Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
June 27, 2017

Dear Terry. I'm sad. No Dad. Mom says he is in the hospital. Like staying at the vet's place. Dad can't be happy. I'm never happy at the vet. Mom says he has pneumonia. I don't know what that is but I know that he isn't here. We have a morning routine! Mom takes me out then when I get in Dad gives me treats! First a meat stick for pooping, then my special treat that helps my back, then a Milk Bone with peanut butter on top! Mom's been messing it up. One morning she forgot my Milk Bone with peanut butter!!! I sat at the cabinet waiting and waiting. FINALLY she remembered. Dad wouldn't have forgotten. It's our thing! Mom did give me some french toast and bacon she had made. And a little bit of scrambled egg! I like eggs. The girls make good eggs. Mom has been making sure I get a lot of walks so that I don't go crazy without Dad. A tired dog is a good dog, she always says that. Mom let me talk to Dad on the phone too. He said how's my PUPPPPYYYY!!! That's me, you know! I barked and barked HELLLOOOO DADDDDD!!! Then me and Petey ran all around. I wish Dad would come home!

Love and Woofs, FredDog
June 21, 2017

Dear Terry, It's me PennyCat. Meow Meow! Life is hard. PeteyCat is crazy. He's always running around. All I want is a quiet place to nap. That DOG is loud and runs around with Petey. I decided to take matters into my own hands this morning. For some reason Mom loves those two but we all know she loves me the best. I can do no wrong. She even says so. That DOG likes his toys all lined up and in certain places. This morning, I moved all of them. ALL of them. Different places for all of them. I ate all of Petey's food. I drank his water and then dumped it all over the spot on the counter where he likes to sit in the morning to watch what Mom and Dad are doing. I sat in That DOG's favorite spot all night long. I knew that alone would make him crazy. When everyone got up, Petey and That DOG came out into the living room all happy and cheery and there I was to greet everyone. RIGHT IN THAT DOG's favorite spot. He was all confused and upset. You can only imagine his dismay. Petey jumped on the counter and got all wet. Mom said there's My Penny! And she gave me lots of pets. The others looked on...My work here is done...FOR TODAY.

Meow Meow, PennyCat!

p.s. never mess with the calico!
June 21, 2017

Dear Terry, Oh boy, yesterday there was some big excitement with The Girls. First, I didn't hurt any chickens.  I mean, first, no chickens were hurt! Mom had them out and about before work. She said she needed to pull some weeds pulled so she was pulling weeds and The Girls were eating bugs and weeds with her. Mom put The Girls back in their house and we did all the usual stuff to get Mom ready for work. I kept hearing The Girls. They are pretty quiet unless they are really happy or really mad. They sounded happy so I didn't say anything. And I didn't tell Mom that I could see them from the front window. Mom left for work, only she didn't. She got out the front door and saw The Girls strolling along the driveway back by the neighbors!! The Girls had ESCAPED! Mom knew just what to do. She went to the garage and grabbed the bag of bugs that they like so much and shook the bag. Marge! Lisa! Oh they came running down the driveway! Good Girls! But they got sidetracked by bugs in the honeysuckle. Mom went back the drive and picked up Margie and walked back down with her. Lisa FLEW the whole way. She's very flappy and it always looks like she is going to crash land somewhere. She landed safely on her feet right next to Mom. I saw it all! First I could see out the front and then I could see out the side. I was trying to tell Dad but he had fallen asleep and missed all the excitement! Mom had forgotten to shut one of the doors on the coop and The Girls were out and about on their own for a long time. All morning!! We have to be careful with The Girls because of the neighbor's cats. I guess The Girls can fend for themselves!! They were very happy all day long.

Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 11, 2017

Dear Terry, Petey got in trouble today. Dad took him and Penny Cat outside on the deck this morning. Petey walked right off the deck, down the steps and along the cat ledge. He could have fallen into the grass! Mom heard Dad say PEEETTTTEEY, get back here. She went to see and there was Petey. She was real calm. Dad was so worried! Mom said, hey Petey, come here. And he came right to her! Mom said the ledge is part of the house and it's only 2 feet from ground at most. Dad said it was still scary. Dad said Petey saw another cat. He could have been in a fight!! It was scary! We all worry about Petey because he doesn't have a lick of sense in him. Oh and me and Mom took a walk in the woods. She let me chase a squirrel up a tree! I stood up against the tree and howled so everyone would know the squirrel was in the tree! Woooooo woooooo woooooo! It was really hot and we pooped out and went back to the car early. Mom brought ice water with us and we both had a big drink in the car with the cold air blowing on us. Whew!

