October 25, 2018
Dear Terry, Last night me and Mom heard a sound in the house. Everyone was sleeping. She said, Fred what is that? I could hear it. Gurgle gurgle. Whistle whistle. It was LOUD. How could Dad and Petey not hear that? Me and Mom couldn't sleep. Finally, Mom got up to check. Maybe it was the furnace or something. It was or something! LEROY! He was hanging upside down off the sofa, SNORING. I watched, Mom carefully lifted him all the way back onto the sofa and tucked him in. She even put some of the blanket under his head to make a pillow for him. He never woke up! But that crazy snoring stopped! He snores all the time. Mom says he can't help it. I will have to tell him about it for sure!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

October 22, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me Leroy. Mom says we had a close call but I saved the day! First, Mom says me and her weren't hurt. Mom took me out in the dark to my run. Everything was strangely quiet. THEN the night screamed. That's just what it sounded like. THEN I smelled them. Coyotes. A big pack right across the street. They were singing and howling and screaming. I ran right at them as far as I could. The fence stopped me. Mom had her flashlight. I was snarling and howling and barking with every ounce I had! There were a lot of them. They were so loud but I was louder. Then SILENCE. They thought they could fool me. Jerks, I'm a BEAGLE. I could smell their every move. They tried to be sneaky and cross the road into our backyard. I went CRAZY, AWHOOO AWOOOO. I was so loud it echoed. Mom looked with her flashlight but they were gone. Mom gave me Big Boy pets on my side telling me what a great hound dog I am! Then we checked on the chickens and Mom used the flashlight to check the backyard. All was quiet. We made it safe inside to tell Dad and Fred all about it!
Hugs & Howls, a great hound dog ( mom said so!) Leroy
Dear Terry, It's me Leroy. Mom says we had a close call but I saved the day! First, Mom says me and her weren't hurt. Mom took me out in the dark to my run. Everything was strangely quiet. THEN the night screamed. That's just what it sounded like. THEN I smelled them. Coyotes. A big pack right across the street. They were singing and howling and screaming. I ran right at them as far as I could. The fence stopped me. Mom had her flashlight. I was snarling and howling and barking with every ounce I had! There were a lot of them. They were so loud but I was louder. Then SILENCE. They thought they could fool me. Jerks, I'm a BEAGLE. I could smell their every move. They tried to be sneaky and cross the road into our backyard. I went CRAZY, AWHOOO AWOOOO. I was so loud it echoed. Mom looked with her flashlight but they were gone. Mom gave me Big Boy pets on my side telling me what a great hound dog I am! Then we checked on the chickens and Mom used the flashlight to check the backyard. All was quiet. We made it safe inside to tell Dad and Fred all about it!
Hugs & Howls, a great hound dog ( mom said so!) Leroy
October 20, 2018
Dear Terry,
I'm sorry you had a big sadness in your house. Mom says it's never easy to lose a Pet Pal. Petey gave us a big scare. But he's home now where he should be, just like your Lefty is! Me and Leroy aren't allowed to see him yet. He's recuperating. Mom says that means he's tired and still not feeling too good yet. Mom and Dad both have been spending lots of time with him today. They missed him a lot. When I don't feel good, Mom or Dad wraps me up in my favorite blanket and we watch TV together. Petey like blankets too. I bet Mom has him all wrapped up! Tomorrow is cookie day! We like cookies!
Barks and Wags and extra hugs, FredDog
Dear Terry,
I'm sorry you had a big sadness in your house. Mom says it's never easy to lose a Pet Pal. Petey gave us a big scare. But he's home now where he should be, just like your Lefty is! Me and Leroy aren't allowed to see him yet. He's recuperating. Mom says that means he's tired and still not feeling too good yet. Mom and Dad both have been spending lots of time with him today. They missed him a lot. When I don't feel good, Mom or Dad wraps me up in my favorite blanket and we watch TV together. Petey like blankets too. I bet Mom has him all wrapped up! Tomorrow is cookie day! We like cookies!
