December 28, 2015
Dear Terry, We had some scary excitement here today. Mom says to tell you that no kitties were hurt. Petey has been bad again. He keeps opening cabinets and throwing stuff out. Mom's not so happy about that. This morning, Dad was putting his coat in the closet and Petey jumped in. But I was the only who saw him go in there. I knew it was trouble. Petey isn't allowed in the closets. He makes a mess out of whatever is in there. Dad shut the door and Petey was inside. At first he didn't make a peep. I'm not sure he realized that he couldn't get out. I was right there by the door. Then he tried to get out and couldn't and he panicked. MEOW MEOW MEOW. Mom didn't hear him. Dad didn't hear him. They were downstairs! Mom was getting ready to leave for work. Oh no! MEOW MEOW MEOW. Mom came to say good bye to me like she always does and she finally heard him. She said Fred? Where's the Cat? She opened up the door and Petey flew out and landed right on her shoulder! Mom said he jumped from the top of the hangers. She told Petey everything was OK and pretty soon he was purring. Good sign! Mom put him down once he was settled down and I sniffed him from the tips of his ears all the way to his tail. He was OK! Petey said WHEW! He sure was glad to see all of us! What a day! We took a nap together after all that excitement!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. That was scary. I was in the dark and I couldn't get the door open and Fred wasn't getting Mom or Dad. Dad never saw me go in the closet. I wanted to see what was in there and why I'm not allowed in there. Mom says it's becasue I take everything out instead of leaving everything in it's place. All I know is that I was sure glad to see Mom open that door! I was even glad to see FredDog. He let me lay down and take a nap with him. I sleep under his tail and rest my head on him. Maybe I won't chase him so much anymore. Maybe. I have to think on that some more.
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

December 26, 2015
Dear Terry, Santa outdid himself this year for my gift! I got big bag of chew bones. All for me! AND instead of biscuits, he left me a whole bowl of chicken stew. It had peas and carrots and chicken and some taters in there! I could smell it as soon as I got up and I pushed past Petey and ran into the kitchen and there it was in my bowl!! You should have smelled it. What a great gift! Mom said Santa must have thought I have been extra good to give me such a treat! I worked on that chew bone all day long. Nothing better then something to chew on for the day. I haven't had one in awhile. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP. Then me and Mom went for a walk in the woods. Not a long one though because it was late and getting dark. OH! And Grammy got me a glow in the dark leash! Me and Mom tested it out last night in the driveway. Mom can make it blink. I'm not sure I like it blinking but I kept turning around to see the glowing part. We had a lot of fun! Petey and Penny Cat got good stinky fishy food. They gobbled that right down! Mom even gave them jingle balls to play with in the basement. They have to keep them down there because I might accidentally eat them and Dad always steps on them. Hope you had a good Christmas and I hope Santa brought Newton the best biscuits ever!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Santa outdid himself this year for my gift! I got big bag of chew bones. All for me! AND instead of biscuits, he left me a whole bowl of chicken stew. It had peas and carrots and chicken and some taters in there! I could smell it as soon as I got up and I pushed past Petey and ran into the kitchen and there it was in my bowl!! You should have smelled it. What a great gift! Mom said Santa must have thought I have been extra good to give me such a treat! I worked on that chew bone all day long. Nothing better then something to chew on for the day. I haven't had one in awhile. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP. Then me and Mom went for a walk in the woods. Not a long one though because it was late and getting dark. OH! And Grammy got me a glow in the dark leash! Me and Mom tested it out last night in the driveway. Mom can make it blink. I'm not sure I like it blinking but I kept turning around to see the glowing part. We had a lot of fun! Petey and Penny Cat got good stinky fishy food. They gobbled that right down! Mom even gave them jingle balls to play with in the basement. They have to keep them down there because I might accidentally eat them and Dad always steps on them. Hope you had a good Christmas and I hope Santa brought Newton the best biscuits ever!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
