October 26 2015
Dear Terry, Boy Petey Cat sure can run. He runs past me and over me and under me and all around me. I bark. He still doesn't understand that Mom is mine. I sit next to her. And I sit on him when he tries to sit next to Mom. But he is pretty nice when he lays down next to me. This morning he snuggled in right next to me in the covers! He didn't bite my tail, He didn't poke me in the face with his paw. He was purring though! It's like magic when he does that. I can't purr, It comes out a growl. He won't tell me how it does it either. Mom says that's one of his special powers. He has a lot of those. Mom says let's be thankful he uses his powers for good and not bad!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

October 24, 2015
Dear Terry, Petey and I had a sleepover. Mom let us run free in the house all night long. Well, not all night. Part of the night because things got a little out of hand. First we played and played. Then Mom went to bed. We had to decide who was going to sleep where. I got all settled in my usual spot next to Mom and Petey wanted there too. He started pawing at me and reaching for my eyes. I moved. Then he picked another spot altogether!! I barked right in his face. It took us a bit, but we finally all got settled in some good spots on the bed and Mom got out some treats for me and Petey. I showed Petey how I do my tricks and get a treat. I think he is catching on. Then we all went to sleep watching TV. Afterwhile Petey woke up and started playing with my tail and then my feet. And then my ears. And my nose. Wap wap wap. I woke up and he was standing on me and we started to play. I said we can't wake Mom up but we kind of forgot and started rolling in the covers because that's so much fun! Pretty soon Mom woke up because she had no covers on! We had ripped them all off the bed and some of the pillows were on the floor and somehow my food dish was knocked over. Oh boy. Mom had to get up in the middle of the night and fix everything. She shooed Petey out of the bedroom and told me to go lay down. Everything was OK though in the morning! And we didn't break anything that time.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Petey and I had a sleepover. Mom let us run free in the house all night long. Well, not all night. Part of the night because things got a little out of hand. First we played and played. Then Mom went to bed. We had to decide who was going to sleep where. I got all settled in my usual spot next to Mom and Petey wanted there too. He started pawing at me and reaching for my eyes. I moved. Then he picked another spot altogether!! I barked right in his face. It took us a bit, but we finally all got settled in some good spots on the bed and Mom got out some treats for me and Petey. I showed Petey how I do my tricks and get a treat. I think he is catching on. Then we all went to sleep watching TV. Afterwhile Petey woke up and started playing with my tail and then my feet. And then my ears. And my nose. Wap wap wap. I woke up and he was standing on me and we started to play. I said we can't wake Mom up but we kind of forgot and started rolling in the covers because that's so much fun! Pretty soon Mom woke up because she had no covers on! We had ripped them all off the bed and some of the pillows were on the floor and somehow my food dish was knocked over. Oh boy. Mom had to get up in the middle of the night and fix everything. She shooed Petey out of the bedroom and told me to go lay down. Everything was OK though in the morning! And we didn't break anything that time.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 22, 2015
Dear Terry, The other night Mom took me outside and I started growling and growling and barking. I had to protect Mom!! There was SOMETHING in the neighbor's yard. And it was moving! GRRRRRRR I almost ripped the leash out of her hand. I dragged her over to it and...Oh, it was a big leaf! Ooops! Woof Woof!
Last night Petey and I were running around trying to play. But he was being mean again and sat in my spot on the couch. I was able to bark in his face and make him move a little bit. But when he sat down next to Mom on the other couch No Way. That is MY SPOT. I tried to nose him out of the way. I poked him with my paw to move him. He wasn't budging. I jumped up and barked. Still didn't move. So I sat on him. That's right I sat on him. That showed him! Only he wriggled out from under my butt and head butted me. I did get my spot next to Mom though and we all watched TV together with Dad. Mom says to be careful sitting on Petey because he may not be so nice next time around!
So if anyone is bothering you Terry, I say sit on them. It works! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, The other night Mom took me outside and I started growling and growling and barking. I had to protect Mom!! There was SOMETHING in the neighbor's yard. And it was moving! GRRRRRRR I almost ripped the leash out of her hand. I dragged her over to it and...Oh, it was a big leaf! Ooops! Woof Woof!
Last night Petey and I were running around trying to play. But he was being mean again and sat in my spot on the couch. I was able to bark in his face and make him move a little bit. But when he sat down next to Mom on the other couch No Way. That is MY SPOT. I tried to nose him out of the way. I poked him with my paw to move him. He wasn't budging. I jumped up and barked. Still didn't move. So I sat on him. That's right I sat on him. That showed him! Only he wriggled out from under my butt and head butted me. I did get my spot next to Mom though and we all watched TV together with Dad. Mom says to be careful sitting on Petey because he may not be so nice next time around!
