February 20, 2017
Dear Terry, What an exciting walk we had yesterday! We went to the Nature Park and there was a ton of people there and no room to park the car! The park manager showed us a spot that we could have. She's always so nice to me! The police were there too. I thought maybe there was a picnic going on with them because they were right in the middle of things. But soon I heard sirens getting closer to us and sure enough! an ambulance came in and then more sirens! and a special rescue truck came in! The men had special ropes and a special board to strap a human to. Mom said Oh boy Fred, We better not go in that direction. I was being real good too, I didn't bark or act up or anything. I could tell I had to listen to Mom. We went up the trails where things were quieter. I could still hear the men. Mom said she thinks someone fell off on of the steep trails. Mom fell once on the trails but she didn't have to have people come rescue her. She just rolled down the hill. We walked almost to the top of the big hill but had to turn around because of the big mud pit. When we got back to the car, we could see the person had been rescued and was being put in the ambulance. I bet they were scared. Oh and the other thing I did yesterday was sit in the sunshine. Mom let me have the whole deck to myself and I sat in the sun watching the birds and the yard and smelling smells! When I want in all I have to do is do a soft woof at the door and Mom let's me back in! But I stayed outside a long time. Me and Mom are going to do some more walking today!
Have a recue free day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

February 16, 2017
Dear Terry, I got in some trouble a few days ago and have been working really hard to be a good dog again. Mom and Petey were watching TV in bed and I jumped up to take my spot back from Petey and I kind of landed on everyone and Petey squeaked and ran and he scratched Mom's arm really bad. Super Bad. She was bleeding! And it was all my fault because I scared Petey so bad! Mom's arm got infected and she had to see a Doctor and get medicine and everything. She's OK but I don't want Mom hurt again so now I only chase and scare Petey when Mom isn't around. She can't get hurt then. I'm not supposed to make Petey squeak or Penny fluffy. And no one should every lose fur or an eye. Those are the rules. Dad was pretty mad at me. Dad never gets mad at me and it was almost more than I could bear. He wouldn't even talk to me. But then he forgave me and let me sit next to him on the sofa!
Trying to be a good dog!
Dear Terry, I got in some trouble a few days ago and have been working really hard to be a good dog again. Mom and Petey were watching TV in bed and I jumped up to take my spot back from Petey and I kind of landed on everyone and Petey squeaked and ran and he scratched Mom's arm really bad. Super Bad. She was bleeding! And it was all my fault because I scared Petey so bad! Mom's arm got infected and she had to see a Doctor and get medicine and everything. She's OK but I don't want Mom hurt again so now I only chase and scare Petey when Mom isn't around. She can't get hurt then. I'm not supposed to make Petey squeak or Penny fluffy. And no one should every lose fur or an eye. Those are the rules. Dad was pretty mad at me. Dad never gets mad at me and it was almost more than I could bear. He wouldn't even talk to me. But then he forgave me and let me sit next to him on the sofa!
Trying to be a good dog!
