May 30, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy! I got to go to Hot Dog School again! Anthony owns the Hot Dog School. I met him last night and he let me help show the other dogs what to do!! He told Mom he likes beagles. That's me! I'm a beagle!! I was really good for Mom and Dad. Oh and we got to learn how to "place" which means I jump up on the dog trampoline! Then I'm supposed to stay put, which isn't hard at all since I'm a good sitter. Plus I get hot dogs! Anthony gave me more hot dogs than Mom. And the best part was I didn't even have my leash on! Some dogs had to keep theirs on, but not me! Mom said I sat there like a champ! At the end though I was tired and hot and stuffed. I wanted to go but Anthony was talking to all of us. I wanted to GO. I tried to lay down but the dog next to kept breathing on me. I tried to sit still but couldn't. I tried whining but Mom shhhhushhhed me. Finally, I couldn't think anymore, I HOWLED and BAYED as loud as I could. I'm a good howler too. It was one of my best ones ever! Mom gave me The Look and shhhushed me again. I put my head on her leg and dozed off. What a great class! Mom says we go back to the Hot Dog School next week too!
Woooowoooowoooooo, LEROY!
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

May 26, 2018
Dear Terry, I think little Leroy is coming along. He's been doing his practice homework for class. Mostly he's practicing sitting, which is good because it's the only thing he knows how to do. Well, not true. He said to me the other day, Fred watch this! And he jumped on the toilet and then up on the counter and sat down in the sink! I said ohhhh nooooo! But Mom had already seen him, and she said, LEROY BROWN GET DOWN. He jumped off and over my head and ran as fast as he could through the house. Me and Mom just looked at each other. Now you see why me and Mom go for quiet walks in the yard every morning. Just me and her, like we used to. Sometimes we sit on a log and watch the birds. Sometimes I help her pull weeds. And sometimes we don't do anything at all. Me and Mom walk until all our worries have gone away. I can't walk as far as I used to. Mom doesn't care. We end each walk by checking on the chickens and feeding them. I'm still The Chicken Checker! I'm gonna go now, it's thundering.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I think little Leroy is coming along. He's been doing his practice homework for class. Mostly he's practicing sitting, which is good because it's the only thing he knows how to do. Well, not true. He said to me the other day, Fred watch this! And he jumped on the toilet and then up on the counter and sat down in the sink! I said ohhhh nooooo! But Mom had already seen him, and she said, LEROY BROWN GET DOWN. He jumped off and over my head and ran as fast as he could through the house. Me and Mom just looked at each other. Now you see why me and Mom go for quiet walks in the yard every morning. Just me and her, like we used to. Sometimes we sit on a log and watch the birds. Sometimes I help her pull weeds. And sometimes we don't do anything at all. Me and Mom walk until all our worries have gone away. I can't walk as far as I used to. Mom doesn't care. We end each walk by checking on the chickens and feeding them. I'm still The Chicken Checker! I'm gonna go now, it's thundering.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
May 23, 2018
Dear Terry, Yesterday was the first day of school for me! Fred said it would be hard. There were lots and lots of dogs there. Mom & Dad were with me though so I wasn't worried. I said hello to everyone I saw and we found our seats. Then we had to move because 2 dogs weren't getting along. Mom cut up a whole carrot for snacks. All I had to do was sit quietly in front of Mom & Dad and I got a carrot! I thought this was gonna be hard! I'm a really good sitter you know. The Teacher said so too! Which got me a big smooch on the head from Mom! Some dogs were so bad they had to leave the room. Mom ran out of carrots because I was so good! But get this!! The Hot Dog Lady was there! She carried a giant bin of cut up hot dogs all around in case you were short on treats like Mom! How can School be bad or hard when there's a Hot Dog Lady there??! Then I had to learn how to Heel. And just like that, the Hot Dog Lady was at my side!! Then the Teacher was at my side and I showed her what I could do! She told everyone to look at me because I was so good! Dad was so please and gave me a good boy slap on the side! Mom gave me another big smooch on the head! What a great time I had there!!