So if anyone is bothering you Terry, I say sit on them. It works! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 19, 2015
Dear Terry, Boy I was so tired yesterday that I didn't even eat my food. Me and Mom went for a walk in the cold windy air. I love it when it's like that outside. We saw lots of things at the park and we lost all track of time and when we got home Dad said THERE you are! I barked to let him know I was right there at his feet! Dad said the apple cider was finished. Mom had made that from scratch. I was right there when she was cutting up the apples. The whole house smelled like them. Mom and Dad sat down and had some to warm up. Then Dad let Petey out so I could play with him. We played and played. We still aren't allowed to be alone together. Mom says she wants the house to stay standing. Tonight I'm going to teach Petey how the couches are mine but maybe if he asks me I will let him sit with me. We did watch TV together last night. And for a little while we looked out the front window together because we both heard a sound. But then Petey sat in my seat again. I stood there and just barked at him and he didn't even move! All he did was grow tall and swat at my nose. So I barked some more. WOOF WOOF. He never did move. I had to go lay down on the floor. Humph. Then me and Mom went to bed to sleep and before I knew it, it was morning! How did that happen??? What a good day it was!
Hope you had a good barking day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Boy I was so tired yesterday that I didn't even eat my food. Me and Mom went for a walk in the cold windy air. I love it when it's like that outside. We saw lots of things at the park and we lost all track of time and when we got home Dad said THERE you are! I barked to let him know I was right there at his feet! Dad said the apple cider was finished. Mom had made that from scratch. I was right there when she was cutting up the apples. The whole house smelled like them. Mom and Dad sat down and had some to warm up. Then Dad let Petey out so I could play with him. We played and played. We still aren't allowed to be alone together. Mom says she wants the house to stay standing. Tonight I'm going to teach Petey how the couches are mine but maybe if he asks me I will let him sit with me. We did watch TV together last night. And for a little while we looked out the front window together because we both heard a sound. But then Petey sat in my seat again. I stood there and just barked at him and he didn't even move! All he did was grow tall and swat at my nose. So I barked some more. WOOF WOOF. He never did move. I had to go lay down on the floor. Humph. Then me and Mom went to bed to sleep and before I knew it, it was morning! How did that happen??? What a good day it was!
Hope you had a good barking day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 17, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what me and Petey have been doing? Playing! Well I play, he tries to figure out what I'm doing. No one has lost any eyes. Last night, I even licked him on the head some so he would know that I was only playing. Mom said, Fred are you being nice or are you tasting testing??? Petey started being mean though last night. Mom said he had enough of Fred Play. First he laid down in My Spot on the couch. I chased him out of there. Then he went to my Other Spot on the couch right next to Mom. I really didn't like that. He was doing it on purpose. I could tell. When I tried to chase him out of there he sat up reallllly talll and reached out and slowly swiped at my nose. I jumped back at least 10 feet. WHEW! He didn't have his claws out. Mom said that was a warning. Petey wasn't hissing or growling. But I got the message, Tall Petey means get away doggie! I wonder how he can make himself so tall like that. I wish sometimes I was tall. I could reach things on the counter. Or maybe see outside better. Mom says I'm just the right size and don't worry about it because cats have special powers like that. Oh and guess what else?? I saw snow today out the front window and I barked and barked at it. I don't know why I bark when it snows but I do.
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Guess what me and Petey have been doing? Playing! Well I play, he tries to figure out what I'm doing. No one has lost any eyes. Last night, I even licked him on the head some so he would know that I was only playing. Mom said, Fred are you being nice or are you tasting testing??? Petey started being mean though last night. Mom said he had enough of Fred Play. First he laid down in My Spot on the couch. I chased him out of there. Then he went to my Other Spot on the couch right next to Mom. I really didn't like that. He was doing it on purpose. I could tell. When I tried to chase him out of there he sat up reallllly talll and reached out and slowly swiped at my nose. I jumped back at least 10 feet. WHEW! He didn't have his claws out. Mom said that was a warning. Petey wasn't hissing or growling. But I got the message, Tall Petey means get away doggie! I wonder how he can make himself so tall like that. I wish sometimes I was tall. I could reach things on the counter. Or maybe see outside better. Mom says I'm just the right size and don't worry about it because cats have special powers like that. Oh and guess what else?? I saw snow today out the front window and I barked and barked at it. I don't know why I bark when it snows but I do.
