June 28, 2016
Dear Terry, I hope Steve is OK. Mom said he was getting some new bones to help him walk right. I don't know how all that works, sounds kind of weird to me! Petey likes my new tunnel. He won't let me play in it and he is always scaring everyone who walks by it. Last night he was making it move on its own. It was scary at first but then I figured out Petey was under the carpet making it roll. I sat on him. That stopped that business! And then of all things Mom says FRED! Don't sit on the cat! I chased Petey real good after that!
Me and Mom went into the creek again this morning. I am helping clean it out. She does all the cleaning, I keep a lookout from the big log that I stand on. We make a good team!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

June 25, 2016
Dear Terry, What a great visit!! I couldn't wait for you to get here and then you were here and I couldn't even think!! I love my gifts! Mom opened the tunnel up for me and Petey went right in! There's a door on it and everything! I loved my tummy rubs the bestest! We even ate hamburgers together! I hope you come here again real soon! Mom said don't worry she's coming back! I told Petey he shouldn't be so afraid because you give good pets! He said I don't know Fred she smelled like other cats! It's ok Petey she knows how to scratch ears and everything! We ran all around after you left! Mom said we might even get ice cream tonight because it was such a good day and we had so much fun!
Love and Woofs!
Dear Terry, What a great visit!! I couldn't wait for you to get here and then you were here and I couldn't even think!! I love my gifts! Mom opened the tunnel up for me and Petey went right in! There's a door on it and everything! I loved my tummy rubs the bestest! We even ate hamburgers together! I hope you come here again real soon! Mom said don't worry she's coming back! I told Petey he shouldn't be so afraid because you give good pets! He said I don't know Fred she smelled like other cats! It's ok Petey she knows how to scratch ears and everything! We ran all around after you left! Mom said we might even get ice cream tonight because it was such a good day and we had so much fun!
Love and Woofs!
June 24, 2016
Dear Terry, I can't wait to see you tomorrow!! I'm so excited!! I have a lot to tell you. Mom said I was a very brave dog yesterday and I have to tell you the whole story. Wait til you hear it! I scared off the bad guys. Oh and we are going to fire up the burger machine for you and make burgers and hot dogs and stuff. I can't wait!! Petey thinks you must be really special. I said yes!! I hope I don't pee myself when I see you!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I can't wait to see you tomorrow!! I'm so excited!! I have a lot to tell you. Mom said I was a very brave dog yesterday and I have to tell you the whole story. Wait til you hear it! I scared off the bad guys. Oh and we are going to fire up the burger machine for you and make burgers and hot dogs and stuff. I can't wait!! Petey thinks you must be really special. I said yes!! I hope I don't pee myself when I see you!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 21, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess what I helped Mom do! I helped her clean out the creek! I know you don't believe me, but I did help! We had to move a big log out of the creek and clean out sticks and stones. And it was so hot I didn't know what to do so I followed Mom right into the water feet and all! The water felt good and cool on my feet and pretty soon I was splashing around. I even took a drink. It's cold spring water. My feet were covered and everything. The water was almost halfway up my legs! How about that! I didn't see any of our frogs or toads though. Mom said that might be because of all the splashing around we were doing. When we were all done, I didn't even want to come out of the
Have a splashy kind of a day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Guess what I helped Mom do! I helped her clean out the creek! I know you don't believe me, but I did help! We had to move a big log out of the creek and clean out sticks and stones. And it was so hot I didn't know what to do so I followed Mom right into the water feet and all! The water felt good and cool on my feet and pretty soon I was splashing around. I even took a drink. It's cold spring water. My feet were covered and everything. The water was almost halfway up my legs! How about that! I didn't see any of our frogs or toads though. Mom said that might be because of all the splashing around we were doing. When we were all done, I didn't even want to come out of the
Have a splashy kind of a day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
June 19, 2016
Dear Terry, What a hot day! I didn't want to go outside at all! Me and Mom did take a walk yesterday in the woods. It was hot and the flies kept biting at me. We stayed in the shade and pretty soon I took Mom back to the car because I got so hot. She got me a big drink of cold water. When we got home, Dad said I could use some ICE CREAM!!! I could use some too Dad!!! Mom went and got Dad some special ice cream just for him, and me and Mom had vanilla ice cream. I even got to lick some whipped cream off of her sundae!! I said to Petey, come try some! He likes milk. He eats raw eggs too if Mom isn't careful in the kitchen. He didn't want any whipped cream!! There must be something wrong with him for sure!! Penny Cat didn't want any either but Mom fixed her up with a bowl of ice water. She likes that. She's talking to me again. She tells me all the stuff that happens at night when I'm sleeping. Meow Meow. Maybe Mom will go get us ice cream again and we can have another ice cream party!! I like parties!