May 30, 2017
Dear Terry, I learned a new trick. I can count 5 and I can count 10. Mom says I have my own special way of counting. First I sit down and then Mom asks me a math question. Sometimes she says what's 4 plus 1?? and I hold my foot up! That's right she says! FIVE! And I get a treat! Fred, What's 12 minus 7?? and I hold my foot up! That's right she says! FIVE! Dad tries to trick me, he asks, Fred, What's 5 times 1?? But I know!!! I hold my foot up!! That's RIGHT! FIVE!!! But me and Mom always save the best for last. She asks me, Fred, What's 5 plus 5??? I hold up both feet!! That's right!! TEN!!! When we first showed Dad how I could count 5, he was all confused. Then he caught on. He said OHHHHH I see 5 claws on Fred's feet! Give me FIVE! Then he laughed and laughed! He said maybe one day I could learn the other numbers but Five is a good place to start!
Mom said she is going to try and teach me another Helper Job. Aunt Laura saw on TV how a shelter dog like me learned how to smell low blood sugar. He wanted to be a Helper Dog to his family. So he learned how to smell low blood sugar like it was a trick. Mom looked up how to teach me. I can learn anything. I don't know what low blood sugar is but if I can help Dad, I can learn it really fast. I have tricks that I do and then I have Helper Dog Jobs. I can turn on the battery lights for Dad. I let him know when he's going to get one of the bad headaches. I help when he gets confused about which room to go to and when he gets anxious. I'm a real good smeller. I KNOW I can learn how to smell low blood sugar. Helper Dog Jobs are things I do because I want to help Dad. I don't get any treats but I get lots of pets on the head! Tricks are when we are having fun and I get a treat. Mom said she has to get some supplies to help me learn but I am going to start learning real soon.
Hope you have a good night!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

May 24, 2017
Dear Terry, Today was all rainy and yucky. But Dad had an idea for some indoor fun! He said we are going to have a Cleaning Party! I said what's that Dad??? First we picked up everything off the floor and we found my bone! Then we vacuumed! It's a really scary machine so I ran through the house with Petey, barking and woofing the whole time! Scary and FUN! Then Dad had to broom the kitchen floor. Oh my gosh! Petey chases the special kitchen floor broom. I barked some more because it was all too crazy! All that barking made me have to pee so Dad took me outside in the rain. We hurried back in for more fun! Mom was coming home!! I helped him make some coffee so she could warm up. Last time Dad made coffee he dropped the can and smashed some eggs!!! This time it went off without a hitch. WHEW! Oh and we took a nap in there somewhere. FINALLY, Mom came home so me and Petey ran around even more!! Mom took me out in the rain and we checked on the chickens. Marge and Lisa were under cover of the rain. I helped Mom give them some food. Then we trotted through the rain and came back inside and now we are nice and snuggly warm. I'm going to work on chewing down that bone. OH I forgot the most exciting thing today! Mom was getting ready for work this morning after our morning walk and she found a TICK stuck to her arm! DADDDDDDDDDD DADDDDDDDD! OH MY GOSH, Mom's not supposed to have those things stick to her!! Dad came as fast as he could. He helped her pull the tick off. We don't like bugs. Maybe Mom should wear a flea and tick collar like me. She's OK don't worry!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today was all rainy and yucky. But Dad had an idea for some indoor fun! He said we are going to have a Cleaning Party! I said what's that Dad??? First we picked up everything off the floor and we found my bone! Then we vacuumed! It's a really scary machine so I ran through the house with Petey, barking and woofing the whole time! Scary and FUN! Then Dad had to broom the kitchen floor. Oh my gosh! Petey chases the special kitchen floor broom. I barked some more because it was all too crazy! All that barking made me have to pee so Dad took me outside in the rain. We hurried back in for more fun! Mom was coming home!! I helped him make some coffee so she could warm up. Last time Dad made coffee he dropped the can and smashed some eggs!!! This time it went off without a hitch. WHEW! Oh and we took a nap in there somewhere. FINALLY, Mom came home so me and Petey ran around even more!! Mom took me out in the rain and we checked on the chickens. Marge and Lisa were under cover of the rain. I helped Mom give them some food. Then we trotted through the rain and came back inside and now we are nice and snuggly warm. I'm going to work on chewing down that bone. OH I forgot the most exciting thing today! Mom was getting ready for work this morning after our morning walk and she found a TICK stuck to her arm! DADDDDDDDDDD DADDDDDDDD! OH MY GOSH, Mom's not supposed to have those things stick to her!! Dad came as fast as he could. He helped her pull the tick off. We don't like bugs. Maybe Mom should wear a flea and tick collar like me. She's OK don't worry!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 20, 2017
