August 31, 2015
Dear Terry, Boy today was hot! Me and Dad stayed inside all day long. We went out once so I could pee but I hurried Dad right back inside. He doesn't do so good in the heat. Me and Mom didn't even go for a walk. When she got home we walked around the backyard and I rolled around in the grass and then I got hot so we came back inside. Lucky for me she brought ICE CREAM again! I got to have my little bit of vanilla. I don't usually get so much ice cream, but Mom said since it was so hot and sticky , it seemed like a good night for it. I agreed! I gobbled it all down. I thought Mom would give me some of hers. I was wrong! That's ok, it was a good way to cool off!
Guess what Petey did this morning when he came in to say Helloooo Doggieeee!?? He stood up and put his front feet on each of my ears and cleaned my whole head. Ears, nose, eyes, sides and right smack on my mouth. I held really still becasue I wasn't sure WHAT was going on. And you know he has claws on those feet of his. He was purring the whole time he was cleaning me off. I didn't think I was that dirty but he told me I was and that Cat Clean was the only clean there is. Petey is really big now and I don't want to mess with him so much any more. Mom told me I did really good! Not too many dogs go for a whole face wash like that but she said that was great I held still for it and didn't scare him. I think so too becasue I didn't lose any of my eyes or ears!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

August 30, 2015
Dear Terry, Friday night Dad made us a big spaghetti dinner! He made sauce and noodles and biscuits. I like biscuits dipped in sauce. And Mom ran to the Hamburer Palace and brought home ice cream! Vanilla of course. She crunched it all up for me and put in my ice cream bowl. What a night!! It was all so yummy. I got little snibbles of biscuit and sauce. Then the ice cream. Boy did I sleep good! Yesterday, me and Mom waited until late in the day when it was cooler, and we went to the park. Guess what we found? A fall leaf for Dad. Mom took it home to show him that Fall was coming. Mom says that's your favorite season too. I like it when it's a little bit chilly. I can walk for miles and miles then in the woods! Mom got you a house warming gift. I barked at it because it was looking at me. I'm not allowed to say anything more about it. This week Mom says it's going to be really hot so we might not get a chance to walk as much as we want. Maybe Mom will take me in the yard at night and we can do a nighttime walk looking for critters!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Friday night Dad made us a big spaghetti dinner! He made sauce and noodles and biscuits. I like biscuits dipped in sauce. And Mom ran to the Hamburer Palace and brought home ice cream! Vanilla of course. She crunched it all up for me and put in my ice cream bowl. What a night!! It was all so yummy. I got little snibbles of biscuit and sauce. Then the ice cream. Boy did I sleep good! Yesterday, me and Mom waited until late in the day when it was cooler, and we went to the park. Guess what we found? A fall leaf for Dad. Mom took it home to show him that Fall was coming. Mom says that's your favorite season too. I like it when it's a little bit chilly. I can walk for miles and miles then in the woods! Mom got you a house warming gift. I barked at it because it was looking at me. I'm not allowed to say anything more about it. This week Mom says it's going to be really hot so we might not get a chance to walk as much as we want. Maybe Mom will take me in the yard at night and we can do a nighttime walk looking for critters!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
August 26, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have been busy! Dad too! Mom and Dad have been doing stuff in the morning before Mom goes to work. Yard stuff. Then Mom does stuff when she gets home and then we all sit down and watch baseball! Dad made grilled cheese last night and we had tomato soup to go with it! I don't get to eat the soup part but Mom gives me pieces of grilled cheese to eat. Yummy! Dad gives me a few pieces of his too. Sometimes the cheese squishes out and I get it on my face and Mom laughs. Me and Petey have been playing some in the mornings. We always say Hellloooooo first though. Petey zooms in and runs right up to me now. I don't chase him or anything. Well, I did when he pulled my whiskers. That wasn't very nice and Mom agreed! Petey likes to try and catch my tail. Or he likes to play with my feet. That took some getting used to because I don't like anyone touching my feet. Mom says that so far the house is standing, drapes are still hanging up and no lamps have been broken recently. Dad says that's a good thing!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have been busy! Dad too! Mom and Dad have been doing stuff in the morning before Mom goes to work. Yard stuff. Then Mom does stuff when she gets home and then we all sit down and watch baseball! Dad made grilled cheese last night and we had tomato soup to go with it! I don't get to eat the soup part but Mom gives me pieces of grilled cheese to eat. Yummy! Dad gives me a few pieces of his too. Sometimes the cheese squishes out and I get it on my face and Mom laughs. Me and Petey have been playing some in the mornings. We always say Hellloooooo first though. Petey zooms in and runs right up to me now. I don't chase him or anything. Well, I did when he pulled my whiskers. That wasn't very nice and Mom agreed! Petey likes to try and catch my tail. Or he likes to play with my feet. That took some getting used to because I don't like anyone touching my feet. Mom says that so far the house is standing, drapes are still hanging up and no lamps have been broken recently. Dad says that's a good thing!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
August 20. 2015
Dear Terry, I tried to get Petey to play with me this morning. It didn't work out so good. I scared him. Mom says that I need to turn the energy level down a bit. Dial it back. Chill Out. I didn't know what she meant so I just looked at her. Mom finally said Easy, Go Easy. Oh! That I know. That means slow down and calm down. I did that and Petey came back to head butt me! I did get him to play a little bit then. Mom says when I jump in a cat's face and scare him, I could end up with a face of claws again. I don't want that. Once is ENOUGH! It's kind of nice having another friend and I don't want to mess it up. Or lose an eye.
