December 27, 2018
Dear Terry! Guess what me and Mom have been doing?! Dancing! Fred doesn't dance but he barks. Mom puts my song on and grabs treats and away we go! I like music. Guess what my dancing song is? I'll tell you! It's the Uma Thurman Song! Mom has me do all kinds of stuff so fast my head spins! I run all through her legs, jump on the couch, jump off, sit, patty cake, wave my paws in the air, then I have to slam on the brakes and sit or sit then down. We run over to Fred and give him treats too! He's a good barker! Dad laughs and laughs! Oh my gosh the fun! Last night was so much fun, I pawed at Mom and danced even when the music had stopped. Mom played the song again and we did it all over again! We were out of breath!! Mom always saves one last treat that I only get when the music ends. I have to sit quietly and then I get the treat. You know what other music I like? I'll tell you! I like John Denver and I like Mozart. Mozart plays all night long and I sleep through the night. I was getting bored with regular training, so Mom decided to liven things up with music! It started with The Monster Mash. Dad says he's going to think of another song so that me and him can dance together.
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

December 26, 2018
Dear Terry, SANTA CAME SANTA CAME!! Me and Fred got the best gift EVER. Better than biscuits with frosting and sprinkles! We got COW NOSES from a butcher shop! I've never had one but they smelled good and smokey! How did Santa know I would like a cow nose so much!! I drooled and drooled all over it and carried it around until I found just the right spot for it. Mom says we will get the biscuits with the sprinkles and frosting today. Mom had to hold on to them because Fred and I ran around so much he threw up. We were really tearing through the house.
Mom said Santa told her I was the MIP on his route this year! Mom said that means Most Improved Puppy!! Mom put antlers on my head so everyone would know I was the MIP!
Terry, it's Fred. I think Santa meant he was the biggest DIP on his route this year! Woof! I can't believe I got a MOOZLE!! Those are my most favorest treats of all time!! These were homemade by Santa's very own butcher! Mom said so. One time, me and Mom were in the store and I took one out of a bin. I had to show it to the cashier lady. This was the BEST Christmas EVER! And we still have our biscuits with frosting and sprinkles to get tonight!
Barks, Wags, Hugs and Howls,
FredDog & Leroy
Dear Terry, SANTA CAME SANTA CAME!! Me and Fred got the best gift EVER. Better than biscuits with frosting and sprinkles! We got COW NOSES from a butcher shop! I've never had one but they smelled good and smokey! How did Santa know I would like a cow nose so much!! I drooled and drooled all over it and carried it around until I found just the right spot for it. Mom says we will get the biscuits with the sprinkles and frosting today. Mom had to hold on to them because Fred and I ran around so much he threw up. We were really tearing through the house.
Mom said Santa told her I was the MIP on his route this year! Mom said that means Most Improved Puppy!! Mom put antlers on my head so everyone would know I was the MIP!
Terry, it's Fred. I think Santa meant he was the biggest DIP on his route this year! Woof! I can't believe I got a MOOZLE!! Those are my most favorest treats of all time!! These were homemade by Santa's very own butcher! Mom said so. One time, me and Mom were in the store and I took one out of a bin. I had to show it to the cashier lady. This was the BEST Christmas EVER! And we still have our biscuits with frosting and sprinkles to get tonight!
Barks, Wags, Hugs and Howls,
FredDog & Leroy
December 24, 2018
Dear Terry! Little Leroy has no idea how exciting tomorrow will be! Biscuits galore! Food galore! Presents! It's going to be a great day! Christmas!!
Leroy, here! Fred has me all excited for I don't know what! But if Fred's excited than I'm excited! Guess what Mom showed me? She took out a special box. I helped. She told me that I need to be good because it was a Breakable. She took out a big polar bear snow globe! I've never seen one! She made it snow inside it and I couldn't stop watching. It got even better, it started to play MUSIC! I couldn't stop listening!! I love music. I pawed at Mom to make it play again and again. It was the nearest thing I've ever seen and heard in my life! AWOOO AWOOOO!
Barks & wags, hugs & howls,
FredDog and Leroy
Dear Terry! Little Leroy has no idea how exciting tomorrow will be! Biscuits galore! Food galore! Presents! It's going to be a great day! Christmas!!
Leroy, here! Fred has me all excited for I don't know what! But if Fred's excited than I'm excited! Guess what Mom showed me? She took out a special box. I helped. She told me that I need to be good because it was a Breakable. She took out a big polar bear snow globe! I've never seen one! She made it snow inside it and I couldn't stop watching. It got even better, it started to play MUSIC! I couldn't stop listening!! I love music. I pawed at Mom to make it play again and again. It was the nearest thing I've ever seen and heard in my life! AWOOO AWOOOO!
Barks & wags, hugs & howls,
FredDog and Leroy
December 19, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom says Santa might bring me something extra this year because I helped so much with Little Leroy. I wonder what it could be! Leroy was only a little pup last year at this time so he had no idea about Santa or Christmas. I don't think he had very good people to take care of him back then. That was before we adopted him. Mom says he's on the Good List this year with me since he conquered house training. Mom says it wipes out the bad stuff he did but didn't know it was bad. Like the light bulb. Eating the couch. Ripping the drapes down. Tearing up the blankets. Biting my tail. Chasing Petey. Mom and Dad had to undo a lot of bad stuff to get to the real Leroy. Mom told Santa he earned the title of "Good Dog" this year. I thought I was The Good Dog?? Mom said, No my Fred, you are a GREAT Dog. One day maybe Leroy will be as great as you! Then she had to chase him off the kitchen table! Dad is making cookies again today. Me, Leroy and Petey can't wait to catch the batter!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom says Santa might bring me something extra this year because I helped so much with Little Leroy. I wonder what it could be! Leroy was only a little pup last year at this time so he had no idea about Santa or Christmas. I don't think he had very good people to take care of him back then. That was before we adopted him. Mom says he's on the Good List this year with me since he conquered house training. Mom says it wipes out the bad stuff he did but didn't know it was bad. Like the light bulb. Eating the couch. Ripping the drapes down. Tearing up the blankets. Biting my tail. Chasing Petey. Mom and Dad had to undo a lot of bad stuff to get to the real Leroy. Mom told Santa he earned the title of "Good Dog" this year. I thought I was The Good Dog?? Mom said, No my Fred, you are a GREAT Dog. One day maybe Leroy will be as great as you! Then she had to chase him off the kitchen table! Dad is making cookies again today. Me, Leroy and Petey can't wait to catch the batter!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
December 13, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me, Leroy! Something awful happened but The Folks fixed it! My new friends were out in the yard. Everything was fine until Mom came home! Dad let me out on the porch. I was talking to my friends and all of a sudden they started to MELT!!! Right before my EYES!!! OH MY GOSH!!! MOMOMOOOOOMMMMMM!!!! AWOOOO AWHOOOO! MY FRIENDS!!! The Folks were right there to help. Mom said, Don't worry!! They're coming back! Dad said, Hurry Mom! AWOOO AWOOOO! Mom!!!! I couldn't bear it, My FRIENDS!!! I couldn't look, but Dad said, It's ok now, Leroy, they're back! I looked, oh my GOSH! MR GRINCH! MAX! They were ok!!!!! AWOOOO!!! Fred said, Oh brother! And he went back inside.
That was SCARY!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, It's me, Leroy! Something awful happened but The Folks fixed it! My new friends were out in the yard. Everything was fine until Mom came home! Dad let me out on the porch. I was talking to my friends and all of a sudden they started to MELT!!! Right before my EYES!!! OH MY GOSH!!! MOMOMOOOOOMMMMMM!!!! AWOOOO AWHOOOO! MY FRIENDS!!! The Folks were right there to help. Mom said, Don't worry!! They're coming back! Dad said, Hurry Mom! AWOOO AWOOOO! Mom!!!! I couldn't bear it, My FRIENDS!!! I couldn't look, but Dad said, It's ok now, Leroy, they're back! I looked, oh my GOSH! MR GRINCH! MAX! They were ok!!!!! AWOOOO!!! Fred said, Oh brother! And he went back inside.
That was SCARY!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
December 12, 2018
Dear Terry, Fred's being mean to me. He hogged the couch last night. Sat on my blanket. Chewed on my tennis ball. Took my squeaker toy. He got more treats than me. He barked in my face when I wanted to sit with Dad. This morning he peed in all the good spots in the run first. Then he wanted my treat for doing a good boy pee outside! AWOOO AWOOO. Mom told me to pipe down. Leroy Brown! Then I knocked down one of the gates and the next thing I know, Mom had scooped me up and said softly in my ear, calm down Leroy Brown. She hugged me and gave me a big smooch on my head. Everything was OK again! She even put me down on MY blanket!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, Fred's being mean to me. He hogged the couch last night. Sat on my blanket. Chewed on my tennis ball. Took my squeaker toy. He got more treats than me. He barked in my face when I wanted to sit with Dad. This morning he peed in all the good spots in the run first. Then he wanted my treat for doing a good boy pee outside! AWOOO AWOOO. Mom told me to pipe down. Leroy Brown! Then I knocked down one of the gates and the next thing I know, Mom had scooped me up and said softly in my ear, calm down Leroy Brown. She hugged me and gave me a big smooch on my head. Everything was OK again! She even put me down on MY blanket!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
December 11, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy here again! I forgot to tell you about my new gear! Mom bought me a harness. It has straps and everything! Mom didn't know I already knew how they worked. When I put my head up she zipped it right on my head and snap snap I was buckled in and ready to go. It even has a handle on my back! Dad says it looks like I'm a suitcase! Fred can lift my front end up with it. He's not supposed to. Mom says it has rear wheel drive because the leash hooks onto the back. That confused us at first but we got the hang of it in no time! Mom took a picture of me so you can see how spiffy I look! It's a little crooked because she wasn't done adjusting the straps. Fred was mad because Mom walked me by myself around the yard to see how I would do. Mom was very surprised I knew how to walk like a good boy in the harness. She didn't even need to give me treats or show me how to walk. We strolled along! Dad was watching too to see how I did. He gave me an A+! Fred says I need all the A+'s I can get so that Santa brings me special biscuits. Fred says the biscuits have frosting and sprinkles on them!! Frosting AND sprinkles! Have you ever heard of such a thing!!??
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, Leroy here again! I forgot to tell you about my new gear! Mom bought me a harness. It has straps and everything! Mom didn't know I already knew how they worked. When I put my head up she zipped it right on my head and snap snap I was buckled in and ready to go. It even has a handle on my back! Dad says it looks like I'm a suitcase! Fred can lift my front end up with it. He's not supposed to. Mom says it has rear wheel drive because the leash hooks onto the back. That confused us at first but we got the hang of it in no time! Mom took a picture of me so you can see how spiffy I look! It's a little crooked because she wasn't done adjusting the straps. Fred was mad because Mom walked me by myself around the yard to see how I would do. Mom was very surprised I knew how to walk like a good boy in the harness. She didn't even need to give me treats or show me how to walk. We strolled along! Dad was watching too to see how I did. He gave me an A+! Fred says I need all the A+'s I can get so that Santa brings me special biscuits. Fred says the biscuits have frosting and sprinkles on them!! Frosting AND sprinkles! Have you ever heard of such a thing!!??
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
December 10, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me, Leroy! Fred has a bum eye!! When he came back from the Vet, Mom told us all about it. Oh no! Fred! I tried to look in his eye but he grumbled at me. Maybe he can wear glasses like Dad! Mom said no, he's not wearing glasses. Oh. Does he have to wear a patch like a pirate!? Mom said, no pirates. Oh. Maybe I could be his eyes! Mom said I was already! I walk next to Fred all the time. Mom said if I keep that up, Fred would always know where to go. I do that mostly outside because he stumbles. I bet Mom can teach me stuff to help Freddie. He's my pal. He taught me how to take care of Dad. I like being useful. I told my new friends about it. They didn't have much to say but I could tell they thought helping Fred was a good idea!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, It's me, Leroy! Fred has a bum eye!! When he came back from the Vet, Mom told us all about it. Oh no! Fred! I tried to look in his eye but he grumbled at me. Maybe he can wear glasses like Dad! Mom said no, he's not wearing glasses. Oh. Does he have to wear a patch like a pirate!? Mom said, no pirates. Oh. Maybe I could be his eyes! Mom said I was already! I walk next to Fred all the time. Mom said if I keep that up, Fred would always know where to go. I do that mostly outside because he stumbles. I bet Mom can teach me stuff to help Freddie. He's my pal. He taught me how to take care of Dad. I like being useful. I told my new friends about it. They didn't have much to say but I could tell they thought helping Fred was a good idea!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
December 10, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom's pretty worried about me. My right leg really hurts. We went to the Vet. Bleh. I have the Artritis in my whole leg. The Vet said I have to take medicine but that it would make me feel better. I hope so. But I guess I have a bum eye. It doesn't work. Guess that's why Petey and Leroy scare me sometimes. I can't see them. I thought they were being mean and playing tricks on me. Here, it's my eye! My other eye kind of works though. There's no fixing my eyes and that made Mom sad. I told her don't worry! I can still get around just fine!! I can too. And I would know Mom and Dad's voices no matter what. Mom was still sad though. When we got home I was pretty tired so I laid down with Dad. He got me all snuggled in the blankets. He told me that even if I was all the way blind, we would still love you. I wish Mom wasn't so sad.
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
Dear Terry, Mom's pretty worried about me. My right leg really hurts. We went to the Vet. Bleh. I have the Artritis in my whole leg. The Vet said I have to take medicine but that it would make me feel better. I hope so. But I guess I have a bum eye. It doesn't work. Guess that's why Petey and Leroy scare me sometimes. I can't see them. I thought they were being mean and playing tricks on me. Here, it's my eye! My other eye kind of works though. There's no fixing my eyes and that made Mom sad. I told her don't worry! I can still get around just fine!! I can too. And I would know Mom and Dad's voices no matter what. Mom was still sad though. When we got home I was pretty tired so I laid down with Dad. He got me all snuggled in the blankets. He told me that even if I was all the way blind, we would still love you. I wish Mom wasn't so sad.