Woohoo woohoo woooooooo, Leroy
Dear Terry, Yesterday was the first day of school for me! Fred said it would be hard. There were lots and lots of dogs there. Mom & Dad were with me though so I wasn't worried. I said hello to everyone I saw and we found our seats. Then we had to move because 2 dogs weren't getting along. Mom cut up a whole carrot for snacks. All I had to do was sit quietly in front of Mom & Dad and I got a carrot! I thought this was gonna be hard! I'm a really good sitter you know. The Teacher said so too! Which got me a big smooch on the head from Mom! Some dogs were so bad they had to leave the room. Mom ran out of carrots because I was so good! But get this!! The Hot Dog Lady was there! She carried a giant bin of cut up hot dogs all around in case you were short on treats like Mom! How can School be bad or hard when there's a Hot Dog Lady there??! Then I had to learn how to Heel. And just like that, the Hot Dog Lady was at my side!! Then the Teacher was at my side and I showed her what I could do! She told everyone to look at me because I was so good! Dad was so please and gave me a good boy slap on the side! Mom gave me another big smooch on the head! What a great time I had there!!
Woohoo woohoo woooooooo, Leroy
May 21, 2018
Dear Terry, tomorrow is my first day of school. What if I mess up? What if I poop indoors? What if all the other dogs are bigger than me? What if they don't like me? What if I'm not as smart as the other dogs? What if I embarrass mom and dad by being bad even if I meant to be good? I don't know if I can do this! My pal Fred said, don't worry little Leroy, I had to go to school too! Mom won't let anything bad happen, it's fun, and you get lots of snacks and pets. One time Mom got reprimanded in class because I stopped listening to chase a butterfly. Mom stuck up for me. So don't worry Leroy, chase butterflies! Mom's got your back! I hope Fred is right. He always seems to be right about stuff. Petey Cat said I'm going to reform school and it's just like The Slammer. Petey tells me things to tease me. I shouldn't believe him. Right???
Wooo wooooo wooooooooooo
Dear Terry, tomorrow is my first day of school. What if I mess up? What if I poop indoors? What if all the other dogs are bigger than me? What if they don't like me? What if I'm not as smart as the other dogs? What if I embarrass mom and dad by being bad even if I meant to be good? I don't know if I can do this! My pal Fred said, don't worry little Leroy, I had to go to school too! Mom won't let anything bad happen, it's fun, and you get lots of snacks and pets. One time Mom got reprimanded in class because I stopped listening to chase a butterfly. Mom stuck up for me. So don't worry Leroy, chase butterflies! Mom's got your back! I hope Fred is right. He always seems to be right about stuff. Petey Cat said I'm going to reform school and it's just like The Slammer. Petey tells me things to tease me. I shouldn't believe him. Right???
Wooo wooooo wooooooooooo
May 19, 2018
Dear Terry, Little Leroy sure is WORK. I know I wasn't this bad!! He seems to learn all he can except how to poop outside. I even show him how to poop! We pee together, I don't know why he keeps messing up in the house. Mom is frustrated. Leroy starts Class Tuesday! Maybe the Teacher can show h im how to poop. Leroy has a spiffy new collar too. It helps him walk without running away. Mom says it's like training wheels on a bike for him. Only with Leroy , we hope the wheels stay ON! OH and even bigger excitement! Dad had to do Surgery on Mom this morning!! Mom had a tick attached to her head!!! We don't like bugs. Me and Leory stood in the bathroom with Mom and Dad and helped supervise the Tick Killing. BLEH. Dad got the whole thing in one try! Success! I told her she should get a flea collar like mine so she won't get ticks. She says she feels all scratchy and buggy now! Remember when I had to go see The Vet becaue I had one on my Puppy Junk??? Mom agreed that was way worse than her tick.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Little Leroy sure is WORK. I know I wasn't this bad!! He seems to learn all he can except how to poop outside. I even show him how to poop! We pee together, I don't know why he keeps messing up in the house. Mom is frustrated. Leroy starts Class Tuesday! Maybe the Teacher can show h im how to poop. Leroy has a spiffy new collar too. It helps him walk without running away. Mom says it's like training wheels on a bike for him. Only with Leroy , we hope the wheels stay ON! OH and even bigger excitement! Dad had to do Surgery on Mom this morning!! Mom had a tick attached to her head!!! We don't like bugs. Me and Leory stood in the bathroom with Mom and Dad and helped supervise the Tick Killing. BLEH. Dad got the whole thing in one try! Success! I told her she should get a flea collar like mine so she won't get ticks. She says she feels all scratchy and buggy now! Remember when I had to go see The Vet becaue I had one on my Puppy Junk??? Mom agreed that was way worse than her tick.