September 27, 2015 The Fish Story
Dear Terry, Yesterday me and Mom has the BEST walk ever! We walked again today, but it wasn't nearly as exciting as yesterday! First there was a big Malamute that came running out of the woods and right up to me! He was pretty furry but very friendly. I howled because I was so excited. Then we went into the woods and there was a big tree down across the trail. Mom said come on Fred! We can jump it and Mom and me got a running start and Mom jumped and I stayed on the other side. Mom almost fell down. GEEZ Fred!! Sometimes I'm not so good at jumping. Mom said C'mon! and she made the leash really loose and I jumped and I made it over!!! I barked because it was so exciting! Then we went all the way back the trail and back down again and this time I jumped the tree like it was nothing! Yay Freddie! Mom said. We went back to the parking lot and there was a lady walking with a stroller and a tiny human. I used to be scared of strollers. I walked right on by it no problems! Now here is the really exciting part. Me and Mom decided to walk on the far side of the pond on the Jumping Bass Trail. That's a fish you know. Fish are like sea monsters to me when they come to the side of the pond and stick their heads up. Me and Mom were walking and I smelled a smell. Pretty soon I found what I was smelling. I dropped to the ground and started rolling and Mom said EWWWWW what is THAT SMELL?? WHAT are you rolling in??? I found a dead fish right on the bank and I rolled on it!! Mom was not nearly as excited about it as I was!! I kept on rolling and smashing the fish into the ground and the smell was great! STOP ALREADY!!! Mom did you say something?? I kept on rolling WOOF! I went to pick it up to take it with us and Mom said LEAVE IT. The smell will come with you. And she was right I could smell it the whole way back to the car! What a walk we had!!
You should get Newton a dead fish to roll in, tell him he can't imagine the fun it is!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

September 26, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom got me an ice cream cone the other night and she forgot to make it a kiddy cone. I can't eat the people cones because it is so much ice cream I explode. I exploded. Mom had to scrub the carpet and everything. Dad helped with the paper towels. I laid down until I felt better. Mom felt bad because she didn't get the little ice cream for me and I got sick. But I felt OK yesterday and today I can eat like normal again! In fact, I felt so good today that I chased Petey Cat. He was in my spot at the front door. Then he was in my spot on the back of the couch. Then I chased him. Mom warned me that Petey Cat will put my eye out. I keep forgetting that.
Mom has lots of stuff planned for us today. She wants me to play outside on the deck while her and Dad do some painting on the house. I play look out for anything that might be sketchy. Like a spider or something. Or a leaf blowing in the yard. I bark at the Ravens for sure though. Mean birds.
Hope you have a good Fall Day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom got me an ice cream cone the other night and she forgot to make it a kiddy cone. I can't eat the people cones because it is so much ice cream I explode. I exploded. Mom had to scrub the carpet and everything. Dad helped with the paper towels. I laid down until I felt better. Mom felt bad because she didn't get the little ice cream for me and I got sick. But I felt OK yesterday and today I can eat like normal again! In fact, I felt so good today that I chased Petey Cat. He was in my spot at the front door. Then he was in my spot on the back of the couch. Then I chased him. Mom warned me that Petey Cat will put my eye out. I keep forgetting that.
Mom has lots of stuff planned for us today. She wants me to play outside on the deck while her and Dad do some painting on the house. I play look out for anything that might be sketchy. Like a spider or something. Or a leaf blowing in the yard. I bark at the Ravens for sure though. Mean birds.
Hope you have a good Fall Day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 23, 2015
Dear Terry, Today is the first day of Fall! Me and Mom love Fall. The leaves fall down from the trees. We always find Dad the biggest leaf in the park and take it home to show him. Me and Mom also walk though the backyard and I sniff out the Walnuts and Acorns for her. I'm real good at finding them. When I find one, I push it with my nose and look up at Mom and she picks them up and puts them in her pockets. One year we found lots and lots of Walnuts and they filled up a whole big jar. I get big pets on the head for finding them. Another thing I like about Fall is that the nights are nice and cold and I get to sleep under the blankets. Mom and Dad sometimes hog the blankets so I paw at them until they wake up and get me under the covers! I can put the blanket on myself too. All I have to do is pull the blanket right off Mom and over my head. You can't pull the blankets off Dad. He holds on to them pretty good. Last night , Mom tried to get the blanket back from me and we had a tug of war. I won. Mom sighed. Woof woof!!!
