April 12, 2018
Dear Terry, I'm Leroy. Bad Bad Leroy Brown. Things are all upside down in my head. Not too long ago, I was in the Slammer. My first people took me there because I was Too Much. They called me Rocky. I had to live behind bars and everything. One day, Mom came to visit. She sat down on the floor with me and I licked her face and wagged a whole lot! The Nice Man who took care of all the dogs like me, told her all about me and she still loved me. Now I have a whole new family that loves ME. I try and be extra good but I keep messing up. I don't want to go to the Slammer again. FredDog, my new friend, is trying to show me the ropes. I wish I could remember things better. I sure love Dad. Fred said we should always be extra kind to him and showed me how to lick his face until he laughs. Fred didn't tell me that the pink stuff was a nono. I messed up again. I did help Mom try and clean it up. She wasn't mad but I could tell she was tired. I gave her my tug-tug and we ended up playing and barking and laughing! I sure hope School will help me stay here. I don't want to leave.
Licks & Howls, Leroy.
Well, hello Leroy, and welcome to the best family a doggie could have. You're luckier than you'll every know that your mom and dad picked you. You'll catch on, it'll just take some time. Unless you're like my crazy pupster, who I'm pretty sure will never catch on to being a good dog. But that's ok because I love him no matter what. I can't wait to meet you. Hopefully we can meet soon. And try your hardest to listen to your folks and you big bro. He's the best doggo ever and can teach you a lot.