November 30, 2018
Dear Terry. It's me Leroy. Mom had a terrible day yesterday. Fred said her black cloud is back. The jeep broke and she had to have it towed all the way home from work. She didn't kick it this time. The next part is all my fault. Mom was setting up a new game for Dad. Me and Dad were sitting right next to her. I was bored so I got up to find something to do. I started playing with the fabric on the back of the chair and Mom tried to stand up to shoo me away. But she FELL DOWN!! Her knee wasn't working!! OH MOM! Dad couldn't believe it! I ran right to her to see if she was OK, it was all my fault!! I should have been good like Fred. I licked her face real good. I was frantic. She sat back up and I jumped all over her trying to make everything ok again. She gave me a big hug and told me everything was ok and not to worry. Fred snapped at me, Dad tried to shoo me away. Mom hugged me tighter and said, Don't worry Little Leroy, it really is OK. I hope so. Fred told me if I ever break Mom, I'm going to be in BIG trouble with him. I tried super hard to be good the rest of the night. Everything was back to normal this morning. Mom was walking and everything!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

November 27, 2018
Dear Terry,
Guess what! It snowed! It started last night. Leroy spotted it before me and rang the bell to go outside. He said, Come on Fred, SNOW! Mom has blue Christmas lights all around the porch. Oh it looked so neat with the snow coming down! We went inside when we were covered in snow. Leroy kept ringing the bell to go back out. He would sit there and put his head up and watch the snow come down and catch the flakes. This morning, Mom took us out in the run to play in the snow. She made us snowballs!! Leroy was all confused. Mom would show him the snowball and he would get so excited. Then, she would throw it and it would fall apart in the air over our heads and he would still be looking for the ball. Mom laughed and laughed! I ran around barking it was so much fun! When we got inside we fell asleep even before Mom left for work. Dad tucked us both under blankets.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry,
Guess what! It snowed! It started last night. Leroy spotted it before me and rang the bell to go outside. He said, Come on Fred, SNOW! Mom has blue Christmas lights all around the porch. Oh it looked so neat with the snow coming down! We went inside when we were covered in snow. Leroy kept ringing the bell to go back out. He would sit there and put his head up and watch the snow come down and catch the flakes. This morning, Mom took us out in the run to play in the snow. She made us snowballs!! Leroy was all confused. Mom would show him the snowball and he would get so excited. Then, she would throw it and it would fall apart in the air over our heads and he would still be looking for the ball. Mom laughed and laughed! I ran around barking it was so much fun! When we got inside we fell asleep even before Mom left for work. Dad tucked us both under blankets.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
November 23, 2018
Dear Terry, Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Me, Leroy, the cats and chickens, oh and Dad too, had lots to eat! Leroy had no idea about Thanksgiving so I had to tell him that the place to be was the kitchen at all times. Especially if Dad was in there because he gives out free food! You don't have to sit at all on holidays for food! But Leroy was bored. So he started to work on taking out all Mom's cookbooks. Oh boy. He did help make the pumpkin pie. And when Mom took out the shrimp ring, he flew back into the kitchen and skidded to a stop at Mom's feet. Mom said shrimp are only for good dogs and he was crushed, he thought he was going to get skipped over. Luckily I know Mom's holiday rule, all dogs are good dogs on holidays! He perked right up then! Finally, it was time for the big dinner, but wait where's Leroy?? We all looked for him and he was sound asleep on the couch, snoring away! We let him sleep. Mom and Dad both gave me table scraps and we saved some for Leroy too! Yummy!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Me, Leroy, the cats and chickens, oh and Dad too, had lots to eat! Leroy had no idea about Thanksgiving so I had to tell him that the place to be was the kitchen at all times. Especially if Dad was in there because he gives out free food! You don't have to sit at all on holidays for food! But Leroy was bored. So he started to work on taking out all Mom's cookbooks. Oh boy. He did help make the pumpkin pie. And when Mom took out the shrimp ring, he flew back into the kitchen and skidded to a stop at Mom's feet. Mom said shrimp are only for good dogs and he was crushed, he thought he was going to get skipped over. Luckily I know Mom's holiday rule, all dogs are good dogs on holidays! He perked right up then! Finally, it was time for the big dinner, but wait where's Leroy?? We all looked for him and he was sound asleep on the couch, snoring away! We let him sleep. Mom and Dad both gave me table scraps and we saved some for Leroy too! Yummy!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
November 18, 2018