December 21, 2015
Dear Terry, Santa is coming soon! I know it! Me and Mom and Dad have been busy decorating to make sure Santa can find the house ok. Oh and we went to Nolan's Birthday Party. Meatloaf is good! so are mashed taters! Only I wasn't so good sometimes and I had to sit separate from everyone for a little bit until I could calm down. But only a little bit. I like to watch the gifts getting open. Everyone is always in a good mood at birthday parties! I even slept in Grandpap's lap for a little bit. I sure was wore out. We had snacks at night. I got to have crackers! and cheese! how can you beat that for fun!? We had a long drive home. Dad was really pooped out. We both slept while Mom drove the whole way. As soon as I got home I ran and found Petey Cat. He was meowing on the kitchen table. It sure was good to see my friend again. Penny Cat even came out and kissed me on the nose. She must have missed me too! Mom says you might be coming to see us soon. I can't wait to see you again Friend!! Wait until you meet Petey! Did you make a list for Santa? I asked Santa for frosted biscuits with sprinkles. I ask for those every year and every year Santa comes though for me and like magic they are on the counter for me Christmas Morning! Petey Cat is skeptical. He says how does Santa come in the house without us knowing? I said he comes in while we are sleeping and leaves us special treats! But you have to be GOOD. He's been bad. He steals ornaments off the tree and Mom has been finding them everywhere! She even found one in the litter box! PETEYNOOOOOO!
Oh I can't wait to see you Terry, Love and Woofs, FredDog!!
Dear Terry, Santa is coming soon! I know it! Me and Mom and Dad have been busy decorating to make sure Santa can find the house ok. Oh and we went to Nolan's Birthday Party. Meatloaf is good! so are mashed taters! Only I wasn't so good sometimes and I had to sit separate from everyone for a little bit until I could calm down. But only a little bit. I like to watch the gifts getting open. Everyone is always in a good mood at birthday parties! I even slept in Grandpap's lap for a little bit. I sure was wore out. We had snacks at night. I got to have crackers! and cheese! how can you beat that for fun!? We had a long drive home. Dad was really pooped out. We both slept while Mom drove the whole way. As soon as I got home I ran and found Petey Cat. He was meowing on the kitchen table. It sure was good to see my friend again. Penny Cat even came out and kissed me on the nose. She must have missed me too! Mom says you might be coming to see us soon. I can't wait to see you again Friend!! Wait until you meet Petey! Did you make a list for Santa? I asked Santa for frosted biscuits with sprinkles. I ask for those every year and every year Santa comes though for me and like magic they are on the counter for me Christmas Morning! Petey Cat is skeptical. He says how does Santa come in the house without us knowing? I said he comes in while we are sleeping and leaves us special treats! But you have to be GOOD. He's been bad. He steals ornaments off the tree and Mom has been finding them everywhere! She even found one in the litter box! PETEYNOOOOOO!
Oh I can't wait to see you Terry, Love and Woofs, FredDog!!
December 12, 2015
Dear Santa, Mom says I came up with a pretty good list this year, even though it looks a lot like last year's list. I thought I would tell you all the good things I did this year.
Good Things:
1. I learned how to play nice with my cat friends. Now I only chase Petey Cat when we play. And I hardly ever sit on him anymore when he annoys me. I think that's pretty good.
2. I hardly ever make Penny Cat fluffy. Not since I learned that cats have claws and aren't afraid to use them to put an eye out.
3. I help Dad all the time, especially when he doesn't feel good.
4. I don't steal underpants anymore. Hardly.
5. I bark real loud when anyone comes on the property to let Mom and Dad know something is going on.
6. I protected Mom in the park from weirdos.
7. I let Petey Cat sometimes eat my food. And I even let him sleep next to me and use me as a pillow.
See, Santa??? I've worked hard at being good!! What I would really like for Christams are some of those frosted biscuits you bring me every year on a plate!! The kind with the sprinkles on them. Maybe you could bring little ones for Petey and Penny Cat. We like any flavors. I already have my Christmas Collar on because I can barely stand the wait until the holiday gets here!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Santa, Mom says I came up with a pretty good list this year, even though it looks a lot like last year's list. I thought I would tell you all the good things I did this year.