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
December 8, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me, Leroy! I have some new friends! Well, I did have some new friends but they left this morning. Last night Mom was out on porch doing something. When me and Fred went outside, there they were! Right in the front yard next to the porch! We said hello to them right away. Mom introduced The Green Man and his brown dog to us. Mister Grinch and Max. Max looks like Fred. Fred went back inside but I stayed out to talk to my new friends. They don't say much but they listened to me pretty good. This morning I got up early and rang and rang my bell to go outside. I ran right over to my friends! They were right where I left them last night! I told them both good morning. Mom made me go back inside. When we went back out later on, I ran right away to see them. But they were GONE. They didn't even say good bye! I laid down and put my head down. I can't believe they left! Mom scooped me up and said, Don't worry Little Leroy! They'll come back tonight, I promise! I hope so! Dad said they would come back too so it must be true!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, It's me, Leroy! I have some new friends! Well, I did have some new friends but they left this morning. Last night Mom was out on porch doing something. When me and Fred went outside, there they were! Right in the front yard next to the porch! We said hello to them right away. Mom introduced The Green Man and his brown dog to us. Mister Grinch and Max. Max looks like Fred. Fred went back inside but I stayed out to talk to my new friends. They don't say much but they listened to me pretty good. This morning I got up early and rang and rang my bell to go outside. I ran right over to my friends! They were right where I left them last night! I told them both good morning. Mom made me go back inside. When we went back out later on, I ran right away to see them. But they were GONE. They didn't even say good bye! I laid down and put my head down. I can't believe they left! Mom scooped me up and said, Don't worry Little Leroy! They'll come back tonight, I promise! I hope so! Dad said they would come back too so it must be true!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
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Leroy's new friends |
December 4, 2018
Dear Terry, guess what we did Sunday? We watched Mom & Dad put up even more lights out front! Me and Leroy had front row seats at the door and windows. Mom was going up and down on the ladders! Dad said don't worry I'll catch her if she falls! I had my doubts about that but he seemed pretty sure. Leroy said, Fred I bet I could climb that ladder. I said I bet you can get in trouble too. Even Petey watched from the window with us. After the lights were all hung, Mom took me and Leroy out to our run. Pretty soon it was dark! Mom said, OK let's light up the house! Mom let us out on the porch to see. Oooo. It was all blue twinkling lights! Even overhead! I told Mom how great it was and we went back inside. Where was Leroy? Mom found him staring up at the twinkling lights. Mouth hanging up, staring. He was sitting on his bench taking it all in. He did move to Mom's lap. She told him all about Christmas. The good list, the naughty list. The Big Star in the sky. They stayed out there until he fell asleep. I think he likes it here.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, guess what we did Sunday? We watched Mom & Dad put up even more lights out front! Me and Leroy had front row seats at the door and windows. Mom was going up and down on the ladders! Dad said don't worry I'll catch her if she falls! I had my doubts about that but he seemed pretty sure. Leroy said, Fred I bet I could climb that ladder. I said I bet you can get in trouble too. Even Petey watched from the window with us. After the lights were all hung, Mom took me and Leroy out to our run. Pretty soon it was dark! Mom said, OK let's light up the house! Mom let us out on the porch to see. Oooo. It was all blue twinkling lights! Even overhead! I told Mom how great it was and we went back inside. Where was Leroy? Mom found him staring up at the twinkling lights. Mouth hanging up, staring. He was sitting on his bench taking it all in. He did move to Mom's lap. She told him all about Christmas. The good list, the naughty list. The Big Star in the sky. They stayed out there until he fell asleep. I think he likes it here.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
November 30, 2018
Dear Terry. It's me Leroy. Mom had a terrible day yesterday. Fred said her black cloud is back. The jeep broke and she had to have it towed all the way home from work. She didn't kick it this time. The next part is all my fault. Mom was setting up a new game for Dad. Me and Dad were sitting right next to her. I was bored so I got up to find something to do. I started playing with the fabric on the back of the chair and Mom tried to stand up to shoo me away. But she FELL DOWN!! Her knee wasn't working!! OH MOM! Dad couldn't believe it! I ran right to her to see if she was OK, it was all my fault!! I should have been good like Fred. I licked her face real good. I was frantic. She sat back up and I jumped all over her trying to make everything ok again. She gave me a big hug and told me everything was ok and not to worry. Fred snapped at me, Dad tried to shoo me away. Mom hugged me tighter and said, Don't worry Little Leroy, it really is OK. I hope so. Fred told me if I ever break Mom, I'm going to be in BIG trouble with him. I tried super hard to be good the rest of the night. Everything was back to normal this morning. Mom was walking and everything!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry. It's me Leroy. Mom had a terrible day yesterday. Fred said her black cloud is back. The jeep broke and she had to have it towed all the way home from work. She didn't kick it this time. The next part is all my fault. Mom was setting up a new game for Dad. Me and Dad were sitting right next to her. I was bored so I got up to find something to do. I started playing with the fabric on the back of the chair and Mom tried to stand up to shoo me away. But she FELL DOWN!! Her knee wasn't working!! OH MOM! Dad couldn't believe it! I ran right to her to see if she was OK, it was all my fault!! I should have been good like Fred. I licked her face real good. I was frantic. She sat back up and I jumped all over her trying to make everything ok again. She gave me a big hug and told me everything was ok and not to worry. Fred snapped at me, Dad tried to shoo me away. Mom hugged me tighter and said, Don't worry Little Leroy, it really is OK. I hope so. Fred told me if I ever break Mom, I'm going to be in BIG trouble with him. I tried super hard to be good the rest of the night. Everything was back to normal this morning. Mom was walking and everything!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
November 27, 2018
Dear Terry,
Guess what! It snowed! It started last night. Leroy spotted it before me and rang the bell to go outside. He said, Come on Fred, SNOW! Mom has blue Christmas lights all around the porch. Oh it looked so neat with the snow coming down! We went inside when we were covered in snow. Leroy kept ringing the bell to go back out. He would sit there and put his head up and watch the snow come down and catch the flakes. This morning, Mom took us out in the run to play in the snow. She made us snowballs!! Leroy was all confused. Mom would show him the snowball and he would get so excited. Then, she would throw it and it would fall apart in the air over our heads and he would still be looking for the ball. Mom laughed and laughed! I ran around barking it was so much fun! When we got inside we fell asleep even before Mom left for work. Dad tucked us both under blankets.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry,
Guess what! It snowed! It started last night. Leroy spotted it before me and rang the bell to go outside. He said, Come on Fred, SNOW! Mom has blue Christmas lights all around the porch. Oh it looked so neat with the snow coming down! We went inside when we were covered in snow. Leroy kept ringing the bell to go back out. He would sit there and put his head up and watch the snow come down and catch the flakes. This morning, Mom took us out in the run to play in the snow. She made us snowballs!! Leroy was all confused. Mom would show him the snowball and he would get so excited. Then, she would throw it and it would fall apart in the air over our heads and he would still be looking for the ball. Mom laughed and laughed! I ran around barking it was so much fun! When we got inside we fell asleep even before Mom left for work. Dad tucked us both under blankets.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
November 23, 2018
Dear Terry, Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Me, Leroy, the cats and chickens, oh and Dad too, had lots to eat! Leroy had no idea about Thanksgiving so I had to tell him that the place to be was the kitchen at all times. Especially if Dad was in there because he gives out free food! You don't have to sit at all on holidays for food! But Leroy was bored. So he started to work on taking out all Mom's cookbooks. Oh boy. He did help make the pumpkin pie. And when Mom took out the shrimp ring, he flew back into the kitchen and skidded to a stop at Mom's feet. Mom said shrimp are only for good dogs and he was crushed, he thought he was going to get skipped over. Luckily I know Mom's holiday rule, all dogs are good dogs on holidays! He perked right up then! Finally, it was time for the big dinner, but wait where's Leroy?? We all looked for him and he was sound asleep on the couch, snoring away! We let him sleep. Mom and Dad both gave me table scraps and we saved some for Leroy too! Yummy!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Me, Leroy, the cats and chickens, oh and Dad too, had lots to eat! Leroy had no idea about Thanksgiving so I had to tell him that the place to be was the kitchen at all times. Especially if Dad was in there because he gives out free food! You don't have to sit at all on holidays for food! But Leroy was bored. So he started to work on taking out all Mom's cookbooks. Oh boy. He did help make the pumpkin pie. And when Mom took out the shrimp ring, he flew back into the kitchen and skidded to a stop at Mom's feet. Mom said shrimp are only for good dogs and he was crushed, he thought he was going to get skipped over. Luckily I know Mom's holiday rule, all dogs are good dogs on holidays! He perked right up then! Finally, it was time for the big dinner, but wait where's Leroy?? We all looked for him and he was sound asleep on the couch, snoring away! We let him sleep. Mom and Dad both gave me table scraps and we saved some for Leroy too! Yummy!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
November 18, 2018
Dear Terry, DAD'S HOME DAD'S HOME DAD'S HOME!!! And about time too! He was gone FOREVER. I kept telling Leroy he was coming home. But Little Leroy didn't believe me. He was very sad without Dad here. He was so excited to see Dad, he peed on the carpet. OH LEROY! Mom cleaned it right up. No one could be mad because he was dancing all around Dad. I couldnt even get close to Dad to say HI DAD! So I barked a whole lot. Dad was very tired and shaky. All he wanted to do was sit down and watch TV. We hurried up and quieted down. Mom gave Leroy a chew stick so he could calm down. Leroy needs Dad just as much as Dad needs Leroy. Dad needs me too but I am trying to teach Leroy all I know about taking care of Dad. Leroy finally fell asleep at Dad's feet. I'm on the couch keeping on eye on everything. Sometimes I doze off. Mom says that's OK, I've earned more than a few naps. YAWNNNNNNN!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, DAD'S HOME DAD'S HOME DAD'S HOME!!! And about time too! He was gone FOREVER. I kept telling Leroy he was coming home. But Little Leroy didn't believe me. He was very sad without Dad here. He was so excited to see Dad, he peed on the carpet. OH LEROY! Mom cleaned it right up. No one could be mad because he was dancing all around Dad. I couldnt even get close to Dad to say HI DAD! So I barked a whole lot. Dad was very tired and shaky. All he wanted to do was sit down and watch TV. We hurried up and quieted down. Mom gave Leroy a chew stick so he could calm down. Leroy needs Dad just as much as Dad needs Leroy. Dad needs me too but I am trying to teach Leroy all I know about taking care of Dad. Leroy finally fell asleep at Dad's feet. I'm on the couch keeping on eye on everything. Sometimes I doze off. Mom says that's OK, I've earned more than a few naps. YAWNNNNNNN!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
November 16, 2018
Dear Terry, We had a scary. The power went out last night! I growled when it happened. Mom was already awake. She hurried up and got a flashlight! We peeked out the windows to see if we could see anything like a tree or wire down. We didn't see anything. Leroy was looking out the front window but he didn't see anything either. Mom put lots of blankets on Dad. In the morning still no power! Oh no! Mom had to go to work. She made sure we all had blankets to snuggle into while she was gone. Then Dad left too!! Oh no! He was going on a trip with his family to eat turkey! When Mom came home the power came back on! Woof! Everything is good and warm again!
Hope you are nice and warm too!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, We had a scary. The power went out last night! I growled when it happened. Mom was already awake. She hurried up and got a flashlight! We peeked out the windows to see if we could see anything like a tree or wire down. We didn't see anything. Leroy was looking out the front window but he didn't see anything either. Mom put lots of blankets on Dad. In the morning still no power! Oh no! Mom had to go to work. She made sure we all had blankets to snuggle into while she was gone. Then Dad left too!! Oh no! He was going on a trip with his family to eat turkey! When Mom came home the power came back on! Woof! Everything is good and warm again!
Hope you are nice and warm too!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
November 15, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy! Guess what?! Mom said I've been doing really good with the Tinkle Turf and that deserved some recognition! I think that means I win a prize because you know what The Folks gave me??? A brand new, never used by Fred, tug tug toy! I tugged and tugged then ran all around. I showed Petey and I showed Fred. Penny cat even saw I had a new toy! What a great day!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy! Guess what?! Mom said I've been doing really good with the Tinkle Turf and that deserved some recognition! I think that means I win a prize because you know what The Folks gave me??? A brand new, never used by Fred, tug tug toy! I tugged and tugged then ran all around. I showed Petey and I showed Fred. Penny cat even saw I had a new toy! What a great day!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy
November 9, 2018
Dear Terry, Guess what?! It was snowing this morning! I was all excited about it and let everyone in the house know it was snowing. But then I went outside with Leroy and that all stopped. It was COLD. I can't do the cold anymore. I did show Leroy how to catch snowflakes on his tongue. He threw his head back, mouth open, tongue hanging out, eyes closed. I just stick my tongue out. His approach is a little different! I wonder about him sometimes. I've shown him how to sit in Dad's lap nice and quiet. Instead, he climbs up and lays down across the top back of the recliner and drapes himself over Dad's shoulders. Dad doesn't seem to mind and I still can sit in his lap. Dad says different is just the way Leroy is that's all. And what matters is that he found his own way to help me out. He is a pretty good Ding Bat.
Terry! It's Leroy! I can catch snowflakes!! Fred showed me how! If you wanted to catch bunches at a time, throw your head back, close your eyes and stick your tongue out! You have to close your eyes so the snow doesn't go in them instead of your mouth. But they can go in your nose and you'll snow sneeze! I'm so glad Fred showed me how to catch them! He's my pal!
Barks, Wags, Howls & Hugs,
FredDog & Leroy
Dear Terry, Guess what?! It was snowing this morning! I was all excited about it and let everyone in the house know it was snowing. But then I went outside with Leroy and that all stopped. It was COLD. I can't do the cold anymore. I did show Leroy how to catch snowflakes on his tongue. He threw his head back, mouth open, tongue hanging out, eyes closed. I just stick my tongue out. His approach is a little different! I wonder about him sometimes. I've shown him how to sit in Dad's lap nice and quiet. Instead, he climbs up and lays down across the top back of the recliner and drapes himself over Dad's shoulders. Dad doesn't seem to mind and I still can sit in his lap. Dad says different is just the way Leroy is that's all. And what matters is that he found his own way to help me out. He is a pretty good Ding Bat.
Terry! It's Leroy! I can catch snowflakes!! Fred showed me how! If you wanted to catch bunches at a time, throw your head back, close your eyes and stick your tongue out! You have to close your eyes so the snow doesn't go in them instead of your mouth. But they can go in your nose and you'll snow sneeze! I'm so glad Fred showed me how to catch them! He's my pal!
Barks, Wags, Howls & Hugs,
FredDog & Leroy
November 7, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me Leroy! Guess what was delivered to the house yesterday?! A big box for me! I can't read but it had a dog on the side! Mom said Oh Leroy! It's your Tinkle Turf! Dad said OH BOY!! I had no idea what that could be but it was for ME! I helped Mom open the box. Mom said it's to help with my accidents. Looks like a piece of the yard grass but here it was inside! Then Mom did something strange. She took us out to pee in a cup! And then she put a little bit on the Tinkle Turf. I was confused. I'm not supposed to go in the house but I have accidents. But when I stepped on the grass I got a treat from Mom! Hmmm. I wasn't sure about this. I thought about this new thing all night long. Today, Dad fell asleep and I couldn't go outside so I peed on it. When Dad woke up he noticed and he called me Good Boy!! Whew! When Mom got home I helped her clean it up and she kept saying what a Good Boy I was. Then I pooped on it and we had a PARTY!! I got treats and Mom scooped me up and hugged me! Dad was clapping and laughing! Treats for all! I did something right!!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, It's me Leroy! Guess what was delivered to the house yesterday?! A big box for me! I can't read but it had a dog on the side! Mom said Oh Leroy! It's your Tinkle Turf! Dad said OH BOY!! I had no idea what that could be but it was for ME! I helped Mom open the box. Mom said it's to help with my accidents. Looks like a piece of the yard grass but here it was inside! Then Mom did something strange. She took us out to pee in a cup! And then she put a little bit on the Tinkle Turf. I was confused. I'm not supposed to go in the house but I have accidents. But when I stepped on the grass I got a treat from Mom! Hmmm. I wasn't sure about this. I thought about this new thing all night long. Today, Dad fell asleep and I couldn't go outside so I peed on it. When Dad woke up he noticed and he called me Good Boy!! Whew! When Mom got home I helped her clean it up and she kept saying what a Good Boy I was. Then I pooped on it and we had a PARTY!! I got treats and Mom scooped me up and hugged me! Dad was clapping and laughing! Treats for all! I did something right!!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, Mom says make sure you vote today! Leroy and I were watching all the cars go by on the road this morning. They were going to vote. Did you know Dad volunteered to help out at the polls? He's going later on today. Mom already voted. We had to get her ready to leave early this morning so she could still make it to work on time. I didn't want to go out in the rain but Mom went with me. Mom got out the big book of dog tricks you gave us. Leroy is going to learn something! I wish he would learn to always poop outside. Mom says that's a whole 'nother book. But he's good at helping Dad. That's super important. Me and Leroy voted too! We voted for more candy corn!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Barks and Wags, FredDog
November 1, 2018
Dear Terry, Yesterday was Halloween! Fred says that he doesn't like Halloween because it's scary. He said kids dress up in scary scary costumes and run and scream. I said it sounds like my kind of a holiday! We didn't get any trick or treaters. It was raining. Me and Dad were disappointed but then Mom came home from work!! Dad was a blabbermouth. He told Mom how I got on the kitchen table and ate a peanut butter cup. Mom's been hiding them away but Dad left one out for a snack. I was sure he meant it as a snack for me but I was wrong. Dad was pretty upset. He said candy can make me very sick. Oh but it tasted so good! It was only a little mini one and I didn't get sick. And I left the wrapper for Dad. Fred said too bad no one makes a Ding Bat costume. Woof!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy Brown
Dear Terry, Yesterday was Halloween! Fred says that he doesn't like Halloween because it's scary. He said kids dress up in scary scary costumes and run and scream. I said it sounds like my kind of a holiday! We didn't get any trick or treaters. It was raining. Me and Dad were disappointed but then Mom came home from work!! Dad was a blabbermouth. He told Mom how I got on the kitchen table and ate a peanut butter cup. Mom's been hiding them away but Dad left one out for a snack. I was sure he meant it as a snack for me but I was wrong. Dad was pretty upset. He said candy can make me very sick. Oh but it tasted so good! It was only a little mini one and I didn't get sick. And I left the wrapper for Dad. Fred said too bad no one makes a Ding Bat costume. Woof!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy Brown
October 25, 2018
Dear Terry, Last night me and Mom heard a sound in the house. Everyone was sleeping. She said, Fred what is that? I could hear it. Gurgle gurgle. Whistle whistle. It was LOUD. How could Dad and Petey not hear that? Me and Mom couldn't sleep. Finally, Mom got up to check. Maybe it was the furnace or something. It was or something! LEROY! He was hanging upside down off the sofa, SNORING. I watched, Mom carefully lifted him all the way back onto the sofa and tucked him in. She even put some of the blanket under his head to make a pillow for him. He never woke up! But that crazy snoring stopped! He snores all the time. Mom says he can't help it. I will have to tell him about it for sure!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Last night me and Mom heard a sound in the house. Everyone was sleeping. She said, Fred what is that? I could hear it. Gurgle gurgle. Whistle whistle. It was LOUD. How could Dad and Petey not hear that? Me and Mom couldn't sleep. Finally, Mom got up to check. Maybe it was the furnace or something. It was or something! LEROY! He was hanging upside down off the sofa, SNORING. I watched, Mom carefully lifted him all the way back onto the sofa and tucked him in. She even put some of the blanket under his head to make a pillow for him. He never woke up! But that crazy snoring stopped! He snores all the time. Mom says he can't help it. I will have to tell him about it for sure!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 22, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me Leroy. Mom says we had a close call but I saved the day! First, Mom says me and her weren't hurt. Mom took me out in the dark to my run. Everything was strangely quiet. THEN the night screamed. That's just what it sounded like. THEN I smelled them. Coyotes. A big pack right across the street. They were singing and howling and screaming. I ran right at them as far as I could. The fence stopped me. Mom had her flashlight. I was snarling and howling and barking with every ounce I had! There were a lot of them. They were so loud but I was louder. Then SILENCE. They thought they could fool me. Jerks, I'm a BEAGLE. I could smell their every move. They tried to be sneaky and cross the road into our backyard. I went CRAZY, AWHOOO AWOOOO. I was so loud it echoed. Mom looked with her flashlight but they were gone. Mom gave me Big Boy pets on my side telling me what a great hound dog I am! Then we checked on the chickens and Mom used the flashlight to check the backyard. All was quiet. We made it safe inside to tell Dad and Fred all about it!
Hugs & Howls, a great hound dog ( mom said so!) Leroy
Dear Terry, It's me Leroy. Mom says we had a close call but I saved the day! First, Mom says me and her weren't hurt. Mom took me out in the dark to my run. Everything was strangely quiet. THEN the night screamed. That's just what it sounded like. THEN I smelled them. Coyotes. A big pack right across the street. They were singing and howling and screaming. I ran right at them as far as I could. The fence stopped me. Mom had her flashlight. I was snarling and howling and barking with every ounce I had! There were a lot of them. They were so loud but I was louder. Then SILENCE. They thought they could fool me. Jerks, I'm a BEAGLE. I could smell their every move. They tried to be sneaky and cross the road into our backyard. I went CRAZY, AWHOOO AWOOOO. I was so loud it echoed. Mom looked with her flashlight but they were gone. Mom gave me Big Boy pets on my side telling me what a great hound dog I am! Then we checked on the chickens and Mom used the flashlight to check the backyard. All was quiet. We made it safe inside to tell Dad and Fred all about it!
