could tell as soon as she walked in the door. I could hear her heart pounding. I had to poop first before I could help Mom relax. I walked her up and down the driveway pretending to look for a good spot. When she stopped stomping behind me, I pooped and ran inside with her. We sat together on the couch and she told Dad about her no good rotten day. I put my nose right in her face and snuffled until she stopped talking and started laughing. Mom was ok again! I got tummy rubs and everything! I wish Mom didn't have to go to work anymore.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

November 28, 2017
Dear Terry, what an exciting day! Dad threw us a pizza party while Mom was at work! Pepperoni and sausage and yummy crust! Dad got thirsty and wanted a drink. He opened a cranberry ginger ale. Only it exploded!!! Pink foam went all OVER the kitchen. Me and Petey ducked, Dad said #!$#! Then he laughed and laughed! We cleaned it up as best we could. Mom got home and she stuck to the floor. She said, WHAT kind of a pizza party was this!?? We all stayed quiet. Dad giggled and said, Oh yeah, the soda kind of exploded! But don't worry, the pizza box was closed and I cleaned it up as best I could. Mom mopped everything right up and had a slice of pizza. Everything was ok again! THEN, more excitement! My hero, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer came on the tv! Me and Mom sing along to everything!! I got my stuffed Bumble out and made it sing too! It sings the Rudolph song! What a great day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, what an exciting day! Dad threw us a pizza party while Mom was at work! Pepperoni and sausage and yummy crust! Dad got thirsty and wanted a drink. He opened a cranberry ginger ale. Only it exploded!!! Pink foam went all OVER the kitchen. Me and Petey ducked, Dad said #!$#! Then he laughed and laughed! We cleaned it up as best we could. Mom got home and she stuck to the floor. She said, WHAT kind of a pizza party was this!?? We all stayed quiet. Dad giggled and said, Oh yeah, the soda kind of exploded! But don't worry, the pizza box was closed and I cleaned it up as best I could. Mom mopped everything right up and had a slice of pizza. Everything was ok again! THEN, more excitement! My hero, Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer came on the tv! Me and Mom sing along to everything!! I got my stuffed Bumble out and made it sing too! It sings the Rudolph song! What a great day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 10, 2017
Dear Terry, Dad's back! Dad's back!! Dad's back!!! He came back a few days ago and me and him haven't been apart. I sleep with him, I eat with him, I watch him breathe. I watch everything he does! Dad's back! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him get out of the car a few days ago! I was so excited!! I couldn't get past Mom fast enough! Dad is really tired all the time. But he makes time to pet me even when he is too tired to get up. He wants to help Mom out but she wants him to rest right now. Mom says I've been the best dog ever helping out! Mom said we have to get Dad better to go on vacation. I might walk to the Ocean if that's what Dad wants. MIGHT. Maybe love does have its limits...Woof! It's storming here so I curled up with Dad. I tried to be brave but that didn't work out so good because I got too scared. I better go...
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Dad's back! Dad's back!! Dad's back!!! He came back a few days ago and me and him haven't been apart. I sleep with him, I eat with him, I watch him breathe. I watch everything he does! Dad's back! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him get out of the car a few days ago! I was so excited!! I couldn't get past Mom fast enough! Dad is really tired all the time. But he makes time to pet me even when he is too tired to get up. He wants to help Mom out but she wants him to rest right now. Mom says I've been the best dog ever helping out! Mom said we have to get Dad better to go on vacation. I might walk to the Ocean if that's what Dad wants. MIGHT. Maybe love does have its limits...Woof! It's storming here so I curled up with Dad. I tried to be brave but that didn't work out so good because I got too scared. I better go...
Barks and Wags, FredDog
July 3, 2017
Dear Terry, This is 007 1/2 with a full report!! Woof! It was an EPIC ADVENTURE! First, Me and Mom jumped into the Jeep and away we went! Mom said we have to hurry there are storms coming. I thought maybe we were going to the park but Mom said no we have a Mission! Mission Happy Dad! She said you should be singing the Mission song now. We went to the Hospital. I had never been there before. I am not allowed in there. Sick people live in a hospital. Dad's one of those people. I miss him. I wish he didn't have the pneumonia. We drove around the back and parked. But the storm caught up to us and we had to stay in the Jeep. It rained so loud that I got scared and then it thundered and the wind and there was hail. I was shaking. Mom scooped me up and wrapped me up in her jacket and covered my ears. I like when she does that because then I can't hear all the scary storm sounds. She said FRED, you have to be brave or we can't complete Mission Happy Dad! Soon the storm stopped and I said WOOF WOOF lets's go Mom!! We had to brave big puddles, dodge a doctor, we went past some big red signs. Mom said they were no tresspassing signs but I can't read. Mom said that was going to be our defense. Then we started down a giant hill that had water flowing down it really fast. we splashed all the way down, my feet got wet. Mom said be BRAVE! and I was! Then we went past a loading dock. Lots of noises there. Finally we got to the bottom of the hill and Mom called Dad and I could hear his voice but I couldn't see him! Mom looked way up the windows and there was DAD! Mom waved and waved and I could hear Dad's voice from the phone and we talked to Dad for a few minutes. We had to go though because another storm was coming and the wind was picking up. Dad and Mom waved Bye Bye to each other and we ran up the hill, back through the running water, dodging rain drops and gusts of wind. We ran all the way back to the Jeep. WHEW! Then I had to pee. It was all too exciting. FINALLY we got back in the saftey of the Jeep. Mom was laughing and laughing and she said we better go! When we got home we talked to Dad again and he said there was a Security Man that came soon after we had left, walking all around outside. But we had already made our exit. Dad was laughing so hard! Mom said Mission Accomplished! Dad got to see his favorite Dog! Me!! She hopes it makes him feel better. Mom said I was so brave that we stopped at the Burger Palace and I got my very own cheeseburger!!!
Barks and Wags, 007 1/2, aka FredDog!
Dear Terry, This is 007 1/2 with a full report!! Woof! It was an EPIC ADVENTURE! First, Me and Mom jumped into the Jeep and away we went! Mom said we have to hurry there are storms coming. I thought maybe we were going to the park but Mom said no we have a Mission! Mission Happy Dad! She said you should be singing the Mission song now. We went to the Hospital. I had never been there before. I am not allowed in there. Sick people live in a hospital. Dad's one of those people. I miss him. I wish he didn't have the pneumonia. We drove around the back and parked. But the storm caught up to us and we had to stay in the Jeep. It rained so loud that I got scared and then it thundered and the wind and there was hail. I was shaking. Mom scooped me up and wrapped me up in her jacket and covered my ears. I like when she does that because then I can't hear all the scary storm sounds. She said FRED, you have to be brave or we can't complete Mission Happy Dad! Soon the storm stopped and I said WOOF WOOF lets's go Mom!! We had to brave big puddles, dodge a doctor, we went past some big red signs. Mom said they were no tresspassing signs but I can't read. Mom said that was going to be our defense. Then we started down a giant hill that had water flowing down it really fast. we splashed all the way down, my feet got wet. Mom said be BRAVE! and I was! Then we went past a loading dock. Lots of noises there. Finally we got to the bottom of the hill and Mom called Dad and I could hear his voice but I couldn't see him! Mom looked way up the windows and there was DAD! Mom waved and waved and I could hear Dad's voice from the phone and we talked to Dad for a few minutes. We had to go though because another storm was coming and the wind was picking up. Dad and Mom waved Bye Bye to each other and we ran up the hill, back through the running water, dodging rain drops and gusts of wind. We ran all the way back to the Jeep. WHEW! Then I had to pee. It was all too exciting. FINALLY we got back in the saftey of the Jeep. Mom was laughing and laughing and she said we better go! When we got home we talked to Dad again and he said there was a Security Man that came soon after we had left, walking all around outside. But we had already made our exit. Dad was laughing so hard! Mom said Mission Accomplished! Dad got to see his favorite Dog! Me!! She hopes it makes him feel better. Mom said I was so brave that we stopped at the Burger Palace and I got my very own cheeseburger!!!
Barks and Wags, 007 1/2, aka FredDog!
June 27, 2017
Dear Terry. I'm sad. No Dad. Mom says he is in the hospital. Like staying at the vet's place. Dad can't be happy. I'm never happy at the vet. Mom says he has pneumonia. I don't know what that is but I know that he isn't here. We have a morning routine! Mom takes me out then when I get in Dad gives me treats! First a meat stick for pooping, then my special treat that helps my back, then a Milk Bone with peanut butter on top! Mom's been messing it up. One morning she forgot my Milk Bone with peanut butter!!! I sat at the cabinet waiting and waiting. FINALLY she remembered. Dad wouldn't have forgotten. It's our thing! Mom did give me some french toast and bacon she had made. And a little bit of scrambled egg! I like eggs. The girls make good eggs. Mom has been making sure I get a lot of walks so that I don't go crazy without Dad. A tired dog is a good dog, she always says that. Mom let me talk to Dad on the phone too. He said how's my PUPPPPYYYY!!! That's me, you know! I barked and barked HELLLOOOO DADDDDD!!! Then me and Petey ran all around. I wish Dad would come home!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry. I'm sad. No Dad. Mom says he is in the hospital. Like staying at the vet's place. Dad can't be happy. I'm never happy at the vet. Mom says he has pneumonia. I don't know what that is but I know that he isn't here. We have a morning routine! Mom takes me out then when I get in Dad gives me treats! First a meat stick for pooping, then my special treat that helps my back, then a Milk Bone with peanut butter on top! Mom's been messing it up. One morning she forgot my Milk Bone with peanut butter!!! I sat at the cabinet waiting and waiting. FINALLY she remembered. Dad wouldn't have forgotten. It's our thing! Mom did give me some french toast and bacon she had made. And a little bit of scrambled egg! I like eggs. The girls make good eggs. Mom has been making sure I get a lot of walks so that I don't go crazy without Dad. A tired dog is a good dog, she always says that. Mom let me talk to Dad on the phone too. He said how's my PUPPPPYYYY!!! That's me, you know! I barked and barked HELLLOOOO DADDDDD!!! Then me and Petey ran all around. I wish Dad would come home!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
June 21, 2017
Dear Terry, It's me PennyCat. Meow Meow! Life is hard. PeteyCat is crazy. He's always running around. All I want is a quiet place to nap. That DOG is loud and runs around with Petey. I decided to take matters into my own hands this morning. For some reason Mom loves those two but we all know she loves me the best. I can do no wrong. She even says so. That DOG likes his toys all lined up and in certain places. This morning, I moved all of them. ALL of them. Different places for all of them. I ate all of Petey's food. I drank his water and then dumped it all over the spot on the counter where he likes to sit in the morning to watch what Mom and Dad are doing. I sat in That DOG's favorite spot all night long. I knew that alone would make him crazy. When everyone got up, Petey and That DOG came out into the living room all happy and cheery and there I was to greet everyone. RIGHT IN THAT DOG's favorite spot. He was all confused and upset. You can only imagine his dismay. Petey jumped on the counter and got all wet. Mom said there's My Penny! And she gave me lots of pets. The others looked on...My work here is done...FOR TODAY.
