February 28, 2016
Dear Terry, Petey woke me up this morning. He said FRED get up now! Come see out the window! I think spring is here! I hurried up to look and he was right! The sun was up and the birds were all singing and hanging out on the bird feeder. LOTS of birds! Little birds, big birds and they were all singing! I woke Mom up right away to show her too. She was excited to see all the birds too! She promised me a walk in the park! We did go to the park. But not right away. Mom fell asleep again. Petey and I kept watching the birds for a long time together. We woke Mom up again to get her moving so we could see Spring for ourselves. Mom said FRED, it's only been 10 minutes. She knows I can't tell time. All I know is that it was a long time for me and Petey! Later on though we went to the park. I think we walked forever! There were lots of people and other dogs there and kids running around and making all kinds of silly noises. We took our time walking. Mom said we aren't in any hurry today Fred. I looked for frogs along the ponds but I didn't find any. Mom said it's too early yet for frogs. I did spy a FISH and I barked at it a lot. It swam away from the edge. We were gone so long that Dad had fallen asleep and he didn't even wake up when we got home. I ran to tell him everything. He said what a great trip Fred! I know! I told Petey all about it too. Then we ran all around. That's what we do! What a great day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

February 25, 2016
Dear Terry, More excitement yesterday here at the house!! Men came to the house and they riped out the old carpet in the kitchen, I don't know why because it was the best carpet to dig holes in! Then after a lot of noise and a long time me and Petey were allowed out of the bedroom. And there's a whole new floor in the kitchen and it is SLIPPERY. Petey figured out if he runs and he can slide the whole length of the kitchen and then do it all over again! I won't do that. I walk on my tippy toes. Nice and easy. Until Petey scares me then my feet go nowhere fast!! Petey keep trying to get me to slide like he does. Mom said that might be a disaster if I do, so I don't. And there is new carpet on the steps. Petey says it's good for running too. I don't like steps. I wish we had the old carpet back. This new floor is no good for digging at all!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, More excitement yesterday here at the house!! Men came to the house and they riped out the old carpet in the kitchen, I don't know why because it was the best carpet to dig holes in! Then after a lot of noise and a long time me and Petey were allowed out of the bedroom. And there's a whole new floor in the kitchen and it is SLIPPERY. Petey figured out if he runs and he can slide the whole length of the kitchen and then do it all over again! I won't do that. I walk on my tippy toes. Nice and easy. Until Petey scares me then my feet go nowhere fast!! Petey keep trying to get me to slide like he does. Mom said that might be a disaster if I do, so I don't. And there is new carpet on the steps. Petey says it's good for running too. I don't like steps. I wish we had the old carpet back. This new floor is no good for digging at all!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
February 22, 2016
Dear Terry,
Oh my gosh the food machine broke!! Mom was really worried all the food would go bad! I didn't know what to do! I told Petey this is a DISASTER! Mom and Dad knew what to do though. They called the fix it man right away this morning and he came to the house and he fixed it! There was lots of noise and me and Petey stayed safe in the bedroom. You can't imagine how scary it all was. I was thinking oh my gosh how are we goning to EAT??? Dad said everything is OK after the fix it man left. Me and Petey made sure to check everything out. Dad said to celebrate let's have PIZZA! Petey and I agreed!! FOOD! Dad said to stop worrying because PIZZA can fix a lot of stuff. He was right! Good Pepperoni! I've been really tired the past few days. Me and Mom had gone for a big walk in the woods and it was all muddy. We had a hard time walkng. Mom had good boots on so she didn't do any slip n slides. But i sure was tired after that and kind of stiff. Plus it took a lot of work to get my feet clean. We all know I don't like my feet dirty. Mom didn't do a very good job of cleaning them and then I fell asleep getting them all fixed up. Whew!!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