Hugs & Howls, a great hound dog ( mom said so!) Leroy
October 20, 2018
Dear Terry,
I'm sorry you had a big sadness in your house. Mom says it's never easy to lose a Pet Pal. Petey gave us a big scare. But he's home now where he should be, just like your Lefty is! Me and Leroy aren't allowed to see him yet. He's recuperating. Mom says that means he's tired and still not feeling too good yet. Mom and Dad both have been spending lots of time with him today. They missed him a lot. When I don't feel good, Mom or Dad wraps me up in my favorite blanket and we watch TV together. Petey like blankets too. I bet Mom has him all wrapped up! Tomorrow is cookie day! We like cookies!
Barks and Wags and extra hugs, FredDog
Dear Terry,
I'm sorry you had a big sadness in your house. Mom says it's never easy to lose a Pet Pal. Petey gave us a big scare. But he's home now where he should be, just like your Lefty is! Me and Leroy aren't allowed to see him yet. He's recuperating. Mom says that means he's tired and still not feeling too good yet. Mom and Dad both have been spending lots of time with him today. They missed him a lot. When I don't feel good, Mom or Dad wraps me up in my favorite blanket and we watch TV together. Petey like blankets too. I bet Mom has him all wrapped up! Tomorrow is cookie day! We like cookies!
Barks and Wags and extra hugs, FredDog
October 17, 2018
Dear Terry, Little Leroy is sleeping. I just woke up. Mom had us out for lots of play time last night. Past our bedtime!! In the dark!! We were out so long that Dad came out to make sure we were ok! He said what's going on out here?! We barked and ran all around to show him what we had been doing! This morning we were outside and it was super windy. So windy that our ears were blowing straight up! Not Mom's ears, she doesn't have flappy ears. Leroy looked like he was going to fly away with his big ears blowing all around! We didn't want to go back inside. You should have smelled the smells! Lots of geese flying over too. We barked at them, they honked at us. Dad tucked us both in under our blankets when we finally went inside. Mom is working on a new blanket. Dad says it will be for him. We have other ideas about that!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Little Leroy is sleeping. I just woke up. Mom had us out for lots of play time last night. Past our bedtime!! In the dark!! We were out so long that Dad came out to make sure we were ok! He said what's going on out here?! We barked and ran all around to show him what we had been doing! This morning we were outside and it was super windy. So windy that our ears were blowing straight up! Not Mom's ears, she doesn't have flappy ears. Leroy looked like he was going to fly away with his big ears blowing all around! We didn't want to go back inside. You should have smelled the smells! Lots of geese flying over too. We barked at them, they honked at us. Dad tucked us both in under our blankets when we finally went inside. Mom is working on a new blanket. Dad says it will be for him. We have other ideas about that!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
October 15, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy again! Guess what?! Mom let me help make dinner! My job was to sit and make sure the floor stayed clean! First, we had to get stuff out of the fridge. You can see in the picture how I was trying to help! Mom said I wasn't allowed to carry anything though. Oh! Almost forgot! Earlier, Dad made popcorn in the popcorn machine! He put too much in and the lid came off and it rained popcorn all over me and Fred! I've never had popcorn. Fred said it's better than Floor Corn. He was right! There was enough for both of us to share! It was everywhere! The Folks laughed and laughed! Mom said I was a good helper!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy.
Dear Terry, Leroy again! Guess what?! Mom let me help make dinner! My job was to sit and make sure the floor stayed clean! First, we had to get stuff out of the fridge. You can see in the picture how I was trying to help! Mom said I wasn't allowed to carry anything though. Oh! Almost forgot! Earlier, Dad made popcorn in the popcorn machine! He put too much in and the lid came off and it rained popcorn all over me and Fred! I've never had popcorn. Fred said it's better than Floor Corn. He was right! There was enough for both of us to share! It was everywhere! The Folks laughed and laughed! Mom said I was a good helper!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy.
October 14, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me! Leroy! Mom has been keeping me busy! Today we went back to the Nature Park. This time we stayed a long time. We walked up the big hill all the way to the top. We walked through mud and water and everything! You can't see a darn thing at the top because of all the trees.we even went off the trails. I was following a smell so Mom let me go off the path. Mom said we walked on almost every trail in the park. Mom was tired. I was too. We came home. Fred napped while we were gone and we played a good long time while Mom made dinner. I couldn't keep my eyes open. While everyone ate dinner, I rearranged my toys in my crate and fell asleep in my crate. Mom & Dad couldn't believe I did that. I went in all by myself too! The crate used to scare me. But since I came here, Mom & Dad have been working with me so that I'm not afraid. This was the first time ever I slept in there. I trust Mom. She would never shut the door on me. That's what I worry about. Everyone let me sleep. It was nice having my own spot!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy!
Dear Terry, It's me! Leroy! Mom has been keeping me busy! Today we went back to the Nature Park. This time we stayed a long time. We walked up the big hill all the way to the top. We walked through mud and water and everything! You can't see a darn thing at the top because of all the trees.we even went off the trails. I was following a smell so Mom let me go off the path. Mom said we walked on almost every trail in the park. Mom was tired. I was too. We came home. Fred napped while we were gone and we played a good long time while Mom made dinner. I couldn't keep my eyes open. While everyone ate dinner, I rearranged my toys in my crate and fell asleep in my crate. Mom & Dad couldn't believe I did that. I went in all by myself too! The crate used to scare me. But since I came here, Mom & Dad have been working with me so that I'm not afraid. This was the first time ever I slept in there. I trust Mom. She would never shut the door on me. That's what I worry about. Everyone let me sleep. It was nice having my own spot!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy!
October 9, 2018
Dear Terry, SHHHH it's Leroy. Guess what me and Mom are doing?? We're sitting on the front porch in the dark doing nothing! Well, Mom's not doing anything, I'm smelling the air and watching for critters. I go back n forth. I sit on her lap, then go check things out on the porch and back to sitting with Mom. Everyone else was asleep! We snuck outside real quiet so no one would wake up! We've been out a long time. No critters though. I'm pretty good at scaring them off. I did catch a big spider for Mom! She said ewwww! I think that means I did good!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, SHHHH it's Leroy. Guess what me and Mom are doing?? We're sitting on the front porch in the dark doing nothing! Well, Mom's not doing anything, I'm smelling the air and watching for critters. I go back n forth. I sit on her lap, then go check things out on the porch and back to sitting with Mom. Everyone else was asleep! We snuck outside real quiet so no one would wake up! We've been out a long time. No critters though. I'm pretty good at scaring them off. I did catch a big spider for Mom! She said ewwww! I think that means I did good!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy
October 7, 2018
Dear Terry, We spent the almost the whole entire day outside! Mom let me and Leroy out on the front porch. We watched the goings ons in the neighborhood. Sometimes we barked, sometimes we smelled smells, sometimes we snoozed. She kept checking on us but we were fine. We even had a big bowl of ice water! Finally, after I was too hot, Mom brought us inside to cool off. I love my porch! Mom cleaned a whole lot today. She said she got a lot done because we weren't under foot. Me and Leroy are pooped out! Mom added some good pictures of us below. What a great day!!
Dear Terry, We spent the almost the whole entire day outside! Mom let me and Leroy out on the front porch. We watched the goings ons in the neighborhood. Sometimes we barked, sometimes we smelled smells, sometimes we snoozed. She kept checking on us but we were fine. We even had a big bowl of ice water! Finally, after I was too hot, Mom brought us inside to cool off. I love my porch! Mom cleaned a whole lot today. She said she got a lot done because we weren't under foot. Me and Leroy are pooped out! Mom added some good pictures of us below. What a great day!!
October 5, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy is turning into a good watch dog. Sometimes I don't hear things. And sometimes I don't see things. He sleeps in living room at night. We all tell him to keep an eye on the house. He's kind of a ding bat sometimes. Not last night! The Pup did good! It was dark. We were all asleep. Even Petey. When all of a sudden AWOOO AWOOOOO GRRRRRRRR GRRR. Oh no Leroy! We all jumped out of bed! AWOOOOO AWOOO! GRRRR ! He was barking and growling and snarling so hard spit was flying all over the place. Me and Mom ran to him. He's pretty scary sounding and he's super super loud when he's worked up. Every time we think he can't get louder, he does! Mom didn't see anything outside. She thinks that the raccoon is back. Leroy isn't afraid of anything and especially not raccoons. He would hunt them to the ends of the earth if Mom let him. Mom gave him big good boy pets and a treat for doing such a good job alerting us. I was very proud of him! Mom tucked him in his favorite sheet on the chair and we all went back to sleep.
Barks and wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Leroy is turning into a good watch dog. Sometimes I don't hear things. And sometimes I don't see things. He sleeps in living room at night. We all tell him to keep an eye on the house. He's kind of a ding bat sometimes. Not last night! The Pup did good! It was dark. We were all asleep. Even Petey. When all of a sudden AWOOO AWOOOOO GRRRRRRRR GRRR. Oh no Leroy! We all jumped out of bed! AWOOOOO AWOOO! GRRRR ! He was barking and growling and snarling so hard spit was flying all over the place. Me and Mom ran to him. He's pretty scary sounding and he's super super loud when he's worked up. Every time we think he can't get louder, he does! Mom didn't see anything outside. She thinks that the raccoon is back. Leroy isn't afraid of anything and especially not raccoons. He would hunt them to the ends of the earth if Mom let him. Mom gave him big good boy pets and a treat for doing such a good job alerting us. I was very proud of him! Mom tucked him in his favorite sheet on the chair and we all went back to sleep.
Barks and wags, FredDog
September 28, 2018
Dear Terry, Guess what Mom did last night! She refilled my Ghost Candy Corn Dish! It's still out of my reach. I haven't been able to snitch or lick any so far this fall!! Mom could see I was excited about the candy corn. I love candy corn! She called Leroy over. We didn't even have to sit nice, Mom just gave us candy corn to snack on!! Leroy likes candy corn too. He said he thinks he can reach The Ghost Dish if I would let him stand on my back. I said that's a Bad Idea. I bet me and PeteyCat can work something out. He's allowed on the bookcase. Then Mom gave us more candy corn and we didn't need a plan!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what Mom did last night! She refilled my Ghost Candy Corn Dish! It's still out of my reach. I haven't been able to snitch or lick any so far this fall!! Mom could see I was excited about the candy corn. I love candy corn! She called Leroy over. We didn't even have to sit nice, Mom just gave us candy corn to snack on!! Leroy likes candy corn too. He said he thinks he can reach The Ghost Dish if I would let him stand on my back. I said that's a Bad Idea. I bet me and PeteyCat can work something out. He's allowed on the bookcase. Then Mom gave us more candy corn and we didn't need a plan!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 26, 2018
Dear Terry, what a day already! Dad got sick and was so upset he didn't even want me in his lap! It was very upsetting. Even Leroy was upset. Mom took us outside for a walk to help calm things down. We walked and played in the mud! Mom left me on the front porch like she always does. I like the quiet. I watch everyone go off to work. I watch the birdies too. Leroy gets extra play time because he's just a nut. He even got extra time this morning to stay outside with me. We sat on the bench together looking out over yard. He was quiet. Then he found his little bucket. Mom lets him have it on the front porch. He started throwing it around. Putting his head in it. Barking at it. Then he threw it and it hit Mom's new front door. Oh Boy. We both stood there. Mom came to the door and said LEROY BROWN! Mom looked at the door inside and outside. We stood there. She still had her hands on her hips. Not a good sign. She pointed at us and said, You're BOTH lucky! No Damage! Sometimes I get in trouble when Leroy gets in trouble. Leroy picked his bucket back up and stuck his head in it. Mom laughed and laughed! I barked, everything was ok again! When we got back inside Dad let me snuggle in with him. Mom knows I'll keep an eye on him.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. who knew a bucket could make so much noise!!! Howls & Hugs, Leroy!
Dear Terry, what a day already! Dad got sick and was so upset he didn't even want me in his lap! It was very upsetting. Even Leroy was upset. Mom took us outside for a walk to help calm things down. We walked and played in the mud! Mom left me on the front porch like she always does. I like the quiet. I watch everyone go off to work. I watch the birdies too. Leroy gets extra play time because he's just a nut. He even got extra time this morning to stay outside with me. We sat on the bench together looking out over yard. He was quiet. Then he found his little bucket. Mom lets him have it on the front porch. He started throwing it around. Putting his head in it. Barking at it. Then he threw it and it hit Mom's new front door. Oh Boy. We both stood there. Mom came to the door and said LEROY BROWN! Mom looked at the door inside and outside. We stood there. She still had her hands on her hips. Not a good sign. She pointed at us and said, You're BOTH lucky! No Damage! Sometimes I get in trouble when Leroy gets in trouble. Leroy picked his bucket back up and stuck his head in it. Mom laughed and laughed! I barked, everything was ok again! When we got back inside Dad let me snuggle in with him. Mom knows I'll keep an eye on him.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. who knew a bucket could make so much noise!!! Howls & Hugs, Leroy!
September 24, 2018
Dear Terry, It sure was good to get home with Mom and Dad yesterday. Me and Leroy were on Vacation! Mom said you guys went to the Ocean. I'm sorry you went there, The Big Water is so scary! Mom packed my super comfy big bed for me and all my favorite snacks! And when I was cold the nice lady gave me a fleece blanket and tucked me in!
Terry, it's me, Leroy! At first I thought I was in the Slammer again. Fred reminded me that this was the Dog Hotel where we go for Vacation. There's even a splash pool! Every time I went out I headed for the pool and then when all the other dogs went back inside, I had it all to myself and the nice ladies played chase with me until we were all tired! They would yell, Hey Leroy Come here! And I would run right past them in circles. Then they would get other ladies to help try and catch me and we all ran together! What a great place!! I missed Dad every day.
Dad here. I really missed my FredDog and Leroy. When they came home, everyone got big pets and treats! The house was too quiet without The Boys and Mom!
Barks, Wags, Howls and Hugs,
FredDog, Leroy & their Dad
Dear Terry, It sure was good to get home with Mom and Dad yesterday. Me and Leroy were on Vacation! Mom said you guys went to the Ocean. I'm sorry you went there, The Big Water is so scary! Mom packed my super comfy big bed for me and all my favorite snacks! And when I was cold the nice lady gave me a fleece blanket and tucked me in!
Terry, it's me, Leroy! At first I thought I was in the Slammer again. Fred reminded me that this was the Dog Hotel where we go for Vacation. There's even a splash pool! Every time I went out I headed for the pool and then when all the other dogs went back inside, I had it all to myself and the nice ladies played chase with me until we were all tired! They would yell, Hey Leroy Come here! And I would run right past them in circles. Then they would get other ladies to help try and catch me and we all ran together! What a great place!! I missed Dad every day.
Dad here. I really missed my FredDog and Leroy. When they came home, everyone got big pets and treats! The house was too quiet without The Boys and Mom!
Barks, Wags, Howls and Hugs,
FredDog, Leroy & their Dad
September 16, 2018
Dear Terry, what a great day! Me and Leroy were outside all morning long. We played a whole lot. We even rolled in the mud! Then Mom had to ruin EVERYTHING. We had to get a bath!!! With soap and everything!! It was HORRIBLE. Thankfully, Dad was there to dry us off right away and then we laid in the sun on the front porch to dry out. Even Leroy said it was AWFUL!
Here's me and Leroy playing this morning! See what a good roll Leroy had in the mud?
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, what a great day! Me and Leroy were outside all morning long. We played a whole lot. We even rolled in the mud! Then Mom had to ruin EVERYTHING. We had to get a bath!!! With soap and everything!! It was HORRIBLE. Thankfully, Dad was there to dry us off right away and then we laid in the sun on the front porch to dry out. Even Leroy said it was AWFUL!
Here's me and Leroy playing this morning! See what a good roll Leroy had in the mud?
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 7, 2018
Dear Terry. It's me, Leroy! I got in some trouble today. I don't think I should have. Dad said I was under foot all day long. Mom calls that Exasperating. So when Petey Cat said, Hey, Leroy come here! Ok here I come! Petey Cat was on top of the fridge. He said, Leroy, Dad likes it when the fridge is cleaned off. Oh ok, can I help too??, I said. Dad will be so happy! Petey pushed a whole roll parchment paper off and it fell to the floor at my feet. Ok Leroy! You go put that someplace good! Ok I will!! And I grabbed it and ran right to the bedroom. I put stuff in the big bed all the time. Then I heard Dad, LEROY!! oh boy, he didn't sound happy. How could that be?? I grabbed the roll of paper to show him how good I was but it unrolled and went all over the place! Oh no! Dad wasn't happy and I was so sad. Fred said, Little Leroy, don't be upset! Petey Cat tricked you. Petey Cat is a Trickster. Does Dad know that???, I said. A little bit later Dad let me sit with him and I knew it was all ok! Dad still loves me! No going back to the Slammer!
Dear Terry. It's me, Leroy! I got in some trouble today. I don't think I should have. Dad said I was under foot all day long. Mom calls that Exasperating. So when Petey Cat said, Hey, Leroy come here! Ok here I come! Petey Cat was on top of the fridge. He said, Leroy, Dad likes it when the fridge is cleaned off. Oh ok, can I help too??, I said. Dad will be so happy! Petey pushed a whole roll parchment paper off and it fell to the floor at my feet. Ok Leroy! You go put that someplace good! Ok I will!! And I grabbed it and ran right to the bedroom. I put stuff in the big bed all the time. Then I heard Dad, LEROY!! oh boy, he didn't sound happy. How could that be?? I grabbed the roll of paper to show him how good I was but it unrolled and went all over the place! Oh no! Dad wasn't happy and I was so sad. Fred said, Little Leroy, don't be upset! Petey Cat tricked you. Petey Cat is a Trickster. Does Dad know that???, I said. A little bit later Dad let me sit with him and I knew it was all ok! Dad still loves me! No going back to the Slammer!