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, What a hot day! I didn't want to go outside at all! Me and Mom did take a walk yesterday in the woods. It was hot and the flies kept biting at me. We stayed in the shade and pretty soon I took Mom back to the car because I got so hot. She got me a big drink of cold water. When we got home, Dad said I could use some ICE CREAM!!! I could use some too Dad!!! Mom went and got Dad some special ice cream just for him, and me and Mom had vanilla ice cream. I even got to lick some whipped cream off of her sundae!! I said to Petey, come try some! He likes milk. He eats raw eggs too if Mom isn't careful in the kitchen. He didn't want any whipped cream!! There must be something wrong with him for sure!! Penny Cat didn't want any either but Mom fixed her up with a bowl of ice water. She likes that. She's talking to me again. She tells me all the stuff that happens at night when I'm sleeping. Meow Meow. Maybe Mom will go get us ice cream again and we can have another ice cream party!! I like parties!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 12, 2016
Dear Terry, Yesterday Mom and Dad left and were gone all day long! It was awful. Me and Petey and Penny Cat were all here. Mom usually leaves the TV on for me but she didn't this time! Petey said, Hey Fred! I'm bored let's find someting to do! Oh I don't know Petey, we always seem to get in trouble when you are bored. What did you want to do?? I don't know Fred but I will think of something! Pretty soon he was at his food bowl eating and pretty soon he was picking up pieces and throwing them on the floor for me! We have a good system. Usually he is quicker than me and he can drop a piece on the floor and then jump down, lightning fast, and beat me to it and gobble it down. We did that for awhile and then he sat there real quiet. I couldn't see up on the counter to see what he was doing so I went closer and closer. I'm not allowed to stand up to see on the counter. I might have tried to sneak a peek though. Mom was no where to be found right??? CLUNK! right on my head!! The whole food bowl! Food went flying everywhere, Petey ran, I ran! It made such a loud noise hitting the floor and the food was EVERYWHERE. Oh boy. We stayed out of the kitchen after that. Then it thundered and me and Petey layed down together. He helps me be not so afraid. Mom and Dad finally got home. Me and Petey ran right for Mom. Maybe she wouldn't see what happened in the kitchen! She went to the kitchen and crunch crunch crunch. She said WHAT happened here. Me and Petey disappeared into the bedroom. PETEY! FRED! She ordered us to clean it up right away. WOOF WOOF! Me and Petey hurried up and ate all the food off the floor! Mom was laughing. Then she saw I had skinned my nose. I didn't say a PEEP. Neither did Petey. Mom will never know what really happened! Penny Cat better not talk either!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Yesterday Mom and Dad left and were gone all day long! It was awful. Me and Petey and Penny Cat were all here. Mom usually leaves the TV on for me but she didn't this time! Petey said, Hey Fred! I'm bored let's find someting to do! Oh I don't know Petey, we always seem to get in trouble when you are bored. What did you want to do?? I don't know Fred but I will think of something! Pretty soon he was at his food bowl eating and pretty soon he was picking up pieces and throwing them on the floor for me! We have a good system. Usually he is quicker than me and he can drop a piece on the floor and then jump down, lightning fast, and beat me to it and gobble it down. We did that for awhile and then he sat there real quiet. I couldn't see up on the counter to see what he was doing so I went closer and closer. I'm not allowed to stand up to see on the counter. I might have tried to sneak a peek though. Mom was no where to be found right??? CLUNK! right on my head!! The whole food bowl! Food went flying everywhere, Petey ran, I ran! It made such a loud noise hitting the floor and the food was EVERYWHERE. Oh boy. We stayed out of the kitchen after that. Then it thundered and me and Petey layed down together. He helps me be not so afraid. Mom and Dad finally got home. Me and Petey ran right for Mom. Maybe she wouldn't see what happened in the kitchen! She went to the kitchen and crunch crunch crunch. She said WHAT happened here. Me and Petey disappeared into the bedroom. PETEY! FRED! She ordered us to clean it up right away. WOOF WOOF! Me and Petey hurried up and ate all the food off the floor! Mom was laughing. Then she saw I had skinned my nose. I didn't say a PEEP. Neither did Petey. Mom will never know what really happened! Penny Cat better not talk either!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
June 7, 2015
Dear Terry, What a day yesterday! First Dad was trimming the bush right under the window!! Then the big truck with all the gravel came to fill the holes in the driveway. Neighbor John smoothed it all out. The truck was beeping and making all kinds of noise. I barked so he would know not to hit our house. Then Petey and I ran around and around. That's what we do. Then Mom came home!!! I told her all about the trimming and the truck. I was barking and Penny Cat was meowing and Petey was running and jumping on stuff we were so excited to see her. Petey learned how to make the printer go on his own too. He said LOOK Fred! All you have to do is press this button with your foot! I couldn't see because I'm short but sure enough the printer turned on and sucked the paper through! I said Petey I think that might get you in trouble. He kept pressing the button.Mom saw him do it this morning and he did get in trouble! Mom turned it off hoping he won't keep playing with it. Oh and there were storms last night. Me and Mom camped out on the big bed. We laid with our heads at the foot of the bed. That's what I do. Backwards on the bed seems to help. Mom slept backwards too. She grabbed pillows and a little snack and made a tent out of the blanket and pretty soon the storm was over and even Dad laid down. Whew! I hope today is a good day! I see the sun is out already!
