December 29, 2016
Dear Terry, tonight I was kind of bored. I tried playing with Dad but he's tired. I took my tug tug toy and shoved it in Petey's face. He said Fred! Cats don't play tug tug! I want to sleep in my blanket! I just stood in the middle of the room barking! No one wanted to play with me! I do everything with everyone all the time! Mom told dad to get my puzzle toy out. Oh boy he put lots and lots of peanut butter all over it and then he sprinkled cat food all over it!! Oh my gosh what fun!!! But then it was all gone. Mom said get your tug tug! I ran and got it right away! Me and Mom played and played and finally I won!! If I win, I always give her the tug tug back. I put it on her foot. Now I'm getting tired. I'm snuggled in with Mom on the couch. When I get cold Mom puts me under the blanket. i hope all your cats snuggle in with you at once! That makes everything better!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

December 26, 2017
Dear Terry, Merry Christmas! I got a WHOLE PLATE of frosted biscuits with sprinkles!! Mom says there were three of them! I ate them all!! It was so exciting! At first I thought I didn't get any! Mom took me outside as soon as I woke up. I didn't smell anything for me at all. I was worried. We came back in and it was like magic! I could smell peanut butter frosting! I must have missed it before because the plate was on the counter! Mom put it on the floor for me! Oh the sprinkles went everywhere! Petey and Penny got good stinky liver food. It's their favorite! Then we helped open gifts. Oh that's right, I got a gift!! A new tug tug toy!! Oh my the excitement! I showed it to Petey right away. He doesn't play tug tug though. Plus he was busy playing with all the paper! We all had fun!
I hope you got good biscuits too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Merry Christmas! I got a WHOLE PLATE of frosted biscuits with sprinkles!! Mom says there were three of them! I ate them all!! It was so exciting! At first I thought I didn't get any! Mom took me outside as soon as I woke up. I didn't smell anything for me at all. I was worried. We came back in and it was like magic! I could smell peanut butter frosting! I must have missed it before because the plate was on the counter! Mom put it on the floor for me! Oh the sprinkles went everywhere! Petey and Penny got good stinky liver food. It's their favorite! Then we helped open gifts. Oh that's right, I got a gift!! A new tug tug toy!! Oh my the excitement! I showed it to Petey right away. He doesn't play tug tug though. Plus he was busy playing with all the paper! We all had fun!
I hope you got good biscuits too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
December 20, 2016
Dear Terry, we just had some excitement here! Me and Mom and Petey were making toast and egg in the kitchen. Mom was cheating because she was using the Egg Maker. We watched mom crack the egg and put it in the Egg Maker and in it went to the Food Maker. The toast was toasting. Petey was looking in the Food Machine watching the Egg Maker. Mom started buttering the toast. I like toast, Petey likes egg. We couldn't wait! But the the Egg Machine exploded!!! KABLAMMO!! Petey, me and Mom jumped !!! Mom opened the door to the Food Machine and egg went everywhere and the Egg Machine looked broke! This was awful! What were we going to eat! Mom let us help clean up the egg. Don't worry, it was cooked. And she put the Egg Machine back together. This time we all stood back from the Food Machine. Even Petey. The egg came out just the way we all like it! Mom said next time she'll use a regular pan. We all got little bits of egg and toast! Not Dad. He doesn't like eggs. He's weird like that! I've never seen exploding eggs! It was scary but tasty! Petey agreed!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, we just had some excitement here! Me and Mom and Petey were making toast and egg in the kitchen. Mom was cheating because she was using the Egg Maker. We watched mom crack the egg and put it in the Egg Maker and in it went to the Food Maker. The toast was toasting. Petey was looking in the Food Machine watching the Egg Maker. Mom started buttering the toast. I like toast, Petey likes egg. We couldn't wait! But the the Egg Machine exploded!!! KABLAMMO!! Petey, me and Mom jumped !!! Mom opened the door to the Food Machine and egg went everywhere and the Egg Machine looked broke! This was awful! What were we going to eat! Mom let us help clean up the egg. Don't worry, it was cooked. And she put the Egg Machine back together. This time we all stood back from the Food Machine. Even Petey. The egg came out just the way we all like it! Mom said next time she'll use a regular pan. We all got little bits of egg and toast! Not Dad. He doesn't like eggs. He's weird like that! I've never seen exploding eggs! It was scary but tasty! Petey agreed!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
December 17, 2016
Dear Terry, we were supposed to go on a trip today but we didn't go. We were going to nephew Nolan's birthday party. Only everything was icy and Mom said no way were we driving in that! We had to be real careful outside because everything was very slippery. I almost fell down. Mom slipped. I hurried up and pooped and we went inside. I tried to get Petey to play with me but all he wanted to do was talk to the birdies outside at the feeder. Dad didn't want to play either. I'm not allowed to play with PennyCat because she's old. Mom was doing stuff in the house. Mom saw me just sitting in the middle of the floor by myself. She said Fred! I have an idea come on! She let me go into the basement with her and she got out a jar of Peanut Butter!!! She put peanut butter and treats in the puzzle toy you gave me at the Ocean. Oh my gosh what fun!! She even refilled it for me!! Mom always knows what I need! It was the crunchy kind of peanut butter too!!