September 3, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy's an idiot. Sometimes he's really smart, like when he learns a new trick. Other times I don't know what he's thinking! He took almost all of Mom's cookbooks out of the bookshelf to play with, even knowing that that spells trouble if Mom sees the mess. She did. Then the other day we were resting in the yard after running all around. I was laying in a nice patch of shade. He came over and stood on my side. All 4 paws. I flipped him in the grass and he rolled away. Then we ran all over the place! And now Mom is teaching him to ring a bell to go outside to pee. I have my doubts about this being a good idea but he's starting to use it. Mom says he is different from me and he has to learn lots of stuff. Then she looked at me and said, Sometimes he is just an idiot. WOOF!! Don't worry, we still love him!
Barks & Wags FredDog
Dear Terry, Leroy's an idiot. Sometimes he's really smart, like when he learns a new trick. Other times I don't know what he's thinking! He took almost all of Mom's cookbooks out of the bookshelf to play with, even knowing that that spells trouble if Mom sees the mess. She did. Then the other day we were resting in the yard after running all around. I was laying in a nice patch of shade. He came over and stood on my side. All 4 paws. I flipped him in the grass and he rolled away. Then we ran all over the place! And now Mom is teaching him to ring a bell to go outside to pee. I have my doubts about this being a good idea but he's starting to use it. Mom says he is different from me and he has to learn lots of stuff. Then she looked at me and said, Sometimes he is just an idiot. WOOF!! Don't worry, we still love him!
Barks & Wags FredDog
August 31, 2018
Dear Terry. Leroy here. I've been learning something new since I met you! Which was great by the way! I'm learning to ring a bell to go do my business outside. It's a cow bell! Fred says now everyone will know what a ding dong I am! Woof! Today, Dad just threw up his hands at me. I pooped then rang the bell! Oops. That was backwards. That's when Fred called me a ding dong. Oh! And when I was out in the yard with Mom just now, I smelled the Dead Smell. Mom knew, she could smell it too. Then OH MY GOSH!!! THE BIGGEST BIRD ALIVE landed close to me!! MOMMOMMOMMOMMOMMMMMMM!!! I knew what to do!! AWOOOOOOO, AWOOOOO at the top of my lungs. I'm a huntin' dog and have a good voice. This was the absolute loudest I've ever howled and bayed. Mom said so! Mom came to see and she said ohhhh, that's a turkey vulture. AWOOOOOAWOOOO! it opened up it's wings allllll the way wide. Big!!! Then it strolled away to find the dead thing. Mom said, Good job Leroy, everyone for miles now knows there's a turkey vulture here! We went I,side to tell Dad all about it!
Barks & bays, Leroy
Dear Terry. Leroy here. I've been learning something new since I met you! Which was great by the way! I'm learning to ring a bell to go do my business outside. It's a cow bell! Fred says now everyone will know what a ding dong I am! Woof! Today, Dad just threw up his hands at me. I pooped then rang the bell! Oops. That was backwards. That's when Fred called me a ding dong. Oh! And when I was out in the yard with Mom just now, I smelled the Dead Smell. Mom knew, she could smell it too. Then OH MY GOSH!!! THE BIGGEST BIRD ALIVE landed close to me!! MOMMOMMOMMOMMOMMMMMMM!!! I knew what to do!! AWOOOOOOO, AWOOOOO at the top of my lungs. I'm a huntin' dog and have a good voice. This was the absolute loudest I've ever howled and bayed. Mom said so! Mom came to see and she said ohhhh, that's a turkey vulture. AWOOOOOAWOOOO! it opened up it's wings allllll the way wide. Big!!! Then it strolled away to find the dead thing. Mom said, Good job Leroy, everyone for miles now knows there's a turkey vulture here! We went I,side to tell Dad all about it!
Barks & bays, Leroy
August 25, 2018
Dear Terry, Yesterday, Dad declared it was Cookie Day! Me & Leroy like cookies! Dad said he was going to make sugar cookies from scratch. Me & Leroy just looked at each other as Dad got out the Cookie Book. Then Dad got out the big mixer. Ut oh. I told Leroy this doesn't always go well when Dad has the mixer. Petey sat in the window watching. He usually helps Mom cook stuff but Dad is a little wild in the kitchen. We all watched and waited. Butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla. Whirrrrrrr the mixer went round and round. So far so good!! Dad was pleased. Dad announced it was time for the flour! I told Leroy, this might get exciting. We watched. In went the flour, only Dad made the mixer go too fast! Whizzzzzzzz!!!! Petey ran, and I showed Leroy how to catch butter and sugar pieces in the air! Oh my gosh we had so much fun!! Dad panicked and turned off the mixer. We looked around. Boy, I tell you, butter and flour can really fly!! Dad looked so confused. We helped by cleaning up the floor for him. Petey started licking butter off the cabinets to get them clean. We had the place looking better in no time! Leroy and Dad went outside after all the excitement to get calmed down. Me and Petey were still cleaning up spots we missed when Mom came home from work!
Love & Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday, Dad declared it was Cookie Day! Me & Leroy like cookies! Dad said he was going to make sugar cookies from scratch. Me & Leroy just looked at each other as Dad got out the Cookie Book. Then Dad got out the big mixer. Ut oh. I told Leroy this doesn't always go well when Dad has the mixer. Petey sat in the window watching. He usually helps Mom cook stuff but Dad is a little wild in the kitchen. We all watched and waited. Butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla. Whirrrrrrr the mixer went round and round. So far so good!! Dad was pleased. Dad announced it was time for the flour! I told Leroy, this might get exciting. We watched. In went the flour, only Dad made the mixer go too fast! Whizzzzzzzz!!!! Petey ran, and I showed Leroy how to catch butter and sugar pieces in the air! Oh my gosh we had so much fun!! Dad panicked and turned off the mixer. We looked around. Boy, I tell you, butter and flour can really fly!! Dad looked so confused. We helped by cleaning up the floor for him. Petey started licking butter off the cabinets to get them clean. We had the place looking better in no time! Leroy and Dad went outside after all the excitement to get calmed down. Me and Petey were still cleaning up spots we missed when Mom came home from work!
Love & Woofs, FredDog
August 22, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom and Dad went away and me and Leroy had to stay at different place. We don't like That Place and Mom says we aren't ever going back there again. Don't worry we weren't hurt, but boy we sure were hungry. Mom says she'll tell you all about it. Her and Dad were pretty mad at That Place. Mom even caught Leroy chewing on his feet last night. He had a hard time calming down but Mom and Dad made sure he had extra special attention and all his favorite toys. This morning he was right as rain! Mom and Dad made sure I was ok too. I got an extra helping of my favorite snacks and a really good chew stick. Mom tucked me in at bedtime and Dad laid down next to me until I fell asleep. I told little Leroy before he fell asleep, not to worry about anything, we were back home and Mom said that won't happen again. Ever. I licked his face and ears and he dozed off to sleep.
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom and Dad went away and me and Leroy had to stay at different place. We don't like That Place and Mom says we aren't ever going back there again. Don't worry we weren't hurt, but boy we sure were hungry. Mom says she'll tell you all about it. Her and Dad were pretty mad at That Place. Mom even caught Leroy chewing on his feet last night. He had a hard time calming down but Mom and Dad made sure he had extra special attention and all his favorite toys. This morning he was right as rain! Mom and Dad made sure I was ok too. I got an extra helping of my favorite snacks and a really good chew stick. Mom tucked me in at bedtime and Dad laid down next to me until I fell asleep. I told little Leroy before he fell asleep, not to worry about anything, we were back home and Mom said that won't happen again. Ever. I licked his face and ears and he dozed off to sleep.
Barks & Wags, FredDog
August 16, 2018
Dear Terry, It's Leroy again. Me and Mom go out every morning now so I can run in the yard. The birds are just waking up and things are quiet. Fred stays in bed asleep because it's so early. My job is to wake up Mom. I wake her up a little before her alarm sounds. Mom says there's no turning me off like the alarm. Do you know I can still bay with a tennis ball in my mouth? Not as loud but I still can be heard! Oh, forgot! This morning it was so quiet outside. The sun was barely coming up. Then I heard a sound. Real soft. In the Sky. It was like a swoosh swoosh sound. I looked up into the Sky. I could smell it. I could hear it. Swoosh swoosh. It was so close I drooled because I could smell how close it was to me. Mom came to stand next to me to try and see what it was I was seeing. She said, Oh Leroy! Look! She knelt beside me and pointed up. Bats! Two Bats!!! Mom was very excited to see them. She said they're super good bug catchers!! And guess what??? They roosted up under one of the shutters!! We watched them for a long time before they went to bed. I hope I see them again! I'm going to get up extra early tomorrow morning to watch them some more. Mom said I wasn't getting up extra early. Party Pooper!
Barks & Bays, Leroy
Dear Terry, It's Leroy again. Me and Mom go out every morning now so I can run in the yard. The birds are just waking up and things are quiet. Fred stays in bed asleep because it's so early. My job is to wake up Mom. I wake her up a little before her alarm sounds. Mom says there's no turning me off like the alarm. Do you know I can still bay with a tennis ball in my mouth? Not as loud but I still can be heard! Oh, forgot! This morning it was so quiet outside. The sun was barely coming up. Then I heard a sound. Real soft. In the Sky. It was like a swoosh swoosh sound. I looked up into the Sky. I could smell it. I could hear it. Swoosh swoosh. It was so close I drooled because I could smell how close it was to me. Mom came to stand next to me to try and see what it was I was seeing. She said, Oh Leroy! Look! She knelt beside me and pointed up. Bats! Two Bats!!! Mom was very excited to see them. She said they're super good bug catchers!! And guess what??? They roosted up under one of the shutters!! We watched them for a long time before they went to bed. I hope I see them again! I'm going to get up extra early tomorrow morning to watch them some more. Mom said I wasn't getting up extra early. Party Pooper!
Barks & Bays, Leroy
August 13, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me Leroy!! Oh my gosh the fenced yard is so much fun!! Not when I got stung by the wasp. That wasn't fun. Me and Freddie can run like mad dogs. I can play fetch with Dad without breaking anything. I'm a good fetcher. I can pee and poop wherever I want. I can sit next to Mom and listen to the neighborhood sounds. Me and Fred agree it's the best thing ever!! Mom even takes me out at night and I chase lightning bugs. The Folks keep telling me what a Good Boy I am now that I can get enough exercise! I'm trying really hard to be good. Fred did get me in some trouble. He showed me how to dig a hole! Mom put a stop to that right away. We both got our butts squirted with water for that which was kind of fun ! Woof!
Barks and Bays, Leroy
Dear Terry, It's me Leroy!! Oh my gosh the fenced yard is so much fun!! Not when I got stung by the wasp. That wasn't fun. Me and Freddie can run like mad dogs. I can play fetch with Dad without breaking anything. I'm a good fetcher. I can pee and poop wherever I want. I can sit next to Mom and listen to the neighborhood sounds. Me and Fred agree it's the best thing ever!! Mom even takes me out at night and I chase lightning bugs. The Folks keep telling me what a Good Boy I am now that I can get enough exercise! I'm trying really hard to be good. Fred did get me in some trouble. He showed me how to dig a hole! Mom put a stop to that right away. We both got our butts squirted with water for that which was kind of fun ! Woof!
Barks and Bays, Leroy
August 12, 2018
Dear Terry, Big Big excitement here! The Fence Guy brought the fence yesterday!! Me and Leroy watched the whole time from the windows! When Mom got home she turned us loose and me and Leroy had so much fun running and playing! Dad was there too and he was laughing and laughing with Mom.
Just now Mom & Dad were throwing the ball for Leroy. He was having so much fun! But then he screamed bloody murder! I ran to him, Mom ran to him! A wasp bit him! Then bit him again! Oh no!!! Mom knew just what to do! She killed it! He was stung on his leg and stomach for sure because Mom saw that part. I ran back to Dad. Dad was so upset! Leroy listened to Mom and held still while she checked him out real good. No swelling and he was breathing ok. He found the dead wasp on the ground so Mom picked it up and threw it out. He paced around a lot but he seems back to normal now!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Big Big excitement here! The Fence Guy brought the fence yesterday!! Me and Leroy watched the whole time from the windows! When Mom got home she turned us loose and me and Leroy had so much fun running and playing! Dad was there too and he was laughing and laughing with Mom.
Just now Mom & Dad were throwing the ball for Leroy. He was having so much fun! But then he screamed bloody murder! I ran to him, Mom ran to him! A wasp bit him! Then bit him again! Oh no!!! Mom knew just what to do! She killed it! He was stung on his leg and stomach for sure because Mom saw that part. I ran back to Dad. Dad was so upset! Leroy listened to Mom and held still while she checked him out real good. No swelling and he was breathing ok. He found the dead wasp on the ground so Mom picked it up and threw it out. He paced around a lot but he seems back to normal now!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
August 8, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom says the fence is coming on Saturday! Mom also says that there will be room enough for me and Leroy to share plus his splash pool!
Today, Dad took a picture of Leroy and his sheet that he carts around. Leroy is sleeping with all his might. He snores too. That's ok, we all still love him.
Barks & wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom says the fence is coming on Saturday! Mom also says that there will be room enough for me and Leroy to share plus his splash pool!
Today, Dad took a picture of Leroy and his sheet that he carts around. Leroy is sleeping with all his might. He snores too. That's ok, we all still love him.
Barks & wags, FredDog
August 5, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom was canning corn relish tonight. You know what that means! Floor Corn for me! When she cuts the corn off the ears, it flies all over the place. I sit at her feet and wait. Leroy didn't know what was going on. He must have had a terrible home before us, because he had no idea what Floor Corn was!! He caught on real quick though! Mom even gave us big pieces of cut off corn. Leroy did snitch a whole ear off the counter but he accidentally dropped it and it went THUNK! Mom was quick and beat him to it! Corn Saved! Woof!
Terry, it's me Leroy! What a day! Fred told me all about Floor Corn! Then I thought, why not just take an ear instead of waiting for it to rain corn? Turns out that was a bad idea according to Mom. But wait, I had more excitement! I like blankets. I cover up in them, chew them, put them in my crate or behind the sofa. Mom doesn't like me taking them all the time. So today, she gave me my OWN sheet. It's all mine!! I took it right away to behind the sofa. I chewed on it, dragged it around, sat on it. It's a keeper! What a great day!
Barks and howls, Fred & Leroy!
Dear Terry, Mom was canning corn relish tonight. You know what that means! Floor Corn for me! When she cuts the corn off the ears, it flies all over the place. I sit at her feet and wait. Leroy didn't know what was going on. He must have had a terrible home before us, because he had no idea what Floor Corn was!! He caught on real quick though! Mom even gave us big pieces of cut off corn. Leroy did snitch a whole ear off the counter but he accidentally dropped it and it went THUNK! Mom was quick and beat him to it! Corn Saved! Woof!
Terry, it's me Leroy! What a day! Fred told me all about Floor Corn! Then I thought, why not just take an ear instead of waiting for it to rain corn? Turns out that was a bad idea according to Mom. But wait, I had more excitement! I like blankets. I cover up in them, chew them, put them in my crate or behind the sofa. Mom doesn't like me taking them all the time. So today, she gave me my OWN sheet. It's all mine!! I took it right away to behind the sofa. I chewed on it, dragged it around, sat on it. It's a keeper! What a great day!
Barks and howls, Fred & Leroy!
August 2, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy here! I was pretty sick yesterday. I threw up and then later on threw up some more. Me and Dad took it easy all day long. Fred was even real nice to me and let me sleep in his spot on the bed. Well until I threw up on the bed. Dad fixed the bed all up again and I went back to sleep with Dad watching over me. When Mom got home, she gave me some ice cubes to munch on and I curled up under a blanket right next to her. We ate ice cubes together and some crunchy food. I didn't like the gushy food, it stuck to my nose and I got it smashed into the carpet. I'm feeling good today! I greeted everyone as soon as they all got up. I needed a good sleep that's all! Plus Dad slept with me all night long. Me, Fred and Mom had a great walk this morning too. Fred could tell I was feeling better and even licked my face clean!
Whooo woooo Leroy
Dear Terry, Leroy here! I was pretty sick yesterday. I threw up and then later on threw up some more. Me and Dad took it easy all day long. Fred was even real nice to me and let me sleep in his spot on the bed. Well until I threw up on the bed. Dad fixed the bed all up again and I went back to sleep with Dad watching over me. When Mom got home, she gave me some ice cubes to munch on and I curled up under a blanket right next to her. We ate ice cubes together and some crunchy food. I didn't like the gushy food, it stuck to my nose and I got it smashed into the carpet. I'm feeling good today! I greeted everyone as soon as they all got up. I needed a good sleep that's all! Plus Dad slept with me all night long. Me, Fred and Mom had a great walk this morning too. Fred could tell I was feeling better and even licked my face clean!
Whooo woooo Leroy
July 31, 2018
Dear Terry, I'm so tired!! Yesterday we had a Family Outing. Me, Leroy, Mom & Dad. I got to ride shotgun! Leroy was allowed to be in the back but middle. Dad was in the back and he got a window seat! Dad thought it might rain but me and Mom knew it would wait. Especially since I knew we were heading to the Puppy Park. Mom told me! No one was there when we got there except a little little dog. Leroy ran and ran. I ran a little bit here n' there. I ran out of breath then got too hot and threw up. I was drinking water too but I can't run and run like Leroy. Mom got me right back to the jeep where it was super cool and we all rested. Leroy was hot too but he didn't throw up. Mom made sure we drank water. I fell asleep on the way home. Leroy and Dad were looking out the window together. Mom says, pretty soon we will have our own fence in the shade so it won't be so hard on me. I hope the Fence Guy comes soon!! We all had fun though and it was a great time!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I'm so tired!! Yesterday we had a Family Outing. Me, Leroy, Mom & Dad. I got to ride shotgun! Leroy was allowed to be in the back but middle. Dad was in the back and he got a window seat! Dad thought it might rain but me and Mom knew it would wait. Especially since I knew we were heading to the Puppy Park. Mom told me! No one was there when we got there except a little little dog. Leroy ran and ran. I ran a little bit here n' there. I ran out of breath then got too hot and threw up. I was drinking water too but I can't run and run like Leroy. Mom got me right back to the jeep where it was super cool and we all rested. Leroy was hot too but he didn't throw up. Mom made sure we drank water. I fell asleep on the way home. Leroy and Dad were looking out the window together. Mom says, pretty soon we will have our own fence in the shade so it won't be so hard on me. I hope the Fence Guy comes soon!! We all had fun though and it was a great time!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
July 26, 2018
Dear Terry, we had some excitement this morning, and not the good kind. First, no one got hurt or killed. You know what a good Chicken Checker I am and how I help Mom every morning with them. Leroy is still learning and the Girls don't like him. Me and Mom let the Girls out each morning. We don't hang around, we walk up the driveway and they do their own thing and eat bugs and grass. Well. NOT TODAY. Margie flew up behind us and landed on my back and was pecking at my head. Lisa started pecking my face. Mom started yelling and waving her arms to shoo them away. I did snap at the air near them but I know I'm not supposed to hurt them. I COULD have, but I DIDN'T. They chased me up the driveway. Big jerks. Mom looked me over real good and I still had both my eyes and no blood. Mom told me something must have scared them a whole lot. Dad missed the whole thing!! But he gave me lots of pets and checked me over real good too. Next time, chicken tenders is all I'm saying.
