August 31, 2018
Dear Terry. Leroy here. I've been learning something new since I met you! Which was great by the way! I'm learning to ring a bell to go do my business outside. It's a cow bell! Fred says now everyone will know what a ding dong I am! Woof! Today, Dad just threw up his hands at me. I pooped then rang the bell! Oops. That was backwards. That's when Fred called me a ding dong. Oh! And when I was out in the yard with Mom just now, I smelled the Dead Smell. Mom knew, she could smell it too. Then OH MY GOSH!!! THE BIGGEST BIRD ALIVE landed close to me!! MOMMOMMOMMOMMOMMMMMMM!!! I knew what to do!! AWOOOOOOO, AWOOOOO at the top of my lungs. I'm a huntin' dog and have a good voice. This was the absolute loudest I've ever howled and bayed. Mom said so! Mom came to see and she said ohhhh, that's a turkey vulture. AWOOOOOAWOOOO! it opened up it's wings allllll the way wide. Big!!! Then it strolled away to find the dead thing. Mom said, Good job Leroy, everyone for miles now knows there's a turkey vulture here! We went I,side to tell Dad all about it!
Barks & bays, Leroy
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

August 25, 2018
Dear Terry, Yesterday, Dad declared it was Cookie Day! Me & Leroy like cookies! Dad said he was going to make sugar cookies from scratch. Me & Leroy just looked at each other as Dad got out the Cookie Book. Then Dad got out the big mixer. Ut oh. I told Leroy this doesn't always go well when Dad has the mixer. Petey sat in the window watching. He usually helps Mom cook stuff but Dad is a little wild in the kitchen. We all watched and waited. Butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla. Whirrrrrrr the mixer went round and round. So far so good!! Dad was pleased. Dad announced it was time for the flour! I told Leroy, this might get exciting. We watched. In went the flour, only Dad made the mixer go too fast! Whizzzzzzzz!!!! Petey ran, and I showed Leroy how to catch butter and sugar pieces in the air! Oh my gosh we had so much fun!! Dad panicked and turned off the mixer. We looked around. Boy, I tell you, butter and flour can really fly!! Dad looked so confused. We helped by cleaning up the floor for him. Petey started licking butter off the cabinets to get them clean. We had the place looking better in no time! Leroy and Dad went outside after all the excitement to get calmed down. Me and Petey were still cleaning up spots we missed when Mom came home from work!
Love & Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday, Dad declared it was Cookie Day! Me & Leroy like cookies! Dad said he was going to make sugar cookies from scratch. Me & Leroy just looked at each other as Dad got out the Cookie Book. Then Dad got out the big mixer. Ut oh. I told Leroy this doesn't always go well when Dad has the mixer. Petey sat in the window watching. He usually helps Mom cook stuff but Dad is a little wild in the kitchen. We all watched and waited. Butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla. Whirrrrrrr the mixer went round and round. So far so good!! Dad was pleased. Dad announced it was time for the flour! I told Leroy, this might get exciting. We watched. In went the flour, only Dad made the mixer go too fast! Whizzzzzzzz!!!! Petey ran, and I showed Leroy how to catch butter and sugar pieces in the air! Oh my gosh we had so much fun!! Dad panicked and turned off the mixer. We looked around. Boy, I tell you, butter and flour can really fly!! Dad looked so confused. We helped by cleaning up the floor for him. Petey started licking butter off the cabinets to get them clean. We had the place looking better in no time! Leroy and Dad went outside after all the excitement to get calmed down. Me and Petey were still cleaning up spots we missed when Mom came home from work!
Love & Woofs, FredDog
August 22, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom and Dad went away and me and Leroy had to stay at different place. We don't like That Place and Mom says we aren't ever going back there again. Don't worry we weren't hurt, but boy we sure were hungry. Mom says she'll tell you all about it. Her and Dad were pretty mad at That Place. Mom even caught Leroy chewing on his feet last night. He had a hard time calming down but Mom and Dad made sure he had extra special attention and all his favorite toys. This morning he was right as rain! Mom and Dad made sure I was ok too. I got an extra helping of my favorite snacks and a really good chew stick. Mom tucked me in at bedtime and Dad laid down next to me until I fell asleep. I told little Leroy before he fell asleep, not to worry about anything, we were back home and Mom said that won't happen again. Ever. I licked his face and ears and he dozed off to sleep.
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom and Dad went away and me and Leroy had to stay at different place. We don't like That Place and Mom says we aren't ever going back there again. Don't worry we weren't hurt, but boy we sure were hungry. Mom says she'll tell you all about it. Her and Dad were pretty mad at That Place. Mom even caught Leroy chewing on his feet last night. He had a hard time calming down but Mom and Dad made sure he had extra special attention and all his favorite toys. This morning he was right as rain! Mom and Dad made sure I was ok too. I got an extra helping of my favorite snacks and a really good chew stick. Mom tucked me in at bedtime and Dad laid down next to me until I fell asleep. I told little Leroy before he fell asleep, not to worry about anything, we were back home and Mom said that won't happen again. Ever. I licked his face and ears and he dozed off to sleep.
