January 29, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess what Mom said we are going to do?? We are going to see the Ocean. I don't know what that is but Mom and Dad are awfully excited about it. Petey and Penny Cat didn't know what the Ocean is either. Mom told me it is the biggest pool of water I have ever seen. It's so big you can't see the other side. I'm not so sure about that. You know Sea Monsters live in the water. I saw them myself in the pond one summer. Mom said there is lots of sand there too. I don't know what sand is either. Mom said it's good for digging. That sounds great doesn't it?? Oh and Mom said there is a special section of the Beach that only dogs can play on. The Beach is where all the sand is and where I can see the Ocean up close. It sounds kind of scary to me, all that water. Mom said don't worry Fred! You will have a life vest on and I will stay right by your side. Hmmm. I don't swim. We aren't going for awhile but Mom said she had to make the plans early so we could have a nice place to stay when we are there. I said let's go to the Mountains again but Dad wants to see the Ocean. If Dad wants to see the Ocean, then I want to see the Ocean too!
Here is what PeteyCat has been doing. He's been being Bad that's what! I get all comfy under the covers and put my head on the pillow and go to sleep. Then he jumps on me and scares me half to death and I jump and bark and Mom and Dad yell, PETEY! And he hides around corners and jumps in my face. And he hides under the couch and TOUCHES MY FEET. I chase him and he chases me. That part I don't mind. That's fun. When I eat, he jumps off the counter onto my head. Mom calls him the Holy Terror. But then he lays down real queit with us and purrs. He's really good at purring. PRRRRRRR and it puts me right to sleep and I let him lay his head on my side. He's my bestest friend ever!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

January 24, 2015
Dear Terry, Petey got in some trouble. First, he's been shredding part of the shower curtain. And then he put a HUGE hole in it. Mom had to go buy a new one, but it's not plastic like the old one. It's a fabric one. Mom said that will fix him! I have my doubts. THEN he must have gotten a paw in the poop bag drawer. Mom didn't shut it all the way. Petey is always trying to get into drawers and cabinets. He pulled out the whole entire roll of poop bags and they were all over the kitchen and the floor. Dad said PETEY! What did you do!!??? Oh boy Petey was in trouble AGAIN. I try telling him don't do stuff like that. But he says, Look Fred! Look what I found! Mom thinks he took Dad's keys and stashed them away somewhere. Sometimes we find his stashes. Sometimes we don't. One time he put a paper bag all the way under the bed. He said that it was for safe keeping in case he wanted to play with it later on. Mom let him keep it there since it wasn't in the way. I don't let him touch my toys. I keep all of them together in one spot. When he's being nice to me, I let him lay on them and fall asleep. Mom and Dad caught him sleeping on a shelf today in the bookcase. Mom said he looked to cute to get in trouble. I know if I tried to do that I would get yelled at. Mom says there are plenty of things I get away with so we are even. I have my doubts on that too. I'm a Good Dog. Dad says so all the time!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Petey got in some trouble. First, he's been shredding part of the shower curtain. And then he put a HUGE hole in it. Mom had to go buy a new one, but it's not plastic like the old one. It's a fabric one. Mom said that will fix him! I have my doubts. THEN he must have gotten a paw in the poop bag drawer. Mom didn't shut it all the way. Petey is always trying to get into drawers and cabinets. He pulled out the whole entire roll of poop bags and they were all over the kitchen and the floor. Dad said PETEY! What did you do!!??? Oh boy Petey was in trouble AGAIN. I try telling him don't do stuff like that. But he says, Look Fred! Look what I found! Mom thinks he took Dad's keys and stashed them away somewhere. Sometimes we find his stashes. Sometimes we don't. One time he put a paper bag all the way under the bed. He said that it was for safe keeping in case he wanted to play with it later on. Mom let him keep it there since it wasn't in the way. I don't let him touch my toys. I keep all of them together in one spot. When he's being nice to me, I let him lay on them and fall asleep. Mom and Dad caught him sleeping on a shelf today in the bookcase. Mom said he looked to cute to get in trouble. I know if I tried to do that I would get yelled at. Mom says there are plenty of things I get away with so we are even. I have my doubts on that too. I'm a Good Dog. Dad says so all the time!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
January 22, 2016
Dear Terry, Mom is sorry we haven't written in awhile. Dad says she's had a lot on her plate. I don't know what that means but Mom says everything is OK now. Last night we had treats in bed! SNACKS!! We haven't had those in a long time! And last night me and Mom played in the snow in the driveway. What FUN! Mom says we might get a little more snow to play in but not much. I like to stick my nose in the snow and snort and the snow flies everywhere! I told Petey Cat he doesn't want to go out in the snow because it will make his feet cold. He watches us from the windows though when me and Mom go outside. Last night me and Petey ran and ran around the house until Mom told us enough! Time for Bed! Penny Cat stays away from us when we run around. Mom says we scare her a little. I hope it snows and Me and Mom can go to the park and play in the snow there!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom is sorry we haven't written in awhile. Dad says she's had a lot on her plate. I don't know what that means but Mom says everything is OK now. Last night we had treats in bed! SNACKS!! We haven't had those in a long time! And last night me and Mom played in the snow in the driveway. What FUN! Mom says we might get a little more snow to play in but not much. I like to stick my nose in the snow and snort and the snow flies everywhere! I told Petey Cat he doesn't want to go out in the snow because it will make his feet cold. He watches us from the windows though when me and Mom go outside. Last night me and Petey ran and ran around the house until Mom told us enough! Time for Bed! Penny Cat stays away from us when we run around. Mom says we scare her a little. I hope it snows and Me and Mom can go to the park and play in the snow there!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