Love and Woofs FredDog
Dear Terry, What a day yesterday! First Dad was trimming the bush right under the window!! Then the big truck with all the gravel came to fill the holes in the driveway. Neighbor John smoothed it all out. The truck was beeping and making all kinds of noise. I barked so he would know not to hit our house. Then Petey and I ran around and around. That's what we do. Then Mom came home!!! I told her all about the trimming and the truck. I was barking and Penny Cat was meowing and Petey was running and jumping on stuff we were so excited to see her. Petey learned how to make the printer go on his own too. He said LOOK Fred! All you have to do is press this button with your foot! I couldn't see because I'm short but sure enough the printer turned on and sucked the paper through! I said Petey I think that might get you in trouble. He kept pressing the button.Mom saw him do it this morning and he did get in trouble! Mom turned it off hoping he won't keep playing with it. Oh and there were storms last night. Me and Mom camped out on the big bed. We laid with our heads at the foot of the bed. That's what I do. Backwards on the bed seems to help. Mom slept backwards too. She grabbed pillows and a little snack and made a tent out of the blanket and pretty soon the storm was over and even Dad laid down. Whew! I hope today is a good day! I see the sun is out already!
Love and Woofs FredDog
June 6, 2016
Dear Terry, Things were really scary the other night with the big rain and thunder. I could hear the creek in the back gushing and there was water everywhere and parts of the driveway got washed away. There's a part in the driveway I can stand in and my chest is even with the top of the driveway. That's how scary it was!! The water made a big gash and hole in the driveway. I was so scared. Petey wasn't though. He was running window to window watching the water run down the sidewalk carrying branches and sticks and stones. My ears hurt because it was very loud. Mom covered my head up so it wouldnt be so loud. And we sat on the floor together that way I wouldn't be scared by myself. That night Petey came and slept right next to me. He even washed my head for me. He told me everything is A-OK and not to worry. I was still scared though.
Hope you week wasn't as scary!!!
Love and Woofs FredDog!
Dear Terry, Things were really scary the other night with the big rain and thunder. I could hear the creek in the back gushing and there was water everywhere and parts of the driveway got washed away. There's a part in the driveway I can stand in and my chest is even with the top of the driveway. That's how scary it was!! The water made a big gash and hole in the driveway. I was so scared. Petey wasn't though. He was running window to window watching the water run down the sidewalk carrying branches and sticks and stones. My ears hurt because it was very loud. Mom covered my head up so it wouldnt be so loud. And we sat on the floor together that way I wouldn't be scared by myself. That night Petey came and slept right next to me. He even washed my head for me. He told me everything is A-OK and not to worry. I was still scared though.
Hope you week wasn't as scary!!!
Love and Woofs FredDog!
June 1, 2016
Dear Terry, OH MY GOSH MOM CAME HOME!! She was gone all day long!!! As soon as I heard her car I was off and running and barking to tell Dad. He was asleep!! How can he sleep at a time like this!! Penny Cat came running, Petey Cat came running, I was barking and the door bell was ringing! Mom was locked out! DADDDDDDD!!! Wake up DADDDDDDD!!!WAKKKE UPPPPPP!!!! I almost peed myself it was so exciting! As soon as she was in the door we all came running! Petey jumped right into her arms and Penny Cat was saying Meow Meow! and I was barking and Dad was still half asleep! I haven't left her side yet! Boy did we all miss her! Petey keeps jumping right up into her arms. I thought she would never come home. Dad tried to get me out on the deck earlier today but I didn't even go outside to sit in the sun. Petey didn't even try to go outside either. Penny Cat slept. Things weren't the same at all. Mom said me and her can have some treats together and watch baseball. Mom said we all have to get used to her being back at work. I'll try but I really want her to go back on strike and be home all the time. Mom did tell us all how much she missed us too.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, OH MY GOSH MOM CAME HOME!! She was gone all day long!!! As soon as I heard her car I was off and running and barking to tell Dad. He was asleep!! How can he sleep at a time like this!! Penny Cat came running, Petey Cat came running, I was barking and the door bell was ringing! Mom was locked out! DADDDDDDD!!! Wake up DADDDDDDD!!!WAKKKE UPPPPPP!!!! I almost peed myself it was so exciting! As soon as she was in the door we all came running! Petey jumped right into her arms and Penny Cat was saying Meow Meow! and I was barking and Dad was still half asleep! I haven't left her side yet! Boy did we all miss her! Petey keeps jumping right up into her arms. I thought she would never come home. Dad tried to get me out on the deck earlier today but I didn't even go outside to sit in the sun. Petey didn't even try to go outside either. Penny Cat slept. Things weren't the same at all. Mom said me and her can have some treats together and watch baseball. Mom said we all have to get used to her being back at work. I'll try but I really want her to go back on strike and be home all the time. Mom did tell us all how much she missed us too.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
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