Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
May 12, 2017

Dear Terry, Guess what tomorrow is? Tomorrow is Junk Day. Everyone puts junk by the road and other people come and take it. Free junk everywhere! Then the big trucks come and pick up the junk until it's all gone. Mom put our junk out early. She didn't get all of it out though. Dad is kind of down and out from his eye being zapped again. I have to keep watch over everything. I barked all day long to let Dad know that there were people at the road picking through the junk. Then when Mom came home we inspected the junk pile to see what was gone already. I'm not usually allowed near the road but me and Mom were real careful and she made sure I was safe. I had to stay in the grass. Strange people coming and going make me nervous. They will come in the night too. I plan on barking all night long so Mom knows we will be safe. Petey keeps telling me to knock it off. But I barked at him too. He's in the basement with my PennyCat. She doesn't like me barking either but someone has to do it! I'm going to be tired tomorrow after keeping an eye on everything. I still have 2 eyes you know. WOOF WOOF! Crazy chickens!

Love and Woofs, FredDog

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