Henpecked, FredDog
Dear Terry, we had some excitement this morning, and not the good kind. First, no one got hurt or killed. You know what a good Chicken Checker I am and how I help Mom every morning with them. Leroy is still learning and the Girls don't like him. Me and Mom let the Girls out each morning. We don't hang around, we walk up the driveway and they do their own thing and eat bugs and grass. Well. NOT TODAY. Margie flew up behind us and landed on my back and was pecking at my head. Lisa started pecking my face. Mom started yelling and waving her arms to shoo them away. I did snap at the air near them but I know I'm not supposed to hurt them. I COULD have, but I DIDN'T. They chased me up the driveway. Big jerks. Mom looked me over real good and I still had both my eyes and no blood. Mom told me something must have scared them a whole lot. Dad missed the whole thing!! But he gave me lots of pets and checked me over real good too. Next time, chicken tenders is all I'm saying.
Henpecked, FredDog
July 23, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy here. Mom's been keeping me busy busy busy! Yesterday, we went to a new to me place, the firehouse trail. There's really a firehouse there! First you have to cross a levee then you're in the woods. Me and mom were having a good time, UNTIL....something was in the woods. I whipped around, lowered my head, showed all my teeth and growled. And growled some more. I could smell IT. Mom was confused at first because she didn't realize it was me growling. I've never done that before. She tried to walk past me to see better but I made sure she didn't pass, I gave her a good bump to let her know to STAY BACK. I kept growling and snarling. We stayed there not moving until I was sure IT was gone. Then we went back to walking. Mom did give me big Good Boy pets. I did the right thing again! I told Fred all about it when we got home and he said, oh Leroy, was it The Spot in the trail where you can almost see the meadow and the woods are really dark and thick? I won't let Mom go past there. There's Something in the woods. He said Good Job Little Leroy! and then we flopped down for a nap. Dad was freaked out too. He gave me lots of pets too!
WhoooWooo Leroy
Dear Terry, Leroy here. Mom's been keeping me busy busy busy! Yesterday, we went to a new to me place, the firehouse trail. There's really a firehouse there! First you have to cross a levee then you're in the woods. Me and mom were having a good time, UNTIL....something was in the woods. I whipped around, lowered my head, showed all my teeth and growled. And growled some more. I could smell IT. Mom was confused at first because she didn't realize it was me growling. I've never done that before. She tried to walk past me to see better but I made sure she didn't pass, I gave her a good bump to let her know to STAY BACK. I kept growling and snarling. We stayed there not moving until I was sure IT was gone. Then we went back to walking. Mom did give me big Good Boy pets. I did the right thing again! I told Fred all about it when we got home and he said, oh Leroy, was it The Spot in the trail where you can almost see the meadow and the woods are really dark and thick? I won't let Mom go past there. There's Something in the woods. He said Good Job Little Leroy! and then we flopped down for a nap. Dad was freaked out too. He gave me lots of pets too!
WhoooWooo Leroy
July 20, 2018
Dear Terry,
Dad had a scary this morning but Leroy helped him out. He was very, very confused. Usually I help him out but turns out Leroy knew what to do. Mom couldn't snap Dad out of it and it was scary. Little Leroy though, made a little whimper, climbed up and licked Dad's face and was snuffling w his nose really loud at the same time. And Dad was back! Leroy did it!! Dad was very grateful and we were all very proud of Leroy! I may have to stop calling him a ding bat. Here he's been learning from me all along and none of us knew it!
Terry, it's me, Leroy. I helped out Dad this morning! Everyone said I did a great job!! At first I was scared too. I don't like when Dad isn't Dad. I knew what to do, I watch my pal Fred all the time. And, and, and I did it!! I helped! I get in trouble a lot but this time I helped!! We had a big celebration. Dad gave me the biggest hug ever!
Barks & Wags and a Whoo woo! Fred and Leroy
Dear Terry,
Dad had a scary this morning but Leroy helped him out. He was very, very confused. Usually I help him out but turns out Leroy knew what to do. Mom couldn't snap Dad out of it and it was scary. Little Leroy though, made a little whimper, climbed up and licked Dad's face and was snuffling w his nose really loud at the same time. And Dad was back! Leroy did it!! Dad was very grateful and we were all very proud of Leroy! I may have to stop calling him a ding bat. Here he's been learning from me all along and none of us knew it!
Terry, it's me, Leroy. I helped out Dad this morning! Everyone said I did a great job!! At first I was scared too. I don't like when Dad isn't Dad. I knew what to do, I watch my pal Fred all the time. And, and, and I did it!! I helped! I get in trouble a lot but this time I helped!! We had a big celebration. Dad gave me the biggest hug ever!
Barks & Wags and a Whoo woo! Fred and Leroy
July 19, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy again. Guess what I'm learning to do? Lots of stuff that's what! I can Gimme5 and I'm learning to wave Bye Bye. I can Spin too. But when me and Fred Spin together we sometimes bang into each other and he gets mad and grumps at me. He grumps at me when I bite his tail too! Woof! I can stay in my crate now with the door shut for over 5 minutes. That's really hard because I hardly ever sit still. And I go in there now all on my own! Sometimes Dad will put a secret treat in there so I go in pretty often to check. Dad's a good treat giver. Dad says he's getting me and Fred a fenced yard. Fred is pretty excited about that. Me too! I don't know where it's going to be but Fred said, in the yard, Leroy. I think he was pulling my tail! I can't wait to see it! I looked for it this morning but I didn't see it. I'll keep looking though. Mom says I can put my splash pool in there too!
Whooo woo! Leroy
Dear Terry, Leroy again. Guess what I'm learning to do? Lots of stuff that's what! I can Gimme5 and I'm learning to wave Bye Bye. I can Spin too. But when me and Fred Spin together we sometimes bang into each other and he gets mad and grumps at me. He grumps at me when I bite his tail too! Woof! I can stay in my crate now with the door shut for over 5 minutes. That's really hard because I hardly ever sit still. And I go in there now all on my own! Sometimes Dad will put a secret treat in there so I go in pretty often to check. Dad's a good treat giver. Dad says he's getting me and Fred a fenced yard. Fred is pretty excited about that. Me too! I don't know where it's going to be but Fred said, in the yard, Leroy. I think he was pulling my tail! I can't wait to see it! I looked for it this morning but I didn't see it. I'll keep looking though. Mom says I can put my splash pool in there too!
Whooo woo! Leroy
July 17, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy here. I got into a little trouble yesterday. I think of it more like a no win situation. Mom couldn't walk too good because she had a shot in her knee so she took me to the dog park to run. And I was running and running. But wait! What was that smell??? I spied a new dog coming in with her owner. Her owner was an old lady. What was that smell??? She had on big wide shorts. I stuck my head up her shorts to smell. Omg she had a whole pocketful of treats!! But I don't know what happened, my head got stuck and I danced around, she danced around and I accidentally pulled her shorts part way down. Oh boy. LEROY BROWN!! Mom looked like she might die. But then the lady started laughing and laughing!! Mom laughed to! Whew! She did make me sit down. Then she discovered the lady's shorts were stuffed with millions of treats! She told me no matter how good something smells, NO helping myself and NO shorts sniffing. Ok Mom. This wasn't covered in Hot Dog School so how was I supposed to know!? Mom said live and learn but no helping yourself!
Dear Terry, Leroy here. I got into a little trouble yesterday. I think of it more like a no win situation. Mom couldn't walk too good because she had a shot in her knee so she took me to the dog park to run. And I was running and running. But wait! What was that smell??? I spied a new dog coming in with her owner. Her owner was an old lady. What was that smell??? She had on big wide shorts. I stuck my head up her shorts to smell. Omg she had a whole pocketful of treats!! But I don't know what happened, my head got stuck and I danced around, she danced around and I accidentally pulled her shorts part way down. Oh boy. LEROY BROWN!! Mom looked like she might die. But then the lady started laughing and laughing!! Mom laughed to! Whew! She did make me sit down. Then she discovered the lady's shorts were stuffed with millions of treats! She told me no matter how good something smells, NO helping myself and NO shorts sniffing. Ok Mom. This wasn't covered in Hot Dog School so how was I supposed to know!? Mom said live and learn but no helping yourself!
July 12, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. Mom has decided I need more exercise and activities. She said I'm a lot like my pal Fred was when he was younger. At first I didn't understand what all that meant and I was worried. I figured it out, I think! It means we go to the park and I can run and run in a giant fenced yard! It also means that we can climb a mountain! Or go for car rides. Or go to the nature park. What fun! Yesterday, we didn't climb too far up the mountain. I was busy tracking horses. I didn't know what they were but they sure were smelly! Mom was letting me follow in their path. She said, not like you're going to catch a horse! All of a sudden there were TWO horses! Oh my gosh!! They were HUGE! I sat down to think. I didn't bark. Mom says that for me to think straight, I should sit down. My gosh they were BIG. Biggest animal I've ever seen in my entire life!! Mom wasn't scared, the horses weren't acting scary, and they weren't running. I let them pass. Mom gave me big Good Boy pets on the head! I did the right thing!! It was super exciting!! Hope you like the new picture Mom took of me this morning!
Whooo wooooo Leroy
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. Mom has decided I need more exercise and activities. She said I'm a lot like my pal Fred was when he was younger. At first I didn't understand what all that meant and I was worried. I figured it out, I think! It means we go to the park and I can run and run in a giant fenced yard! It also means that we can climb a mountain! Or go for car rides. Or go to the nature park. What fun! Yesterday, we didn't climb too far up the mountain. I was busy tracking horses. I didn't know what they were but they sure were smelly! Mom was letting me follow in their path. She said, not like you're going to catch a horse! All of a sudden there were TWO horses! Oh my gosh!! They were HUGE! I sat down to think. I didn't bark. Mom says that for me to think straight, I should sit down. My gosh they were BIG. Biggest animal I've ever seen in my entire life!! Mom wasn't scared, the horses weren't acting scary, and they weren't running. I let them pass. Mom gave me big Good Boy pets on the head! I did the right thing!! It was super exciting!! Hope you like the new picture Mom took of me this morning!
Whooo wooooo Leroy
July 10, 2018
Dear Terry,
Leroy was super bad when Aunt Laura was here. He ripped up stuff, ran around, peed and pooped in the house, wouldn't stop playing, fell in the toilet and got all wet, chased Petey, chased me. He was AWFUL. Aunt Laura thinks he needs professional help. He was THAT bad. Mom was very frustrated with him. She started reading some of her old books that she read with me. She said, I guess walking Leroy 2 hours a day not enough. We need a New Plan! She scooped him up and said Come On Leroy, Let's Go! I think he was worried he was heading to The Slammer. But I know Mom. She had an Idea. Mom had lots of Ideas when she was training me. Some people thought I needed help too. But me and Mom kept working and working. One thing at a time. She took Leroy to the park and let him run and run and run. He ran as hard as he could, he ran with other dogs, met new people and dogs, made new friends, saw neat stuff like fire trucks testing hoses near by. Mom used to take me there but now I can't keep up. I know he had fun. He was so tired that Mom had to pick him up and put him in the car. He fell asleep almost right away. Mom took a picture of him too! Mom says a tired dog is a good dog. He was really good last night and this morning. I think Mom might teach him how to walk up the Big Ridge in the woods. I don't do that any more either, it's too hard. But I still get to go in the woods! My favorite place!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry,
Leroy was super bad when Aunt Laura was here. He ripped up stuff, ran around, peed and pooped in the house, wouldn't stop playing, fell in the toilet and got all wet, chased Petey, chased me. He was AWFUL. Aunt Laura thinks he needs professional help. He was THAT bad. Mom was very frustrated with him. She started reading some of her old books that she read with me. She said, I guess walking Leroy 2 hours a day not enough. We need a New Plan! She scooped him up and said Come On Leroy, Let's Go! I think he was worried he was heading to The Slammer. But I know Mom. She had an Idea. Mom had lots of Ideas when she was training me. Some people thought I needed help too. But me and Mom kept working and working. One thing at a time. She took Leroy to the park and let him run and run and run. He ran as hard as he could, he ran with other dogs, met new people and dogs, made new friends, saw neat stuff like fire trucks testing hoses near by. Mom used to take me there but now I can't keep up. I know he had fun. He was so tired that Mom had to pick him up and put him in the car. He fell asleep almost right away. Mom took a picture of him too! Mom says a tired dog is a good dog. He was really good last night and this morning. I think Mom might teach him how to walk up the Big Ridge in the woods. I don't do that any more either, it's too hard. But I still get to go in the woods! My favorite place!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
July 6, 2018
Dear Terry,
The Worst Holiday is over finally. I was really scared. Bad scared. But there is some good news this week! Aunt Laura is coming over to visit me! We might go to Lake Erie. Leroy thinks that means water but Mom said it's not the Ocean. More like a big pond. There's a pond in the nature park that me and Mom walk over on the bridge. My feet stay dry. Oh and Leroy turned One! Mom got him a splash pool. I let him play with that on his own. I hope Aunt Laura brings me Snacks. She used to! Better go, me & Dad watching soccer!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Terry, I turned One! I'm not sure what that means but Mom gave me a big smooch on the head. And I got a splash pool! At first, I wasn't sure what it was. Petey Cat helped Mom out on the deck put water in it. Petey isn't like other Cats. I took a sip. Cold water ! My ears dipped into the water too! Mom put her feet in so I put my feet in. Oh it was like stepping in a cool creek! I put all 4 feet in! Mom put treats in the water but I can't figure out how to put my nose under water without snorting. What a great Year One Gift!! I'm so glad I'm here!
Whooo woo! Leroy!
Dear Terry,
The Worst Holiday is over finally. I was really scared. Bad scared. But there is some good news this week! Aunt Laura is coming over to visit me! We might go to Lake Erie. Leroy thinks that means water but Mom said it's not the Ocean. More like a big pond. There's a pond in the nature park that me and Mom walk over on the bridge. My feet stay dry. Oh and Leroy turned One! Mom got him a splash pool. I let him play with that on his own. I hope Aunt Laura brings me Snacks. She used to! Better go, me & Dad watching soccer!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Terry, I turned One! I'm not sure what that means but Mom gave me a big smooch on the head. And I got a splash pool! At first, I wasn't sure what it was. Petey Cat helped Mom out on the deck put water in it. Petey isn't like other Cats. I took a sip. Cold water ! My ears dipped into the water too! Mom put her feet in so I put my feet in. Oh it was like stepping in a cool creek! I put all 4 feet in! Mom put treats in the water but I can't figure out how to put my nose under water without snorting. What a great Year One Gift!! I'm so glad I'm here!
Whooo woo! Leroy!
July 3, 2018
Dear Terry, it's Leroy. It's been a bad week so far. Fred gets so scared of the fireworks. I'm not scared. I watch them from the window, Mom & Dad won't let me go over to the neighbors to investigate up close. Dad says my tail will catch on fire. I have doubts about that, as Fred would say. Yesterday I was pretty bad according to The Folks, that's how I think of Mom & Dad. I don't think I was bad, just busy that's all. I keep busy a lot. Mom finally put toilet paper back to where I can reach it. That's big fun! And the soap bottle. I couldn't get the soap to come out this time, so I opened the shower door got the bar of soap and a towel to play with. I can't believe all the toys Mom puts in one little room for me! And did you know the bed pillows have FEATHERS in them?? Oh my gosh the fun! The Folks can't run as fast as me is all I'm saying. Fred even joins in the fun. Our favorite game is to rip the sheets and blankets off the bed and tunnel through them. Mom tries to make it hard by making them all flat on the bed but we know how to find the ends. I've been learning lots of new stuff too. The Folks both practice SITDOWNSTAY with me. But I'm learning a secret trick to show Dad. First, I had to learn to listen when Mom whispers. That was hard. But now I can do Gimme5! Fred can Gimmee5 with each foot but that still mixes me up. He can wave Bye Bye too.
Whoooowooo, Leroy
Dear Terry, it's Leroy. It's been a bad week so far. Fred gets so scared of the fireworks. I'm not scared. I watch them from the window, Mom & Dad won't let me go over to the neighbors to investigate up close. Dad says my tail will catch on fire. I have doubts about that, as Fred would say. Yesterday I was pretty bad according to The Folks, that's how I think of Mom & Dad. I don't think I was bad, just busy that's all. I keep busy a lot. Mom finally put toilet paper back to where I can reach it. That's big fun! And the soap bottle. I couldn't get the soap to come out this time, so I opened the shower door got the bar of soap and a towel to play with. I can't believe all the toys Mom puts in one little room for me! And did you know the bed pillows have FEATHERS in them?? Oh my gosh the fun! The Folks can't run as fast as me is all I'm saying. Fred even joins in the fun. Our favorite game is to rip the sheets and blankets off the bed and tunnel through them. Mom tries to make it hard by making them all flat on the bed but we know how to find the ends. I've been learning lots of new stuff too. The Folks both practice SITDOWNSTAY with me. But I'm learning a secret trick to show Dad. First, I had to learn to listen when Mom whispers. That was hard. But now I can do Gimme5! Fred can Gimmee5 with each foot but that still mixes me up. He can wave Bye Bye too.