Hope you have a good Fall Day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today is the first day of Fall! Me and Mom love Fall. The leaves fall down from the trees. We always find Dad the biggest leaf in the park and take it home to show him. Me and Mom also walk though the backyard and I sniff out the Walnuts and Acorns for her. I'm real good at finding them. When I find one, I push it with my nose and look up at Mom and she picks them up and puts them in her pockets. One year we found lots and lots of Walnuts and they filled up a whole big jar. I get big pets on the head for finding them. Another thing I like about Fall is that the nights are nice and cold and I get to sleep under the blankets. Mom and Dad sometimes hog the blankets so I paw at them until they wake up and get me under the covers! I can put the blanket on myself too. All I have to do is pull the blanket right off Mom and over my head. You can't pull the blankets off Dad. He holds on to them pretty good. Last night , Mom tried to get the blanket back from me and we had a tug of war. I won. Mom sighed. Woof woof!!!
Hope you have a good Fall Day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
September 22, 2015
Dear Terry,
Petey got in some trouble last night. I didn't, only Petey. Petey took Dad's wallet again. Last time he scattered everything all around the living room and Dad couldn't find his important stuff. Dad has a hard enough time finding things. This time Mom caught Petey in the act! PETEY!!!! but Petey didn't listen. He can be good at ignoring Mom. That's not a good idea. Then Dad said PETEY! Petey only flicked an ear at him. Oh boy. Mom got up and tried to take the wallet from him and he clawed her hand!!How come cats get to do that and when I do it, it's the end of the world. And I don't even do it on purpose when I scratch someone. Mom yelled at him, PETEY CAT and she scooped him and the wallet up and she put Petey on her sholder and the wallet in a safe spot. Petey Cat said MEOW! Mom said to Dad you better find someting else for him to play with. Dad got out the cat fishing pole with the talking mouse on the end. It drives me nuts so I bark. Me and Mom laid down in bed and Dad and Petey played and played and played. Mom said that's all Petey wanted to do when he took the wallet. I better go help Mom get ready for work.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Did you read how I wasn't in trouble!!!! That's right I was the GOOD ONE. WOOF!
Dear Terry,
Petey got in some trouble last night. I didn't, only Petey. Petey took Dad's wallet again. Last time he scattered everything all around the living room and Dad couldn't find his important stuff. Dad has a hard enough time finding things. This time Mom caught Petey in the act! PETEY!!!! but Petey didn't listen. He can be good at ignoring Mom. That's not a good idea. Then Dad said PETEY! Petey only flicked an ear at him. Oh boy. Mom got up and tried to take the wallet from him and he clawed her hand!!How come cats get to do that and when I do it, it's the end of the world. And I don't even do it on purpose when I scratch someone. Mom yelled at him, PETEY CAT and she scooped him and the wallet up and she put Petey on her sholder and the wallet in a safe spot. Petey Cat said MEOW! Mom said to Dad you better find someting else for him to play with. Dad got out the cat fishing pole with the talking mouse on the end. It drives me nuts so I bark. Me and Mom laid down in bed and Dad and Petey played and played and played. Mom said that's all Petey wanted to do when he took the wallet. I better go help Mom get ready for work.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Did you read how I wasn't in trouble!!!! That's right I was the GOOD ONE. WOOF!
September 20, 2015
Dear Terry, Yesterday, Me and Dad and Mom all went for a ride in the car. First we stopped and got some breakfast at the Burger Palace. Mom gave me bits n pieces. Then Dad said , Hey I have an idea! He said, Let's go to the Puppy Park!! The Puppy Park oh my GOSH. It's been FOREVER since I was there! Mom took us right away. I was barking already. I thought I might pee in the car I was so excited, but I didn't. When we got there, there was a dog just my size already running around and I joined him. We barked and ran all around and pretended to be tough dogs then run all around again. I got pretty hot. Mom got me a big drink of water to cool off. Oh boy did I have fun!! Dad had a good time too watching me run all around. Oh and Petey came into the bedroom again while I was trying to sleep. He kindof scared me so I went to the side of the bed. He head butted me and then bounded back out of the room. That's what he does, checks up on me and then goes and plays.