Barks & Wags, FredDog
August 16, 2018
Dear Terry, It's Leroy again. Me and Mom go out every morning now so I can run in the yard. The birds are just waking up and things are quiet. Fred stays in bed asleep because it's so early. My job is to wake up Mom. I wake her up a little before her alarm sounds. Mom says there's no turning me off like the alarm. Do you know I can still bay with a tennis ball in my mouth? Not as loud but I still can be heard! Oh, forgot! This morning it was so quiet outside. The sun was barely coming up. Then I heard a sound. Real soft. In the Sky. It was like a swoosh swoosh sound. I looked up into the Sky. I could smell it. I could hear it. Swoosh swoosh. It was so close I drooled because I could smell how close it was to me. Mom came to stand next to me to try and see what it was I was seeing. She said, Oh Leroy! Look! She knelt beside me and pointed up. Bats! Two Bats!!! Mom was very excited to see them. She said they're super good bug catchers!! And guess what??? They roosted up under one of the shutters!! We watched them for a long time before they went to bed. I hope I see them again! I'm going to get up extra early tomorrow morning to watch them some more. Mom said I wasn't getting up extra early. Party Pooper!
Barks & Bays, Leroy
Dear Terry, It's Leroy again. Me and Mom go out every morning now so I can run in the yard. The birds are just waking up and things are quiet. Fred stays in bed asleep because it's so early. My job is to wake up Mom. I wake her up a little before her alarm sounds. Mom says there's no turning me off like the alarm. Do you know I can still bay with a tennis ball in my mouth? Not as loud but I still can be heard! Oh, forgot! This morning it was so quiet outside. The sun was barely coming up. Then I heard a sound. Real soft. In the Sky. It was like a swoosh swoosh sound. I looked up into the Sky. I could smell it. I could hear it. Swoosh swoosh. It was so close I drooled because I could smell how close it was to me. Mom came to stand next to me to try and see what it was I was seeing. She said, Oh Leroy! Look! She knelt beside me and pointed up. Bats! Two Bats!!! Mom was very excited to see them. She said they're super good bug catchers!! And guess what??? They roosted up under one of the shutters!! We watched them for a long time before they went to bed. I hope I see them again! I'm going to get up extra early tomorrow morning to watch them some more. Mom said I wasn't getting up extra early. Party Pooper!
Barks & Bays, Leroy
August 13, 2018
Dear Terry, It's me Leroy!! Oh my gosh the fenced yard is so much fun!! Not when I got stung by the wasp. That wasn't fun. Me and Freddie can run like mad dogs. I can play fetch with Dad without breaking anything. I'm a good fetcher. I can pee and poop wherever I want. I can sit next to Mom and listen to the neighborhood sounds. Me and Fred agree it's the best thing ever!! Mom even takes me out at night and I chase lightning bugs. The Folks keep telling me what a Good Boy I am now that I can get enough exercise! I'm trying really hard to be good. Fred did get me in some trouble. He showed me how to dig a hole! Mom put a stop to that right away. We both got our butts squirted with water for that which was kind of fun ! Woof!
Barks and Bays, Leroy
Dear Terry, It's me Leroy!! Oh my gosh the fenced yard is so much fun!! Not when I got stung by the wasp. That wasn't fun. Me and Freddie can run like mad dogs. I can play fetch with Dad without breaking anything. I'm a good fetcher. I can pee and poop wherever I want. I can sit next to Mom and listen to the neighborhood sounds. Me and Fred agree it's the best thing ever!! Mom even takes me out at night and I chase lightning bugs. The Folks keep telling me what a Good Boy I am now that I can get enough exercise! I'm trying really hard to be good. Fred did get me in some trouble. He showed me how to dig a hole! Mom put a stop to that right away. We both got our butts squirted with water for that which was kind of fun ! Woof!
Barks and Bays, Leroy
August 12, 2018
Dear Terry, Big Big excitement here! The Fence Guy brought the fence yesterday!! Me and Leroy watched the whole time from the windows! When Mom got home she turned us loose and me and Leroy had so much fun running and playing! Dad was there too and he was laughing and laughing with Mom.
Just now Mom & Dad were throwing the ball for Leroy. He was having so much fun! But then he screamed bloody murder! I ran to him, Mom ran to him! A wasp bit him! Then bit him again! Oh no!!! Mom knew just what to do! She killed it! He was stung on his leg and stomach for sure because Mom saw that part. I ran back to Dad. Dad was so upset! Leroy listened to Mom and held still while she checked him out real good. No swelling and he was breathing ok. He found the dead wasp on the ground so Mom picked it up and threw it out. He paced around a lot but he seems back to normal now!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Big Big excitement here! The Fence Guy brought the fence yesterday!! Me and Leroy watched the whole time from the windows! When Mom got home she turned us loose and me and Leroy had so much fun running and playing! Dad was there too and he was laughing and laughing with Mom.