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 15, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. I'm in BIG trouble. And I'm back in The Slammer. Behind bars. I'll never see Dad again. I slipped my collar this morning instead of going in the house and I ran away from Mom. And I ran and ran and ran. Mom says I ran 4 or 5 houses away. Mom's really fast she ran too! She caught up to me at the neighbor's garage. I was running in circles all around it. Then I saw Mom patiently standing nearby waiting for me. I walked over and sat on her foot. She quietly put my collar back on and we went home. She was so upset with me she couldn't even breathe. Fred said that's because you made her run all over the neighborhood to save your sorry puppy butt. He checked Mom over real good and ignored me. Dad wouldn't look at me or even pet me. I sat in the middle of the floor. I didn't know how to fix all the unhappiness. Mom saw me, and said come here Leroy. She sat with me and talked real softly until everyone relaxed. We all took a ride in jeep. Fred got to ride shot gun with Mom. I fell asleep in Dad's arms in his lap in the back. But when we stopped, Mom took me in a big building. Ohhh nooo The Slammer!! They hate me now. Wait, I heard a familiar voice! Oh FRED! MY PAL FRED! He said don't worry little Leroy, it's vacation not The Slammer. He said Mom and Dad went to the City overnight to see a Game. Fred said, look Leroy, Mom packed your blanket for you. Oh she did!! I just want to see Dad again. I don't know when tomorrow is but it seems like forever. Fred said Little Leroy, close your eyes and sleep. Everything will be ok. I hope so.
Sad sad Leroy Brown.
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. I'm in BIG trouble. And I'm back in The Slammer. Behind bars. I'll never see Dad again. I slipped my collar this morning instead of going in the house and I ran away from Mom. And I ran and ran and ran. Mom says I ran 4 or 5 houses away. Mom's really fast she ran too! She caught up to me at the neighbor's garage. I was running in circles all around it. Then I saw Mom patiently standing nearby waiting for me. I walked over and sat on her foot. She quietly put my collar back on and we went home. She was so upset with me she couldn't even breathe. Fred said that's because you made her run all over the neighborhood to save your sorry puppy butt. He checked Mom over real good and ignored me. Dad wouldn't look at me or even pet me. I sat in the middle of the floor. I didn't know how to fix all the unhappiness. Mom saw me, and said come here Leroy. She sat with me and talked real softly until everyone relaxed. We all took a ride in jeep. Fred got to ride shot gun with Mom. I fell asleep in Dad's arms in his lap in the back. But when we stopped, Mom took me in a big building. Ohhh nooo The Slammer!! They hate me now. Wait, I heard a familiar voice! Oh FRED! MY PAL FRED! He said don't worry little Leroy, it's vacation not The Slammer. He said Mom and Dad went to the City overnight to see a Game. Fred said, look Leroy, Mom packed your blanket for you. Oh she did!! I just want to see Dad again. I don't know when tomorrow is but it seems like forever. Fred said Little Leroy, close your eyes and sleep. Everything will be ok. I hope so.
Sad sad Leroy Brown.
May 13, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me, the Dad. 40 some days into the Leroy Project and it seems like he will never be a good dog. But then he wags his tail, sits on my foot or takes a nap with me and I'm so glad we have him. I started to help train him along with the Wife, aka Mom. Carrots and frozen green beans are his favorite. I'm teaching him to spin, get up and get down. We call it learn & earn. His class starts May 22. I'm attending the class with him to learn too. My helper, Kathy, is taking me to the first class which is for humans only. Her grandson is having the same place train a service dog for him. I know we picked the right place for Leroy! Like Fred says, he's a good egg but doesn't always think things through. I love him lots! We won't give up on him! Oh yeah, Petey Cat got mad at him for barking in his face so he hissed and chased my poor Leroy through the house. OYE OYE OYE!
Hugs and more hugs, The Dad
May 10, 2018
Dear Terry, it's Leroy. I let my pal Freddie down! He was so scared last night because of the thunderstorm. Even Petey put his head under Mom's pillow. I didn't know there was a storm, I slept through the whole thing! Mom said she came to check on me and I was belly up, ears flapped back, snoring. Fred needed me and I was zonked out! Mom told Dad to keep an eye on Fred today because there's going to be another storm. I'm going to stick to him like glue. In fact, we peed together this morning. Fred always picks the spot, then I go right next to him. Mom calls me Copy Cat. Guess what Dad's been teaching me?! How to play ball! He throws it and I catch it and he yells Bring It Back Leroy! And I bring it back and we do it all over. We use the special squeaky tennis ball he got me. Fred takes a nap when me and Dad play. Oh and Petey Cat let me lick him on the head. I got fur stuck to my tongue and spit it out. I think he was laughing at me so I drooled on him. I'm a good drooler. Fred said atta boy Leroy when I did that. Woof!! I better go see what Dad is doing!
