November 28, 2015
Dear Terry, Thanksgiving is over! And what a day it was! Mom and Dad and me got up early and starting baking stuff. Mom and Dad made a pie and some kind of cranberry thing. And I knew there was turkey coming up! Mom got out on of her special tablecloths for the table. She always gets out the special dishes too. The Breakables. Petey Cat didn't know what was going on. He sampled some raw egg that mom was going to use. YUCKO! Mom says his name should be Peteynoooo. He helped me look in the oven window as things were cooking. We helped Mom start to put up the Christmas stuff too while all the food was cooking. Oh and me and Mom went for a big walk in the park. I was tired after that but we had so much fun! When we got home, Mom was going to get out the Breakable Dishes. Then it happened. PETEYNOOOOOO. He pulled the tablecloth right off the table!!! I stood there with Mom, staring at the table. OH boy this wasn't good. Even worse, Petey kept playing with the tablecloth. Mom let out a big SIGH. I guess I won't be getting out the Pretty Dishes this year....Dad said, you better not... I said Woof! And Petey Cat said ROARRRRRRR and played some more with the tablecloth on the floor. Mom did give us all a little bit of turkey later on though! And I got to have a crescent roll with gravy! My favorite! Then we all watched TV. Me and Mom and Dad and Petey and Penny Cat.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

November 23, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what!? I went to the Pet Palace and Mom and Dad took a trip to eat some good food. At first I was nervous. I hadn't been there in awhile. But Mom made sure I had my bed with me and my blanket. Then I got to play with the other dogs non stop almost! I could run and bark and be silly. I liked all the dogs there. Before I knew it, Mom was there to pick me up! I ran and pulled when I saw Mom. It seemed like forever since I had seen her! The kennel lady let go of the leash so I could get to Mom faster. Mom gave me a big hug and when I got home I ran straight to Dad and then Petey and Penny! It was so good to see everyone! Me and Petey couldn't stop chasing each other. We laid down with Mom in the bed and fell asleep. All of us sure were tired!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Guess what!? I went to the Pet Palace and Mom and Dad took a trip to eat some good food. At first I was nervous. I hadn't been there in awhile. But Mom made sure I had my bed with me and my blanket. Then I got to play with the other dogs non stop almost! I could run and bark and be silly. I liked all the dogs there. Before I knew it, Mom was there to pick me up! I ran and pulled when I saw Mom. It seemed like forever since I had seen her! The kennel lady let go of the leash so I could get to Mom faster. Mom gave me a big hug and when I got home I ran straight to Dad and then Petey and Penny! It was so good to see everyone! Me and Petey couldn't stop chasing each other. We laid down with Mom in the bed and fell asleep. All of us sure were tired!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
November 14, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Mom went for a walk today in the park. We were the only ones there! How can everyone stay inside on a great fall day??? You know what we saw?? Deer! Lots of deer! They ran everywhere. I barked real loud at them. Then all we saw were their white butts running up the big hill! Oh and we walked down by the water too. Guess what we saw there!?? The Mallards! They went swooshhhh into the water when we got to close to them. QUACK QUACK. I didn't bark though. They eat sea monsters in the water so you can't upset them. Me and Mom also made some Christmas Cards today. I got to help write what's on the card. Mom said I did a good job! Dad laughed when he saw what we had made. Mom says we can't send them out yet because we have to wait until after Turkey Day. I like Turkey Day. Mom and Dad make lots of food that day! We share it all too. Petey doesn't know what Turkey Day is so I had to tell him all about it. He likes turkey too he said. I told him about how Santa comes and brings really good frosted biscuits too on Christmas Day but since he's bad a lot he might not get any. Mom says Santa doesn't think any kitten can really be bad so she thinks he will probably get a treat. I don't know about that.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. I don't know who this Santa guy is but FredDog says that you have to be really good for him to give you special treats. I'm a little worried about that. I do a lot of bad stuff by accident. Mom says Santa is pretty forgiving of kittens. I hope so! But is it really bad to smack the dog just because he might sit on me??? I've got a lot of thinking to do about this...ROARRRRRR.