What a great day this turned out to be!
Barks and wags, FredDog!
December 14, 2016
Dear Terry, I've been sick with the poops. I don't like having the poops. But I didn't have any accidents in the house. Mom gave me some Don't Poop Medicine and it would work and then I would get sick again. I have to eat some real plain food. Petey won't even share his food with me. But yesterday I started to feel better and ate my regular food and everything! But I don't get to have any snacks. Dad always gives me snacks. So does Mom but Dad gives me more. Mom was real happy yesterday and today because I had no messy poops at all, only regular poop! Mom says stop talking about Poop! She's had to clean up a lot of Poop all over the yard. Mom is Pooped Out! Woof! Did you see all the snow?? Me and Mom played some in the snow. Not a whole lot because we both got really cold and came back in the house. I didn't tell Santa about the poops because I want him to bring my special frosted biscuits with the sprinkles on them. Mom says don't worry about that but how can I not be?? I only get those once a year!
Hope you don't have the Poops!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I've been sick with the poops. I don't like having the poops. But I didn't have any accidents in the house. Mom gave me some Don't Poop Medicine and it would work and then I would get sick again. I have to eat some real plain food. Petey won't even share his food with me. But yesterday I started to feel better and ate my regular food and everything! But I don't get to have any snacks. Dad always gives me snacks. So does Mom but Dad gives me more. Mom was real happy yesterday and today because I had no messy poops at all, only regular poop! Mom says stop talking about Poop! She's had to clean up a lot of Poop all over the yard. Mom is Pooped Out! Woof! Did you see all the snow?? Me and Mom played some in the snow. Not a whole lot because we both got really cold and came back in the house. I didn't tell Santa about the poops because I want him to bring my special frosted biscuits with the sprinkles on them. Mom says don't worry about that but how can I not be?? I only get those once a year!
Hope you don't have the Poops!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
December 10, 2016
Dear Terry, Santa is coming soon! I hope he brings me my frosted biscuits with the sprinkles on top. He brings them to me EVERY year! He wouldn't let me down this year, right? I've been good. Well, pretty good. I haven't eaten PeteyCat. I was pretty good on most of the walks with Mom. I made sure the house was safe from the Scary People trying to open the door. I took care of Dad. I hope Santa didn't hear me swearing when everyone took me to the Ocean. I herded cows and sent them home. Ok, back to the Ocean. That shouldn't even count. Nothing that makes your feet wet should count towards being Naughty or Nice. That wouldn't be fair. Right??? I bet Santa's Reindeer don't have to go in the Ocean. Santa wouldn't do that to them. I bet Mom is on the Naughty List for making me go to the Ocean. HUMPHHHH. All I want is my biscuits. PennyCat told me that she always gets her favorite food from Santa - no matter how many times she slaps me in the face. PeteyCat is really bad all year long and he still got treats last year. I hope Santa forgives me for freaking out at the Ocean. Mom says he will and don't worry she has it on good authority that I am on the Biscuit List! I hope so!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Santa is coming soon! I hope he brings me my frosted biscuits with the sprinkles on top. He brings them to me EVERY year! He wouldn't let me down this year, right? I've been good. Well, pretty good. I haven't eaten PeteyCat. I was pretty good on most of the walks with Mom. I made sure the house was safe from the Scary People trying to open the door. I took care of Dad. I hope Santa didn't hear me swearing when everyone took me to the Ocean. I herded cows and sent them home. Ok, back to the Ocean. That shouldn't even count. Nothing that makes your feet wet should count towards being Naughty or Nice. That wouldn't be fair. Right??? I bet Santa's Reindeer don't have to go in the Ocean. Santa wouldn't do that to them. I bet Mom is on the Naughty List for making me go to the Ocean. HUMPHHHH. All I want is my biscuits. PennyCat told me that she always gets her favorite food from Santa - no matter how many times she slaps me in the face. PeteyCat is really bad all year long and he still got treats last year. I hope Santa forgives me for freaking out at the Ocean. Mom says he will and don't worry she has it on good authority that I am on the Biscuit List! I hope so!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
December 8, 2016
Dear Terry, more excitement today! Me and Mom were walking this morning. The birds were singing and the wind blowing. Then I smelled him. A Cat. Not just any cat. One of the neighbor's cats. The one that teases me by sitting under my window. He looks at me. I knew he was nearby but WHERE? Mom said Fred! Leave him alone! She knew. THEN HE FELL FROM THE SKY !!! Me and mom both jumped sky high! HE FELL FROM THE SKY!! I couldn't stop barking. Mom let me bark at his crazy cat butt. Mom figured out that he jumped down from the big tree branch over our heads. This just proves he's crazier than PeteyCat and will stop at nothing to make me nuts. Mom says I'm still not allowed to chase him. Humphhh.
