July 31, 2016
Dear Terry, I got in some trouble again. Me and Mom went to the park today! I was so excited. We haven't had a lot of walks since it's been so hot outside. Mom took me today though! I was barking and singing the whole way there! As soon as we got there, Mom opened up her door and I am supposed to wait until she grabs my leash. Only I didn't wait, I pushed past her and jumped out and RAN I was so excited to be there! Mom might have said a bad word. But it doesn't count since Dad wasn't around to hear it. I ran all the way to my favorite spot to pee and realized, UT OH. No Mom. Should I go back to her? I'll be in trouble for sure. But I shouldn't be without Mom. I didn't know what to do. I ran a little bit towards her but she looked mad so I ran a little bit away from her. FREDWARD. That's what she calls me when I am in BIG trouble. I went back like I'm supposed to. I made it all better though - I was wagging and jumping and rolling all around so she would be happy again. Sure enough it worked! She was laughing, I was barking and we had a great time after that!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog!
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

July 29, 2016
Dear Terry, Dad hasn't been feeling so good lately so Mom said Fred! Let's do something fun with your Dad. And you know what she did? She set up the bean bag toss right in the house!!! Me and Petey were very excited!! Dad and Mom played a whole bunch of games! Mom said it was more like Whack a Mole. Petey hides under the board and when he hears the bean beag hit, he pops up and tries to grab it! Then I try and catch Petey and Dad laughs and laughs! We had a lot of fun. Dad seemed to feel better after that.
Oh and Mom says I can do a magic trick! She calls it pull a cat of a hosta trick! I've done it twice! Snowball the cat from next door likes to hide under the hosta where I can't see her. Only I can smell her. So I stick my head under the hosta and push her with my nose and TA DA! She pops right out and runs off. Mom says it's a very dangerous trick because Snowball can put my eye out without warning. Cats are tricky like that you know!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Dad hasn't been feeling so good lately so Mom said Fred! Let's do something fun with your Dad. And you know what she did? She set up the bean bag toss right in the house!!! Me and Petey were very excited!! Dad and Mom played a whole bunch of games! Mom said it was more like Whack a Mole. Petey hides under the board and when he hears the bean beag hit, he pops up and tries to grab it! Then I try and catch Petey and Dad laughs and laughs! We had a lot of fun. Dad seemed to feel better after that.
Oh and Mom says I can do a magic trick! She calls it pull a cat of a hosta trick! I've done it twice! Snowball the cat from next door likes to hide under the hosta where I can't see her. Only I can smell her. So I stick my head under the hosta and push her with my nose and TA DA! She pops right out and runs off. Mom says it's a very dangerous trick because Snowball can put my eye out without warning. Cats are tricky like that you know!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
July 21, 2016
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written in awhile. It's been too hot to do anything but lay around. But I got in BIG trouble today. Mom came home and I could smell a special treat for me! She got me a fresh pig ear straight from the butcher! YUM! Mom gave it to me and I was happily munching on it little bit at a time. Every piece was piggy goodness. UNTIL Petey came up to me and tried to TAKE IT. I SNARLED and I lunged at him and scared him real bad. I didn't bite him but I showed him all my teeth. Mom yelled at me right away and Dad yelled at me right away and I grabbed my pig ear and went to leave the room but Mom stopped me. She tried to take the pig ear. I didn't let go at first. I don't growl at Mom or show her my teeth. She's Mom. But that doesn't mean I was going to give her the pig ear. She said FRED RIGHT NOW and I dropped it like I'm supposed to. I had to settle my butt down and then she made sure I knew that she can take that pig ear away again if I even looked at anyone wrong. We played give and take with it for a few minutes. She gives, I take. Then I give and she takes. Then I was allowed to have it all to myself. And I ate every last scrap of it! YUMMY! But you know what?? That PETEY didn't get in trouble at all for trying to take it from me in the first place!! HUMPHHHH.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. That crazy dog tried to kill me. I swear! Mom says quit being dramatic he didn't even touch you and you tried to take his pig ear. Don't worry I got him back later on when he was trying to be nice to me. Outta the blue I hit him in the face with everything I had in my front paw. Right in the kisser! Then I ran like hell through the house before anyone could catch me! OK, maybe he didn't try and kill me but he sure did scare me with all those teeth so I think I'm justified in smacking him silly in the snoot. Then we laid down together and took a rest. And we got a drink together out of the water bowl. I should have splashed him.
