July 31, 2018
Dear Terry, I'm so tired!! Yesterday we had a Family Outing. Me, Leroy, Mom & Dad. I got to ride shotgun! Leroy was allowed to be in the back but middle. Dad was in the back and he got a window seat! Dad thought it might rain but me and Mom knew it would wait. Especially since I knew we were heading to the Puppy Park. Mom told me! No one was there when we got there except a little little dog. Leroy ran and ran. I ran a little bit here n' there. I ran out of breath then got too hot and threw up. I was drinking water too but I can't run and run like Leroy. Mom got me right back to the jeep where it was super cool and we all rested. Leroy was hot too but he didn't throw up. Mom made sure we drank water. I fell asleep on the way home. Leroy and Dad were looking out the window together. Mom says, pretty soon we will have our own fence in the shade so it won't be so hard on me. I hope the Fence Guy comes soon!! We all had fun though and it was a great time!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

July 26, 2018
Dear Terry, we had some excitement this morning, and not the good kind. First, no one got hurt or killed. You know what a good Chicken Checker I am and how I help Mom every morning with them. Leroy is still learning and the Girls don't like him. Me and Mom let the Girls out each morning. We don't hang around, we walk up the driveway and they do their own thing and eat bugs and grass. Well. NOT TODAY. Margie flew up behind us and landed on my back and was pecking at my head. Lisa started pecking my face. Mom started yelling and waving her arms to shoo them away. I did snap at the air near them but I know I'm not supposed to hurt them. I COULD have, but I DIDN'T. They chased me up the driveway. Big jerks. Mom looked me over real good and I still had both my eyes and no blood. Mom told me something must have scared them a whole lot. Dad missed the whole thing!! But he gave me lots of pets and checked me over real good too. Next time, chicken tenders is all I'm saying.
Henpecked, FredDog
Dear Terry, we had some excitement this morning, and not the good kind. First, no one got hurt or killed. You know what a good Chicken Checker I am and how I help Mom every morning with them. Leroy is still learning and the Girls don't like him. Me and Mom let the Girls out each morning. We don't hang around, we walk up the driveway and they do their own thing and eat bugs and grass. Well. NOT TODAY. Margie flew up behind us and landed on my back and was pecking at my head. Lisa started pecking my face. Mom started yelling and waving her arms to shoo them away. I did snap at the air near them but I know I'm not supposed to hurt them. I COULD have, but I DIDN'T. They chased me up the driveway. Big jerks. Mom looked me over real good and I still had both my eyes and no blood. Mom told me something must have scared them a whole lot. Dad missed the whole thing!! But he gave me lots of pets and checked me over real good too. Next time, chicken tenders is all I'm saying.
Henpecked, FredDog
July 23, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy here. Mom's been keeping me busy busy busy! Yesterday, we went to a new to me place, the firehouse trail. There's really a firehouse there! First you have to cross a levee then you're in the woods. Me and mom were having a good time, UNTIL....something was in the woods. I whipped around, lowered my head, showed all my teeth and growled. And growled some more. I could smell IT. Mom was confused at first because she didn't realize it was me growling. I've never done that before. She tried to walk past me to see better but I made sure she didn't pass, I gave her a good bump to let her know to STAY BACK. I kept growling and snarling. We stayed there not moving until I was sure IT was gone. Then we went back to walking. Mom did give me big Good Boy pets. I did the right thing again! I told Fred all about it when we got home and he said, oh Leroy, was it The Spot in the trail where you can almost see the meadow and the woods are really dark and thick? I won't let Mom go past there. There's Something in the woods. He said Good Job Little Leroy! and then we flopped down for a nap. Dad was freaked out too. He gave me lots of pets too!
