Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
July 17, 2018

Dear Terry, Leroy here. I got into a little trouble yesterday. I think of it more like a no win situation. Mom couldn't walk too good because she had a shot in her knee so she took me to the dog park to run. And I was running and running. But wait! What was that smell??? I spied a new dog coming in with her owner. Her owner was an old lady. What was that smell??? She had on big wide shorts. I stuck my head up her shorts to smell. Omg she had a whole pocketful of treats!! But I don't know what happened, my head got stuck and I danced around, she danced around and I accidentally pulled her shorts part way down. Oh boy. LEROY BROWN!! Mom looked like she might die. But then the lady started laughing and laughing!! Mom laughed to!  Whew! She did make me sit down. Then she discovered the lady's shorts were stuffed with millions of treats! She told me no matter how good something smells, NO helping myself and NO shorts sniffing. Ok Mom. This wasn't covered in Hot Dog School so how was I supposed to know!? Mom said live and learn but no helping yourself!


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