Meow Meow, PennyCat!
p.s. never mess with the calico!
Dear Terry, It's me PennyCat. Meow Meow! Life is hard. PeteyCat is crazy. He's always running around. All I want is a quiet place to nap. That DOG is loud and runs around with Petey. I decided to take matters into my own hands this morning. For some reason Mom loves those two but we all know she loves me the best. I can do no wrong. She even says so. That DOG likes his toys all lined up and in certain places. This morning, I moved all of them. ALL of them. Different places for all of them. I ate all of Petey's food. I drank his water and then dumped it all over the spot on the counter where he likes to sit in the morning to watch what Mom and Dad are doing. I sat in That DOG's favorite spot all night long. I knew that alone would make him crazy. When everyone got up, Petey and That DOG came out into the living room all happy and cheery and there I was to greet everyone. RIGHT IN THAT DOG's favorite spot. He was all confused and upset. You can only imagine his dismay. Petey jumped on the counter and got all wet. Mom said there's My Penny! And she gave me lots of pets. The others looked on...My work here is done...FOR TODAY.
Meow Meow, PennyCat!
p.s. never mess with the calico!
June 21, 2017
Dear Terry, Oh boy, yesterday there was some big excitement with The Girls. First, I didn't hurt any chickens. I mean, first, no chickens were hurt! Mom had them out and about before work. She said she needed to pull some weeds pulled so she was pulling weeds and The Girls were eating bugs and weeds with her. Mom put The Girls back in their house and we did all the usual stuff to get Mom ready for work. I kept hearing The Girls. They are pretty quiet unless they are really happy or really mad. They sounded happy so I didn't say anything. And I didn't tell Mom that I could see them from the front window. Mom left for work, only she didn't. She got out the front door and saw The Girls strolling along the driveway back by the neighbors!! The Girls had ESCAPED! Mom knew just what to do. She went to the garage and grabbed the bag of bugs that they like so much and shook the bag. Marge! Lisa! Oh they came running down the driveway! Good Girls! But they got sidetracked by bugs in the honeysuckle. Mom went back the drive and picked up Margie and walked back down with her. Lisa FLEW the whole way. She's very flappy and it always looks like she is going to crash land somewhere. She landed safely on her feet right next to Mom. I saw it all! First I could see out the front and then I could see out the side. I was trying to tell Dad but he had fallen asleep and missed all the excitement! Mom had forgotten to shut one of the doors on the coop and The Girls were out and about on their own for a long time. All morning!! We have to be careful with The Girls because of the neighbor's cats. I guess The Girls can fend for themselves!! They were very happy all day long.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Oh boy, yesterday there was some big excitement with The Girls. First, I didn't hurt any chickens. I mean, first, no chickens were hurt! Mom had them out and about before work. She said she needed to pull some weeds pulled so she was pulling weeds and The Girls were eating bugs and weeds with her. Mom put The Girls back in their house and we did all the usual stuff to get Mom ready for work. I kept hearing The Girls. They are pretty quiet unless they are really happy or really mad. They sounded happy so I didn't say anything. And I didn't tell Mom that I could see them from the front window. Mom left for work, only she didn't. She got out the front door and saw The Girls strolling along the driveway back by the neighbors!! The Girls had ESCAPED! Mom knew just what to do. She went to the garage and grabbed the bag of bugs that they like so much and shook the bag. Marge! Lisa! Oh they came running down the driveway! Good Girls! But they got sidetracked by bugs in the honeysuckle. Mom went back the drive and picked up Margie and walked back down with her. Lisa FLEW the whole way. She's very flappy and it always looks like she is going to crash land somewhere. She landed safely on her feet right next to Mom. I saw it all! First I could see out the front and then I could see out the side. I was trying to tell Dad but he had fallen asleep and missed all the excitement! Mom had forgotten to shut one of the doors on the coop and The Girls were out and about on their own for a long time. All morning!! We have to be careful with The Girls because of the neighbor's cats. I guess The Girls can fend for themselves!! They were very happy all day long.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 11, 2017
Dear Terry, Petey got in trouble today. Dad took him and Penny Cat outside on the deck this morning. Petey walked right off the deck, down the steps and along the cat ledge. He could have fallen into the grass! Mom heard Dad say PEEETTTTEEY, get back here. She went to see and there was Petey. She was real calm. Dad was so worried! Mom said, hey Petey, come here. And he came right to her! Mom said the ledge is part of the house and it's only 2 feet from ground at most. Dad said it was still scary. Dad said Petey saw another cat. He could have been in a fight!! It was scary! We all worry about Petey because he doesn't have a lick of sense in him. Oh and me and Mom took a walk in the woods. She let me chase a squirrel up a tree! I stood up against the tree and howled so everyone would know the squirrel was in the tree! Woooooo woooooo woooooo! It was really hot and we pooped out and went back to the car early. Mom brought ice water with us and we both had a big drink in the car with the cold air blowing on us. Whew!
Barks and wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Petey got in trouble today. Dad took him and Penny Cat outside on the deck this morning. Petey walked right off the deck, down the steps and along the cat ledge. He could have fallen into the grass! Mom heard Dad say PEEETTTTEEY, get back here. She went to see and there was Petey. She was real calm. Dad was so worried! Mom said, hey Petey, come here. And he came right to her! Mom said the ledge is part of the house and it's only 2 feet from ground at most. Dad said it was still scary. Dad said Petey saw another cat. He could have been in a fight!! It was scary! We all worry about Petey because he doesn't have a lick of sense in him. Oh and me and Mom took a walk in the woods. She let me chase a squirrel up a tree! I stood up against the tree and howled so everyone would know the squirrel was in the tree! Woooooo woooooo woooooo! It was really hot and we pooped out and went back to the car early. Mom brought ice water with us and we both had a big drink in the car with the cold air blowing on us. Whew!
Barks and wags, FredDog!
June 8, 2017
Dear Terry, Me and Petey got in BIG trouble today. Really BIG trouble. Mom took Dad to the eye doctor this morning. She did a bunch of stuff around the house when they got back and then she pooped out. She laid down and took a nap. Well, for a little while she took a nap. Me and Petey ruined it and woke her up by accident. Only Petey did it on purpose. I KNOW how that cat is!! It is ALL his fault! He ambushed me at the water bowl next to the bed. And we ended up fighting. I pulled out his fur and he scratched me in the eye and I was barking and snarling and Petey was hissing and screeching and the water bowl went flying and Mom jumped up awake and she yelled at us. She made both of us come and sit down in front of her. Only I couldn't see so good because MY EYE WAS PUT OUT. Mom assured me I still had an eye and she made sure I had no scratches on it. It really hurt. She cleaned the slobber off of Petey and made sure I hadn't bitten him. I didn't, all I did was pull out some fur. Mom knows it was me becasue the fur was stuck on my claw. Once Mom knew we were both OK we were allowed to leave. I jumped up on the bed and stayed with Mom. I didn't mean to ruin her nap. Petey came by again and he head butted me under the chin and I knew we were friends again. Petey purred a lot for Mom and we all calmed down. In fact, me and Mom went for a run in the park. At first Mom didn't want to run. She was still tired and it was late afternoon. I got her to run though! First I would walk real slow until I was behind her and then run up and try and get her to run. FINALLY she said ok ok let's run! Off we went! We ran a long time. When we got tired we slowed down and then I was too tired to go on so I sat down. Mom said, FRED, I can't carry you! Then I realized OH there's the car! and Mom gave me a good drink of water. Whew! What a day!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Petey got in BIG trouble today. Really BIG trouble. Mom took Dad to the eye doctor this morning. She did a bunch of stuff around the house when they got back and then she pooped out. She laid down and took a nap. Well, for a little while she took a nap. Me and Petey ruined it and woke her up by accident. Only Petey did it on purpose. I KNOW how that cat is!! It is ALL his fault! He ambushed me at the water bowl next to the bed. And we ended up fighting. I pulled out his fur and he scratched me in the eye and I was barking and snarling and Petey was hissing and screeching and the water bowl went flying and Mom jumped up awake and she yelled at us. She made both of us come and sit down in front of her. Only I couldn't see so good because MY EYE WAS PUT OUT. Mom assured me I still had an eye and she made sure I had no scratches on it. It really hurt. She cleaned the slobber off of Petey and made sure I hadn't bitten him. I didn't, all I did was pull out some fur. Mom knows it was me becasue the fur was stuck on my claw. Once Mom knew we were both OK we were allowed to leave. I jumped up on the bed and stayed with Mom. I didn't mean to ruin her nap. Petey came by again and he head butted me under the chin and I knew we were friends again. Petey purred a lot for Mom and we all calmed down. In fact, me and Mom went for a run in the park. At first Mom didn't want to run. She was still tired and it was late afternoon. I got her to run though! First I would walk real slow until I was behind her and then run up and try and get her to run. FINALLY she said ok ok let's run! Off we went! We ran a long time. When we got tired we slowed down and then I was too tired to go on so I sat down. Mom said, FRED, I can't carry you! Then I realized OH there's the car! and Mom gave me a good drink of water. Whew! What a day!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 4, 2017
Dear Terry, It's me Petey. I had to help FredDog today. He thought he was all alone in the house. It started to rain and then we heard thunder. My friend hit the panic button and started to bark his storm bark and I knew he wasn't going to get through this one without my help. I ran right to him and at the same time we heard Mom call Fred!! come here!! And he ran right to her and I was right behind him. Fred was hiding under the desk on the floor. I laid down next to him and purred and purred until the storm was over and his heart wasn't beating so loud. Mom never saw me do that before. I usually run window to window watching the storm. Sometimes Fred needs help. Today was one of those days. Once the storm passed we ran all through the house together. We banged into the garbage can but that's OK! It didn't tip over this time!
Dear Terry, It's me Petey. I had to help FredDog today. He thought he was all alone in the house. It started to rain and then we heard thunder. My friend hit the panic button and started to bark his storm bark and I knew he wasn't going to get through this one without my help. I ran right to him and at the same time we heard Mom call Fred!! come here!! And he ran right to her and I was right behind him. Fred was hiding under the desk on the floor. I laid down next to him and purred and purred until the storm was over and his heart wasn't beating so loud. Mom never saw me do that before. I usually run window to window watching the storm. Sometimes Fred needs help. Today was one of those days. Once the storm passed we ran all through the house together. We banged into the garbage can but that's OK! It didn't tip over this time!
