April 30, 2018
Dear Terry,
I've been pretty good this week so far. Dad had to go to the hospital and Mom said, Leroy, you have to be the bestest puppy ever while I'm gone. I tried really hard. I didn't have any accidents and I only chewed on one book. Mom said he was only gone 2 days but it seemed like forever! Fred said sometimes that happens and we have to be super good for Mom. Mom said we were both good boys!! Oh and you know what I learned how to do from my pal Fred?? How to roll in the grass! Mom had us outside together and Fred said watch this Leroy! And he started rolling and rolling and mom laughed! So I did just like him and we were rolling together! Then we laid there upside down looking up at the sky! Mom gave us tummy rubs too! What a great time that was!! I'm so glad Dad is home. I missed him a whole lot.
Howls and more howls! Leroy
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

April 27, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy the Puppy has had a really bad week. He's done some dumb stuff. He keeps pulling at stuff on counters and anywhere he can reach, and he ate some bad stuff and had to go to vet two times!! He got clunked on the head too when he pulled a jar off the table. He made Petey Cat mad too. I didn't like that at all and had to growl at him. Marge the chicken nearly put his eye out. He chewed a cord to dad's special breathing machine and ripped fabric off the old sofa. Mom and Dad keep trying to tucker him out by walking him and playing ball. I play until I get too tired. Leroy is worried he's going back to The Slammer. Mom told him she never gives up on an animal friend! She told him, he's a Work in Progress and that everything will be ok, and we will all help him out. No Slammer. He can do some stuff really good, like sit. I told him he's the best sitter ever! He's a good egg but not a very good thinker sometimes. I slept with him this afternoon and let him share the pillow. That seemed to cheer him up! I better go see what he's doing!
Love & Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Leroy the Puppy has had a really bad week. He's done some dumb stuff. He keeps pulling at stuff on counters and anywhere he can reach, and he ate some bad stuff and had to go to vet two times!! He got clunked on the head too when he pulled a jar off the table. He made Petey Cat mad too. I didn't like that at all and had to growl at him. Marge the chicken nearly put his eye out. He chewed a cord to dad's special breathing machine and ripped fabric off the old sofa. Mom and Dad keep trying to tucker him out by walking him and playing ball. I play until I get too tired. Leroy is worried he's going back to The Slammer. Mom told him she never gives up on an animal friend! She told him, he's a Work in Progress and that everything will be ok, and we will all help him out. No Slammer. He can do some stuff really good, like sit. I told him he's the best sitter ever! He's a good egg but not a very good thinker sometimes. I slept with him this afternoon and let him share the pillow. That seemed to cheer him up! I better go see what he's doing!
Love & Woofs, FredDog
April 21, 2018
Dear Terry, I think the puppy might be pretty dumb. He told me that Mom gave him the best good boy prize EVER. You know what it was?? An ice cube. He worked his butt off learning stuff FOR WATER. What a ding bat. Didn't even have peanut butter on it. He was really proud of his ice cube so I told him it was indeed a super prize! He starts school in a month. I hope Mom and Dad have lots of ice cubes for that! Remember how hard school was for me? He doesn't chase butterflies though. Hope the teacher likes him. Mom really wants him to be a Good Boy like me. Today he destroyed 2 lamps. It's gonna take a lot of ice cubes I think...
Barks and wags, FredDog.
Dear Terry, I think the puppy might be pretty dumb. He told me that Mom gave him the best good boy prize EVER. You know what it was?? An ice cube. He worked his butt off learning stuff FOR WATER. What a ding bat. Didn't even have peanut butter on it. He was really proud of his ice cube so I told him it was indeed a super prize! He starts school in a month. I hope Mom and Dad have lots of ice cubes for that! Remember how hard school was for me? He doesn't chase butterflies though. Hope the teacher likes him. Mom really wants him to be a Good Boy like me. Today he destroyed 2 lamps. It's gonna take a lot of ice cubes I think...
Barks and wags, FredDog.
April 18, 2018
Dear Terry,
Mom said I was exasperating! I don't know what that is but Fred told me that it means she loves me lots! He said sometimes she says that to me too so don't you worry little Leroy! Mom must love me, she gave me a tire to play with! It's a special puppy tire for chewing. I carried it with me everywhere last night and today! I added it to my collection! I put my stuff in my tunnel. I put some stuff in the back of the sofa too. I even had a phonebook! Mom took that away though because I made a mess of it. That's how I got my tire! Me and Fred dumped the water bowl all over the place. Dad said, it's all fun and games until the water gets on Fred!! I like water but Fred doesn't. Do you know I know how to open the shower door and I sit in the rain while Mom gets cleaned off? Now THAT'S fun! Fred told Mom I might be defective cause I like water! Howl!