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written in awhile. It's been too hot to do anything but lay around. But I got in BIG trouble today. Mom came home and I could smell a special treat for me! She got me a fresh pig ear straight from the butcher! YUM! Mom gave it to me and I was happily munching on it little bit at a time. Every piece was piggy goodness. UNTIL Petey came up to me and tried to TAKE IT. I SNARLED and I lunged at him and scared him real bad. I didn't bite him but I showed him all my teeth. Mom yelled at me right away and Dad yelled at me right away and I grabbed my pig ear and went to leave the room but Mom stopped me. She tried to take the pig ear. I didn't let go at first. I don't growl at Mom or show her my teeth. She's Mom. But that doesn't mean I was going to give her the pig ear. She said FRED RIGHT NOW and I dropped it like I'm supposed to. I had to settle my butt down and then she made sure I knew that she can take that pig ear away again if I even looked at anyone wrong. We played give and take with it for a few minutes. She gives, I take. Then I give and she takes. Then I was allowed to have it all to myself. And I ate every last scrap of it! YUMMY! But you know what?? That PETEY didn't get in trouble at all for trying to take it from me in the first place!! HUMPHHHH.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. That crazy dog tried to kill me. I swear! Mom says quit being dramatic he didn't even touch you and you tried to take his pig ear. Don't worry I got him back later on when he was trying to be nice to me. Outta the blue I hit him in the face with everything I had in my front paw. Right in the kisser! Then I ran like hell through the house before anyone could catch me! OK, maybe he didn't try and kill me but he sure did scare me with all those teeth so I think I'm justified in smacking him silly in the snoot. Then we laid down together and took a rest. And we got a drink together out of the water bowl. I should have splashed him.
July 16, 2016
Terry, it's me, Petey. I'm going to have Mom write one of my how to .... stories.
How to Hang a Ceiling Fan with Petey Cat
First, turn off the power. Safety first! Pet Petey sitting on the water softener trying to see in the electric box. Next, open the fan box! Make sure no parts have been grabbed by one sneaky, theiving cat. Set up step ladder. See picture below - Petey is now hanging off the front of my shorts, meowing and swinging. Put cat on the ladder so he can see instead of freaking out because he can't. Watch all the carefully laid out tools and parts get knocked off the ladder shelf. Big sigh. I did put him up there. What was I thinking? Call for backup because Petey is now knocking everything on the shelf and counters onto the floor. Put Petey in bedroom with door shut. Resume installation in peace. Notice Fred Dog has been looking on in amazement at the havoc. Done! Light even works on it. Release the Petey! Who greets you with ten thousand head butts. Everything is back to normal!
Terry, it's me, Petey. I'm going to have Mom write one of my how to .... stories.
How to Hang a Ceiling Fan with Petey Cat
First, turn off the power. Safety first! Pet Petey sitting on the water softener trying to see in the electric box. Next, open the fan box! Make sure no parts have been grabbed by one sneaky, theiving cat. Set up step ladder. See picture below - Petey is now hanging off the front of my shorts, meowing and swinging. Put cat on the ladder so he can see instead of freaking out because he can't. Watch all the carefully laid out tools and parts get knocked off the ladder shelf. Big sigh. I did put him up there. What was I thinking? Call for backup because Petey is now knocking everything on the shelf and counters onto the floor. Put Petey in bedroom with door shut. Resume installation in peace. Notice Fred Dog has been looking on in amazement at the havoc. Done! Light even works on it. Release the Petey! Who greets you with ten thousand head butts. Everything is back to normal!
Mom says this picture shows my inner soul of craziness!
July 16, 2016
Dear Terry, me and mom were pretty busy today. Mom put a fan on the ceiling. Petey's going to tell you about that. Then me and mom went to the park. What a great place! We went all through the woods. Then we went to the Burger Palace and the King made me a cheeseburger!! Yummy! Petey is going to write his own story now.
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, me and mom were pretty busy today. Mom put a fan on the ceiling. Petey's going to tell you about that. Then me and mom went to the park. What a great place! We went all through the woods. Then we went to the Burger Palace and the King made me a cheeseburger!! Yummy! Petey is going to write his own story now.