Barks and Wags and extra hugs, FredDog
October 17, 2018
Dear Terry, Little Leroy is sleeping. I just woke up. Mom had us out for lots of play time last night. Past our bedtime!! In the dark!! We were out so long that Dad came out to make sure we were ok! He said what's going on out here?! We barked and ran all around to show him what we had been doing! This morning we were outside and it was super windy. So windy that our ears were blowing straight up! Not Mom's ears, she doesn't have flappy ears. Leroy looked like he was going to fly away with his big ears blowing all around! We didn't want to go back inside. You should have smelled the smells! Lots of geese flying over too. We barked at them, they honked at us. Dad tucked us both in under our blankets when we finally went inside. Mom is working on a new blanket. Dad says it will be for him. We have other ideas about that!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Little Leroy is sleeping. I just woke up. Mom had us out for lots of play time last night. Past our bedtime!! In the dark!! We were out so long that Dad came out to make sure we were ok! He said what's going on out here?! We barked and ran all around to show him what we had been doing! This morning we were outside and it was super windy. So windy that our ears were blowing straight up! Not Mom's ears, she doesn't have flappy ears. Leroy looked like he was going to fly away with his big ears blowing all around! We didn't want to go back inside. You should have smelled the smells! Lots of geese flying over too. We barked at them, they honked at us. Dad tucked us both in under our blankets when we finally went inside. Mom is working on a new blanket. Dad says it will be for him. We have other ideas about that!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
October 15, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy again! Guess what?! Mom let me help make dinner! My job was to sit and make sure the floor stayed clean! First, we had to get stuff out of the fridge. You can see in the picture how I was trying to help! Mom said I wasn't allowed to carry anything though. Oh! Almost forgot! Earlier, Dad made popcorn in the popcorn machine! He put too much in and the lid came off and it rained popcorn all over me and Fred! I've never had popcorn. Fred said it's better than Floor Corn. He was right! There was enough for both of us to share! It was everywhere! The Folks laughed and laughed! Mom said I was a good helper!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy.
Dear Terry, Leroy again! Guess what?! Mom let me help make dinner! My job was to sit and make sure the floor stayed clean! First, we had to get stuff out of the fridge. You can see in the picture how I was trying to help! Mom said I wasn't allowed to carry anything though. Oh! Almost forgot! Earlier, Dad made popcorn in the popcorn machine! He put too much in and the lid came off and it rained popcorn all over me and Fred! I've never had popcorn. Fred said it's better than Floor Corn. He was right! There was enough for both of us to share! It was everywhere! The Folks laughed and laughed! Mom said I was a good helper!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy.
October 14, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me! Leroy! Mom has been keeping me busy! Today we went back to the Nature Park. This time we stayed a long time. We walked up the big hill all the way to the top. We walked through mud and water and everything! You can't see a darn thing at the top because of all the trees.we even went off the trails. I was following a smell so Mom let me go off the path. Mom said we walked on almost every trail in the park. Mom was tired. I was too. We came home. Fred napped while we were gone and we played a good long time while Mom made dinner. I couldn't keep my eyes open. While everyone ate dinner, I rearranged my toys in my crate and fell asleep in my crate. Mom & Dad couldn't believe I did that. I went in all by myself too! The crate used to scare me. But since I came here, Mom & Dad have been working with me so that I'm not afraid. This was the first time ever I slept in there. I trust Mom. She would never shut the door on me. That's what I worry about. Everyone let me sleep. It was nice having my own spot!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy!
Dear Terry, It's me! Leroy! Mom has been keeping me busy! Today we went back to the Nature Park. This time we stayed a long time. We walked up the big hill all the way to the top. We walked through mud and water and everything! You can't see a darn thing at the top because of all the trees.we even went off the trails. I was following a smell so Mom let me go off the path. Mom said we walked on almost every trail in the park. Mom was tired. I was too. We came home. Fred napped while we were gone and we played a good long time while Mom made dinner. I couldn't keep my eyes open. While everyone ate dinner, I rearranged my toys in my crate and fell asleep in my crate. Mom & Dad couldn't believe I did that. I went in all by myself too! The crate used to scare me. But since I came here, Mom & Dad have been working with me so that I'm not afraid. This was the first time ever I slept in there. I trust Mom. She would never shut the door on me. That's what I worry about. Everyone let me sleep. It was nice having my own spot!
