June 30, 2018
Dear Terry,
It's The Scary Time of the year. The neighbors were shooting off big fireworks last night. Leroy was watching the lights flash from the window. I wasn't, the noise and lights scare me. I only threw up once though. Me and Mom tucked into the big bed and she covered my ears so it wouldn't be so loud. I squeezed my eyes shut tight. It was just too much. Mom stayed with me the whole time. Afterwhile, I fell asleep but Mom still stayed with me to make sure I kept sleeping. Mom said it's going to be a long week ahead. Mom also said, Leroy would be a good gun dog because he is either deaf or not scared of loud noises. He likes water too. I think he might be defective...
Barks and Wags, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

June 27, 2018
Dear Terry, Fred didn't want to walk too much this morning. It was raining. I don't mind a little rain. Me and Mom walked a long time outside and guess what I found! A birdie nest in the ground cover! I pulled it out and it had eggs in it! I put the eggs in my mouth. Mom took the eggs out of my mouth. She thinks the nest maybe fell out of one of the trees. The eggs were super tiny. I did eat one though. Mom said OH LEROY! Then I forgot all about pooping because it started to pour down rain. I had another accident in the house. I wish I could get the hang of that! Fred gets it right all the time. We pee together. At least I get that part right. I'm trying but I still mess up. Dad said I better shape up! I just can't let Dad down, I just can't. He's my Favorite Person!
Whooo Wooooo! Leroy
Dear Terry, Fred didn't want to walk too much this morning. It was raining. I don't mind a little rain. Me and Mom walked a long time outside and guess what I found! A birdie nest in the ground cover! I pulled it out and it had eggs in it! I put the eggs in my mouth. Mom took the eggs out of my mouth. She thinks the nest maybe fell out of one of the trees. The eggs were super tiny. I did eat one though. Mom said OH LEROY! Then I forgot all about pooping because it started to pour down rain. I had another accident in the house. I wish I could get the hang of that! Fred gets it right all the time. We pee together. At least I get that part right. I'm trying but I still mess up. Dad said I better shape up! I just can't let Dad down, I just can't. He's my Favorite Person!
Whooo Wooooo! Leroy
June 26, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy forgot to tell you the big bad thing that happened the other night. Mom says to tell you we all lived, first, so you don't worry. But it was a big scary. The gate is supposed to be up across the bedroom door at night so that Leroy sleeps in his spot in the family room. Only it fell down and he came flying in and jumped on the bed and landed on Petey. He didn't mean to but Petey flipped out. Really bad flipped out. It was dark and Mom couldn't tell what was what. Petey was screaming, little Leroy was shrieking, it was scary and awful! Petey kept attacking Leroy, he was in a panic and didn't know where to run. Mom got them separated. Leroy had blood all over his chest and feet!! OH NO!! Mom hurried and checked Petey. Not a scratch on him, no fur missing, and no slobber on him. Leroy was just standing there shaking. I wasn't allowed to move, Dad told me to stay so Mom could check everyone. Leroy and Mom sat on the couch and she looked him over head to toe. His ear was bleeding! It was ripped on the end and he had another almost rip in the middle of his ear. Blood was everywhere!! Mom knew just what to do, she ran and got a wet wash rag and gently cleaned little Leroy's ear. He was such a good boy!! Mom got him in good shape in no time! Dad was super scared because that's his puppy!! Dad sat in the family room the rest of the night with Leroy tucked in beside him. The next morning, everything was back to normal. Mom told Dad that Leroy was a good boy and never touched Petey during the big scary. Petey would have had slobber on him for sure. It sure was a SCARY night. Me and Petey snuggled in with Mom.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Leroy forgot to tell you the big bad thing that happened the other night. Mom says to tell you we all lived, first, so you don't worry. But it was a big scary. The gate is supposed to be up across the bedroom door at night so that Leroy sleeps in his spot in the family room. Only it fell down and he came flying in and jumped on the bed and landed on Petey. He didn't mean to but Petey flipped out. Really bad flipped out. It was dark and Mom couldn't tell what was what. Petey was screaming, little Leroy was shrieking, it was scary and awful! Petey kept attacking Leroy, he was in a panic and didn't know where to run. Mom got them separated. Leroy had blood all over his chest and feet!! OH NO!! Mom hurried and checked Petey. Not a scratch on him, no fur missing, and no slobber on him. Leroy was just standing there shaking. I wasn't allowed to move, Dad told me to stay so Mom could check everyone. Leroy and Mom sat on the couch and she looked him over head to toe. His ear was bleeding! It was ripped on the end and he had another almost rip in the middle of his ear. Blood was everywhere!! Mom knew just what to do, she ran and got a wet wash rag and gently cleaned little Leroy's ear. He was such a good boy!! Mom got him in good shape in no time! Dad was super scared because that's his puppy!! Dad sat in the family room the rest of the night with Leroy tucked in beside him. The next morning, everything was back to normal. Mom told Dad that Leroy was a good boy and never touched Petey during the big scary. Petey would have had slobber on him for sure. It sure was a SCARY night. Me and Petey snuggled in with Mom.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 25, 2018
