Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
June 21, 2017

Dear Terry, It's me PennyCat. Meow Meow! Life is hard. PeteyCat is crazy. He's always running around. All I want is a quiet place to nap. That DOG is loud and runs around with Petey. I decided to take matters into my own hands this morning. For some reason Mom loves those two but we all know she loves me the best. I can do no wrong. She even says so. That DOG likes his toys all lined up and in certain places. This morning, I moved all of them. ALL of them. Different places for all of them. I ate all of Petey's food. I drank his water and then dumped it all over the spot on the counter where he likes to sit in the morning to watch what Mom and Dad are doing. I sat in That DOG's favorite spot all night long. I knew that alone would make him crazy. When everyone got up, Petey and That DOG came out into the living room all happy and cheery and there I was to greet everyone. RIGHT IN THAT DOG's favorite spot. He was all confused and upset. You can only imagine his dismay. Petey jumped on the counter and got all wet. Mom said there's My Penny! And she gave me lots of pets. The others looked on...My work here is done...FOR TODAY.

Meow Meow, PennyCat!

p.s. never mess with the calico!

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