December 29, 2016
Dear Terry, tonight I was kind of bored. I tried playing with Dad but he's tired. I took my tug tug toy and shoved it in Petey's face. He said Fred! Cats don't play tug tug! I want to sleep in my blanket! I just stood in the middle of the room barking! No one wanted to play with me! I do everything with everyone all the time! Mom told dad to get my puzzle toy out. Oh boy he put lots and lots of peanut butter all over it and then he sprinkled cat food all over it!! Oh my gosh what fun!!! But then it was all gone. Mom said get your tug tug! I ran and got it right away! Me and Mom played and played and finally I won!! If I win, I always give her the tug tug back. I put it on her foot. Now I'm getting tired. I'm snuggled in with Mom on the couch. When I get cold Mom puts me under the blanket. i hope all your cats snuggle in with you at once! That makes everything better!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

December 26, 2017
Dear Terry, Merry Christmas! I got a WHOLE PLATE of frosted biscuits with sprinkles!! Mom says there were three of them! I ate them all!! It was so exciting! At first I thought I didn't get any! Mom took me outside as soon as I woke up. I didn't smell anything for me at all. I was worried. We came back in and it was like magic! I could smell peanut butter frosting! I must have missed it before because the plate was on the counter! Mom put it on the floor for me! Oh the sprinkles went everywhere! Petey and Penny got good stinky liver food. It's their favorite! Then we helped open gifts. Oh that's right, I got a gift!! A new tug tug toy!! Oh my the excitement! I showed it to Petey right away. He doesn't play tug tug though. Plus he was busy playing with all the paper! We all had fun!
I hope you got good biscuits too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Merry Christmas! I got a WHOLE PLATE of frosted biscuits with sprinkles!! Mom says there were three of them! I ate them all!! It was so exciting! At first I thought I didn't get any! Mom took me outside as soon as I woke up. I didn't smell anything for me at all. I was worried. We came back in and it was like magic! I could smell peanut butter frosting! I must have missed it before because the plate was on the counter! Mom put it on the floor for me! Oh the sprinkles went everywhere! Petey and Penny got good stinky liver food. It's their favorite! Then we helped open gifts. Oh that's right, I got a gift!! A new tug tug toy!! Oh my the excitement! I showed it to Petey right away. He doesn't play tug tug though. Plus he was busy playing with all the paper! We all had fun!
I hope you got good biscuits too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
December 20, 2016
Dear Terry, we just had some excitement here! Me and Mom and Petey were making toast and egg in the kitchen. Mom was cheating because she was using the Egg Maker. We watched mom crack the egg and put it in the Egg Maker and in it went to the Food Maker. The toast was toasting. Petey was looking in the Food Machine watching the Egg Maker. Mom started buttering the toast. I like toast, Petey likes egg. We couldn't wait! But the the Egg Machine exploded!!! KABLAMMO!! Petey, me and Mom jumped !!! Mom opened the door to the Food Machine and egg went everywhere and the Egg Machine looked broke! This was awful! What were we going to eat! Mom let us help clean up the egg. Don't worry, it was cooked. And she put the Egg Machine back together. This time we all stood back from the Food Machine. Even Petey. The egg came out just the way we all like it! Mom said next time she'll use a regular pan. We all got little bits of egg and toast! Not Dad. He doesn't like eggs. He's weird like that! I've never seen exploding eggs! It was scary but tasty! Petey agreed!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, we just had some excitement here! Me and Mom and Petey were making toast and egg in the kitchen. Mom was cheating because she was using the Egg Maker. We watched mom crack the egg and put it in the Egg Maker and in it went to the Food Maker. The toast was toasting. Petey was looking in the Food Machine watching the Egg Maker. Mom started buttering the toast. I like toast, Petey likes egg. We couldn't wait! But the the Egg Machine exploded!!! KABLAMMO!! Petey, me and Mom jumped !!! Mom opened the door to the Food Machine and egg went everywhere and the Egg Machine looked broke! This was awful! What were we going to eat! Mom let us help clean up the egg. Don't worry, it was cooked. And she put the Egg Machine back together. This time we all stood back from the Food Machine. Even Petey. The egg came out just the way we all like it! Mom said next time she'll use a regular pan. We all got little bits of egg and toast! Not Dad. He doesn't like eggs. He's weird like that! I've never seen exploding eggs! It was scary but tasty! Petey agreed!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
December 17, 2016
Dear Terry, we were supposed to go on a trip today but we didn't go. We were going to nephew Nolan's birthday party. Only everything was icy and Mom said no way were we driving in that! We had to be real careful outside because everything was very slippery. I almost fell down. Mom slipped. I hurried up and pooped and we went inside. I tried to get Petey to play with me but all he wanted to do was talk to the birdies outside at the feeder. Dad didn't want to play either. I'm not allowed to play with PennyCat because she's old. Mom was doing stuff in the house. Mom saw me just sitting in the middle of the floor by myself. She said Fred! I have an idea come on! She let me go into the basement with her and she got out a jar of Peanut Butter!!! She put peanut butter and treats in the puzzle toy you gave me at the Ocean. Oh my gosh what fun!! She even refilled it for me!! Mom always knows what I need! It was the crunchy kind of peanut butter too!!
What a great day this turned out to be!
Barks and wags, FredDog!
December 14, 2016
Dear Terry, I've been sick with the poops. I don't like having the poops. But I didn't have any accidents in the house. Mom gave me some Don't Poop Medicine and it would work and then I would get sick again. I have to eat some real plain food. Petey won't even share his food with me. But yesterday I started to feel better and ate my regular food and everything! But I don't get to have any snacks. Dad always gives me snacks. So does Mom but Dad gives me more. Mom was real happy yesterday and today because I had no messy poops at all, only regular poop! Mom says stop talking about Poop! She's had to clean up a lot of Poop all over the yard. Mom is Pooped Out! Woof! Did you see all the snow?? Me and Mom played some in the snow. Not a whole lot because we both got really cold and came back in the house. I didn't tell Santa about the poops because I want him to bring my special frosted biscuits with the sprinkles on them. Mom says don't worry about that but how can I not be?? I only get those once a year!
Hope you don't have the Poops!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I've been sick with the poops. I don't like having the poops. But I didn't have any accidents in the house. Mom gave me some Don't Poop Medicine and it would work and then I would get sick again. I have to eat some real plain food. Petey won't even share his food with me. But yesterday I started to feel better and ate my regular food and everything! But I don't get to have any snacks. Dad always gives me snacks. So does Mom but Dad gives me more. Mom was real happy yesterday and today because I had no messy poops at all, only regular poop! Mom says stop talking about Poop! She's had to clean up a lot of Poop all over the yard. Mom is Pooped Out! Woof! Did you see all the snow?? Me and Mom played some in the snow. Not a whole lot because we both got really cold and came back in the house. I didn't tell Santa about the poops because I want him to bring my special frosted biscuits with the sprinkles on them. Mom says don't worry about that but how can I not be?? I only get those once a year!
Hope you don't have the Poops!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
December 10, 2016
Dear Terry, Santa is coming soon! I hope he brings me my frosted biscuits with the sprinkles on top. He brings them to me EVERY year! He wouldn't let me down this year, right? I've been good. Well, pretty good. I haven't eaten PeteyCat. I was pretty good on most of the walks with Mom. I made sure the house was safe from the Scary People trying to open the door. I took care of Dad. I hope Santa didn't hear me swearing when everyone took me to the Ocean. I herded cows and sent them home. Ok, back to the Ocean. That shouldn't even count. Nothing that makes your feet wet should count towards being Naughty or Nice. That wouldn't be fair. Right??? I bet Santa's Reindeer don't have to go in the Ocean. Santa wouldn't do that to them. I bet Mom is on the Naughty List for making me go to the Ocean. HUMPHHHH. All I want is my biscuits. PennyCat told me that she always gets her favorite food from Santa - no matter how many times she slaps me in the face. PeteyCat is really bad all year long and he still got treats last year. I hope Santa forgives me for freaking out at the Ocean. Mom says he will and don't worry she has it on good authority that I am on the Biscuit List! I hope so!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Santa is coming soon! I hope he brings me my frosted biscuits with the sprinkles on top. He brings them to me EVERY year! He wouldn't let me down this year, right? I've been good. Well, pretty good. I haven't eaten PeteyCat. I was pretty good on most of the walks with Mom. I made sure the house was safe from the Scary People trying to open the door. I took care of Dad. I hope Santa didn't hear me swearing when everyone took me to the Ocean. I herded cows and sent them home. Ok, back to the Ocean. That shouldn't even count. Nothing that makes your feet wet should count towards being Naughty or Nice. That wouldn't be fair. Right??? I bet Santa's Reindeer don't have to go in the Ocean. Santa wouldn't do that to them. I bet Mom is on the Naughty List for making me go to the Ocean. HUMPHHHH. All I want is my biscuits. PennyCat told me that she always gets her favorite food from Santa - no matter how many times she slaps me in the face. PeteyCat is really bad all year long and he still got treats last year. I hope Santa forgives me for freaking out at the Ocean. Mom says he will and don't worry she has it on good authority that I am on the Biscuit List! I hope so!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
December 8, 2016
Dear Terry, more excitement today! Me and Mom were walking this morning. The birds were singing and the wind blowing. Then I smelled him. A Cat. Not just any cat. One of the neighbor's cats. The one that teases me by sitting under my window. He looks at me. I knew he was nearby but WHERE? Mom said Fred! Leave him alone! She knew. THEN HE FELL FROM THE SKY !!! Me and mom both jumped sky high! HE FELL FROM THE SKY!! I couldn't stop barking. Mom let me bark at his crazy cat butt. Mom figured out that he jumped down from the big tree branch over our heads. This just proves he's crazier than PeteyCat and will stop at nothing to make me nuts. Mom says I'm still not allowed to chase him. Humphhh.
Barks and wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, more excitement today! Me and Mom were walking this morning. The birds were singing and the wind blowing. Then I smelled him. A Cat. Not just any cat. One of the neighbor's cats. The one that teases me by sitting under my window. He looks at me. I knew he was nearby but WHERE? Mom said Fred! Leave him alone! She knew. THEN HE FELL FROM THE SKY !!! Me and mom both jumped sky high! HE FELL FROM THE SKY!! I couldn't stop barking. Mom let me bark at his crazy cat butt. Mom figured out that he jumped down from the big tree branch over our heads. This just proves he's crazier than PeteyCat and will stop at nothing to make me nuts. Mom says I'm still not allowed to chase him. Humphhh.
Barks and wags, FredDog
December 7, 2016
Dear Terry, You won't believe what just happened here! Me and Mom were in the yard walking around and we kept hearing the neighbor's cows. They were getting closer and closer and you could hear the little baby cows with them. They don't have big Moos yet. I told Mom let's go! and we came up from the bottom of the yard and around the house and up the side steps and THERE THEY WERE! The lead cow was right on the road and the other cows were lining up behind her. They were in danger! A car came and had to swerve and slow down because the cow was on the road! I told Mom don't worry I know what to do! We went over to our side of the road. I don't know how I knew, but I knew the cows had to get off the road. First, I did my Cow Bark. Kindof of growly and low bark all at once. The cow backed off the road! I had the attention of every cow there, even the smaller ones. Mom said that was like 20-25 cows. Mom said they are Black Angus cows. I started to pretend to charge at them and zig zag on my leash and guess what happened!??? They turned around and started running back home! They really did! The lead cow didn't move at first like the other ones. she watched all the other cows run down the creek bed. Then I gave her a good barking to and danced around some more and she went home too. Her tail was swishing, I think she was angry. I wasn't acting all crazy either, you can't do that with cows. You have to tell them who is boss and I did! Mom gave me big pets and an extra treat when we got inside. I sent the Cows home!! Mom said the farmer would be happy to see his cows come home.
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, You won't believe what just happened here! Me and Mom were in the yard walking around and we kept hearing the neighbor's cows. They were getting closer and closer and you could hear the little baby cows with them. They don't have big Moos yet. I told Mom let's go! and we came up from the bottom of the yard and around the house and up the side steps and THERE THEY WERE! The lead cow was right on the road and the other cows were lining up behind her. They were in danger! A car came and had to swerve and slow down because the cow was on the road! I told Mom don't worry I know what to do! We went over to our side of the road. I don't know how I knew, but I knew the cows had to get off the road. First, I did my Cow Bark. Kindof of growly and low bark all at once. The cow backed off the road! I had the attention of every cow there, even the smaller ones. Mom said that was like 20-25 cows. Mom said they are Black Angus cows. I started to pretend to charge at them and zig zag on my leash and guess what happened!??? They turned around and started running back home! They really did! The lead cow didn't move at first like the other ones. she watched all the other cows run down the creek bed. Then I gave her a good barking to and danced around some more and she went home too. Her tail was swishing, I think she was angry. I wasn't acting all crazy either, you can't do that with cows. You have to tell them who is boss and I did! Mom gave me big pets and an extra treat when we got inside. I sent the Cows home!! Mom said the farmer would be happy to see his cows come home.
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
December 2, 2016
Dear Terry, I'm real sorry you are so sad. Mom said she can't make it any better! Newtie was a great dog. I know because he was a good pepperoni catcher! He showed me how to get along with other dogs. I told Mom I will try really hard to live forever. I don't want her sad. Mom said someday we all part ways but that we are always so lucky to have every minute together. I don't know how long a minute is but it must be a long time. When I'm sad Mom lets me have bacon. You should make bacon. Bacon can make anything better!! It really does!!
Lots of love and woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I'm real sorry you are so sad. Mom said she can't make it any better! Newtie was a great dog. I know because he was a good pepperoni catcher! He showed me how to get along with other dogs. I told Mom I will try really hard to live forever. I don't want her sad. Mom said someday we all part ways but that we are always so lucky to have every minute together. I don't know how long a minute is but it must be a long time. When I'm sad Mom lets me have bacon. You should make bacon. Bacon can make anything better!! It really does!!
Lots of love and woofs, FredDog
November 24, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving Terry! Mom and Petey are busy cooking, me and Dad are busy napping waiting for the football to start! Mom says I get my own plate of food this year! I can't wait! I like turkey and stuffing and turkey and more turkey!! Woof!! Dad made spinach dip. I might try some of that too. And pie. And turkey!
Hope you eat lots!
Love and woofs, FredDog
Happy Thanksgiving Terry! Mom and Petey are busy cooking, me and Dad are busy napping waiting for the football to start! Mom says I get my own plate of food this year! I can't wait! I like turkey and stuffing and turkey and more turkey!! Woof!! Dad made spinach dip. I might try some of that too. And pie. And turkey!
Hope you eat lots!
Love and woofs, FredDog
November 22, 2016
Dear Terry, It's ME PETEYCAT. Or as Mom says PETEYNO! I answer to both! I even answer to FRED! Mom says I need to help Freddie once in awhile writing to you. I'm going to tell you how I helped Mom make Cut Out Cookies. To start we went into the basement and pulled out a special bag. It jingled. What could be in there? I followed Mom up the steps to the kitchen to see! OHH Cookie Cutters! Mom filled the entire sink full of them. They sparkle in the light because they are metal. Mom cleaned them all up and put them on a towel to dry on the counter. Right by my food bowl. I couldn't help but see how sparkley and jingley they were. I poked at one when she wasn't looking and it fell to the floor and Fred BARKED. What a dummy! He alerted Mom to what I was doing. He never learns, if you bark, Mom comes and we have to stop having fun! I poked him in the face. When Mom left the room again, I picked out a good one and dropped it on Fred's head. Just Because. Then I grabbed a really good one and RAN! I put it in with all my stuff in the back of the sofa. I have a hidey hole there. I suspect Mom might be on to what I did because she looked behind the sofa and I sat there not saying a word. Then at night, I took out my cookie cutter and played and played! WHAT FUN! Fred was jealous. I could tell. I wouldn't let him near it. I did all the work to get it! Mom said it was ok for me to have one of the cookie cutters because it kept me away from the kithcen while she made the cookies and that was a big help! Mom loves me best.
Dear Terry, It's ME PETEYCAT. Or as Mom says PETEYNO! I answer to both! I even answer to FRED! Mom says I need to help Freddie once in awhile writing to you. I'm going to tell you how I helped Mom make Cut Out Cookies. To start we went into the basement and pulled out a special bag. It jingled. What could be in there? I followed Mom up the steps to the kitchen to see! OHH Cookie Cutters! Mom filled the entire sink full of them. They sparkle in the light because they are metal. Mom cleaned them all up and put them on a towel to dry on the counter. Right by my food bowl. I couldn't help but see how sparkley and jingley they were. I poked at one when she wasn't looking and it fell to the floor and Fred BARKED. What a dummy! He alerted Mom to what I was doing. He never learns, if you bark, Mom comes and we have to stop having fun! I poked him in the face. When Mom left the room again, I picked out a good one and dropped it on Fred's head. Just Because. Then I grabbed a really good one and RAN! I put it in with all my stuff in the back of the sofa. I have a hidey hole there. I suspect Mom might be on to what I did because she looked behind the sofa and I sat there not saying a word. Then at night, I took out my cookie cutter and played and played! WHAT FUN! Fred was jealous. I could tell. I wouldn't let him near it. I did all the work to get it! Mom said it was ok for me to have one of the cookie cutters because it kept me away from the kithcen while she made the cookies and that was a big help! Mom loves me best.