Barks and wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, more excitement today! Me and Mom were walking this morning. The birds were singing and the wind blowing. Then I smelled him. A Cat. Not just any cat. One of the neighbor's cats. The one that teases me by sitting under my window. He looks at me. I knew he was nearby but WHERE? Mom said Fred! Leave him alone! She knew. THEN HE FELL FROM THE SKY !!! Me and mom both jumped sky high! HE FELL FROM THE SKY!! I couldn't stop barking. Mom let me bark at his crazy cat butt. Mom figured out that he jumped down from the big tree branch over our heads. This just proves he's crazier than PeteyCat and will stop at nothing to make me nuts. Mom says I'm still not allowed to chase him. Humphhh.
Barks and wags, FredDog
December 7, 2016
Dear Terry, You won't believe what just happened here! Me and Mom were in the yard walking around and we kept hearing the neighbor's cows. They were getting closer and closer and you could hear the little baby cows with them. They don't have big Moos yet. I told Mom let's go! and we came up from the bottom of the yard and around the house and up the side steps and THERE THEY WERE! The lead cow was right on the road and the other cows were lining up behind her. They were in danger! A car came and had to swerve and slow down because the cow was on the road! I told Mom don't worry I know what to do! We went over to our side of the road. I don't know how I knew, but I knew the cows had to get off the road. First, I did my Cow Bark. Kindof of growly and low bark all at once. The cow backed off the road! I had the attention of every cow there, even the smaller ones. Mom said that was like 20-25 cows. Mom said they are Black Angus cows. I started to pretend to charge at them and zig zag on my leash and guess what happened!??? They turned around and started running back home! They really did! The lead cow didn't move at first like the other ones. she watched all the other cows run down the creek bed. Then I gave her a good barking to and danced around some more and she went home too. Her tail was swishing, I think she was angry. I wasn't acting all crazy either, you can't do that with cows. You have to tell them who is boss and I did! Mom gave me big pets and an extra treat when we got inside. I sent the Cows home!! Mom said the farmer would be happy to see his cows come home.
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, You won't believe what just happened here! Me and Mom were in the yard walking around and we kept hearing the neighbor's cows. They were getting closer and closer and you could hear the little baby cows with them. They don't have big Moos yet. I told Mom let's go! and we came up from the bottom of the yard and around the house and up the side steps and THERE THEY WERE! The lead cow was right on the road and the other cows were lining up behind her. They were in danger! A car came and had to swerve and slow down because the cow was on the road! I told Mom don't worry I know what to do! We went over to our side of the road. I don't know how I knew, but I knew the cows had to get off the road. First, I did my Cow Bark. Kindof of growly and low bark all at once. The cow backed off the road! I had the attention of every cow there, even the smaller ones. Mom said that was like 20-25 cows. Mom said they are Black Angus cows. I started to pretend to charge at them and zig zag on my leash and guess what happened!??? They turned around and started running back home! They really did! The lead cow didn't move at first like the other ones. she watched all the other cows run down the creek bed. Then I gave her a good barking to and danced around some more and she went home too. Her tail was swishing, I think she was angry. I wasn't acting all crazy either, you can't do that with cows. You have to tell them who is boss and I did! Mom gave me big pets and an extra treat when we got inside. I sent the Cows home!! Mom said the farmer would be happy to see his cows come home.
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
December 2, 2016
Dear Terry, I'm real sorry you are so sad. Mom said she can't make it any better! Newtie was a great dog. I know because he was a good pepperoni catcher! He showed me how to get along with other dogs. I told Mom I will try really hard to live forever. I don't want her sad. Mom said someday we all part ways but that we are always so lucky to have every minute together. I don't know how long a minute is but it must be a long time. When I'm sad Mom lets me have bacon. You should make bacon. Bacon can make anything better!! It really does!!
Lots of love and woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I'm real sorry you are so sad. Mom said she can't make it any better! Newtie was a great dog. I know because he was a good pepperoni catcher! He showed me how to get along with other dogs. I told Mom I will try really hard to live forever. I don't want her sad. Mom said someday we all part ways but that we are always so lucky to have every minute together. I don't know how long a minute is but it must be a long time. When I'm sad Mom lets me have bacon. You should make bacon. Bacon can make anything better!! It really does!!
Lots of love and woofs, FredDog
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