August 24, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess what?? Yesterday Mom was off and she canned tomatoes and made sauce and this morning she made MEATBALLS! Can you believe it??? I think of them as the perfect Dog Treat. Yummy goodness all in one bite, Sauce and meat and cheese if I'm lucky! I watched Mom do the tomatoes yesterday. I kept wondering when the meatballs were going to get made. She ran out of time though. Me and Dad had some today after Mom left for work. Mom is heating some up now. I can smell them in the food machine. She said she made them too hot and they have to cool off for us to eat them. Petey doens't like Meatballs. That's because he's a CAT and what does he know??? I'm getting worried. I smell rain. Mom said it might rain tonight but don't worry we can eat Meatballs in the dark and pretend things aren't so scary. I don't know if Meatballs will do the trick, storms are scary. I should probably eat a lot of them now just in case. You know, in case I'm too scared to eat them later on!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog!
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

August 20, 2016
Dear Terry, Me and Petey got yelled at this morning. I thought I was going to be in BIG trouble. We were playing in the hallway and having fun. Petey pretends to beat me in the face and I show him all my teeth to try and scare him. Only this time he used all his claws and caught me in the eye and I yelped and pushed him with my nose and he fell over! He hissed, I barked and Mom said HEY! I ran to the bedroom, Petey ran to the kitchen. We decided a long time ago it's best to split up then only one of us can get in trouble. Mom sat down with me on the bed and didn't yell at me or anything, She carefully looked at my eye and said You'll Live! and gave me a big smooch on the head! YAY!!! I was going to be OK! She went to find Petey. He was under the kitchen table and came out but she didn't yell at him either. She checked him over real good and said the same thing! You'll Live! And then we ran around like wild animals again because that's what we do! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Petey Cat here. I accidentally almost put Fred's eye out. Good thing Mom knew I didn't mean it....THIS time. That crazy dog pushed me over with that big old nose of his. Fred's not allowed to make me hiss and I'm not allowed to put his eyes out. Mom says that's The Rule. We almost got in big trouble today that's for sure! Good thing I'm so cute!
Dear Terry, Me and Petey got yelled at this morning. I thought I was going to be in BIG trouble. We were playing in the hallway and having fun. Petey pretends to beat me in the face and I show him all my teeth to try and scare him. Only this time he used all his claws and caught me in the eye and I yelped and pushed him with my nose and he fell over! He hissed, I barked and Mom said HEY! I ran to the bedroom, Petey ran to the kitchen. We decided a long time ago it's best to split up then only one of us can get in trouble. Mom sat down with me on the bed and didn't yell at me or anything, She carefully looked at my eye and said You'll Live! and gave me a big smooch on the head! YAY!!! I was going to be OK! She went to find Petey. He was under the kitchen table and came out but she didn't yell at him either. She checked him over real good and said the same thing! You'll Live! And then we ran around like wild animals again because that's what we do! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Petey Cat here. I accidentally almost put Fred's eye out. Good thing Mom knew I didn't mean it....THIS time. That crazy dog pushed me over with that big old nose of his. Fred's not allowed to make me hiss and I'm not allowed to put his eyes out. Mom says that's The Rule. We almost got in big trouble today that's for sure! Good thing I'm so cute!
August 16, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess where I was??? I was at the Puppy Palace! Me and Spot. Spot goes with me so that I don't get lonely. Mom and Dad went away for the weekend and I couldn't go so Mom took me to the Puppy Palace. Mom packs my bed and Spot and my own food and snacks! I have my own place to sleep and even my own TV!! I get to play with other dogs until I'm so tired I can't even eat! This time I got to go by the splash pool. It's kind of like the creek only really wide and almost flat. The water covers my feet so it's not deep at all. At first I was sad when Mom and Dad dropped me off because I was put outside by the pool right away and I could hear them talking in the parking lot and I started barking and barking. Mom said HEY I Hear Fred??? I was barking and barking at the fence and she finally saw me through the fence. She said Be good FredDog! We have to go! Dad hollered Love you FredDog and away they went. I listened until I couldn't hear them any more. My new friends were already in the water and said HEY FRED come on over! Don't be sad! My feet were hot so the water felt good and in no time I was having fun! I did get scared though with all the storms. But the night time Lady came over to make sure me and Spot were OK. She gave me lots of treats. And before I knew it, 2 days were past and I heard Mom's car. Then I hear Mom and I went NUTS! The helper lady grabbed the wrong leash, then she ran back got the right one and I was barking and I made all the other dogs bark. She came back and she took me out of my room BUT she left Spot behind!!! I wouldn't budge until Spot came with me! Then we RAN and busted through the first door and then the second door and there was MOM!!!!!! She gave me big hugs and kisses and I was wagging my tail as hard as I could and I knocked into this other lady standing in my wagging space. She laughed and moved back a bit so I could see my Mom.