Dear Terry, I had a bad bad day yesterday. First, me and Mom went for our morning walk around the yard. But when we were in the driveway, I stepped on something that wriggled and squished and I jumped back super high up in the air and Mom jumped back and said a bad word really loud. I had stepped on a SNAKE!! It was HUGE. Mom hurried up and got a good look at it. She wasn't sure if I had gotten bitten or not. Mom said it was a Garter Snake. But it was a pretty big one in my book. She looked me over real good and saw no bite marks. She kept separating my fur so she could see my skin. AND she had to TOUCH MY FEET. This was a morning DISASTER. Mom said Garter snakes aren't poisonous but it was best to double check for bites. Bad enough I stepped on something squishy and wriggly, I had to have my FEET TOUCHED. After that we went over to see the chickens. They were pretty happy, the sun was shining. I turned my back to them so I could smell the breeze and OUCHHHHH. Marge pecked me RIGHT IN THE BUTT!!! I freaked out and jumped all over the place again. Mom sighed a big sigh. She sat down in the grass with me and got me all calmed down. Later on in the day I thought Mom would take me on a walk. But her and Dad went to see a baseball game. I was super disappointed. They left the game on the TV for me. I like to listen to the people talk and it puts me to sleep. Only it didn't, I was sad. No walk. No Mom. No Dad. I got my pal Spot and we stayed in my bed until they came home. It was really late. Mom and Dad cheered me right up! I got to have a snack and everything! I slept right next to Mom all night long. It was good to have everyone home again where they belong.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I had a bad bad day yesterday. First, me and Mom went for our morning walk around the yard. But when we were in the driveway, I stepped on something that wriggled and squished and I jumped back super high up in the air and Mom jumped back and said a bad word really loud. I had stepped on a SNAKE!! It was HUGE. Mom hurried up and got a good look at it. She wasn't sure if I had gotten bitten or not. Mom said it was a Garter Snake. But it was a pretty big one in my book. She looked me over real good and saw no bite marks. She kept separating my fur so she could see my skin. AND she had to TOUCH MY FEET. This was a morning DISASTER. Mom said Garter snakes aren't poisonous but it was best to double check for bites. Bad enough I stepped on something squishy and wriggly, I had to have my FEET TOUCHED. After that we went over to see the chickens. They were pretty happy, the sun was shining. I turned my back to them so I could smell the breeze and OUCHHHHH. Marge pecked me RIGHT IN THE BUTT!!! I freaked out and jumped all over the place again. Mom sighed a big sigh. She sat down in the grass with me and got me all calmed down. Later on in the day I thought Mom would take me on a walk. But her and Dad went to see a baseball game. I was super disappointed. They left the game on the TV for me. I like to listen to the people talk and it puts me to sleep. Only it didn't, I was sad. No walk. No Mom. No Dad. I got my pal Spot and we stayed in my bed until they came home. It was really late. Mom and Dad cheered me right up! I got to have a snack and everything! I slept right next to Mom all night long. It was good to have everyone home again where they belong.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 14, 2017
Dear Terry, All kinds of stuff going on here! Mom put up the big umbrella on the deck and it almost blew away!! Then the cats got to go outside on the deck with Mom and Dad but not ME! I thought everyone forgot about me. I like the deck too! I went to my bed and laid down. It was awful. Mom said I cant go out on the deck with PennyCat because I sometimes scare her. I don't mean to. Mom and Dad were busy all day long doing stuff outside and in the house. Dad planted plants! Mom dug in the dirt. Oh and Marge and Lisa got to try out a new spot in the yard. Mom likes to give them new spots because they eat everything and she doesn't have to mow! And the Girls are happy! But I wasn't happy. No one was even paying attention to me. I laid in my bed. After dinner, Mom said we can't have any sad dogs in THIS house! I didn't move. Dad said, NO SAD DOGS! And with that, Mom grabbed the leash and I got so excited I bonked my head off the door!! Woof! We went to the nature park. We walked everywhere. Up the hill, down the hill. Around the ponds. HELLLO MALLARDS! Me and Mom walked and walked. No more sad dog! Now I am tired. Me and Dad are going to watch some baseball together.