Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
May 26, 2018

Dear Terry, I think little Leroy is coming along. He's been doing his practice homework for class. Mostly he's practicing sitting, which is good because it's the only thing he knows how to do. Well, not true. He said to me the other day, Fred watch this! And he jumped on the toilet and then up on the counter and sat down in the sink! I said ohhhh nooooo! But Mom had already seen him, and she said, LEROY BROWN  GET DOWN. He jumped off and over my head and ran as fast as he could through the house. Me and Mom just looked at each other. Now you see why me and Mom go for quiet walks in the yard every morning. Just me and her, like we used to. Sometimes we sit on a log and watch the birds. Sometimes I help her pull weeds. And sometimes we don't do anything at all. Me and Mom walk until all our worries have gone away. I can't walk as far as I used to. Mom doesn't care. We end each walk by checking on the chickens and feeding them. I'm still The Chicken Checker! I'm gonna go now, it's thundering.

Love and Woofs, FredDog

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