Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
January 16, 2017

Dear Terry, you wont believe what happened this morning!! Me and Mom were taking our morning walk and I wanted to go to the bottom of the yard. Sometimes we can't go down there because it's too muddy or snowy. But today Mom said OK let's go! So we went! I smelled smells all over the yard. We walked along the creek making sure nothing was out of place. After a bit we decided to go back up to the front. That's when it happened. Mom slipped and fell right in the MUD!! I didn't know what to do - I was so surprised that she was laying on the ground! Then she tried to get up and no luck! It was too muddy and she slipped again!! I tried to tell her she needed 4 feet instead of 2 on the ground but she wasn't listening. She was laughing and saying OWWW OWW OWWWWW at the same time. You should see where she fell! It's a mess now. It looks like she made a snow angel only in the mud. We made it back to the big stone steps after she crawled out of the mud. She wasn't walking so good. And she was having trouble holding the leash. I took her inside and when we got in she told Dad that she fell only he wasn't really paying attention so she said it LOUDER. He came right over to us. We all went over to the window so Dad could see where she fell in the mud. Petey looked out too. Petey said FRED! How could you let this happen! Mom's hurt! I chased him because he needs to know you just can't tell when Mom is going to slip and fall in the mud! Mom said she was ok but she was moving slow. And when she came home from work, she was moving even slower. But her arms work and her legs still work so I think she will make it.

Hope you had an unmuddy day!

Love and Woofs, FredDog

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