Dear Terry, Puppy makes me tired!!
Howls and wags,
Fred Dog & Leroy
Dear Terry,
Mom said I was exasperating! I don't know what that is but Fred told me that it means she loves me lots! He said sometimes she says that to me too so don't you worry little Leroy! Mom must love me, she gave me a tire to play with! It's a special puppy tire for chewing. I carried it with me everywhere last night and today! I added it to my collection! I put my stuff in my tunnel. I put some stuff in the back of the sofa too. I even had a phonebook! Mom took that away though because I made a mess of it. That's how I got my tire! Me and Fred dumped the water bowl all over the place. Dad said, it's all fun and games until the water gets on Fred!! I like water but Fred doesn't. Do you know I know how to open the shower door and I sit in the rain while Mom gets cleaned off? Now THAT'S fun! Fred told Mom I might be defective cause I like water! Howl!
Dear Terry, Puppy makes me tired!!
Howls and wags,
Fred Dog & Leroy
April 16, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy is CRAZY. He's always playing and being bad. Last night and today he keeps stealing the phone books and ripping up the pages. He ripped up one of Mom's books too. He chased Petey. It's a wonder he still has 2 eyes. Marge pecks him on the nose every morning. He's turning out to be a pretty good friend to me though. Last night I got wet in the rain when Mom took us outside. Then I got pretty cold. I laid in the big bed but I was still cold. Leroy came in and curled up right next to me and we fell asleep snuggled in the blankets. He puts off a lot of heat for a puppy! I guess sometimes he's not so bad!
Barks n Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Leroy is CRAZY. He's always playing and being bad. Last night and today he keeps stealing the phone books and ripping up the pages. He ripped up one of Mom's books too. He chased Petey. It's a wonder he still has 2 eyes. Marge pecks him on the nose every morning. He's turning out to be a pretty good friend to me though. Last night I got wet in the rain when Mom took us outside. Then I got pretty cold. I laid in the big bed but I was still cold. Leroy came in and curled up right next to me and we fell asleep snuggled in the blankets. He puts off a lot of heat for a puppy! I guess sometimes he's not so bad!
Barks n Wags, FredDog
April 14, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. I had a surprise this morning when me and Mom were walking in the yard. I smelled something really good along the creek and I was in the bushes. Mom said back back but I didn't listen. I backed away from her and SPLASH! I was so surprised!! My back end was standing in water!! How did that happen!!?? Good thing my front end was hanging onto to the edge! Mom didn't panic though! She said Leroy come here. I listened. I pulled myself up and back on the ground! WHAT FUN!! I wanted to go back in head first but Mom said, this way! I listened again. But gosh was that FUN!
TERRY. That crazy Leroy. He went in the water and got WET. What is wrong with him??? I tried to tell him about The Ocean but he kept saying, no Fred, it was FUNFUNFUN! I feel that there's no hope for him.
Barks & Howls,
FredDog & Leroy
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. I had a surprise this morning when me and Mom were walking in the yard. I smelled something really good along the creek and I was in the bushes. Mom said back back but I didn't listen. I backed away from her and SPLASH! I was so surprised!! My back end was standing in water!! How did that happen!!?? Good thing my front end was hanging onto to the edge! Mom didn't panic though! She said Leroy come here. I listened. I pulled myself up and back on the ground! WHAT FUN!! I wanted to go back in head first but Mom said, this way! I listened again. But gosh was that FUN!
TERRY. That crazy Leroy. He went in the water and got WET. What is wrong with him??? I tried to tell him about The Ocean but he kept saying, no Fred, it was FUNFUNFUN! I feel that there's no hope for him.
Barks & Howls,
FredDog & Leroy
April 13, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me, Leroy. Today, me and Fred and Dad slept all day long! Petey Cat told me that Mom loves me best when I run all around knocking stuff over. Fred told me Petey Cat is shady sometimes. When Mom got home, she put my new harness on. It took awhile because she kept mixing up what went where. I sat there as best I could. We went for a ride!! We went to a park!! I walk pretty good but then I don't walk so good. I smell smells. All of a sudden, out of nowhere this crazy bird attacked me in the face!!! She was nuts!! She came at Mom too! Mom said it was a killdeer and she was protecting her nest on the ground. We took cover in the jeep. My heart was pounding! I sat in Mom's lap until I calmed down. I've been around almost a year and never seen anything like it!!
Kisses and Howls, Leroy
P.S. Fred here. Puppy was so out of sorts when he came home! A bird almost put his eyes out! I licked his face for him, I could hear his heart. Then we ran around like crazy dogs! He's ok but I told Mom to make sure he doesn't get upset again, he's just a puppy!
