June 8, 2017
Dear Terry, Me and Petey got in BIG trouble today. Really BIG trouble. Mom took Dad to the eye doctor this morning. She did a bunch of stuff around the house when they got back and then she pooped out. She laid down and took a nap. Well, for a little while she took a nap. Me and Petey ruined it and woke her up by accident. Only Petey did it on purpose. I KNOW how that cat is!! It is ALL his fault! He ambushed me at the water bowl next to the bed. And we ended up fighting. I pulled out his fur and he scratched me in the eye and I was barking and snarling and Petey was hissing and screeching and the water bowl went flying and Mom jumped up awake and she yelled at us. She made both of us come and sit down in front of her. Only I couldn't see so good because MY EYE WAS PUT OUT. Mom assured me I still had an eye and she made sure I had no scratches on it. It really hurt. She cleaned the slobber off of Petey and made sure I hadn't bitten him. I didn't, all I did was pull out some fur. Mom knows it was me becasue the fur was stuck on my claw. Once Mom knew we were both OK we were allowed to leave. I jumped up on the bed and stayed with Mom. I didn't mean to ruin her nap. Petey came by again and he head butted me under the chin and I knew we were friends again. Petey purred a lot for Mom and we all calmed down. In fact, me and Mom went for a run in the park. At first Mom didn't want to run. She was still tired and it was late afternoon. I got her to run though! First I would walk real slow until I was behind her and then run up and try and get her to run. FINALLY she said ok ok let's run! Off we went! We ran a long time. When we got tired we slowed down and then I was too tired to go on so I sat down. Mom said, FRED, I can't carry you! Then I realized OH there's the car! and Mom gave me a good drink of water. Whew! What a day!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
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