Dear Terry, it's Leroy. Guess WHAT!!? Did you know that the fridge has FOOD in it? How did I miss that!? Mom left the door open while she was cleaning it. I was helping. Fred tried to tell Mom that me helping was a bad idea. Fred's a tattletale. Mom was cleaning a shelf, and I was nosing around. Hmmm, this carton smells good! I took it out of the door and Mom didn't say anything so I figured it was ok. It was a big carton too. I shook it a little and I could hear something swishing around in there so I shook it harder. And harder, but the stuff wasn't coming out so I ripped the carton. And all of a sudden, it was snatched away!! WHOOOOOO WOOOO. Mom took it from me. She said LEROY BROWN! half n half isn't for dogs! Then she said something like disaster averted but I was howling so I'm not sure. I know it was Fred who told on me I know it! We ran through the house like wild dogs. What fun!
Having a howling good time, Leroy
Dear Terry, it's Leroy. Guess WHAT!!? Did you know that the fridge has FOOD in it? How did I miss that!? Mom left the door open while she was cleaning it. I was helping. Fred tried to tell Mom that me helping was a bad idea. Fred's a tattletale. Mom was cleaning a shelf, and I was nosing around. Hmmm, this carton smells good! I took it out of the door and Mom didn't say anything so I figured it was ok. It was a big carton too. I shook it a little and I could hear something swishing around in there so I shook it harder. And harder, but the stuff wasn't coming out so I ripped the carton. And all of a sudden, it was snatched away!! WHOOOOOO WOOOO. Mom took it from me. She said LEROY BROWN! half n half isn't for dogs! Then she said something like disaster averted but I was howling so I'm not sure. I know it was Fred who told on me I know it! We ran through the house like wild dogs. What fun!
Having a howling good time, Leroy
June 23, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom's been working with me a whole lot to make me a super good dog. I learned Sit, Down, Stay but not SITDOWNSTAY. I have to do all 3 and then stay put while I'm laying down. I get distracted though. Sometimes I look out the window, sometimes Dad moves, or Fred barks or Petey swishes his tail or I see a bird. Sometimes I smell a smell or hear the chickens. What was that??? Then off I go and then forget about staying put. Mom said, Leroy, you need a role model! She brought Fred over and he did SITDOWNSTAY. And he got a treat! I wanted a treat too. Mom told us both to do it at the same time. I accidentally sat on Fred and he barked at me. Oops. We tried again. But Fred breathed on me and I got up instead of staying put. He got a treat but I didn't. I let Mom know just how unfair THAT was. And we tried again. This time I really tried hard to pay attention and I did it!! I got a treat!! So did Fred!! We got so excited we took off running through the house!! Mom threw up her hands and laughed! Dad was laughing too! What fun!!
P.S. That Batty Beagle sat on me! He was supposed to sit next to me not on me!! I let him know right away that was a bad idea! Good thing I like him. We did have fun after that though!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 22, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom has been working really hard with Leroy. He's practicing, Sit, Down, Stay. Mom said once he's really good at them, then she's going to have me and him do side by side, like she taught us to do with Sit! And we walk side by side too. Last night he even did Stay while Petey Cat walked all around him. Mom gave him extra treats for that! She wants him to learn Bye Bye but she told me that's a little down the road. We are going to sit side by side and wave Bye Bye. Mom thinks it would be neat to have us do things simultaneously. I didn't know what that was, but Dad said, at the same time. Mom said it would be a fun way to include me in things. I have to sit behind the gate when Leroy is learning and I don't always like that. This morning Mom, and me and Leroy walked all around the yard together. Then it started to rain. I don't like getting wet. It was raining so hard even Little Leroy didn't like it. Mom made us run to the front porch. Mom shook the rain off herself, then I did, then Leroy, which made Mom laugh! Dad laughed at all of us when we went in the house soaking wet, WOOF!
