December 27, 2018
Dear Terry! Guess what me and Mom have been doing?! Dancing! Fred doesn't dance but he barks. Mom puts my song on and grabs treats and away we go! I like music. Guess what my dancing song is? I'll tell you! It's the Uma Thurman Song! Mom has me do all kinds of stuff so fast my head spins! I run all through her legs, jump on the couch, jump off, sit, patty cake, wave my paws in the air, then I have to slam on the brakes and sit or sit then down. We run over to Fred and give him treats too! He's a good barker! Dad laughs and laughs! Oh my gosh the fun! Last night was so much fun, I pawed at Mom and danced even when the music had stopped. Mom played the song again and we did it all over again! We were out of breath!! Mom always saves one last treat that I only get when the music ends. I have to sit quietly and then I get the treat. You know what other music I like? I'll tell you! I like John Denver and I like Mozart. Mozart plays all night long and I sleep through the night. I was getting bored with regular training, so Mom decided to liven things up with music! It started with The Monster Mash. Dad says he's going to think of another song so that me and him can dance together.
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

December 26, 2018
Dear Terry, SANTA CAME SANTA CAME!! Me and Fred got the best gift EVER. Better than biscuits with frosting and sprinkles! We got COW NOSES from a butcher shop! I've never had one but they smelled good and smokey! How did Santa know I would like a cow nose so much!! I drooled and drooled all over it and carried it around until I found just the right spot for it. Mom says we will get the biscuits with the sprinkles and frosting today. Mom had to hold on to them because Fred and I ran around so much he threw up. We were really tearing through the house.
Mom said Santa told her I was the MIP on his route this year! Mom said that means Most Improved Puppy!! Mom put antlers on my head so everyone would know I was the MIP!
Terry, it's Fred. I think Santa meant he was the biggest DIP on his route this year! Woof! I can't believe I got a MOOZLE!! Those are my most favorest treats of all time!! These were homemade by Santa's very own butcher! Mom said so. One time, me and Mom were in the store and I took one out of a bin. I had to show it to the cashier lady. This was the BEST Christmas EVER! And we still have our biscuits with frosting and sprinkles to get tonight!
Barks, Wags, Hugs and Howls,
FredDog & Leroy
Dear Terry, SANTA CAME SANTA CAME!! Me and Fred got the best gift EVER. Better than biscuits with frosting and sprinkles! We got COW NOSES from a butcher shop! I've never had one but they smelled good and smokey! How did Santa know I would like a cow nose so much!! I drooled and drooled all over it and carried it around until I found just the right spot for it. Mom says we will get the biscuits with the sprinkles and frosting today. Mom had to hold on to them because Fred and I ran around so much he threw up. We were really tearing through the house.
Mom said Santa told her I was the MIP on his route this year! Mom said that means Most Improved Puppy!! Mom put antlers on my head so everyone would know I was the MIP!
Terry, it's Fred. I think Santa meant he was the biggest DIP on his route this year! Woof! I can't believe I got a MOOZLE!! Those are my most favorest treats of all time!! These were homemade by Santa's very own butcher! Mom said so. One time, me and Mom were in the store and I took one out of a bin. I had to show it to the cashier lady. This was the BEST Christmas EVER! And we still have our biscuits with frosting and sprinkles to get tonight!
Barks, Wags, Hugs and Howls,
FredDog & Leroy
December 24, 2018
Dear Terry! Little Leroy has no idea how exciting tomorrow will be! Biscuits galore! Food galore! Presents! It's going to be a great day! Christmas!!
Leroy, here! Fred has me all excited for I don't know what! But if Fred's excited than I'm excited! Guess what Mom showed me? She took out a special box. I helped. She told me that I need to be good because it was a Breakable. She took out a big polar bear snow globe! I've never seen one! She made it snow inside it and I couldn't stop watching. It got even better, it started to play MUSIC! I couldn't stop listening!! I love music. I pawed at Mom to make it play again and again. It was the nearest thing I've ever seen and heard in my life! AWOOO AWOOOO!
Barks & wags, hugs & howls,
FredDog and Leroy
Dear Terry! Little Leroy has no idea how exciting tomorrow will be! Biscuits galore! Food galore! Presents! It's going to be a great day! Christmas!!
Leroy, here! Fred has me all excited for I don't know what! But if Fred's excited than I'm excited! Guess what Mom showed me? She took out a special box. I helped. She told me that I need to be good because it was a Breakable. She took out a big polar bear snow globe! I've never seen one! She made it snow inside it and I couldn't stop watching. It got even better, it started to play MUSIC! I couldn't stop listening!! I love music. I pawed at Mom to make it play again and again. It was the nearest thing I've ever seen and heard in my life! AWOOO AWOOOO!
