March 15, 2017
Dear Terry, Mom said she talked to you today! You told her all about the New Dog, Gilgamesh. Mom says he is bigger than a bread box and she showed me the bread box on the counter. She said in fact, he's bigger than 5 of me!! I can't count but Mom said that's really big. I can't wait until you come out and we can see each other again! Mom said you were going to go to a Fiesta. That's a party! Mom said she told you about how I grumbled at my Grammy. In my defense, I have to make sure everyone that walks in the house is A-OK and won't hurt Dad. Mom says she is 75 years old and his MOM and you never grumble at Grammy. I have to relearn what to do when someone is helping Dad. She said I can't help Dad with everything but I can! Well ok, not the socks. I don't have thumbs. Mom is always right. WOOF. I kind of pushed Grammy out of the way too. No Pushing Grammy! It's like the other rule, No Making PennyCat Fluffy. Mom said she is going to walk me through being good with Grammy again. Maybe Grammy could give me some Cherrios. I like those! Mom's been saying a lot of stuff this week. Mostly rules. But she said we are going to have some FUN tonight so I can relax! I bet she gets out my food toy. Me and Petey both like that! We both try and get the food out of the puzzle. Sometimes it's harder to get the pieces out because Dad will put peanut butter over everything and all the snacks stick! OH and guess what I ate!? A pink bunny marshmellow ! I never had marshmellow before and Mom gave me the ears of the bunny. At first I thought WHAT is this??? It was all grainy but not really crunchy. Then it stuck to my teeth. Then it melted and turned my mouth PINK! WOOF!!! It was yummy!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
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