March 29, 2017
Dear Terry, Today was my first day on the job as Chicken Checker! Mom brought them home a little bit ago and she got them in their little house and gave them good food and water. I could hear them but I couldn't see them. Then, FINALLY, Mom came and took me outside to meet them. Dad was outside already watching them. I smelled them and then went around the corner and saw them! My gosh they were big birds. I thought they would be little ones like at the store. They cluck cluck real soft. There's a big one and a medium one and a smaller one. They're red. I wasn't sure what to do, so I barked. Mom and Dad both said FRED. And I sat down. Then I accidentally barked some more. It was all too exciting! The chickens stood up real tall and cluck clucked at me. And I listened to them for a few minutes. Then I barked again. and Dad laid down the law. FREDDOG. Oh oops I barked. Then me and Mom took a little walk away and came back again and this time I got it all right! I smelled them, looked in the house to make sure they were OK and then sat down and watched them. They watched me. I bet they would put my eye out. But then we all relaxed and I pooped and they started eating again. They were busy picking bugs out of the ground and food out of the dish. I went in the house and Mom gave me a special Chicken Checker Treat!! Mom says they are called Marge, Lisa and Maggie.
the best Chicken Checker ever!
Love and Woofs,
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

March 28, 2017
Dear Terry, Guess what!? I get a new job tomorrow! Mom said I am going to be the Official Family Chicken Checker! That's right Chicken Checker! They arrive tomorrow. I'm not sure what chickens are but Mom said I am going to be checking on them every morning and night. A Chicken Checker!! That's Me!!! I'm going to be the best one around I know it! I can't wait to meet them. Mom said they will live outside and she showed me their special house and everything. Mom built the house for them. It came in a big box and she built it all by herself. Me and Dad kind of slept through that. I'm going to be The Chicken Checker!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Guess what!? I get a new job tomorrow! Mom said I am going to be the Official Family Chicken Checker! That's right Chicken Checker! They arrive tomorrow. I'm not sure what chickens are but Mom said I am going to be checking on them every morning and night. A Chicken Checker!! That's Me!!! I'm going to be the best one around I know it! I can't wait to meet them. Mom said they will live outside and she showed me their special house and everything. Mom built the house for them. It came in a big box and she built it all by herself. Me and Dad kind of slept through that. I'm going to be The Chicken Checker!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
March 26, 2017
Dear Terry, I'm not feeling too good. My back hurts. Sometimes I over do it and then I don't feel good. Mom knew just what to do though! She gave me a special cheese ball and pretty soon I was feeling better. Yesterday, me and Mom went for a walk in the woods and she decided we should walk in tandem. I didn't know what that was. She clipped my leash to her waist and wasn't holding it in her hand at all! I didn't know what to do. I stood there looking at her. She said, Come on Fred! Let's Go! Only I didn't know where to go! She went one way and I went the other way and we both had to stop. This was very confusing. She usually guides me with the leash on what direction to go. Then I thought she meant RUN! So I took off and she ran after me because we were connected. We had to stop. Then I got mixed up and tangled in a picker bush. And we had to stop again. We did get the hang of this in tandem thing though. Once we both went in the same direction things were MUCH easier! We decided that maybe we won't do that too often. Stick to what we know!
Love and Woofs! FredDog
Dear Terry, I'm not feeling too good. My back hurts. Sometimes I over do it and then I don't feel good. Mom knew just what to do though! She gave me a special cheese ball and pretty soon I was feeling better. Yesterday, me and Mom went for a walk in the woods and she decided we should walk in tandem. I didn't know what that was. She clipped my leash to her waist and wasn't holding it in her hand at all! I didn't know what to do. I stood there looking at her. She said, Come on Fred! Let's Go! Only I didn't know where to go! She went one way and I went the other way and we both had to stop. This was very confusing. She usually guides me with the leash on what direction to go. Then I thought she meant RUN! So I took off and she ran after me because we were connected. We had to stop. Then I got mixed up and tangled in a picker bush. And we had to stop again. We did get the hang of this in tandem thing though. Once we both went in the same direction things were MUCH easier! We decided that maybe we won't do that too often. Stick to what we know!