Whoooowooo, Leroy
June 30, 2018
Dear Terry,
It's The Scary Time of the year. The neighbors were shooting off big fireworks last night. Leroy was watching the lights flash from the window. I wasn't, the noise and lights scare me. I only threw up once though. Me and Mom tucked into the big bed and she covered my ears so it wouldn't be so loud. I squeezed my eyes shut tight. It was just too much. Mom stayed with me the whole time. Afterwhile, I fell asleep but Mom still stayed with me to make sure I kept sleeping. Mom said it's going to be a long week ahead. Mom also said, Leroy would be a good gun dog because he is either deaf or not scared of loud noises. He likes water too. I think he might be defective...
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry,
It's The Scary Time of the year. The neighbors were shooting off big fireworks last night. Leroy was watching the lights flash from the window. I wasn't, the noise and lights scare me. I only threw up once though. Me and Mom tucked into the big bed and she covered my ears so it wouldn't be so loud. I squeezed my eyes shut tight. It was just too much. Mom stayed with me the whole time. Afterwhile, I fell asleep but Mom still stayed with me to make sure I kept sleeping. Mom said it's going to be a long week ahead. Mom also said, Leroy would be a good gun dog because he is either deaf or not scared of loud noises. He likes water too. I think he might be defective...
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 27, 2018
Dear Terry, Fred didn't want to walk too much this morning. It was raining. I don't mind a little rain. Me and Mom walked a long time outside and guess what I found! A birdie nest in the ground cover! I pulled it out and it had eggs in it! I put the eggs in my mouth. Mom took the eggs out of my mouth. She thinks the nest maybe fell out of one of the trees. The eggs were super tiny. I did eat one though. Mom said OH LEROY! Then I forgot all about pooping because it started to pour down rain. I had another accident in the house. I wish I could get the hang of that! Fred gets it right all the time. We pee together. At least I get that part right. I'm trying but I still mess up. Dad said I better shape up! I just can't let Dad down, I just can't. He's my Favorite Person!
Whooo Wooooo! Leroy
Dear Terry, Fred didn't want to walk too much this morning. It was raining. I don't mind a little rain. Me and Mom walked a long time outside and guess what I found! A birdie nest in the ground cover! I pulled it out and it had eggs in it! I put the eggs in my mouth. Mom took the eggs out of my mouth. She thinks the nest maybe fell out of one of the trees. The eggs were super tiny. I did eat one though. Mom said OH LEROY! Then I forgot all about pooping because it started to pour down rain. I had another accident in the house. I wish I could get the hang of that! Fred gets it right all the time. We pee together. At least I get that part right. I'm trying but I still mess up. Dad said I better shape up! I just can't let Dad down, I just can't. He's my Favorite Person!
Whooo Wooooo! Leroy
June 26, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy forgot to tell you the big bad thing that happened the other night. Mom says to tell you we all lived, first, so you don't worry. But it was a big scary. The gate is supposed to be up across the bedroom door at night so that Leroy sleeps in his spot in the family room. Only it fell down and he came flying in and jumped on the bed and landed on Petey. He didn't mean to but Petey flipped out. Really bad flipped out. It was dark and Mom couldn't tell what was what. Petey was screaming, little Leroy was shrieking, it was scary and awful! Petey kept attacking Leroy, he was in a panic and didn't know where to run. Mom got them separated. Leroy had blood all over his chest and feet!! OH NO!! Mom hurried and checked Petey. Not a scratch on him, no fur missing, and no slobber on him. Leroy was just standing there shaking. I wasn't allowed to move, Dad told me to stay so Mom could check everyone. Leroy and Mom sat on the couch and she looked him over head to toe. His ear was bleeding! It was ripped on the end and he had another almost rip in the middle of his ear. Blood was everywhere!! Mom knew just what to do, she ran and got a wet wash rag and gently cleaned little Leroy's ear. He was such a good boy!! Mom got him in good shape in no time! Dad was super scared because that's his puppy!! Dad sat in the family room the rest of the night with Leroy tucked in beside him. The next morning, everything was back to normal. Mom told Dad that Leroy was a good boy and never touched Petey during the big scary. Petey would have had slobber on him for sure. It sure was a SCARY night. Me and Petey snuggled in with Mom.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Leroy forgot to tell you the big bad thing that happened the other night. Mom says to tell you we all lived, first, so you don't worry. But it was a big scary. The gate is supposed to be up across the bedroom door at night so that Leroy sleeps in his spot in the family room. Only it fell down and he came flying in and jumped on the bed and landed on Petey. He didn't mean to but Petey flipped out. Really bad flipped out. It was dark and Mom couldn't tell what was what. Petey was screaming, little Leroy was shrieking, it was scary and awful! Petey kept attacking Leroy, he was in a panic and didn't know where to run. Mom got them separated. Leroy had blood all over his chest and feet!! OH NO!! Mom hurried and checked Petey. Not a scratch on him, no fur missing, and no slobber on him. Leroy was just standing there shaking. I wasn't allowed to move, Dad told me to stay so Mom could check everyone. Leroy and Mom sat on the couch and she looked him over head to toe. His ear was bleeding! It was ripped on the end and he had another almost rip in the middle of his ear. Blood was everywhere!! Mom knew just what to do, she ran and got a wet wash rag and gently cleaned little Leroy's ear. He was such a good boy!! Mom got him in good shape in no time! Dad was super scared because that's his puppy!! Dad sat in the family room the rest of the night with Leroy tucked in beside him. The next morning, everything was back to normal. Mom told Dad that Leroy was a good boy and never touched Petey during the big scary. Petey would have had slobber on him for sure. It sure was a SCARY night. Me and Petey snuggled in with Mom.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 25, 2018
Dear Terry, it's Leroy. Guess WHAT!!? Did you know that the fridge has FOOD in it? How did I miss that!? Mom left the door open while she was cleaning it. I was helping. Fred tried to tell Mom that me helping was a bad idea. Fred's a tattletale. Mom was cleaning a shelf, and I was nosing around. Hmmm, this carton smells good! I took it out of the door and Mom didn't say anything so I figured it was ok. It was a big carton too. I shook it a little and I could hear something swishing around in there so I shook it harder. And harder, but the stuff wasn't coming out so I ripped the carton. And all of a sudden, it was snatched away!! WHOOOOOO WOOOO. Mom took it from me. She said LEROY BROWN! half n half isn't for dogs! Then she said something like disaster averted but I was howling so I'm not sure. I know it was Fred who told on me I know it! We ran through the house like wild dogs. What fun!
Having a howling good time, Leroy
Dear Terry, it's Leroy. Guess WHAT!!? Did you know that the fridge has FOOD in it? How did I miss that!? Mom left the door open while she was cleaning it. I was helping. Fred tried to tell Mom that me helping was a bad idea. Fred's a tattletale. Mom was cleaning a shelf, and I was nosing around. Hmmm, this carton smells good! I took it out of the door and Mom didn't say anything so I figured it was ok. It was a big carton too. I shook it a little and I could hear something swishing around in there so I shook it harder. And harder, but the stuff wasn't coming out so I ripped the carton. And all of a sudden, it was snatched away!! WHOOOOOO WOOOO. Mom took it from me. She said LEROY BROWN! half n half isn't for dogs! Then she said something like disaster averted but I was howling so I'm not sure. I know it was Fred who told on me I know it! We ran through the house like wild dogs. What fun!
Having a howling good time, Leroy
June 23, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom's been working with me a whole lot to make me a super good dog. I learned Sit, Down, Stay but not SITDOWNSTAY. I have to do all 3 and then stay put while I'm laying down. I get distracted though. Sometimes I look out the window, sometimes Dad moves, or Fred barks or Petey swishes his tail or I see a bird. Sometimes I smell a smell or hear the chickens. What was that??? Then off I go and then forget about staying put. Mom said, Leroy, you need a role model! She brought Fred over and he did SITDOWNSTAY. And he got a treat! I wanted a treat too. Mom told us both to do it at the same time. I accidentally sat on Fred and he barked at me. Oops. We tried again. But Fred breathed on me and I got up instead of staying put. He got a treat but I didn't. I let Mom know just how unfair THAT was. And we tried again. This time I really tried hard to pay attention and I did it!! I got a treat!! So did Fred!! We got so excited we took off running through the house!! Mom threw up her hands and laughed! Dad was laughing too! What fun!!
P.S. That Batty Beagle sat on me! He was supposed to sit next to me not on me!! I let him know right away that was a bad idea! Good thing I like him. We did have fun after that though!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 22, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom has been working really hard with Leroy. He's practicing, Sit, Down, Stay. Mom said once he's really good at them, then she's going to have me and him do side by side, like she taught us to do with Sit! And we walk side by side too. Last night he even did Stay while Petey Cat walked all around him. Mom gave him extra treats for that! She wants him to learn Bye Bye but she told me that's a little down the road. We are going to sit side by side and wave Bye Bye. Mom thinks it would be neat to have us do things simultaneously. I didn't know what that was, but Dad said, at the same time. Mom said it would be a fun way to include me in things. I have to sit behind the gate when Leroy is learning and I don't always like that. This morning Mom, and me and Leroy walked all around the yard together. Then it started to rain. I don't like getting wet. It was raining so hard even Little Leroy didn't like it. Mom made us run to the front porch. Mom shook the rain off herself, then I did, then Leroy, which made Mom laugh! Dad laughed at all of us when we went in the house soaking wet, WOOF!
Love & Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom has been working really hard with Leroy. He's practicing, Sit, Down, Stay. Mom said once he's really good at them, then she's going to have me and him do side by side, like she taught us to do with Sit! And we walk side by side too. Last night he even did Stay while Petey Cat walked all around him. Mom gave him extra treats for that! She wants him to learn Bye Bye but she told me that's a little down the road. We are going to sit side by side and wave Bye Bye. Mom thinks it would be neat to have us do things simultaneously. I didn't know what that was, but Dad said, at the same time. Mom said it would be a fun way to include me in things. I have to sit behind the gate when Leroy is learning and I don't always like that. This morning Mom, and me and Leroy walked all around the yard together. Then it started to rain. I don't like getting wet. It was raining so hard even Little Leroy didn't like it. Mom made us run to the front porch. Mom shook the rain off herself, then I did, then Leroy, which made Mom laugh! Dad laughed at all of us when we went in the house soaking wet, WOOF!
Love & Woofs, FredDog
June 20, 2018
Dear Terry, I've been laying low this week. Mom says that I've been a Good Boy like Fred! I went to my last class at Hot Dog School last night. Guess what!? I can go to another harder class if Mom & Dad think they want to go to! It's called Intermediate! And I get to learn how to be a Canine Good Citizen. I'm not sure what that is but I bet I can do it!! Mom says it means that I would be a Super Good Boy. And that means lots of Hot Dogs! Last night I did the whole class without any hot dogs. The trainer said no treats to see if we could all be good dogs. There were a lot of bad dogs at first but they got their act together pretty quick. I was a Good Boy! Dad even said so! And I'm getting better at pooping outside too. Dad says I'm really coming along. Fred and I walked together with Mom this morning for almost an hour! We've been practicing. Fred walks slow so I have to wait a lot. Mom calls him her Pokey Puppy. I hope I can go to more School. I'm a good learner!
Dear Terry, I've been laying low this week. Mom says that I've been a Good Boy like Fred! I went to my last class at Hot Dog School last night. Guess what!? I can go to another harder class if Mom & Dad think they want to go to! It's called Intermediate! And I get to learn how to be a Canine Good Citizen. I'm not sure what that is but I bet I can do it!! Mom says it means that I would be a Super Good Boy. And that means lots of Hot Dogs! Last night I did the whole class without any hot dogs. The trainer said no treats to see if we could all be good dogs. There were a lot of bad dogs at first but they got their act together pretty quick. I was a Good Boy! Dad even said so! And I'm getting better at pooping outside too. Dad says I'm really coming along. Fred and I walked together with Mom this morning for almost an hour! We've been practicing. Fred walks slow so I have to wait a lot. Mom calls him her Pokey Puppy. I hope I can go to more School. I'm a good learner!
June 15, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy has had quite a week! He stunk in school but started pooping outside. He got on the end table trying to see Petey Cat. We accidentally pulled down all the drapes one night in the family room. And broke 2 curtain rods. In my defense, they block the view. And we had tons of fun tunneling through them! Mom just stood there too with her mouth open, hands on hips. Must not be a bad thing then since she didn't say a word! He's been working on crate training too. I won't do a crate. I won't do water either. Mom finally picked a song to sing to him too. I already have a song. We sing together. Leroy hugs Mom when she sings to him. Butt kisser, me and Mom singing together is better. Sometimes I don't like it when Leroy gets all the attention. Mom and Dad both try really hard to make everything fair. And we still do all our favorite stuff together. Mom makes sure of that! He is a pretty good pal to have though. When there's a thunderstorm he is always at my side, helping. He's not afraid. He is afraid of Petey Cat, that's about it though. Dad is very happy to have Leroy. Wait until you meet Leroy! Maybe you could visit soon, that would be great!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Leroy has had quite a week! He stunk in school but started pooping outside. He got on the end table trying to see Petey Cat. We accidentally pulled down all the drapes one night in the family room. And broke 2 curtain rods. In my defense, they block the view. And we had tons of fun tunneling through them! Mom just stood there too with her mouth open, hands on hips. Must not be a bad thing then since she didn't say a word! He's been working on crate training too. I won't do a crate. I won't do water either. Mom finally picked a song to sing to him too. I already have a song. We sing together. Leroy hugs Mom when she sings to him. Butt kisser, me and Mom singing together is better. Sometimes I don't like it when Leroy gets all the attention. Mom and Dad both try really hard to make everything fair. And we still do all our favorite stuff together. Mom makes sure of that! He is a pretty good pal to have though. When there's a thunderstorm he is always at my side, helping. He's not afraid. He is afraid of Petey Cat, that's about it though. Dad is very happy to have Leroy. Wait until you meet Leroy! Maybe you could visit soon, that would be great!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
June 10, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom took me to meet Grammy today. Pap was there too! I had to really behave good because it wasn't my house. Mom kept me by her side and sometimes she gave me a treat. Grammy is really nice and guess what!? She cut up chicken for me to take on my walk In Public. That's what Mom says when we take a car ride. In Public. Mom says I'm not so good In Public but I'm getting better! At first I was really bad when we got to the walking track. But every time I was good, Mom gave me chicken! When I was super good, Mom said let's take a break! She took me over to the creek and I cooled right off in the creek! I was tired too but the cool water running over my feet perked me right up! Fred said I was an idiot for going in the water. Fred is missing out on water fun! Tonight, Mom wanted to do some crate training. I don't like the crate. At all. We have been going slow. But tonight was super hard. Mom convinced me to put all 4 feet inside. I trust Mom, so I did it!! Boy did I get the snacks! So I kept doing it, and Mom kept giving me more snacks! I even sat down in there for her! Maybe it's not such a bad place to be. Mom thinks my first family, might have tried to crate train me but messed up. That's my first family who didn't like me and took me to the Shelter. Mom & Dad like me though! I love Dad whole lots, which is why I'm trying to be a Good Boy, like Fred.
P.S. I know for sure something is wrong with Leroy. He likes water. At first I thought he was just a puppy, he doesn't know any better. Him & Mom splash in the creek! It's downright scary!! Mom should take him back to the New Dog Store and get a new dog, this one is for sure a ding bat!
Barks & Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Mom took me to meet Grammy today. Pap was there too! I had to really behave good because it wasn't my house. Mom kept me by her side and sometimes she gave me a treat. Grammy is really nice and guess what!? She cut up chicken for me to take on my walk In Public. That's what Mom says when we take a car ride. In Public. Mom says I'm not so good In Public but I'm getting better! At first I was really bad when we got to the walking track. But every time I was good, Mom gave me chicken! When I was super good, Mom said let's take a break! She took me over to the creek and I cooled right off in the creek! I was tired too but the cool water running over my feet perked me right up! Fred said I was an idiot for going in the water. Fred is missing out on water fun! Tonight, Mom wanted to do some crate training. I don't like the crate. At all. We have been going slow. But tonight was super hard. Mom convinced me to put all 4 feet inside. I trust Mom, so I did it!! Boy did I get the snacks! So I kept doing it, and Mom kept giving me more snacks! I even sat down in there for her! Maybe it's not such a bad place to be. Mom thinks my first family, might have tried to crate train me but messed up. That's my first family who didn't like me and took me to the Shelter. Mom & Dad like me though! I love Dad whole lots, which is why I'm trying to be a Good Boy, like Fred.
P.S. I know for sure something is wrong with Leroy. He likes water. At first I thought he was just a puppy, he doesn't know any better. Him & Mom splash in the creek! It's downright scary!! Mom should take him back to the New Dog Store and get a new dog, this one is for sure a ding bat!
Barks & Wags, FredDog!
June 6, 2018
Dear Terry, boy Hot Dog School was tough last night! I was all wound up and barged into class like a crazy dog. Mom helped me calm down and a crazy boxer came in and sat down next to us. Then the golden doodle flipped out while the teacher was talking. The boxer had to go with the teacher for some help. Mr Anthony, the teacher, doesn't take any crap, and pretty soon the boxer knew just how to act. We had to learn how to walk last night. I'm a good sitter but not really a good walker. Sometimes I'm a really good walker, but I forget a lot of times how to do that when I smell a smell. I'm a good smeller too! After we worked super hard on that, Mr Anthony said we were going outside! We all lined up in the big yard and he said ok everyone, let your dog go! Leashes off! Only no one moved except Mom. Off came my leash, and off I went! I ran really hard the whole entire length of the yard. I ran and ran, pretty soon we were all running around having fun! Whew! We had to go back inside and everyone was told to call their dogs. Mom yelled LEROYYYY COMMMEEE HERRRREEE! And guess what I did??? I ran right to her!!! Oh yes I did!! All on my own!! I got big pets for that!