November 18, 2016
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have had an exciting time of it lately! The neighbor's big black lab decided she didn't like me any more and one night she came charging at me and Mom . Mom got me in the house. Then Mom went back out and told her GO HOME!! and she did. She keeps doing that. Mom said something has changed but we didn't know WHAT until this morning. This morning me and Mom were walking all around the yard like usual and we were in the back driveway and sure enough we see wacko coming through the next door neighbor's yard. She's not supposed to leave her yard from a few houses away. She got to their driveway, looked both ways all sneaky like. We stood there real quiet and watched to see what she was going to do. She was snatching up the bread the neighbor throws on the ground for the birdies!! As fast as she could, she was jamming them in her mouth until you could see her cheeks puff out!! Then she saw us and I barked at her when she took a step towards us. I barked some more. Go Away!! That's what I was telling her in no uncertain terms. GO AWAY. She stood there for a minute thinking about it. I growled a little. Then she put her head down and her tail down and turned around. GOOD! I wasn't going to steal her bread! I think this was all over BREAD. She must not be too smart because even I know the only good bread is the kind that comes with peanut butter on it! Tonight, when Mom took me out, no problems. She stayed where she was supposed to in her own yard. She must really like that bread. Even Jimmy from across the creek doesn't eat bread for the birdies. I hope she goes back now to being nice instead of bread crazy!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have had an exciting time of it lately! The neighbor's big black lab decided she didn't like me any more and one night she came charging at me and Mom . Mom got me in the house. Then Mom went back out and told her GO HOME!! and she did. She keeps doing that. Mom said something has changed but we didn't know WHAT until this morning. This morning me and Mom were walking all around the yard like usual and we were in the back driveway and sure enough we see wacko coming through the next door neighbor's yard. She's not supposed to leave her yard from a few houses away. She got to their driveway, looked both ways all sneaky like. We stood there real quiet and watched to see what she was going to do. She was snatching up the bread the neighbor throws on the ground for the birdies!! As fast as she could, she was jamming them in her mouth until you could see her cheeks puff out!! Then she saw us and I barked at her when she took a step towards us. I barked some more. Go Away!! That's what I was telling her in no uncertain terms. GO AWAY. She stood there for a minute thinking about it. I growled a little. Then she put her head down and her tail down and turned around. GOOD! I wasn't going to steal her bread! I think this was all over BREAD. She must not be too smart because even I know the only good bread is the kind that comes with peanut butter on it! Tonight, when Mom took me out, no problems. She stayed where she was supposed to in her own yard. She must really like that bread. Even Jimmy from across the creek doesn't eat bread for the birdies. I hope she goes back now to being nice instead of bread crazy!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
November 10, 2016
Dear Terry, Last night was very exciting. First, Mom got home early! Then Mom brought Petey's new bed into the house! It's not a bed yet. Right now it's an old cabinet. But Petey was being so bad last night that Mom brought it in for him to play in and investigate. Mom said she's going to paint it blue and maybe paint some pictures on the outside. She's even going to put a cushion with some fleece in there for Petey. Petey likes the heat vent so I bet she puts it right next to the heat vent for him. Near my bed too! Mom says Petey needs his own place to be Petey. Penny has her towels and I have my bed and right now Petey has a little basket but he's bigger than the basket now. Mom says the cabinet is going to be really neat as a bed for Petey. Dad has his doubts but said as long as Petey is happy with it! I'm going to help Mom today with it. She doesn't have to work today! Tht was the other exciting thing! Mom is home today! We might even go burn some leaves in the big barrel. That's pretty neat too. It's cold outside but near the barrel and the fire you stay all toasty warm. Should be a good day today!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Last night was very exciting. First, Mom got home early! Then Mom brought Petey's new bed into the house! It's not a bed yet. Right now it's an old cabinet. But Petey was being so bad last night that Mom brought it in for him to play in and investigate. Mom said she's going to paint it blue and maybe paint some pictures on the outside. She's even going to put a cushion with some fleece in there for Petey. Petey likes the heat vent so I bet she puts it right next to the heat vent for him. Near my bed too! Mom says Petey needs his own place to be Petey. Penny has her towels and I have my bed and right now Petey has a little basket but he's bigger than the basket now. Mom says the cabinet is going to be really neat as a bed for Petey. Dad has his doubts but said as long as Petey is happy with it! I'm going to help Mom today with it. She doesn't have to work today! Tht was the other exciting thing! Mom is home today! We might even go burn some leaves in the big barrel. That's pretty neat too. It's cold outside but near the barrel and the fire you stay all toasty warm. Should be a good day today!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 31, 2016
Dear Terry, Happy Halloween!!! Mom and Dad always take me over to Grammy's house to trick or treat. I wear my skeleton costume! If Mom pulls the hood up for me my ears turn into bones! Gram always gives me Cherrios! Mom doesn't have to work today so we are going to go to the park later on and have a look around at stuff. We went to the park a few days ago and Dad came with us. He even walked with us! I won't go too far from Dad. I like to keep him in sight or where I can smell him. We sat by the pond for a long time on a big wooden bench. I think this time it will be me and Mom by ourselves. The Park Managaer Lady was there the last time and she called out to me! FREDDDDDDIEEEE! Mom let me run over to her and get lots of pets. Oh and Me and Petey were playing this morning and running all around and we unmade the whole bed! What fun! Mom pulls the covers up so they are nice and flat when she gets up. Once that's done me and Petey like to grab ahold of parts of the blankets and we roll all around or bunch it all up and hide beind the pile of blankets and scare each other! Mom doesn't get mad she usually laughs! I better go find Dad. I think he fell asleep again!
Howls and Boos! Fred Dog!
Dear Terry, Happy Halloween!!! Mom and Dad always take me over to Grammy's house to trick or treat. I wear my skeleton costume! If Mom pulls the hood up for me my ears turn into bones! Gram always gives me Cherrios! Mom doesn't have to work today so we are going to go to the park later on and have a look around at stuff. We went to the park a few days ago and Dad came with us. He even walked with us! I won't go too far from Dad. I like to keep him in sight or where I can smell him. We sat by the pond for a long time on a big wooden bench. I think this time it will be me and Mom by ourselves. The Park Managaer Lady was there the last time and she called out to me! FREDDDDDDIEEEE! Mom let me run over to her and get lots of pets. Oh and Me and Petey were playing this morning and running all around and we unmade the whole bed! What fun! Mom pulls the covers up so they are nice and flat when she gets up. Once that's done me and Petey like to grab ahold of parts of the blankets and we roll all around or bunch it all up and hide beind the pile of blankets and scare each other! Mom doesn't get mad she usually laughs! I better go find Dad. I think he fell asleep again!
Howls and Boos! Fred Dog!
October 25, 2016
Dear Terry, Me and Petey got in some trouble tonight! It is all Petey's fault!! If I do a really good trick, Mom reaches into the ghost dish and gives me a candy corn! I LOVE candy corn! Well, you know what that Petey did??? He jumped up and pulled a candy corn right out of the ghost dish!!! He didn't even do a trick!! I jumped right up and snapped at him. Just a little snap. More like a snip. And he slapped me right in the head!! It's MY candy corn! I learned last year that you shouldn't lick all the candy corn in the dish. Mom yelled at us both even though it was clearly all Petey's fault!! Mom called it The Candy Corn Caper. I called it unfair! Once I got calmed down, Mom gave me a secret candy corn! I guess I'm ok now.
Barks and wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Me and Petey got in some trouble tonight! It is all Petey's fault!! If I do a really good trick, Mom reaches into the ghost dish and gives me a candy corn! I LOVE candy corn! Well, you know what that Petey did??? He jumped up and pulled a candy corn right out of the ghost dish!!! He didn't even do a trick!! I jumped right up and snapped at him. Just a little snap. More like a snip. And he slapped me right in the head!! It's MY candy corn! I learned last year that you shouldn't lick all the candy corn in the dish. Mom yelled at us both even though it was clearly all Petey's fault!! Mom called it The Candy Corn Caper. I called it unfair! Once I got calmed down, Mom gave me a secret candy corn! I guess I'm ok now.
Barks and wags, FredDog!
October 20, 2016
Dear Terry, What a SCARY night! There was a big storm. But Mom was ready! She knew I was going to be scared. First we peed and pooped outside. I did, Mom didn't. I could smell the rain coming. We hurried back inside. Then Mom said, Fred! Let's camp out in the bedroom on the bed! What? How can we camp out in the bedroom?? That's not outside! Me and Petey were confused. Mom gathered up snacks and got the covers just right and turned out the lights and we watched TV eating snacks and when things got scary we got under the covers and snuggled in together. At first, Petey didn't snuggle in because he was at the window watching the lightening out the window. I wasn't going to do that. But then the thunder got so loud and sharp he jumped right in bed with us and he put his tail over my eyes. He was squished in tight against me. Pretty soon we heard Penny Cat above all the noise of the storm. She was meowing at Dad. Dad was in the living room waiting for her and she laid right down at his feet on the blanket. Every so often she said MEOW MEOW and Dad would make sure she was OK. Mom got the snakcs out for me and Petey. After a long time the storm was over and we were stuffed! Mom sure did stay awake a long time. Almost all night. I was glad she did though because I was pretty scared. I love Mom!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, What a SCARY night! There was a big storm. But Mom was ready! She knew I was going to be scared. First we peed and pooped outside. I did, Mom didn't. I could smell the rain coming. We hurried back inside. Then Mom said, Fred! Let's camp out in the bedroom on the bed! What? How can we camp out in the bedroom?? That's not outside! Me and Petey were confused. Mom gathered up snacks and got the covers just right and turned out the lights and we watched TV eating snacks and when things got scary we got under the covers and snuggled in together. At first, Petey didn't snuggle in because he was at the window watching the lightening out the window. I wasn't going to do that. But then the thunder got so loud and sharp he jumped right in bed with us and he put his tail over my eyes. He was squished in tight against me. Pretty soon we heard Penny Cat above all the noise of the storm. She was meowing at Dad. Dad was in the living room waiting for her and she laid right down at his feet on the blanket. Every so often she said MEOW MEOW and Dad would make sure she was OK. Mom got the snakcs out for me and Petey. After a long time the storm was over and we were stuffed! Mom sure did stay awake a long time. Almost all night. I was glad she did though because I was pretty scared. I love Mom!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
October 15, 2016
Dear Terry, What a day! Dad is sick. I've been taking care of him. He's really cold so I have been snuggling in with him to keep him warm. Mom gave him medicine to help him feel better and it made him fall asleep so I went to find Petey. Me and Petey ran all through the house like wild animals. First he chased me, then I chased him! Mom was busy cleaning. Then she did work outside. Dad finally woke up and we had some snacks. I really wanted to go for a walk but Mom kept doing other stuff! We haven't gone to the Park in a long time! Mom finally sat down, so I went over to my leash so she would know I wanted to go somewhere. And guess what!? We did! We went to the Park!!! Mom let me pick wherever I wanted to go. We went all around the ponds and saw all the people fishing. Oh the smells!! There was so much to get caught up on! We walked everywhere until I started to get tired. Mom had to pick ticks off of me the whole time. Yuck. They make me itch. I kept getting them all over my face. Mom said that's because my nose never came off the ground! Dad was asleep again when we got home but he woke up to hear all about what I did at the Park. It was super relaxing and I sat in Dad's lap and told him all about it until he fell asleep again. Hope you could take a fall walk in the park today!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, What a day! Dad is sick. I've been taking care of him. He's really cold so I have been snuggling in with him to keep him warm. Mom gave him medicine to help him feel better and it made him fall asleep so I went to find Petey. Me and Petey ran all through the house like wild animals. First he chased me, then I chased him! Mom was busy cleaning. Then she did work outside. Dad finally woke up and we had some snacks. I really wanted to go for a walk but Mom kept doing other stuff! We haven't gone to the Park in a long time! Mom finally sat down, so I went over to my leash so she would know I wanted to go somewhere. And guess what!? We did! We went to the Park!!! Mom let me pick wherever I wanted to go. We went all around the ponds and saw all the people fishing. Oh the smells!! There was so much to get caught up on! We walked everywhere until I started to get tired. Mom had to pick ticks off of me the whole time. Yuck. They make me itch. I kept getting them all over my face. Mom said that's because my nose never came off the ground! Dad was asleep again when we got home but he woke up to hear all about what I did at the Park. It was super relaxing and I sat in Dad's lap and told him all about it until he fell asleep again. Hope you could take a fall walk in the park today!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 12, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess what?? Me and Mom took a walk in the dark and the moon was out and it was almost like daytime with all the shadows. I was watching the shadows on the neighbors shed. THEN all of a sudden there was a big scaryyyyy MONSTER shadow and I jumped and barked and growled!!! It looked like it was going to eat my shadow!!! Mom was laughing and laughing! HEY! Mom did that on purpose! I turned around and gave her a piece of my mind!! You SCARED me! Mom was laughing still! She reached down and patted me on the head and said I'm sorry Fred! That was me making that scary shadow! I KNEW THAT! Ok, not at first, but I figured it out myself!! HMPPPHH. Then Mom tickled me on the face and we started to play and we had fun chasing shadows in the moonlight! Woof woof!!
Barks and Wags and Shadows!
Dear Terry, Guess what?? Me and Mom took a walk in the dark and the moon was out and it was almost like daytime with all the shadows. I was watching the shadows on the neighbors shed. THEN all of a sudden there was a big scaryyyyy MONSTER shadow and I jumped and barked and growled!!! It looked like it was going to eat my shadow!!! Mom was laughing and laughing! HEY! Mom did that on purpose! I turned around and gave her a piece of my mind!! You SCARED me! Mom was laughing still! She reached down and patted me on the head and said I'm sorry Fred! That was me making that scary shadow! I KNEW THAT! Ok, not at first, but I figured it out myself!! HMPPPHH. Then Mom tickled me on the face and we started to play and we had fun chasing shadows in the moonlight! Woof woof!!
Barks and Wags and Shadows!
October 5, 2016
Dear Terry, The Workmen are all gone and the bathroom is different. Petey likes the new shower. Mom leaves the door open to the shower and he walks in then walks out, in then out. I told him bad things are in the shower, like Water and Soap. I know all about Water. I've seen the Ocean and it's SCARY. Petey said, No Fred! Mom makes the water go and it's like it is raining outside! I keep telling Mom that Petey is nuts and that proves it! Today me and Dad had the first quiet day in a long time. We caught a stink bug, took a big nap, peed and ate. It was a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, The Workmen are all gone and the bathroom is different. Petey likes the new shower. Mom leaves the door open to the shower and he walks in then walks out, in then out. I told him bad things are in the shower, like Water and Soap. I know all about Water. I've seen the Ocean and it's SCARY. Petey said, No Fred! Mom makes the water go and it's like it is raining outside! I keep telling Mom that Petey is nuts and that proves it! Today me and Dad had the first quiet day in a long time. We caught a stink bug, took a big nap, peed and ate. It was a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
September 30, 2016
Dear Terry, Oh my gosh am I tired!! It was so great to be on vacation with you and Janet last week! And I saw Laura too! This week I've been pooped out too. The Workmen were here all week long making a new bathroom. Me and Petey had to stay in the bedroom. At first we were scared because there was a lot of noise. Petey hid under the bed and I pooped on the floor. That was an accident. Sometimes when I get scared, I poop. And I was and I did. Mom wasn't mad though. She knew it was a big scary thing for me. Petey offered to share his litter box but it had a lid on it. He said FRED! you can't poop outside the box!! But I did. I've been chewing on my feet too. BUT things sure got better once I was able to meet The Workmen! They rubbed my head real hard and slapped me on the side and ruffed up my ears! It was great to meet them! You know what though? It wasn't NEARLY as scary as The Ocean. I won't do that again. I was nearly SWEPT out to SEA! Mom says I'm being dramatic because the wave only came up to my knees. I did have fun smelling all the smells on the Boardwalk and running along the big sand dunes with Mom. I've never smelled anything like The Ocean. Or heard anything so loud! I could hear it no matter where we went. Even when we went to the Food Palace together and ate outside.
Here's some pictures to remind you of all the fun we had last week!
Dear Terry, Oh my gosh am I tired!! It was so great to be on vacation with you and Janet last week! And I saw Laura too! This week I've been pooped out too. The Workmen were here all week long making a new bathroom. Me and Petey had to stay in the bedroom. At first we were scared because there was a lot of noise. Petey hid under the bed and I pooped on the floor. That was an accident. Sometimes when I get scared, I poop. And I was and I did. Mom wasn't mad though. She knew it was a big scary thing for me. Petey offered to share his litter box but it had a lid on it. He said FRED! you can't poop outside the box!! But I did. I've been chewing on my feet too. BUT things sure got better once I was able to meet The Workmen! They rubbed my head real hard and slapped me on the side and ruffed up my ears! It was great to meet them! You know what though? It wasn't NEARLY as scary as The Ocean. I won't do that again. I was nearly SWEPT out to SEA! Mom says I'm being dramatic because the wave only came up to my knees. I did have fun smelling all the smells on the Boardwalk and running along the big sand dunes with Mom. I've never smelled anything like The Ocean. Or heard anything so loud! I could hear it no matter where we went. Even when we went to the Food Palace together and ate outside.
Here's some pictures to remind you of all the fun we had last week!
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Mom's Favorite Picture |
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The Scary Ocean |
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I pooped out on the comfy couch! |
September 5, 2016
Dear Terry, day 3 of the awful sore. BUT I'm CONE FREE! I still have to take my medicine pills. Blah. I tried to spit one of them out but Dad caught me. He said hey! So I had to eat it without the cheese because I'd already picked the cheese off! Blah again! Better than the CONE. Mom said she won't hesitate to put it back on me if my sore gets worse. I'm being really good. Mom said I need a break so we're going to take a walk and Dad is going to cook out on the Burger Machine! I get to help too! When I help, Dad makes me my own Puppy Burger with cheese and everything!
Barks and wags are back!!
Dear Terry, day 3 of the awful sore. BUT I'm CONE FREE! I still have to take my medicine pills. Blah. I tried to spit one of them out but Dad caught me. He said hey! So I had to eat it without the cheese because I'd already picked the cheese off! Blah again! Better than the CONE. Mom said she won't hesitate to put it back on me if my sore gets worse. I'm being really good. Mom said I need a break so we're going to take a walk and Dad is going to cook out on the Burger Machine! I get to help too! When I help, Dad makes me my own Puppy Burger with cheese and everything!
Barks and wags are back!!
September 3, 2016
Dear Terry, Today is awful. I had to go to the Vet. Mom said so. I have a bad sore in my crotch. It's bleeding and everything! The Vet had to shave me. I held real still. It was scary. The Vet said one of my bumps broke open. I have to take a pill. That's not so bad, Mom puts it in cheese! But THEN Mom and Dad put a CONE on my head. I struggled. Mom broke into a sweat. Dad was breathing hard. And I struggled even more. I have a CONE on my head. I'm not happy. Dad gave my lots of treats, and even some gushy food!! I still have a CONE on my head. Even Petey said, there's a CONE on your head!! Grrrrrr.
No barks and no wags. FredDog
Dear Terry, Today is awful. I had to go to the Vet. Mom said so. I have a bad sore in my crotch. It's bleeding and everything! The Vet had to shave me. I held real still. It was scary. The Vet said one of my bumps broke open. I have to take a pill. That's not so bad, Mom puts it in cheese! But THEN Mom and Dad put a CONE on my head. I struggled. Mom broke into a sweat. Dad was breathing hard. And I struggled even more. I have a CONE on my head. I'm not happy. Dad gave my lots of treats, and even some gushy food!! I still have a CONE on my head. Even Petey said, there's a CONE on your head!! Grrrrrr.