February 11, 2017
Dear Terry, The most exciting thing happened! Jimmy, the dog from across the creek, came to the front door today! I was so excited I flipped off the couch! I was barking, he barked back! He trotted to the side yard and down by the garage and back again. But Mom wouldn't let me outside. Jummy is a "bad influence" because he runs away from home a lot. Well, it's not really running away. He likes to chase stuff. Cats, Birds, Dogs, Squirrels. He chases anything! I like to chase stuff too. That's why Mom says NOOOOO you can't go running around with Jimmy! Jimmy went down to the creek and SPLASH! he was playing in the water then he took off for home. Dad was even watching Jimmy in my yard. I can't wait to go outside and investigate where he was!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, The most exciting thing happened! Jimmy, the dog from across the creek, came to the front door today! I was so excited I flipped off the couch! I was barking, he barked back! He trotted to the side yard and down by the garage and back again. But Mom wouldn't let me outside. Jummy is a "bad influence" because he runs away from home a lot. Well, it's not really running away. He likes to chase stuff. Cats, Birds, Dogs, Squirrels. He chases anything! I like to chase stuff too. That's why Mom says NOOOOO you can't go running around with Jimmy! Jimmy went down to the creek and SPLASH! he was playing in the water then he took off for home. Dad was even watching Jimmy in my yard. I can't wait to go outside and investigate where he was!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
February 10, 2017
Dear Terry, PennyCat is so upset! Or she was. Mom didn't buy her smooshie food when it ran out and Penny had nothing to eat this morning!!She let Mom have it too! MEOW MEOW! Oh she was MAD. Her little ears were all backwards and everything. She kept making her plate bang on the counter. Mom said PENNY, Keep your tail on! Petey joined in too! I barked at both of them! Pipe down all of you! Mom said she was going to make Penny something new! She made Penny milk and cookies! Petey too! First Mom put some good cheesy tuna crunchy treats on the plate, then she poured the cat sippy milk over top!! Penny was skeptical. But then she tried it and she gobbled everything down and pretty soon her tail was waving in the air and she was happy again. Petey ate all his too!! Milk and Cookies a hit! Mom even let me try some of the sippy milk. I like cereal milk better but it was pretty good if you ask me. Mom promised to buy the smooshie food today and she put out their regular crunchy food for them. Up on the counter like always. That's because I can't help myself and I eat all their food if I can reach it!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, PennyCat is so upset! Or she was. Mom didn't buy her smooshie food when it ran out and Penny had nothing to eat this morning!!She let Mom have it too! MEOW MEOW! Oh she was MAD. Her little ears were all backwards and everything. She kept making her plate bang on the counter. Mom said PENNY, Keep your tail on! Petey joined in too! I barked at both of them! Pipe down all of you! Mom said she was going to make Penny something new! She made Penny milk and cookies! Petey too! First Mom put some good cheesy tuna crunchy treats on the plate, then she poured the cat sippy milk over top!! Penny was skeptical. But then she tried it and she gobbled everything down and pretty soon her tail was waving in the air and she was happy again. Petey ate all his too!! Milk and Cookies a hit! Mom even let me try some of the sippy milk. I like cereal milk better but it was pretty good if you ask me. Mom promised to buy the smooshie food today and she put out their regular crunchy food for them. Up on the counter like always. That's because I can't help myself and I eat all their food if I can reach it!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
February 7, 2017
Dear Terry, Mom's been working too much again. Dad told her to take a day off and she did! Today! Good thing too because Petey and Penny had a fight and they knocked the coffee pot and cutting board off the counter and water went everywhere!! Petey got in big trouble. Penny doesn't get in trouble because she's old and we aren't supposed to upset her let alone get her so upset she knocks the coffee pot over!! Petey's been trying to be real nice to her. He's going to lose an eye. Oh and guess what me and Mom did a few days ago! We went to the park and she let me go wherever I wanted so we walked along the trail where I found the dead fish and rolled in it. But no dead fish this time. The trail goes right along the pond's edge so you have to be careful. There was a big tree branch across the trail and I wanted to go under it and Mom wanted to go over it and we got all tangled up! I barked, she laughed and we got untangled! Maybe since it's warm today we can go to the park again. Not if it's raining. I don't like to get wet. Unless it's snow. Snow is fun!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Hope you stayed home too!
Dear Terry, Mom's been working too much again. Dad told her to take a day off and she did! Today! Good thing too because Petey and Penny had a fight and they knocked the coffee pot and cutting board off the counter and water went everywhere!! Petey got in big trouble. Penny doesn't get in trouble because she's old and we aren't supposed to upset her let alone get her so upset she knocks the coffee pot over!! Petey's been trying to be real nice to her. He's going to lose an eye. Oh and guess what me and Mom did a few days ago! We went to the park and she let me go wherever I wanted so we walked along the trail where I found the dead fish and rolled in it. But no dead fish this time. The trail goes right along the pond's edge so you have to be careful. There was a big tree branch across the trail and I wanted to go under it and Mom wanted to go over it and we got all tangled up! I barked, she laughed and we got untangled! Maybe since it's warm today we can go to the park again. Not if it's raining. I don't like to get wet. Unless it's snow. Snow is fun!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Hope you stayed home too!
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