Dear Terry,
Oh my gosh the food machine broke!! Mom was really worried all the food would go bad! I didn't know what to do! I told Petey this is a DISASTER! Mom and Dad knew what to do though. They called the fix it man right away this morning and he came to the house and he fixed it! There was lots of noise and me and Petey stayed safe in the bedroom. You can't imagine how scary it all was. I was thinking oh my gosh how are we goning to EAT??? Dad said everything is OK after the fix it man left. Me and Petey made sure to check everything out. Dad said to celebrate let's have PIZZA! Petey and I agreed!! FOOD! Dad said to stop worrying because PIZZA can fix a lot of stuff. He was right! Good Pepperoni! I've been really tired the past few days. Me and Mom had gone for a big walk in the woods and it was all muddy. We had a hard time walkng. Mom had good boots on so she didn't do any slip n slides. But i sure was tired after that and kind of stiff. Plus it took a lot of work to get my feet clean. We all know I don't like my feet dirty. Mom didn't do a very good job of cleaning them and then I fell asleep getting them all fixed up. Whew!!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
February 14, 2016
Dear Terry, Happy Valentine's Day! OXO! I don't like this cold so much. I was so excited to see the sunshine this morning. Me and Petey woke Mom up right away as soon as we saw it! But then when I got outside, I realized it was all just a trick! It wasn't warm at all. And when we walked around the house, my feet started to freeze and cramp up and Mom had to unfreeze them for me and got me back inside right away! I told Dad all about it. Petey Cat always wants to walk with us but Mom doesn't let him go outside. I said Petey, BRRRRRRR. And then we ran all around the house! Mom says she might start to teach Petey to walk on a leash too so he can come with us. When I go outside with Mom he runs window to window watching us. When Mom asks, Fred do you have to pee? Petey comes running and waits right next to me at the door. Then Mom shuts the door in his face and it's really sad to see him in the windows. I can hear him meowing. Dad does a good job of distracting him though. Dad and Petey have treat time! Petey eats snacks right out of his hand! Penny Cat gets her treats as soon as Mom wakes up. Oh! And you know what I got this morning? Good stinky wet gushy food in my treat bowl! YUMYUMYUMMMM. And it was all gone! I was going to share with Petey until he realized he had his own good stinky food. Sometimes we share our food, sometimes we don't. I'm getting pretty good at sharing. Petey was very cold last night. I was under the blanket and I let him snuggle in with me so he could get warm too. I let him use my foot as a pillow and he put his feathery big tail over my nose and we both warmed right up!
Hope your nose is warm today!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Happy Valentine's Day! OXO! I don't like this cold so much. I was so excited to see the sunshine this morning. Me and Petey woke Mom up right away as soon as we saw it! But then when I got outside, I realized it was all just a trick! It wasn't warm at all. And when we walked around the house, my feet started to freeze and cramp up and Mom had to unfreeze them for me and got me back inside right away! I told Dad all about it. Petey Cat always wants to walk with us but Mom doesn't let him go outside. I said Petey, BRRRRRRR. And then we ran all around the house! Mom says she might start to teach Petey to walk on a leash too so he can come with us. When I go outside with Mom he runs window to window watching us. When Mom asks, Fred do you have to pee? Petey comes running and waits right next to me at the door. Then Mom shuts the door in his face and it's really sad to see him in the windows. I can hear him meowing. Dad does a good job of distracting him though. Dad and Petey have treat time! Petey eats snacks right out of his hand! Penny Cat gets her treats as soon as Mom wakes up. Oh! And you know what I got this morning? Good stinky wet gushy food in my treat bowl! YUMYUMYUMMMM. And it was all gone! I was going to share with Petey until he realized he had his own good stinky food. Sometimes we share our food, sometimes we don't. I'm getting pretty good at sharing. Petey was very cold last night. I was under the blanket and I let him snuggle in with me so he could get warm too. I let him use my foot as a pillow and he put his feathery big tail over my nose and we both warmed right up!