No barks and no wags. FredDog
September 2, 2016
Dear Terry! Mom's been busy again. She keeps doing a lot of work every day. Dad told her to stop it and that we should send you a letter! So guess what we did this morning!? We got up and hurried and did all the chores and walked all around the yard to check on things. The cats stayed out on the deck with Dad. They sure do like it out there. Petey's really good out there. Penny Cat showed him how to act and not be scared. After all that me and Mom took a surprise walk in the park! Oh my GOSH!! How great is that!??? the grass was all wet and dewy. I lick the water off the grass. The birds were everywhere! There were the bluebirds and the waterbirds and the loud blue jays. We had a great time walking around! Then the day got even better! Mom took me to the Burger Palace! We didn't get burgers though. We got Breakfast which is almost as good! Dad sure did like his sandwich and he ate Mom's hashbrown! It's good to be home now. Almost nap time!
Can't wait to see you soon,
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry! Mom's been busy again. She keeps doing a lot of work every day. Dad told her to stop it and that we should send you a letter! So guess what we did this morning!? We got up and hurried and did all the chores and walked all around the yard to check on things. The cats stayed out on the deck with Dad. They sure do like it out there. Petey's really good out there. Penny Cat showed him how to act and not be scared. After all that me and Mom took a surprise walk in the park! Oh my GOSH!! How great is that!??? the grass was all wet and dewy. I lick the water off the grass. The birds were everywhere! There were the bluebirds and the waterbirds and the loud blue jays. We had a great time walking around! Then the day got even better! Mom took me to the Burger Palace! We didn't get burgers though. We got Breakfast which is almost as good! Dad sure did like his sandwich and he ate Mom's hashbrown! It's good to be home now. Almost nap time!
Can't wait to see you soon,
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
August 24, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess what?? Yesterday Mom was off and she canned tomatoes and made sauce and this morning she made MEATBALLS! Can you believe it??? I think of them as the perfect Dog Treat. Yummy goodness all in one bite, Sauce and meat and cheese if I'm lucky! I watched Mom do the tomatoes yesterday. I kept wondering when the meatballs were going to get made. She ran out of time though. Me and Dad had some today after Mom left for work. Mom is heating some up now. I can smell them in the food machine. She said she made them too hot and they have to cool off for us to eat them. Petey doens't like Meatballs. That's because he's a CAT and what does he know??? I'm getting worried. I smell rain. Mom said it might rain tonight but don't worry we can eat Meatballs in the dark and pretend things aren't so scary. I don't know if Meatballs will do the trick, storms are scary. I should probably eat a lot of them now just in case. You know, in case I'm too scared to eat them later on!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog!
Dear Terry, Guess what?? Yesterday Mom was off and she canned tomatoes and made sauce and this morning she made MEATBALLS! Can you believe it??? I think of them as the perfect Dog Treat. Yummy goodness all in one bite, Sauce and meat and cheese if I'm lucky! I watched Mom do the tomatoes yesterday. I kept wondering when the meatballs were going to get made. She ran out of time though. Me and Dad had some today after Mom left for work. Mom is heating some up now. I can smell them in the food machine. She said she made them too hot and they have to cool off for us to eat them. Petey doens't like Meatballs. That's because he's a CAT and what does he know??? I'm getting worried. I smell rain. Mom said it might rain tonight but don't worry we can eat Meatballs in the dark and pretend things aren't so scary. I don't know if Meatballs will do the trick, storms are scary. I should probably eat a lot of them now just in case. You know, in case I'm too scared to eat them later on!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog!
August 20, 2016
Dear Terry, Me and Petey got yelled at this morning. I thought I was going to be in BIG trouble. We were playing in the hallway and having fun. Petey pretends to beat me in the face and I show him all my teeth to try and scare him. Only this time he used all his claws and caught me in the eye and I yelped and pushed him with my nose and he fell over! He hissed, I barked and Mom said HEY! I ran to the bedroom, Petey ran to the kitchen. We decided a long time ago it's best to split up then only one of us can get in trouble. Mom sat down with me on the bed and didn't yell at me or anything, She carefully looked at my eye and said You'll Live! and gave me a big smooch on the head! YAY!!! I was going to be OK! She went to find Petey. He was under the kitchen table and came out but she didn't yell at him either. She checked him over real good and said the same thing! You'll Live! And then we ran around like wild animals again because that's what we do! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Petey Cat here. I accidentally almost put Fred's eye out. Good thing Mom knew I didn't mean it....THIS time. That crazy dog pushed me over with that big old nose of his. Fred's not allowed to make me hiss and I'm not allowed to put his eyes out. Mom says that's The Rule. We almost got in big trouble today that's for sure! Good thing I'm so cute!
Dear Terry, Me and Petey got yelled at this morning. I thought I was going to be in BIG trouble. We were playing in the hallway and having fun. Petey pretends to beat me in the face and I show him all my teeth to try and scare him. Only this time he used all his claws and caught me in the eye and I yelped and pushed him with my nose and he fell over! He hissed, I barked and Mom said HEY! I ran to the bedroom, Petey ran to the kitchen. We decided a long time ago it's best to split up then only one of us can get in trouble. Mom sat down with me on the bed and didn't yell at me or anything, She carefully looked at my eye and said You'll Live! and gave me a big smooch on the head! YAY!!! I was going to be OK! She went to find Petey. He was under the kitchen table and came out but she didn't yell at him either. She checked him over real good and said the same thing! You'll Live! And then we ran around like wild animals again because that's what we do! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Petey Cat here. I accidentally almost put Fred's eye out. Good thing Mom knew I didn't mean it....THIS time. That crazy dog pushed me over with that big old nose of his. Fred's not allowed to make me hiss and I'm not allowed to put his eyes out. Mom says that's The Rule. We almost got in big trouble today that's for sure! Good thing I'm so cute!
August 16, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess where I was??? I was at the Puppy Palace! Me and Spot. Spot goes with me so that I don't get lonely. Mom and Dad went away for the weekend and I couldn't go so Mom took me to the Puppy Palace. Mom packs my bed and Spot and my own food and snacks! I have my own place to sleep and even my own TV!! I get to play with other dogs until I'm so tired I can't even eat! This time I got to go by the splash pool. It's kind of like the creek only really wide and almost flat. The water covers my feet so it's not deep at all. At first I was sad when Mom and Dad dropped me off because I was put outside by the pool right away and I could hear them talking in the parking lot and I started barking and barking. Mom said HEY I Hear Fred??? I was barking and barking at the fence and she finally saw me through the fence. She said Be good FredDog! We have to go! Dad hollered Love you FredDog and away they went. I listened until I couldn't hear them any more. My new friends were already in the water and said HEY FRED come on over! Don't be sad! My feet were hot so the water felt good and in no time I was having fun! I did get scared though with all the storms. But the night time Lady came over to make sure me and Spot were OK. She gave me lots of treats. And before I knew it, 2 days were past and I heard Mom's car. Then I hear Mom and I went NUTS! The helper lady grabbed the wrong leash, then she ran back got the right one and I was barking and I made all the other dogs bark. She came back and she took me out of my room BUT she left Spot behind!!! I wouldn't budge until Spot came with me! Then we RAN and busted through the first door and then the second door and there was MOM!!!!!! She gave me big hugs and kisses and I was wagging my tail as hard as I could and I knocked into this other lady standing in my wagging space. She laughed and moved back a bit so I could see my Mom.
Mom hurried up and drove me and Spot home and I ran to see Dad and I ran to see Petey and I ran to see Penny. Only she ran from me. Mom said that's because I was acting like a crazy dog. Once I slowed down she came back out! Me and Petey flopped down together. It was good to be back with all my friends!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess where I was??? I was at the Puppy Palace! Me and Spot. Spot goes with me so that I don't get lonely. Mom and Dad went away for the weekend and I couldn't go so Mom took me to the Puppy Palace. Mom packs my bed and Spot and my own food and snacks! I have my own place to sleep and even my own TV!! I get to play with other dogs until I'm so tired I can't even eat! This time I got to go by the splash pool. It's kind of like the creek only really wide and almost flat. The water covers my feet so it's not deep at all. At first I was sad when Mom and Dad dropped me off because I was put outside by the pool right away and I could hear them talking in the parking lot and I started barking and barking. Mom said HEY I Hear Fred??? I was barking and barking at the fence and she finally saw me through the fence. She said Be good FredDog! We have to go! Dad hollered Love you FredDog and away they went. I listened until I couldn't hear them any more. My new friends were already in the water and said HEY FRED come on over! Don't be sad! My feet were hot so the water felt good and in no time I was having fun! I did get scared though with all the storms. But the night time Lady came over to make sure me and Spot were OK. She gave me lots of treats. And before I knew it, 2 days were past and I heard Mom's car. Then I hear Mom and I went NUTS! The helper lady grabbed the wrong leash, then she ran back got the right one and I was barking and I made all the other dogs bark. She came back and she took me out of my room BUT she left Spot behind!!! I wouldn't budge until Spot came with me! Then we RAN and busted through the first door and then the second door and there was MOM!!!!!! She gave me big hugs and kisses and I was wagging my tail as hard as I could and I knocked into this other lady standing in my wagging space. She laughed and moved back a bit so I could see my Mom.
Mom hurried up and drove me and Spot home and I ran to see Dad and I ran to see Petey and I ran to see Penny. Only she ran from me. Mom said that's because I was acting like a crazy dog. Once I slowed down she came back out! Me and Petey flopped down together. It was good to be back with all my friends!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
August 12, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess what??? I found a dead raccoon for Mom! Right under one of the hostas by the creek. His tail was sticking out. Mom said I wasn't allowed to touch it though. He's good and stinky now in the heat. Mom's not sure how it died so we have to leave it alone in case it was sick. Mom says The Rabies will make me crazier then I already am and then I would end up under a hosta too. I'm not ready for that yet! Woof! I told Petey all about it and all about The Rabies when we got back in the house. Pipe down there Fred! Mom said. Me and Petey ran all around the house!
Barks and Wags , FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what??? I found a dead raccoon for Mom! Right under one of the hostas by the creek. His tail was sticking out. Mom said I wasn't allowed to touch it though. He's good and stinky now in the heat. Mom's not sure how it died so we have to leave it alone in case it was sick. Mom says The Rabies will make me crazier then I already am and then I would end up under a hosta too. I'm not ready for that yet! Woof! I told Petey all about it and all about The Rabies when we got back in the house. Pipe down there Fred! Mom said. Me and Petey ran all around the house!
Barks and Wags , FredDog
August 8, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess who I met yesterday! Melinda the Pet Sitter Lady. I liked her so much I fell asleep right next to her on the couch. Even Petey came out to see her. Mom thinks you shoulds be a pet sitter too. Melinda even gave me treats after I showed her my tricks. She said I'm very smart! Mom says that if her and Dad go away someday then Melinda can look after me and the Cats. After she left, me and Petey ran all around the house because it had been so exciting! We ran and ran until we both were out of breath! Me and Mom went to the park too. It was really hot so we only walked in the woods where there was shade and it was cooler. I better go help pack Mom's lunch! I hear Dad getting all the stuff out. That means I get snacks!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess who I met yesterday! Melinda the Pet Sitter Lady. I liked her so much I fell asleep right next to her on the couch. Even Petey came out to see her. Mom thinks you shoulds be a pet sitter too. Melinda even gave me treats after I showed her my tricks. She said I'm very smart! Mom says that if her and Dad go away someday then Melinda can look after me and the Cats. After she left, me and Petey ran all around the house because it had been so exciting! We ran and ran until we both were out of breath! Me and Mom went to the park too. It was really hot so we only walked in the woods where there was shade and it was cooler. I better go help pack Mom's lunch! I hear Dad getting all the stuff out. That means I get snacks!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 31, 2016
Dear Terry, I got in some trouble again. Me and Mom went to the park today! I was so excited. We haven't had a lot of walks since it's been so hot outside. Mom took me today though! I was barking and singing the whole way there! As soon as we got there, Mom opened up her door and I am supposed to wait until she grabs my leash. Only I didn't wait, I pushed past her and jumped out and RAN I was so excited to be there! Mom might have said a bad word. But it doesn't count since Dad wasn't around to hear it. I ran all the way to my favorite spot to pee and realized, UT OH. No Mom. Should I go back to her? I'll be in trouble for sure. But I shouldn't be without Mom. I didn't know what to do. I ran a little bit towards her but she looked mad so I ran a little bit away from her. FREDWARD. That's what she calls me when I am in BIG trouble. I went back like I'm supposed to. I made it all better though - I was wagging and jumping and rolling all around so she would be happy again. Sure enough it worked! She was laughing, I was barking and we had a great time after that!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog!
Dear Terry, I got in some trouble again. Me and Mom went to the park today! I was so excited. We haven't had a lot of walks since it's been so hot outside. Mom took me today though! I was barking and singing the whole way there! As soon as we got there, Mom opened up her door and I am supposed to wait until she grabs my leash. Only I didn't wait, I pushed past her and jumped out and RAN I was so excited to be there! Mom might have said a bad word. But it doesn't count since Dad wasn't around to hear it. I ran all the way to my favorite spot to pee and realized, UT OH. No Mom. Should I go back to her? I'll be in trouble for sure. But I shouldn't be without Mom. I didn't know what to do. I ran a little bit towards her but she looked mad so I ran a little bit away from her. FREDWARD. That's what she calls me when I am in BIG trouble. I went back like I'm supposed to. I made it all better though - I was wagging and jumping and rolling all around so she would be happy again. Sure enough it worked! She was laughing, I was barking and we had a great time after that!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog!
July 29, 2016
Dear Terry, Dad hasn't been feeling so good lately so Mom said Fred! Let's do something fun with your Dad. And you know what she did? She set up the bean bag toss right in the house!!! Me and Petey were very excited!! Dad and Mom played a whole bunch of games! Mom said it was more like Whack a Mole. Petey hides under the board and when he hears the bean beag hit, he pops up and tries to grab it! Then I try and catch Petey and Dad laughs and laughs! We had a lot of fun. Dad seemed to feel better after that.
Oh and Mom says I can do a magic trick! She calls it pull a cat of a hosta trick! I've done it twice! Snowball the cat from next door likes to hide under the hosta where I can't see her. Only I can smell her. So I stick my head under the hosta and push her with my nose and TA DA! She pops right out and runs off. Mom says it's a very dangerous trick because Snowball can put my eye out without warning. Cats are tricky like that you know!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Dad hasn't been feeling so good lately so Mom said Fred! Let's do something fun with your Dad. And you know what she did? She set up the bean bag toss right in the house!!! Me and Petey were very excited!! Dad and Mom played a whole bunch of games! Mom said it was more like Whack a Mole. Petey hides under the board and when he hears the bean beag hit, he pops up and tries to grab it! Then I try and catch Petey and Dad laughs and laughs! We had a lot of fun. Dad seemed to feel better after that.
Oh and Mom says I can do a magic trick! She calls it pull a cat of a hosta trick! I've done it twice! Snowball the cat from next door likes to hide under the hosta where I can't see her. Only I can smell her. So I stick my head under the hosta and push her with my nose and TA DA! She pops right out and runs off. Mom says it's a very dangerous trick because Snowball can put my eye out without warning. Cats are tricky like that you know!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
July 21, 2016
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written in awhile. It's been too hot to do anything but lay around. But I got in BIG trouble today. Mom came home and I could smell a special treat for me! She got me a fresh pig ear straight from the butcher! YUM! Mom gave it to me and I was happily munching on it little bit at a time. Every piece was piggy goodness. UNTIL Petey came up to me and tried to TAKE IT. I SNARLED and I lunged at him and scared him real bad. I didn't bite him but I showed him all my teeth. Mom yelled at me right away and Dad yelled at me right away and I grabbed my pig ear and went to leave the room but Mom stopped me. She tried to take the pig ear. I didn't let go at first. I don't growl at Mom or show her my teeth. She's Mom. But that doesn't mean I was going to give her the pig ear. She said FRED RIGHT NOW and I dropped it like I'm supposed to. I had to settle my butt down and then she made sure I knew that she can take that pig ear away again if I even looked at anyone wrong. We played give and take with it for a few minutes. She gives, I take. Then I give and she takes. Then I was allowed to have it all to myself. And I ate every last scrap of it! YUMMY! But you know what?? That PETEY didn't get in trouble at all for trying to take it from me in the first place!! HUMPHHHH.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. That crazy dog tried to kill me. I swear! Mom says quit being dramatic he didn't even touch you and you tried to take his pig ear. Don't worry I got him back later on when he was trying to be nice to me. Outta the blue I hit him in the face with everything I had in my front paw. Right in the kisser! Then I ran like hell through the house before anyone could catch me! OK, maybe he didn't try and kill me but he sure did scare me with all those teeth so I think I'm justified in smacking him silly in the snoot. Then we laid down together and took a rest. And we got a drink together out of the water bowl. I should have splashed him.
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written in awhile. It's been too hot to do anything but lay around. But I got in BIG trouble today. Mom came home and I could smell a special treat for me! She got me a fresh pig ear straight from the butcher! YUM! Mom gave it to me and I was happily munching on it little bit at a time. Every piece was piggy goodness. UNTIL Petey came up to me and tried to TAKE IT. I SNARLED and I lunged at him and scared him real bad. I didn't bite him but I showed him all my teeth. Mom yelled at me right away and Dad yelled at me right away and I grabbed my pig ear and went to leave the room but Mom stopped me. She tried to take the pig ear. I didn't let go at first. I don't growl at Mom or show her my teeth. She's Mom. But that doesn't mean I was going to give her the pig ear. She said FRED RIGHT NOW and I dropped it like I'm supposed to. I had to settle my butt down and then she made sure I knew that she can take that pig ear away again if I even looked at anyone wrong. We played give and take with it for a few minutes. She gives, I take. Then I give and she takes. Then I was allowed to have it all to myself. And I ate every last scrap of it! YUMMY! But you know what?? That PETEY didn't get in trouble at all for trying to take it from me in the first place!! HUMPHHHH.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. That crazy dog tried to kill me. I swear! Mom says quit being dramatic he didn't even touch you and you tried to take his pig ear. Don't worry I got him back later on when he was trying to be nice to me. Outta the blue I hit him in the face with everything I had in my front paw. Right in the kisser! Then I ran like hell through the house before anyone could catch me! OK, maybe he didn't try and kill me but he sure did scare me with all those teeth so I think I'm justified in smacking him silly in the snoot. Then we laid down together and took a rest. And we got a drink together out of the water bowl. I should have splashed him.