Barks and wags, FredDog!

June 8, 2017

Dear Terry, Me and Petey got in BIG trouble today. Really BIG trouble. Mom took Dad to the eye doctor this morning. She did a bunch of stuff around the house when they got back and then she pooped out. She laid down and took a nap. Well, for a little while she took a nap. Me and Petey ruined it and woke her up by accident. Only Petey did it on purpose. I KNOW how that cat is!! It is ALL his fault! He ambushed me at the water bowl next to the bed. And we ended up fighting. I pulled out his fur and he scratched me in the eye and I was barking and snarling and Petey was hissing and screeching and the water bowl went flying and Mom jumped up awake and she yelled at us. She made both of us come and sit down in front of her. Only I couldn't see so good because MY EYE WAS PUT OUT. Mom assured me I still had an eye and she made sure I had no scratches on it. It really hurt. She cleaned the slobber off of Petey and made sure I hadn't bitten him. I didn't, all I did was pull out some fur. Mom knows it was me becasue the fur was stuck on my claw. Once Mom knew we were both OK we were allowed to leave. I jumped up on the bed and stayed with Mom. I didn't mean to ruin her nap. Petey came by again and he head butted me under the chin and I knew we were friends again. Petey purred a lot for Mom and we all calmed down. In fact, me and Mom went for a run in the park. At first Mom didn't want to run. She was still tired and it was late afternoon. I got her to run though! First I would walk real slow until I was behind her and then run up and try and get her to run. FINALLY she said ok ok let's run! Off we went! We ran a long time. When we got tired we slowed down and then I was too tired to go on so I sat down. Mom said, FRED, I can't carry you! Then I realized OH there's the car! and Mom gave me a good drink of water. Whew! What a day!!

Barks and Wags, FredDog

June 4, 2017

Dear Terry, It's me Petey. I had to help FredDog today. He thought he was all alone in the house. It started to rain and then we heard thunder. My friend hit the panic button and started to bark his storm bark and I knew he wasn't going to get through this one without my help. I ran right to him and at the same time we heard Mom call Fred!! come here!! And he ran right to her and I was right behind him. Fred was hiding under the desk on the floor. I laid down next to him and purred and purred until the storm was over and his heart wasn't beating so loud. Mom never saw me do that before. I usually run window to window watching the storm. Sometimes Fred needs help. Today was one of those days. Once the storm passed we ran all through the house together. We banged into the garbage can but that's OK! It didn't tip over this time!

This is ME! Petey !


June 2, 2017

Dear Terry, What a night! First Mom came home from work! Petey MEOWED and I barked and Penny Cat said Meow Meow. Then we ate PIZZA! We love Pizza Parties! Me and Mom checked on the chickens and it seemed like this was going to be a quiet night UNTIL Dad went out on the deck and Petey escaped and Penny Cat escaped! And Dad said OH NOOOO!!! Me and Mom came running but something was THUMP THUMP THUMPING. Mom said, What is that???? She looked around and then, just as Dad came back inside, one of the ceiling fan blades FLEW across the room and I ran, Mom ducked, Dad said OH NOOOOOO!!!! It landed with a clunk on the floor. Mom hurried up and turned the fan off. Everyone was OK. Then her and Dad remembered CATS!!! They hurried out to the deck and sure enough there they were hiding under the grill cover!  They got Petey and Penny Cat right back inside. NOW everyone was safe. Petey tried to help Mom on the chair while she fixed the fan. Dad had to keep shooing him away. Me and Penny Cat are afraid to go back in the kitchen. What if it happens again??? It was pretty scary. Mom can really duck fast when she has too!

I hope you have a nice quiet night!

Hi to Gilgamesh!

Barks and Wags, FredDog!