Trying to be a good dog, Leroy!
Dear Terry, boy Hot Dog School was tough last night! I was all wound up and barged into class like a crazy dog. Mom helped me calm down and a crazy boxer came in and sat down next to us. Then the golden doodle flipped out while the teacher was talking. The boxer had to go with the teacher for some help. Mr Anthony, the teacher, doesn't take any crap, and pretty soon the boxer knew just how to act. We had to learn how to walk last night. I'm a good sitter but not really a good walker. Sometimes I'm a really good walker, but I forget a lot of times how to do that when I smell a smell. I'm a good smeller too! After we worked super hard on that, Mr Anthony said we were going outside! We all lined up in the big yard and he said ok everyone, let your dog go! Leashes off! Only no one moved except Mom. Off came my leash, and off I went! I ran really hard the whole entire length of the yard. I ran and ran, pretty soon we were all running around having fun! Whew! We had to go back inside and everyone was told to call their dogs. Mom yelled LEROYYYY COMMMEEE HERRRREEE! And guess what I did??? I ran right to her!!! Oh yes I did!! All on my own!! I got big pets for that!
Trying to be a good dog, Leroy!
June 5, 2018
Dear Terry, little Leroy is turning out to be a good pal. Last night we played until almost midnight! What I don't like is when Mom & Dad practice with Leroy. I have to stay behind the gate. He gets all the snacks! Last night I let Mom know how unfair that was by barking non stop until she paid attention to me. She wasn't mad though. She came behind the gate with secret snacks for me and her! I still remembered what her favorite trick is and waved bye bye and she gave me lots of snacks! Leroy doesn't know how to wave bye bye yet. He's still learning to be good. Last night he helped me clean the big bed off. He took off all the pillows and I threw all the covers on the floor on top of him. What fun that was!! Dad was laughing and said, Wait till Mom sees what you've done! We all had fun putting the covers back on the bed. Leroy goes to school tonight. That means me and PeteyCat can rest up while he's gone. He'll be pretty tired when he gets home and we usually lay down on the sofa together.
Barks & wags, FredDog
P.S. it's me, Leroy. I got in trouble last night. While mom wasn't looking, I pulled on a paper towel hanging off the counter and a latke fell right on my head! I ate it right away but Mom saw me. I ran away really fast!! Woof! Latkes are yummy!
Dear Terry, little Leroy is turning out to be a good pal. Last night we played until almost midnight! What I don't like is when Mom & Dad practice with Leroy. I have to stay behind the gate. He gets all the snacks! Last night I let Mom know how unfair that was by barking non stop until she paid attention to me. She wasn't mad though. She came behind the gate with secret snacks for me and her! I still remembered what her favorite trick is and waved bye bye and she gave me lots of snacks! Leroy doesn't know how to wave bye bye yet. He's still learning to be good. Last night he helped me clean the big bed off. He took off all the pillows and I threw all the covers on the floor on top of him. What fun that was!! Dad was laughing and said, Wait till Mom sees what you've done! We all had fun putting the covers back on the bed. Leroy goes to school tonight. That means me and PeteyCat can rest up while he's gone. He'll be pretty tired when he gets home and we usually lay down on the sofa together.
Barks & wags, FredDog
P.S. it's me, Leroy. I got in trouble last night. While mom wasn't looking, I pulled on a paper towel hanging off the counter and a latke fell right on my head! I ate it right away but Mom saw me. I ran away really fast!! Woof! Latkes are yummy!
June 1, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. What a day yesterday! Mom took me to the nature park. I didn't know what that was. Fred said it was the best place ever! Well that's ok with me then! Mom helped me out of the jeep and I saw giant trees and little meadows and ponds all around! I closed my eyes and sniffed. Oh the SMELLS! Mom said come on little Leroy let me show you around. I tried to walk real good because I wanted to see everything! We stayed for a very long time. We stayed until my feet wore out! I even walked across a bridge with water under it! I fell asleep in the jeep standing up! Only I fell over. And kept on sleeping! Then when we got home, guess what I found outside! A snake skin!! It was empty. No snake inside and I checked it out real good too. Then I fell asleep again. Right in the driveway! Mom had to wake me up to go inside. I told Dad and Fred all about it when we got inside! Then I fell asleep again. Best day ever!!
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. What a day yesterday! Mom took me to the nature park. I didn't know what that was. Fred said it was the best place ever! Well that's ok with me then! Mom helped me out of the jeep and I saw giant trees and little meadows and ponds all around! I closed my eyes and sniffed. Oh the SMELLS! Mom said come on little Leroy let me show you around. I tried to walk real good because I wanted to see everything! We stayed for a very long time. We stayed until my feet wore out! I even walked across a bridge with water under it! I fell asleep in the jeep standing up! Only I fell over. And kept on sleeping! Then when we got home, guess what I found outside! A snake skin!! It was empty. No snake inside and I checked it out real good too. Then I fell asleep again. Right in the driveway! Mom had to wake me up to go inside. I told Dad and Fred all about it when we got inside! Then I fell asleep again. Best day ever!!
May 30, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy! I got to go to Hot Dog School again! Anthony owns the Hot Dog School. I met him last night and he let me help show the other dogs what to do!! He told Mom he likes beagles. That's me! I'm a beagle!! I was really good for Mom and Dad. Oh and we got to learn how to "place" which means I jump up on the dog trampoline! Then I'm supposed to stay put, which isn't hard at all since I'm a good sitter. Plus I get hot dogs! Anthony gave me more hot dogs than Mom. And the best part was I didn't even have my leash on! Some dogs had to keep theirs on, but not me! Mom said I sat there like a champ! At the end though I was tired and hot and stuffed. I wanted to go but Anthony was talking to all of us. I wanted to GO. I tried to lay down but the dog next to kept breathing on me. I tried to sit still but couldn't. I tried whining but Mom shhhhushhhed me. Finally, I couldn't think anymore, I HOWLED and BAYED as loud as I could. I'm a good howler too. It was one of my best ones ever! Mom gave me The Look and shhhushed me again. I put my head on her leg and dozed off. What a great class! Mom says we go back to the Hot Dog School next week too!
Woooowoooowoooooo, LEROY!
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy! I got to go to Hot Dog School again! Anthony owns the Hot Dog School. I met him last night and he let me help show the other dogs what to do!! He told Mom he likes beagles. That's me! I'm a beagle!! I was really good for Mom and Dad. Oh and we got to learn how to "place" which means I jump up on the dog trampoline! Then I'm supposed to stay put, which isn't hard at all since I'm a good sitter. Plus I get hot dogs! Anthony gave me more hot dogs than Mom. And the best part was I didn't even have my leash on! Some dogs had to keep theirs on, but not me! Mom said I sat there like a champ! At the end though I was tired and hot and stuffed. I wanted to go but Anthony was talking to all of us. I wanted to GO. I tried to lay down but the dog next to kept breathing on me. I tried to sit still but couldn't. I tried whining but Mom shhhhushhhed me. Finally, I couldn't think anymore, I HOWLED and BAYED as loud as I could. I'm a good howler too. It was one of my best ones ever! Mom gave me The Look and shhhushed me again. I put my head on her leg and dozed off. What a great class! Mom says we go back to the Hot Dog School next week too!
Woooowoooowoooooo, LEROY!
May 26, 2018
Dear Terry, I think little Leroy is coming along. He's been doing his practice homework for class. Mostly he's practicing sitting, which is good because it's the only thing he knows how to do. Well, not true. He said to me the other day, Fred watch this! And he jumped on the toilet and then up on the counter and sat down in the sink! I said ohhhh nooooo! But Mom had already seen him, and she said, LEROY BROWN GET DOWN. He jumped off and over my head and ran as fast as he could through the house. Me and Mom just looked at each other. Now you see why me and Mom go for quiet walks in the yard every morning. Just me and her, like we used to. Sometimes we sit on a log and watch the birds. Sometimes I help her pull weeds. And sometimes we don't do anything at all. Me and Mom walk until all our worries have gone away. I can't walk as far as I used to. Mom doesn't care. We end each walk by checking on the chickens and feeding them. I'm still The Chicken Checker! I'm gonna go now, it's thundering.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I think little Leroy is coming along. He's been doing his practice homework for class. Mostly he's practicing sitting, which is good because it's the only thing he knows how to do. Well, not true. He said to me the other day, Fred watch this! And he jumped on the toilet and then up on the counter and sat down in the sink! I said ohhhh nooooo! But Mom had already seen him, and she said, LEROY BROWN GET DOWN. He jumped off and over my head and ran as fast as he could through the house. Me and Mom just looked at each other. Now you see why me and Mom go for quiet walks in the yard every morning. Just me and her, like we used to. Sometimes we sit on a log and watch the birds. Sometimes I help her pull weeds. And sometimes we don't do anything at all. Me and Mom walk until all our worries have gone away. I can't walk as far as I used to. Mom doesn't care. We end each walk by checking on the chickens and feeding them. I'm still The Chicken Checker! I'm gonna go now, it's thundering.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
May 23, 2018
Dear Terry, Yesterday was the first day of school for me! Fred said it would be hard. There were lots and lots of dogs there. Mom & Dad were with me though so I wasn't worried. I said hello to everyone I saw and we found our seats. Then we had to move because 2 dogs weren't getting along. Mom cut up a whole carrot for snacks. All I had to do was sit quietly in front of Mom & Dad and I got a carrot! I thought this was gonna be hard! I'm a really good sitter you know. The Teacher said so too! Which got me a big smooch on the head from Mom! Some dogs were so bad they had to leave the room. Mom ran out of carrots because I was so good! But get this!! The Hot Dog Lady was there! She carried a giant bin of cut up hot dogs all around in case you were short on treats like Mom! How can School be bad or hard when there's a Hot Dog Lady there??! Then I had to learn how to Heel. And just like that, the Hot Dog Lady was at my side!! Then the Teacher was at my side and I showed her what I could do! She told everyone to look at me because I was so good! Dad was so please and gave me a good boy slap on the side! Mom gave me another big smooch on the head! What a great time I had there!!
Woohoo woohoo woooooooo, Leroy
Dear Terry, Yesterday was the first day of school for me! Fred said it would be hard. There were lots and lots of dogs there. Mom & Dad were with me though so I wasn't worried. I said hello to everyone I saw and we found our seats. Then we had to move because 2 dogs weren't getting along. Mom cut up a whole carrot for snacks. All I had to do was sit quietly in front of Mom & Dad and I got a carrot! I thought this was gonna be hard! I'm a really good sitter you know. The Teacher said so too! Which got me a big smooch on the head from Mom! Some dogs were so bad they had to leave the room. Mom ran out of carrots because I was so good! But get this!! The Hot Dog Lady was there! She carried a giant bin of cut up hot dogs all around in case you were short on treats like Mom! How can School be bad or hard when there's a Hot Dog Lady there??! Then I had to learn how to Heel. And just like that, the Hot Dog Lady was at my side!! Then the Teacher was at my side and I showed her what I could do! She told everyone to look at me because I was so good! Dad was so please and gave me a good boy slap on the side! Mom gave me another big smooch on the head! What a great time I had there!!
Woohoo woohoo woooooooo, Leroy
May 21, 2018
Dear Terry, tomorrow is my first day of school. What if I mess up? What if I poop indoors? What if all the other dogs are bigger than me? What if they don't like me? What if I'm not as smart as the other dogs? What if I embarrass mom and dad by being bad even if I meant to be good? I don't know if I can do this! My pal Fred said, don't worry little Leroy, I had to go to school too! Mom won't let anything bad happen, it's fun, and you get lots of snacks and pets. One time Mom got reprimanded in class because I stopped listening to chase a butterfly. Mom stuck up for me. So don't worry Leroy, chase butterflies! Mom's got your back! I hope Fred is right. He always seems to be right about stuff. Petey Cat said I'm going to reform school and it's just like The Slammer. Petey tells me things to tease me. I shouldn't believe him. Right???
Wooo wooooo wooooooooooo
Dear Terry, tomorrow is my first day of school. What if I mess up? What if I poop indoors? What if all the other dogs are bigger than me? What if they don't like me? What if I'm not as smart as the other dogs? What if I embarrass mom and dad by being bad even if I meant to be good? I don't know if I can do this! My pal Fred said, don't worry little Leroy, I had to go to school too! Mom won't let anything bad happen, it's fun, and you get lots of snacks and pets. One time Mom got reprimanded in class because I stopped listening to chase a butterfly. Mom stuck up for me. So don't worry Leroy, chase butterflies! Mom's got your back! I hope Fred is right. He always seems to be right about stuff. Petey Cat said I'm going to reform school and it's just like The Slammer. Petey tells me things to tease me. I shouldn't believe him. Right???
Wooo wooooo wooooooooooo
May 19, 2018
Dear Terry, Little Leroy sure is WORK. I know I wasn't this bad!! He seems to learn all he can except how to poop outside. I even show him how to poop! We pee together, I don't know why he keeps messing up in the house. Mom is frustrated. Leroy starts Class Tuesday! Maybe the Teacher can show h im how to poop. Leroy has a spiffy new collar too. It helps him walk without running away. Mom says it's like training wheels on a bike for him. Only with Leroy , we hope the wheels stay ON! OH and even bigger excitement! Dad had to do Surgery on Mom this morning!! Mom had a tick attached to her head!!! We don't like bugs. Me and Leory stood in the bathroom with Mom and Dad and helped supervise the Tick Killing. BLEH. Dad got the whole thing in one try! Success! I told her she should get a flea collar like mine so she won't get ticks. She says she feels all scratchy and buggy now! Remember when I had to go see The Vet becaue I had one on my Puppy Junk??? Mom agreed that was way worse than her tick.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Little Leroy sure is WORK. I know I wasn't this bad!! He seems to learn all he can except how to poop outside. I even show him how to poop! We pee together, I don't know why he keeps messing up in the house. Mom is frustrated. Leroy starts Class Tuesday! Maybe the Teacher can show h im how to poop. Leroy has a spiffy new collar too. It helps him walk without running away. Mom says it's like training wheels on a bike for him. Only with Leroy , we hope the wheels stay ON! OH and even bigger excitement! Dad had to do Surgery on Mom this morning!! Mom had a tick attached to her head!!! We don't like bugs. Me and Leory stood in the bathroom with Mom and Dad and helped supervise the Tick Killing. BLEH. Dad got the whole thing in one try! Success! I told her she should get a flea collar like mine so she won't get ticks. She says she feels all scratchy and buggy now! Remember when I had to go see The Vet becaue I had one on my Puppy Junk??? Mom agreed that was way worse than her tick.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 15, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. I'm in BIG trouble. And I'm back in The Slammer. Behind bars. I'll never see Dad again. I slipped my collar this morning instead of going in the house and I ran away from Mom. And I ran and ran and ran. Mom says I ran 4 or 5 houses away. Mom's really fast she ran too! She caught up to me at the neighbor's garage. I was running in circles all around it. Then I saw Mom patiently standing nearby waiting for me. I walked over and sat on her foot. She quietly put my collar back on and we went home. She was so upset with me she couldn't even breathe. Fred said that's because you made her run all over the neighborhood to save your sorry puppy butt. He checked Mom over real good and ignored me. Dad wouldn't look at me or even pet me. I sat in the middle of the floor. I didn't know how to fix all the unhappiness. Mom saw me, and said come here Leroy. She sat with me and talked real softly until everyone relaxed. We all took a ride in jeep. Fred got to ride shot gun with Mom. I fell asleep in Dad's arms in his lap in the back. But when we stopped, Mom took me in a big building. Ohhh nooo The Slammer!! They hate me now. Wait, I heard a familiar voice! Oh FRED! MY PAL FRED! He said don't worry little Leroy, it's vacation not The Slammer. He said Mom and Dad went to the City overnight to see a Game. Fred said, look Leroy, Mom packed your blanket for you. Oh she did!! I just want to see Dad again. I don't know when tomorrow is but it seems like forever. Fred said Little Leroy, close your eyes and sleep. Everything will be ok. I hope so.
Sad sad Leroy Brown.
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. I'm in BIG trouble. And I'm back in The Slammer. Behind bars. I'll never see Dad again. I slipped my collar this morning instead of going in the house and I ran away from Mom. And I ran and ran and ran. Mom says I ran 4 or 5 houses away. Mom's really fast she ran too! She caught up to me at the neighbor's garage. I was running in circles all around it. Then I saw Mom patiently standing nearby waiting for me. I walked over and sat on her foot. She quietly put my collar back on and we went home. She was so upset with me she couldn't even breathe. Fred said that's because you made her run all over the neighborhood to save your sorry puppy butt. He checked Mom over real good and ignored me. Dad wouldn't look at me or even pet me. I sat in the middle of the floor. I didn't know how to fix all the unhappiness. Mom saw me, and said come here Leroy. She sat with me and talked real softly until everyone relaxed. We all took a ride in jeep. Fred got to ride shot gun with Mom. I fell asleep in Dad's arms in his lap in the back. But when we stopped, Mom took me in a big building. Ohhh nooo The Slammer!! They hate me now. Wait, I heard a familiar voice! Oh FRED! MY PAL FRED! He said don't worry little Leroy, it's vacation not The Slammer. He said Mom and Dad went to the City overnight to see a Game. Fred said, look Leroy, Mom packed your blanket for you. Oh she did!! I just want to see Dad again. I don't know when tomorrow is but it seems like forever. Fred said Little Leroy, close your eyes and sleep. Everything will be ok. I hope so.
Sad sad Leroy Brown.
May 13, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me, the Dad. 40 some days into the Leroy Project and it seems like he will never be a good dog. But then he wags his tail, sits on my foot or takes a nap with me and I'm so glad we have him. I started to help train him along with the Wife, aka Mom. Carrots and frozen green beans are his favorite. I'm teaching him to spin, get up and get down. We call it learn & earn. His class starts May 22. I'm attending the class with him to learn too. My helper, Kathy, is taking me to the first class which is for humans only. Her grandson is having the same place train a service dog for him. I know we picked the right place for Leroy! Like Fred says, he's a good egg but doesn't always think things through. I love him lots! We won't give up on him! Oh yeah, Petey Cat got mad at him for barking in his face so he hissed and chased my poor Leroy through the house. OYE OYE OYE!