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, All kinds of stuff going on here! Mom put up the big umbrella on the deck and it almost blew away!! Then the cats got to go outside on the deck with Mom and Dad but not ME! I thought everyone forgot about me. I like the deck too! I went to my bed and laid down. It was awful. Mom said I cant go out on the deck with PennyCat because I sometimes scare her. I don't mean to. Mom and Dad were busy all day long doing stuff outside and in the house. Dad planted plants! Mom dug in the dirt. Oh and Marge and Lisa got to try out a new spot in the yard. Mom likes to give them new spots because they eat everything and she doesn't have to mow! And the Girls are happy! But I wasn't happy. No one was even paying attention to me. I laid in my bed. After dinner, Mom said we can't have any sad dogs in THIS house! I didn't move. Dad said, NO SAD DOGS! And with that, Mom grabbed the leash and I got so excited I bonked my head off the door!! Woof! We went to the nature park. We walked everywhere. Up the hill, down the hill. Around the ponds. HELLLO MALLARDS! Me and Mom walked and walked. No more sad dog! Now I am tired. Me and Dad are going to watch some baseball together.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 12, 2017
Dear Terry, Guess what tomorrow is? Tomorrow is Junk Day. Everyone puts junk by the road and other people come and take it. Free junk everywhere! Then the big trucks come and pick up the junk until it's all gone. Mom put our junk out early. She didn't get all of it out though. Dad is kind of down and out from his eye being zapped again. I have to keep watch over everything. I barked all day long to let Dad know that there were people at the road picking through the junk. Then when Mom came home we inspected the junk pile to see what was gone already. I'm not usually allowed near the road but me and Mom were real careful and she made sure I was safe. I had to stay in the grass. Strange people coming and going make me nervous. They will come in the night too. I plan on barking all night long so Mom knows we will be safe. Petey keeps telling me to knock it off. But I barked at him too. He's in the basement with my PennyCat. She doesn't like me barking either but someone has to do it! I'm going to be tired tomorrow after keeping an eye on everything. I still have 2 eyes you know. WOOF WOOF! Crazy chickens!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what tomorrow is? Tomorrow is Junk Day. Everyone puts junk by the road and other people come and take it. Free junk everywhere! Then the big trucks come and pick up the junk until it's all gone. Mom put our junk out early. She didn't get all of it out though. Dad is kind of down and out from his eye being zapped again. I have to keep watch over everything. I barked all day long to let Dad know that there were people at the road picking through the junk. Then when Mom came home we inspected the junk pile to see what was gone already. I'm not usually allowed near the road but me and Mom were real careful and she made sure I was safe. I had to stay in the grass. Strange people coming and going make me nervous. They will come in the night too. I plan on barking all night long so Mom knows we will be safe. Petey keeps telling me to knock it off. But I barked at him too. He's in the basement with my PennyCat. She doesn't like me barking either but someone has to do it! I'm going to be tired tomorrow after keeping an eye on everything. I still have 2 eyes you know. WOOF WOOF! Crazy chickens!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
May 9, 2017
Dear Terry, I got HURT! I swear my eye is MISSING. That crazy Marge! Mom came home and we went out to check on them like always. I went right up to the run and Barked HELLO right in Marge's face and you know what that crazy bird did??? She pecked me RIGHT by my eye!! OWWWWIE!! I spun in a circle and went right back up to her and she pecked me again!! I swear she put my eye out!!! Mom says that's what happens when you break the Chicken Rules! WOOF. I know I know , no barking at the chickens! BUT I was only saying HELLO. OK it might have been really loud. Mom assured me both eyes were still in my head but for a minute there I had my doubts. Dad said both my eyes are still there. He called me Patch though!!!! Mom said she didn't even draw blood. Either time. Maybe tomorrow I won't be so loud. Maybe tomorrow I won't even say Hello. Maybe tomorrow I will sit there and do nothing but stick my tongue out. PTHHHH. Crazy BIRDS!