Love and Woofs! FredDog
March 21, 2017
Dear Terry, Boy I have been so tired!! Sunday me and Mom went running at the Running Park. She said I needed a good run because I was being ornery. I don't know what that is but I am going to try and be like that all the time so we can go running! Guess what we saw there??? The biggest dog I have ever seen in my LIFE. She was gigantic! Bigger than Big! Mom said she was a Newfoundland. A really big one, Mom said. I decided that I wanted to walk the other way. I wasn't so sure she was friendly. So then we started running. And more running! But what was that sound???? BZZZZZZZZZZ, BZZZZZZZZ! It was so loud! Where was it?? Oh my gosh it was in the SKY! I stopped and watched it. I tilted my head so I could hear it better. Mom knelt down next to me and said Don't Worry Freddie, it's an airplane! She gave me a big pat on the head. An airplane??? It swopped around like a birdie but it was loud and noisy. Even noisier than the Ravens. I watched and watched and it would always return to the men standing in the grass then it would take off again! It was pretty neat! The men waved to us and I barked back! Then we took off running again! I love to run. Mom doesn't. She does it because I like to run. I know it hurts her knee so I don't run full tilt anymore. I run as fast as she does. Which sometimes really isnt so fast. I like to go fast! I was so tired after all that excitement and running that I think I slept for 3 days! Mom said it was only for 3 hours. It was a long time. Dad tucked me into all the blankets and Petey snuggled in next to me. How great is that! Oh and I think PennyCat likes me again! For awhile she wouldn't come near me. Dad said it was because I started barking too loud when I would see her. But she's been coming into the kitchen and I walk up to her and she greets me like she used to! She MEOWSHISSS and slaps me on the nose! It's like old times!! I love PennyCat. She was my first friend here.
Hope you get lots of MEOWSHISSSS in your day!! OXO FredDog!
Dear Terry, Boy I have been so tired!! Sunday me and Mom went running at the Running Park. She said I needed a good run because I was being ornery. I don't know what that is but I am going to try and be like that all the time so we can go running! Guess what we saw there??? The biggest dog I have ever seen in my LIFE. She was gigantic! Bigger than Big! Mom said she was a Newfoundland. A really big one, Mom said. I decided that I wanted to walk the other way. I wasn't so sure she was friendly. So then we started running. And more running! But what was that sound???? BZZZZZZZZZZ, BZZZZZZZZ! It was so loud! Where was it?? Oh my gosh it was in the SKY! I stopped and watched it. I tilted my head so I could hear it better. Mom knelt down next to me and said Don't Worry Freddie, it's an airplane! She gave me a big pat on the head. An airplane??? It swopped around like a birdie but it was loud and noisy. Even noisier than the Ravens. I watched and watched and it would always return to the men standing in the grass then it would take off again! It was pretty neat! The men waved to us and I barked back! Then we took off running again! I love to run. Mom doesn't. She does it because I like to run. I know it hurts her knee so I don't run full tilt anymore. I run as fast as she does. Which sometimes really isnt so fast. I like to go fast! I was so tired after all that excitement and running that I think I slept for 3 days! Mom said it was only for 3 hours. It was a long time. Dad tucked me into all the blankets and Petey snuggled in next to me. How great is that! Oh and I think PennyCat likes me again! For awhile she wouldn't come near me. Dad said it was because I started barking too loud when I would see her. But she's been coming into the kitchen and I walk up to her and she greets me like she used to! She MEOWSHISSS and slaps me on the nose! It's like old times!! I love PennyCat. She was my first friend here.
Hope you get lots of MEOWSHISSSS in your day!! OXO FredDog!
March 15, 2017
Dear Terry, Mom said she talked to you today! You told her all about the New Dog, Gilgamesh. Mom says he is bigger than a bread box and she showed me the bread box on the counter. She said in fact, he's bigger than 5 of me!! I can't count but Mom said that's really big. I can't wait until you come out and we can see each other again! Mom said you were going to go to a Fiesta. That's a party! Mom said she told you about how I grumbled at my Grammy. In my defense, I have to make sure everyone that walks in the house is A-OK and won't hurt Dad. Mom says she is 75 years old and his MOM and you never grumble at Grammy. I have to relearn what to do when someone is helping Dad. She said I can't help Dad with everything but I can! Well ok, not the socks. I don't have thumbs. Mom is always right. WOOF. I kind of pushed Grammy out of the way too. No Pushing Grammy! It's like the other rule, No Making PennyCat Fluffy. Mom said she is going to walk me through being good with Grammy again. Maybe Grammy could give me some Cherrios. I like those! Mom's been saying a lot of stuff this week. Mostly rules. But she said we are going to have some FUN tonight so I can relax! I bet she gets out my food toy. Me and Petey both like that! We both try and get the food out of the puzzle. Sometimes it's harder to get the pieces out because Dad will put peanut butter over everything and all the snacks stick! OH and guess what I ate!? A pink bunny marshmellow ! I never had marshmellow before and Mom gave me the ears of the bunny. At first I thought WHAT is this??? It was all grainy but not really crunchy. Then it stuck to my teeth. Then it melted and turned my mouth PINK! WOOF!!! It was yummy!