June 28, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom says you have been really busy with Kyle's wedding. Mom says it was in the rain. I've been busy taking care of Dad. I wish he would get better. Mom wouldn't let me take those stitches out of his face. That's for the Doctor, Fred! Humphh. I've busy helping Mom too. With all the rain, Mom was worried the basement might flood, so we would go down there and check for water. No water! Usually the basement is a Dog Free Zone for the Cats. Mom made an exception since I wanted to help. Me and Mom tried to take a walk yesterday while Dad was sleeping. We saw lots of water at the park. I don't really like water, except to drink it. The park had lots of water everywhere. Then we got rained on.We came home. I woke Dad up and he had Mom get a towel right away. He dried me off real good. Even my feet. Then me and Dad fell asleep together! What a day!
Love, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

June 24, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom says you got a new job! How exciting! Mom says that means you can buy Newton and the Cats more treats! Woof! You know what Mom told me about cats today? I was barking and barking at the neighbor's cat outside the window and when Mom took me outside I barked them away! Mom leaned down and whispered...they are EVERYWHERE Fred! WHAT??!!?? Mom said they are inside and outside and there is always a CAT around! Oh my GOSH how can this be??? I barked some more to make them all go away! Mom is always right...but I have my doubts on this....Today me and Dad took a giant nap together. Dad got out the blanket Mom had made and we snuggled in and snoozed the day away. What a good day! Well, not the part about CATS, but otherwise a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. Petey took dad's wallet last night and made a mess of all the stuff inside of it. Then he took the wallet and Mom found it this morning. Do you know he even tries to steal my food!?
Dear Terry, Mom says you got a new job! How exciting! Mom says that means you can buy Newton and the Cats more treats! Woof! You know what Mom told me about cats today? I was barking and barking at the neighbor's cat outside the window and when Mom took me outside I barked them away! Mom leaned down and whispered...they are EVERYWHERE Fred! WHAT??!!?? Mom said they are inside and outside and there is always a CAT around! Oh my GOSH how can this be??? I barked some more to make them all go away! Mom is always right...but I have my doubts on this....Today me and Dad took a giant nap together. Dad got out the blanket Mom had made and we snuggled in and snoozed the day away. What a good day! Well, not the part about CATS, but otherwise a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. Petey took dad's wallet last night and made a mess of all the stuff inside of it. Then he took the wallet and Mom found it this morning. Do you know he even tries to steal my food!?
June 22, 2015
Dear Terry, Yesterday sure was crazy. Mom cleaned the house top to bottom! I helped. Mom said I helped a little too much so she let me out to play on the deck in the sunshine! I helped her pull weeds, I helped do dishes, I helped clean the basement. We did everything together...except vacuum. I start barking when I see that thing and I run all around and knock things over. This time I almost attacked it. Almost. I jumped on the bed before it got to close to me! I barked a whole lot at it and at Mom. Oh and I helped Dad outside at dinner time. He fired up the Burger Machine for Mom! Dad told Mom that one burger accidentally fell off the grill, cheese and all. I like Burgers!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Yesterday sure was crazy. Mom cleaned the house top to bottom! I helped. Mom said I helped a little too much so she let me out to play on the deck in the sunshine! I helped her pull weeds, I helped do dishes, I helped clean the basement. We did everything together...except vacuum. I start barking when I see that thing and I run all around and knock things over. This time I almost attacked it. Almost. I jumped on the bed before it got to close to me! I barked a whole lot at it and at Mom. Oh and I helped Dad outside at dinner time. He fired up the Burger Machine for Mom! Dad told Mom that one burger accidentally fell off the grill, cheese and all. I like Burgers!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
June 20, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom sure has been working hard. Dad is feeling better. But he's down in the dumps. He wishes he was better right away. But! The other night guess what we did?? Mom got out my Snacks and gave them to Dad and we played Tricks for Treats! Dad was laughing and laughing because I cheat and steal the treat sometimes before I do the trick and Dad says Hey!!! I ran in circles for him and I did Sit and Down and Wave Bye Bye and Leave It. And I shook his hand and everything. Dad even threw treats in the air for me to catch! We had such a good time Mom gave us more treats and we had even more fun! Then we pooped out watching baseball. It was a great night!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
Dear Terry, Mom sure has been working hard. Dad is feeling better. But he's down in the dumps. He wishes he was better right away. But! The other night guess what we did?? Mom got out my Snacks and gave them to Dad and we played Tricks for Treats! Dad was laughing and laughing because I cheat and steal the treat sometimes before I do the trick and Dad says Hey!!! I ran in circles for him and I did Sit and Down and Wave Bye Bye and Leave It. And I shook his hand and everything. Dad even threw treats in the air for me to catch! We had such a good time Mom gave us more treats and we had even more fun! Then we pooped out watching baseball. It was a great night!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
June 16, 2015
Dear Terry, Dad was in the hospital again. It was because of his bad fall last week. He's home now but I was real sad without him. Mom says he might have to have surgery again. I'm going to be a real good dog. Maybe he won't have to have it if I take extra special care of him. Mom says I've been doing a good job. I get real worried about him and so does Mom. Oh my gosh then the scary storms came last night!! and the basement got water in it and the driveway had all kinds of stuff on it and I heard the water coming down the driveway really fast and I growled and ran to the window. What a mess! Mom is going to start to get that cleaned up. The basement is OK. Penny Cat really wants back down there but Mom won't let her because it still smells wet. And her cat tower is soggy. Mom is working on getting that cleaned up. Penny Cat doesn't like things to be different so I didn't even tell her about the surgery Dad might have. Mom says it's real scary but it will make Dad better. Mom is always right. Even Dad says so.