![]() |
This is ME! Petey ! |
June 2, 2017
Dear Terry, What a night! First Mom came home from work! Petey MEOWED and I barked and Penny Cat said Meow Meow. Then we ate PIZZA! We love Pizza Parties! Me and Mom checked on the chickens and it seemed like this was going to be a quiet night UNTIL Dad went out on the deck and Petey escaped and Penny Cat escaped! And Dad said OH NOOOO!!! Me and Mom came running but something was THUMP THUMP THUMPING. Mom said, What is that???? She looked around and then, just as Dad came back inside, one of the ceiling fan blades FLEW across the room and I ran, Mom ducked, Dad said OH NOOOOOO!!!! It landed with a clunk on the floor. Mom hurried up and turned the fan off. Everyone was OK. Then her and Dad remembered CATS!!! They hurried out to the deck and sure enough there they were hiding under the grill cover! They got Petey and Penny Cat right back inside. NOW everyone was safe. Petey tried to help Mom on the chair while she fixed the fan. Dad had to keep shooing him away. Me and Penny Cat are afraid to go back in the kitchen. What if it happens again??? It was pretty scary. Mom can really duck fast when she has too!
I hope you have a nice quiet night!
Hi to Gilgamesh!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, What a night! First Mom came home from work! Petey MEOWED and I barked and Penny Cat said Meow Meow. Then we ate PIZZA! We love Pizza Parties! Me and Mom checked on the chickens and it seemed like this was going to be a quiet night UNTIL Dad went out on the deck and Petey escaped and Penny Cat escaped! And Dad said OH NOOOO!!! Me and Mom came running but something was THUMP THUMP THUMPING. Mom said, What is that???? She looked around and then, just as Dad came back inside, one of the ceiling fan blades FLEW across the room and I ran, Mom ducked, Dad said OH NOOOOOO!!!! It landed with a clunk on the floor. Mom hurried up and turned the fan off. Everyone was OK. Then her and Dad remembered CATS!!! They hurried out to the deck and sure enough there they were hiding under the grill cover! They got Petey and Penny Cat right back inside. NOW everyone was safe. Petey tried to help Mom on the chair while she fixed the fan. Dad had to keep shooing him away. Me and Penny Cat are afraid to go back in the kitchen. What if it happens again??? It was pretty scary. Mom can really duck fast when she has too!
I hope you have a nice quiet night!
Hi to Gilgamesh!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
May 30, 2017
Dear Terry, I learned a new trick. I can count 5 and I can count 10. Mom says I have my own special way of counting. First I sit down and then Mom asks me a math question. Sometimes she says what's 4 plus 1?? and I hold my foot up! That's right she says! FIVE! And I get a treat! Fred, What's 12 minus 7?? and I hold my foot up! That's right she says! FIVE! Dad tries to trick me, he asks, Fred, What's 5 times 1?? But I know!!! I hold my foot up!! That's RIGHT! FIVE!!! But me and Mom always save the best for last. She asks me, Fred, What's 5 plus 5??? I hold up both feet!! That's right!! TEN!!! When we first showed Dad how I could count 5, he was all confused. Then he caught on. He said OHHHHH I see 5 claws on Fred's feet! Give me FIVE! Then he laughed and laughed! He said maybe one day I could learn the other numbers but Five is a good place to start!
Mom said she is going to try and teach me another Helper Job. Aunt Laura saw on TV how a shelter dog like me learned how to smell low blood sugar. He wanted to be a Helper Dog to his family. So he learned how to smell low blood sugar like it was a trick. Mom looked up how to teach me. I can learn anything. I don't know what low blood sugar is but if I can help Dad, I can learn it really fast. I have tricks that I do and then I have Helper Dog Jobs. I can turn on the battery lights for Dad. I let him know when he's going to get one of the bad headaches. I help when he gets confused about which room to go to and when he gets anxious. I'm a real good smeller. I KNOW I can learn how to smell low blood sugar. Helper Dog Jobs are things I do because I want to help Dad. I don't get any treats but I get lots of pets on the head! Tricks are when we are having fun and I get a treat. Mom said she has to get some supplies to help me learn but I am going to start learning real soon.
Hope you have a good night!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, I learned a new trick. I can count 5 and I can count 10. Mom says I have my own special way of counting. First I sit down and then Mom asks me a math question. Sometimes she says what's 4 plus 1?? and I hold my foot up! That's right she says! FIVE! And I get a treat! Fred, What's 12 minus 7?? and I hold my foot up! That's right she says! FIVE! Dad tries to trick me, he asks, Fred, What's 5 times 1?? But I know!!! I hold my foot up!! That's RIGHT! FIVE!!! But me and Mom always save the best for last. She asks me, Fred, What's 5 plus 5??? I hold up both feet!! That's right!! TEN!!! When we first showed Dad how I could count 5, he was all confused. Then he caught on. He said OHHHHH I see 5 claws on Fred's feet! Give me FIVE! Then he laughed and laughed! He said maybe one day I could learn the other numbers but Five is a good place to start!
Mom said she is going to try and teach me another Helper Job. Aunt Laura saw on TV how a shelter dog like me learned how to smell low blood sugar. He wanted to be a Helper Dog to his family. So he learned how to smell low blood sugar like it was a trick. Mom looked up how to teach me. I can learn anything. I don't know what low blood sugar is but if I can help Dad, I can learn it really fast. I have tricks that I do and then I have Helper Dog Jobs. I can turn on the battery lights for Dad. I let him know when he's going to get one of the bad headaches. I help when he gets confused about which room to go to and when he gets anxious. I'm a real good smeller. I KNOW I can learn how to smell low blood sugar. Helper Dog Jobs are things I do because I want to help Dad. I don't get any treats but I get lots of pets on the head! Tricks are when we are having fun and I get a treat. Mom said she has to get some supplies to help me learn but I am going to start learning real soon.
Hope you have a good night!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
May 24, 2017
Dear Terry, Today was all rainy and yucky. But Dad had an idea for some indoor fun! He said we are going to have a Cleaning Party! I said what's that Dad??? First we picked up everything off the floor and we found my bone! Then we vacuumed! It's a really scary machine so I ran through the house with Petey, barking and woofing the whole time! Scary and FUN! Then Dad had to broom the kitchen floor. Oh my gosh! Petey chases the special kitchen floor broom. I barked some more because it was all too crazy! All that barking made me have to pee so Dad took me outside in the rain. We hurried back in for more fun! Mom was coming home!! I helped him make some coffee so she could warm up. Last time Dad made coffee he dropped the can and smashed some eggs!!! This time it went off without a hitch. WHEW! Oh and we took a nap in there somewhere. FINALLY, Mom came home so me and Petey ran around even more!! Mom took me out in the rain and we checked on the chickens. Marge and Lisa were under cover of the rain. I helped Mom give them some food. Then we trotted through the rain and came back inside and now we are nice and snuggly warm. I'm going to work on chewing down that bone. OH I forgot the most exciting thing today! Mom was getting ready for work this morning after our morning walk and she found a TICK stuck to her arm! DADDDDDDDDDD DADDDDDDDD! OH MY GOSH, Mom's not supposed to have those things stick to her!! Dad came as fast as he could. He helped her pull the tick off. We don't like bugs. Maybe Mom should wear a flea and tick collar like me. She's OK don't worry!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today was all rainy and yucky. But Dad had an idea for some indoor fun! He said we are going to have a Cleaning Party! I said what's that Dad??? First we picked up everything off the floor and we found my bone! Then we vacuumed! It's a really scary machine so I ran through the house with Petey, barking and woofing the whole time! Scary and FUN! Then Dad had to broom the kitchen floor. Oh my gosh! Petey chases the special kitchen floor broom. I barked some more because it was all too crazy! All that barking made me have to pee so Dad took me outside in the rain. We hurried back in for more fun! Mom was coming home!! I helped him make some coffee so she could warm up. Last time Dad made coffee he dropped the can and smashed some eggs!!! This time it went off without a hitch. WHEW! Oh and we took a nap in there somewhere. FINALLY, Mom came home so me and Petey ran around even more!! Mom took me out in the rain and we checked on the chickens. Marge and Lisa were under cover of the rain. I helped Mom give them some food. Then we trotted through the rain and came back inside and now we are nice and snuggly warm. I'm going to work on chewing down that bone. OH I forgot the most exciting thing today! Mom was getting ready for work this morning after our morning walk and she found a TICK stuck to her arm! DADDDDDDDDDD DADDDDDDDD! OH MY GOSH, Mom's not supposed to have those things stick to her!! Dad came as fast as he could. He helped her pull the tick off. We don't like bugs. Maybe Mom should wear a flea and tick collar like me. She's OK don't worry!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 20, 2017
Dear Terry, I had a bad bad day yesterday. First, me and Mom went for our morning walk around the yard. But when we were in the driveway, I stepped on something that wriggled and squished and I jumped back super high up in the air and Mom jumped back and said a bad word really loud. I had stepped on a SNAKE!! It was HUGE. Mom hurried up and got a good look at it. She wasn't sure if I had gotten bitten or not. Mom said it was a Garter Snake. But it was a pretty big one in my book. She looked me over real good and saw no bite marks. She kept separating my fur so she could see my skin. AND she had to TOUCH MY FEET. This was a morning DISASTER. Mom said Garter snakes aren't poisonous but it was best to double check for bites. Bad enough I stepped on something squishy and wriggly, I had to have my FEET TOUCHED. After that we went over to see the chickens. They were pretty happy, the sun was shining. I turned my back to them so I could smell the breeze and OUCHHHHH. Marge pecked me RIGHT IN THE BUTT!!! I freaked out and jumped all over the place again. Mom sighed a big sigh. She sat down in the grass with me and got me all calmed down. Later on in the day I thought Mom would take me on a walk. But her and Dad went to see a baseball game. I was super disappointed. They left the game on the TV for me. I like to listen to the people talk and it puts me to sleep. Only it didn't, I was sad. No walk. No Mom. No Dad. I got my pal Spot and we stayed in my bed until they came home. It was really late. Mom and Dad cheered me right up! I got to have a snack and everything! I slept right next to Mom all night long. It was good to have everyone home again where they belong.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I had a bad bad day yesterday. First, me and Mom went for our morning walk around the yard. But when we were in the driveway, I stepped on something that wriggled and squished and I jumped back super high up in the air and Mom jumped back and said a bad word really loud. I had stepped on a SNAKE!! It was HUGE. Mom hurried up and got a good look at it. She wasn't sure if I had gotten bitten or not. Mom said it was a Garter Snake. But it was a pretty big one in my book. She looked me over real good and saw no bite marks. She kept separating my fur so she could see my skin. AND she had to TOUCH MY FEET. This was a morning DISASTER. Mom said Garter snakes aren't poisonous but it was best to double check for bites. Bad enough I stepped on something squishy and wriggly, I had to have my FEET TOUCHED. After that we went over to see the chickens. They were pretty happy, the sun was shining. I turned my back to them so I could smell the breeze and OUCHHHHH. Marge pecked me RIGHT IN THE BUTT!!! I freaked out and jumped all over the place again. Mom sighed a big sigh. She sat down in the grass with me and got me all calmed down. Later on in the day I thought Mom would take me on a walk. But her and Dad went to see a baseball game. I was super disappointed. They left the game on the TV for me. I like to listen to the people talk and it puts me to sleep. Only it didn't, I was sad. No walk. No Mom. No Dad. I got my pal Spot and we stayed in my bed until they came home. It was really late. Mom and Dad cheered me right up! I got to have a snack and everything! I slept right next to Mom all night long. It was good to have everyone home again where they belong.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 14, 2017