WhoooWooo Leroy
Dear Terry, Leroy here. Mom's been keeping me busy busy busy! Yesterday, we went to a new to me place, the firehouse trail. There's really a firehouse there! First you have to cross a levee then you're in the woods. Me and mom were having a good time, UNTIL....something was in the woods. I whipped around, lowered my head, showed all my teeth and growled. And growled some more. I could smell IT. Mom was confused at first because she didn't realize it was me growling. I've never done that before. She tried to walk past me to see better but I made sure she didn't pass, I gave her a good bump to let her know to STAY BACK. I kept growling and snarling. We stayed there not moving until I was sure IT was gone. Then we went back to walking. Mom did give me big Good Boy pets. I did the right thing again! I told Fred all about it when we got home and he said, oh Leroy, was it The Spot in the trail where you can almost see the meadow and the woods are really dark and thick? I won't let Mom go past there. There's Something in the woods. He said Good Job Little Leroy! and then we flopped down for a nap. Dad was freaked out too. He gave me lots of pets too!
WhoooWooo Leroy
July 20, 2018
Dear Terry,
Dad had a scary this morning but Leroy helped him out. He was very, very confused. Usually I help him out but turns out Leroy knew what to do. Mom couldn't snap Dad out of it and it was scary. Little Leroy though, made a little whimper, climbed up and licked Dad's face and was snuffling w his nose really loud at the same time. And Dad was back! Leroy did it!! Dad was very grateful and we were all very proud of Leroy! I may have to stop calling him a ding bat. Here he's been learning from me all along and none of us knew it!
Terry, it's me, Leroy. I helped out Dad this morning! Everyone said I did a great job!! At first I was scared too. I don't like when Dad isn't Dad. I knew what to do, I watch my pal Fred all the time. And, and, and I did it!! I helped! I get in trouble a lot but this time I helped!! We had a big celebration. Dad gave me the biggest hug ever!
Barks & Wags and a Whoo woo! Fred and Leroy
Dear Terry,
Dad had a scary this morning but Leroy helped him out. He was very, very confused. Usually I help him out but turns out Leroy knew what to do. Mom couldn't snap Dad out of it and it was scary. Little Leroy though, made a little whimper, climbed up and licked Dad's face and was snuffling w his nose really loud at the same time. And Dad was back! Leroy did it!! Dad was very grateful and we were all very proud of Leroy! I may have to stop calling him a ding bat. Here he's been learning from me all along and none of us knew it!
Terry, it's me, Leroy. I helped out Dad this morning! Everyone said I did a great job!! At first I was scared too. I don't like when Dad isn't Dad. I knew what to do, I watch my pal Fred all the time. And, and, and I did it!! I helped! I get in trouble a lot but this time I helped!! We had a big celebration. Dad gave me the biggest hug ever!
Barks & Wags and a Whoo woo! Fred and Leroy
July 19, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy again. Guess what I'm learning to do? Lots of stuff that's what! I can Gimme5 and I'm learning to wave Bye Bye. I can Spin too. But when me and Fred Spin together we sometimes bang into each other and he gets mad and grumps at me. He grumps at me when I bite his tail too! Woof! I can stay in my crate now with the door shut for over 5 minutes. That's really hard because I hardly ever sit still. And I go in there now all on my own! Sometimes Dad will put a secret treat in there so I go in pretty often to check. Dad's a good treat giver. Dad says he's getting me and Fred a fenced yard. Fred is pretty excited about that. Me too! I don't know where it's going to be but Fred said, in the yard, Leroy. I think he was pulling my tail! I can't wait to see it! I looked for it this morning but I didn't see it. I'll keep looking though. Mom says I can put my splash pool in there too!