If you need to relax, Take a run at the Puppy Park! Don't forget the water though
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday, Me and Dad and Mom all went for a ride in the car. First we stopped and got some breakfast at the Burger Palace. Mom gave me bits n pieces. Then Dad said , Hey I have an idea! He said, Let's go to the Puppy Park!! The Puppy Park oh my GOSH. It's been FOREVER since I was there! Mom took us right away. I was barking already. I thought I might pee in the car I was so excited, but I didn't. When we got there, there was a dog just my size already running around and I joined him. We barked and ran all around and pretended to be tough dogs then run all around again. I got pretty hot. Mom got me a big drink of water to cool off. Oh boy did I have fun!! Dad had a good time too watching me run all around. Oh and Petey came into the bedroom again while I was trying to sleep. He kindof scared me so I went to the side of the bed. He head butted me and then bounded back out of the room. That's what he does, checks up on me and then goes and plays.
If you need to relax, Take a run at the Puppy Park! Don't forget the water though
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 16, 2015
Dear Terry, Whew! My dogs are still barking! Woof get it? Me and Mom went for a big walk last night and I'm still pooped out. We walked all over the park and I looked at everything and smelled everything that I could. I slept all last night and Mom had to wake me up this morning. I was really tired! Me and Dad napped all day long too. I don't even want to play ball tonight. But I did help make some ice cream for Pap. He likes ice cream. I wasn't allowed to lick any spoons though because it wasn't vanilla. Mom said she would make some vanilla just for me next time. Dad tried Pap's ice cream and said it was YUMMY! Oh and last night, Petey came in to see me while I was sleeping. Mom told him you should always let sleeping dogs lie, but you know Petey, he will try anything once. I heard him jump up real soft on the bed. Then he saw I had one eye open and he started to purr and head butt me and roll all around in the sheets. I was too tired to move. That seemed ok with Petey Cat though. Afterwhile, he jumped back off the bed and went to find out where Dad was sleeping and curled up with him. I'm still real careful around Petey, like Newton told me to be, because I don't want to lose an eye. Or an Ear. Or my nose. Or even my tail!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
September 15, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Petey are getting along pretty good. Mom even leaves us alone in the same room sometimes! Each morning we both help her pick out clothes. Then Petey headbutts me. After that we help Mom get the food bowls all sorted out and ready to go. And we help make the bed. Well, we do that if Petey isn't rolling around in the sheets and blankets. Oh boy did he get in big trouble the other day. He was walking on top of the shower curtain rod. It's all bent now. The shower curtain is all ripped up too because he was playing with that also. I better go! Me and Dad see Mom off to work each day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Me and Petey are getting along pretty good. Mom even leaves us alone in the same room sometimes! Each morning we both help her pick out clothes. Then Petey headbutts me. After that we help Mom get the food bowls all sorted out and ready to go. And we help make the bed. Well, we do that if Petey isn't rolling around in the sheets and blankets. Oh boy did he get in big trouble the other day. He was walking on top of the shower curtain rod. It's all bent now. The shower curtain is all ripped up too because he was playing with that also. I better go! Me and Dad see Mom off to work each day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
September 10, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what yesterday was??? Dad declared it Hot Dog Day! I like Hot Dog Day! We ate hot dogs from the grill. We had some for breakfast. We had some for lunch. Even dinner. Sometimes I got to eat pieces with bread, sometimes pieces with a little bit of ketchup on it. Dad said Hot Dog Day was a success! Dad said maybe we could do it again today only with Brats! Oh boy!!! Mom said I'm not supposed to eat so many hot dogs and brats. Party Pooper Mom! But I noticed she put a hot dog in her lunch bag! HEYYYY!!! Mom laughed and said she had missed out on Hot Dog Day.