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom said she talked to you today! You told her all about the New Dog, Gilgamesh. Mom says he is bigger than a bread box and she showed me the bread box on the counter. She said in fact, he's bigger than 5 of me!! I can't count but Mom said that's really big. I can't wait until you come out and we can see each other again! Mom said you were going to go to a Fiesta. That's a party! Mom said she told you about how I grumbled at my Grammy. In my defense, I have to make sure everyone that walks in the house is A-OK and won't hurt Dad. Mom says she is 75 years old and his MOM and you never grumble at Grammy. I have to relearn what to do when someone is helping Dad. She said I can't help Dad with everything but I can! Well ok, not the socks. I don't have thumbs. Mom is always right. WOOF. I kind of pushed Grammy out of the way too. No Pushing Grammy! It's like the other rule, No Making PennyCat Fluffy. Mom said she is going to walk me through being good with Grammy again. Maybe Grammy could give me some Cherrios. I like those! Mom's been saying a lot of stuff this week. Mostly rules. But she said we are going to have some FUN tonight so I can relax! I bet she gets out my food toy. Me and Petey both like that! We both try and get the food out of the puzzle. Sometimes it's harder to get the pieces out because Dad will put peanut butter over everything and all the snacks stick! OH and guess what I ate!? A pink bunny marshmellow ! I never had marshmellow before and Mom gave me the ears of the bunny. At first I thought WHAT is this??? It was all grainy but not really crunchy. Then it stuck to my teeth. Then it melted and turned my mouth PINK! WOOF!!! It was yummy!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
March 12, 2017
Dear Terry, I hope Gilhamesh is having lots of fun! Mom said he's as big as a house! Mom and Petey had a big adventure yesterday. She put Petey in The Crate. Petey didn't like that at all. He started meowing really loud and shaking the cage. Mom has to tie it shut so he doesn't bust free. He can get that front open when he wants to. I told Petey to pipe down! You want to save that for when you get to the vet. Start acting like a complete loon and making lots and lots of noise so they stop doing stuff to you, like looking in your ears and eyes. Dad got Petey to quiet down though. I sat and listened to Dad too. Then Mom took Petey away. Mom said it was only a check up to make sure he's a-ok. I told Petey that's what she always says and not to believe it, it's a trick!! Dad said, FRED! Stop that! Petey's going to tell you what happened next!
Hi Terry, It's Petey. Mom PUT ME IN THE CRATE. Then we went for a car ride. I don't like car rides. The only good car ride was when Mom picked me up from the shelter and gave me a home. We didn't go the the Vet right away. First we went to the Library. Don't know what that is and dont care. Mom got OUT OF THE CAR WITHOUT ME. But she was back in a few seconds. I couldn't even try and bust free that's how quick she was. Then we went to the Bank. It has things that made lots of noise. WHOOOOOSSSSSHHHHHHH. I laid my ears back but then I wanted to see. But I couldn't because of the crate!!! Mom lifted the crate up so I could see what was going on there at the bank. Hmmm this was kind of interesting. Fred made it sound like I was gonna DIE. Then just when I thought this might be a fun trip we ended up at the VET. MOMMMMM!!!!! Boy was I mad. I turned around in the crate and wouldn't even look at Mom. Mom told me to be to BE GOOD. I guess I was because we were outta there real quick too. The doctor looked in my eyes and I looked in her eyes. She looked in my ears so I looked up her nose real good, she looked at my teeth and I tried to look at her teeth. Oh and then we went for another ride in the car only this time I could tell we were going home so I settled in on my blanket in the crate and fell asleep. What a Day!! Maybe Mom could take me for another ride one day only without the Crate.
Barks, Wags and Meows, FredDog! PeteyCat!
Dear Terry, I hope Gilhamesh is having lots of fun! Mom said he's as big as a house! Mom and Petey had a big adventure yesterday. She put Petey in The Crate. Petey didn't like that at all. He started meowing really loud and shaking the cage. Mom has to tie it shut so he doesn't bust free. He can get that front open when he wants to. I told Petey to pipe down! You want to save that for when you get to the vet. Start acting like a complete loon and making lots and lots of noise so they stop doing stuff to you, like looking in your ears and eyes. Dad got Petey to quiet down though. I sat and listened to Dad too. Then Mom took Petey away. Mom said it was only a check up to make sure he's a-ok. I told Petey that's what she always says and not to believe it, it's a trick!! Dad said, FRED! Stop that! Petey's going to tell you what happened next!
