Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
September 27, 2014

Dear Terry, The bestest thing ever happened this week! Dad came home! It was super exciting. I saw him in the car with Mom and I scratched at the window! Then I ran barking to tell Penny Cat, Then I ran all around the house barking and barking until he got in the door and I threw myself down at his feet for tummy rubs!! I jumped back up and ran and ran and ran around a lot. Dad sat down and I was right in his lap. I smelled him all over to make sure he was OK. Dad is back!!! I scared Penny Cat because we didn't see her for hours. I didn't mean to. So I ran around some more looking for her to tell her about Dad. Then I ran back to check on Dad again and again and again.  We finally flopped down for a nap! It's so good to have Dad home!

Love and Woofs, FredDog

1 comment:

  1. WOOHOO!!!!! I'm so happy you Dad is home. I know how hard it is for doggies when everyone isn't where they are supposed to be. Newton hates it too. Love to all of you
