April 6, 2017
Dear Terry, I didn't know that being a Chicken Checker could be so tiring!! As soon as I pee in the morning , me and Mom go over to check on The Girls. That's what Mom calls them. Their names are really Lisa and Marge. Marge is the big one. Lisa is the crazy one. We make sure the coop is OK and check all around it and then I pee on the corner. Then we open the doors and out they come! CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK. Today, Mom let me stay right next to the coop. I sat there real good and I put my nose up to the fence and Marge tried to PUT MY EYE OUT. Mom said No, she wanted to see if you were anything good to eat. They eat almost everything you know. I didn't bark though. I think Marge figured out that I am here to help! Me and Dad check on them during the day and then me and Mom check on them when she gets home at night. One time we saw the neighbor's cat trying to decide what to do about the chickens. He was nervous, you could tell. I barked at him to let him know GO AWAY and he ran really fast even though I wasn't anywhere near him and Mom had me on the leash. Marge eats right out of Mom's hand. We give them good treats to eat. Like lettuce and oregano and peppers. They really like lettuce. Petey watches them from the window. He's not allowed to be a Chicken Checker. Mom says some jobs are Dog Only Jobs and that I am the Best Chicken Checker EVER! WOOF WOOF!!
I hope you can see them soon!!
Barks Wags Meows & Clucks! FredDog, Petey and PennyCat, Marge and Lisa!
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