Dear Terry, All kinds of stuff going on here! Mom put up the big umbrella on the deck and it almost blew away!! Then the cats got to go outside on the deck with Mom and Dad but not ME! I thought everyone forgot about me. I like the deck too! I went to my bed and laid down. It was awful. Mom said I cant go out on the deck with PennyCat because I sometimes scare her. I don't mean to. Mom and Dad were busy all day long doing stuff outside and in the house. Dad planted plants! Mom dug in the dirt. Oh and Marge and Lisa got to try out a new spot in the yard. Mom likes to give them new spots because they eat everything and she doesn't have to mow! And the Girls are happy! But I wasn't happy. No one was even paying attention to me. I laid in my bed. After dinner, Mom said we can't have any sad dogs in THIS house! I didn't move. Dad said, NO SAD DOGS! And with that, Mom grabbed the leash and I got so excited I bonked my head off the door!! Woof! We went to the nature park. We walked everywhere. Up the hill, down the hill. Around the ponds. HELLLO MALLARDS! Me and Mom walked and walked. No more sad dog! Now I am tired. Me and Dad are going to watch some baseball together.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, All kinds of stuff going on here! Mom put up the big umbrella on the deck and it almost blew away!! Then the cats got to go outside on the deck with Mom and Dad but not ME! I thought everyone forgot about me. I like the deck too! I went to my bed and laid down. It was awful. Mom said I cant go out on the deck with PennyCat because I sometimes scare her. I don't mean to. Mom and Dad were busy all day long doing stuff outside and in the house. Dad planted plants! Mom dug in the dirt. Oh and Marge and Lisa got to try out a new spot in the yard. Mom likes to give them new spots because they eat everything and she doesn't have to mow! And the Girls are happy! But I wasn't happy. No one was even paying attention to me. I laid in my bed. After dinner, Mom said we can't have any sad dogs in THIS house! I didn't move. Dad said, NO SAD DOGS! And with that, Mom grabbed the leash and I got so excited I bonked my head off the door!! Woof! We went to the nature park. We walked everywhere. Up the hill, down the hill. Around the ponds. HELLLO MALLARDS! Me and Mom walked and walked. No more sad dog! Now I am tired. Me and Dad are going to watch some baseball together.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 12, 2017
Dear Terry, Guess what tomorrow is? Tomorrow is Junk Day. Everyone puts junk by the road and other people come and take it. Free junk everywhere! Then the big trucks come and pick up the junk until it's all gone. Mom put our junk out early. She didn't get all of it out though. Dad is kind of down and out from his eye being zapped again. I have to keep watch over everything. I barked all day long to let Dad know that there were people at the road picking through the junk. Then when Mom came home we inspected the junk pile to see what was gone already. I'm not usually allowed near the road but me and Mom were real careful and she made sure I was safe. I had to stay in the grass. Strange people coming and going make me nervous. They will come in the night too. I plan on barking all night long so Mom knows we will be safe. Petey keeps telling me to knock it off. But I barked at him too. He's in the basement with my PennyCat. She doesn't like me barking either but someone has to do it! I'm going to be tired tomorrow after keeping an eye on everything. I still have 2 eyes you know. WOOF WOOF! Crazy chickens!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what tomorrow is? Tomorrow is Junk Day. Everyone puts junk by the road and other people come and take it. Free junk everywhere! Then the big trucks come and pick up the junk until it's all gone. Mom put our junk out early. She didn't get all of it out though. Dad is kind of down and out from his eye being zapped again. I have to keep watch over everything. I barked all day long to let Dad know that there were people at the road picking through the junk. Then when Mom came home we inspected the junk pile to see what was gone already. I'm not usually allowed near the road but me and Mom were real careful and she made sure I was safe. I had to stay in the grass. Strange people coming and going make me nervous. They will come in the night too. I plan on barking all night long so Mom knows we will be safe. Petey keeps telling me to knock it off. But I barked at him too. He's in the basement with my PennyCat. She doesn't like me barking either but someone has to do it! I'm going to be tired tomorrow after keeping an eye on everything. I still have 2 eyes you know. WOOF WOOF! Crazy chickens!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
May 9, 2017
Dear Terry, I got HURT! I swear my eye is MISSING. That crazy Marge! Mom came home and we went out to check on them like always. I went right up to the run and Barked HELLO right in Marge's face and you know what that crazy bird did??? She pecked me RIGHT by my eye!! OWWWWIE!! I spun in a circle and went right back up to her and she pecked me again!! I swear she put my eye out!!! Mom says that's what happens when you break the Chicken Rules! WOOF. I know I know , no barking at the chickens! BUT I was only saying HELLO. OK it might have been really loud. Mom assured me both eyes were still in my head but for a minute there I had my doubts. Dad said both my eyes are still there. He called me Patch though!!!! Mom said she didn't even draw blood. Either time. Maybe tomorrow I won't be so loud. Maybe tomorrow I won't even say Hello. Maybe tomorrow I will sit there and do nothing but stick my tongue out. PTHHHH. Crazy BIRDS!
No Barks but lots of Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, I got HURT! I swear my eye is MISSING. That crazy Marge! Mom came home and we went out to check on them like always. I went right up to the run and Barked HELLO right in Marge's face and you know what that crazy bird did??? She pecked me RIGHT by my eye!! OWWWWIE!! I spun in a circle and went right back up to her and she pecked me again!! I swear she put my eye out!!! Mom says that's what happens when you break the Chicken Rules! WOOF. I know I know , no barking at the chickens! BUT I was only saying HELLO. OK it might have been really loud. Mom assured me both eyes were still in my head but for a minute there I had my doubts. Dad said both my eyes are still there. He called me Patch though!!!! Mom said she didn't even draw blood. Either time. Maybe tomorrow I won't be so loud. Maybe tomorrow I won't even say Hello. Maybe tomorrow I will sit there and do nothing but stick my tongue out. PTHHHH. Crazy BIRDS!
No Barks but lots of Wags, FredDog!
May 8, 2017
Dear Terry, Mom says she will write more often. She's been too busy and not paying enough attention to me! Dad said I've been acting out. Mom said I know how to fix that! She said me andher need some Puppy Fun Time. Today we are going to go walking in my favorite park in the woods. This morning she let me help with all the chores. I even got to play with Marge! I would pretend jump at Marge and she would flap her wings and get all big and tall. I would pretend jump, she would jump too. It all ended when she reached through the fence and pecked me on the nose. Mom laughed, she said she knew that was coming! Margie always comes out to see me every morning. Most times she is nice to me. Lisa is CRAZY. That's ok, I like them both. Mom said I get to help her pull some weeds today in the yard. I sit right next to her when we do the weeding. My job is to catch flies. I'm pretty good at it but you have to be careful not to knock Mom over! Woof! Mom said now that it's nice weather, we can get out and do all the fun stuff we want too! I hope you come back to visit again. Even Petey was talking about how you came to visit! Not Penny, she slept through it all!
Mom said we promise to write more !
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Mom says she will write more often. She's been too busy and not paying enough attention to me! Dad said I've been acting out. Mom said I know how to fix that! She said me andher need some Puppy Fun Time. Today we are going to go walking in my favorite park in the woods. This morning she let me help with all the chores. I even got to play with Marge! I would pretend jump at Marge and she would flap her wings and get all big and tall. I would pretend jump, she would jump too. It all ended when she reached through the fence and pecked me on the nose. Mom laughed, she said she knew that was coming! Margie always comes out to see me every morning. Most times she is nice to me. Lisa is CRAZY. That's ok, I like them both. Mom said I get to help her pull some weeds today in the yard. I sit right next to her when we do the weeding. My job is to catch flies. I'm pretty good at it but you have to be careful not to knock Mom over! Woof! Mom said now that it's nice weather, we can get out and do all the fun stuff we want too! I hope you come back to visit again. Even Petey was talking about how you came to visit! Not Penny, she slept through it all!
Mom said we promise to write more !
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
April 18, 2017
Dear Terry, Big Eggciting News!! Lisa laid the first egg!! Oh my gosh we haven't had this much excitement in a long time here! Me and Mom check on the chickens every morning and every night and I check them with Dad during the day. We look every day for eggs but we haven't seen any UNTIL TODAY! Mom opened the Hen House and she looked in and said FRED! EGG!! The girls were super clucky this morning because Mom was so excited then I was so excited I barked! We ran inside and Mom told Dad, get your shoes on! Hurry Up! Dad was scared at first - WHAT is going on?? Mom said An EGG!!! And Dad started laughing and he put his shoes on and we all went back out to see The Egg. Mom took a picture of it so you could see. Dad said, What a fine looking EGG! Dad doesn't eat eggs but he knew a good egg when he saw it! Then Mom let me smell it! What a good smell! When Mom got home tonight she fried it up in a pan and ate it. She even gave me a little bit. YUMMY. The middle was so yellow it looked orange to me. I hope we get more eggs! Marge hasn't laid an egg yet though. Maybe she will tonight and maybe Lisa will lay another one. Then me and Mom can each have an egg to eat!
Here's the egg. Dad said he was really hoping for a Golden Egg but a brown one is good too!
Barks and Clucks, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Big Eggciting News!! Lisa laid the first egg!! Oh my gosh we haven't had this much excitement in a long time here! Me and Mom check on the chickens every morning and every night and I check them with Dad during the day. We look every day for eggs but we haven't seen any UNTIL TODAY! Mom opened the Hen House and she looked in and said FRED! EGG!! The girls were super clucky this morning because Mom was so excited then I was so excited I barked! We ran inside and Mom told Dad, get your shoes on! Hurry Up! Dad was scared at first - WHAT is going on?? Mom said An EGG!!! And Dad started laughing and he put his shoes on and we all went back out to see The Egg. Mom took a picture of it so you could see. Dad said, What a fine looking EGG! Dad doesn't eat eggs but he knew a good egg when he saw it! Then Mom let me smell it! What a good smell! When Mom got home tonight she fried it up in a pan and ate it. She even gave me a little bit. YUMMY. The middle was so yellow it looked orange to me. I hope we get more eggs! Marge hasn't laid an egg yet though. Maybe she will tonight and maybe Lisa will lay another one. Then me and Mom can each have an egg to eat!
Here's the egg. Dad said he was really hoping for a Golden Egg but a brown one is good too!