Hugs and more hugs, The Dad
May 10, 2018
Dear Terry, it's Leroy. I let my pal Freddie down! He was so scared last night because of the thunderstorm. Even Petey put his head under Mom's pillow. I didn't know there was a storm, I slept through the whole thing! Mom said she came to check on me and I was belly up, ears flapped back, snoring. Fred needed me and I was zonked out! Mom told Dad to keep an eye on Fred today because there's going to be another storm. I'm going to stick to him like glue. In fact, we peed together this morning. Fred always picks the spot, then I go right next to him. Mom calls me Copy Cat. Guess what Dad's been teaching me?! How to play ball! He throws it and I catch it and he yells Bring It Back Leroy! And I bring it back and we do it all over. We use the special squeaky tennis ball he got me. Fred takes a nap when me and Dad play. Oh and Petey Cat let me lick him on the head. I got fur stuck to my tongue and spit it out. I think he was laughing at me so I drooled on him. I'm a good drooler. Fred said atta boy Leroy when I did that. Woof!! I better go see what Dad is doing!
Howls & more Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, it's Leroy. I let my pal Freddie down! He was so scared last night because of the thunderstorm. Even Petey put his head under Mom's pillow. I didn't know there was a storm, I slept through the whole thing! Mom said she came to check on me and I was belly up, ears flapped back, snoring. Fred needed me and I was zonked out! Mom told Dad to keep an eye on Fred today because there's going to be another storm. I'm going to stick to him like glue. In fact, we peed together this morning. Fred always picks the spot, then I go right next to him. Mom calls me Copy Cat. Guess what Dad's been teaching me?! How to play ball! He throws it and I catch it and he yells Bring It Back Leroy! And I bring it back and we do it all over. We use the special squeaky tennis ball he got me. Fred takes a nap when me and Dad play. Oh and Petey Cat let me lick him on the head. I got fur stuck to my tongue and spit it out. I think he was laughing at me so I drooled on him. I'm a good drooler. Fred said atta boy Leroy when I did that. Woof!! I better go see what Dad is doing!
Howls & more Howls, Leroy
May 8, 2018
Dear Terry, its Leroy. Mom said I was a good boy today before she left for work! I did a lot today. I played with Fred and we bumped into Petey. That's not the good boy part. Oh and I played one of my favorite games, I pull the toilet paper until it runs out. That takes some doing because I have to run through all the rooms. Oh, wait, that's not the good boy part either. I'm getting to that. I helped dad make salad scraps for the chickens and snatched a piece of lettuce off the counter and ate it. Sigh. That's not it either. I better tell you the good boy part before I forget again. At 530 this morning I really had to pee. I'm not supposed to do that in the house but no one was awake! I went over to the big door and whined super loud. Maybe someone would hear me. Mom did! She thought something was wrong but then could tell I needed to GO. Out we went and I peed 2 times in the yard!! We had a big celebration! Dad slept through the whole thing!! That's the good boy part. Mom told dad all about it and he told me I was a good boy too!! It's a great day!!
Howls and kisses, Leroy.
Dear Terry, its Leroy. Mom said I was a good boy today before she left for work! I did a lot today. I played with Fred and we bumped into Petey. That's not the good boy part. Oh and I played one of my favorite games, I pull the toilet paper until it runs out. That takes some doing because I have to run through all the rooms. Oh, wait, that's not the good boy part either. I'm getting to that. I helped dad make salad scraps for the chickens and snatched a piece of lettuce off the counter and ate it. Sigh. That's not it either. I better tell you the good boy part before I forget again. At 530 this morning I really had to pee. I'm not supposed to do that in the house but no one was awake! I went over to the big door and whined super loud. Maybe someone would hear me. Mom did! She thought something was wrong but then could tell I needed to GO. Out we went and I peed 2 times in the yard!! We had a big celebration! Dad slept through the whole thing!! That's the good boy part. Mom told dad all about it and he told me I was a good boy too!! It's a great day!!
Howls and kisses, Leroy.
May 3, 2018
Happy Birthday Terry! Mom says your birthday is right before the big horse race. We like birthdays. Well, Leroy doesn't but only because he's never had one yet! You know what me and Leroy did today? We took a nap with Dad! I was kind of scared because I had heard thunder. Leroy said, oh Fred don't be scared! And he laid down next to me on the big bed, then Dad said, oh Fred ! Don't be scared and he laid down with me too! Pretty soon we all fell asleep and slept the day away! I hope you have a good sleepy birthday!
Barks and wags,
Happy Birthday Terry! Mom says your birthday is right before the big horse race. We like birthdays. Well, Leroy doesn't but only because he's never had one yet! You know what me and Leroy did today? We took a nap with Dad! I was kind of scared because I had heard thunder. Leroy said, oh Fred don't be scared! And he laid down next to me on the big bed, then Dad said, oh Fred ! Don't be scared and he laid down with me too! Pretty soon we all fell asleep and slept the day away! I hope you have a good sleepy birthday!
Barks and wags,
April 30, 2018
Dear Terry,
I've been pretty good this week so far. Dad had to go to the hospital and Mom said, Leroy, you have to be the bestest puppy ever while I'm gone. I tried really hard. I didn't have any accidents and I only chewed on one book. Mom said he was only gone 2 days but it seemed like forever! Fred said sometimes that happens and we have to be super good for Mom. Mom said we were both good boys!! Oh and you know what I learned how to do from my pal Fred?? How to roll in the grass! Mom had us outside together and Fred said watch this Leroy! And he started rolling and rolling and mom laughed! So I did just like him and we were rolling together! Then we laid there upside down looking up at the sky! Mom gave us tummy rubs too! What a great time that was!! I'm so glad Dad is home. I missed him a whole lot.
Howls and more howls! Leroy
Dear Terry,
I've been pretty good this week so far. Dad had to go to the hospital and Mom said, Leroy, you have to be the bestest puppy ever while I'm gone. I tried really hard. I didn't have any accidents and I only chewed on one book. Mom said he was only gone 2 days but it seemed like forever! Fred said sometimes that happens and we have to be super good for Mom. Mom said we were both good boys!! Oh and you know what I learned how to do from my pal Fred?? How to roll in the grass! Mom had us outside together and Fred said watch this Leroy! And he started rolling and rolling and mom laughed! So I did just like him and we were rolling together! Then we laid there upside down looking up at the sky! Mom gave us tummy rubs too! What a great time that was!! I'm so glad Dad is home. I missed him a whole lot.
Howls and more howls! Leroy
April 27, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy the Puppy has had a really bad week. He's done some dumb stuff. He keeps pulling at stuff on counters and anywhere he can reach, and he ate some bad stuff and had to go to vet two times!! He got clunked on the head too when he pulled a jar off the table. He made Petey Cat mad too. I didn't like that at all and had to growl at him. Marge the chicken nearly put his eye out. He chewed a cord to dad's special breathing machine and ripped fabric off the old sofa. Mom and Dad keep trying to tucker him out by walking him and playing ball. I play until I get too tired. Leroy is worried he's going back to The Slammer. Mom told him she never gives up on an animal friend! She told him, he's a Work in Progress and that everything will be ok, and we will all help him out. No Slammer. He can do some stuff really good, like sit. I told him he's the best sitter ever! He's a good egg but not a very good thinker sometimes. I slept with him this afternoon and let him share the pillow. That seemed to cheer him up! I better go see what he's doing!
Love & Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Leroy the Puppy has had a really bad week. He's done some dumb stuff. He keeps pulling at stuff on counters and anywhere he can reach, and he ate some bad stuff and had to go to vet two times!! He got clunked on the head too when he pulled a jar off the table. He made Petey Cat mad too. I didn't like that at all and had to growl at him. Marge the chicken nearly put his eye out. He chewed a cord to dad's special breathing machine and ripped fabric off the old sofa. Mom and Dad keep trying to tucker him out by walking him and playing ball. I play until I get too tired. Leroy is worried he's going back to The Slammer. Mom told him she never gives up on an animal friend! She told him, he's a Work in Progress and that everything will be ok, and we will all help him out. No Slammer. He can do some stuff really good, like sit. I told him he's the best sitter ever! He's a good egg but not a very good thinker sometimes. I slept with him this afternoon and let him share the pillow. That seemed to cheer him up! I better go see what he's doing!
Love & Woofs, FredDog
April 21, 2018
Dear Terry, I think the puppy might be pretty dumb. He told me that Mom gave him the best good boy prize EVER. You know what it was?? An ice cube. He worked his butt off learning stuff FOR WATER. What a ding bat. Didn't even have peanut butter on it. He was really proud of his ice cube so I told him it was indeed a super prize! He starts school in a month. I hope Mom and Dad have lots of ice cubes for that! Remember how hard school was for me? He doesn't chase butterflies though. Hope the teacher likes him. Mom really wants him to be a Good Boy like me. Today he destroyed 2 lamps. It's gonna take a lot of ice cubes I think...
Barks and wags, FredDog.
Dear Terry, I think the puppy might be pretty dumb. He told me that Mom gave him the best good boy prize EVER. You know what it was?? An ice cube. He worked his butt off learning stuff FOR WATER. What a ding bat. Didn't even have peanut butter on it. He was really proud of his ice cube so I told him it was indeed a super prize! He starts school in a month. I hope Mom and Dad have lots of ice cubes for that! Remember how hard school was for me? He doesn't chase butterflies though. Hope the teacher likes him. Mom really wants him to be a Good Boy like me. Today he destroyed 2 lamps. It's gonna take a lot of ice cubes I think...
Barks and wags, FredDog.
April 18, 2018
Dear Terry,
Mom said I was exasperating! I don't know what that is but Fred told me that it means she loves me lots! He said sometimes she says that to me too so don't you worry little Leroy! Mom must love me, she gave me a tire to play with! It's a special puppy tire for chewing. I carried it with me everywhere last night and today! I added it to my collection! I put my stuff in my tunnel. I put some stuff in the back of the sofa too. I even had a phonebook! Mom took that away though because I made a mess of it. That's how I got my tire! Me and Fred dumped the water bowl all over the place. Dad said, it's all fun and games until the water gets on Fred!! I like water but Fred doesn't. Do you know I know how to open the shower door and I sit in the rain while Mom gets cleaned off? Now THAT'S fun! Fred told Mom I might be defective cause I like water! Howl!
Dear Terry, Puppy makes me tired!!
Howls and wags,
Fred Dog & Leroy
Dear Terry,
Mom said I was exasperating! I don't know what that is but Fred told me that it means she loves me lots! He said sometimes she says that to me too so don't you worry little Leroy! Mom must love me, she gave me a tire to play with! It's a special puppy tire for chewing. I carried it with me everywhere last night and today! I added it to my collection! I put my stuff in my tunnel. I put some stuff in the back of the sofa too. I even had a phonebook! Mom took that away though because I made a mess of it. That's how I got my tire! Me and Fred dumped the water bowl all over the place. Dad said, it's all fun and games until the water gets on Fred!! I like water but Fred doesn't. Do you know I know how to open the shower door and I sit in the rain while Mom gets cleaned off? Now THAT'S fun! Fred told Mom I might be defective cause I like water! Howl!
Dear Terry, Puppy makes me tired!!
Howls and wags,
Fred Dog & Leroy
April 16, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy is CRAZY. He's always playing and being bad. Last night and today he keeps stealing the phone books and ripping up the pages. He ripped up one of Mom's books too. He chased Petey. It's a wonder he still has 2 eyes. Marge pecks him on the nose every morning. He's turning out to be a pretty good friend to me though. Last night I got wet in the rain when Mom took us outside. Then I got pretty cold. I laid in the big bed but I was still cold. Leroy came in and curled up right next to me and we fell asleep snuggled in the blankets. He puts off a lot of heat for a puppy! I guess sometimes he's not so bad!
Barks n Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Leroy is CRAZY. He's always playing and being bad. Last night and today he keeps stealing the phone books and ripping up the pages. He ripped up one of Mom's books too. He chased Petey. It's a wonder he still has 2 eyes. Marge pecks him on the nose every morning. He's turning out to be a pretty good friend to me though. Last night I got wet in the rain when Mom took us outside. Then I got pretty cold. I laid in the big bed but I was still cold. Leroy came in and curled up right next to me and we fell asleep snuggled in the blankets. He puts off a lot of heat for a puppy! I guess sometimes he's not so bad!
Barks n Wags, FredDog
April 14, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. I had a surprise this morning when me and Mom were walking in the yard. I smelled something really good along the creek and I was in the bushes. Mom said back back but I didn't listen. I backed away from her and SPLASH! I was so surprised!! My back end was standing in water!! How did that happen!!?? Good thing my front end was hanging onto to the edge! Mom didn't panic though! She said Leroy come here. I listened. I pulled myself up and back on the ground! WHAT FUN!! I wanted to go back in head first but Mom said, this way! I listened again. But gosh was that FUN!
TERRY. That crazy Leroy. He went in the water and got WET. What is wrong with him??? I tried to tell him about The Ocean but he kept saying, no Fred, it was FUNFUNFUN! I feel that there's no hope for him.
Barks & Howls,
FredDog & Leroy
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. I had a surprise this morning when me and Mom were walking in the yard. I smelled something really good along the creek and I was in the bushes. Mom said back back but I didn't listen. I backed away from her and SPLASH! I was so surprised!! My back end was standing in water!! How did that happen!!?? Good thing my front end was hanging onto to the edge! Mom didn't panic though! She said Leroy come here. I listened. I pulled myself up and back on the ground! WHAT FUN!! I wanted to go back in head first but Mom said, this way! I listened again. But gosh was that FUN!
TERRY. That crazy Leroy. He went in the water and got WET. What is wrong with him??? I tried to tell him about The Ocean but he kept saying, no Fred, it was FUNFUNFUN! I feel that there's no hope for him.
Barks & Howls,
FredDog & Leroy
April 13, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me, Leroy. Today, me and Fred and Dad slept all day long! Petey Cat told me that Mom loves me best when I run all around knocking stuff over. Fred told me Petey Cat is shady sometimes. When Mom got home, she put my new harness on. It took awhile because she kept mixing up what went where. I sat there as best I could. We went for a ride!! We went to a park!! I walk pretty good but then I don't walk so good. I smell smells. All of a sudden, out of nowhere this crazy bird attacked me in the face!!! She was nuts!! She came at Mom too! Mom said it was a killdeer and she was protecting her nest on the ground. We took cover in the jeep. My heart was pounding! I sat in Mom's lap until I calmed down. I've been around almost a year and never seen anything like it!!
Kisses and Howls, Leroy
P.S. Fred here. Puppy was so out of sorts when he came home! A bird almost put his eyes out! I licked his face for him, I could hear his heart. Then we ran around like crazy dogs! He's ok but I told Mom to make sure he doesn't get upset again, he's just a puppy!
Barks & wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, it's me, Leroy. Today, me and Fred and Dad slept all day long! Petey Cat told me that Mom loves me best when I run all around knocking stuff over. Fred told me Petey Cat is shady sometimes. When Mom got home, she put my new harness on. It took awhile because she kept mixing up what went where. I sat there as best I could. We went for a ride!! We went to a park!! I walk pretty good but then I don't walk so good. I smell smells. All of a sudden, out of nowhere this crazy bird attacked me in the face!!! She was nuts!! She came at Mom too! Mom said it was a killdeer and she was protecting her nest on the ground. We took cover in the jeep. My heart was pounding! I sat in Mom's lap until I calmed down. I've been around almost a year and never seen anything like it!!
Kisses and Howls, Leroy
P.S. Fred here. Puppy was so out of sorts when he came home! A bird almost put his eyes out! I licked his face for him, I could hear his heart. Then we ran around like crazy dogs! He's ok but I told Mom to make sure he doesn't get upset again, he's just a puppy!
Barks & wags, FredDog
April 12, 2018
Dear Terry, I'm Leroy. Bad Bad Leroy Brown. Things are all upside down in my head. Not too long ago, I was in the Slammer. My first people took me there because I was Too Much. They called me Rocky. I had to live behind bars and everything. One day, Mom came to visit. She sat down on the floor with me and I licked her face and wagged a whole lot! The Nice Man who took care of all the dogs like me, told her all about me and she still loved me. Now I have a whole new family that loves ME. I try and be extra good but I keep messing up. I don't want to go to the Slammer again. FredDog, my new friend, is trying to show me the ropes. I wish I could remember things better. I sure love Dad. Fred said we should always be extra kind to him and showed me how to lick his face until he laughs. Fred didn't tell me that the pink stuff was a nono. I messed up again. I did help Mom try and clean it up. She wasn't mad but I could tell she was tired. I gave her my tug-tug and we ended up playing and barking and laughing! I sure hope School will help me stay here. I don't want to leave.
Licks & Howls, Leroy.
Dear Terry, I'm Leroy. Bad Bad Leroy Brown. Things are all upside down in my head. Not too long ago, I was in the Slammer. My first people took me there because I was Too Much. They called me Rocky. I had to live behind bars and everything. One day, Mom came to visit. She sat down on the floor with me and I licked her face and wagged a whole lot! The Nice Man who took care of all the dogs like me, told her all about me and she still loved me. Now I have a whole new family that loves ME. I try and be extra good but I keep messing up. I don't want to go to the Slammer again. FredDog, my new friend, is trying to show me the ropes. I wish I could remember things better. I sure love Dad. Fred said we should always be extra kind to him and showed me how to lick his face until he laughs. Fred didn't tell me that the pink stuff was a nono. I messed up again. I did help Mom try and clean it up. She wasn't mad but I could tell she was tired. I gave her my tug-tug and we ended up playing and barking and laughing! I sure hope School will help me stay here. I don't want to leave.
Licks & Howls, Leroy.
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