Hope you have a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I tried to get Petey to play with me this morning. It didn't work out so good. I scared him. Mom says that I need to turn the energy level down a bit. Dial it back. Chill Out. I didn't know what she meant so I just looked at her. Mom finally said Easy, Go Easy. Oh! That I know. That means slow down and calm down. I did that and Petey came back to head butt me! I did get him to play a little bit then. Mom says when I jump in a cat's face and scare him, I could end up with a face of claws again. I don't want that. Once is ENOUGH! It's kind of nice having another friend and I don't want to mess it up. Or lose an eye.
Hope you have a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
August 18, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Mom didn't get much sleep last night because of all the storms. It kept thundering. Mom let me get under the covers with her and I hid my head under the pillow. Mom stayed awake with me the whole time to make sure I was OK. That helps a lot. Dad didn't help at all! He slept through EVERYTHING! Guess what Mom and Dad are doing today? Canning! First Dad is going to clean off the corn cobs. Mom is going to freeze all the corn. Then Dad is going to wash up all the tomatoes and the peppers. Did Mom tell you Petey nibbled on a pepper from the garden a little while ago and got the poops for 2 days??? Mom is going to put the tomatoes and the peppers all in jars so we can have for later on in the year. I like tomato sauce. That's what goes on pizza you know. I like pizza. Mom and Dad are going to make tomato soup too today. You know what you put in tomato soup? Grilled Cheese that's what! I like grilled cheese! It's going to be a good food day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom didn't get much sleep last night because of all the storms. It kept thundering. Mom let me get under the covers with her and I hid my head under the pillow. Mom stayed awake with me the whole time to make sure I was OK. That helps a lot. Dad didn't help at all! He slept through EVERYTHING! Guess what Mom and Dad are doing today? Canning! First Dad is going to clean off the corn cobs. Mom is going to freeze all the corn. Then Dad is going to wash up all the tomatoes and the peppers. Did Mom tell you Petey nibbled on a pepper from the garden a little while ago and got the poops for 2 days??? Mom is going to put the tomatoes and the peppers all in jars so we can have for later on in the year. I like tomato sauce. That's what goes on pizza you know. I like pizza. Mom and Dad are going to make tomato soup too today. You know what you put in tomato soup? Grilled Cheese that's what! I like grilled cheese! It's going to be a good food day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
August 16, 2015
Dear Terry, What a day yesterday! It was Cook Out Day here! Dad fired up the Hamburger Machine and friends John and MaryAnn came over. I barked a lot. I was so excited we had company and they brought food and Dad was making hamburgers and hotdogs and brats. Oh my gosh there was so much going on!! So I barked some more! I barked a lot. Should I greet the friends or should I help Dad at the Burger Machine? What was Mom doing? Guess what Mom did for me?? She made me a little burger of my own for Dad to put on the Burger Machine. I didn't have to share it or anything! MaryAnn gave me some hamburger bun and John gave me some blueberry treat. Mom let me have a cheesy potato. We watched baseball. Dad was so happy. Dad likes baseball and friends. He told me that was the best way to watch baseball - have a cookout with your friends and watch baseball. I was so pooped out I slept right though the night and Mom had to wake me up in the morning to go outside. I stretcchhhhhheddddd and grumbled and put my head under the pillow. Cook Out Day was exhausting! Mom says you will have to come over and we can do the same for you! I like having Friends! What a great day! Thank you John and MaryAnn! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, What a day yesterday! It was Cook Out Day here! Dad fired up the Hamburger Machine and friends John and MaryAnn came over. I barked a lot. I was so excited we had company and they brought food and Dad was making hamburgers and hotdogs and brats. Oh my gosh there was so much going on!! So I barked some more! I barked a lot. Should I greet the friends or should I help Dad at the Burger Machine? What was Mom doing? Guess what Mom did for me?? She made me a little burger of my own for Dad to put on the Burger Machine. I didn't have to share it or anything! MaryAnn gave me some hamburger bun and John gave me some blueberry treat. Mom let me have a cheesy potato. We watched baseball. Dad was so happy. Dad likes baseball and friends. He told me that was the best way to watch baseball - have a cookout with your friends and watch baseball. I was so pooped out I slept right though the night and Mom had to wake me up in the morning to go outside. I stretcchhhhhheddddd and grumbled and put my head under the pillow. Cook Out Day was exhausting! Mom says you will have to come over and we can do the same for you! I like having Friends! What a great day! Thank you John and MaryAnn! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