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
October 11, 2015
Dear Terry, Today was my favorite kind of a day. Sunny and cloudy all at once, good breeze and nice and cool. All day long Mom worked outside in the yard. I would bark to her so she would know I was still waiting. Mom kept telling me, we are going! Soon, Fred, Soon. Soon seemed like forever!! But then Mom grabbed the leash and said C'mon let's go! And we went! All the way to the Nature Park. The leaves were blowing all around in the air. People and other dogs were there. The trails were just right for me and Mom to walk on. We went clear to the top on one of the easy trails so Mom's knee wouldn't hurt too much. Way, way up we went and I stopped and smelled all the big leaf piles and Mom let me dig in them and throw them all around in the wind! There was even a lady who used the bathroom! Mom warned her though so I couldn't scare the beegeesus out of her coming out of there. Woof! She still jumped a little. Woof Woof! What a great day!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today was my favorite kind of a day. Sunny and cloudy all at once, good breeze and nice and cool. All day long Mom worked outside in the yard. I would bark to her so she would know I was still waiting. Mom kept telling me, we are going! Soon, Fred, Soon. Soon seemed like forever!! But then Mom grabbed the leash and said C'mon let's go! And we went! All the way to the Nature Park. The leaves were blowing all around in the air. People and other dogs were there. The trails were just right for me and Mom to walk on. We went clear to the top on one of the easy trails so Mom's knee wouldn't hurt too much. Way, way up we went and I stopped and smelled all the big leaf piles and Mom let me dig in them and throw them all around in the wind! There was even a lady who used the bathroom! Mom warned her though so I couldn't scare the beegeesus out of her coming out of there. Woof! She still jumped a little. Woof Woof! What a great day!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 10, 2015
Dear Terry, I thought today was going to be exciting. It was, right up until we got to the VET. I was so excited to go for a car ride. I should have known when Mom said you have to be good. We didn't turn to go to the park. We turned the other way. I let Mom know in no uncertain terms that I KNEW what she was up to! Mom said, FRED that's my ear you are barking in! HUMPPPH. I'm really good in the waiting room. Mom tells me to sit and I sit while we wait our turn. I'm not so good afterwards so Mom always pays first. I had to get my butt cleaned and a special pill so I don't get the Kennel Cough. Sometimes I can't go with Mom and Dad on trips so I have to sleepover at the Pet Hotel. It's not so bad there. I can run and play with other dogs my own size and Mom takes my bed and Spot for me. Spot keeps me company so I don't feel so alone. Spot has been my pal for a long time. Mom says that she isn't taking any trips for awhile, so don't worry. When we got home I told Dad all about how Mom tricked me and he was so upset he gave me a treat! He said I can't believe Mom did that! Have a bacon treat! WOOF! I can always count on Dad!
Oh and I've been trying to get Petey to play with me. Mom says it's been a disaster and I need to tone it down. But this morning when I said Good Morning Petey Cat and gave him a nudge he flopped over and played a little bit with me. I accidentally made him run away to the basement last night. I might have barked in his face. Stuff went flying all over the place. I didn't know that my food could fly so high in the air!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I thought today was going to be exciting. It was, right up until we got to the VET. I was so excited to go for a car ride. I should have known when Mom said you have to be good. We didn't turn to go to the park. We turned the other way. I let Mom know in no uncertain terms that I KNEW what she was up to! Mom said, FRED that's my ear you are barking in! HUMPPPH. I'm really good in the waiting room. Mom tells me to sit and I sit while we wait our turn. I'm not so good afterwards so Mom always pays first. I had to get my butt cleaned and a special pill so I don't get the Kennel Cough. Sometimes I can't go with Mom and Dad on trips so I have to sleepover at the Pet Hotel. It's not so bad there. I can run and play with other dogs my own size and Mom takes my bed and Spot for me. Spot keeps me company so I don't feel so alone. Spot has been my pal for a long time. Mom says that she isn't taking any trips for awhile, so don't worry. When we got home I told Dad all about how Mom tricked me and he was so upset he gave me a treat! He said I can't believe Mom did that! Have a bacon treat! WOOF! I can always count on Dad!