Hi Terry, It's Petey. Mom PUT ME IN THE CRATE. Then we went for a car ride. I don't like car rides. The only good car ride was when Mom picked me up from the shelter and gave me a home. We didn't go the the Vet right away. First we went to the Library. Don't know what that is and dont care. Mom got OUT OF THE CAR WITHOUT ME. But she was back in a few seconds. I couldn't even try and bust free that's how quick she was. Then we went to the Bank. It has things that made lots of noise. WHOOOOOSSSSSHHHHHHH. I laid my ears back but then I wanted to see. But I couldn't because of the crate!!! Mom lifted the crate up so I could see what was going on there at the bank. Hmmm this was kind of interesting. Fred made it sound like I was gonna DIE. Then just when I thought this might be a fun trip we ended up at the VET. MOMMMMM!!!!! Boy was I mad. I turned around in the crate and wouldn't even look at Mom. Mom told me to be to BE GOOD. I guess I was because we were outta there real quick too. The doctor looked in my eyes and I looked in her eyes. She looked in my ears so I looked up her nose real good, she looked at my teeth and I tried to look at her teeth. Oh and then we went for another ride in the car only this time I could tell we were going home so I settled in on my blanket in the crate and fell asleep. What a Day!! Maybe Mom could take me for another ride one day only without the Crate.
Barks, Wags and Meows, FredDog! PeteyCat!
March 5, 2017
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had an exciting walk today! We didn't walk! We ran! We've been going to the sports place and there is a big walking loop all around it and through all the special fields that I'm not supposed to walk on. I like it there. The wind is always blowing and it's wide open and I can GO GO GO GO. I GO so fast sometimes that Mom has to hurry to keep up with me. Today though we RAN! First we had to look around to see if anybody was watching. Mom's funny like that. Mom said let's GO! Then we RAN. All the way along the straight section and around part of a bend. Then we had to slow down to a jog. Then we RAN again! I like running so much more than just walking! I'm a good runner. I keep pace with Mom and she runs pretty good too. But we can't run the whole time yet. Mom's knee sometimes hurts when we run too much. She laughs every time when we get back to the car because we are both breathing hard and she can tell how happy I am. Mom says we ran off and on for over a mile. I don't know how far that is but we are both tired afterwards so it must be really far. I hope we keep going there. Running is fun!!
Hope you had a good day! If you didn't maybe you could go running too! Mom said she's pretty sure that might not be a safe thing for you to do though....Woof!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had an exciting walk today! We didn't walk! We ran! We've been going to the sports place and there is a big walking loop all around it and through all the special fields that I'm not supposed to walk on. I like it there. The wind is always blowing and it's wide open and I can GO GO GO GO. I GO so fast sometimes that Mom has to hurry to keep up with me. Today though we RAN! First we had to look around to see if anybody was watching. Mom's funny like that. Mom said let's GO! Then we RAN. All the way along the straight section and around part of a bend. Then we had to slow down to a jog. Then we RAN again! I like running so much more than just walking! I'm a good runner. I keep pace with Mom and she runs pretty good too. But we can't run the whole time yet. Mom's knee sometimes hurts when we run too much. She laughs every time when we get back to the car because we are both breathing hard and she can tell how happy I am. Mom says we ran off and on for over a mile. I don't know how far that is but we are both tired afterwards so it must be really far. I hope we keep going there. Running is fun!!
Hope you had a good day! If you didn't maybe you could go running too! Mom said she's pretty sure that might not be a safe thing for you to do though....Woof!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
March 1, 2017
Dear Terry, Me and Mom were up listening to the storms. I had my special shirt on and Dad laid down next to me and it didn't seem as bad as other times. Mom talked to me the whole time and she told me that you were getting a new PUPPY!! Mom says he is probably bigger than me already. I hope he has a good bark! A good bark is a good dog! That's what I think. Mom always says PIPE DOWN FRED! And then I bark some more just because! Me and Petey are goingto help Dad clean. First we run around like maniacs in front of the vacuum cleaner. Then we will walk all over the mopped floor and leave our foot prints so Mom can see we were helping. Oh and me and Mom have been walking a lot. Mom calls it jogging. We can jog a WHOLE MILE at the new place. I want to flat out run but Mom says be happy she is jogging! WOOF! Th e first time we did it, we both were kind of sorry we did it, but then it got easier and easier. Mom might disagree but we jog together and have fun!
Barks and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom were up listening to the storms. I had my special shirt on and Dad laid down next to me and it didn't seem as bad as other times. Mom talked to me the whole time and she told me that you were getting a new PUPPY!! Mom says he is probably bigger than me already. I hope he has a good bark! A good bark is a good dog! That's what I think. Mom always says PIPE DOWN FRED! And then I bark some more just because! Me and Petey are goingto help Dad clean. First we run around like maniacs in front of the vacuum cleaner. Then we will walk all over the mopped floor and leave our foot prints so Mom can see we were helping. Oh and me and Mom have been walking a lot. Mom calls it jogging. We can jog a WHOLE MILE at the new place. I want to flat out run but Mom says be happy she is jogging! WOOF! Th e first time we did it, we both were kind of sorry we did it, but then it got easier and easier. Mom might disagree but we jog together and have fun!
Barks and Woofs, FredDog
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