January 12, 2016
Dear Terry, Mom got home earlier than she usually does today! It was very exciting! I barked and barked and chased Petey. I even barked at Penny Cat. We went out in the snow! I stuck my nose all the way in the snow and snorted until it flew up in the air! SNOW! I like to stick my tongue out and taste it when it falls out of the sky. I scoop it off the ground too and eat it! YUMMY! Tastes just like cold water!! Mom threw snow on me and we played and played. Mom's been worried about stuff lately and it was good to hear her laugh. Petey watched us from the window. Petey went to the vet tonight. He wasn't very happy being stuffed in the carrier. He pushed and shoved and ran all around and Mom still figured out how to get him in there. When he got home he told me it was real good to see me! He smelled like the vet. Mom said he was a Good Cat! Hardly anyone says that, usually Mom and Dad say PeteyNOOOOO. I gave him a big lick on the head. I missed him while he was gone. We're both pretty tired now. We did a lot of running when he got home.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom got home earlier than she usually does today! It was very exciting! I barked and barked and chased Petey. I even barked at Penny Cat. We went out in the snow! I stuck my nose all the way in the snow and snorted until it flew up in the air! SNOW! I like to stick my tongue out and taste it when it falls out of the sky. I scoop it off the ground too and eat it! YUMMY! Tastes just like cold water!! Mom threw snow on me and we played and played. Mom's been worried about stuff lately and it was good to hear her laugh. Petey watched us from the window. Petey went to the vet tonight. He wasn't very happy being stuffed in the carrier. He pushed and shoved and ran all around and Mom still figured out how to get him in there. When he got home he told me it was real good to see me! He smelled like the vet. Mom said he was a Good Cat! Hardly anyone says that, usually Mom and Dad say PeteyNOOOOO. I gave him a big lick on the head. I missed him while he was gone. We're both pretty tired now. We did a lot of running when he got home.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
January 6, 2016
Dear Terry, Petey has worms!!! WORMS!! That's what Mom said. I don't know what that is but it sounds yucky even to this dog! He has to go to the VET for a check up too. I tried to tell Petey about the VET but he doesn't understand. He thinks if he is with Mom nothing bad will happen. I told him all about how the VET will shine lights in your eyes and look in your ears and touch your feet. He didn't think it was all that bad sounding. Just you wait Petey Cat! You'll see!! Petey's birthday is coming up. That's the day he was adopted from the shelter. I didn't tell him about birthdays. That should be a surprise! I bet Mom makes him some good treats. Hope I get an extra peanut butter biscuit out of it. Petey likes cheese so I think Mom should make him something cheesy good! OH here comes the neighbors down the driveway! I Have to go bark at them!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Petey has worms!!! WORMS!! That's what Mom said. I don't know what that is but it sounds yucky even to this dog! He has to go to the VET for a check up too. I tried to tell Petey about the VET but he doesn't understand. He thinks if he is with Mom nothing bad will happen. I told him all about how the VET will shine lights in your eyes and look in your ears and touch your feet. He didn't think it was all that bad sounding. Just you wait Petey Cat! You'll see!! Petey's birthday is coming up. That's the day he was adopted from the shelter. I didn't tell him about birthdays. That should be a surprise! I bet Mom makes him some good treats. Hope I get an extra peanut butter biscuit out of it. Petey likes cheese so I think Mom should make him something cheesy good! OH here comes the neighbors down the driveway! I Have to go bark at them!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
January 3, 2015
Dear Terry, Happy New Year! I don't know what that means but Mom has been saying it a lot. Me and Mom went for a walk in the woods in the park today. In the snow! I like the snow. I kept my nose in the wind so I could smell every smell out there. What a walk! Mom was pretty cold when we got back to the car. So was I only I didn't know it until we got into the nice warm car. Mom says she has wind burn because we kept walking into the wind. Oh!! And I got to go to Grammy and Pap's house too this evening! Grammy gave me crackers! I ran and barked at Pap and then I ran to see Grammy! And Dad was there too! Mom had dropped him off there eariler so he could watch football with Pap. I did my tricks for Grammy and she laughed and gave me crackers! CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH! Mom drove real slow coming home because it was still snowing outside! When I got home I ran and found Petey and I barked in his face I was so happy to see him! Then we ran all around. I am so pooped out! Oh and I even helped Mom outside take down Christmas decorations. I had a great time today I hardly slept a wink!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Happy New Year! I don't know what that means but Mom has been saying it a lot. Me and Mom went for a walk in the woods in the park today. In the snow! I like the snow. I kept my nose in the wind so I could smell every smell out there. What a walk! Mom was pretty cold when we got back to the car. So was I only I didn't know it until we got into the nice warm car. Mom says she has wind burn because we kept walking into the wind. Oh!! And I got to go to Grammy and Pap's house too this evening! Grammy gave me crackers! I ran and barked at Pap and then I ran to see Grammy! And Dad was there too! Mom had dropped him off there eariler so he could watch football with Pap. I did my tricks for Grammy and she laughed and gave me crackers! CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH! Mom drove real slow coming home because it was still snowing outside! When I got home I ran and found Petey and I barked in his face I was so happy to see him! Then we ran all around. I am so pooped out! Oh and I even helped Mom outside take down Christmas decorations. I had a great time today I hardly slept a wink!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
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