Barks & wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, it's me, Leroy. Today, me and Fred and Dad slept all day long! Petey Cat told me that Mom loves me best when I run all around knocking stuff over. Fred told me Petey Cat is shady sometimes. When Mom got home, she put my new harness on. It took awhile because she kept mixing up what went where. I sat there as best I could. We went for a ride!! We went to a park!! I walk pretty good but then I don't walk so good. I smell smells. All of a sudden, out of nowhere this crazy bird attacked me in the face!!! She was nuts!! She came at Mom too! Mom said it was a killdeer and she was protecting her nest on the ground. We took cover in the jeep. My heart was pounding! I sat in Mom's lap until I calmed down. I've been around almost a year and never seen anything like it!!
Kisses and Howls, Leroy
P.S. Fred here. Puppy was so out of sorts when he came home! A bird almost put his eyes out! I licked his face for him, I could hear his heart. Then we ran around like crazy dogs! He's ok but I told Mom to make sure he doesn't get upset again, he's just a puppy!
Barks & wags, FredDog
April 12, 2018
Dear Terry, I'm Leroy. Bad Bad Leroy Brown. Things are all upside down in my head. Not too long ago, I was in the Slammer. My first people took me there because I was Too Much. They called me Rocky. I had to live behind bars and everything. One day, Mom came to visit. She sat down on the floor with me and I licked her face and wagged a whole lot! The Nice Man who took care of all the dogs like me, told her all about me and she still loved me. Now I have a whole new family that loves ME. I try and be extra good but I keep messing up. I don't want to go to the Slammer again. FredDog, my new friend, is trying to show me the ropes. I wish I could remember things better. I sure love Dad. Fred said we should always be extra kind to him and showed me how to lick his face until he laughs. Fred didn't tell me that the pink stuff was a nono. I messed up again. I did help Mom try and clean it up. She wasn't mad but I could tell she was tired. I gave her my tug-tug and we ended up playing and barking and laughing! I sure hope School will help me stay here. I don't want to leave.
Licks & Howls, Leroy.
Dear Terry, I'm Leroy. Bad Bad Leroy Brown. Things are all upside down in my head. Not too long ago, I was in the Slammer. My first people took me there because I was Too Much. They called me Rocky. I had to live behind bars and everything. One day, Mom came to visit. She sat down on the floor with me and I licked her face and wagged a whole lot! The Nice Man who took care of all the dogs like me, told her all about me and she still loved me. Now I have a whole new family that loves ME. I try and be extra good but I keep messing up. I don't want to go to the Slammer again. FredDog, my new friend, is trying to show me the ropes. I wish I could remember things better. I sure love Dad. Fred said we should always be extra kind to him and showed me how to lick his face until he laughs. Fred didn't tell me that the pink stuff was a nono. I messed up again. I did help Mom try and clean it up. She wasn't mad but I could tell she was tired. I gave her my tug-tug and we ended up playing and barking and laughing! I sure hope School will help me stay here. I don't want to leave.
Licks & Howls, Leroy.
April 12, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom says it's time to get writing again. I have a new friend. His name is Leroy the Beagle. Although, sometimes Mom calls him PissPot. Or Stinker. Or HEY! I'm here to tell you he does some crazy stuff! Today, he got a hold of a bottle of Pepto and got the lid off lickety split and all of a sudden, pink stuff all in the carpet!! Mom wasn't home. Dad said OhNoLeroy!! Don't worry, he didn't eat any because it was all over the carpet. Then, after Dad tried to clean it up, Leroy stole the plunger! Right while Dad was peeing!!
Then we ran all through the house. He likes to run and play a lot. I get tuckered out. He howls and poops in the house and gets smacked in the face by PeteyCat. He sure loves Dad though. Mom says Leroy has to go to School. I sure hope he learns to be GoodBoyLeroy! Just like me, I'm GoodBoyFred! I have my doubts.
Barks And wags, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Mom says it's time to get writing again. I have a new friend. His name is Leroy the Beagle. Although, sometimes Mom calls him PissPot. Or Stinker. Or HEY! I'm here to tell you he does some crazy stuff! Today, he got a hold of a bottle of Pepto and got the lid off lickety split and all of a sudden, pink stuff all in the carpet!! Mom wasn't home. Dad said OhNoLeroy!! Don't worry, he didn't eat any because it was all over the carpet. Then, after Dad tried to clean it up, Leroy stole the plunger! Right while Dad was peeing!!
Then we ran all through the house. He likes to run and play a lot. I get tuckered out. He howls and poops in the house and gets smacked in the face by PeteyCat. He sure loves Dad though. Mom says Leroy has to go to School. I sure hope he learns to be GoodBoyLeroy! Just like me, I'm GoodBoyFred! I have my doubts.
Barks And wags, FredDog.
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Me & Leroy |
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