July 16, 2016
Terry, it's me, Petey. I'm going to have Mom write one of my how to .... stories.
How to Hang a Ceiling Fan with Petey Cat
First, turn off the power. Safety first! Pet Petey sitting on the water softener trying to see in the electric box. Next, open the fan box! Make sure no parts have been grabbed by one sneaky, theiving cat. Set up step ladder. See picture below - Petey is now hanging off the front of my shorts, meowing and swinging. Put cat on the ladder so he can see instead of freaking out because he can't. Watch all the carefully laid out tools and parts get knocked off the ladder shelf. Big sigh. I did put him up there. What was I thinking? Call for backup because Petey is now knocking everything on the shelf and counters onto the floor. Put Petey in bedroom with door shut. Resume installation in peace. Notice Fred Dog has been looking on in amazement at the havoc. Done! Light even works on it. Release the Petey! Who greets you with ten thousand head butts. Everything is back to normal!
Terry, it's me, Petey. I'm going to have Mom write one of my how to .... stories.
How to Hang a Ceiling Fan with Petey Cat
First, turn off the power. Safety first! Pet Petey sitting on the water softener trying to see in the electric box. Next, open the fan box! Make sure no parts have been grabbed by one sneaky, theiving cat. Set up step ladder. See picture below - Petey is now hanging off the front of my shorts, meowing and swinging. Put cat on the ladder so he can see instead of freaking out because he can't. Watch all the carefully laid out tools and parts get knocked off the ladder shelf. Big sigh. I did put him up there. What was I thinking? Call for backup because Petey is now knocking everything on the shelf and counters onto the floor. Put Petey in bedroom with door shut. Resume installation in peace. Notice Fred Dog has been looking on in amazement at the havoc. Done! Light even works on it. Release the Petey! Who greets you with ten thousand head butts. Everything is back to normal!
Mom says this picture shows my inner soul of craziness!
July 16, 2016
Dear Terry, me and mom were pretty busy today. Mom put a fan on the ceiling. Petey's going to tell you about that. Then me and mom went to the park. What a great place! We went all through the woods. Then we went to the Burger Palace and the King made me a cheeseburger!! Yummy! Petey is going to write his own story now.
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, me and mom were pretty busy today. Mom put a fan on the ceiling. Petey's going to tell you about that. Then me and mom went to the park. What a great place! We went all through the woods. Then we went to the Burger Palace and the King made me a cheeseburger!! Yummy! Petey is going to write his own story now.
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
July 14, 2016
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have been busy! Every morning we go down to the creek and we go splish splash through the water and look for frogs and toads. Well, that's what I do, Mom cleans out the creek bit by bit so that the water doesn't get clogged up. I even climb the old tree and stand on top of the big log and then jump down into the mud! I hurry up and get in the water like Mom showed me how to, to get my feet get cleaned off. Oh and we found a old abandoned birdy nest that had fallen out of the trees. Mom took it to Dad to add to his bird nest collection. This is the biggest one. He has a real little one that Mom said might be a hummingbird nest. But this is a big nest. Mom carried it real careful up to the house. It's on the fromt porch with some of the others. Gotta go, Mom has to get ready to go to work!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have been busy! Every morning we go down to the creek and we go splish splash through the water and look for frogs and toads. Well, that's what I do, Mom cleans out the creek bit by bit so that the water doesn't get clogged up. I even climb the old tree and stand on top of the big log and then jump down into the mud! I hurry up and get in the water like Mom showed me how to, to get my feet get cleaned off. Oh and we found a old abandoned birdy nest that had fallen out of the trees. Mom took it to Dad to add to his bird nest collection. This is the biggest one. He has a real little one that Mom said might be a hummingbird nest. But this is a big nest. Mom carried it real careful up to the house. It's on the fromt porch with some of the others. Gotta go, Mom has to get ready to go to work!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 8, 2016
Dear Terry, I thought all the scaries were over. But everyday it thunders. Mom was at work yesterday. Dad was here though. We tried to watch TV while it was storming. It didn't work, I was scared and Dad fell asleep!!!! I layed down right smack next to him and he put his arm over me and I wasn't so scared then. That Petey Cat has a screw loose for sure as Mom says! He was looking out the windows chasing the lightning! What is wrong with him???? Mom says we will go to the park and walk around this weekend so I'm not so nutty. Me and Petey have been having fun inside the house. Petey runs through the big tunnel and the little tunnel and scares me silly then we take off running! Sometimes I chase him right into the big tunnel. What fun! He likes to hide in there and jump out at all of us and scare us! Mom said she might make us some Puppy Pops this weekend. I said I want the banana kind. Petey said he wanted the vanilla kind. Petey calls them Petey Pops. I call them Puppy Pops. Mom said we can just call them Petey Puppy Pops and then we can have both flavors! We eat stuff together. I'm allowed to help make the Pops. Mom lets me lick the bowl after she mixes stuff together. Petey gets to lick the spoon. I hope she makes them today!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I thought all the scaries were over. But everyday it thunders. Mom was at work yesterday. Dad was here though. We tried to watch TV while it was storming. It didn't work, I was scared and Dad fell asleep!!!! I layed down right smack next to him and he put his arm over me and I wasn't so scared then. That Petey Cat has a screw loose for sure as Mom says! He was looking out the windows chasing the lightning! What is wrong with him???? Mom says we will go to the park and walk around this weekend so I'm not so nutty. Me and Petey have been having fun inside the house. Petey runs through the big tunnel and the little tunnel and scares me silly then we take off running! Sometimes I chase him right into the big tunnel. What fun! He likes to hide in there and jump out at all of us and scare us! Mom said she might make us some Puppy Pops this weekend. I said I want the banana kind. Petey said he wanted the vanilla kind. Petey calls them Petey Pops. I call them Puppy Pops. Mom said we can just call them Petey Puppy Pops and then we can have both flavors! We eat stuff together. I'm allowed to help make the Pops. Mom lets me lick the bowl after she mixes stuff together. Petey gets to lick the spoon. I hope she makes them today!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
July 4, 2016
Dear Terry, This is Mom's Favorite Holiday. It's not mine. I've been so scared the past few days. Everyone around us is setting off fireworks. Mom stays with me. We sit together on the couch or in the bed and my ears are covered. Petey runs from window to window when he hears the fizzy crackly ones. He likes to watch those. Oh and Dad bought a bean bag game! Only Petey tried to take one of the bean bags. Dad said that's why we shouldn't be playing in the house! Mom took a picture. There's proof. Petey takes things. Sometimes little things, sometimes big things. We might have to play bean bag inside if it rains. Mom said it was supposed to rain. OH! Last night Mom ran and got us ice cream! I even got a special cup of dog ice cream all for me! I didn't even share it with Petey. I love ice cream. Mom said it might help me not be so scared of the fireworks. And she was right! I heard a couple while I was licking my ice cream but it's ICE CREAM! I can't let that go to waste by being scared!! I told Petey he should start writing more. What if something happens and I can't write letters to you anymore? Then Petey can. He's in my tunnel right now. I made mom put his picture in the letter here at the bottom so you can see how he steals things.
Happy 4th Of July Terry! I hope you get some ice cream!
Love and Woofs Fred Dog.
Dear Terry, This is Mom's Favorite Holiday. It's not mine. I've been so scared the past few days. Everyone around us is setting off fireworks. Mom stays with me. We sit together on the couch or in the bed and my ears are covered. Petey runs from window to window when he hears the fizzy crackly ones. He likes to watch those. Oh and Dad bought a bean bag game! Only Petey tried to take one of the bean bags. Dad said that's why we shouldn't be playing in the house! Mom took a picture. There's proof. Petey takes things. Sometimes little things, sometimes big things. We might have to play bean bag inside if it rains. Mom said it was supposed to rain. OH! Last night Mom ran and got us ice cream! I even got a special cup of dog ice cream all for me! I didn't even share it with Petey. I love ice cream. Mom said it might help me not be so scared of the fireworks. And she was right! I heard a couple while I was licking my ice cream but it's ICE CREAM! I can't let that go to waste by being scared!! I told Petey he should start writing more. What if something happens and I can't write letters to you anymore? Then Petey can. He's in my tunnel right now. I made mom put his picture in the letter here at the bottom so you can see how he steals things.
Happy 4th Of July Terry! I hope you get some ice cream!
Love and Woofs Fred Dog.
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I almost got a bean bag for myself! |
June 28, 2016
Dear Terry, I hope Steve is OK. Mom said he was getting some new bones to help him walk right. I don't know how all that works, sounds kind of weird to me! Petey likes my new tunnel. He won't let me play in it and he is always scaring everyone who walks by it. Last night he was making it move on its own. It was scary at first but then I figured out Petey was under the carpet making it roll. I sat on him. That stopped that business! And then of all things Mom says FRED! Don't sit on the cat! I chased Petey real good after that!
Me and Mom went into the creek again this morning. I am helping clean it out. She does all the cleaning, I keep a lookout from the big log that I stand on. We make a good team!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, I hope Steve is OK. Mom said he was getting some new bones to help him walk right. I don't know how all that works, sounds kind of weird to me! Petey likes my new tunnel. He won't let me play in it and he is always scaring everyone who walks by it. Last night he was making it move on its own. It was scary at first but then I figured out Petey was under the carpet making it roll. I sat on him. That stopped that business! And then of all things Mom says FRED! Don't sit on the cat! I chased Petey real good after that!
Me and Mom went into the creek again this morning. I am helping clean it out. She does all the cleaning, I keep a lookout from the big log that I stand on. We make a good team!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
June 25, 2016
Dear Terry, What a great visit!! I couldn't wait for you to get here and then you were here and I couldn't even think!! I love my gifts! Mom opened the tunnel up for me and Petey went right in! There's a door on it and everything! I loved my tummy rubs the bestest! We even ate hamburgers together! I hope you come here again real soon! Mom said don't worry she's coming back! I told Petey he shouldn't be so afraid because you give good pets! He said I don't know Fred she smelled like other cats! It's ok Petey she knows how to scratch ears and everything! We ran all around after you left! Mom said we might even get ice cream tonight because it was such a good day and we had so much fun!
Love and Woofs!
Dear Terry, What a great visit!! I couldn't wait for you to get here and then you were here and I couldn't even think!! I love my gifts! Mom opened the tunnel up for me and Petey went right in! There's a door on it and everything! I loved my tummy rubs the bestest! We even ate hamburgers together! I hope you come here again real soon! Mom said don't worry she's coming back! I told Petey he shouldn't be so afraid because you give good pets! He said I don't know Fred she smelled like other cats! It's ok Petey she knows how to scratch ears and everything! We ran all around after you left! Mom said we might even get ice cream tonight because it was such a good day and we had so much fun!
Love and Woofs!
June 24, 2016
Dear Terry, I can't wait to see you tomorrow!! I'm so excited!! I have a lot to tell you. Mom said I was a very brave dog yesterday and I have to tell you the whole story. Wait til you hear it! I scared off the bad guys. Oh and we are going to fire up the burger machine for you and make burgers and hot dogs and stuff. I can't wait!! Petey thinks you must be really special. I said yes!! I hope I don't pee myself when I see you!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I can't wait to see you tomorrow!! I'm so excited!! I have a lot to tell you. Mom said I was a very brave dog yesterday and I have to tell you the whole story. Wait til you hear it! I scared off the bad guys. Oh and we are going to fire up the burger machine for you and make burgers and hot dogs and stuff. I can't wait!! Petey thinks you must be really special. I said yes!! I hope I don't pee myself when I see you!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 21, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess what I helped Mom do! I helped her clean out the creek! I know you don't believe me, but I did help! We had to move a big log out of the creek and clean out sticks and stones. And it was so hot I didn't know what to do so I followed Mom right into the water feet and all! The water felt good and cool on my feet and pretty soon I was splashing around. I even took a drink. It's cold spring water. My feet were covered and everything. The water was almost halfway up my legs! How about that! I didn't see any of our frogs or toads though. Mom said that might be because of all the splashing around we were doing. When we were all done, I didn't even want to come out of the
Have a splashy kind of a day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Guess what I helped Mom do! I helped her clean out the creek! I know you don't believe me, but I did help! We had to move a big log out of the creek and clean out sticks and stones. And it was so hot I didn't know what to do so I followed Mom right into the water feet and all! The water felt good and cool on my feet and pretty soon I was splashing around. I even took a drink. It's cold spring water. My feet were covered and everything. The water was almost halfway up my legs! How about that! I didn't see any of our frogs or toads though. Mom said that might be because of all the splashing around we were doing. When we were all done, I didn't even want to come out of the
Have a splashy kind of a day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
June 19, 2016
Dear Terry, What a hot day! I didn't want to go outside at all! Me and Mom did take a walk yesterday in the woods. It was hot and the flies kept biting at me. We stayed in the shade and pretty soon I took Mom back to the car because I got so hot. She got me a big drink of cold water. When we got home, Dad said I could use some ICE CREAM!!! I could use some too Dad!!! Mom went and got Dad some special ice cream just for him, and me and Mom had vanilla ice cream. I even got to lick some whipped cream off of her sundae!! I said to Petey, come try some! He likes milk. He eats raw eggs too if Mom isn't careful in the kitchen. He didn't want any whipped cream!! There must be something wrong with him for sure!! Penny Cat didn't want any either but Mom fixed her up with a bowl of ice water. She likes that. She's talking to me again. She tells me all the stuff that happens at night when I'm sleeping. Meow Meow. Maybe Mom will go get us ice cream again and we can have another ice cream party!! I like parties!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, What a hot day! I didn't want to go outside at all! Me and Mom did take a walk yesterday in the woods. It was hot and the flies kept biting at me. We stayed in the shade and pretty soon I took Mom back to the car because I got so hot. She got me a big drink of cold water. When we got home, Dad said I could use some ICE CREAM!!! I could use some too Dad!!! Mom went and got Dad some special ice cream just for him, and me and Mom had vanilla ice cream. I even got to lick some whipped cream off of her sundae!! I said to Petey, come try some! He likes milk. He eats raw eggs too if Mom isn't careful in the kitchen. He didn't want any whipped cream!! There must be something wrong with him for sure!! Penny Cat didn't want any either but Mom fixed her up with a bowl of ice water. She likes that. She's talking to me again. She tells me all the stuff that happens at night when I'm sleeping. Meow Meow. Maybe Mom will go get us ice cream again and we can have another ice cream party!! I like parties!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 12, 2016
Dear Terry, Yesterday Mom and Dad left and were gone all day long! It was awful. Me and Petey and Penny Cat were all here. Mom usually leaves the TV on for me but she didn't this time! Petey said, Hey Fred! I'm bored let's find someting to do! Oh I don't know Petey, we always seem to get in trouble when you are bored. What did you want to do?? I don't know Fred but I will think of something! Pretty soon he was at his food bowl eating and pretty soon he was picking up pieces and throwing them on the floor for me! We have a good system. Usually he is quicker than me and he can drop a piece on the floor and then jump down, lightning fast, and beat me to it and gobble it down. We did that for awhile and then he sat there real quiet. I couldn't see up on the counter to see what he was doing so I went closer and closer. I'm not allowed to stand up to see on the counter. I might have tried to sneak a peek though. Mom was no where to be found right??? CLUNK! right on my head!! The whole food bowl! Food went flying everywhere, Petey ran, I ran! It made such a loud noise hitting the floor and the food was EVERYWHERE. Oh boy. We stayed out of the kitchen after that. Then it thundered and me and Petey layed down together. He helps me be not so afraid. Mom and Dad finally got home. Me and Petey ran right for Mom. Maybe she wouldn't see what happened in the kitchen! She went to the kitchen and crunch crunch crunch. She said WHAT happened here. Me and Petey disappeared into the bedroom. PETEY! FRED! She ordered us to clean it up right away. WOOF WOOF! Me and Petey hurried up and ate all the food off the floor! Mom was laughing. Then she saw I had skinned my nose. I didn't say a PEEP. Neither did Petey. Mom will never know what really happened! Penny Cat better not talk either!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Yesterday Mom and Dad left and were gone all day long! It was awful. Me and Petey and Penny Cat were all here. Mom usually leaves the TV on for me but she didn't this time! Petey said, Hey Fred! I'm bored let's find someting to do! Oh I don't know Petey, we always seem to get in trouble when you are bored. What did you want to do?? I don't know Fred but I will think of something! Pretty soon he was at his food bowl eating and pretty soon he was picking up pieces and throwing them on the floor for me! We have a good system. Usually he is quicker than me and he can drop a piece on the floor and then jump down, lightning fast, and beat me to it and gobble it down. We did that for awhile and then he sat there real quiet. I couldn't see up on the counter to see what he was doing so I went closer and closer. I'm not allowed to stand up to see on the counter. I might have tried to sneak a peek though. Mom was no where to be found right??? CLUNK! right on my head!! The whole food bowl! Food went flying everywhere, Petey ran, I ran! It made such a loud noise hitting the floor and the food was EVERYWHERE. Oh boy. We stayed out of the kitchen after that. Then it thundered and me and Petey layed down together. He helps me be not so afraid. Mom and Dad finally got home. Me and Petey ran right for Mom. Maybe she wouldn't see what happened in the kitchen! She went to the kitchen and crunch crunch crunch. She said WHAT happened here. Me and Petey disappeared into the bedroom. PETEY! FRED! She ordered us to clean it up right away. WOOF WOOF! Me and Petey hurried up and ate all the food off the floor! Mom was laughing. Then she saw I had skinned my nose. I didn't say a PEEP. Neither did Petey. Mom will never know what really happened! Penny Cat better not talk either!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
June 7, 2015
Dear Terry, What a day yesterday! First Dad was trimming the bush right under the window!! Then the big truck with all the gravel came to fill the holes in the driveway. Neighbor John smoothed it all out. The truck was beeping and making all kinds of noise. I barked so he would know not to hit our house. Then Petey and I ran around and around. That's what we do. Then Mom came home!!! I told her all about the trimming and the truck. I was barking and Penny Cat was meowing and Petey was running and jumping on stuff we were so excited to see her. Petey learned how to make the printer go on his own too. He said LOOK Fred! All you have to do is press this button with your foot! I couldn't see because I'm short but sure enough the printer turned on and sucked the paper through! I said Petey I think that might get you in trouble. He kept pressing the button.Mom saw him do it this morning and he did get in trouble! Mom turned it off hoping he won't keep playing with it. Oh and there were storms last night. Me and Mom camped out on the big bed. We laid with our heads at the foot of the bed. That's what I do. Backwards on the bed seems to help. Mom slept backwards too. She grabbed pillows and a little snack and made a tent out of the blanket and pretty soon the storm was over and even Dad laid down. Whew! I hope today is a good day! I see the sun is out already!