Whooo woo! Leroy
Dear Terry, Leroy again. Guess what I'm learning to do? Lots of stuff that's what! I can Gimme5 and I'm learning to wave Bye Bye. I can Spin too. But when me and Fred Spin together we sometimes bang into each other and he gets mad and grumps at me. He grumps at me when I bite his tail too! Woof! I can stay in my crate now with the door shut for over 5 minutes. That's really hard because I hardly ever sit still. And I go in there now all on my own! Sometimes Dad will put a secret treat in there so I go in pretty often to check. Dad's a good treat giver. Dad says he's getting me and Fred a fenced yard. Fred is pretty excited about that. Me too! I don't know where it's going to be but Fred said, in the yard, Leroy. I think he was pulling my tail! I can't wait to see it! I looked for it this morning but I didn't see it. I'll keep looking though. Mom says I can put my splash pool in there too!
Whooo woo! Leroy
July 17, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy here. I got into a little trouble yesterday. I think of it more like a no win situation. Mom couldn't walk too good because she had a shot in her knee so she took me to the dog park to run. And I was running and running. But wait! What was that smell??? I spied a new dog coming in with her owner. Her owner was an old lady. What was that smell??? She had on big wide shorts. I stuck my head up her shorts to smell. Omg she had a whole pocketful of treats!! But I don't know what happened, my head got stuck and I danced around, she danced around and I accidentally pulled her shorts part way down. Oh boy. LEROY BROWN!! Mom looked like she might die. But then the lady started laughing and laughing!! Mom laughed to! Whew! She did make me sit down. Then she discovered the lady's shorts were stuffed with millions of treats! She told me no matter how good something smells, NO helping myself and NO shorts sniffing. Ok Mom. This wasn't covered in Hot Dog School so how was I supposed to know!? Mom said live and learn but no helping yourself!
Dear Terry, Leroy here. I got into a little trouble yesterday. I think of it more like a no win situation. Mom couldn't walk too good because she had a shot in her knee so she took me to the dog park to run. And I was running and running. But wait! What was that smell??? I spied a new dog coming in with her owner. Her owner was an old lady. What was that smell??? She had on big wide shorts. I stuck my head up her shorts to smell. Omg she had a whole pocketful of treats!! But I don't know what happened, my head got stuck and I danced around, she danced around and I accidentally pulled her shorts part way down. Oh boy. LEROY BROWN!! Mom looked like she might die. But then the lady started laughing and laughing!! Mom laughed to! Whew! She did make me sit down. Then she discovered the lady's shorts were stuffed with millions of treats! She told me no matter how good something smells, NO helping myself and NO shorts sniffing. Ok Mom. This wasn't covered in Hot Dog School so how was I supposed to know!? Mom said live and learn but no helping yourself!
July 12, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. Mom has decided I need more exercise and activities. She said I'm a lot like my pal Fred was when he was younger. At first I didn't understand what all that meant and I was worried. I figured it out, I think! It means we go to the park and I can run and run in a giant fenced yard! It also means that we can climb a mountain! Or go for car rides. Or go to the nature park. What fun! Yesterday, we didn't climb too far up the mountain. I was busy tracking horses. I didn't know what they were but they sure were smelly! Mom was letting me follow in their path. She said, not like you're going to catch a horse! All of a sudden there were TWO horses! Oh my gosh!! They were HUGE! I sat down to think. I didn't bark. Mom says that for me to think straight, I should sit down. My gosh they were BIG. Biggest animal I've ever seen in my entire life!! Mom wasn't scared, the horses weren't acting scary, and they weren't running. I let them pass. Mom gave me big Good Boy pets on the head! I did the right thing!! It was super exciting!! Hope you like the new picture Mom took of me this morning!
Whooo wooooo Leroy
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. Mom has decided I need more exercise and activities. She said I'm a lot like my pal Fred was when he was younger. At first I didn't understand what all that meant and I was worried. I figured it out, I think! It means we go to the park and I can run and run in a giant fenced yard! It also means that we can climb a mountain! Or go for car rides. Or go to the nature park. What fun! Yesterday, we didn't climb too far up the mountain. I was busy tracking horses. I didn't know what they were but they sure were smelly! Mom was letting me follow in their path. She said, not like you're going to catch a horse! All of a sudden there were TWO horses! Oh my gosh!! They were HUGE! I sat down to think. I didn't bark. Mom says that for me to think straight, I should sit down. My gosh they were BIG. Biggest animal I've ever seen in my entire life!! Mom wasn't scared, the horses weren't acting scary, and they weren't running. I let them pass. Mom gave me big Good Boy pets on the head! I did the right thing!! It was super exciting!! Hope you like the new picture Mom took of me this morning!