Good Things:
1. I learned how to play nice with my cat friends. Now I only chase Petey Cat when we play. And I hardly ever sit on him anymore when he annoys me. I think that's pretty good.
2. I hardly ever make Penny Cat fluffy. Not since I learned that cats have claws and aren't afraid to use them to put an eye out.
3. I help Dad all the time, especially when he doesn't feel good.
4. I don't steal underpants anymore. Hardly.
5. I bark real loud when anyone comes on the property to let Mom and Dad know something is going on.
6. I protected Mom in the park from weirdos.
7. I let Petey Cat sometimes eat my food. And I even let him sleep next to me and use me as a pillow.
See, Santa??? I've worked hard at being good!! What I would really like for Christams are some of those frosted biscuits you bring me every year on a plate!! The kind with the sprinkles on them. Maybe you could bring little ones for Petey and Penny Cat. We like any flavors. I already have my Christmas Collar on because I can barely stand the wait until the holiday gets here!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
December 9, 2015
Dear Terry, I almost have my letter to Santa ready. Mom is helping me with the writing part. Petey is going to make a list too. He said his was pretty short. AND you won't believe who Dad found in the closet today! Santa!! He lights up. Mom says it is the real Santa's way of watching me and Petey. He doesn't watch Penny Cat because she's good all the time. I met Santa you know. I have the pictures to prove it too! Mom says me and Petey better come up with some good lists. She said Santa has his eyes on us. I believe her too. Oh and Mom put candles in the windows. She had to tape them down because me and Petey kept knocking them over. She said Duct tape is the best thing ever for Christmas ornaments. And The Tree goes up this weekend. We were going to do it last week but we got side tracked. Better go! I hear Petey making noise!! PETEYNOOOOO is his real name.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I almost have my letter to Santa ready. Mom is helping me with the writing part. Petey is going to make a list too. He said his was pretty short. AND you won't believe who Dad found in the closet today! Santa!! He lights up. Mom says it is the real Santa's way of watching me and Petey. He doesn't watch Penny Cat because she's good all the time. I met Santa you know. I have the pictures to prove it too! Mom says me and Petey better come up with some good lists. She said Santa has his eyes on us. I believe her too. Oh and Mom put candles in the windows. She had to tape them down because me and Petey kept knocking them over. She said Duct tape is the best thing ever for Christmas ornaments. And The Tree goes up this weekend. We were going to do it last week but we got side tracked. Better go! I hear Petey making noise!! PETEYNOOOOO is his real name.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dec 7, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom's really been working hard lately and we haven't written. She says I have to get my list to Santa ready. I'll be sending that soon! We tried to go for a walk yesterday and I was really excited about it. But it got wayyy to scary for me. Someone was shooting a gun in the woods. I don't like that. I started to panic and I forgot where the car was and I couldn't think straight. Mom sat down on the ground with me and held me tight and covered my ears until I could think again. She told me we would go right back to the car. That noise is so loud I never know what to do. Mom always knows though and she helps me out no matter how scared I am. When we got home Mom told Dad how scared I was and I snuggled in with him and watched football. Well, kind of watched football. We fell asleep! I better go see what Petey Cat is doing. He's never far away but I don't hear him at all. Mom says that usually means trouble! Sounds like fun to me !!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom's really been working hard lately and we haven't written. She says I have to get my list to Santa ready. I'll be sending that soon! We tried to go for a walk yesterday and I was really excited about it. But it got wayyy to scary for me. Someone was shooting a gun in the woods. I don't like that. I started to panic and I forgot where the car was and I couldn't think straight. Mom sat down on the ground with me and held me tight and covered my ears until I could think again. She told me we would go right back to the car. That noise is so loud I never know what to do. Mom always knows though and she helps me out no matter how scared I am. When we got home Mom told Dad how scared I was and I snuggled in with him and watched football. Well, kind of watched football. We fell asleep! I better go see what Petey Cat is doing. He's never far away but I don't hear him at all. Mom says that usually means trouble! Sounds like fun to me !!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
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