Howls & more Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, it's Leroy. I let my pal Freddie down! He was so scared last night because of the thunderstorm. Even Petey put his head under Mom's pillow. I didn't know there was a storm, I slept through the whole thing! Mom said she came to check on me and I was belly up, ears flapped back, snoring. Fred needed me and I was zonked out! Mom told Dad to keep an eye on Fred today because there's going to be another storm. I'm going to stick to him like glue. In fact, we peed together this morning. Fred always picks the spot, then I go right next to him. Mom calls me Copy Cat. Guess what Dad's been teaching me?! How to play ball! He throws it and I catch it and he yells Bring It Back Leroy! And I bring it back and we do it all over. We use the special squeaky tennis ball he got me. Fred takes a nap when me and Dad play. Oh and Petey Cat let me lick him on the head. I got fur stuck to my tongue and spit it out. I think he was laughing at me so I drooled on him. I'm a good drooler. Fred said atta boy Leroy when I did that. Woof!! I better go see what Dad is doing!
Howls & more Howls, Leroy
May 8, 2018
Dear Terry, its Leroy. Mom said I was a good boy today before she left for work! I did a lot today. I played with Fred and we bumped into Petey. That's not the good boy part. Oh and I played one of my favorite games, I pull the toilet paper until it runs out. That takes some doing because I have to run through all the rooms. Oh, wait, that's not the good boy part either. I'm getting to that. I helped dad make salad scraps for the chickens and snatched a piece of lettuce off the counter and ate it. Sigh. That's not it either. I better tell you the good boy part before I forget again. At 530 this morning I really had to pee. I'm not supposed to do that in the house but no one was awake! I went over to the big door and whined super loud. Maybe someone would hear me. Mom did! She thought something was wrong but then could tell I needed to GO. Out we went and I peed 2 times in the yard!! We had a big celebration! Dad slept through the whole thing!! That's the good boy part. Mom told dad all about it and he told me I was a good boy too!! It's a great day!!
Howls and kisses, Leroy.
Dear Terry, its Leroy. Mom said I was a good boy today before she left for work! I did a lot today. I played with Fred and we bumped into Petey. That's not the good boy part. Oh and I played one of my favorite games, I pull the toilet paper until it runs out. That takes some doing because I have to run through all the rooms. Oh, wait, that's not the good boy part either. I'm getting to that. I helped dad make salad scraps for the chickens and snatched a piece of lettuce off the counter and ate it. Sigh. That's not it either. I better tell you the good boy part before I forget again. At 530 this morning I really had to pee. I'm not supposed to do that in the house but no one was awake! I went over to the big door and whined super loud. Maybe someone would hear me. Mom did! She thought something was wrong but then could tell I needed to GO. Out we went and I peed 2 times in the yard!! We had a big celebration! Dad slept through the whole thing!! That's the good boy part. Mom told dad all about it and he told me I was a good boy too!! It's a great day!!
Howls and kisses, Leroy.
May 3, 2018
Happy Birthday Terry! Mom says your birthday is right before the big horse race. We like birthdays. Well, Leroy doesn't but only because he's never had one yet! You know what me and Leroy did today? We took a nap with Dad! I was kind of scared because I had heard thunder. Leroy said, oh Fred don't be scared! And he laid down next to me on the big bed, then Dad said, oh Fred ! Don't be scared and he laid down with me too! Pretty soon we all fell asleep and slept the day away! I hope you have a good sleepy birthday!
Barks and wags,
Happy Birthday Terry! Mom says your birthday is right before the big horse race. We like birthdays. Well, Leroy doesn't but only because he's never had one yet! You know what me and Leroy did today? We took a nap with Dad! I was kind of scared because I had heard thunder. Leroy said, oh Fred don't be scared! And he laid down next to me on the big bed, then Dad said, oh Fred ! Don't be scared and he laid down with me too! Pretty soon we all fell asleep and slept the day away! I hope you have a good sleepy birthday!
Barks and wags,
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