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Lisa's First Egg! |
April 12, 2017
Dear Terry, Me and Mom and Dad took a big trip to go to Sam's birthday party! There was cake but no ice cream. I wasn't allowed any cake. It was chocolate. I was really tired. And a little grumpy. I pooped out early. Everyone let me have my favorite chair. It's just the right kind of comfortable. Oh and we saw Uncle Tom! He has new place. We have to ride an elevator to get to his place. There's lots of old people there and I stopped to say HELLO LADY to one of them! She was in a wheelchair and couldn't sit up so good. But she could sure pet me! She was laughing and telling Mom about how she used to have Irish Setters. She talked and talked to me. Mom said how good it was to see The Lady laugh and smile. Mom said What a Good Boy! And she gave me lots of pets! Uncle Tom played catch the Cherrios with me! I had a lot of Cherrios. YUMM! Uncle Tom even walked out with us to say goodbye and wave Bye Bye to me! Oh and me and Mom check on the chickens all the time. This morning Marge even greeted me with a COO COOO. That's her happy sound. We checked for eggs but no eggs yet. I pranced around in front of Marge in the coop to see if I could get her to play but she flapped her wings at me. The flappy wing thing scares me! Woof!
Hope you are having a Flappy Day!
Love, Woofs and Barks, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom and Dad took a big trip to go to Sam's birthday party! There was cake but no ice cream. I wasn't allowed any cake. It was chocolate. I was really tired. And a little grumpy. I pooped out early. Everyone let me have my favorite chair. It's just the right kind of comfortable. Oh and we saw Uncle Tom! He has new place. We have to ride an elevator to get to his place. There's lots of old people there and I stopped to say HELLO LADY to one of them! She was in a wheelchair and couldn't sit up so good. But she could sure pet me! She was laughing and telling Mom about how she used to have Irish Setters. She talked and talked to me. Mom said how good it was to see The Lady laugh and smile. Mom said What a Good Boy! And she gave me lots of pets! Uncle Tom played catch the Cherrios with me! I had a lot of Cherrios. YUMM! Uncle Tom even walked out with us to say goodbye and wave Bye Bye to me! Oh and me and Mom check on the chickens all the time. This morning Marge even greeted me with a COO COOO. That's her happy sound. We checked for eggs but no eggs yet. I pranced around in front of Marge in the coop to see if I could get her to play but she flapped her wings at me. The flappy wing thing scares me! Woof!
Hope you are having a Flappy Day!
Love, Woofs and Barks, FredDog
April 6, 2017
Dear Terry, I didn't know that being a Chicken Checker could be so tiring!! As soon as I pee in the morning , me and Mom go over to check on The Girls. That's what Mom calls them. Their names are really Lisa and Marge. Marge is the big one. Lisa is the crazy one. We make sure the coop is OK and check all around it and then I pee on the corner. Then we open the doors and out they come! CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK. Today, Mom let me stay right next to the coop. I sat there real good and I put my nose up to the fence and Marge tried to PUT MY EYE OUT. Mom said No, she wanted to see if you were anything good to eat. They eat almost everything you know. I didn't bark though. I think Marge figured out that I am here to help! Me and Dad check on them during the day and then me and Mom check on them when she gets home at night. One time we saw the neighbor's cat trying to decide what to do about the chickens. He was nervous, you could tell. I barked at him to let him know GO AWAY and he ran really fast even though I wasn't anywhere near him and Mom had me on the leash. Marge eats right out of Mom's hand. We give them good treats to eat. Like lettuce and oregano and peppers. They really like lettuce. Petey watches them from the window. He's not allowed to be a Chicken Checker. Mom says some jobs are Dog Only Jobs and that I am the Best Chicken Checker EVER! WOOF WOOF!!
I hope you can see them soon!!
Barks Wags Meows & Clucks! FredDog, Petey and PennyCat, Marge and Lisa!
Dear Terry, I didn't know that being a Chicken Checker could be so tiring!! As soon as I pee in the morning , me and Mom go over to check on The Girls. That's what Mom calls them. Their names are really Lisa and Marge. Marge is the big one. Lisa is the crazy one. We make sure the coop is OK and check all around it and then I pee on the corner. Then we open the doors and out they come! CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK. Today, Mom let me stay right next to the coop. I sat there real good and I put my nose up to the fence and Marge tried to PUT MY EYE OUT. Mom said No, she wanted to see if you were anything good to eat. They eat almost everything you know. I didn't bark though. I think Marge figured out that I am here to help! Me and Dad check on them during the day and then me and Mom check on them when she gets home at night. One time we saw the neighbor's cat trying to decide what to do about the chickens. He was nervous, you could tell. I barked at him to let him know GO AWAY and he ran really fast even though I wasn't anywhere near him and Mom had me on the leash. Marge eats right out of Mom's hand. We give them good treats to eat. Like lettuce and oregano and peppers. They really like lettuce. Petey watches them from the window. He's not allowed to be a Chicken Checker. Mom says some jobs are Dog Only Jobs and that I am the Best Chicken Checker EVER! WOOF WOOF!!
I hope you can see them soon!!
Barks Wags Meows & Clucks! FredDog, Petey and PennyCat, Marge and Lisa!
March 29, 2017
Dear Terry, Today was my first day on the job as Chicken Checker! Mom brought them home a little bit ago and she got them in their little house and gave them good food and water. I could hear them but I couldn't see them. Then, FINALLY, Mom came and took me outside to meet them. Dad was outside already watching them. I smelled them and then went around the corner and saw them! My gosh they were big birds. I thought they would be little ones like at the store. They cluck cluck real soft. There's a big one and a medium one and a smaller one. They're red. I wasn't sure what to do, so I barked. Mom and Dad both said FRED. And I sat down. Then I accidentally barked some more. It was all too exciting! The chickens stood up real tall and cluck clucked at me. And I listened to them for a few minutes. Then I barked again. and Dad laid down the law. FREDDOG. Oh oops I barked. Then me and Mom took a little walk away and came back again and this time I got it all right! I smelled them, looked in the house to make sure they were OK and then sat down and watched them. They watched me. I bet they would put my eye out. But then we all relaxed and I pooped and they started eating again. They were busy picking bugs out of the ground and food out of the dish. I went in the house and Mom gave me a special Chicken Checker Treat!! Mom says they are called Marge, Lisa and Maggie.
the best Chicken Checker ever!
Love and Woofs,
Dear Terry, Today was my first day on the job as Chicken Checker! Mom brought them home a little bit ago and she got them in their little house and gave them good food and water. I could hear them but I couldn't see them. Then, FINALLY, Mom came and took me outside to meet them. Dad was outside already watching them. I smelled them and then went around the corner and saw them! My gosh they were big birds. I thought they would be little ones like at the store. They cluck cluck real soft. There's a big one and a medium one and a smaller one. They're red. I wasn't sure what to do, so I barked. Mom and Dad both said FRED. And I sat down. Then I accidentally barked some more. It was all too exciting! The chickens stood up real tall and cluck clucked at me. And I listened to them for a few minutes. Then I barked again. and Dad laid down the law. FREDDOG. Oh oops I barked. Then me and Mom took a little walk away and came back again and this time I got it all right! I smelled them, looked in the house to make sure they were OK and then sat down and watched them. They watched me. I bet they would put my eye out. But then we all relaxed and I pooped and they started eating again. They were busy picking bugs out of the ground and food out of the dish. I went in the house and Mom gave me a special Chicken Checker Treat!! Mom says they are called Marge, Lisa and Maggie.
the best Chicken Checker ever!
Love and Woofs,
March 28, 2017
Dear Terry, Guess what!? I get a new job tomorrow! Mom said I am going to be the Official Family Chicken Checker! That's right Chicken Checker! They arrive tomorrow. I'm not sure what chickens are but Mom said I am going to be checking on them every morning and night. A Chicken Checker!! That's Me!!! I'm going to be the best one around I know it! I can't wait to meet them. Mom said they will live outside and she showed me their special house and everything. Mom built the house for them. It came in a big box and she built it all by herself. Me and Dad kind of slept through that. I'm going to be The Chicken Checker!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Guess what!? I get a new job tomorrow! Mom said I am going to be the Official Family Chicken Checker! That's right Chicken Checker! They arrive tomorrow. I'm not sure what chickens are but Mom said I am going to be checking on them every morning and night. A Chicken Checker!! That's Me!!! I'm going to be the best one around I know it! I can't wait to meet them. Mom said they will live outside and she showed me their special house and everything. Mom built the house for them. It came in a big box and she built it all by herself. Me and Dad kind of slept through that. I'm going to be The Chicken Checker!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
March 26, 2017
Dear Terry, I'm not feeling too good. My back hurts. Sometimes I over do it and then I don't feel good. Mom knew just what to do though! She gave me a special cheese ball and pretty soon I was feeling better. Yesterday, me and Mom went for a walk in the woods and she decided we should walk in tandem. I didn't know what that was. She clipped my leash to her waist and wasn't holding it in her hand at all! I didn't know what to do. I stood there looking at her. She said, Come on Fred! Let's Go! Only I didn't know where to go! She went one way and I went the other way and we both had to stop. This was very confusing. She usually guides me with the leash on what direction to go. Then I thought she meant RUN! So I took off and she ran after me because we were connected. We had to stop. Then I got mixed up and tangled in a picker bush. And we had to stop again. We did get the hang of this in tandem thing though. Once we both went in the same direction things were MUCH easier! We decided that maybe we won't do that too often. Stick to what we know!
Love and Woofs! FredDog
Dear Terry, I'm not feeling too good. My back hurts. Sometimes I over do it and then I don't feel good. Mom knew just what to do though! She gave me a special cheese ball and pretty soon I was feeling better. Yesterday, me and Mom went for a walk in the woods and she decided we should walk in tandem. I didn't know what that was. She clipped my leash to her waist and wasn't holding it in her hand at all! I didn't know what to do. I stood there looking at her. She said, Come on Fred! Let's Go! Only I didn't know where to go! She went one way and I went the other way and we both had to stop. This was very confusing. She usually guides me with the leash on what direction to go. Then I thought she meant RUN! So I took off and she ran after me because we were connected. We had to stop. Then I got mixed up and tangled in a picker bush. And we had to stop again. We did get the hang of this in tandem thing though. Once we both went in the same direction things were MUCH easier! We decided that maybe we won't do that too often. Stick to what we know!
Love and Woofs! FredDog
March 21, 2017
Dear Terry, Boy I have been so tired!! Sunday me and Mom went running at the Running Park. She said I needed a good run because I was being ornery. I don't know what that is but I am going to try and be like that all the time so we can go running! Guess what we saw there??? The biggest dog I have ever seen in my LIFE. She was gigantic! Bigger than Big! Mom said she was a Newfoundland. A really big one, Mom said. I decided that I wanted to walk the other way. I wasn't so sure she was friendly. So then we started running. And more running! But what was that sound???? BZZZZZZZZZZ, BZZZZZZZZ! It was so loud! Where was it?? Oh my gosh it was in the SKY! I stopped and watched it. I tilted my head so I could hear it better. Mom knelt down next to me and said Don't Worry Freddie, it's an airplane! She gave me a big pat on the head. An airplane??? It swopped around like a birdie but it was loud and noisy. Even noisier than the Ravens. I watched and watched and it would always return to the men standing in the grass then it would take off again! It was pretty neat! The men waved to us and I barked back! Then we took off running again! I love to run. Mom doesn't. She does it because I like to run. I know it hurts her knee so I don't run full tilt anymore. I run as fast as she does. Which sometimes really isnt so fast. I like to go fast! I was so tired after all that excitement and running that I think I slept for 3 days! Mom said it was only for 3 hours. It was a long time. Dad tucked me into all the blankets and Petey snuggled in next to me. How great is that! Oh and I think PennyCat likes me again! For awhile she wouldn't come near me. Dad said it was because I started barking too loud when I would see her. But she's been coming into the kitchen and I walk up to her and she greets me like she used to! She MEOWSHISSS and slaps me on the nose! It's like old times!! I love PennyCat. She was my first friend here.