Love & Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom has been working really hard with Leroy. He's practicing, Sit, Down, Stay. Mom said once he's really good at them, then she's going to have me and him do side by side, like she taught us to do with Sit! And we walk side by side too. Last night he even did Stay while Petey Cat walked all around him. Mom gave him extra treats for that! She wants him to learn Bye Bye but she told me that's a little down the road. We are going to sit side by side and wave Bye Bye. Mom thinks it would be neat to have us do things simultaneously. I didn't know what that was, but Dad said, at the same time. Mom said it would be a fun way to include me in things. I have to sit behind the gate when Leroy is learning and I don't always like that. This morning Mom, and me and Leroy walked all around the yard together. Then it started to rain. I don't like getting wet. It was raining so hard even Little Leroy didn't like it. Mom made us run to the front porch. Mom shook the rain off herself, then I did, then Leroy, which made Mom laugh! Dad laughed at all of us when we went in the house soaking wet, WOOF!
Love & Woofs, FredDog
June 20, 2018
Dear Terry, I've been laying low this week. Mom says that I've been a Good Boy like Fred! I went to my last class at Hot Dog School last night. Guess what!? I can go to another harder class if Mom & Dad think they want to go to! It's called Intermediate! And I get to learn how to be a Canine Good Citizen. I'm not sure what that is but I bet I can do it!! Mom says it means that I would be a Super Good Boy. And that means lots of Hot Dogs! Last night I did the whole class without any hot dogs. The trainer said no treats to see if we could all be good dogs. There were a lot of bad dogs at first but they got their act together pretty quick. I was a Good Boy! Dad even said so! And I'm getting better at pooping outside too. Dad says I'm really coming along. Fred and I walked together with Mom this morning for almost an hour! We've been practicing. Fred walks slow so I have to wait a lot. Mom calls him her Pokey Puppy. I hope I can go to more School. I'm a good learner!
Dear Terry, I've been laying low this week. Mom says that I've been a Good Boy like Fred! I went to my last class at Hot Dog School last night. Guess what!? I can go to another harder class if Mom & Dad think they want to go to! It's called Intermediate! And I get to learn how to be a Canine Good Citizen. I'm not sure what that is but I bet I can do it!! Mom says it means that I would be a Super Good Boy. And that means lots of Hot Dogs! Last night I did the whole class without any hot dogs. The trainer said no treats to see if we could all be good dogs. There were a lot of bad dogs at first but they got their act together pretty quick. I was a Good Boy! Dad even said so! And I'm getting better at pooping outside too. Dad says I'm really coming along. Fred and I walked together with Mom this morning for almost an hour! We've been practicing. Fred walks slow so I have to wait a lot. Mom calls him her Pokey Puppy. I hope I can go to more School. I'm a good learner!
June 15, 2018
Dear Terry, Leroy has had quite a week! He stunk in school but started pooping outside. He got on the end table trying to see Petey Cat. We accidentally pulled down all the drapes one night in the family room. And broke 2 curtain rods. In my defense, they block the view. And we had tons of fun tunneling through them! Mom just stood there too with her mouth open, hands on hips. Must not be a bad thing then since she didn't say a word! He's been working on crate training too. I won't do a crate. I won't do water either. Mom finally picked a song to sing to him too. I already have a song. We sing together. Leroy hugs Mom when she sings to him. Butt kisser, me and Mom singing together is better. Sometimes I don't like it when Leroy gets all the attention. Mom and Dad both try really hard to make everything fair. And we still do all our favorite stuff together. Mom makes sure of that! He is a pretty good pal to have though. When there's a thunderstorm he is always at my side, helping. He's not afraid. He is afraid of Petey Cat, that's about it though. Dad is very happy to have Leroy. Wait until you meet Leroy! Maybe you could visit soon, that would be great!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Leroy has had quite a week! He stunk in school but started pooping outside. He got on the end table trying to see Petey Cat. We accidentally pulled down all the drapes one night in the family room. And broke 2 curtain rods. In my defense, they block the view. And we had tons of fun tunneling through them! Mom just stood there too with her mouth open, hands on hips. Must not be a bad thing then since she didn't say a word! He's been working on crate training too. I won't do a crate. I won't do water either. Mom finally picked a song to sing to him too. I already have a song. We sing together. Leroy hugs Mom when she sings to him. Butt kisser, me and Mom singing together is better. Sometimes I don't like it when Leroy gets all the attention. Mom and Dad both try really hard to make everything fair. And we still do all our favorite stuff together. Mom makes sure of that! He is a pretty good pal to have though. When there's a thunderstorm he is always at my side, helping. He's not afraid. He is afraid of Petey Cat, that's about it though. Dad is very happy to have Leroy. Wait until you meet Leroy! Maybe you could visit soon, that would be great!