Barks & wags, hugs & howls,
FredDog and Leroy
December 19, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom says Santa might bring me something extra this year because I helped so much with Little Leroy. I wonder what it could be! Leroy was only a little pup last year at this time so he had no idea about Santa or Christmas. I don't think he had very good people to take care of him back then. That was before we adopted him. Mom says he's on the Good List this year with me since he conquered house training. Mom says it wipes out the bad stuff he did but didn't know it was bad. Like the light bulb. Eating the couch. Ripping the drapes down. Tearing up the blankets. Biting my tail. Chasing Petey. Mom and Dad had to undo a lot of bad stuff to get to the real Leroy. Mom told Santa he earned the title of "Good Dog" this year. I thought I was The Good Dog?? Mom said, No my Fred, you are a GREAT Dog. One day maybe Leroy will be as great as you! Then she had to chase him off the kitchen table! Dad is making cookies again today. Me, Leroy and Petey can't wait to catch the batter!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom says Santa might bring me something extra this year because I helped so much with Little Leroy. I wonder what it could be! Leroy was only a little pup last year at this time so he had no idea about Santa or Christmas. I don't think he had very good people to take care of him back then. That was before we adopted him. Mom says he's on the Good List this year with me since he conquered house training. Mom says it wipes out the bad stuff he did but didn't know it was bad. Like the light bulb. Eating the couch. Ripping the drapes down. Tearing up the blankets. Biting my tail. Chasing Petey. Mom and Dad had to undo a lot of bad stuff to get to the real Leroy. Mom told Santa he earned the title of "Good Dog" this year. I thought I was The Good Dog?? Mom said, No my Fred, you are a GREAT Dog. One day maybe Leroy will be as great as you! Then she had to chase him off the kitchen table! Dad is making cookies again today. Me, Leroy and Petey can't wait to catch the batter!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
December 13, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me, Leroy! Something awful happened but The Folks fixed it! My new friends were out in the yard. Everything was fine until Mom came home! Dad let me out on the porch. I was talking to my friends and all of a sudden they started to MELT!!! Right before my EYES!!! OH MY GOSH!!! MOMOMOOOOOMMMMMM!!!! AWOOOO AWHOOOO! MY FRIENDS!!! The Folks were right there to help. Mom said, Don't worry!! They're coming back! Dad said, Hurry Mom! AWOOO AWOOOO! Mom!!!! I couldn't bear it, My FRIENDS!!! I couldn't look, but Dad said, It's ok now, Leroy, they're back! I looked, oh my GOSH! MR GRINCH! MAX! They were ok!!!!! AWOOOO!!! Fred said, Oh brother! And he went back inside.
That was SCARY!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, It's me, Leroy! Something awful happened but The Folks fixed it! My new friends were out in the yard. Everything was fine until Mom came home! Dad let me out on the porch. I was talking to my friends and all of a sudden they started to MELT!!! Right before my EYES!!! OH MY GOSH!!! MOMOMOOOOOMMMMMM!!!! AWOOOO AWHOOOO! MY FRIENDS!!! The Folks were right there to help. Mom said, Don't worry!! They're coming back! Dad said, Hurry Mom! AWOOO AWOOOO! Mom!!!! I couldn't bear it, My FRIENDS!!! I couldn't look, but Dad said, It's ok now, Leroy, they're back! I looked, oh my GOSH! MR GRINCH! MAX! They were ok!!!!! AWOOOO!!! Fred said, Oh brother! And he went back inside.