Dear Terry, Me and Mom went for a walk today in the park. We were the only ones there! How can everyone stay inside on a great fall day??? You know what we saw?? Deer! Lots of deer! They ran everywhere. I barked real loud at them. Then all we saw were their white butts running up the big hill! Oh and we walked down by the water too. Guess what we saw there!?? The Mallards! They went swooshhhh into the water when we got to close to them. QUACK QUACK. I didn't bark though. They eat sea monsters in the water so you can't upset them. Me and Mom also made some Christmas Cards today. I got to help write what's on the card. Mom said I did a good job! Dad laughed when he saw what we had made. Mom says we can't send them out yet because we have to wait until after Turkey Day. I like Turkey Day. Mom and Dad make lots of food that day! We share it all too. Petey doesn't know what Turkey Day is so I had to tell him all about it. He likes turkey too he said. I told him about how Santa comes and brings really good frosted biscuits too on Christmas Day but since he's bad a lot he might not get any. Mom says Santa doesn't think any kitten can really be bad so she thinks he will probably get a treat. I don't know about that.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. I don't know who this Santa guy is but FredDog says that you have to be really good for him to give you special treats. I'm a little worried about that. I do a lot of bad stuff by accident. Mom says Santa is pretty forgiving of kittens. I hope so! But is it really bad to smack the dog just because he might sit on me??? I've got a lot of thinking to do about this...ROARRRRRR.
November 13, 2015
Dear Terry, Did you hear the wind last night?? Me and Mom went outside and my ears blew straight up in the air! I could hear real good then! Oh and all the smells! And there were deer in the backyard! I told Petey all about it. I tried to tell Penny but all she wanted was her night time food. She didn't even kiss me! She must have been hungry. Oh and Dad and Pap went to the store together earlier today. My favorite store too, the Tractor Supply. Only I wasn't allowed to go. Mom had forgotten to buy my food! So I had no food in the morning but she made pretend food by putting Milk Bones in my dish for me until Dad could get the real stuff. Guess what flavor Pap picked out for me? FISH! YUMMY. I love Fish. Well, not when they are in the water becasue they look like sea monsters. But when they are in my bowl, they are tasty! That's why I like cat food! Oh and Mom gives me snibbles of salmon to eat sometimes too. What a good day!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Did you hear the wind last night?? Me and Mom went outside and my ears blew straight up in the air! I could hear real good then! Oh and all the smells! And there were deer in the backyard! I told Petey all about it. I tried to tell Penny but all she wanted was her night time food. She didn't even kiss me! She must have been hungry. Oh and Dad and Pap went to the store together earlier today. My favorite store too, the Tractor Supply. Only I wasn't allowed to go. Mom had forgotten to buy my food! So I had no food in the morning but she made pretend food by putting Milk Bones in my dish for me until Dad could get the real stuff. Guess what flavor Pap picked out for me? FISH! YUMMY. I love Fish. Well, not when they are in the water becasue they look like sea monsters. But when they are in my bowl, they are tasty! That's why I like cat food! Oh and Mom gives me snibbles of salmon to eat sometimes too. What a good day!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
November 8, 2015
Dear Terry, Petey Cat sure is tricky! We were playing and he decided to play hide n seek. I chase him until he runs then he finds a good spot to hide in. And then he pops back out and we take off running again only he chases me. But this time he was really tricky. He ran behind the sofa and never came out! Where was Petey Cat?? Not even a meow meow. No tail. No feet. I ran to the side then to the other side. No Petey! Then I figured out how I could could go behind the couch, I was sure he was behind it. NO CAT. HUMPPH. I could smell him but I couldn"t see him. Where was he??? WOOO WOOOFFFWOOOFFFFFF. I howled. No Petey. Then something touched my foot and I flew backwards!! Hey that was his foot! It came from IN THE COUCH. how could this be??? So I jumped up on the couch and he got me with another foot through the cushions! I couldn't stop barking! We played and played then it went quiet. I waited and waited. maybe he got tired. After awhile I got tired so I slept right on that cushion. When I woke up Petey was sleeping right next to me. HEY! I can't figure out his trick yet but it sure was fun!