Dear Terry, DAD'S HOME DAD'S HOME DAD'S HOME!!! And about time too! He was gone FOREVER. I kept telling Leroy he was coming home. But Little Leroy didn't believe me. He was very sad without Dad here. He was so excited to see Dad, he peed on the carpet. OH LEROY! Mom cleaned it right up. No one could be mad because he was dancing all around Dad. I couldnt even get close to Dad to say HI DAD! So I barked a whole lot. Dad was very tired and shaky. All he wanted to do was sit down and watch TV. We hurried up and quieted down. Mom gave Leroy a chew stick so he could calm down. Leroy needs Dad just as much as Dad needs Leroy. Dad needs me too but I am trying to teach Leroy all I know about taking care of Dad. Leroy finally fell asleep at Dad's feet. I'm on the couch keeping on eye on everything. Sometimes I doze off. Mom says that's OK, I've earned more than a few naps. YAWNNNNNNN!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, DAD'S HOME DAD'S HOME DAD'S HOME!!! And about time too! He was gone FOREVER. I kept telling Leroy he was coming home. But Little Leroy didn't believe me. He was very sad without Dad here. He was so excited to see Dad, he peed on the carpet. OH LEROY! Mom cleaned it right up. No one could be mad because he was dancing all around Dad. I couldnt even get close to Dad to say HI DAD! So I barked a whole lot. Dad was very tired and shaky. All he wanted to do was sit down and watch TV. We hurried up and quieted down. Mom gave Leroy a chew stick so he could calm down. Leroy needs Dad just as much as Dad needs Leroy. Dad needs me too but I am trying to teach Leroy all I know about taking care of Dad. Leroy finally fell asleep at Dad's feet. I'm on the couch keeping on eye on everything. Sometimes I doze off. Mom says that's OK, I've earned more than a few naps. YAWNNNNNNN!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
November 16, 2018
Dear Terry, We had a scary. The power went out last night! I growled when it happened. Mom was already awake. She hurried up and got a flashlight! We peeked out the windows to see if we could see anything like a tree or wire down. We didn't see anything. Leroy was looking out the front window but he didn't see anything either. Mom put lots of blankets on Dad. In the morning still no power! Oh no! Mom had to go to work. She made sure we all had blankets to snuggle into while she was gone. Then Dad left too!! Oh no! He was going on a trip with his family to eat turkey! When Mom came home the power came back on! Woof! Everything is good and warm again!
Hope you are nice and warm too!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, We had a scary. The power went out last night! I growled when it happened. Mom was already awake. She hurried up and got a flashlight! We peeked out the windows to see if we could see anything like a tree or wire down. We didn't see anything. Leroy was looking out the front window but he didn't see anything either. Mom put lots of blankets on Dad. In the morning still no power! Oh no! Mom had to go to work. She made sure we all had blankets to snuggle into while she was gone. Then Dad left too!! Oh no! He was going on a trip with his family to eat turkey! When Mom came home the power came back on! Woof! Everything is good and warm again!
Hope you are nice and warm too!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
November 15, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy! Guess what?! Mom said I've been doing really good with the Tinkle Turf and that deserved some recognition! I think that means I win a prize because you know what The Folks gave me??? A brand new, never used by Fred, tug tug toy! I tugged and tugged then ran all around. I showed Petey and I showed Fred. Penny cat even saw I had a new toy! What a great day!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy! Guess what?! Mom said I've been doing really good with the Tinkle Turf and that deserved some recognition! I think that means I win a prize because you know what The Folks gave me??? A brand new, never used by Fred, tug tug toy! I tugged and tugged then ran all around. I showed Petey and I showed Fred. Penny cat even saw I had a new toy! What a great day!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy
November 9, 2018
Dear Terry, Guess what?! It was snowing this morning! I was all excited about it and let everyone in the house know it was snowing. But then I went outside with Leroy and that all stopped. It was COLD. I can't do the cold anymore. I did show Leroy how to catch snowflakes on his tongue. He threw his head back, mouth open, tongue hanging out, eyes closed. I just stick my tongue out. His approach is a little different! I wonder about him sometimes. I've shown him how to sit in Dad's lap nice and quiet. Instead, he climbs up and lays down across the top back of the recliner and drapes himself over Dad's shoulders. Dad doesn't seem to mind and I still can sit in his lap. Dad says different is just the way Leroy is that's all. And what matters is that he found his own way to help me out. He is a pretty good Ding Bat.
Terry! It's Leroy! I can catch snowflakes!! Fred showed me how! If you wanted to catch bunches at a time, throw your head back, close your eyes and stick your tongue out! You have to close your eyes so the snow doesn't go in them instead of your mouth. But they can go in your nose and you'll snow sneeze! I'm so glad Fred showed me how to catch them! He's my pal!
Barks, Wags, Howls & Hugs,
FredDog & Leroy
Dear Terry, Guess what?! It was snowing this morning! I was all excited about it and let everyone in the house know it was snowing. But then I went outside with Leroy and that all stopped. It was COLD. I can't do the cold anymore. I did show Leroy how to catch snowflakes on his tongue. He threw his head back, mouth open, tongue hanging out, eyes closed. I just stick my tongue out. His approach is a little different! I wonder about him sometimes. I've shown him how to sit in Dad's lap nice and quiet. Instead, he climbs up and lays down across the top back of the recliner and drapes himself over Dad's shoulders. Dad doesn't seem to mind and I still can sit in his lap. Dad says different is just the way Leroy is that's all. And what matters is that he found his own way to help me out. He is a pretty good Ding Bat.
