Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
February 7, 2017

Dear Terry, Mom's been working too much again. Dad told her to take a day off and she did! Today! Good thing too because Petey and Penny had a fight and they knocked the coffee pot and cutting board off the counter and water went everywhere!! Petey got in big trouble. Penny doesn't get in trouble because she's old and we aren't supposed to upset her let alone get her so upset she knocks the coffee pot over!! Petey's been trying to be real nice to her. He's going to lose an eye. Oh and guess what me and Mom did a few days ago! We went to the park and she let me go wherever I wanted so we walked along the trail where I found the dead fish and rolled in it. But no dead fish this time. The trail goes right along the pond's edge so you have to be careful. There was a big tree branch across the trail and I wanted to go under it and Mom wanted to go over it and we got all tangled up! I barked, she laughed and we got untangled! Maybe since it's warm today we can go to the park again. Not if it's raining. I don't like to get wet. Unless it's snow. Snow is fun!

Barks and Wags, FredDog

Hope you stayed home too!

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