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Petey Cat sure is tricky! We were playing and he decided to play hide n seek. I chase him until he runs then he finds a good spot to hide in. And then he pops back out and we take off running again only he chases me. But this time he was really tricky. He ran behind the sofa and never came out! Where was Petey Cat?? Not even a meow meow. No tail. No feet. I ran to the side then to the other side. No Petey! Then I figured out how I could could go behind the couch, I was sure he was behind it. NO CAT. HUMPPH. I could smell him but I couldn"t see him. Where was he??? WOOO WOOOFFFWOOOFFFFFF. I howled. No Petey. Then something touched my foot and I flew backwards!! Hey that was his foot! It came from IN THE COUCH. how could this be??? So I jumped up on the couch and he got me with another foot through the cushions! I couldn't stop barking! We played and played then it went quiet. I waited and waited. maybe he got tired. After awhile I got tired so I slept right on that cushion. When I woke up Petey was sleeping right next to me. HEY! I can't figure out his trick yet but it sure was fun!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
November 6, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Petey Cat have been busy. Last night we had to help Mom find one of the remotes Dad lost again. Dad looses lots of stuff and Mom is always looking for things. I told Petey Cat we have to help Mom when she looks for stuff. This time she took the secret doors off the back of the recliner sofa. It's pretty neat, you pull the fabric and it makes a RIPPPPPPP sound and you can see what's in the secret place. Mom says that is the Velcro that makes that noise. I like to stick my head in there when it storms. And Petey uses the space to put all his toys. Mom said WOW! Look at all these toys! Petey said those are mine! We did find the remote. But not in the sofa. It was in Dad's slipper. I don't know why he puts things in crazy spots. Mom put the secret panel back and made sure to put Petey's toys back in there for safe keeping. Petey pulled back a corner to check and make sure everything was how he liked it. Oh and I helped Dad on the deck too. He was sweeping off the leaves. They were flying in the air and all over the place! What fun that was! Me and Petey woke Mom up this morning too. Bright and early! We didn't mean to, but the birds were right outside the window and me and Petey Cat were talking to them! Woof WOOF! ROARRRRRRR! It was very exciting! I better go help Mom get ready for the day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
November 2, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Petey Cat got in some trouble. It was all his fault. He was sitting in Mom's lap!! He knows not to do that! Then he was poking me in the head and I kept jerking around to see what he was doing. Mom wasn't saying anything she was trying to relax and watch some TV. Then, I couldn't take it any more. He wasn't even trying to share Mom. He was hogging her WHOLE lap. I got a running start and jumped on Mom. Petey got squished like I wanted. And Mom got mad like I didn't want. FRED! PETEY! Petey went flying because I pushed him off Mom, and Dad said HEYYYYY!! And the recliner kind of tipped and I jumped down and sat on Mom's foot. That's what I have to do when I get in trouble. Sit. Mom says it's so I can get my head on straight and hear myself think again. WOOF WOOF. Stupid cat got me in trouble. Once Mom got all settled in again, I jumped up and licked her face to tell her I love you Mom. She let me sit there and petted and petted me until I fell asleep. Petey slept on the back of the chair nice and quiet. He didn't tease me at all after all that. And we didn't break anything this time either. Mom says we need a little more work on the sharing thing yet. I agree! Petey has to know that I come first then everything will be OK!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. That dumb dog nearly flattened me jumping up on Mom like that. I'll get him back for that. He can't stand it when I sit in his food bowl. Mom says it's not nice to say Dumb Dog but I don't know any bad words yet.....Mom likes me best, it's time he figures that out.....ROARRRRRRR!!
