April 29, 2016
Dear Terry, Mom is still on Strike! Yesterday she had to leave before the sun was up and go walk in the rain. She didn't come home until late in the afternoon! She was all wet and soggy. Even her shoes were squishy. I was hoping to go for a walk but I could tell Mom wasn't up for more walking! But good news! Dad and Grammy went out. When Grammy came in she gave me tummy rubs!! It was so good to see my Gram! Then when they came back they brought in Food! Chips and salsa and leftovers from the Chinese place. Mom ate a whole lot of the leftovers. I tried to help her with that but she said No, Chinese Food not good for Dogs! I tried to tell her that is NOT what Dad says but she wouldn't share anything! Mom says we can go for a walk today. I hope she takes me to see the fire trucks again!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

April 22, 2016
Dear Terry, The most exciting thing ever happened! Me and Mom drove down to the fire house Wednesday. She dropped off all the newspapers in the the big bin. That's not the exciting part. There is a walking trail that runs behind the firehouse and into the woods and up the hillside. Mom calls it the Firehouse Trail and it's a mile long. That's not the exciting part either. We started walking the trail. It has mile markers and Mom reads those to me as we pass them. We got to mile marker Point Five Oh. This is the exciting part. And I heard it. I stopped and turned right around. Mom was a little slower. She didn't hear it. But as soon as she turned around I BOLTED and started running as hard as I could and Mom had to run after me. I forgot the leash was on so I had to slow down for Mom. We RAN and RAN back the trail. Mom finally understood when she could see through the trees why I was so excited!! We ran back through the woods, over the levee. Don't go near the sides you will fall in the water! And when we got to the start of the trail, I was there to greet the Fire Trucks coming back to the Station!!!! The big truck even turned the lights on for me and I was so happy and I was wagging my tail and everything!! Mom laughed and patted me on the side. She couldn't really talk because she was out of breath. It was the BEST DAY EVER!!
Barks and Wags FredDog
Dear Terry, The most exciting thing ever happened! Me and Mom drove down to the fire house Wednesday. She dropped off all the newspapers in the the big bin. That's not the exciting part. There is a walking trail that runs behind the firehouse and into the woods and up the hillside. Mom calls it the Firehouse Trail and it's a mile long. That's not the exciting part either. We started walking the trail. It has mile markers and Mom reads those to me as we pass them. We got to mile marker Point Five Oh. This is the exciting part. And I heard it. I stopped and turned right around. Mom was a little slower. She didn't hear it. But as soon as she turned around I BOLTED and started running as hard as I could and Mom had to run after me. I forgot the leash was on so I had to slow down for Mom. We RAN and RAN back the trail. Mom finally understood when she could see through the trees why I was so excited!! We ran back through the woods, over the levee. Don't go near the sides you will fall in the water! And when we got to the start of the trail, I was there to greet the Fire Trucks coming back to the Station!!!! The big truck even turned the lights on for me and I was so happy and I was wagging my tail and everything!! Mom laughed and patted me on the side. She couldn't really talk because she was out of breath. It was the BEST DAY EVER!!
Barks and Wags FredDog
April 20, 2016
Dear Terry, I found a big piece of squirrel fur in the driveway! I picked it up right away so that Mom couldn't see that I had it in my mouth. Mom is quick though. She said Fred DROP IT. I pretended not to hear her. FRED. I looked at her like she was nuts. FRED. I kept walking. FREDDOG you put that thing down NOW. Don't make me open your mouth! Sigh. I put it underneath one of the bushes so I can check it out later on. It's a pretty big piece. Almost forgot! Me and Mom went to the Dog Park! I haven't been there in a long time and this time there were lots of people and lots of dogs and lots of excitement and smells! I ran and ran. I played with other dogs and I barked like a wild dog! I dug a hole. Ran around even more. I was so tired when we left that I fell asleep even before we started to drive home! Mom had to wake me up when we got home! I ran and told Dad everything. Then we fell asleep for a good long time. I hope Mom takes me there again. There were no weirdos there this time. Lots of friendly, nice people. I can't go today. I have to take care of Dad. He had a tooth pulled out yesterday and he hurts. I've been sitting next to him to keep him company. He said it hurts a whole bunch. Mom is still on Strike. I think Strike is OK. We all get to spend lots of time together. Dad sure is happier to have her around during the day! Me too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. This is PennyCat. Mom took me and Petey out on the deck this morning to get some sunshine. Petey still is scared to go outside. I try and help him out by head butting him and showing him you can walk all over the deck and sit in the sunshine and eat plants. Mom said he stayed out for 10 minutes. She keeps an eye on us just in case there is a problem or she sees the Hawks. Mom doesn't let FredDog out on the deck when I am out there. That's because he won't share the sunshine and we all know I get the sunshine first, every time. Me and Petey shared the sunshine though. For once, he sat still and smells the breeze with me. Sometimes he can be OK.