Just now Mom & Dad were throwing the ball for Leroy. He was having so much fun! But then he screamed bloody murder! I ran to him, Mom ran to him! A wasp bit him! Then bit him again! Oh no!!! Mom knew just what to do! She killed it! He was stung on his leg and stomach for sure because Mom saw that part. I ran back to Dad. Dad was so upset! Leroy listened to Mom and held still while she checked him out real good. No swelling and he was breathing ok. He found the dead wasp on the ground so Mom picked it up and threw it out. He paced around a lot but he seems back to normal now!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
August 8, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom says the fence is coming on Saturday! Mom also says that there will be room enough for me and Leroy to share plus his splash pool!
Today, Dad took a picture of Leroy and his sheet that he carts around. Leroy is sleeping with all his might. He snores too. That's ok, we all still love him.
Barks & wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom says the fence is coming on Saturday! Mom also says that there will be room enough for me and Leroy to share plus his splash pool!
Today, Dad took a picture of Leroy and his sheet that he carts around. Leroy is sleeping with all his might. He snores too. That's ok, we all still love him.
Barks & wags, FredDog
August 5, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom was canning corn relish tonight. You know what that means! Floor Corn for me! When she cuts the corn off the ears, it flies all over the place. I sit at her feet and wait. Leroy didn't know what was going on. He must have had a terrible home before us, because he had no idea what Floor Corn was!! He caught on real quick though! Mom even gave us big pieces of cut off corn. Leroy did snitch a whole ear off the counter but he accidentally dropped it and it went THUNK! Mom was quick and beat him to it! Corn Saved! Woof!
Terry, it's me Leroy! What a day! Fred told me all about Floor Corn! Then I thought, why not just take an ear instead of waiting for it to rain corn? Turns out that was a bad idea according to Mom. But wait, I had more excitement! I like blankets. I cover up in them, chew them, put them in my crate or behind the sofa. Mom doesn't like me taking them all the time. So today, she gave me my OWN sheet. It's all mine!! I took it right away to behind the sofa. I chewed on it, dragged it around, sat on it. It's a keeper! What a great day!
Barks and howls, Fred & Leroy!
Dear Terry, Mom was canning corn relish tonight. You know what that means! Floor Corn for me! When she cuts the corn off the ears, it flies all over the place. I sit at her feet and wait. Leroy didn't know what was going on. He must have had a terrible home before us, because he had no idea what Floor Corn was!! He caught on real quick though! Mom even gave us big pieces of cut off corn. Leroy did snitch a whole ear off the counter but he accidentally dropped it and it went THUNK! Mom was quick and beat him to it! Corn Saved! Woof!
Terry, it's me Leroy! What a day! Fred told me all about Floor Corn! Then I thought, why not just take an ear instead of waiting for it to rain corn? Turns out that was a bad idea according to Mom. But wait, I had more excitement! I like blankets. I cover up in them, chew them, put them in my crate or behind the sofa. Mom doesn't like me taking them all the time. So today, she gave me my OWN sheet. It's all mine!! I took it right away to behind the sofa. I chewed on it, dragged it around, sat on it. It's a keeper! What a great day!
Barks and howls, Fred & Leroy!
August 2, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy here! I was pretty sick yesterday. I threw up and then later on threw up some more. Me and Dad took it easy all day long. Fred was even real nice to me and let me sleep in his spot on the bed. Well until I threw up on the bed. Dad fixed the bed all up again and I went back to sleep with Dad watching over me. When Mom got home, she gave me some ice cubes to munch on and I curled up under a blanket right next to her. We ate ice cubes together and some crunchy food. I didn't like the gushy food, it stuck to my nose and I got it smashed into the carpet. I'm feeling good today! I greeted everyone as soon as they all got up. I needed a good sleep that's all! Plus Dad slept with me all night long. Me, Fred and Mom had a great walk this morning too. Fred could tell I was feeling better and even licked my face clean!
Whooo woooo Leroy
Dear Terry, Leroy here! I was pretty sick yesterday. I threw up and then later on threw up some more. Me and Dad took it easy all day long. Fred was even real nice to me and let me sleep in his spot on the bed. Well until I threw up on the bed. Dad fixed the bed all up again and I went back to sleep with Dad watching over me. When Mom got home, she gave me some ice cubes to munch on and I curled up under a blanket right next to her. We ate ice cubes together and some crunchy food. I didn't like the gushy food, it stuck to my nose and I got it smashed into the carpet. I'm feeling good today! I greeted everyone as soon as they all got up. I needed a good sleep that's all! Plus Dad slept with me all night long. Me, Fred and Mom had a great walk this morning too. Fred could tell I was feeling better and even licked my face clean!
Whooo woooo Leroy
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