August 13, 2015
Dear Terry, Petey Cat pulled my tail this morning and he nipped me and he ran all around me. Mom said he was trying to get me to play. But I just stood there. I didn't want to get clawed. Instead what I got was my tail pulled and then he nipped my tail!! If I did that, it would mean Big Trouble for FredDog. Mom said it's ok to play a little bit with Petey. Only a little bit because I tend to get pretty excited about stuff. Mom doesn't want her house wrecked. Penny Cat has never pulled my tail. Now I see why Mom says PennyCat is the Good One. Dad says today is Cleaning Day and I get to help! Woof! I like helping. Plus, Dad gives lots more treats to his helpers then Mom does. Like Cheesy Puffs. I like those!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Petey Cat pulled my tail this morning and he nipped me and he ran all around me. Mom said he was trying to get me to play. But I just stood there. I didn't want to get clawed. Instead what I got was my tail pulled and then he nipped my tail!! If I did that, it would mean Big Trouble for FredDog. Mom said it's ok to play a little bit with Petey. Only a little bit because I tend to get pretty excited about stuff. Mom doesn't want her house wrecked. Penny Cat has never pulled my tail. Now I see why Mom says PennyCat is the Good One. Dad says today is Cleaning Day and I get to help! Woof! I like helping. Plus, Dad gives lots more treats to his helpers then Mom does. Like Cheesy Puffs. I like those!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
August 12, 2015
Dear Terry, I'm glad you liked my movie. Petey and I say Hello every single morning now. This morning I was especailly good and Mom left us alone to start the day. Petey head butted me and head butted some more. He jumped on the bed and instead of putting my eye out when I went to see what he was doing, he head butted me again! I'm still real careful around his feet. I don't like his claws. Oh and does Newt still stink? Mom says that's why we stay away from Mister Skunk. I hope I can remember that if we see him again. Newton really gives me good advice! No Skunks and Watch Your Eyes. Mom and Dad made stuffed banana peppers last night. They were filled with sausage. I wasn't allowed to have any. Not even the sausage! Mom said I would get sick and she didn't want that so I got a meat stick snack to eat! Yum!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
Dear Terry, I'm glad you liked my movie. Petey and I say Hello every single morning now. This morning I was especailly good and Mom left us alone to start the day. Petey head butted me and head butted some more. He jumped on the bed and instead of putting my eye out when I went to see what he was doing, he head butted me again! I'm still real careful around his feet. I don't like his claws. Oh and does Newt still stink? Mom says that's why we stay away from Mister Skunk. I hope I can remember that if we see him again. Newton really gives me good advice! No Skunks and Watch Your Eyes. Mom and Dad made stuffed banana peppers last night. They were filled with sausage. I wasn't allowed to have any. Not even the sausage! Mom said I would get sick and she didn't want that so I got a meat stick snack to eat! Yum!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
August 9, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what we did yesterday! We went for a drive to go see Tomato Lady. We didn't get tomatoes though. We got CORN and Peppers! I like Corn! Dad's going to do it up on the grill and Mom will put it in bags and freeze it so we can eat it anytime we want! Me and Petey have been getting along really good. I'm still really careful around those claws of his. They can hurt. Every morning Petey comes and says Good Morning Fred! And I wag my tail and hold real still while he wraps all around me. Some times I follow him up on the bed. But mostly we just say Hi and smell each other. Oh and yesterday too, Mom made us a homemade pizza! it had chicken on there and bbq sauce and everything. I got to eat some of the crust and Mom gave me snibbles of chicken to snack on. Mom's been busy. She's been painting outside. I try and watch from the window. She's working on the garage. She almost fell off the ladder because a spider dropped on her head and she had a small freak out moment.