Love and Woofs FredDog
Dear Terry, What a day yesterday! First Dad was trimming the bush right under the window!! Then the big truck with all the gravel came to fill the holes in the driveway. Neighbor John smoothed it all out. The truck was beeping and making all kinds of noise. I barked so he would know not to hit our house. Then Petey and I ran around and around. That's what we do. Then Mom came home!!! I told her all about the trimming and the truck. I was barking and Penny Cat was meowing and Petey was running and jumping on stuff we were so excited to see her. Petey learned how to make the printer go on his own too. He said LOOK Fred! All you have to do is press this button with your foot! I couldn't see because I'm short but sure enough the printer turned on and sucked the paper through! I said Petey I think that might get you in trouble. He kept pressing the button.Mom saw him do it this morning and he did get in trouble! Mom turned it off hoping he won't keep playing with it. Oh and there were storms last night. Me and Mom camped out on the big bed. We laid with our heads at the foot of the bed. That's what I do. Backwards on the bed seems to help. Mom slept backwards too. She grabbed pillows and a little snack and made a tent out of the blanket and pretty soon the storm was over and even Dad laid down. Whew! I hope today is a good day! I see the sun is out already!
Love and Woofs FredDog
June 6, 2016
Dear Terry, Things were really scary the other night with the big rain and thunder. I could hear the creek in the back gushing and there was water everywhere and parts of the driveway got washed away. There's a part in the driveway I can stand in and my chest is even with the top of the driveway. That's how scary it was!! The water made a big gash and hole in the driveway. I was so scared. Petey wasn't though. He was running window to window watching the water run down the sidewalk carrying branches and sticks and stones. My ears hurt because it was very loud. Mom covered my head up so it wouldnt be so loud. And we sat on the floor together that way I wouldn't be scared by myself. That night Petey came and slept right next to me. He even washed my head for me. He told me everything is A-OK and not to worry. I was still scared though.
Hope you week wasn't as scary!!!
Love and Woofs FredDog!
Dear Terry, Things were really scary the other night with the big rain and thunder. I could hear the creek in the back gushing and there was water everywhere and parts of the driveway got washed away. There's a part in the driveway I can stand in and my chest is even with the top of the driveway. That's how scary it was!! The water made a big gash and hole in the driveway. I was so scared. Petey wasn't though. He was running window to window watching the water run down the sidewalk carrying branches and sticks and stones. My ears hurt because it was very loud. Mom covered my head up so it wouldnt be so loud. And we sat on the floor together that way I wouldn't be scared by myself. That night Petey came and slept right next to me. He even washed my head for me. He told me everything is A-OK and not to worry. I was still scared though.
Hope you week wasn't as scary!!!
Love and Woofs FredDog!
June 1, 2016
Dear Terry, OH MY GOSH MOM CAME HOME!! She was gone all day long!!! As soon as I heard her car I was off and running and barking to tell Dad. He was asleep!! How can he sleep at a time like this!! Penny Cat came running, Petey Cat came running, I was barking and the door bell was ringing! Mom was locked out! DADDDDDDD!!! Wake up DADDDDDDD!!!WAKKKE UPPPPPP!!!! I almost peed myself it was so exciting! As soon as she was in the door we all came running! Petey jumped right into her arms and Penny Cat was saying Meow Meow! and I was barking and Dad was still half asleep! I haven't left her side yet! Boy did we all miss her! Petey keeps jumping right up into her arms. I thought she would never come home. Dad tried to get me out on the deck earlier today but I didn't even go outside to sit in the sun. Petey didn't even try to go outside either. Penny Cat slept. Things weren't the same at all. Mom said me and her can have some treats together and watch baseball. Mom said we all have to get used to her being back at work. I'll try but I really want her to go back on strike and be home all the time. Mom did tell us all how much she missed us too.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, OH MY GOSH MOM CAME HOME!! She was gone all day long!!! As soon as I heard her car I was off and running and barking to tell Dad. He was asleep!! How can he sleep at a time like this!! Penny Cat came running, Petey Cat came running, I was barking and the door bell was ringing! Mom was locked out! DADDDDDDD!!! Wake up DADDDDDDD!!!WAKKKE UPPPPPP!!!! I almost peed myself it was so exciting! As soon as she was in the door we all came running! Petey jumped right into her arms and Penny Cat was saying Meow Meow! and I was barking and Dad was still half asleep! I haven't left her side yet! Boy did we all miss her! Petey keeps jumping right up into her arms. I thought she would never come home. Dad tried to get me out on the deck earlier today but I didn't even go outside to sit in the sun. Petey didn't even try to go outside either. Penny Cat slept. Things weren't the same at all. Mom said me and her can have some treats together and watch baseball. Mom said we all have to get used to her being back at work. I'll try but I really want her to go back on strike and be home all the time. Mom did tell us all how much she missed us too.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 31, 2016
Dear Terry, Happy Memorial Day, a day late! Hi Steve, Mom said we celebrated Memorial Day because of your hard work! Thank you! I had a good time too. Dad fired up the Burger Machine and we had hamburgers and hot dogs. And pasta salad. And ice cream. I like ice cream! YUMMY! And me and Mom took a walk in the park. We went all the way to the top of the hill and back down again. And we saw a wild kitty cat. He was black and white like Petey. But he ran really fast from me. I don't know why because I was barking to let him know he should come over to us! Mom goes back to work tomorrow. I don't want her to leave us again. Mom said, Don't worry Fred! The day will fly by and before you know it I will be home! I hope so. Dad said he would keep me company. I really hope so. Oh guess what! This morning, while me and Mom were walking in the yard, Dad and Petey and Penny Cat went out on the deck to enjoy the sunshine. Penny watched us from the deck. Dad said Petey was pretty scared but he did stay outside even though the door was open and he could go in if he wanted. Dad said he ate some grass and stayed in the shade by the door. I think he was glad just to be included in the going outside part.
Have a Sunny Day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
May 28, 2016
Dear Terry, Strike is over. I'm sad. We won't get to see Mom as much. Less, walks, less treats, less fun! Dad said don't worry Fred, me and you can find stuff to do! I said like what Dad? He said we can sleep out on the deck in the sunshine like we used to last year, we can go for walks in the yard, we can share BLTs, and we can play ball and watch baseball on TV when it's too hot. HMMM. That MIGHT be fun....I'll miss Mom when she is at work. Petey said the same thing. Even Penny Cat said Meow meow. We did celebrate the end of the Strike with a Pizza Party! You can see in the picture that I'm waiting for my part of the Pizza. I like Pizza. And me and Mom took a walk in the park early this morning. We stayed in the shade because it was getting hot. At the end she got me ice cold water from the big spigot in the park! What a great time!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Strike is over. I'm sad. We won't get to see Mom as much. Less, walks, less treats, less fun! Dad said don't worry Fred, me and you can find stuff to do! I said like what Dad? He said we can sleep out on the deck in the sunshine like we used to last year, we can go for walks in the yard, we can share BLTs, and we can play ball and watch baseball on TV when it's too hot. HMMM. That MIGHT be fun....I'll miss Mom when she is at work. Petey said the same thing. Even Penny Cat said Meow meow. We did celebrate the end of the Strike with a Pizza Party! You can see in the picture that I'm waiting for my part of the Pizza. I like Pizza. And me and Mom took a walk in the park early this morning. We stayed in the shade because it was getting hot. At the end she got me ice cold water from the big spigot in the park! What a great time!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
May 25, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess what Petey did??? He climbed in the dishwasher! He's not supposed to do that. I said PETEY! but he said what Fred? Mom has to catch me first! And in he went! Mom said PETEY! and he said what Mom?? Fred told me it was OK?? Mom had to take the whole rack out and everything because Petey wasn't budging. He was rolling all around being silly! Then Mom took me outside on the deck to help her plant plants. Petey meowed and meowed at the screen door he was so upset we were doing something without him. I said Petey you are afraid of the outside! He said no I'm not let me OUT! Mom said Petey, you are always afraid of the outside, he said LET ME OUT. It's only on the deck. Mom doesn't allow us to run free in the yard. Mom let Petey out on the deck and sure enough he got scared and wanted back in. I went over to him. I don't like to see my pal upset. I licked him on the head until he calmed down and then he laid down in the shade and fell asleep. I stayed with him to make sure he didn't get scared again. Mom got a lot of stuff planted and even Dad was outside with us and he fell asleep too! When Petey woke up I showed him how to drink out of a bowl of water with lots of ice in it. We like ice! What a great day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what Petey did??? He climbed in the dishwasher! He's not supposed to do that. I said PETEY! but he said what Fred? Mom has to catch me first! And in he went! Mom said PETEY! and he said what Mom?? Fred told me it was OK?? Mom had to take the whole rack out and everything because Petey wasn't budging. He was rolling all around being silly! Then Mom took me outside on the deck to help her plant plants. Petey meowed and meowed at the screen door he was so upset we were doing something without him. I said Petey you are afraid of the outside! He said no I'm not let me OUT! Mom said Petey, you are always afraid of the outside, he said LET ME OUT. It's only on the deck. Mom doesn't allow us to run free in the yard. Mom let Petey out on the deck and sure enough he got scared and wanted back in. I went over to him. I don't like to see my pal upset. I licked him on the head until he calmed down and then he laid down in the shade and fell asleep. I stayed with him to make sure he didn't get scared again. Mom got a lot of stuff planted and even Dad was outside with us and he fell asleep too! When Petey woke up I showed him how to drink out of a bowl of water with lots of ice in it. We like ice! What a great day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
May 23, 2016
Dear Terry, Mom is still on strike. She does all kinds of stuff during the day to keep busy. Me and Petey help all the time. Like today. I helped Mom get the garbage can from the curb. Usually she's careful and I don't get bonked in the head with it. But today she bonked me in the head and I said WOOOFWOOOOF. I lived. Mom promised to be more careful and said we will go for a walk later on today in the woods! Yay! I love to walk in the woods. Petey helped with the dishes. He sticks his foot in the running water to help rinse things off. A lot of times though all it does is get Mom or Dad all wet! Penny Cat doesn' have to do anything. She's Penny Cat. She owns the kitchen. She talks a whole lot now. Meow meow meow. She tells us everything that is going on. Don't take her spot on the counter though! Then you really hear about it! I hope Mom stays on strike. We all like having her here. Even Dad! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom is still on strike. She does all kinds of stuff during the day to keep busy. Me and Petey help all the time. Like today. I helped Mom get the garbage can from the curb. Usually she's careful and I don't get bonked in the head with it. But today she bonked me in the head and I said WOOOFWOOOOF. I lived. Mom promised to be more careful and said we will go for a walk later on today in the woods! Yay! I love to walk in the woods. Petey helped with the dishes. He sticks his foot in the running water to help rinse things off. A lot of times though all it does is get Mom or Dad all wet! Penny Cat doesn' have to do anything. She's Penny Cat. She owns the kitchen. She talks a whole lot now. Meow meow meow. She tells us everything that is going on. Don't take her spot on the counter though! Then you really hear about it! I hope Mom stays on strike. We all like having her here. Even Dad! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 17, 2016
Dear Terry, Petey Cat ran outside yesterday and it was really scary for all of us!! Mom was coming in the door and Petey ran right past her, I said PETEY NO don't go outside! Mom yelled PETEY! Oh my gosh it was really scary. We all know Petey is afraid of the outside! Mom went right after him. He was in the bushes by the door. Then he got really scared and tried to run inside and ran into the door. Mom hurried up and opened it and he ran right in. He was so scared! I said Oh my Gosh Petey!! Are you OK??? I sniffed him head to tail to make sure nothing had happened to my friend. I said PETEY, you can't go outisde unless I am with you! Mom scooped him up and held on to him until he purred. Whew! What a scary time that was!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Petey Cat ran outside yesterday and it was really scary for all of us!! Mom was coming in the door and Petey ran right past her, I said PETEY NO don't go outside! Mom yelled PETEY! Oh my gosh it was really scary. We all know Petey is afraid of the outside! Mom went right after him. He was in the bushes by the door. Then he got really scared and tried to run inside and ran into the door. Mom hurried up and opened it and he ran right in. He was so scared! I said Oh my Gosh Petey!! Are you OK??? I sniffed him head to tail to make sure nothing had happened to my friend. I said PETEY, you can't go outisde unless I am with you! Mom scooped him up and held on to him until he purred. Whew! What a scary time that was!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 13, 2016
Dear Terry, I haven't sent you a picture in a long time and Mom took a good one a few days ago when she gave me my new bone to chew. So here I am. I want her to send a picture of Petey Cat too. Mom caught him in the act of being bad but he doesn't look so bad in the picture. We got in some trouble last night. Petey bit me. I wasn't doing anything at all. All I was doing was kind of pushing him around w my nose and MAYBE barking in his face a little. He bit my tail and I yelped and we both got in trouble! Woof.
Hope you like my picture, Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, I haven't sent you a picture in a long time and Mom took a good one a few days ago when she gave me my new bone to chew. So here I am. I want her to send a picture of Petey Cat too. Mom caught him in the act of being bad but he doesn't look so bad in the picture. We got in some trouble last night. Petey bit me. I wasn't doing anything at all. All I was doing was kind of pushing him around w my nose and MAYBE barking in his face a little. He bit my tail and I yelped and we both got in trouble! Woof.
Hope you like my picture, Love and Woofs, FredDog!
May 9, 2016
Dear Terry, We had some excitement already today!! First, we ran out of biscuits for me. Dad gives me one every morning when I come back inside with Mom. He puts peanut butter on it for me! Dad said HEY! Where are all the biscuits and I said Dad??? Where is my biscuit?? He found a half one in the bottom of the Biscuit Bucket. Mom ran out to get more for me. What a good Mom I have! THEN, Petey was being Petey. He was messing around the kitchen chairs and he tipped one over and it went CRASH! onto the floor!! Petey was OK though. Whew! Dad hurried up and came over to make sure he was ok and he gave Dad a kiss on the nose. Whew Again! I wonder what else is going to happen today!
Hope you have an exciting day too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
P.S. Mom still on Strike. We like having her home so I hope it never ends. Mom said No Fred, we want it to end! I said No Mom that means you will have to go back to work and none of us want that!
Mom is always right but I think she might be wrong on this one.
Dear Terry, We had some excitement already today!! First, we ran out of biscuits for me. Dad gives me one every morning when I come back inside with Mom. He puts peanut butter on it for me! Dad said HEY! Where are all the biscuits and I said Dad??? Where is my biscuit?? He found a half one in the bottom of the Biscuit Bucket. Mom ran out to get more for me. What a good Mom I have! THEN, Petey was being Petey. He was messing around the kitchen chairs and he tipped one over and it went CRASH! onto the floor!! Petey was OK though. Whew! Dad hurried up and came over to make sure he was ok and he gave Dad a kiss on the nose. Whew Again! I wonder what else is going to happen today!
Hope you have an exciting day too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
P.S. Mom still on Strike. We like having her home so I hope it never ends. Mom said No Fred, we want it to end! I said No Mom that means you will have to go back to work and none of us want that!
Mom is always right but I think she might be wrong on this one.
May 6, 2016
Dear Terry, Mom is still on Strike. This has been so much fun! We walk every morning for a long time all around the yard checking on all the plants and the creek and where the deer were sleeping and everything! We also play games every day! Me, Mom and Dad played Speedy Delivery! Mom put my backpack on. That means that I have a job to do. Usually it means I have to carry water for us when we go for walks on hot days. I'm real good at carrying stuff. Mom loaded up my backback with a book and a paper and told me to go find Dad! And I ran and I went right to Dad and he gave me a treat for bringing him the book and the paper! He put some other stuff in my backpack and said Go get Mom! And I did! She was excited to get stuff back! We played that until I was tired. It was great! I'll have to show you how good I can carry stuff. Mom says that will come in handy when we go to the Ocean. She said if I carry my stuff real good I can dig in the Sand all the holes I want!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom is still on Strike. This has been so much fun! We walk every morning for a long time all around the yard checking on all the plants and the creek and where the deer were sleeping and everything! We also play games every day! Me, Mom and Dad played Speedy Delivery! Mom put my backpack on. That means that I have a job to do. Usually it means I have to carry water for us when we go for walks on hot days. I'm real good at carrying stuff. Mom loaded up my backback with a book and a paper and told me to go find Dad! And I ran and I went right to Dad and he gave me a treat for bringing him the book and the paper! He put some other stuff in my backpack and said Go get Mom! And I did! She was excited to get stuff back! We played that until I was tired. It was great! I'll have to show you how good I can carry stuff. Mom says that will come in handy when we go to the Ocean. She said if I carry my stuff real good I can dig in the Sand all the holes I want!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
April 29, 2016
Dear Terry, Mom is still on Strike! Yesterday she had to leave before the sun was up and go walk in the rain. She didn't come home until late in the afternoon! She was all wet and soggy. Even her shoes were squishy. I was hoping to go for a walk but I could tell Mom wasn't up for more walking! But good news! Dad and Grammy went out. When Grammy came in she gave me tummy rubs!! It was so good to see my Gram! Then when they came back they brought in Food! Chips and salsa and leftovers from the Chinese place. Mom ate a whole lot of the leftovers. I tried to help her with that but she said No, Chinese Food not good for Dogs! I tried to tell her that is NOT what Dad says but she wouldn't share anything! Mom says we can go for a walk today. I hope she takes me to see the fire trucks again!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom is still on Strike! Yesterday she had to leave before the sun was up and go walk in the rain. She didn't come home until late in the afternoon! She was all wet and soggy. Even her shoes were squishy. I was hoping to go for a walk but I could tell Mom wasn't up for more walking! But good news! Dad and Grammy went out. When Grammy came in she gave me tummy rubs!! It was so good to see my Gram! Then when they came back they brought in Food! Chips and salsa and leftovers from the Chinese place. Mom ate a whole lot of the leftovers. I tried to help her with that but she said No, Chinese Food not good for Dogs! I tried to tell her that is NOT what Dad says but she wouldn't share anything! Mom says we can go for a walk today. I hope she takes me to see the fire trucks again!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
April 22, 2016
Dear Terry, The most exciting thing ever happened! Me and Mom drove down to the fire house Wednesday. She dropped off all the newspapers in the the big bin. That's not the exciting part. There is a walking trail that runs behind the firehouse and into the woods and up the hillside. Mom calls it the Firehouse Trail and it's a mile long. That's not the exciting part either. We started walking the trail. It has mile markers and Mom reads those to me as we pass them. We got to mile marker Point Five Oh. This is the exciting part. And I heard it. I stopped and turned right around. Mom was a little slower. She didn't hear it. But as soon as she turned around I BOLTED and started running as hard as I could and Mom had to run after me. I forgot the leash was on so I had to slow down for Mom. We RAN and RAN back the trail. Mom finally understood when she could see through the trees why I was so excited!! We ran back through the woods, over the levee. Don't go near the sides you will fall in the water! And when we got to the start of the trail, I was there to greet the Fire Trucks coming back to the Station!!!! The big truck even turned the lights on for me and I was so happy and I was wagging my tail and everything!! Mom laughed and patted me on the side. She couldn't really talk because she was out of breath. It was the BEST DAY EVER!!
