Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
February 10, 2017

Dear Terry, PennyCat is so upset! Or she was. Mom didn't buy her smooshie food when it ran out and Penny had nothing to eat this morning!!She let Mom have it too! MEOW MEOW! Oh she was MAD. Her little ears were all backwards and everything. She kept making her plate bang on the counter. Mom said PENNY, Keep your tail on! Petey joined in too! I barked at both of them! Pipe down all of you! Mom said she was going to make Penny something new! She made Penny milk and cookies! Petey too! First Mom put some good cheesy tuna crunchy treats on the plate, then she poured the cat sippy milk over top!! Penny was skeptical. But then she tried it and she gobbled everything down and pretty soon her tail was waving in the air and she was happy again. Petey ate all his too!! Milk and Cookies a hit! Mom even let me try some of the sippy milk. I like cereal milk better but it was pretty good if you ask me. Mom promised to buy the smooshie food today and she put out their regular crunchy food for them. Up on the counter like always. That's because I can't help myself and I eat all their food if I can reach it!

Barks and Wags, FredDog!

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