That was SCARY!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
December 12, 2018
Dear Terry, Fred's being mean to me. He hogged the couch last night. Sat on my blanket. Chewed on my tennis ball. Took my squeaker toy. He got more treats than me. He barked in my face when I wanted to sit with Dad. This morning he peed in all the good spots in the run first. Then he wanted my treat for doing a good boy pee outside! AWOOO AWOOO. Mom told me to pipe down. Leroy Brown! Then I knocked down one of the gates and the next thing I know, Mom had scooped me up and said softly in my ear, calm down Leroy Brown. She hugged me and gave me a big smooch on my head. Everything was OK again! She even put me down on MY blanket!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, Fred's being mean to me. He hogged the couch last night. Sat on my blanket. Chewed on my tennis ball. Took my squeaker toy. He got more treats than me. He barked in my face when I wanted to sit with Dad. This morning he peed in all the good spots in the run first. Then he wanted my treat for doing a good boy pee outside! AWOOO AWOOO. Mom told me to pipe down. Leroy Brown! Then I knocked down one of the gates and the next thing I know, Mom had scooped me up and said softly in my ear, calm down Leroy Brown. She hugged me and gave me a big smooch on my head. Everything was OK again! She even put me down on MY blanket!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
December 11, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy here again! I forgot to tell you about my new gear! Mom bought me a harness. It has straps and everything! Mom didn't know I already knew how they worked. When I put my head up she zipped it right on my head and snap snap I was buckled in and ready to go. It even has a handle on my back! Dad says it looks like I'm a suitcase! Fred can lift my front end up with it. He's not supposed to. Mom says it has rear wheel drive because the leash hooks onto the back. That confused us at first but we got the hang of it in no time! Mom took a picture of me so you can see how spiffy I look! It's a little crooked because she wasn't done adjusting the straps. Fred was mad because Mom walked me by myself around the yard to see how I would do. Mom was very surprised I knew how to walk like a good boy in the harness. She didn't even need to give me treats or show me how to walk. We strolled along! Dad was watching too to see how I did. He gave me an A+! Fred says I need all the A+'s I can get so that Santa brings me special biscuits. Fred says the biscuits have frosting and sprinkles on them!! Frosting AND sprinkles! Have you ever heard of such a thing!!??
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, Leroy here again! I forgot to tell you about my new gear! Mom bought me a harness. It has straps and everything! Mom didn't know I already knew how they worked. When I put my head up she zipped it right on my head and snap snap I was buckled in and ready to go. It even has a handle on my back! Dad says it looks like I'm a suitcase! Fred can lift my front end up with it. He's not supposed to. Mom says it has rear wheel drive because the leash hooks onto the back. That confused us at first but we got the hang of it in no time! Mom took a picture of me so you can see how spiffy I look! It's a little crooked because she wasn't done adjusting the straps. Fred was mad because Mom walked me by myself around the yard to see how I would do. Mom was very surprised I knew how to walk like a good boy in the harness. She didn't even need to give me treats or show me how to walk. We strolled along! Dad was watching too to see how I did. He gave me an A+! Fred says I need all the A+'s I can get so that Santa brings me special biscuits. Fred says the biscuits have frosting and sprinkles on them!! Frosting AND sprinkles! Have you ever heard of such a thing!!??
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
December 10, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me, Leroy! Fred has a bum eye!! When he came back from the Vet, Mom told us all about it. Oh no! Fred! I tried to look in his eye but he grumbled at me. Maybe he can wear glasses like Dad! Mom said no, he's not wearing glasses. Oh. Does he have to wear a patch like a pirate!? Mom said, no pirates. Oh. Maybe I could be his eyes! Mom said I was already! I walk next to Fred all the time. Mom said if I keep that up, Fred would always know where to go. I do that mostly outside because he stumbles. I bet Mom can teach me stuff to help Freddie. He's my pal. He taught me how to take care of Dad. I like being useful. I told my new friends about it. They didn't have much to say but I could tell they thought helping Fred was a good idea!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, It's me, Leroy! Fred has a bum eye!! When he came back from the Vet, Mom told us all about it. Oh no! Fred! I tried to look in his eye but he grumbled at me. Maybe he can wear glasses like Dad! Mom said no, he's not wearing glasses. Oh. Does he have to wear a patch like a pirate!? Mom said, no pirates. Oh. Maybe I could be his eyes! Mom said I was already! I walk next to Fred all the time. Mom said if I keep that up, Fred would always know where to go. I do that mostly outside because he stumbles. I bet Mom can teach me stuff to help Freddie. He's my pal. He taught me how to take care of Dad. I like being useful. I told my new friends about it. They didn't have much to say but I could tell they thought helping Fred was a good idea!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
December 10, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom's pretty worried about me. My right leg really hurts. We went to the Vet. Bleh. I have the Artritis in my whole leg. The Vet said I have to take medicine but that it would make me feel better. I hope so. But I guess I have a bum eye. It doesn't work. Guess that's why Petey and Leroy scare me sometimes. I can't see them. I thought they were being mean and playing tricks on me. Here, it's my eye! My other eye kind of works though. There's no fixing my eyes and that made Mom sad. I told her don't worry! I can still get around just fine!! I can too. And I would know Mom and Dad's voices no matter what. Mom was still sad though. When we got home I was pretty tired so I laid down with Dad. He got me all snuggled in the blankets. He told me that even if I was all the way blind, we would still love you. I wish Mom wasn't so sad.