Hugs and Howls, Leroy!
October 9, 2018
Dear Terry, SHHHH it's Leroy. Guess what me and Mom are doing?? We're sitting on the front porch in the dark doing nothing! Well, Mom's not doing anything, I'm smelling the air and watching for critters. I go back n forth. I sit on her lap, then go check things out on the porch and back to sitting with Mom. Everyone else was asleep! We snuck outside real quiet so no one would wake up! We've been out a long time. No critters though. I'm pretty good at scaring them off. I did catch a big spider for Mom! She said ewwww! I think that means I did good!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy
Dear Terry, SHHHH it's Leroy. Guess what me and Mom are doing?? We're sitting on the front porch in the dark doing nothing! Well, Mom's not doing anything, I'm smelling the air and watching for critters. I go back n forth. I sit on her lap, then go check things out on the porch and back to sitting with Mom. Everyone else was asleep! We snuck outside real quiet so no one would wake up! We've been out a long time. No critters though. I'm pretty good at scaring them off. I did catch a big spider for Mom! She said ewwww! I think that means I did good!
Hugs & Howls, Leroy
October 7, 2018
Dear Terry, We spent the almost the whole entire day outside! Mom let me and Leroy out on the front porch. We watched the goings ons in the neighborhood. Sometimes we barked, sometimes we smelled smells, sometimes we snoozed. She kept checking on us but we were fine. We even had a big bowl of ice water! Finally, after I was too hot, Mom brought us inside to cool off. I love my porch! Mom cleaned a whole lot today. She said she got a lot done because we weren't under foot. Me and Leroy are pooped out! Mom added some good pictures of us below. What a great day!!
Dear Terry, We spent the almost the whole entire day outside! Mom let me and Leroy out on the front porch. We watched the goings ons in the neighborhood. Sometimes we barked, sometimes we smelled smells, sometimes we snoozed. She kept checking on us but we were fine. We even had a big bowl of ice water! Finally, after I was too hot, Mom brought us inside to cool off. I love my porch! Mom cleaned a whole lot today. She said she got a lot done because we weren't under foot. Me and Leroy are pooped out! Mom added some good pictures of us below. What a great day!!
October 5, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy is turning into a good watch dog. Sometimes I don't hear things. And sometimes I don't see things. He sleeps in living room at night. We all tell him to keep an eye on the house. He's kind of a ding bat sometimes. Not last night! The Pup did good! It was dark. We were all asleep. Even Petey. When all of a sudden AWOOO AWOOOOO GRRRRRRRR GRRR. Oh no Leroy! We all jumped out of bed! AWOOOOO AWOOO! GRRRR ! He was barking and growling and snarling so hard spit was flying all over the place. Me and Mom ran to him. He's pretty scary sounding and he's super super loud when he's worked up. Every time we think he can't get louder, he does! Mom didn't see anything outside. She thinks that the raccoon is back. Leroy isn't afraid of anything and especially not raccoons. He would hunt them to the ends of the earth if Mom let him. Mom gave him big good boy pets and a treat for doing such a good job alerting us. I was very proud of him! Mom tucked him in his favorite sheet on the chair and we all went back to sleep.
Barks and wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Leroy is turning into a good watch dog. Sometimes I don't hear things. And sometimes I don't see things. He sleeps in living room at night. We all tell him to keep an eye on the house. He's kind of a ding bat sometimes. Not last night! The Pup did good! It was dark. We were all asleep. Even Petey. When all of a sudden AWOOO AWOOOOO GRRRRRRRR GRRR. Oh no Leroy! We all jumped out of bed! AWOOOOO AWOOO! GRRRR ! He was barking and growling and snarling so hard spit was flying all over the place. Me and Mom ran to him. He's pretty scary sounding and he's super super loud when he's worked up. Every time we think he can't get louder, he does! Mom didn't see anything outside. She thinks that the raccoon is back. Leroy isn't afraid of anything and especially not raccoons. He would hunt them to the ends of the earth if Mom let him. Mom gave him big good boy pets and a treat for doing such a good job alerting us. I was very proud of him! Mom tucked him in his favorite sheet on the chair and we all went back to sleep.
Barks and wags, FredDog
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