No Barks but lots of Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, I got HURT! I swear my eye is MISSING. That crazy Marge! Mom came home and we went out to check on them like always. I went right up to the run and Barked HELLO right in Marge's face and you know what that crazy bird did??? She pecked me RIGHT by my eye!! OWWWWIE!! I spun in a circle and went right back up to her and she pecked me again!! I swear she put my eye out!!! Mom says that's what happens when you break the Chicken Rules! WOOF. I know I know , no barking at the chickens! BUT I was only saying HELLO. OK it might have been really loud. Mom assured me both eyes were still in my head but for a minute there I had my doubts. Dad said both my eyes are still there. He called me Patch though!!!! Mom said she didn't even draw blood. Either time. Maybe tomorrow I won't be so loud. Maybe tomorrow I won't even say Hello. Maybe tomorrow I will sit there and do nothing but stick my tongue out. PTHHHH. Crazy BIRDS!
No Barks but lots of Wags, FredDog!
May 8, 2017
Dear Terry, Mom says she will write more often. She's been too busy and not paying enough attention to me! Dad said I've been acting out. Mom said I know how to fix that! She said me andher need some Puppy Fun Time. Today we are going to go walking in my favorite park in the woods. This morning she let me help with all the chores. I even got to play with Marge! I would pretend jump at Marge and she would flap her wings and get all big and tall. I would pretend jump, she would jump too. It all ended when she reached through the fence and pecked me on the nose. Mom laughed, she said she knew that was coming! Margie always comes out to see me every morning. Most times she is nice to me. Lisa is CRAZY. That's ok, I like them both. Mom said I get to help her pull some weeds today in the yard. I sit right next to her when we do the weeding. My job is to catch flies. I'm pretty good at it but you have to be careful not to knock Mom over! Woof! Mom said now that it's nice weather, we can get out and do all the fun stuff we want too! I hope you come back to visit again. Even Petey was talking about how you came to visit! Not Penny, she slept through it all!
Mom said we promise to write more !
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Mom says she will write more often. She's been too busy and not paying enough attention to me! Dad said I've been acting out. Mom said I know how to fix that! She said me andher need some Puppy Fun Time. Today we are going to go walking in my favorite park in the woods. This morning she let me help with all the chores. I even got to play with Marge! I would pretend jump at Marge and she would flap her wings and get all big and tall. I would pretend jump, she would jump too. It all ended when she reached through the fence and pecked me on the nose. Mom laughed, she said she knew that was coming! Margie always comes out to see me every morning. Most times she is nice to me. Lisa is CRAZY. That's ok, I like them both. Mom said I get to help her pull some weeds today in the yard. I sit right next to her when we do the weeding. My job is to catch flies. I'm pretty good at it but you have to be careful not to knock Mom over! Woof! Mom said now that it's nice weather, we can get out and do all the fun stuff we want too! I hope you come back to visit again. Even Petey was talking about how you came to visit! Not Penny, she slept through it all!
Mom said we promise to write more !
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
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