Whooo wooooo Leroy
July 10, 2018
Dear Terry,
Leroy was super bad when Aunt Laura was here. He ripped up stuff, ran around, peed and pooped in the house, wouldn't stop playing, fell in the toilet and got all wet, chased Petey, chased me. He was AWFUL. Aunt Laura thinks he needs professional help. He was THAT bad. Mom was very frustrated with him. She started reading some of her old books that she read with me. She said, I guess walking Leroy 2 hours a day not enough. We need a New Plan! She scooped him up and said Come On Leroy, Let's Go! I think he was worried he was heading to The Slammer. But I know Mom. She had an Idea. Mom had lots of Ideas when she was training me. Some people thought I needed help too. But me and Mom kept working and working. One thing at a time. She took Leroy to the park and let him run and run and run. He ran as hard as he could, he ran with other dogs, met new people and dogs, made new friends, saw neat stuff like fire trucks testing hoses near by. Mom used to take me there but now I can't keep up. I know he had fun. He was so tired that Mom had to pick him up and put him in the car. He fell asleep almost right away. Mom took a picture of him too! Mom says a tired dog is a good dog. He was really good last night and this morning. I think Mom might teach him how to walk up the Big Ridge in the woods. I don't do that any more either, it's too hard. But I still get to go in the woods! My favorite place!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry,
Leroy was super bad when Aunt Laura was here. He ripped up stuff, ran around, peed and pooped in the house, wouldn't stop playing, fell in the toilet and got all wet, chased Petey, chased me. He was AWFUL. Aunt Laura thinks he needs professional help. He was THAT bad. Mom was very frustrated with him. She started reading some of her old books that she read with me. She said, I guess walking Leroy 2 hours a day not enough. We need a New Plan! She scooped him up and said Come On Leroy, Let's Go! I think he was worried he was heading to The Slammer. But I know Mom. She had an Idea. Mom had lots of Ideas when she was training me. Some people thought I needed help too. But me and Mom kept working and working. One thing at a time. She took Leroy to the park and let him run and run and run. He ran as hard as he could, he ran with other dogs, met new people and dogs, made new friends, saw neat stuff like fire trucks testing hoses near by. Mom used to take me there but now I can't keep up. I know he had fun. He was so tired that Mom had to pick him up and put him in the car. He fell asleep almost right away. Mom took a picture of him too! Mom says a tired dog is a good dog. He was really good last night and this morning. I think Mom might teach him how to walk up the Big Ridge in the woods. I don't do that any more either, it's too hard. But I still get to go in the woods! My favorite place!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
July 6, 2018
Dear Terry,
The Worst Holiday is over finally. I was really scared. Bad scared. But there is some good news this week! Aunt Laura is coming over to visit me! We might go to Lake Erie. Leroy thinks that means water but Mom said it's not the Ocean. More like a big pond. There's a pond in the nature park that me and Mom walk over on the bridge. My feet stay dry. Oh and Leroy turned One! Mom got him a splash pool. I let him play with that on his own. I hope Aunt Laura brings me Snacks. She used to! Better go, me & Dad watching soccer!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Terry, I turned One! I'm not sure what that means but Mom gave me a big smooch on the head. And I got a splash pool! At first, I wasn't sure what it was. Petey Cat helped Mom out on the deck put water in it. Petey isn't like other Cats. I took a sip. Cold water ! My ears dipped into the water too! Mom put her feet in so I put my feet in. Oh it was like stepping in a cool creek! I put all 4 feet in! Mom put treats in the water but I can't figure out how to put my nose under water without snorting. What a great Year One Gift!! I'm so glad I'm here!
