Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
April 12, 2017

Dear Terry, Me and Mom and Dad took a big trip to go to Sam's birthday party! There was cake but no ice cream. I wasn't allowed any cake. It was chocolate. I was really tired. And a little grumpy. I pooped out early. Everyone let me have my favorite chair. It's just the right kind of comfortable. Oh and we saw Uncle Tom! He has new place. We have to ride an elevator to get to his place. There's lots of old people there and I stopped to say HELLO LADY to one of them! She was in a wheelchair and couldn't sit up so good. But she could sure pet me! She was laughing and telling Mom about how she used to have Irish Setters. She talked and talked to me. Mom said how good it was to see The Lady laugh and smile. Mom said What a Good Boy! And she gave me lots of pets! Uncle Tom played catch the Cherrios with me! I had a lot of Cherrios. YUMM! Uncle Tom even walked out with us to say goodbye and wave Bye Bye to me! Oh and me and Mom check on the chickens all the time. This morning Marge even greeted me with a COO COOO. That's her happy sound. We checked for eggs but no eggs yet. I pranced around in front of Marge in the coop to see if I could get her to play but she flapped her wings at me. The flappy wing thing scares me! Woof!

Hope you are having a Flappy Day!

Love, Woofs and Barks, FredDog

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