Mom hurried up and drove me and Spot home and I ran to see Dad and I ran to see Petey and I ran to see Penny. Only she ran from me. Mom said that's because I was acting like a crazy dog. Once I slowed down she came back out! Me and Petey flopped down together. It was good to be back with all my friends!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess where I was??? I was at the Puppy Palace! Me and Spot. Spot goes with me so that I don't get lonely. Mom and Dad went away for the weekend and I couldn't go so Mom took me to the Puppy Palace. Mom packs my bed and Spot and my own food and snacks! I have my own place to sleep and even my own TV!! I get to play with other dogs until I'm so tired I can't even eat! This time I got to go by the splash pool. It's kind of like the creek only really wide and almost flat. The water covers my feet so it's not deep at all. At first I was sad when Mom and Dad dropped me off because I was put outside by the pool right away and I could hear them talking in the parking lot and I started barking and barking. Mom said HEY I Hear Fred??? I was barking and barking at the fence and she finally saw me through the fence. She said Be good FredDog! We have to go! Dad hollered Love you FredDog and away they went. I listened until I couldn't hear them any more. My new friends were already in the water and said HEY FRED come on over! Don't be sad! My feet were hot so the water felt good and in no time I was having fun! I did get scared though with all the storms. But the night time Lady came over to make sure me and Spot were OK. She gave me lots of treats. And before I knew it, 2 days were past and I heard Mom's car. Then I hear Mom and I went NUTS! The helper lady grabbed the wrong leash, then she ran back got the right one and I was barking and I made all the other dogs bark. She came back and she took me out of my room BUT she left Spot behind!!! I wouldn't budge until Spot came with me! Then we RAN and busted through the first door and then the second door and there was MOM!!!!!! She gave me big hugs and kisses and I was wagging my tail as hard as I could and I knocked into this other lady standing in my wagging space. She laughed and moved back a bit so I could see my Mom.
Mom hurried up and drove me and Spot home and I ran to see Dad and I ran to see Petey and I ran to see Penny. Only she ran from me. Mom said that's because I was acting like a crazy dog. Once I slowed down she came back out! Me and Petey flopped down together. It was good to be back with all my friends!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
August 12, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess what??? I found a dead raccoon for Mom! Right under one of the hostas by the creek. His tail was sticking out. Mom said I wasn't allowed to touch it though. He's good and stinky now in the heat. Mom's not sure how it died so we have to leave it alone in case it was sick. Mom says The Rabies will make me crazier then I already am and then I would end up under a hosta too. I'm not ready for that yet! Woof! I told Petey all about it and all about The Rabies when we got back in the house. Pipe down there Fred! Mom said. Me and Petey ran all around the house!
Barks and Wags , FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what??? I found a dead raccoon for Mom! Right under one of the hostas by the creek. His tail was sticking out. Mom said I wasn't allowed to touch it though. He's good and stinky now in the heat. Mom's not sure how it died so we have to leave it alone in case it was sick. Mom says The Rabies will make me crazier then I already am and then I would end up under a hosta too. I'm not ready for that yet! Woof! I told Petey all about it and all about The Rabies when we got back in the house. Pipe down there Fred! Mom said. Me and Petey ran all around the house!
Barks and Wags , FredDog
August 8, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess who I met yesterday! Melinda the Pet Sitter Lady. I liked her so much I fell asleep right next to her on the couch. Even Petey came out to see her. Mom thinks you shoulds be a pet sitter too. Melinda even gave me treats after I showed her my tricks. She said I'm very smart! Mom says that if her and Dad go away someday then Melinda can look after me and the Cats. After she left, me and Petey ran all around the house because it had been so exciting! We ran and ran until we both were out of breath! Me and Mom went to the park too. It was really hot so we only walked in the woods where there was shade and it was cooler. I better go help pack Mom's lunch! I hear Dad getting all the stuff out. That means I get snacks!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess who I met yesterday! Melinda the Pet Sitter Lady. I liked her so much I fell asleep right next to her on the couch. Even Petey came out to see her. Mom thinks you shoulds be a pet sitter too. Melinda even gave me treats after I showed her my tricks. She said I'm very smart! Mom says that if her and Dad go away someday then Melinda can look after me and the Cats. After she left, me and Petey ran all around the house because it had been so exciting! We ran and ran until we both were out of breath! Me and Mom went to the park too. It was really hot so we only walked in the woods where there was shade and it was cooler. I better go help pack Mom's lunch! I hear Dad getting all the stuff out. That means I get snacks!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
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