Meow Meow PennyCat
Dear Terry, I found a big piece of squirrel fur in the driveway! I picked it up right away so that Mom couldn't see that I had it in my mouth. Mom is quick though. She said Fred DROP IT. I pretended not to hear her. FRED. I looked at her like she was nuts. FRED. I kept walking. FREDDOG you put that thing down NOW. Don't make me open your mouth! Sigh. I put it underneath one of the bushes so I can check it out later on. It's a pretty big piece. Almost forgot! Me and Mom went to the Dog Park! I haven't been there in a long time and this time there were lots of people and lots of dogs and lots of excitement and smells! I ran and ran. I played with other dogs and I barked like a wild dog! I dug a hole. Ran around even more. I was so tired when we left that I fell asleep even before we started to drive home! Mom had to wake me up when we got home! I ran and told Dad everything. Then we fell asleep for a good long time. I hope Mom takes me there again. There were no weirdos there this time. Lots of friendly, nice people. I can't go today. I have to take care of Dad. He had a tooth pulled out yesterday and he hurts. I've been sitting next to him to keep him company. He said it hurts a whole bunch. Mom is still on Strike. I think Strike is OK. We all get to spend lots of time together. Dad sure is happier to have her around during the day! Me too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. This is PennyCat. Mom took me and Petey out on the deck this morning to get some sunshine. Petey still is scared to go outside. I try and help him out by head butting him and showing him you can walk all over the deck and sit in the sunshine and eat plants. Mom said he stayed out for 10 minutes. She keeps an eye on us just in case there is a problem or she sees the Hawks. Mom doesn't let FredDog out on the deck when I am out there. That's because he won't share the sunshine and we all know I get the sunshine first, every time. Me and Petey shared the sunshine though. For once, he sat still and smells the breeze with me. Sometimes he can be OK.
Meow Meow PennyCat
April 17, 2016
Dear Terry, We had some excitement this morning! Jimmy the dog from up the road came running out of his house and he was chasing a CAT! Mom says Jimmy is a Jack Russell. Jimmy came running down the hill to the back yard and SPLASH right in the creek and mud! The cat escaped! Then he tried to come into our yard and I barked at him! Jimmy this is MY yard! He barked barked back and took off running back up the hill into the woods and pretty soon another cat came running out! Jimmy went SPLASH again! And I barked again! Jimmy stop that ! It's MY yard!! He went running away and the cat escaped. They all know him. He's crazy. Sometimes in the summer Jimmy will bust out and come visit me on the deck. That's when we hear the neighbor call him....JIMMMMMMMMMYYYY real loud. It must be spring if Jimmy is busting out already!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, We had some excitement this morning! Jimmy the dog from up the road came running out of his house and he was chasing a CAT! Mom says Jimmy is a Jack Russell. Jimmy came running down the hill to the back yard and SPLASH right in the creek and mud! The cat escaped! Then he tried to come into our yard and I barked at him! Jimmy this is MY yard! He barked barked back and took off running back up the hill into the woods and pretty soon another cat came running out! Jimmy went SPLASH again! And I barked again! Jimmy stop that ! It's MY yard!! He went running away and the cat escaped. They all know him. He's crazy. Sometimes in the summer Jimmy will bust out and come visit me on the deck. That's when we hear the neighbor call him....JIMMMMMMMMMYYYY real loud. It must be spring if Jimmy is busting out already!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
April 16, 2016
Dear Terry, Mom has been keeping us pretty busy around here. So far we have gone for walks in the park every day. And Mom has been doing stuff all around the house. She even mopped the floor but Me and Petey didn't know that and we ran all over it and got paw prints everywhere! Dad's been helping too. He made a blackberry pie last night! I wasn't allowed to have any but I did get a little taste of the whipped cream on top. It was right on the edge of Mom's plate! HEYY FREDDDD! But it was too late I already had a taste!! Woof! Oh and Dad helped to make Mac n Cheese. I like Mac n Cheese. Mom even gave me a little taste of that too! I got a whole noodle! Lots of ooey gooey cheese on it! Me and Petey follow Mom everywhere to see what she will be doing next. Dad makes sure she takes breaks. OH! And I forgot! Guess what I did at the park!! I treed a big giangantic squirrel!! I spotted him and dragged mom right to where he was and I almost caught him! I snapped at his tail but he ran up the tree! And I jumped up on the tree and Mom kindof freaked out at that point. I didn't get very far up the tree. Mom says it was like a foot off the ground. I bet I could have climbed the whole way up. Mom lost sight of the squirrel in the tree so I stood up and did a real good point for her and then she saw him again! I still wasn't allowed to climb the tree though. Party Pooper Mom!
Barks and Wags! FredDog!