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
Dear Terry, Mom's pretty worried about me. My right leg really hurts. We went to the Vet. Bleh. I have the Artritis in my whole leg. The Vet said I have to take medicine but that it would make me feel better. I hope so. But I guess I have a bum eye. It doesn't work. Guess that's why Petey and Leroy scare me sometimes. I can't see them. I thought they were being mean and playing tricks on me. Here, it's my eye! My other eye kind of works though. There's no fixing my eyes and that made Mom sad. I told her don't worry! I can still get around just fine!! I can too. And I would know Mom and Dad's voices no matter what. Mom was still sad though. When we got home I was pretty tired so I laid down with Dad. He got me all snuggled in the blankets. He told me that even if I was all the way blind, we would still love you. I wish Mom wasn't so sad.
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
December 8, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me, Leroy! I have some new friends! Well, I did have some new friends but they left this morning. Last night Mom was out on porch doing something. When me and Fred went outside, there they were! Right in the front yard next to the porch! We said hello to them right away. Mom introduced The Green Man and his brown dog to us. Mister Grinch and Max. Max looks like Fred. Fred went back inside but I stayed out to talk to my new friends. They don't say much but they listened to me pretty good. This morning I got up early and rang and rang my bell to go outside. I ran right over to my friends! They were right where I left them last night! I told them both good morning. Mom made me go back inside. When we went back out later on, I ran right away to see them. But they were GONE. They didn't even say good bye! I laid down and put my head down. I can't believe they left! Mom scooped me up and said, Don't worry Little Leroy! They'll come back tonight, I promise! I hope so! Dad said they would come back too so it must be true!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, It's me, Leroy! I have some new friends! Well, I did have some new friends but they left this morning. Last night Mom was out on porch doing something. When me and Fred went outside, there they were! Right in the front yard next to the porch! We said hello to them right away. Mom introduced The Green Man and his brown dog to us. Mister Grinch and Max. Max looks like Fred. Fred went back inside but I stayed out to talk to my new friends. They don't say much but they listened to me pretty good. This morning I got up early and rang and rang my bell to go outside. I ran right over to my friends! They were right where I left them last night! I told them both good morning. Mom made me go back inside. When we went back out later on, I ran right away to see them. But they were GONE. They didn't even say good bye! I laid down and put my head down. I can't believe they left! Mom scooped me up and said, Don't worry Little Leroy! They'll come back tonight, I promise! I hope so! Dad said they would come back too so it must be true!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
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Leroy's new friends |
December 4, 2018
Dear Terry, guess what we did Sunday? We watched Mom & Dad put up even more lights out front! Me and Leroy had front row seats at the door and windows. Mom was going up and down on the ladders! Dad said don't worry I'll catch her if she falls! I had my doubts about that but he seemed pretty sure. Leroy said, Fred I bet I could climb that ladder. I said I bet you can get in trouble too. Even Petey watched from the window with us. After the lights were all hung, Mom took me and Leroy out to our run. Pretty soon it was dark! Mom said, OK let's light up the house! Mom let us out on the porch to see. Oooo. It was all blue twinkling lights! Even overhead! I told Mom how great it was and we went back inside. Where was Leroy? Mom found him staring up at the twinkling lights. Mouth hanging up, staring. He was sitting on his bench taking it all in. He did move to Mom's lap. She told him all about Christmas. The good list, the naughty list. The Big Star in the sky. They stayed out there until he fell asleep. I think he likes it here.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, guess what we did Sunday? We watched Mom & Dad put up even more lights out front! Me and Leroy had front row seats at the door and windows. Mom was going up and down on the ladders! Dad said don't worry I'll catch her if she falls! I had my doubts about that but he seemed pretty sure. Leroy said, Fred I bet I could climb that ladder. I said I bet you can get in trouble too. Even Petey watched from the window with us. After the lights were all hung, Mom took me and Leroy out to our run. Pretty soon it was dark! Mom said, OK let's light up the house! Mom let us out on the porch to see. Oooo. It was all blue twinkling lights! Even overhead! I told Mom how great it was and we went back inside. Where was Leroy? Mom found him staring up at the twinkling lights. Mouth hanging up, staring. He was sitting on his bench taking it all in. He did move to Mom's lap. She told him all about Christmas. The good list, the naughty list. The Big Star in the sky. They stayed out there until he fell asleep. I think he likes it here.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
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