Terry! It's Leroy! I can catch snowflakes!! Fred showed me how! If you wanted to catch bunches at a time, throw your head back, close your eyes and stick your tongue out! You have to close your eyes so the snow doesn't go in them instead of your mouth. But they can go in your nose and you'll snow sneeze! I'm so glad Fred showed me how to catch them! He's my pal!
Barks, Wags, Howls & Hugs,
FredDog & Leroy
November 7, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me Leroy! Guess what was delivered to the house yesterday?! A big box for me! I can't read but it had a dog on the side! Mom said Oh Leroy! It's your Tinkle Turf! Dad said OH BOY!! I had no idea what that could be but it was for ME! I helped Mom open the box. Mom said it's to help with my accidents. Looks like a piece of the yard grass but here it was inside! Then Mom did something strange. She took us out to pee in a cup! And then she put a little bit on the Tinkle Turf. I was confused. I'm not supposed to go in the house but I have accidents. But when I stepped on the grass I got a treat from Mom! Hmmm. I wasn't sure about this. I thought about this new thing all night long. Today, Dad fell asleep and I couldn't go outside so I peed on it. When Dad woke up he noticed and he called me Good Boy!! Whew! When Mom got home I helped her clean it up and she kept saying what a Good Boy I was. Then I pooped on it and we had a PARTY!! I got treats and Mom scooped me up and hugged me! Dad was clapping and laughing! Treats for all! I did something right!!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, It's me Leroy! Guess what was delivered to the house yesterday?! A big box for me! I can't read but it had a dog on the side! Mom said Oh Leroy! It's your Tinkle Turf! Dad said OH BOY!! I had no idea what that could be but it was for ME! I helped Mom open the box. Mom said it's to help with my accidents. Looks like a piece of the yard grass but here it was inside! Then Mom did something strange. She took us out to pee in a cup! And then she put a little bit on the Tinkle Turf. I was confused. I'm not supposed to go in the house but I have accidents. But when I stepped on the grass I got a treat from Mom! Hmmm. I wasn't sure about this. I thought about this new thing all night long. Today, Dad fell asleep and I couldn't go outside so I peed on it. When Dad woke up he noticed and he called me Good Boy!! Whew! When Mom got home I helped her clean it up and she kept saying what a Good Boy I was. Then I pooped on it and we had a PARTY!! I got treats and Mom scooped me up and hugged me! Dad was clapping and laughing! Treats for all! I did something right!!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, Mom says make sure you vote today! Leroy and I were watching all the cars go by on the road this morning. They were going to vote. Did you know Dad volunteered to help out at the polls? He's going later on today. Mom already voted. We had to get her ready to leave early this morning so she could still make it to work on time. I didn't want to go out in the rain but Mom went with me. Mom got out the big book of dog tricks you gave us. Leroy is going to learn something! I wish he would learn to always poop outside. Mom says that's a whole 'nother book. But he's good at helping Dad. That's super important. Me and Leroy voted too! We voted for more candy corn!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Barks and Wags, FredDog
November 1, 2018
Dear Terry, Yesterday was Halloween! Fred says that he doesn't like Halloween because it's scary. He said kids dress up in scary scary costumes and run and scream. I said it sounds like my kind of a holiday! We didn't get any trick or treaters. It was raining. Me and Dad were disappointed but then Mom came home from work!! Dad was a blabbermouth. He told Mom how I got on the kitchen table and ate a peanut butter cup. Mom's been hiding them away but Dad left one out for a snack. I was sure he meant it as a snack for me but I was wrong. Dad was pretty upset. He said candy can make me very sick. Oh but it tasted so good! It was only a little mini one and I didn't get sick. And I left the wrapper for Dad. Fred said too bad no one makes a Ding Bat costume. Woof!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy Brown
Dear Terry, Yesterday was Halloween! Fred says that he doesn't like Halloween because it's scary. He said kids dress up in scary scary costumes and run and scream. I said it sounds like my kind of a holiday! We didn't get any trick or treaters. It was raining. Me and Dad were disappointed but then Mom came home from work!! Dad was a blabbermouth. He told Mom how I got on the kitchen table and ate a peanut butter cup. Mom's been hiding them away but Dad left one out for a snack. I was sure he meant it as a snack for me but I was wrong. Dad was pretty upset. He said candy can make me very sick. Oh but it tasted so good! It was only a little mini one and I didn't get sick. And I left the wrapper for Dad. Fred said too bad no one makes a Ding Bat costume. Woof!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy Brown
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