Hope you get lots of MEOWSHISSSS in your day!! OXO FredDog!
Dear Terry, Boy I have been so tired!! Sunday me and Mom went running at the Running Park. She said I needed a good run because I was being ornery. I don't know what that is but I am going to try and be like that all the time so we can go running! Guess what we saw there??? The biggest dog I have ever seen in my LIFE. She was gigantic! Bigger than Big! Mom said she was a Newfoundland. A really big one, Mom said. I decided that I wanted to walk the other way. I wasn't so sure she was friendly. So then we started running. And more running! But what was that sound???? BZZZZZZZZZZ, BZZZZZZZZ! It was so loud! Where was it?? Oh my gosh it was in the SKY! I stopped and watched it. I tilted my head so I could hear it better. Mom knelt down next to me and said Don't Worry Freddie, it's an airplane! She gave me a big pat on the head. An airplane??? It swopped around like a birdie but it was loud and noisy. Even noisier than the Ravens. I watched and watched and it would always return to the men standing in the grass then it would take off again! It was pretty neat! The men waved to us and I barked back! Then we took off running again! I love to run. Mom doesn't. She does it because I like to run. I know it hurts her knee so I don't run full tilt anymore. I run as fast as she does. Which sometimes really isnt so fast. I like to go fast! I was so tired after all that excitement and running that I think I slept for 3 days! Mom said it was only for 3 hours. It was a long time. Dad tucked me into all the blankets and Petey snuggled in next to me. How great is that! Oh and I think PennyCat likes me again! For awhile she wouldn't come near me. Dad said it was because I started barking too loud when I would see her. But she's been coming into the kitchen and I walk up to her and she greets me like she used to! She MEOWSHISSS and slaps me on the nose! It's like old times!! I love PennyCat. She was my first friend here.
Hope you get lots of MEOWSHISSSS in your day!! OXO FredDog!
March 15, 2017
Dear Terry, Mom said she talked to you today! You told her all about the New Dog, Gilgamesh. Mom says he is bigger than a bread box and she showed me the bread box on the counter. She said in fact, he's bigger than 5 of me!! I can't count but Mom said that's really big. I can't wait until you come out and we can see each other again! Mom said you were going to go to a Fiesta. That's a party! Mom said she told you about how I grumbled at my Grammy. In my defense, I have to make sure everyone that walks in the house is A-OK and won't hurt Dad. Mom says she is 75 years old and his MOM and you never grumble at Grammy. I have to relearn what to do when someone is helping Dad. She said I can't help Dad with everything but I can! Well ok, not the socks. I don't have thumbs. Mom is always right. WOOF. I kind of pushed Grammy out of the way too. No Pushing Grammy! It's like the other rule, No Making PennyCat Fluffy. Mom said she is going to walk me through being good with Grammy again. Maybe Grammy could give me some Cherrios. I like those! Mom's been saying a lot of stuff this week. Mostly rules. But she said we are going to have some FUN tonight so I can relax! I bet she gets out my food toy. Me and Petey both like that! We both try and get the food out of the puzzle. Sometimes it's harder to get the pieces out because Dad will put peanut butter over everything and all the snacks stick! OH and guess what I ate!? A pink bunny marshmellow ! I never had marshmellow before and Mom gave me the ears of the bunny. At first I thought WHAT is this??? It was all grainy but not really crunchy. Then it stuck to my teeth. Then it melted and turned my mouth PINK! WOOF!!! It was yummy!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom said she talked to you today! You told her all about the New Dog, Gilgamesh. Mom says he is bigger than a bread box and she showed me the bread box on the counter. She said in fact, he's bigger than 5 of me!! I can't count but Mom said that's really big. I can't wait until you come out and we can see each other again! Mom said you were going to go to a Fiesta. That's a party! Mom said she told you about how I grumbled at my Grammy. In my defense, I have to make sure everyone that walks in the house is A-OK and won't hurt Dad. Mom says she is 75 years old and his MOM and you never grumble at Grammy. I have to relearn what to do when someone is helping Dad. She said I can't help Dad with everything but I can! Well ok, not the socks. I don't have thumbs. Mom is always right. WOOF. I kind of pushed Grammy out of the way too. No Pushing Grammy! It's like the other rule, No Making PennyCat Fluffy. Mom said she is going to walk me through being good with Grammy again. Maybe Grammy could give me some Cherrios. I like those! Mom's been saying a lot of stuff this week. Mostly rules. But she said we are going to have some FUN tonight so I can relax! I bet she gets out my food toy. Me and Petey both like that! We both try and get the food out of the puzzle. Sometimes it's harder to get the pieces out because Dad will put peanut butter over everything and all the snacks stick! OH and guess what I ate!? A pink bunny marshmellow ! I never had marshmellow before and Mom gave me the ears of the bunny. At first I thought WHAT is this??? It was all grainy but not really crunchy. Then it stuck to my teeth. Then it melted and turned my mouth PINK! WOOF!!! It was yummy!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
March 12, 2017
Dear Terry, I hope Gilhamesh is having lots of fun! Mom said he's as big as a house! Mom and Petey had a big adventure yesterday. She put Petey in The Crate. Petey didn't like that at all. He started meowing really loud and shaking the cage. Mom has to tie it shut so he doesn't bust free. He can get that front open when he wants to. I told Petey to pipe down! You want to save that for when you get to the vet. Start acting like a complete loon and making lots and lots of noise so they stop doing stuff to you, like looking in your ears and eyes. Dad got Petey to quiet down though. I sat and listened to Dad too. Then Mom took Petey away. Mom said it was only a check up to make sure he's a-ok. I told Petey that's what she always says and not to believe it, it's a trick!! Dad said, FRED! Stop that! Petey's going to tell you what happened next!
Hi Terry, It's Petey. Mom PUT ME IN THE CRATE. Then we went for a car ride. I don't like car rides. The only good car ride was when Mom picked me up from the shelter and gave me a home. We didn't go the the Vet right away. First we went to the Library. Don't know what that is and dont care. Mom got OUT OF THE CAR WITHOUT ME. But she was back in a few seconds. I couldn't even try and bust free that's how quick she was. Then we went to the Bank. It has things that made lots of noise. WHOOOOOSSSSSHHHHHHH. I laid my ears back but then I wanted to see. But I couldn't because of the crate!!! Mom lifted the crate up so I could see what was going on there at the bank. Hmmm this was kind of interesting. Fred made it sound like I was gonna DIE. Then just when I thought this might be a fun trip we ended up at the VET. MOMMMMM!!!!! Boy was I mad. I turned around in the crate and wouldn't even look at Mom. Mom told me to be to BE GOOD. I guess I was because we were outta there real quick too. The doctor looked in my eyes and I looked in her eyes. She looked in my ears so I looked up her nose real good, she looked at my teeth and I tried to look at her teeth. Oh and then we went for another ride in the car only this time I could tell we were going home so I settled in on my blanket in the crate and fell asleep. What a Day!! Maybe Mom could take me for another ride one day only without the Crate.
Barks, Wags and Meows, FredDog! PeteyCat!
Dear Terry, I hope Gilhamesh is having lots of fun! Mom said he's as big as a house! Mom and Petey had a big adventure yesterday. She put Petey in The Crate. Petey didn't like that at all. He started meowing really loud and shaking the cage. Mom has to tie it shut so he doesn't bust free. He can get that front open when he wants to. I told Petey to pipe down! You want to save that for when you get to the vet. Start acting like a complete loon and making lots and lots of noise so they stop doing stuff to you, like looking in your ears and eyes. Dad got Petey to quiet down though. I sat and listened to Dad too. Then Mom took Petey away. Mom said it was only a check up to make sure he's a-ok. I told Petey that's what she always says and not to believe it, it's a trick!! Dad said, FRED! Stop that! Petey's going to tell you what happened next!
Hi Terry, It's Petey. Mom PUT ME IN THE CRATE. Then we went for a car ride. I don't like car rides. The only good car ride was when Mom picked me up from the shelter and gave me a home. We didn't go the the Vet right away. First we went to the Library. Don't know what that is and dont care. Mom got OUT OF THE CAR WITHOUT ME. But she was back in a few seconds. I couldn't even try and bust free that's how quick she was. Then we went to the Bank. It has things that made lots of noise. WHOOOOOSSSSSHHHHHHH. I laid my ears back but then I wanted to see. But I couldn't because of the crate!!! Mom lifted the crate up so I could see what was going on there at the bank. Hmmm this was kind of interesting. Fred made it sound like I was gonna DIE. Then just when I thought this might be a fun trip we ended up at the VET. MOMMMMM!!!!! Boy was I mad. I turned around in the crate and wouldn't even look at Mom. Mom told me to be to BE GOOD. I guess I was because we were outta there real quick too. The doctor looked in my eyes and I looked in her eyes. She looked in my ears so I looked up her nose real good, she looked at my teeth and I tried to look at her teeth. Oh and then we went for another ride in the car only this time I could tell we were going home so I settled in on my blanket in the crate and fell asleep. What a Day!! Maybe Mom could take me for another ride one day only without the Crate.
Barks, Wags and Meows, FredDog! PeteyCat!
March 5, 2017
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had an exciting walk today! We didn't walk! We ran! We've been going to the sports place and there is a big walking loop all around it and through all the special fields that I'm not supposed to walk on. I like it there. The wind is always blowing and it's wide open and I can GO GO GO GO. I GO so fast sometimes that Mom has to hurry to keep up with me. Today though we RAN! First we had to look around to see if anybody was watching. Mom's funny like that. Mom said let's GO! Then we RAN. All the way along the straight section and around part of a bend. Then we had to slow down to a jog. Then we RAN again! I like running so much more than just walking! I'm a good runner. I keep pace with Mom and she runs pretty good too. But we can't run the whole time yet. Mom's knee sometimes hurts when we run too much. She laughs every time when we get back to the car because we are both breathing hard and she can tell how happy I am. Mom says we ran off and on for over a mile. I don't know how far that is but we are both tired afterwards so it must be really far. I hope we keep going there. Running is fun!!