Love and Woofs! Fred Dog
Dear Terry, Guess what we did yesterday! We went for a drive to go see Tomato Lady. We didn't get tomatoes though. We got CORN and Peppers! I like Corn! Dad's going to do it up on the grill and Mom will put it in bags and freeze it so we can eat it anytime we want! Me and Petey have been getting along really good. I'm still really careful around those claws of his. They can hurt. Every morning Petey comes and says Good Morning Fred! And I wag my tail and hold real still while he wraps all around me. Some times I follow him up on the bed. But mostly we just say Hi and smell each other. Oh and yesterday too, Mom made us a homemade pizza! it had chicken on there and bbq sauce and everything. I got to eat some of the crust and Mom gave me snibbles of chicken to snack on. Mom's been busy. She's been painting outside. I try and watch from the window. She's working on the garage. She almost fell off the ladder because a spider dropped on her head and she had a small freak out moment.
Love and Woofs! Fred Dog
August 4, 2015
Dear Terry, I am Petey Cat. Mom told me I had to get along with Fred Dog. No chasing the dog. No making him crazy on purpose and then letting him take the blame for the aftermath. Mom is taking all my fun away. But I have been trying. Sometimes Fred Dog is good company. Every morning I jump the gate and say Hello FredDog! I head butt him and walk all around him and head butt him some more. This morning he was being extra special nice so I head butted him and I walked under him and all around him and head butted him some more. You know what he did? He pushed me with his nose! Like he does to his favorite people when he checks on them. Like Dad. I purred for Fred and we sat quietly next to each other for a few minutes. Then I had things to do. Like takeover the living room. I jumped on top of the TV and played like I was the Lion King looking out over the kingdom. ROARRRRRR! Oh and then I pushed the gate over on Fred. Mom said PETEY that was on purpose! and I ran really fast like I see the cheetahs do on TV. I can't be good all the time now can I?
P.S. It's me Fred. Mom said sometimes I have to let Petey Cat write some stuff. I am supposed to make him feel like he is part of the family. So in the morning I let him come in the bedroom and don't make a fuss because then Mom gets upset. Sometimes he is pretty good company. I nose pushed him this mornig to let him know I can be his friend. Mom really liked that. I got lots of pets for being so good. Petey Cat said it's no fun being Good! You should do something bad once in awhile Fred! I try real hard not to be bad. I told Petey he should try too. Me and Dad had fun today. Dad lined up some snacks for me and he made blueberry muffins and I got a big bite of one! YUMMY!
Barks and Wags , FredDog
Dear Terry, I am Petey Cat. Mom told me I had to get along with Fred Dog. No chasing the dog. No making him crazy on purpose and then letting him take the blame for the aftermath. Mom is taking all my fun away. But I have been trying. Sometimes Fred Dog is good company. Every morning I jump the gate and say Hello FredDog! I head butt him and walk all around him and head butt him some more. This morning he was being extra special nice so I head butted him and I walked under him and all around him and head butted him some more. You know what he did? He pushed me with his nose! Like he does to his favorite people when he checks on them. Like Dad. I purred for Fred and we sat quietly next to each other for a few minutes. Then I had things to do. Like takeover the living room. I jumped on top of the TV and played like I was the Lion King looking out over the kingdom. ROARRRRRR! Oh and then I pushed the gate over on Fred. Mom said PETEY that was on purpose! and I ran really fast like I see the cheetahs do on TV. I can't be good all the time now can I?
P.S. It's me Fred. Mom said sometimes I have to let Petey Cat write some stuff. I am supposed to make him feel like he is part of the family. So in the morning I let him come in the bedroom and don't make a fuss because then Mom gets upset. Sometimes he is pretty good company. I nose pushed him this mornig to let him know I can be his friend. Mom really liked that. I got lots of pets for being so good. Petey Cat said it's no fun being Good! You should do something bad once in awhile Fred! I try real hard not to be bad. I told Petey he should try too. Me and Dad had fun today. Dad lined up some snacks for me and he made blueberry muffins and I got a big bite of one! YUMMY!