Dear Terry, Mom has been keeping us pretty busy around here. So far we have gone for walks in the park every day. And Mom has been doing stuff all around the house. She even mopped the floor but Me and Petey didn't know that and we ran all over it and got paw prints everywhere! Dad's been helping too. He made a blackberry pie last night! I wasn't allowed to have any but I did get a little taste of the whipped cream on top. It was right on the edge of Mom's plate! HEYY FREDDDD! But it was too late I already had a taste!! Woof! Oh and Dad helped to make Mac n Cheese. I like Mac n Cheese. Mom even gave me a little taste of that too! I got a whole noodle! Lots of ooey gooey cheese on it! Me and Petey follow Mom everywhere to see what she will be doing next. Dad makes sure she takes breaks. OH! And I forgot! Guess what I did at the park!! I treed a big giangantic squirrel!! I spotted him and dragged mom right to where he was and I almost caught him! I snapped at his tail but he ran up the tree! And I jumped up on the tree and Mom kindof freaked out at that point. I didn't get very far up the tree. Mom says it was like a foot off the ground. I bet I could have climbed the whole way up. Mom lost sight of the squirrel in the tree so I stood up and did a real good point for her and then she saw him again! I still wasn't allowed to climb the tree though. Party Pooper Mom!
Barks and Wags! FredDog!
April 13, 2016
Dear Terry, Mom had to get up real early this morning. Even before the sun was up. She said she had to go on Strike! I don't know what that is, but Mom said it means a lot of walking. And it means she isn't getting any money. I know what money is. You have to give that to the lady in the Tractor Supply or you don't get to take your treats home. Mom handles all that because I don't work and I don't have thumbs. But I do end up with the treats! I wonder if I will have to give up my treats. Mom said no Fred you won't. Me and Dad aren't so sure. Dad is real worried. Mom said don't worry guys! Nothing will happen to the house and you will have food on the table. Me and Petey already share our food, I bet that will help Mom! Mom said one good thing about Strike is that she can spend some time at home. We all like that. She even said we can go for walks all the time if I want. Walks are free! When Mom got home from Strike this morning she was pooped out! We took a nap together. It is real nice having Mom back home. Even Petey and PennyCat said so!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom had to get up real early this morning. Even before the sun was up. She said she had to go on Strike! I don't know what that is, but Mom said it means a lot of walking. And it means she isn't getting any money. I know what money is. You have to give that to the lady in the Tractor Supply or you don't get to take your treats home. Mom handles all that because I don't work and I don't have thumbs. But I do end up with the treats! I wonder if I will have to give up my treats. Mom said no Fred you won't. Me and Dad aren't so sure. Dad is real worried. Mom said don't worry guys! Nothing will happen to the house and you will have food on the table. Me and Petey already share our food, I bet that will help Mom! Mom said one good thing about Strike is that she can spend some time at home. We all like that. She even said we can go for walks all the time if I want. Walks are free! When Mom got home from Strike this morning she was pooped out! We took a nap together. It is real nice having Mom back home. Even Petey and PennyCat said so!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
April 10, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess where I was?? A Birthday Party! for Nephew Sam! There was cake and ice cream and spaghetti and meatballs! I like meatballs. Everyone was there! Even Uncle Tom! Then this morning me and Mom went for a walk around the neighborhood. Usually that means we are heading home but I could tell this was different! Me and Mom and Dad in our car, and everyone else left in the van! We went to Aunt Laura's for breakfast! I knew as soon as I got out of the car that there was going to be BACON once we got inside. And I was right!! And just so happens Mom started to help with the Bacon! I helped Mom. Oh and I got to meet Aunt Kay. She likes Dogs. And Nolan talked to me a whole lot this entire trip. Sam gave me lots of pets. Dad gave me some waffles right under the table. I was so tired that by the time we left, I fell asleep! So did Dad. When we got home, Petey was meowing like crazy on the table and I ran right away to see him. He was full of head butts! He's my friend! Then we ran all around. It's what we do! It's good to be back home! I like seeing everyone in Mom's family but I miss being here. I'm real good at pooping at rest stops now. I used to be afraid but I'm not anymore because Mom stays right next to me. I better go find PennyCat and see what she is up to!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Guess where I was?? A Birthday Party! for Nephew Sam! There was cake and ice cream and spaghetti and meatballs! I like meatballs. Everyone was there! Even Uncle Tom! Then this morning me and Mom went for a walk around the neighborhood. Usually that means we are heading home but I could tell this was different! Me and Mom and Dad in our car, and everyone else left in the van! We went to Aunt Laura's for breakfast! I knew as soon as I got out of the car that there was going to be BACON once we got inside. And I was right!! And just so happens Mom started to help with the Bacon! I helped Mom. Oh and I got to meet Aunt Kay. She likes Dogs. And Nolan talked to me a whole lot this entire trip. Sam gave me lots of pets. Dad gave me some waffles right under the table. I was so tired that by the time we left, I fell asleep! So did Dad. When we got home, Petey was meowing like crazy on the table and I ran right away to see him. He was full of head butts! He's my friend! Then we ran all around. It's what we do! It's good to be back home! I like seeing everyone in Mom's family but I miss being here. I'm real good at pooping at rest stops now. I used to be afraid but I'm not anymore because Mom stays right next to me. I better go find PennyCat and see what she is up to!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