Barks and Wags FredDog
Dear Terry, The most exciting thing ever happened! Me and Mom drove down to the fire house Wednesday. She dropped off all the newspapers in the the big bin. That's not the exciting part. There is a walking trail that runs behind the firehouse and into the woods and up the hillside. Mom calls it the Firehouse Trail and it's a mile long. That's not the exciting part either. We started walking the trail. It has mile markers and Mom reads those to me as we pass them. We got to mile marker Point Five Oh. This is the exciting part. And I heard it. I stopped and turned right around. Mom was a little slower. She didn't hear it. But as soon as she turned around I BOLTED and started running as hard as I could and Mom had to run after me. I forgot the leash was on so I had to slow down for Mom. We RAN and RAN back the trail. Mom finally understood when she could see through the trees why I was so excited!! We ran back through the woods, over the levee. Don't go near the sides you will fall in the water! And when we got to the start of the trail, I was there to greet the Fire Trucks coming back to the Station!!!! The big truck even turned the lights on for me and I was so happy and I was wagging my tail and everything!! Mom laughed and patted me on the side. She couldn't really talk because she was out of breath. It was the BEST DAY EVER!!
Barks and Wags FredDog
April 20, 2016
Dear Terry, I found a big piece of squirrel fur in the driveway! I picked it up right away so that Mom couldn't see that I had it in my mouth. Mom is quick though. She said Fred DROP IT. I pretended not to hear her. FRED. I looked at her like she was nuts. FRED. I kept walking. FREDDOG you put that thing down NOW. Don't make me open your mouth! Sigh. I put it underneath one of the bushes so I can check it out later on. It's a pretty big piece. Almost forgot! Me and Mom went to the Dog Park! I haven't been there in a long time and this time there were lots of people and lots of dogs and lots of excitement and smells! I ran and ran. I played with other dogs and I barked like a wild dog! I dug a hole. Ran around even more. I was so tired when we left that I fell asleep even before we started to drive home! Mom had to wake me up when we got home! I ran and told Dad everything. Then we fell asleep for a good long time. I hope Mom takes me there again. There were no weirdos there this time. Lots of friendly, nice people. I can't go today. I have to take care of Dad. He had a tooth pulled out yesterday and he hurts. I've been sitting next to him to keep him company. He said it hurts a whole bunch. Mom is still on Strike. I think Strike is OK. We all get to spend lots of time together. Dad sure is happier to have her around during the day! Me too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. This is PennyCat. Mom took me and Petey out on the deck this morning to get some sunshine. Petey still is scared to go outside. I try and help him out by head butting him and showing him you can walk all over the deck and sit in the sunshine and eat plants. Mom said he stayed out for 10 minutes. She keeps an eye on us just in case there is a problem or she sees the Hawks. Mom doesn't let FredDog out on the deck when I am out there. That's because he won't share the sunshine and we all know I get the sunshine first, every time. Me and Petey shared the sunshine though. For once, he sat still and smells the breeze with me. Sometimes he can be OK.
Meow Meow PennyCat
Dear Terry, I found a big piece of squirrel fur in the driveway! I picked it up right away so that Mom couldn't see that I had it in my mouth. Mom is quick though. She said Fred DROP IT. I pretended not to hear her. FRED. I looked at her like she was nuts. FRED. I kept walking. FREDDOG you put that thing down NOW. Don't make me open your mouth! Sigh. I put it underneath one of the bushes so I can check it out later on. It's a pretty big piece. Almost forgot! Me and Mom went to the Dog Park! I haven't been there in a long time and this time there were lots of people and lots of dogs and lots of excitement and smells! I ran and ran. I played with other dogs and I barked like a wild dog! I dug a hole. Ran around even more. I was so tired when we left that I fell asleep even before we started to drive home! Mom had to wake me up when we got home! I ran and told Dad everything. Then we fell asleep for a good long time. I hope Mom takes me there again. There were no weirdos there this time. Lots of friendly, nice people. I can't go today. I have to take care of Dad. He had a tooth pulled out yesterday and he hurts. I've been sitting next to him to keep him company. He said it hurts a whole bunch. Mom is still on Strike. I think Strike is OK. We all get to spend lots of time together. Dad sure is happier to have her around during the day! Me too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. This is PennyCat. Mom took me and Petey out on the deck this morning to get some sunshine. Petey still is scared to go outside. I try and help him out by head butting him and showing him you can walk all over the deck and sit in the sunshine and eat plants. Mom said he stayed out for 10 minutes. She keeps an eye on us just in case there is a problem or she sees the Hawks. Mom doesn't let FredDog out on the deck when I am out there. That's because he won't share the sunshine and we all know I get the sunshine first, every time. Me and Petey shared the sunshine though. For once, he sat still and smells the breeze with me. Sometimes he can be OK.
Meow Meow PennyCat
April 17, 2016
Dear Terry, We had some excitement this morning! Jimmy the dog from up the road came running out of his house and he was chasing a CAT! Mom says Jimmy is a Jack Russell. Jimmy came running down the hill to the back yard and SPLASH right in the creek and mud! The cat escaped! Then he tried to come into our yard and I barked at him! Jimmy this is MY yard! He barked barked back and took off running back up the hill into the woods and pretty soon another cat came running out! Jimmy went SPLASH again! And I barked again! Jimmy stop that ! It's MY yard!! He went running away and the cat escaped. They all know him. He's crazy. Sometimes in the summer Jimmy will bust out and come visit me on the deck. That's when we hear the neighbor call him....JIMMMMMMMMMYYYY real loud. It must be spring if Jimmy is busting out already!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, We had some excitement this morning! Jimmy the dog from up the road came running out of his house and he was chasing a CAT! Mom says Jimmy is a Jack Russell. Jimmy came running down the hill to the back yard and SPLASH right in the creek and mud! The cat escaped! Then he tried to come into our yard and I barked at him! Jimmy this is MY yard! He barked barked back and took off running back up the hill into the woods and pretty soon another cat came running out! Jimmy went SPLASH again! And I barked again! Jimmy stop that ! It's MY yard!! He went running away and the cat escaped. They all know him. He's crazy. Sometimes in the summer Jimmy will bust out and come visit me on the deck. That's when we hear the neighbor call him....JIMMMMMMMMMYYYY real loud. It must be spring if Jimmy is busting out already!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
April 16, 2016
Dear Terry, Mom has been keeping us pretty busy around here. So far we have gone for walks in the park every day. And Mom has been doing stuff all around the house. She even mopped the floor but Me and Petey didn't know that and we ran all over it and got paw prints everywhere! Dad's been helping too. He made a blackberry pie last night! I wasn't allowed to have any but I did get a little taste of the whipped cream on top. It was right on the edge of Mom's plate! HEYY FREDDDD! But it was too late I already had a taste!! Woof! Oh and Dad helped to make Mac n Cheese. I like Mac n Cheese. Mom even gave me a little taste of that too! I got a whole noodle! Lots of ooey gooey cheese on it! Me and Petey follow Mom everywhere to see what she will be doing next. Dad makes sure she takes breaks. OH! And I forgot! Guess what I did at the park!! I treed a big giangantic squirrel!! I spotted him and dragged mom right to where he was and I almost caught him! I snapped at his tail but he ran up the tree! And I jumped up on the tree and Mom kindof freaked out at that point. I didn't get very far up the tree. Mom says it was like a foot off the ground. I bet I could have climbed the whole way up. Mom lost sight of the squirrel in the tree so I stood up and did a real good point for her and then she saw him again! I still wasn't allowed to climb the tree though. Party Pooper Mom!
Barks and Wags! FredDog!
Dear Terry, Mom has been keeping us pretty busy around here. So far we have gone for walks in the park every day. And Mom has been doing stuff all around the house. She even mopped the floor but Me and Petey didn't know that and we ran all over it and got paw prints everywhere! Dad's been helping too. He made a blackberry pie last night! I wasn't allowed to have any but I did get a little taste of the whipped cream on top. It was right on the edge of Mom's plate! HEYY FREDDDD! But it was too late I already had a taste!! Woof! Oh and Dad helped to make Mac n Cheese. I like Mac n Cheese. Mom even gave me a little taste of that too! I got a whole noodle! Lots of ooey gooey cheese on it! Me and Petey follow Mom everywhere to see what she will be doing next. Dad makes sure she takes breaks. OH! And I forgot! Guess what I did at the park!! I treed a big giangantic squirrel!! I spotted him and dragged mom right to where he was and I almost caught him! I snapped at his tail but he ran up the tree! And I jumped up on the tree and Mom kindof freaked out at that point. I didn't get very far up the tree. Mom says it was like a foot off the ground. I bet I could have climbed the whole way up. Mom lost sight of the squirrel in the tree so I stood up and did a real good point for her and then she saw him again! I still wasn't allowed to climb the tree though. Party Pooper Mom!
Barks and Wags! FredDog!
April 13, 2016
Dear Terry, Mom had to get up real early this morning. Even before the sun was up. She said she had to go on Strike! I don't know what that is, but Mom said it means a lot of walking. And it means she isn't getting any money. I know what money is. You have to give that to the lady in the Tractor Supply or you don't get to take your treats home. Mom handles all that because I don't work and I don't have thumbs. But I do end up with the treats! I wonder if I will have to give up my treats. Mom said no Fred you won't. Me and Dad aren't so sure. Dad is real worried. Mom said don't worry guys! Nothing will happen to the house and you will have food on the table. Me and Petey already share our food, I bet that will help Mom! Mom said one good thing about Strike is that she can spend some time at home. We all like that. She even said we can go for walks all the time if I want. Walks are free! When Mom got home from Strike this morning she was pooped out! We took a nap together. It is real nice having Mom back home. Even Petey and PennyCat said so!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom had to get up real early this morning. Even before the sun was up. She said she had to go on Strike! I don't know what that is, but Mom said it means a lot of walking. And it means she isn't getting any money. I know what money is. You have to give that to the lady in the Tractor Supply or you don't get to take your treats home. Mom handles all that because I don't work and I don't have thumbs. But I do end up with the treats! I wonder if I will have to give up my treats. Mom said no Fred you won't. Me and Dad aren't so sure. Dad is real worried. Mom said don't worry guys! Nothing will happen to the house and you will have food on the table. Me and Petey already share our food, I bet that will help Mom! Mom said one good thing about Strike is that she can spend some time at home. We all like that. She even said we can go for walks all the time if I want. Walks are free! When Mom got home from Strike this morning she was pooped out! We took a nap together. It is real nice having Mom back home. Even Petey and PennyCat said so!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
April 10, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess where I was?? A Birthday Party! for Nephew Sam! There was cake and ice cream and spaghetti and meatballs! I like meatballs. Everyone was there! Even Uncle Tom! Then this morning me and Mom went for a walk around the neighborhood. Usually that means we are heading home but I could tell this was different! Me and Mom and Dad in our car, and everyone else left in the van! We went to Aunt Laura's for breakfast! I knew as soon as I got out of the car that there was going to be BACON once we got inside. And I was right!! And just so happens Mom started to help with the Bacon! I helped Mom. Oh and I got to meet Aunt Kay. She likes Dogs. And Nolan talked to me a whole lot this entire trip. Sam gave me lots of pets. Dad gave me some waffles right under the table. I was so tired that by the time we left, I fell asleep! So did Dad. When we got home, Petey was meowing like crazy on the table and I ran right away to see him. He was full of head butts! He's my friend! Then we ran all around. It's what we do! It's good to be back home! I like seeing everyone in Mom's family but I miss being here. I'm real good at pooping at rest stops now. I used to be afraid but I'm not anymore because Mom stays right next to me. I better go find PennyCat and see what she is up to!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Guess where I was?? A Birthday Party! for Nephew Sam! There was cake and ice cream and spaghetti and meatballs! I like meatballs. Everyone was there! Even Uncle Tom! Then this morning me and Mom went for a walk around the neighborhood. Usually that means we are heading home but I could tell this was different! Me and Mom and Dad in our car, and everyone else left in the van! We went to Aunt Laura's for breakfast! I knew as soon as I got out of the car that there was going to be BACON once we got inside. And I was right!! And just so happens Mom started to help with the Bacon! I helped Mom. Oh and I got to meet Aunt Kay. She likes Dogs. And Nolan talked to me a whole lot this entire trip. Sam gave me lots of pets. Dad gave me some waffles right under the table. I was so tired that by the time we left, I fell asleep! So did Dad. When we got home, Petey was meowing like crazy on the table and I ran right away to see him. He was full of head butts! He's my friend! Then we ran all around. It's what we do! It's good to be back home! I like seeing everyone in Mom's family but I miss being here. I'm real good at pooping at rest stops now. I used to be afraid but I'm not anymore because Mom stays right next to me. I better go find PennyCat and see what she is up to!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
April 4, 2016
Dear Terry, More men were here today! Me and Petey had to stay in the bedroom. Mom says that's because we are busy bodies and the men have to work. Penny Cat hit Mom in the face with her paw she was so mad. She had to go into the second bedroom. She biffed Mom just like she hits me on the head. Mom didn't get mad though. She gave Penny Cat a big pet on the head and Penny Cat settled down and head butted Mom. No one likes when Penny Cat gets upset! Guess what the men were doing this time?? They had to fix a leak in a pipe! Petey found the leak when Mom and him were in the basement doing stuff. It happened right while Mom was there! Petey said the water came out like a rain shower! Mom hurried up and turned off the water and cleaned up a puddle. Dad called the men this morning to come over and fix it. Oh and Petey helped Mom clean things up. He likes helping Mom. Petey got a little wet but he was OK. He didn't seem to mind! Dad sure is pooped out. When he let us out of the bedroom, we ran to find Penny Cat. I got sidetracked and ate all her food. I didn't tell Dad that part. What a good snack!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. I helped Mom A LOT. I could hear the water hissing before Mom could. I ran and got her and ran back to the water. Then it happened, water sprayed everywhere! It was like the night I was running outside when the root cellar broke! Mom sure can run fast when she wants to that's for sure! Oh and today I went for a ride with Mom on the Magic Chair! I could tell FredDog was jealous! ROARRRRRR , Petey Cat.
Dear Terry, More men were here today! Me and Petey had to stay in the bedroom. Mom says that's because we are busy bodies and the men have to work. Penny Cat hit Mom in the face with her paw she was so mad. She had to go into the second bedroom. She biffed Mom just like she hits me on the head. Mom didn't get mad though. She gave Penny Cat a big pet on the head and Penny Cat settled down and head butted Mom. No one likes when Penny Cat gets upset! Guess what the men were doing this time?? They had to fix a leak in a pipe! Petey found the leak when Mom and him were in the basement doing stuff. It happened right while Mom was there! Petey said the water came out like a rain shower! Mom hurried up and turned off the water and cleaned up a puddle. Dad called the men this morning to come over and fix it. Oh and Petey helped Mom clean things up. He likes helping Mom. Petey got a little wet but he was OK. He didn't seem to mind! Dad sure is pooped out. When he let us out of the bedroom, we ran to find Penny Cat. I got sidetracked and ate all her food. I didn't tell Dad that part. What a good snack!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. I helped Mom A LOT. I could hear the water hissing before Mom could. I ran and got her and ran back to the water. Then it happened, water sprayed everywhere! It was like the night I was running outside when the root cellar broke! Mom sure can run fast when she wants to that's for sure! Oh and today I went for a ride with Mom on the Magic Chair! I could tell FredDog was jealous! ROARRRRRR , Petey Cat.
April 2, 2016
Dear Terry, We had a busy day here yesterday! Some men came to the house again and now we have a Magic Chair. I don't know how it works. But it's on the basement steps and it goes up and down without anyone pushing it or anything! Dad sits on it and he goes down the steps. And up the steps. I watch every time but it just moves on it's own! Dad told me it's Magic. Penny Cat was very afraid of it and she hid in the furnace room. Mom showed it to Petey and now he is OK. Mom says the Magic Chair will even stop in case one of us runs into it by mistake. Dad says no more falling down the steps Freddie! I can sit in my chair and go wherever I want! I said Oh Good Dad let's go to the Park! But he said No, the Magic Chair only goes up and down in the house. Dad was real scared of the steps before. He's not anymore!
Love and Woofs! FredDog!
Dear Terry, We had a busy day here yesterday! Some men came to the house again and now we have a Magic Chair. I don't know how it works. But it's on the basement steps and it goes up and down without anyone pushing it or anything! Dad sits on it and he goes down the steps. And up the steps. I watch every time but it just moves on it's own! Dad told me it's Magic. Penny Cat was very afraid of it and she hid in the furnace room. Mom showed it to Petey and now he is OK. Mom says the Magic Chair will even stop in case one of us runs into it by mistake. Dad says no more falling down the steps Freddie! I can sit in my chair and go wherever I want! I said Oh Good Dad let's go to the Park! But he said No, the Magic Chair only goes up and down in the house. Dad was real scared of the steps before. He's not anymore!
Love and Woofs! FredDog!
March 29, 2016
Dear Terry! Mom says your boss is letting you come to the Ocean with me and Mom and Dad!! I can't Wait!! Mom said you will hold a seashell up to my ear so I will get used to the sound of the ocean. WHOOOSSSHHH WHOOOSSSHHH. That's how she says it sounds. And Mom says we can go play in the sand and everything! We can even dig holes together if you want! Oh and we had a good Ham Day. Mom calls that Easter. Ham day was great! I got a whole piece of the butcher bacon for myself! Petey got a little bit of egg. He likes eggs. Penny got her smooshie food and we were all happy! And later on me and Mom went for a walk in the park. We went all the way to the top and back down again. It was hot! I had to get a drink.