Barks and Wags , FredDog
August 2, 2015
Dear Terry, Last night we stayed up really late. Mom was waiting to hear about the Strike. No Strike for now! Mom and Dad were pretty happy about that. I wasn't, because all the extra time I was going to get with Mom isn't going to happen. I was pretty sad until Mom and me went to go to sleep and we had Lazy Dog Snacks. I like Lazy Dog Snacks. You know what I have to do to get them? Almost nothing! I lay down nice next to Mom and all I have to do is something cute and ta da! I get a Snack! We all were pretty tired, except of course, Petey. He was running all around being Petey Crazy even though it was really late at night. Petey got in trouble last night. And the night before! He's been picking on Penny Cat and we allllll know you don't do that. Mom actually yelled at him and everything. Boy was she mad. Dad was mad too. Penny Cat is real special, I told Petey, and you can never be mean to her or make her fluffy. To get Petey back on track Mom took out the Box. And sure enough, Petey Cat turned his attention to it and was playing with his toys in the Box. Things finally quieted down and we could all sleep. Maybe if things get crazy for you, Mom can give you the Box and you can sit down and have fun. I don't get it, but it sure helps Petey!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Last night we stayed up really late. Mom was waiting to hear about the Strike. No Strike for now! Mom and Dad were pretty happy about that. I wasn't, because all the extra time I was going to get with Mom isn't going to happen. I was pretty sad until Mom and me went to go to sleep and we had Lazy Dog Snacks. I like Lazy Dog Snacks. You know what I have to do to get them? Almost nothing! I lay down nice next to Mom and all I have to do is something cute and ta da! I get a Snack! We all were pretty tired, except of course, Petey. He was running all around being Petey Crazy even though it was really late at night. Petey got in trouble last night. And the night before! He's been picking on Penny Cat and we allllll know you don't do that. Mom actually yelled at him and everything. Boy was she mad. Dad was mad too. Penny Cat is real special, I told Petey, and you can never be mean to her or make her fluffy. To get Petey back on track Mom took out the Box. And sure enough, Petey Cat turned his attention to it and was playing with his toys in the Box. Things finally quieted down and we could all sleep. Maybe if things get crazy for you, Mom can give you the Box and you can sit down and have fun. I don't get it, but it sure helps Petey!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
August 1, 2015
Dear Terry, My ear hurts. Mom took me to the VET this morning to get it all fixed up. The Vet said I don't have an ear infection. I have The Allergies. Like that rash I had. Mom made The Allergies go away that time too. I have to get drops in my ear though. I don't like that part. Mom says it will make my ear less itchy and scratchy. Mom said I did really good this time too. I didn't even bark. And I rode up and down on the table like an elevator! I hope all this makes The Allergies go away.
Mom's been real worried lately because of the Strike. Mom finds out tonight about that. Mom says that means she won't be going to work if the Strike happens. Well, that doesn't sound too bad to me. Mom would be home all the time then! We could go for walks, eat Snacks together, sit out on the deck and watch the yard, we could have a pizza party. Mom says all that would be fun but it's important to work so that we still have a yard to play in and look at from the deck! Mom says Strike is like The Allergies, it makes you really uncomfortable for awhile but then it goes away. Maybe Mom could get Strike medicine like the drops I have to get in my ears. That would fix things right up!
The sun is shining today Terry, Mom said she is going to take me for a walk later on this afternoon! I can't wait!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, My ear hurts. Mom took me to the VET this morning to get it all fixed up. The Vet said I don't have an ear infection. I have The Allergies. Like that rash I had. Mom made The Allergies go away that time too. I have to get drops in my ear though. I don't like that part. Mom says it will make my ear less itchy and scratchy. Mom said I did really good this time too. I didn't even bark. And I rode up and down on the table like an elevator! I hope all this makes The Allergies go away.
Mom's been real worried lately because of the Strike. Mom finds out tonight about that. Mom says that means she won't be going to work if the Strike happens. Well, that doesn't sound too bad to me. Mom would be home all the time then! We could go for walks, eat Snacks together, sit out on the deck and watch the yard, we could have a pizza party. Mom says all that would be fun but it's important to work so that we still have a yard to play in and look at from the deck! Mom says Strike is like The Allergies, it makes you really uncomfortable for awhile but then it goes away. Maybe Mom could get Strike medicine like the drops I have to get in my ears. That would fix things right up!
The sun is shining today Terry, Mom said she is going to take me for a walk later on this afternoon! I can't wait!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
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