Trying to be extra special good,
Dear Terry, Dad was in the hospital again. It was because of his bad fall last week. He's home now but I was real sad without him. Mom says he might have to have surgery again. I'm going to be a real good dog. Maybe he won't have to have it if I take extra special care of him. Mom says I've been doing a good job. I get real worried about him and so does Mom. Oh my gosh then the scary storms came last night!! and the basement got water in it and the driveway had all kinds of stuff on it and I heard the water coming down the driveway really fast and I growled and ran to the window. What a mess! Mom is going to start to get that cleaned up. The basement is OK. Penny Cat really wants back down there but Mom won't let her because it still smells wet. And her cat tower is soggy. Mom is working on getting that cleaned up. Penny Cat doesn't like things to be different so I didn't even tell her about the surgery Dad might have. Mom says it's real scary but it will make Dad better. Mom is always right. Even Dad says so.
Trying to be extra special good,
June 10, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what happened today! Me and Mom found a four leaf clover!! I almost peed on it I was so excited! I didn't know what it was but Mom was so excited that I was excited too! She picked it out of the ground and showed it to me and I smelled it. Mom says they bring good luck to those who find them. We came inside right away to show Dad. Dad said she found it because Mom is Irish. I don't know what Irish is but Dad told me it means Mom can turn green at any moment. I looked at Mom to see but then he laughed and laughed. Mom rolled her eyes. That means Dad told a bad joke. I barked anyways because they were laughing. What a good morning we had!
Hope you find a four leaf clover too.
Love and Woofs! FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what happened today! Me and Mom found a four leaf clover!! I almost peed on it I was so excited! I didn't know what it was but Mom was so excited that I was excited too! She picked it out of the ground and showed it to me and I smelled it. Mom says they bring good luck to those who find them. We came inside right away to show Dad. Dad said she found it because Mom is Irish. I don't know what Irish is but Dad told me it means Mom can turn green at any moment. I looked at Mom to see but then he laughed and laughed. Mom rolled her eyes. That means Dad told a bad joke. I barked anyways because they were laughing. What a good morning we had!
Hope you find a four leaf clover too.
Love and Woofs! FredDog
June 9, 2015
Dear Terry, Boy I sure didn't feel good the past few days. My stomach was all rumbly grumbly and I kept burping and half throwing up. I ate some grass outside to help. Mom told Dad to get me a can of chicken and rice smooshie food yesterday. And he and Pap went to the store and got me some and I gobbled it right down. I like smooshie food. Now I feel much better. I didn't even wake Mom up at 515 in the morning like I did yesterday. But I thought I was going to get sick and wanted outside right away. I didn't get sick and Mom just looked at me. I'm so glad I feel better now. I think Pap petting me on the head helped too. I like my Pap.
Barks and Wags! FredDog
Dear Terry, Boy I sure didn't feel good the past few days. My stomach was all rumbly grumbly and I kept burping and half throwing up. I ate some grass outside to help. Mom told Dad to get me a can of chicken and rice smooshie food yesterday. And he and Pap went to the store and got me some and I gobbled it right down. I like smooshie food. Now I feel much better. I didn't even wake Mom up at 515 in the morning like I did yesterday. But I thought I was going to get sick and wanted outside right away. I didn't get sick and Mom just looked at me. I'm so glad I feel better now. I think Pap petting me on the head helped too. I like my Pap.
Barks and Wags! FredDog
June 4, 2014
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written. Mom has been really busy! Dad's had to go to a lot of places to make sure he's OK. Pap, takes him, Grammy takes him, Mom takes him. Mom works too. She hasn't had much time for me. Yesterday though she made the time! We went out in the sunshine for a big walk. We walked up the big hill and back down again and it was nice and cool and there was a breeze blowing with lots of good smells. We took our time and were gone a long time. So long that Dad had fallen asleep! I fell asleep when we got home. What a great walk! Mom says I get to help mow the grass today. I watch Mom from the deck and she pushes the mower. I bark if she misses a spot. Sometimes I just bark. Woof! Off to help Dad water plants!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written. Mom has been really busy! Dad's had to go to a lot of places to make sure he's OK. Pap, takes him, Grammy takes him, Mom takes him. Mom works too. She hasn't had much time for me. Yesterday though she made the time! We went out in the sunshine for a big walk. We walked up the big hill and back down again and it was nice and cool and there was a breeze blowing with lots of good smells. We took our time and were gone a long time. So long that Dad had fallen asleep! I fell asleep when we got home. What a great walk! Mom says I get to help mow the grass today. I watch Mom from the deck and she pushes the mower. I bark if she misses a spot. Sometimes I just bark. Woof! Off to help Dad water plants!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
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