Hope you have a good Day Terry!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what yesterday was??? Dad declared it Hot Dog Day! I like Hot Dog Day! We ate hot dogs from the grill. We had some for breakfast. We had some for lunch. Even dinner. Sometimes I got to eat pieces with bread, sometimes pieces with a little bit of ketchup on it. Dad said Hot Dog Day was a success! Dad said maybe we could do it again today only with Brats! Oh boy!!! Mom said I'm not supposed to eat so many hot dogs and brats. Party Pooper Mom! But I noticed she put a hot dog in her lunch bag! HEYYYY!!! Mom laughed and said she had missed out on Hot Dog Day.
Hope you have a good Day Terry!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 6, 2015
Dear Terry, I had a big scary the other day! Me and Mom went to the park for a walk Friday. Only Mom didn't check the Weather Rock like she always does. And when we got there I was nosing around smelling stuff when I heard it. THUNDER. I was in a panic! Good thing Mom was there! She sat down in the grass with me and covered my ears until I could think straight. My heart was pounding. We ran back to the car and Mom said we had better get home Fred! But it never stormed. It only thundered. It was still scary to me. Mom was really sorry she didn't check the Weather Rock before we left and promised that wouldn't happen again. Guess what we are doing today!? Dad said we are going to fire up the Burger Machine and make some Meat! I like Meat! And we are going to have the ice cream Mom made too! I like Ice Cream too!! Dad said he was going to make some more cookies. What a good Day it's going to be! Meat, Ice Cream and Cookies!!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I had a big scary the other day! Me and Mom went to the park for a walk Friday. Only Mom didn't check the Weather Rock like she always does. And when we got there I was nosing around smelling stuff when I heard it. THUNDER. I was in a panic! Good thing Mom was there! She sat down in the grass with me and covered my ears until I could think straight. My heart was pounding. We ran back to the car and Mom said we had better get home Fred! But it never stormed. It only thundered. It was still scary to me. Mom was really sorry she didn't check the Weather Rock before we left and promised that wouldn't happen again. Guess what we are doing today!? Dad said we are going to fire up the Burger Machine and make some Meat! I like Meat! And we are going to have the ice cream Mom made too! I like Ice Cream too!! Dad said he was going to make some more cookies. What a good Day it's going to be! Meat, Ice Cream and Cookies!!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 3, 2015
Dear Terry, I got in big trouble last night. So much trouble Mom made me Sit AND Stay all at once. I pushed Petey and then I chased him and Mom yelled at me. I should have listened to Petey. He kept telling me Don't chase me Doggie. But he trotted on ahead of me into the kitchen with that crazy tail of his waving all in my face and I forgot to be good. Then Mom forgot she told me to stay and she came back in the room a little bit later after she had gotten Petey his food, and I was still sitting there trying to be good. It wasn't all that long but when I'm in trouble it seems like a long time. Mom gave me pets and everything was OK again! This morning when Petey came in to say Good Morning Doggie!! He jumped on the bed like he always does and started rolling around in the covers for fun. I jumped up too because it looked like fun. And we rolled around together and got to be all silly! Even Mom was laughing! I got lots of pets for being a good dog! Petey got lots of pets for being a good cat! It was a good morning!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I got in big trouble last night. So much trouble Mom made me Sit AND Stay all at once. I pushed Petey and then I chased him and Mom yelled at me. I should have listened to Petey. He kept telling me Don't chase me Doggie. But he trotted on ahead of me into the kitchen with that crazy tail of his waving all in my face and I forgot to be good. Then Mom forgot she told me to stay and she came back in the room a little bit later after she had gotten Petey his food, and I was still sitting there trying to be good. It wasn't all that long but when I'm in trouble it seems like a long time. Mom gave me pets and everything was OK again! This morning when Petey came in to say Good Morning Doggie!! He jumped on the bed like he always does and started rolling around in the covers for fun. I jumped up too because it looked like fun. And we rolled around together and got to be all silly! Even Mom was laughing! I got lots of pets for being a good dog! Petey got lots of pets for being a good cat! It was a good morning!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
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