Hope your nose is warm today!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
February 12, 2016
Dear Terry, We have a bunch of snow here! I like snow. You can roll in it, you can catch it on your tongue and you can lick it off the ground! When Mom got home last night we went outside and I did all of those things! She tossed snow on me when I wasn't looking and I barked and we had fun playing in the snow! Then my feet started to freeze so we went back inside. I told Petey all about it and we ran through the house! I don't know why we ran through the house. It's what we do when something exciting happens like playing in the snow. Dad laughed and laughed. Petey is really good at running. He can even run up the curtains! Mom says he better be careful though when we get the new floor in the kitchen. It might be slippery. Mom says she might have to get some throw rugs for the flight path. Oh and we have a problem with Petey Cat. He hogs all the warm air! He sits right in front of the vent in the living room and wont move. He blocks all the air coming out.., He says a cat can't ever be warm enough and he won't budge! Dad has to bundle up, icicles form on the end of my nose,....Nope won't budge. Sometimes I nose him out of the way so I can lay down there. His tail goes SWISH SWISH SWISH. I haven't lost an eye yet! I better go, me and Mom are going out to play in the snow again!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, We have a bunch of snow here! I like snow. You can roll in it, you can catch it on your tongue and you can lick it off the ground! When Mom got home last night we went outside and I did all of those things! She tossed snow on me when I wasn't looking and I barked and we had fun playing in the snow! Then my feet started to freeze so we went back inside. I told Petey all about it and we ran through the house! I don't know why we ran through the house. It's what we do when something exciting happens like playing in the snow. Dad laughed and laughed. Petey is really good at running. He can even run up the curtains! Mom says he better be careful though when we get the new floor in the kitchen. It might be slippery. Mom says she might have to get some throw rugs for the flight path. Oh and we have a problem with Petey Cat. He hogs all the warm air! He sits right in front of the vent in the living room and wont move. He blocks all the air coming out.., He says a cat can't ever be warm enough and he won't budge! Dad has to bundle up, icicles form on the end of my nose,....Nope won't budge. Sometimes I nose him out of the way so I can lay down there. His tail goes SWISH SWISH SWISH. I haven't lost an eye yet! I better go, me and Mom are going out to play in the snow again!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
February 6, 2016
Dear Terry, We have an emergency!! It's the Fridge. I call it the Food Closet but Mom says it is really a Fridge. It keeps turning off and on off and on. Mom says someone has to fix it. I hope this doesn't mean we will be out of food! Lots of good stuff comes out of there. At first I thought Petey might have broken it. Mom said No, this was one thing he hasn't broken. Sometimes things get old and break. Sometimes things come in contact with Petey and break. Like last night. He was pulling stuff off of the bookcase. Those are breakables. Mom wasn't happy and he got in trouble. Petey was mad too. He wanted to get something off the shelf. You know what he did instead?? He went over to Mom's purse and started pulling stuff out and then he dumped it on the floor. Oh boy. Mom walked away. When she came back she wasn't so mad and her and Petey cleaned things up off the floor. Oh and you know what Mom and Petey are doing??? Mom is teaching him to give her a High Five! I was showing him how to do it too! I was helping! He almost has it!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, We have an emergency!! It's the Fridge. I call it the Food Closet but Mom says it is really a Fridge. It keeps turning off and on off and on. Mom says someone has to fix it. I hope this doesn't mean we will be out of food! Lots of good stuff comes out of there. At first I thought Petey might have broken it. Mom said No, this was one thing he hasn't broken. Sometimes things get old and break. Sometimes things come in contact with Petey and break. Like last night. He was pulling stuff off of the bookcase. Those are breakables. Mom wasn't happy and he got in trouble. Petey was mad too. He wanted to get something off the shelf. You know what he did instead?? He went over to Mom's purse and started pulling stuff out and then he dumped it on the floor. Oh boy. Mom walked away. When she came back she wasn't so mad and her and Petey cleaned things up off the floor. Oh and you know what Mom and Petey are doing??? Mom is teaching him to give her a High Five! I was showing him how to do it too! I was helping! He almost has it!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
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