Whooo woo! Leroy!
Dear Terry,
The Worst Holiday is over finally. I was really scared. Bad scared. But there is some good news this week! Aunt Laura is coming over to visit me! We might go to Lake Erie. Leroy thinks that means water but Mom said it's not the Ocean. More like a big pond. There's a pond in the nature park that me and Mom walk over on the bridge. My feet stay dry. Oh and Leroy turned One! Mom got him a splash pool. I let him play with that on his own. I hope Aunt Laura brings me Snacks. She used to! Better go, me & Dad watching soccer!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Terry, I turned One! I'm not sure what that means but Mom gave me a big smooch on the head. And I got a splash pool! At first, I wasn't sure what it was. Petey Cat helped Mom out on the deck put water in it. Petey isn't like other Cats. I took a sip. Cold water ! My ears dipped into the water too! Mom put her feet in so I put my feet in. Oh it was like stepping in a cool creek! I put all 4 feet in! Mom put treats in the water but I can't figure out how to put my nose under water without snorting. What a great Year One Gift!! I'm so glad I'm here!
Whooo woo! Leroy!
July 3, 2018
Dear Terry, it's Leroy. It's been a bad week so far. Fred gets so scared of the fireworks. I'm not scared. I watch them from the window, Mom & Dad won't let me go over to the neighbors to investigate up close. Dad says my tail will catch on fire. I have doubts about that, as Fred would say. Yesterday I was pretty bad according to The Folks, that's how I think of Mom & Dad. I don't think I was bad, just busy that's all. I keep busy a lot. Mom finally put toilet paper back to where I can reach it. That's big fun! And the soap bottle. I couldn't get the soap to come out this time, so I opened the shower door got the bar of soap and a towel to play with. I can't believe all the toys Mom puts in one little room for me! And did you know the bed pillows have FEATHERS in them?? Oh my gosh the fun! The Folks can't run as fast as me is all I'm saying. Fred even joins in the fun. Our favorite game is to rip the sheets and blankets off the bed and tunnel through them. Mom tries to make it hard by making them all flat on the bed but we know how to find the ends. I've been learning lots of new stuff too. The Folks both practice SITDOWNSTAY with me. But I'm learning a secret trick to show Dad. First, I had to learn to listen when Mom whispers. That was hard. But now I can do Gimme5! Fred can Gimmee5 with each foot but that still mixes me up. He can wave Bye Bye too.
Whoooowooo, Leroy
Dear Terry, it's Leroy. It's been a bad week so far. Fred gets so scared of the fireworks. I'm not scared. I watch them from the window, Mom & Dad won't let me go over to the neighbors to investigate up close. Dad says my tail will catch on fire. I have doubts about that, as Fred would say. Yesterday I was pretty bad according to The Folks, that's how I think of Mom & Dad. I don't think I was bad, just busy that's all. I keep busy a lot. Mom finally put toilet paper back to where I can reach it. That's big fun! And the soap bottle. I couldn't get the soap to come out this time, so I opened the shower door got the bar of soap and a towel to play with. I can't believe all the toys Mom puts in one little room for me! And did you know the bed pillows have FEATHERS in them?? Oh my gosh the fun! The Folks can't run as fast as me is all I'm saying. Fred even joins in the fun. Our favorite game is to rip the sheets and blankets off the bed and tunnel through them. Mom tries to make it hard by making them all flat on the bed but we know how to find the ends. I've been learning lots of new stuff too. The Folks both practice SITDOWNSTAY with me. But I'm learning a secret trick to show Dad. First, I had to learn to listen when Mom whispers. That was hard. But now I can do Gimme5! Fred can Gimmee5 with each foot but that still mixes me up. He can wave Bye Bye too.
Whoooowooo, Leroy
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