Dear Terry, Me and Petey Cat got in some trouble. It was all his fault. He was sitting in Mom's lap!! He knows not to do that! Then he was poking me in the head and I kept jerking around to see what he was doing. Mom wasn't saying anything she was trying to relax and watch some TV. Then, I couldn't take it any more. He wasn't even trying to share Mom. He was hogging her WHOLE lap. I got a running start and jumped on Mom. Petey got squished like I wanted. And Mom got mad like I didn't want. FRED! PETEY! Petey went flying because I pushed him off Mom, and Dad said HEYYYYY!! And the recliner kind of tipped and I jumped down and sat on Mom's foot. That's what I have to do when I get in trouble. Sit. Mom says it's so I can get my head on straight and hear myself think again. WOOF WOOF. Stupid cat got me in trouble. Once Mom got all settled in again, I jumped up and licked her face to tell her I love you Mom. She let me sit there and petted and petted me until I fell asleep. Petey slept on the back of the chair nice and quiet. He didn't tease me at all after all that. And we didn't break anything this time either. Mom says we need a little more work on the sharing thing yet. I agree! Petey has to know that I come first then everything will be OK!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. That dumb dog nearly flattened me jumping up on Mom like that. I'll get him back for that. He can't stand it when I sit in his food bowl. Mom says it's not nice to say Dumb Dog but I don't know any bad words yet.....Mom likes me best, it's time he figures that out.....ROARRRRRRR!!
November 1, 2015
Dear Terry, Yesterday was Halloween!!!! Yay me!! Mom and me celebrated by eating some candy corn. Today we are going to take a Halloween walk in the woods. Mom puts on her Halloween shirt and Dad usually comes with us and he puts his Halloween shirt on too and we go walking in the woods! That's what we do! Mom gave me another piece of candy corn this morning. They must be pretty valuable because she only ever gives me one. I make sure to enjoy every bit of flavor. Oh and Mom and Dad and me were just out on the deck and they had the ladder out!! That means Mom is going up on the roof! I don't like her up there so I get a good spot where I can watch her every move up there. Up, Up she went and pretty soon leaves were flying out of the gutters everywhere! She works slow up there. Dad says that's so she doesn't get hurt or fall. I can't stand it. She was out of sight for a little but I could still hear her. I woofed real soft. Mom heard me though and she said, Don't worry Fred! I'm almost done! And sure enough she came back down the ladder. Dad's job is to hold the ladder. He doesn't like going up on things and he can never fall again. We make sure he stays on the ground. I'm not allowed on the ladder either. My job is to sit and watch and listen for Mom. I did a really good job and Mom said I could have a second piece of candy corn!! OH MY GOSH!!! I didn't share at all with Petey. Me, Petey and Penny are working hard to be friends. Petey and me sleep next to each other every single night and he keeps my nose warm with his tail. Last night he was laying curled up on my back and he started mushing and mushing and I didn't know what to do! Mom says that means he is really happy to have me as a friend. Dogs don't do that. Mom said it is another one of his special powers.
Hope you had a great Halloween!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday was Halloween!!!! Yay me!! Mom and me celebrated by eating some candy corn. Today we are going to take a Halloween walk in the woods. Mom puts on her Halloween shirt and Dad usually comes with us and he puts his Halloween shirt on too and we go walking in the woods! That's what we do! Mom gave me another piece of candy corn this morning. They must be pretty valuable because she only ever gives me one. I make sure to enjoy every bit of flavor. Oh and Mom and Dad and me were just out on the deck and they had the ladder out!! That means Mom is going up on the roof! I don't like her up there so I get a good spot where I can watch her every move up there. Up, Up she went and pretty soon leaves were flying out of the gutters everywhere! She works slow up there. Dad says that's so she doesn't get hurt or fall. I can't stand it. She was out of sight for a little but I could still hear her. I woofed real soft. Mom heard me though and she said, Don't worry Fred! I'm almost done! And sure enough she came back down the ladder. Dad's job is to hold the ladder. He doesn't like going up on things and he can never fall again. We make sure he stays on the ground. I'm not allowed on the ladder either. My job is to sit and watch and listen for Mom. I did a really good job and Mom said I could have a second piece of candy corn!! OH MY GOSH!!! I didn't share at all with Petey. Me, Petey and Penny are working hard to be friends. Petey and me sleep next to each other every single night and he keeps my nose warm with his tail. Last night he was laying curled up on my back and he started mushing and mushing and I didn't know what to do! Mom says that means he is really happy to have me as a friend. Dogs don't do that. Mom said it is another one of his special powers.
Hope you had a great Halloween!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
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