Barks & Wags, FredDog
June 10, 2018
Dear Terry, Mom took me to meet Grammy today. Pap was there too! I had to really behave good because it wasn't my house. Mom kept me by her side and sometimes she gave me a treat. Grammy is really nice and guess what!? She cut up chicken for me to take on my walk In Public. That's what Mom says when we take a car ride. In Public. Mom says I'm not so good In Public but I'm getting better! At first I was really bad when we got to the walking track. But every time I was good, Mom gave me chicken! When I was super good, Mom said let's take a break! She took me over to the creek and I cooled right off in the creek! I was tired too but the cool water running over my feet perked me right up! Fred said I was an idiot for going in the water. Fred is missing out on water fun! Tonight, Mom wanted to do some crate training. I don't like the crate. At all. We have been going slow. But tonight was super hard. Mom convinced me to put all 4 feet inside. I trust Mom, so I did it!! Boy did I get the snacks! So I kept doing it, and Mom kept giving me more snacks! I even sat down in there for her! Maybe it's not such a bad place to be. Mom thinks my first family, might have tried to crate train me but messed up. That's my first family who didn't like me and took me to the Shelter. Mom & Dad like me though! I love Dad whole lots, which is why I'm trying to be a Good Boy, like Fred.
P.S. I know for sure something is wrong with Leroy. He likes water. At first I thought he was just a puppy, he doesn't know any better. Him & Mom splash in the creek! It's downright scary!! Mom should take him back to the New Dog Store and get a new dog, this one is for sure a ding bat!
Barks & Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Mom took me to meet Grammy today. Pap was there too! I had to really behave good because it wasn't my house. Mom kept me by her side and sometimes she gave me a treat. Grammy is really nice and guess what!? She cut up chicken for me to take on my walk In Public. That's what Mom says when we take a car ride. In Public. Mom says I'm not so good In Public but I'm getting better! At first I was really bad when we got to the walking track. But every time I was good, Mom gave me chicken! When I was super good, Mom said let's take a break! She took me over to the creek and I cooled right off in the creek! I was tired too but the cool water running over my feet perked me right up! Fred said I was an idiot for going in the water. Fred is missing out on water fun! Tonight, Mom wanted to do some crate training. I don't like the crate. At all. We have been going slow. But tonight was super hard. Mom convinced me to put all 4 feet inside. I trust Mom, so I did it!! Boy did I get the snacks! So I kept doing it, and Mom kept giving me more snacks! I even sat down in there for her! Maybe it's not such a bad place to be. Mom thinks my first family, might have tried to crate train me but messed up. That's my first family who didn't like me and took me to the Shelter. Mom & Dad like me though! I love Dad whole lots, which is why I'm trying to be a Good Boy, like Fred.
P.S. I know for sure something is wrong with Leroy. He likes water. At first I thought he was just a puppy, he doesn't know any better. Him & Mom splash in the creek! It's downright scary!! Mom should take him back to the New Dog Store and get a new dog, this one is for sure a ding bat!
Barks & Wags, FredDog!
June 6, 2018
Dear Terry, boy Hot Dog School was tough last night! I was all wound up and barged into class like a crazy dog. Mom helped me calm down and a crazy boxer came in and sat down next to us. Then the golden doodle flipped out while the teacher was talking. The boxer had to go with the teacher for some help. Mr Anthony, the teacher, doesn't take any crap, and pretty soon the boxer knew just how to act. We had to learn how to walk last night. I'm a good sitter but not really a good walker. Sometimes I'm a really good walker, but I forget a lot of times how to do that when I smell a smell. I'm a good smeller too! After we worked super hard on that, Mr Anthony said we were going outside! We all lined up in the big yard and he said ok everyone, let your dog go! Leashes off! Only no one moved except Mom. Off came my leash, and off I went! I ran really hard the whole entire length of the yard. I ran and ran, pretty soon we were all running around having fun! Whew! We had to go back inside and everyone was told to call their dogs. Mom yelled LEROYYYY COMMMEEE HERRRREEE! And guess what I did??? I ran right to her!!! Oh yes I did!! All on my own!! I got big pets for that!
Trying to be a good dog, Leroy!