April 4, 2016
Dear Terry, More men were here today! Me and Petey had to stay in the bedroom. Mom says that's because we are busy bodies and the men have to work. Penny Cat hit Mom in the face with her paw she was so mad. She had to go into the second bedroom. She biffed Mom just like she hits me on the head. Mom didn't get mad though. She gave Penny Cat a big pet on the head and Penny Cat settled down and head butted Mom. No one likes when Penny Cat gets upset! Guess what the men were doing this time?? They had to fix a leak in a pipe! Petey found the leak when Mom and him were in the basement doing stuff. It happened right while Mom was there! Petey said the water came out like a rain shower! Mom hurried up and turned off the water and cleaned up a puddle. Dad called the men this morning to come over and fix it. Oh and Petey helped Mom clean things up. He likes helping Mom. Petey got a little wet but he was OK. He didn't seem to mind! Dad sure is pooped out. When he let us out of the bedroom, we ran to find Penny Cat. I got sidetracked and ate all her food. I didn't tell Dad that part. What a good snack!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. I helped Mom A LOT. I could hear the water hissing before Mom could. I ran and got her and ran back to the water. Then it happened, water sprayed everywhere! It was like the night I was running outside when the root cellar broke! Mom sure can run fast when she wants to that's for sure! Oh and today I went for a ride with Mom on the Magic Chair! I could tell FredDog was jealous! ROARRRRRR , Petey Cat.
Dear Terry, More men were here today! Me and Petey had to stay in the bedroom. Mom says that's because we are busy bodies and the men have to work. Penny Cat hit Mom in the face with her paw she was so mad. She had to go into the second bedroom. She biffed Mom just like she hits me on the head. Mom didn't get mad though. She gave Penny Cat a big pet on the head and Penny Cat settled down and head butted Mom. No one likes when Penny Cat gets upset! Guess what the men were doing this time?? They had to fix a leak in a pipe! Petey found the leak when Mom and him were in the basement doing stuff. It happened right while Mom was there! Petey said the water came out like a rain shower! Mom hurried up and turned off the water and cleaned up a puddle. Dad called the men this morning to come over and fix it. Oh and Petey helped Mom clean things up. He likes helping Mom. Petey got a little wet but he was OK. He didn't seem to mind! Dad sure is pooped out. When he let us out of the bedroom, we ran to find Penny Cat. I got sidetracked and ate all her food. I didn't tell Dad that part. What a good snack!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. I helped Mom A LOT. I could hear the water hissing before Mom could. I ran and got her and ran back to the water. Then it happened, water sprayed everywhere! It was like the night I was running outside when the root cellar broke! Mom sure can run fast when she wants to that's for sure! Oh and today I went for a ride with Mom on the Magic Chair! I could tell FredDog was jealous! ROARRRRRR , Petey Cat.
April 2, 2016
Dear Terry, We had a busy day here yesterday! Some men came to the house again and now we have a Magic Chair. I don't know how it works. But it's on the basement steps and it goes up and down without anyone pushing it or anything! Dad sits on it and he goes down the steps. And up the steps. I watch every time but it just moves on it's own! Dad told me it's Magic. Penny Cat was very afraid of it and she hid in the furnace room. Mom showed it to Petey and now he is OK. Mom says the Magic Chair will even stop in case one of us runs into it by mistake. Dad says no more falling down the steps Freddie! I can sit in my chair and go wherever I want! I said Oh Good Dad let's go to the Park! But he said No, the Magic Chair only goes up and down in the house. Dad was real scared of the steps before. He's not anymore!
Love and Woofs! FredDog!
Dear Terry, We had a busy day here yesterday! Some men came to the house again and now we have a Magic Chair. I don't know how it works. But it's on the basement steps and it goes up and down without anyone pushing it or anything! Dad sits on it and he goes down the steps. And up the steps. I watch every time but it just moves on it's own! Dad told me it's Magic. Penny Cat was very afraid of it and she hid in the furnace room. Mom showed it to Petey and now he is OK. Mom says the Magic Chair will even stop in case one of us runs into it by mistake. Dad says no more falling down the steps Freddie! I can sit in my chair and go wherever I want! I said Oh Good Dad let's go to the Park! But he said No, the Magic Chair only goes up and down in the house. Dad was real scared of the steps before. He's not anymore!
Love and Woofs! FredDog!
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