Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
December 4, 2018

Dear Terry, guess what we did Sunday? We watched Mom & Dad put up even more lights out front! Me and Leroy had front row seats at the door and windows. Mom was going up and down on the ladders! Dad said don't worry I'll catch her if she falls!  I had my doubts about that but he seemed pretty sure. Leroy said, Fred I bet I could climb that ladder. I said I bet you can get in trouble too. Even Petey watched from the window with us. After the lights were all hung, Mom took me and Leroy out to our run. Pretty soon it was dark! Mom said, OK let's light up the house! Mom let us out on the porch to see. Oooo. It was all blue twinkling lights! Even overhead! I told Mom how great it was and we went back inside. Where was Leroy? Mom found him staring up at the twinkling lights. Mouth hanging up, staring. He was sitting on his bench taking it all in. He did move to Mom's lap. She told him all about Christmas. The good list, the naughty list. The Big Star in the sky. They stayed out there until he fell asleep. I think he likes it here.

Barks and Wags, FredDog

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