Hope you had a good day! If you didn't maybe you could go running too! Mom said she's pretty sure that might not be a safe thing for you to do though....Woof!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had an exciting walk today! We didn't walk! We ran! We've been going to the sports place and there is a big walking loop all around it and through all the special fields that I'm not supposed to walk on. I like it there. The wind is always blowing and it's wide open and I can GO GO GO GO. I GO so fast sometimes that Mom has to hurry to keep up with me. Today though we RAN! First we had to look around to see if anybody was watching. Mom's funny like that. Mom said let's GO! Then we RAN. All the way along the straight section and around part of a bend. Then we had to slow down to a jog. Then we RAN again! I like running so much more than just walking! I'm a good runner. I keep pace with Mom and she runs pretty good too. But we can't run the whole time yet. Mom's knee sometimes hurts when we run too much. She laughs every time when we get back to the car because we are both breathing hard and she can tell how happy I am. Mom says we ran off and on for over a mile. I don't know how far that is but we are both tired afterwards so it must be really far. I hope we keep going there. Running is fun!!
Hope you had a good day! If you didn't maybe you could go running too! Mom said she's pretty sure that might not be a safe thing for you to do though....Woof!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
March 1, 2017
Dear Terry, Me and Mom were up listening to the storms. I had my special shirt on and Dad laid down next to me and it didn't seem as bad as other times. Mom talked to me the whole time and she told me that you were getting a new PUPPY!! Mom says he is probably bigger than me already. I hope he has a good bark! A good bark is a good dog! That's what I think. Mom always says PIPE DOWN FRED! And then I bark some more just because! Me and Petey are goingto help Dad clean. First we run around like maniacs in front of the vacuum cleaner. Then we will walk all over the mopped floor and leave our foot prints so Mom can see we were helping. Oh and me and Mom have been walking a lot. Mom calls it jogging. We can jog a WHOLE MILE at the new place. I want to flat out run but Mom says be happy she is jogging! WOOF! Th e first time we did it, we both were kind of sorry we did it, but then it got easier and easier. Mom might disagree but we jog together and have fun!
Barks and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom were up listening to the storms. I had my special shirt on and Dad laid down next to me and it didn't seem as bad as other times. Mom talked to me the whole time and she told me that you were getting a new PUPPY!! Mom says he is probably bigger than me already. I hope he has a good bark! A good bark is a good dog! That's what I think. Mom always says PIPE DOWN FRED! And then I bark some more just because! Me and Petey are goingto help Dad clean. First we run around like maniacs in front of the vacuum cleaner. Then we will walk all over the mopped floor and leave our foot prints so Mom can see we were helping. Oh and me and Mom have been walking a lot. Mom calls it jogging. We can jog a WHOLE MILE at the new place. I want to flat out run but Mom says be happy she is jogging! WOOF! Th e first time we did it, we both were kind of sorry we did it, but then it got easier and easier. Mom might disagree but we jog together and have fun!
Barks and Woofs, FredDog
February 20, 2017
Dear Terry, What an exciting walk we had yesterday! We went to the Nature Park and there was a ton of people there and no room to park the car! The park manager showed us a spot that we could have. She's always so nice to me! The police were there too. I thought maybe there was a picnic going on with them because they were right in the middle of things. But soon I heard sirens getting closer to us and sure enough! an ambulance came in and then more sirens! and a special rescue truck came in! The men had special ropes and a special board to strap a human to. Mom said Oh boy Fred, We better not go in that direction. I was being real good too, I didn't bark or act up or anything. I could tell I had to listen to Mom. We went up the trails where things were quieter. I could still hear the men. Mom said she thinks someone fell off on of the steep trails. Mom fell once on the trails but she didn't have to have people come rescue her. She just rolled down the hill. We walked almost to the top of the big hill but had to turn around because of the big mud pit. When we got back to the car, we could see the person had been rescued and was being put in the ambulance. I bet they were scared. Oh and the other thing I did yesterday was sit in the sunshine. Mom let me have the whole deck to myself and I sat in the sun watching the birds and the yard and smelling smells! When I want in all I have to do is do a soft woof at the door and Mom let's me back in! But I stayed outside a long time. Me and Mom are going to do some more walking today!
Have a recue free day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, What an exciting walk we had yesterday! We went to the Nature Park and there was a ton of people there and no room to park the car! The park manager showed us a spot that we could have. She's always so nice to me! The police were there too. I thought maybe there was a picnic going on with them because they were right in the middle of things. But soon I heard sirens getting closer to us and sure enough! an ambulance came in and then more sirens! and a special rescue truck came in! The men had special ropes and a special board to strap a human to. Mom said Oh boy Fred, We better not go in that direction. I was being real good too, I didn't bark or act up or anything. I could tell I had to listen to Mom. We went up the trails where things were quieter. I could still hear the men. Mom said she thinks someone fell off on of the steep trails. Mom fell once on the trails but she didn't have to have people come rescue her. She just rolled down the hill. We walked almost to the top of the big hill but had to turn around because of the big mud pit. When we got back to the car, we could see the person had been rescued and was being put in the ambulance. I bet they were scared. Oh and the other thing I did yesterday was sit in the sunshine. Mom let me have the whole deck to myself and I sat in the sun watching the birds and the yard and smelling smells! When I want in all I have to do is do a soft woof at the door and Mom let's me back in! But I stayed outside a long time. Me and Mom are going to do some more walking today!
Have a recue free day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
February 16, 2017
Dear Terry, I got in some trouble a few days ago and have been working really hard to be a good dog again. Mom and Petey were watching TV in bed and I jumped up to take my spot back from Petey and I kind of landed on everyone and Petey squeaked and ran and he scratched Mom's arm really bad. Super Bad. She was bleeding! And it was all my fault because I scared Petey so bad! Mom's arm got infected and she had to see a Doctor and get medicine and everything. She's OK but I don't want Mom hurt again so now I only chase and scare Petey when Mom isn't around. She can't get hurt then. I'm not supposed to make Petey squeak or Penny fluffy. And no one should every lose fur or an eye. Those are the rules. Dad was pretty mad at me. Dad never gets mad at me and it was almost more than I could bear. He wouldn't even talk to me. But then he forgave me and let me sit next to him on the sofa!
Trying to be a good dog!
Dear Terry, I got in some trouble a few days ago and have been working really hard to be a good dog again. Mom and Petey were watching TV in bed and I jumped up to take my spot back from Petey and I kind of landed on everyone and Petey squeaked and ran and he scratched Mom's arm really bad. Super Bad. She was bleeding! And it was all my fault because I scared Petey so bad! Mom's arm got infected and she had to see a Doctor and get medicine and everything. She's OK but I don't want Mom hurt again so now I only chase and scare Petey when Mom isn't around. She can't get hurt then. I'm not supposed to make Petey squeak or Penny fluffy. And no one should every lose fur or an eye. Those are the rules. Dad was pretty mad at me. Dad never gets mad at me and it was almost more than I could bear. He wouldn't even talk to me. But then he forgave me and let me sit next to him on the sofa!
Trying to be a good dog!
February 11, 2017
Dear Terry, The most exciting thing happened! Jimmy, the dog from across the creek, came to the front door today! I was so excited I flipped off the couch! I was barking, he barked back! He trotted to the side yard and down by the garage and back again. But Mom wouldn't let me outside. Jummy is a "bad influence" because he runs away from home a lot. Well, it's not really running away. He likes to chase stuff. Cats, Birds, Dogs, Squirrels. He chases anything! I like to chase stuff too. That's why Mom says NOOOOO you can't go running around with Jimmy! Jimmy went down to the creek and SPLASH! he was playing in the water then he took off for home. Dad was even watching Jimmy in my yard. I can't wait to go outside and investigate where he was!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, The most exciting thing happened! Jimmy, the dog from across the creek, came to the front door today! I was so excited I flipped off the couch! I was barking, he barked back! He trotted to the side yard and down by the garage and back again. But Mom wouldn't let me outside. Jummy is a "bad influence" because he runs away from home a lot. Well, it's not really running away. He likes to chase stuff. Cats, Birds, Dogs, Squirrels. He chases anything! I like to chase stuff too. That's why Mom says NOOOOO you can't go running around with Jimmy! Jimmy went down to the creek and SPLASH! he was playing in the water then he took off for home. Dad was even watching Jimmy in my yard. I can't wait to go outside and investigate where he was!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
February 10, 2017
Dear Terry, PennyCat is so upset! Or she was. Mom didn't buy her smooshie food when it ran out and Penny had nothing to eat this morning!!She let Mom have it too! MEOW MEOW! Oh she was MAD. Her little ears were all backwards and everything. She kept making her plate bang on the counter. Mom said PENNY, Keep your tail on! Petey joined in too! I barked at both of them! Pipe down all of you! Mom said she was going to make Penny something new! She made Penny milk and cookies! Petey too! First Mom put some good cheesy tuna crunchy treats on the plate, then she poured the cat sippy milk over top!! Penny was skeptical. But then she tried it and she gobbled everything down and pretty soon her tail was waving in the air and she was happy again. Petey ate all his too!! Milk and Cookies a hit! Mom even let me try some of the sippy milk. I like cereal milk better but it was pretty good if you ask me. Mom promised to buy the smooshie food today and she put out their regular crunchy food for them. Up on the counter like always. That's because I can't help myself and I eat all their food if I can reach it!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, PennyCat is so upset! Or she was. Mom didn't buy her smooshie food when it ran out and Penny had nothing to eat this morning!!She let Mom have it too! MEOW MEOW! Oh she was MAD. Her little ears were all backwards and everything. She kept making her plate bang on the counter. Mom said PENNY, Keep your tail on! Petey joined in too! I barked at both of them! Pipe down all of you! Mom said she was going to make Penny something new! She made Penny milk and cookies! Petey too! First Mom put some good cheesy tuna crunchy treats on the plate, then she poured the cat sippy milk over top!! Penny was skeptical. But then she tried it and she gobbled everything down and pretty soon her tail was waving in the air and she was happy again. Petey ate all his too!! Milk and Cookies a hit! Mom even let me try some of the sippy milk. I like cereal milk better but it was pretty good if you ask me. Mom promised to buy the smooshie food today and she put out their regular crunchy food for them. Up on the counter like always. That's because I can't help myself and I eat all their food if I can reach it!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
February 7, 2017
Dear Terry, Mom's been working too much again. Dad told her to take a day off and she did! Today! Good thing too because Petey and Penny had a fight and they knocked the coffee pot and cutting board off the counter and water went everywhere!! Petey got in big trouble. Penny doesn't get in trouble because she's old and we aren't supposed to upset her let alone get her so upset she knocks the coffee pot over!! Petey's been trying to be real nice to her. He's going to lose an eye. Oh and guess what me and Mom did a few days ago! We went to the park and she let me go wherever I wanted so we walked along the trail where I found the dead fish and rolled in it. But no dead fish this time. The trail goes right along the pond's edge so you have to be careful. There was a big tree branch across the trail and I wanted to go under it and Mom wanted to go over it and we got all tangled up! I barked, she laughed and we got untangled! Maybe since it's warm today we can go to the park again. Not if it's raining. I don't like to get wet. Unless it's snow. Snow is fun!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Hope you stayed home too!