Dear Terry, boy Hot Dog School was tough last night! I was all wound up and barged into class like a crazy dog. Mom helped me calm down and a crazy boxer came in and sat down next to us. Then the golden doodle flipped out while the teacher was talking. The boxer had to go with the teacher for some help. Mr Anthony, the teacher, doesn't take any crap, and pretty soon the boxer knew just how to act. We had to learn how to walk last night. I'm a good sitter but not really a good walker. Sometimes I'm a really good walker, but I forget a lot of times how to do that when I smell a smell. I'm a good smeller too! After we worked super hard on that, Mr Anthony said we were going outside! We all lined up in the big yard and he said ok everyone, let your dog go! Leashes off! Only no one moved except Mom. Off came my leash, and off I went! I ran really hard the whole entire length of the yard. I ran and ran, pretty soon we were all running around having fun! Whew! We had to go back inside and everyone was told to call their dogs. Mom yelled LEROYYYY COMMMEEE HERRRREEE! And guess what I did??? I ran right to her!!! Oh yes I did!! All on my own!! I got big pets for that!
Trying to be a good dog, Leroy!
June 5, 2018
Dear Terry, little Leroy is turning out to be a good pal. Last night we played until almost midnight! What I don't like is when Mom & Dad practice with Leroy. I have to stay behind the gate. He gets all the snacks! Last night I let Mom know how unfair that was by barking non stop until she paid attention to me. She wasn't mad though. She came behind the gate with secret snacks for me and her! I still remembered what her favorite trick is and waved bye bye and she gave me lots of snacks! Leroy doesn't know how to wave bye bye yet. He's still learning to be good. Last night he helped me clean the big bed off. He took off all the pillows and I threw all the covers on the floor on top of him. What fun that was!! Dad was laughing and said, Wait till Mom sees what you've done! We all had fun putting the covers back on the bed. Leroy goes to school tonight. That means me and PeteyCat can rest up while he's gone. He'll be pretty tired when he gets home and we usually lay down on the sofa together.
Barks & wags, FredDog
P.S. it's me, Leroy. I got in trouble last night. While mom wasn't looking, I pulled on a paper towel hanging off the counter and a latke fell right on my head! I ate it right away but Mom saw me. I ran away really fast!! Woof! Latkes are yummy!
Dear Terry, little Leroy is turning out to be a good pal. Last night we played until almost midnight! What I don't like is when Mom & Dad practice with Leroy. I have to stay behind the gate. He gets all the snacks! Last night I let Mom know how unfair that was by barking non stop until she paid attention to me. She wasn't mad though. She came behind the gate with secret snacks for me and her! I still remembered what her favorite trick is and waved bye bye and she gave me lots of snacks! Leroy doesn't know how to wave bye bye yet. He's still learning to be good. Last night he helped me clean the big bed off. He took off all the pillows and I threw all the covers on the floor on top of him. What fun that was!! Dad was laughing and said, Wait till Mom sees what you've done! We all had fun putting the covers back on the bed. Leroy goes to school tonight. That means me and PeteyCat can rest up while he's gone. He'll be pretty tired when he gets home and we usually lay down on the sofa together.
Barks & wags, FredDog
P.S. it's me, Leroy. I got in trouble last night. While mom wasn't looking, I pulled on a paper towel hanging off the counter and a latke fell right on my head! I ate it right away but Mom saw me. I ran away really fast!! Woof! Latkes are yummy!
June 1, 2018
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. What a day yesterday! Mom took me to the nature park. I didn't know what that was. Fred said it was the best place ever! Well that's ok with me then! Mom helped me out of the jeep and I saw giant trees and little meadows and ponds all around! I closed my eyes and sniffed. Oh the SMELLS! Mom said come on little Leroy let me show you around. I tried to walk real good because I wanted to see everything! We stayed for a very long time. We stayed until my feet wore out! I even walked across a bridge with water under it! I fell asleep in the jeep standing up! Only I fell over. And kept on sleeping! Then when we got home, guess what I found outside! A snake skin!! It was empty. No snake inside and I checked it out real good too. Then I fell asleep again. Right in the driveway! Mom had to wake me up to go inside. I told Dad and Fred all about it when we got inside! Then I fell asleep again. Best day ever!!
Dear Terry, it's me Leroy. What a day yesterday! Mom took me to the nature park. I didn't know what that was. Fred said it was the best place ever! Well that's ok with me then! Mom helped me out of the jeep and I saw giant trees and little meadows and ponds all around! I closed my eyes and sniffed. Oh the SMELLS! Mom said come on little Leroy let me show you around. I tried to walk real good because I wanted to see everything! We stayed for a very long time. We stayed until my feet wore out! I even walked across a bridge with water under it! I fell asleep in the jeep standing up! Only I fell over. And kept on sleeping! Then when we got home, guess what I found outside! A snake skin!! It was empty. No snake inside and I checked it out real good too. Then I fell asleep again. Right in the driveway! Mom had to wake me up to go inside. I told Dad and Fred all about it when we got inside! Then I fell asleep again. Best day ever!!
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