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
July 14, 2016
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have been busy! Every morning we go down to the creek and we go splish splash through the water and look for frogs and toads. Well, that's what I do, Mom cleans out the creek bit by bit so that the water doesn't get clogged up. I even climb the old tree and stand on top of the big log and then jump down into the mud! I hurry up and get in the water like Mom showed me how to, to get my feet get cleaned off. Oh and we found a old abandoned birdy nest that had fallen out of the trees. Mom took it to Dad to add to his bird nest collection. This is the biggest one. He has a real little one that Mom said might be a hummingbird nest. But this is a big nest. Mom carried it real careful up to the house. It's on the fromt porch with some of the others. Gotta go, Mom has to get ready to go to work!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have been busy! Every morning we go down to the creek and we go splish splash through the water and look for frogs and toads. Well, that's what I do, Mom cleans out the creek bit by bit so that the water doesn't get clogged up. I even climb the old tree and stand on top of the big log and then jump down into the mud! I hurry up and get in the water like Mom showed me how to, to get my feet get cleaned off. Oh and we found a old abandoned birdy nest that had fallen out of the trees. Mom took it to Dad to add to his bird nest collection. This is the biggest one. He has a real little one that Mom said might be a hummingbird nest. But this is a big nest. Mom carried it real careful up to the house. It's on the fromt porch with some of the others. Gotta go, Mom has to get ready to go to work!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 8, 2016
Dear Terry, I thought all the scaries were over. But everyday it thunders. Mom was at work yesterday. Dad was here though. We tried to watch TV while it was storming. It didn't work, I was scared and Dad fell asleep!!!! I layed down right smack next to him and he put his arm over me and I wasn't so scared then. That Petey Cat has a screw loose for sure as Mom says! He was looking out the windows chasing the lightning! What is wrong with him???? Mom says we will go to the park and walk around this weekend so I'm not so nutty. Me and Petey have been having fun inside the house. Petey runs through the big tunnel and the little tunnel and scares me silly then we take off running! Sometimes I chase him right into the big tunnel. What fun! He likes to hide in there and jump out at all of us and scare us! Mom said she might make us some Puppy Pops this weekend. I said I want the banana kind. Petey said he wanted the vanilla kind. Petey calls them Petey Pops. I call them Puppy Pops. Mom said we can just call them Petey Puppy Pops and then we can have both flavors! We eat stuff together. I'm allowed to help make the Pops. Mom lets me lick the bowl after she mixes stuff together. Petey gets to lick the spoon. I hope she makes them today!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I thought all the scaries were over. But everyday it thunders. Mom was at work yesterday. Dad was here though. We tried to watch TV while it was storming. It didn't work, I was scared and Dad fell asleep!!!! I layed down right smack next to him and he put his arm over me and I wasn't so scared then. That Petey Cat has a screw loose for sure as Mom says! He was looking out the windows chasing the lightning! What is wrong with him???? Mom says we will go to the park and walk around this weekend so I'm not so nutty. Me and Petey have been having fun inside the house. Petey runs through the big tunnel and the little tunnel and scares me silly then we take off running! Sometimes I chase him right into the big tunnel. What fun! He likes to hide in there and jump out at all of us and scare us! Mom said she might make us some Puppy Pops this weekend. I said I want the banana kind. Petey said he wanted the vanilla kind. Petey calls them Petey Pops. I call them Puppy Pops. Mom said we can just call them Petey Puppy Pops and then we can have both flavors! We eat stuff together. I'm allowed to help make the Pops. Mom lets me lick the bowl after she mixes stuff together. Petey gets to lick the spoon. I hope she makes them today!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
July 4, 2016
Dear Terry, This is Mom's Favorite Holiday. It's not mine. I've been so scared the past few days. Everyone around us is setting off fireworks. Mom stays with me. We sit together on the couch or in the bed and my ears are covered. Petey runs from window to window when he hears the fizzy crackly ones. He likes to watch those. Oh and Dad bought a bean bag game! Only Petey tried to take one of the bean bags. Dad said that's why we shouldn't be playing in the house! Mom took a picture. There's proof. Petey takes things. Sometimes little things, sometimes big things. We might have to play bean bag inside if it rains. Mom said it was supposed to rain. OH! Last night Mom ran and got us ice cream! I even got a special cup of dog ice cream all for me! I didn't even share it with Petey. I love ice cream. Mom said it might help me not be so scared of the fireworks. And she was right! I heard a couple while I was licking my ice cream but it's ICE CREAM! I can't let that go to waste by being scared!! I told Petey he should start writing more. What if something happens and I can't write letters to you anymore? Then Petey can. He's in my tunnel right now. I made mom put his picture in the letter here at the bottom so you can see how he steals things.
Happy 4th Of July Terry! I hope you get some ice cream!
Love and Woofs Fred Dog.
Dear Terry, This is Mom's Favorite Holiday. It's not mine. I've been so scared the past few days. Everyone around us is setting off fireworks. Mom stays with me. We sit together on the couch or in the bed and my ears are covered. Petey runs from window to window when he hears the fizzy crackly ones. He likes to watch those. Oh and Dad bought a bean bag game! Only Petey tried to take one of the bean bags. Dad said that's why we shouldn't be playing in the house! Mom took a picture. There's proof. Petey takes things. Sometimes little things, sometimes big things. We might have to play bean bag inside if it rains. Mom said it was supposed to rain. OH! Last night Mom ran and got us ice cream! I even got a special cup of dog ice cream all for me! I didn't even share it with Petey. I love ice cream. Mom said it might help me not be so scared of the fireworks. And she was right! I heard a couple while I was licking my ice cream but it's ICE CREAM! I can't let that go to waste by being scared!! I told Petey he should start writing more. What if something happens and I can't write letters to you anymore? Then Petey can. He's in my tunnel right now. I made mom put his picture in the letter here at the bottom so you can see how he steals things.
Happy 4th Of July Terry! I hope you get some ice cream!
Love and Woofs Fred Dog.
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I almost got a bean bag for myself! |
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