Better go, Mom is getting ready for work. I have to help Dad pack her lunch!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry! Mom says your boss is letting you come to the Ocean with me and Mom and Dad!! I can't Wait!! Mom said you will hold a seashell up to my ear so I will get used to the sound of the ocean. WHOOOSSSHHH WHOOOSSSHHH. That's how she says it sounds. And Mom says we can go play in the sand and everything! We can even dig holes together if you want! Oh and we had a good Ham Day. Mom calls that Easter. Ham day was great! I got a whole piece of the butcher bacon for myself! Petey got a little bit of egg. He likes eggs. Penny got her smooshie food and we were all happy! And later on me and Mom went for a walk in the park. We went all the way to the top and back down again. It was hot! I had to get a drink.
Better go, Mom is getting ready for work. I have to help Dad pack her lunch!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
March 22, 2016
Dear Terry, Today is Mom's Birthday! As soon as she woke up, I ran and got Dad and we sang her Happy Birthday! Even Petey helped with that! Mom went to work though and we were all sad. Then Pappy came over and helped Dad out and then they went away to do something together. Dad bought Mom a gift. Her favorite Easter Egg from the Candy Store! Then Mom surprised all of us and she came home early!!! OHHHH it was big excitement. I was barking, Penny ran, Petey came running to see if I was right about Mom being home. And I was! Mom came home early! I was so excited! Dad was excited too! Mom hardly ever comes home early! I told Mom let's go for a birthday walk! At first she didn't understand so I kept barking and then I kept going over to my leash. And then we went for a walk in the park!! We had lots of fun. Mom let me pick the trail to go on and we went into the woods to smell smells and watch squirrels. I started to get tired so I took Mom back to the car. I can't always walk as far as I used to because I get tired. Mom says that doesn't matter. We have fun no matter what. Mom says I feel my age some days. My birthday is coming up. Mom says so. I'm going to be 9 or 10. Mom says I get a birthday surprise on my birthday. I hope it's a biscuit with sprinkles on top and frosting.
Hope you had a good spring day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Today is Mom's Birthday! As soon as she woke up, I ran and got Dad and we sang her Happy Birthday! Even Petey helped with that! Mom went to work though and we were all sad. Then Pappy came over and helped Dad out and then they went away to do something together. Dad bought Mom a gift. Her favorite Easter Egg from the Candy Store! Then Mom surprised all of us and she came home early!!! OHHHH it was big excitement. I was barking, Penny ran, Petey came running to see if I was right about Mom being home. And I was! Mom came home early! I was so excited! Dad was excited too! Mom hardly ever comes home early! I told Mom let's go for a birthday walk! At first she didn't understand so I kept barking and then I kept going over to my leash. And then we went for a walk in the park!! We had lots of fun. Mom let me pick the trail to go on and we went into the woods to smell smells and watch squirrels. I started to get tired so I took Mom back to the car. I can't always walk as far as I used to because I get tired. Mom says that doesn't matter. We have fun no matter what. Mom says I feel my age some days. My birthday is coming up. Mom says so. I'm going to be 9 or 10. Mom says I get a birthday surprise on my birthday. I hope it's a biscuit with sprinkles on top and frosting.
Hope you had a good spring day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
March 17, 2016
Dear Terry, Happy St. Patrick's Day! Mom says everyone, even dogs, are Irish today. I don't know what Irish is but it sounds like fun to me! And Guess What!? Grammy came to visit! Petey got to meet her and everything. At first he didn't want to come over. Petey always thinks about new things first. Then he went over and head butted Grammy! I think Grammy liked that. It was so good to see her again! I haven't seen her in awhile. Her and Dad went somewhere. And when Dad came home he had a fat lip! What did Grammy do to him??? Dad laughed and said Oh Fred! I was at the dentist and then I couldn't feel my lip and I accidentally bit my own lip! Ouch! I made sure he was OK. And Mom said she was in an accident on the way to work. She said no one was hurt but some guy hit her from behind at a stop sign. She said it wasn't a good way to start the day. Then she did a big SIGH and patted me on the head and said Don't Worry Puppy life goes on! and I rolled over for tummy rubs!
Hope you had a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Happy St. Patrick's Day! Mom says everyone, even dogs, are Irish today. I don't know what Irish is but it sounds like fun to me! And Guess What!? Grammy came to visit! Petey got to meet her and everything. At first he didn't want to come over. Petey always thinks about new things first. Then he went over and head butted Grammy! I think Grammy liked that. It was so good to see her again! I haven't seen her in awhile. Her and Dad went somewhere. And when Dad came home he had a fat lip! What did Grammy do to him??? Dad laughed and said Oh Fred! I was at the dentist and then I couldn't feel my lip and I accidentally bit my own lip! Ouch! I made sure he was OK. And Mom said she was in an accident on the way to work. She said no one was hurt but some guy hit her from behind at a stop sign. She said it wasn't a good way to start the day. Then she did a big SIGH and patted me on the head and said Don't Worry Puppy life goes on! and I rolled over for tummy rubs!
Hope you had a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
March 14, 2016
Dear Terry, This is PETEY. You know what that crazy Fred Dog did? He threw up all over the place right in front of me this morning. He ate his food and then we started running around the house. Like wild animals Mom says. No wonder he got sick! He usually eats after Mom leaves not before. And we always run around first because it's morning. Sometimes we run around because it's fun and sometimes for no reason. BLEH right in front of me. YUCK. Dad said EWWWWW. Mom said, it's ok Freddie, I'll clean it up. Only it wasn't OK, he nearly threw up on ME. Mom didn 't say, OH PETEY it's ok, let me pet you on the head like a good cat. NOOOOO it was all about The Dog. I did feel bad for him because he went and laid down in his bed. I brought him a piece of my food, but he didn't want to eat it. He always eats my food! That's how I knew he wasn't feeling so good. When Mom came home she brought him a can of chicken and rice. She only gave him a little bit but he ate it. Dad had tried to get him to eat earlier but no luck. Good thing too because Dad isn't so good at clean up. Mom says no eating until you have run around FredDog! He went and sat down on the floor. I poked him in the head. Seems OK now to me. Whew!
Dear Terry, This is PETEY. You know what that crazy Fred Dog did? He threw up all over the place right in front of me this morning. He ate his food and then we started running around the house. Like wild animals Mom says. No wonder he got sick! He usually eats after Mom leaves not before. And we always run around first because it's morning. Sometimes we run around because it's fun and sometimes for no reason. BLEH right in front of me. YUCK. Dad said EWWWWW. Mom said, it's ok Freddie, I'll clean it up. Only it wasn't OK, he nearly threw up on ME. Mom didn 't say, OH PETEY it's ok, let me pet you on the head like a good cat. NOOOOO it was all about The Dog. I did feel bad for him because he went and laid down in his bed. I brought him a piece of my food, but he didn't want to eat it. He always eats my food! That's how I knew he wasn't feeling so good. When Mom came home she brought him a can of chicken and rice. She only gave him a little bit but he ate it. Dad had tried to get him to eat earlier but no luck. Good thing too because Dad isn't so good at clean up. Mom says no eating until you have run around FredDog! He went and sat down on the floor. I poked him in the head. Seems OK now to me. Whew!
March 13, 2016
Dear Terry, Boy did I have fun yesterday! Mom was working down in the yard and I got to watch from the deck. It was all nice and warm outside. She cleaned out the creek and she had big boots on to go in the water. She cut down branches and sticker bushes. I don't like sticker bushes. They hurt. I went inside for a nap. When Mom came in she was all muddy and dirty. She had to leave her boots outside because they were so dirty. Then we went for a walk! We walked all along the ponds in the park. And when we came to the second pond, I stopped and I pointed and held real still. At first Mom didn't see what I was pointing at. Then she saw the Mallards! They swooshed into the water right in front of us. Mom patted me on the head for being such a good pointer! We were both pooped out last night! But Mom had one more surprise for me and Dad. She had left us and when she came back to the house she had ICE CREAM!! Oh my gosh! Dad got his special ice cream and I got my special ice cream. My ice cream is made for dogs and it tastes like frozen peanut butter! Dad said, Where is yours? And Mom said, I ate mine already!! What a good way to end the day!
Hope you had some ice cream!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Boy did I have fun yesterday! Mom was working down in the yard and I got to watch from the deck. It was all nice and warm outside. She cleaned out the creek and she had big boots on to go in the water. She cut down branches and sticker bushes. I don't like sticker bushes. They hurt. I went inside for a nap. When Mom came in she was all muddy and dirty. She had to leave her boots outside because they were so dirty. Then we went for a walk! We walked all along the ponds in the park. And when we came to the second pond, I stopped and I pointed and held real still. At first Mom didn't see what I was pointing at. Then she saw the Mallards! They swooshed into the water right in front of us. Mom patted me on the head for being such a good pointer! We were both pooped out last night! But Mom had one more surprise for me and Dad. She had left us and when she came back to the house she had ICE CREAM!! Oh my gosh! Dad got his special ice cream and I got my special ice cream. My ice cream is made for dogs and it tastes like frozen peanut butter! Dad said, Where is yours? And Mom said, I ate mine already!! What a good way to end the day!
Hope you had some ice cream!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
March 9, 2016
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written. Mom has been sick and she's been working too much. She doesn't get home until late. I don't like that. We have a routine! Mom says she's going to slow down. Dad told her too. Let me tell you what happened today! Lots of NOISE. Oh my gosh. I didn't know where to go to make it all go away. Petey was hiding, Penny Cat was hiding. It was aweful. Dad tried to tell me it was OK but the noise wouldn't stop. BUZZZZZ BUZZZZZ BUZZZZ. Strange men outside in the back. I tried to look outside and I saw they were cutting the big Tree down! Dad told me that the Tree was rotting and it had to be cut down so it wouldn't smoosh the house. I was scared. And when the strange men started cutting it down, this GIANT racoon ran out from inside the Tree!! I knew he was in there. Mom and Dad and the Men didn't know it and they were all super surprised. The racoon ran away to be safe and find a new home. Every morning when me and Mom walk around the yard, I stopped at the Tree and I would stand up and try and see Mr. Racoon. I could always smell him but never see him. I never thought he was INSIDE the tree!! Now I know! I told Mom all about it when she finally came home tonight. And I told her she better get home sooner. I don't like this working late business. I think Mon understood. She told me we were going to have some birthday fun on Friday. It's Dad's birthday and Mom has a Surprise for him. I don't know when Friday is but Mom said it's soon! I hope there is Cake. I like Cake. Petey likes the frosting. Penny doesn't eat cake though. I've been trying real hard to be Penny Cat's better friend. She gets so upset when I interrupt her eating smooshie food. So now I sit real quiet each morning and watch her eat. She's been hanging around more and more. I like that.
Barks and Woofs! FredDog!
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written. Mom has been sick and she's been working too much. She doesn't get home until late. I don't like that. We have a routine! Mom says she's going to slow down. Dad told her too. Let me tell you what happened today! Lots of NOISE. Oh my gosh. I didn't know where to go to make it all go away. Petey was hiding, Penny Cat was hiding. It was aweful. Dad tried to tell me it was OK but the noise wouldn't stop. BUZZZZZ BUZZZZZ BUZZZZ. Strange men outside in the back. I tried to look outside and I saw they were cutting the big Tree down! Dad told me that the Tree was rotting and it had to be cut down so it wouldn't smoosh the house. I was scared. And when the strange men started cutting it down, this GIANT racoon ran out from inside the Tree!! I knew he was in there. Mom and Dad and the Men didn't know it and they were all super surprised. The racoon ran away to be safe and find a new home. Every morning when me and Mom walk around the yard, I stopped at the Tree and I would stand up and try and see Mr. Racoon. I could always smell him but never see him. I never thought he was INSIDE the tree!! Now I know! I told Mom all about it when she finally came home tonight. And I told her she better get home sooner. I don't like this working late business. I think Mon understood. She told me we were going to have some birthday fun on Friday. It's Dad's birthday and Mom has a Surprise for him. I don't know when Friday is but Mom said it's soon! I hope there is Cake. I like Cake. Petey likes the frosting. Penny doesn't eat cake though. I've been trying real hard to be Penny Cat's better friend. She gets so upset when I interrupt her eating smooshie food. So now I sit real quiet each morning and watch her eat. She's been hanging around more and more. I like that.
Barks and Woofs! FredDog!
February 28, 2016
Dear Terry, Petey woke me up this morning. He said FRED get up now! Come see out the window! I think spring is here! I hurried up to look and he was right! The sun was up and the birds were all singing and hanging out on the bird feeder. LOTS of birds! Little birds, big birds and they were all singing! I woke Mom up right away to show her too. She was excited to see all the birds too! She promised me a walk in the park! We did go to the park. But not right away. Mom fell asleep again. Petey and I kept watching the birds for a long time together. We woke Mom up again to get her moving so we could see Spring for ourselves. Mom said FRED, it's only been 10 minutes. She knows I can't tell time. All I know is that it was a long time for me and Petey! Later on though we went to the park. I think we walked forever! There were lots of people and other dogs there and kids running around and making all kinds of silly noises. We took our time walking. Mom said we aren't in any hurry today Fred. I looked for frogs along the ponds but I didn't find any. Mom said it's too early yet for frogs. I did spy a FISH and I barked at it a lot. It swam away from the edge. We were gone so long that Dad had fallen asleep and he didn't even wake up when we got home. I ran to tell him everything. He said what a great trip Fred! I know! I told Petey all about it too. Then we ran all around. That's what we do! What a great day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Petey woke me up this morning. He said FRED get up now! Come see out the window! I think spring is here! I hurried up to look and he was right! The sun was up and the birds were all singing and hanging out on the bird feeder. LOTS of birds! Little birds, big birds and they were all singing! I woke Mom up right away to show her too. She was excited to see all the birds too! She promised me a walk in the park! We did go to the park. But not right away. Mom fell asleep again. Petey and I kept watching the birds for a long time together. We woke Mom up again to get her moving so we could see Spring for ourselves. Mom said FRED, it's only been 10 minutes. She knows I can't tell time. All I know is that it was a long time for me and Petey! Later on though we went to the park. I think we walked forever! There were lots of people and other dogs there and kids running around and making all kinds of silly noises. We took our time walking. Mom said we aren't in any hurry today Fred. I looked for frogs along the ponds but I didn't find any. Mom said it's too early yet for frogs. I did spy a FISH and I barked at it a lot. It swam away from the edge. We were gone so long that Dad had fallen asleep and he didn't even wake up when we got home. I ran to tell him everything. He said what a great trip Fred! I know! I told Petey all about it too. Then we ran all around. That's what we do! What a great day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
February 25, 2016
Dear Terry, More excitement yesterday here at the house!! Men came to the house and they riped out the old carpet in the kitchen, I don't know why because it was the best carpet to dig holes in! Then after a lot of noise and a long time me and Petey were allowed out of the bedroom. And there's a whole new floor in the kitchen and it is SLIPPERY. Petey figured out if he runs and he can slide the whole length of the kitchen and then do it all over again! I won't do that. I walk on my tippy toes. Nice and easy. Until Petey scares me then my feet go nowhere fast!! Petey keep trying to get me to slide like he does. Mom said that might be a disaster if I do, so I don't. And there is new carpet on the steps. Petey says it's good for running too. I don't like steps. I wish we had the old carpet back. This new floor is no good for digging at all!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, More excitement yesterday here at the house!! Men came to the house and they riped out the old carpet in the kitchen, I don't know why because it was the best carpet to dig holes in! Then after a lot of noise and a long time me and Petey were allowed out of the bedroom. And there's a whole new floor in the kitchen and it is SLIPPERY. Petey figured out if he runs and he can slide the whole length of the kitchen and then do it all over again! I won't do that. I walk on my tippy toes. Nice and easy. Until Petey scares me then my feet go nowhere fast!! Petey keep trying to get me to slide like he does. Mom said that might be a disaster if I do, so I don't. And there is new carpet on the steps. Petey says it's good for running too. I don't like steps. I wish we had the old carpet back. This new floor is no good for digging at all!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
February 22, 2016
Dear Terry,
Oh my gosh the food machine broke!! Mom was really worried all the food would go bad! I didn't know what to do! I told Petey this is a DISASTER! Mom and Dad knew what to do though. They called the fix it man right away this morning and he came to the house and he fixed it! There was lots of noise and me and Petey stayed safe in the bedroom. You can't imagine how scary it all was. I was thinking oh my gosh how are we goning to EAT??? Dad said everything is OK after the fix it man left. Me and Petey made sure to check everything out. Dad said to celebrate let's have PIZZA! Petey and I agreed!! FOOD! Dad said to stop worrying because PIZZA can fix a lot of stuff. He was right! Good Pepperoni! I've been really tired the past few days. Me and Mom had gone for a big walk in the woods and it was all muddy. We had a hard time walkng. Mom had good boots on so she didn't do any slip n slides. But i sure was tired after that and kind of stiff. Plus it took a lot of work to get my feet clean. We all know I don't like my feet dirty. Mom didn't do a very good job of cleaning them and then I fell asleep getting them all fixed up. Whew!!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
Dear Terry,
Oh my gosh the food machine broke!! Mom was really worried all the food would go bad! I didn't know what to do! I told Petey this is a DISASTER! Mom and Dad knew what to do though. They called the fix it man right away this morning and he came to the house and he fixed it! There was lots of noise and me and Petey stayed safe in the bedroom. You can't imagine how scary it all was. I was thinking oh my gosh how are we goning to EAT??? Dad said everything is OK after the fix it man left. Me and Petey made sure to check everything out. Dad said to celebrate let's have PIZZA! Petey and I agreed!! FOOD! Dad said to stop worrying because PIZZA can fix a lot of stuff. He was right! Good Pepperoni! I've been really tired the past few days. Me and Mom had gone for a big walk in the woods and it was all muddy. We had a hard time walkng. Mom had good boots on so she didn't do any slip n slides. But i sure was tired after that and kind of stiff. Plus it took a lot of work to get my feet clean. We all know I don't like my feet dirty. Mom didn't do a very good job of cleaning them and then I fell asleep getting them all fixed up. Whew!!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
February 14, 2016
Dear Terry, Happy Valentine's Day! OXO! I don't like this cold so much. I was so excited to see the sunshine this morning. Me and Petey woke Mom up right away as soon as we saw it! But then when I got outside, I realized it was all just a trick! It wasn't warm at all. And when we walked around the house, my feet started to freeze and cramp up and Mom had to unfreeze them for me and got me back inside right away! I told Dad all about it. Petey Cat always wants to walk with us but Mom doesn't let him go outside. I said Petey, BRRRRRRR. And then we ran all around the house! Mom says she might start to teach Petey to walk on a leash too so he can come with us. When I go outside with Mom he runs window to window watching us. When Mom asks, Fred do you have to pee? Petey comes running and waits right next to me at the door. Then Mom shuts the door in his face and it's really sad to see him in the windows. I can hear him meowing. Dad does a good job of distracting him though. Dad and Petey have treat time! Petey eats snacks right out of his hand! Penny Cat gets her treats as soon as Mom wakes up. Oh! And you know what I got this morning? Good stinky wet gushy food in my treat bowl! YUMYUMYUMMMM. And it was all gone! I was going to share with Petey until he realized he had his own good stinky food. Sometimes we share our food, sometimes we don't. I'm getting pretty good at sharing. Petey was very cold last night. I was under the blanket and I let him snuggle in with me so he could get warm too. I let him use my foot as a pillow and he put his feathery big tail over my nose and we both warmed right up!