Dear Terry, Mom's been working too much again. Dad told her to take a day off and she did! Today! Good thing too because Petey and Penny had a fight and they knocked the coffee pot and cutting board off the counter and water went everywhere!! Petey got in big trouble. Penny doesn't get in trouble because she's old and we aren't supposed to upset her let alone get her so upset she knocks the coffee pot over!! Petey's been trying to be real nice to her. He's going to lose an eye. Oh and guess what me and Mom did a few days ago! We went to the park and she let me go wherever I wanted so we walked along the trail where I found the dead fish and rolled in it. But no dead fish this time. The trail goes right along the pond's edge so you have to be careful. There was a big tree branch across the trail and I wanted to go under it and Mom wanted to go over it and we got all tangled up! I barked, she laughed and we got untangled! Maybe since it's warm today we can go to the park again. Not if it's raining. I don't like to get wet. Unless it's snow. Snow is fun!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Hope you stayed home too!
January 23, 2017
Dear Terry, Me and Mom took a big trip together! We went to see the Nephews and Mom's family. We drove through FOG. I fell asleep it was so boring. Not boring when we got there! Guess what?? They gave me a homemade peanut butter biscuit shaped like a bone. I carried it everywhere. I put it in a lot of different places but I couldn't find the RIGHT place. Mom let me have it in the backseat of the car on the way home. I showed it right away to Dad. I finally ate it tonight. YUMMY! Oh and I saw Aunt Linda too. She's in a wheelchair now and she doen't always hear too good or move too good. Or think too good. But when I sat next to her up on the sofa, she perked up and said Hi Freddie!! She knew me! She didn't forget me!! I wagged my tail real good and nudged her hand and Mom helped her to pet me on the head. She smiled. She's been having a tough time, I hope I helped. Oh and I rode the elevator too at the new place for her and Uncle Tom. rode it UP and didn't want to ride it DOWN. Aunt Laura said I didnt have to ride it back down because there were steps. Mom said Fred, Give it a try. No. Fred give it a try. NO. Come on I am right here with you, everything will be OK. NO you said that at the Ocean. Then Mom held her hand out to me and I tried and I rode the elevator back down! It WAS OK!
Hope you had a good day,
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Me and Mom took a big trip together! We went to see the Nephews and Mom's family. We drove through FOG. I fell asleep it was so boring. Not boring when we got there! Guess what?? They gave me a homemade peanut butter biscuit shaped like a bone. I carried it everywhere. I put it in a lot of different places but I couldn't find the RIGHT place. Mom let me have it in the backseat of the car on the way home. I showed it right away to Dad. I finally ate it tonight. YUMMY! Oh and I saw Aunt Linda too. She's in a wheelchair now and she doen't always hear too good or move too good. Or think too good. But when I sat next to her up on the sofa, she perked up and said Hi Freddie!! She knew me! She didn't forget me!! I wagged my tail real good and nudged her hand and Mom helped her to pet me on the head. She smiled. She's been having a tough time, I hope I helped. Oh and I rode the elevator too at the new place for her and Uncle Tom. rode it UP and didn't want to ride it DOWN. Aunt Laura said I didnt have to ride it back down because there were steps. Mom said Fred, Give it a try. No. Fred give it a try. NO. Come on I am right here with you, everything will be OK. NO you said that at the Ocean. Then Mom held her hand out to me and I tried and I rode the elevator back down! It WAS OK!
Hope you had a good day,
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
January 20, 2017
Dear Terry, Me and Dad had some fun this week! We had a Pizza Party! With Pepperoni and everything! We both ate too much. Guess what Petey did?? He stole the hot pepper out of the box! Dad found it on the floor and took it away to somewhere safe. Sneaky Pete! I might have eaten too much pepperoni because I had an accident. Dad cleaned it up though. He wasn't mad either but he did tell Mom. And she told him stop stuffing Fred with Pepperoni! I told Dad it was completely worth it! Woof! Today it's all rainy outside. Me and Dad already decide we are going to watch TV and stay under the blanket. Petey can snuggle in too as long as he doesn't step on me. I wish Mom would stay home from work. She has to take dad somewhere this morning and then I won't see her again until night! Mom says she has to earn us X's and O's. That's what she calls our food. I better go help get Dad ready!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Dad had some fun this week! We had a Pizza Party! With Pepperoni and everything! We both ate too much. Guess what Petey did?? He stole the hot pepper out of the box! Dad found it on the floor and took it away to somewhere safe. Sneaky Pete! I might have eaten too much pepperoni because I had an accident. Dad cleaned it up though. He wasn't mad either but he did tell Mom. And she told him stop stuffing Fred with Pepperoni! I told Dad it was completely worth it! Woof! Today it's all rainy outside. Me and Dad already decide we are going to watch TV and stay under the blanket. Petey can snuggle in too as long as he doesn't step on me. I wish Mom would stay home from work. She has to take dad somewhere this morning and then I won't see her again until night! Mom says she has to earn us X's and O's. That's what she calls our food. I better go help get Dad ready!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
January 16, 2017
Dear Terry, you wont believe what happened this morning!! Me and Mom were taking our morning walk and I wanted to go to the bottom of the yard. Sometimes we can't go down there because it's too muddy or snowy. But today Mom said OK let's go! So we went! I smelled smells all over the yard. We walked along the creek making sure nothing was out of place. After a bit we decided to go back up to the front. That's when it happened. Mom slipped and fell right in the MUD!! I didn't know what to do - I was so surprised that she was laying on the ground! Then she tried to get up and no luck! It was too muddy and she slipped again!! I tried to tell her she needed 4 feet instead of 2 on the ground but she wasn't listening. She was laughing and saying OWWW OWW OWWWWW at the same time. You should see where she fell! It's a mess now. It looks like she made a snow angel only in the mud. We made it back to the big stone steps after she crawled out of the mud. She wasn't walking so good. And she was having trouble holding the leash. I took her inside and when we got in she told Dad that she fell only he wasn't really paying attention so she said it LOUDER. He came right over to us. We all went over to the window so Dad could see where she fell in the mud. Petey looked out too. Petey said FRED! How could you let this happen! Mom's hurt! I chased him because he needs to know you just can't tell when Mom is going to slip and fall in the mud! Mom said she was ok but she was moving slow. And when she came home from work, she was moving even slower. But her arms work and her legs still work so I think she will make it.
Hope you had an unmuddy day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, you wont believe what happened this morning!! Me and Mom were taking our morning walk and I wanted to go to the bottom of the yard. Sometimes we can't go down there because it's too muddy or snowy. But today Mom said OK let's go! So we went! I smelled smells all over the yard. We walked along the creek making sure nothing was out of place. After a bit we decided to go back up to the front. That's when it happened. Mom slipped and fell right in the MUD!! I didn't know what to do - I was so surprised that she was laying on the ground! Then she tried to get up and no luck! It was too muddy and she slipped again!! I tried to tell her she needed 4 feet instead of 2 on the ground but she wasn't listening. She was laughing and saying OWWW OWW OWWWWW at the same time. You should see where she fell! It's a mess now. It looks like she made a snow angel only in the mud. We made it back to the big stone steps after she crawled out of the mud. She wasn't walking so good. And she was having trouble holding the leash. I took her inside and when we got in she told Dad that she fell only he wasn't really paying attention so she said it LOUDER. He came right over to us. We all went over to the window so Dad could see where she fell in the mud. Petey looked out too. Petey said FRED! How could you let this happen! Mom's hurt! I chased him because he needs to know you just can't tell when Mom is going to slip and fall in the mud! Mom said she was ok but she was moving slow. And when she came home from work, she was moving even slower. But her arms work and her legs still work so I think she will make it.
Hope you had an unmuddy day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
January 15, 2017
Dear Terry, I've been down in the dumps. We haven't been able to go on a lot of walks lately. Sometimes it's too cold. Sometimes it's raining. Sometimes Petey won't play with me. Sometimes Dad sleeps a lot and won't play tug tug with me. BUT! things are looking up! Yesterday me and Mom went to the Park and had a great walk! It was all muddy and the ponds looked like they could overflow at any second. There were even ducks on the pond! And this morning! WHAT a morning! Mom got up early and made me and Dad PANCAKES AND BACON! You can't imagine the excitement we had here! Mom even got out the syrup that me and her got at the big park last year. They get it right from the trees there in the park. We had lots of bacon and lots of pancakes. Mom made them from scratch no boxes! Dad said YUMMY! I said YUMMY! Then Petey jumped on the table and his tail went through the syrup. What a mess that was!! Don't worry, No pancakes or bacon was lost!! WHEW! Mom said we might do another walk today but in a different park. I like the regular park. Mom said we have to mix it up a little bit once in awhile!
Barks and Wags,
Dear Terry, I've been down in the dumps. We haven't been able to go on a lot of walks lately. Sometimes it's too cold. Sometimes it's raining. Sometimes Petey won't play with me. Sometimes Dad sleeps a lot and won't play tug tug with me. BUT! things are looking up! Yesterday me and Mom went to the Park and had a great walk! It was all muddy and the ponds looked like they could overflow at any second. There were even ducks on the pond! And this morning! WHAT a morning! Mom got up early and made me and Dad PANCAKES AND BACON! You can't imagine the excitement we had here! Mom even got out the syrup that me and her got at the big park last year. They get it right from the trees there in the park. We had lots of bacon and lots of pancakes. Mom made them from scratch no boxes! Dad said YUMMY! I said YUMMY! Then Petey jumped on the table and his tail went through the syrup. What a mess that was!! Don't worry, No pancakes or bacon was lost!! WHEW! Mom said we might do another walk today but in a different park. I like the regular park. Mom said we have to mix it up a little bit once in awhile!
Barks and Wags,
January 8, 2017
Dear Terry, I haven't been feeling good again. First on New Year's Day, I ate a lot of snacks again. Mom wasn't watching what me and Dad were eating. Mom gave me tummy medicine again. Now it's really cold and I'm stiff and sore. Petey wants to play but I told him I can't move so fast right now. Tonight, Mom put my coat on me in the house. Plus I was under the covers with Dad. Mom said I did a great job today as the perfect snuggle dog! I wish she could put something on my ears because they are cold too. Brrrrrr.
Barks and wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I haven't been feeling good again. First on New Year's Day, I ate a lot of snacks again. Mom wasn't watching what me and Dad were eating. Mom gave me tummy medicine again. Now it's really cold and I'm stiff and sore. Petey wants to play but I told him I can't move so fast right now. Tonight, Mom put my coat on me in the house. Plus I was under the covers with Dad. Mom said I did a great job today as the perfect snuggle dog! I wish she could put something on my ears because they are cold too. Brrrrrr.
Barks and wags, FredDog
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