Oh and I've been trying to get Petey to play with me. Mom says it's been a disaster and I need to tone it down. But this morning when I said Good Morning Petey Cat and gave him a nudge he flopped over and played a little bit with me. I accidentally made him run away to the basement last night. I might have barked in his face. Stuff went flying all over the place. I didn't know that my food could fly so high in the air!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 8, 2015
Dear Terry, Last night I tried to be good. I did. Me and Mom were sitting on the cough watching baseball and here comes Petey Cat. I rolled my eyes. Mom said settle down there Fred, let's have a quiet evening. Petey walked all over the couch, all over me and my tail and my feet. He head butted me, Mom and Dad. He ran through the house. He went in the big picture window. My window. He fell off the window sill. He started to climb the drapes. And I was good. I sat right next to Mom. Every so often Petey would come and give me a head butt and then off he went. We thought he was calming down when he sat on the arm of the couch, right next to me. Only he was being a stinker as Mom says. He would reach out with one foot and TOUCH ME on the nose or ear. Then he would pretend he didn't. On and On he kept doing it. Mom would look over and Petey would stop. I snapped. I pushed him hard with my nose and snapped at his tail. FRED! PETEY! Mom says Petey is an instigator. I don't know what that is, but I think it might mean Get Fred In Trouble. I went to bed. No more getting in trouble that way!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Last night I tried to be good. I did. Me and Mom were sitting on the cough watching baseball and here comes Petey Cat. I rolled my eyes. Mom said settle down there Fred, let's have a quiet evening. Petey walked all over the couch, all over me and my tail and my feet. He head butted me, Mom and Dad. He ran through the house. He went in the big picture window. My window. He fell off the window sill. He started to climb the drapes. And I was good. I sat right next to Mom. Every so often Petey would come and give me a head butt and then off he went. We thought he was calming down when he sat on the arm of the couch, right next to me. Only he was being a stinker as Mom says. He would reach out with one foot and TOUCH ME on the nose or ear. Then he would pretend he didn't. On and On he kept doing it. Mom would look over and Petey would stop. I snapped. I pushed him hard with my nose and snapped at his tail. FRED! PETEY! Mom says Petey is an instigator. I don't know what that is, but I think it might mean Get Fred In Trouble. I went to bed. No more getting in trouble that way!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 6, 2015
Dear Terry, I'm all mixed up. Mom's schedule changed again. She leaves later and comes home later. I don't like it. She gets home and it's dark out now!! How are we supposed to go for walks? Dad says that I've been Mopey Dog. He said that means I lay around and feel sorry for myself and I don't do much. So Dad decided to fix that. He told me today is Fred Day. Well, that might be exciting. What do you do on Fred Day? Oh you can play ball, go out on deck with me, we can walk around the yard looking for walnuts, make some snacks. OOOOO this sounds like it could be really fun! Dad said I might even get some Pepperoni!! I like Pepperoni! He said we will have so much fun that time will fly and Mom will be home before I know it today! I told Petey Cat all about it. He head butted me. That means he thinks it's a good idea! He said maybe then I would quit fake jumping at him to see if he will fluff up. I've learned Petey Cat doesn't really fluff up to much around me, instead he strikes without warning. Sometimes he gives me the Stink Eye. But don't worry! I'm fast and we have made it into a sort of game. Mom says I'm going to lose an eye yet.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I'm all mixed up. Mom's schedule changed again. She leaves later and comes home later. I don't like it. She gets home and it's dark out now!! How are we supposed to go for walks? Dad says that I've been Mopey Dog. He said that means I lay around and feel sorry for myself and I don't do much. So Dad decided to fix that. He told me today is Fred Day. Well, that might be exciting. What do you do on Fred Day? Oh you can play ball, go out on deck with me, we can walk around the yard looking for walnuts, make some snacks. OOOOO this sounds like it could be really fun! Dad said I might even get some Pepperoni!! I like Pepperoni! He said we will have so much fun that time will fly and Mom will be home before I know it today! I told Petey Cat all about it. He head butted me. That means he thinks it's a good idea! He said maybe then I would quit fake jumping at him to see if he will fluff up. I've learned Petey Cat doesn't really fluff up to much around me, instead he strikes without warning. Sometimes he gives me the Stink Eye. But don't worry! I'm fast and we have made it into a sort of game. Mom says I'm going to lose an eye yet.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 1, 2015
Dear Terry, I've been busy again. Me and Dad had a pizza party the other day. Just me and him and pizza! It was cold and rainy so he said pizza would cheer us right up. And it did!! I told Pizza Man how great it was that he brought us pizza! The other thing I've been doing is being friends with Petey. Mom and Dad pretty much let him run all around the place now. I'm still not so good sometimes so Mom or Dad kindof keeps an eye on me. Kindof. They should keep more of an eye on Petey. He's really bad. Last night I wanted to snuggle in with Mom but Petey beat me to it. I still don't share too good. Neither does Petey. But at least we can kindof share things now. I usually let him win. That's what Newton said to do, let the Cats win. He wins the front door, the food bowls, the tv, the blanket, even my bed!!! He's big now and he's very strong. I still have both my eyes though. Petey still has his tail. We are becoming friends!!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I've been busy again. Me and Dad had a pizza party the other day. Just me and him and pizza! It was cold and rainy so he said pizza would cheer us right up. And it did!! I told Pizza Man how great it was that he brought us pizza! The other thing I've been doing is being friends with Petey. Mom and Dad pretty much let him run all around the place now. I'm still not so good sometimes so Mom or Dad kindof keeps an eye on me. Kindof. They should keep more of an eye on Petey. He's really bad. Last night I wanted to snuggle in with Mom but Petey beat me to it. I still don't share too good. Neither does Petey. But at least we can kindof share things now. I usually let him win. That's what Newton said to do, let the Cats win. He wins the front door, the food bowls, the tv, the blanket, even my bed!!! He's big now and he's very strong. I still have both my eyes though. Petey still has his tail. We are becoming friends!!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
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