Hope your nose is warm today!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Happy Valentine's Day! OXO! I don't like this cold so much. I was so excited to see the sunshine this morning. Me and Petey woke Mom up right away as soon as we saw it! But then when I got outside, I realized it was all just a trick! It wasn't warm at all. And when we walked around the house, my feet started to freeze and cramp up and Mom had to unfreeze them for me and got me back inside right away! I told Dad all about it. Petey Cat always wants to walk with us but Mom doesn't let him go outside. I said Petey, BRRRRRRR. And then we ran all around the house! Mom says she might start to teach Petey to walk on a leash too so he can come with us. When I go outside with Mom he runs window to window watching us. When Mom asks, Fred do you have to pee? Petey comes running and waits right next to me at the door. Then Mom shuts the door in his face and it's really sad to see him in the windows. I can hear him meowing. Dad does a good job of distracting him though. Dad and Petey have treat time! Petey eats snacks right out of his hand! Penny Cat gets her treats as soon as Mom wakes up. Oh! And you know what I got this morning? Good stinky wet gushy food in my treat bowl! YUMYUMYUMMMM. And it was all gone! I was going to share with Petey until he realized he had his own good stinky food. Sometimes we share our food, sometimes we don't. I'm getting pretty good at sharing. Petey was very cold last night. I was under the blanket and I let him snuggle in with me so he could get warm too. I let him use my foot as a pillow and he put his feathery big tail over my nose and we both warmed right up!
Hope your nose is warm today!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
February 12, 2016
Dear Terry, We have a bunch of snow here! I like snow. You can roll in it, you can catch it on your tongue and you can lick it off the ground! When Mom got home last night we went outside and I did all of those things! She tossed snow on me when I wasn't looking and I barked and we had fun playing in the snow! Then my feet started to freeze so we went back inside. I told Petey all about it and we ran through the house! I don't know why we ran through the house. It's what we do when something exciting happens like playing in the snow. Dad laughed and laughed. Petey is really good at running. He can even run up the curtains! Mom says he better be careful though when we get the new floor in the kitchen. It might be slippery. Mom says she might have to get some throw rugs for the flight path. Oh and we have a problem with Petey Cat. He hogs all the warm air! He sits right in front of the vent in the living room and wont move. He blocks all the air coming out.., He says a cat can't ever be warm enough and he won't budge! Dad has to bundle up, icicles form on the end of my nose,....Nope won't budge. Sometimes I nose him out of the way so I can lay down there. His tail goes SWISH SWISH SWISH. I haven't lost an eye yet! I better go, me and Mom are going out to play in the snow again!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, We have a bunch of snow here! I like snow. You can roll in it, you can catch it on your tongue and you can lick it off the ground! When Mom got home last night we went outside and I did all of those things! She tossed snow on me when I wasn't looking and I barked and we had fun playing in the snow! Then my feet started to freeze so we went back inside. I told Petey all about it and we ran through the house! I don't know why we ran through the house. It's what we do when something exciting happens like playing in the snow. Dad laughed and laughed. Petey is really good at running. He can even run up the curtains! Mom says he better be careful though when we get the new floor in the kitchen. It might be slippery. Mom says she might have to get some throw rugs for the flight path. Oh and we have a problem with Petey Cat. He hogs all the warm air! He sits right in front of the vent in the living room and wont move. He blocks all the air coming out.., He says a cat can't ever be warm enough and he won't budge! Dad has to bundle up, icicles form on the end of my nose,....Nope won't budge. Sometimes I nose him out of the way so I can lay down there. His tail goes SWISH SWISH SWISH. I haven't lost an eye yet! I better go, me and Mom are going out to play in the snow again!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
February 6, 2016
Dear Terry, We have an emergency!! It's the Fridge. I call it the Food Closet but Mom says it is really a Fridge. It keeps turning off and on off and on. Mom says someone has to fix it. I hope this doesn't mean we will be out of food! Lots of good stuff comes out of there. At first I thought Petey might have broken it. Mom said No, this was one thing he hasn't broken. Sometimes things get old and break. Sometimes things come in contact with Petey and break. Like last night. He was pulling stuff off of the bookcase. Those are breakables. Mom wasn't happy and he got in trouble. Petey was mad too. He wanted to get something off the shelf. You know what he did instead?? He went over to Mom's purse and started pulling stuff out and then he dumped it on the floor. Oh boy. Mom walked away. When she came back she wasn't so mad and her and Petey cleaned things up off the floor. Oh and you know what Mom and Petey are doing??? Mom is teaching him to give her a High Five! I was showing him how to do it too! I was helping! He almost has it!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, We have an emergency!! It's the Fridge. I call it the Food Closet but Mom says it is really a Fridge. It keeps turning off and on off and on. Mom says someone has to fix it. I hope this doesn't mean we will be out of food! Lots of good stuff comes out of there. At first I thought Petey might have broken it. Mom said No, this was one thing he hasn't broken. Sometimes things get old and break. Sometimes things come in contact with Petey and break. Like last night. He was pulling stuff off of the bookcase. Those are breakables. Mom wasn't happy and he got in trouble. Petey was mad too. He wanted to get something off the shelf. You know what he did instead?? He went over to Mom's purse and started pulling stuff out and then he dumped it on the floor. Oh boy. Mom walked away. When she came back she wasn't so mad and her and Petey cleaned things up off the floor. Oh and you know what Mom and Petey are doing??? Mom is teaching him to give her a High Five! I was showing him how to do it too! I was helping! He almost has it!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
January 29, 2016
Dear Terry, Guess what Mom said we are going to do?? We are going to see the Ocean. I don't know what that is but Mom and Dad are awfully excited about it. Petey and Penny Cat didn't know what the Ocean is either. Mom told me it is the biggest pool of water I have ever seen. It's so big you can't see the other side. I'm not so sure about that. You know Sea Monsters live in the water. I saw them myself in the pond one summer. Mom said there is lots of sand there too. I don't know what sand is either. Mom said it's good for digging. That sounds great doesn't it?? Oh and Mom said there is a special section of the Beach that only dogs can play on. The Beach is where all the sand is and where I can see the Ocean up close. It sounds kind of scary to me, all that water. Mom said don't worry Fred! You will have a life vest on and I will stay right by your side. Hmmm. I don't swim. We aren't going for awhile but Mom said she had to make the plans early so we could have a nice place to stay when we are there. I said let's go to the Mountains again but Dad wants to see the Ocean. If Dad wants to see the Ocean, then I want to see the Ocean too!
Here is what PeteyCat has been doing. He's been being Bad that's what! I get all comfy under the covers and put my head on the pillow and go to sleep. Then he jumps on me and scares me half to death and I jump and bark and Mom and Dad yell, PETEY! And he hides around corners and jumps in my face. And he hides under the couch and TOUCHES MY FEET. I chase him and he chases me. That part I don't mind. That's fun. When I eat, he jumps off the counter onto my head. Mom calls him the Holy Terror. But then he lays down real queit with us and purrs. He's really good at purring. PRRRRRRR and it puts me right to sleep and I let him lay his head on my side. He's my bestest friend ever!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what Mom said we are going to do?? We are going to see the Ocean. I don't know what that is but Mom and Dad are awfully excited about it. Petey and Penny Cat didn't know what the Ocean is either. Mom told me it is the biggest pool of water I have ever seen. It's so big you can't see the other side. I'm not so sure about that. You know Sea Monsters live in the water. I saw them myself in the pond one summer. Mom said there is lots of sand there too. I don't know what sand is either. Mom said it's good for digging. That sounds great doesn't it?? Oh and Mom said there is a special section of the Beach that only dogs can play on. The Beach is where all the sand is and where I can see the Ocean up close. It sounds kind of scary to me, all that water. Mom said don't worry Fred! You will have a life vest on and I will stay right by your side. Hmmm. I don't swim. We aren't going for awhile but Mom said she had to make the plans early so we could have a nice place to stay when we are there. I said let's go to the Mountains again but Dad wants to see the Ocean. If Dad wants to see the Ocean, then I want to see the Ocean too!
Here is what PeteyCat has been doing. He's been being Bad that's what! I get all comfy under the covers and put my head on the pillow and go to sleep. Then he jumps on me and scares me half to death and I jump and bark and Mom and Dad yell, PETEY! And he hides around corners and jumps in my face. And he hides under the couch and TOUCHES MY FEET. I chase him and he chases me. That part I don't mind. That's fun. When I eat, he jumps off the counter onto my head. Mom calls him the Holy Terror. But then he lays down real queit with us and purrs. He's really good at purring. PRRRRRRR and it puts me right to sleep and I let him lay his head on my side. He's my bestest friend ever!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
January 24, 2015
Dear Terry, Petey got in some trouble. First, he's been shredding part of the shower curtain. And then he put a HUGE hole in it. Mom had to go buy a new one, but it's not plastic like the old one. It's a fabric one. Mom said that will fix him! I have my doubts. THEN he must have gotten a paw in the poop bag drawer. Mom didn't shut it all the way. Petey is always trying to get into drawers and cabinets. He pulled out the whole entire roll of poop bags and they were all over the kitchen and the floor. Dad said PETEY! What did you do!!??? Oh boy Petey was in trouble AGAIN. I try telling him don't do stuff like that. But he says, Look Fred! Look what I found! Mom thinks he took Dad's keys and stashed them away somewhere. Sometimes we find his stashes. Sometimes we don't. One time he put a paper bag all the way under the bed. He said that it was for safe keeping in case he wanted to play with it later on. Mom let him keep it there since it wasn't in the way. I don't let him touch my toys. I keep all of them together in one spot. When he's being nice to me, I let him lay on them and fall asleep. Mom and Dad caught him sleeping on a shelf today in the bookcase. Mom said he looked to cute to get in trouble. I know if I tried to do that I would get yelled at. Mom says there are plenty of things I get away with so we are even. I have my doubts on that too. I'm a Good Dog. Dad says so all the time!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Petey got in some trouble. First, he's been shredding part of the shower curtain. And then he put a HUGE hole in it. Mom had to go buy a new one, but it's not plastic like the old one. It's a fabric one. Mom said that will fix him! I have my doubts. THEN he must have gotten a paw in the poop bag drawer. Mom didn't shut it all the way. Petey is always trying to get into drawers and cabinets. He pulled out the whole entire roll of poop bags and they were all over the kitchen and the floor. Dad said PETEY! What did you do!!??? Oh boy Petey was in trouble AGAIN. I try telling him don't do stuff like that. But he says, Look Fred! Look what I found! Mom thinks he took Dad's keys and stashed them away somewhere. Sometimes we find his stashes. Sometimes we don't. One time he put a paper bag all the way under the bed. He said that it was for safe keeping in case he wanted to play with it later on. Mom let him keep it there since it wasn't in the way. I don't let him touch my toys. I keep all of them together in one spot. When he's being nice to me, I let him lay on them and fall asleep. Mom and Dad caught him sleeping on a shelf today in the bookcase. Mom said he looked to cute to get in trouble. I know if I tried to do that I would get yelled at. Mom says there are plenty of things I get away with so we are even. I have my doubts on that too. I'm a Good Dog. Dad says so all the time!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
January 22, 2016
Dear Terry, Mom is sorry we haven't written in awhile. Dad says she's had a lot on her plate. I don't know what that means but Mom says everything is OK now. Last night we had treats in bed! SNACKS!! We haven't had those in a long time! And last night me and Mom played in the snow in the driveway. What FUN! Mom says we might get a little more snow to play in but not much. I like to stick my nose in the snow and snort and the snow flies everywhere! I told Petey Cat he doesn't want to go out in the snow because it will make his feet cold. He watches us from the windows though when me and Mom go outside. Last night me and Petey ran and ran around the house until Mom told us enough! Time for Bed! Penny Cat stays away from us when we run around. Mom says we scare her a little. I hope it snows and Me and Mom can go to the park and play in the snow there!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom is sorry we haven't written in awhile. Dad says she's had a lot on her plate. I don't know what that means but Mom says everything is OK now. Last night we had treats in bed! SNACKS!! We haven't had those in a long time! And last night me and Mom played in the snow in the driveway. What FUN! Mom says we might get a little more snow to play in but not much. I like to stick my nose in the snow and snort and the snow flies everywhere! I told Petey Cat he doesn't want to go out in the snow because it will make his feet cold. He watches us from the windows though when me and Mom go outside. Last night me and Petey ran and ran around the house until Mom told us enough! Time for Bed! Penny Cat stays away from us when we run around. Mom says we scare her a little. I hope it snows and Me and Mom can go to the park and play in the snow there!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
January 12, 2016
Dear Terry, Mom got home earlier than she usually does today! It was very exciting! I barked and barked and chased Petey. I even barked at Penny Cat. We went out in the snow! I stuck my nose all the way in the snow and snorted until it flew up in the air! SNOW! I like to stick my tongue out and taste it when it falls out of the sky. I scoop it off the ground too and eat it! YUMMY! Tastes just like cold water!! Mom threw snow on me and we played and played. Mom's been worried about stuff lately and it was good to hear her laugh. Petey watched us from the window. Petey went to the vet tonight. He wasn't very happy being stuffed in the carrier. He pushed and shoved and ran all around and Mom still figured out how to get him in there. When he got home he told me it was real good to see me! He smelled like the vet. Mom said he was a Good Cat! Hardly anyone says that, usually Mom and Dad say PeteyNOOOOO. I gave him a big lick on the head. I missed him while he was gone. We're both pretty tired now. We did a lot of running when he got home.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom got home earlier than she usually does today! It was very exciting! I barked and barked and chased Petey. I even barked at Penny Cat. We went out in the snow! I stuck my nose all the way in the snow and snorted until it flew up in the air! SNOW! I like to stick my tongue out and taste it when it falls out of the sky. I scoop it off the ground too and eat it! YUMMY! Tastes just like cold water!! Mom threw snow on me and we played and played. Mom's been worried about stuff lately and it was good to hear her laugh. Petey watched us from the window. Petey went to the vet tonight. He wasn't very happy being stuffed in the carrier. He pushed and shoved and ran all around and Mom still figured out how to get him in there. When he got home he told me it was real good to see me! He smelled like the vet. Mom said he was a Good Cat! Hardly anyone says that, usually Mom and Dad say PeteyNOOOOO. I gave him a big lick on the head. I missed him while he was gone. We're both pretty tired now. We did a lot of running when he got home.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
January 6, 2016
Dear Terry, Petey has worms!!! WORMS!! That's what Mom said. I don't know what that is but it sounds yucky even to this dog! He has to go to the VET for a check up too. I tried to tell Petey about the VET but he doesn't understand. He thinks if he is with Mom nothing bad will happen. I told him all about how the VET will shine lights in your eyes and look in your ears and touch your feet. He didn't think it was all that bad sounding. Just you wait Petey Cat! You'll see!! Petey's birthday is coming up. That's the day he was adopted from the shelter. I didn't tell him about birthdays. That should be a surprise! I bet Mom makes him some good treats. Hope I get an extra peanut butter biscuit out of it. Petey likes cheese so I think Mom should make him something cheesy good! OH here comes the neighbors down the driveway! I Have to go bark at them!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Petey has worms!!! WORMS!! That's what Mom said. I don't know what that is but it sounds yucky even to this dog! He has to go to the VET for a check up too. I tried to tell Petey about the VET but he doesn't understand. He thinks if he is with Mom nothing bad will happen. I told him all about how the VET will shine lights in your eyes and look in your ears and touch your feet. He didn't think it was all that bad sounding. Just you wait Petey Cat! You'll see!! Petey's birthday is coming up. That's the day he was adopted from the shelter. I didn't tell him about birthdays. That should be a surprise! I bet Mom makes him some good treats. Hope I get an extra peanut butter biscuit out of it. Petey likes cheese so I think Mom should make him something cheesy good! OH here comes the neighbors down the driveway! I Have to go bark at them!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
January 3, 2015
Dear Terry, Happy New Year! I don't know what that means but Mom has been saying it a lot. Me and Mom went for a walk in the woods in the park today. In the snow! I like the snow. I kept my nose in the wind so I could smell every smell out there. What a walk! Mom was pretty cold when we got back to the car. So was I only I didn't know it until we got into the nice warm car. Mom says she has wind burn because we kept walking into the wind. Oh!! And I got to go to Grammy and Pap's house too this evening! Grammy gave me crackers! I ran and barked at Pap and then I ran to see Grammy! And Dad was there too! Mom had dropped him off there eariler so he could watch football with Pap. I did my tricks for Grammy and she laughed and gave me crackers! CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH! Mom drove real slow coming home because it was still snowing outside! When I got home I ran and found Petey and I barked in his face I was so happy to see him! Then we ran all around. I am so pooped out! Oh and I even helped Mom outside take down Christmas decorations. I had a great time today I hardly slept a wink!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Happy New Year! I don't know what that means but Mom has been saying it a lot. Me and Mom went for a walk in the woods in the park today. In the snow! I like the snow. I kept my nose in the wind so I could smell every smell out there. What a walk! Mom was pretty cold when we got back to the car. So was I only I didn't know it until we got into the nice warm car. Mom says she has wind burn because we kept walking into the wind. Oh!! And I got to go to Grammy and Pap's house too this evening! Grammy gave me crackers! I ran and barked at Pap and then I ran to see Grammy! And Dad was there too! Mom had dropped him off there eariler so he could watch football with Pap. I did my tricks for Grammy and she laughed and gave me crackers! CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH! Mom drove real slow coming home because it was still snowing outside! When I got home I ran and found Petey and I barked in his face I was so happy to see him! Then we ran all around. I am so pooped out! Oh and I even helped Mom outside take down Christmas decorations. I had a great time today I hardly slept a wink!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
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