May 31, 2015
Dear Terry, Yesterday was really hot. Mom was working in the yard again and she got hot. When she came in, all she wanted was ice cream! I like ice cream. I told Mom maybe she should make us some Puppy Pops. Mom said she didn't need to make them, they were already made!! Oh my GOSH. She got them right out of the freezer!! She said she made me a new flavor. I like peanut butter and banana Puppy Pops. Guess what flavor these were??? BLUEBERRY!!! I like blueberry! Mom gave me one right away. Do you know, they look like bones? I don't know how Mom does that but she sure does make a good Puppy Pop! I'm not allowed to have fresh blueberries. Mom gave me some once and I spit them all out and then smashed them in the carpet and then ate them. They are much better smashed. I made a pretty big mess of things and Mom said from now on, she will do the smashing to avoid any more dog disasters. Hope you are staying cool!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

May 29, 2015
Dear Terry, Petey sure has been in a lot of trouble this week. First he broke the lamp and messed with Mom's drapes. Then he was jumping up and down the wall, why, I don't know, and he knocked 2 of Mom's pictures to the floor. One was the portrait of me. I don't think that was a coincidence. THEN this morning. Petey didn't greet Mom at all. Mom called for Petey and no Petey. I knew he was in big trouble. You should always come when Mom calls. You know where he was???? He was stuck in the drop ceiling in the basement! OH BOY. Mom had to get the ladder out and Petey came running across the ceiling right into her arms! I think he was up there all night long. Mom cleaned him right up becasue he was all cob webby. He sure was hungry too. Penny Cat hit him on the head when he walked by her. I barked at him. Petey you had us all scared!! But he's OK. I sure hope next week is calmer around here!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Petey sure has been in a lot of trouble this week. First he broke the lamp and messed with Mom's drapes. Then he was jumping up and down the wall, why, I don't know, and he knocked 2 of Mom's pictures to the floor. One was the portrait of me. I don't think that was a coincidence. THEN this morning. Petey didn't greet Mom at all. Mom called for Petey and no Petey. I knew he was in big trouble. You should always come when Mom calls. You know where he was???? He was stuck in the drop ceiling in the basement! OH BOY. Mom had to get the ladder out and Petey came running across the ceiling right into her arms! I think he was up there all night long. Mom cleaned him right up becasue he was all cob webby. He sure was hungry too. Penny Cat hit him on the head when he walked by her. I barked at him. Petey you had us all scared!! But he's OK. I sure hope next week is calmer around here!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 27, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess What? I've been good! Mom said so this morning! She must think that because Petey was so bad last night. He was bug chasing and he broke a lamp and messed up the drapes and broke the broke lamp again. Mom caught the bug. She stood on the sofa to smoosh it on the ceiling. Petey knew he was going to be in trouble so he ran and hid in his paper bag. He told me that he knows he's not supposed to climb the drapes but there was a BUG up there. That should be a good excuse. I told him, from experience, there are no excuses when it comes to Mom's drapes. No climbing, tearing, pulling, twisting nothing! Dad backed me up! So I ended up looking like I'm the REALLY GOOD pet in the house. Well, next to Penny Cat. Penny Cat is always good. But I'm a close second!
Woof Woof! Fred Dog!
Dear Terry, Guess What? I've been good! Mom said so this morning! She must think that because Petey was so bad last night. He was bug chasing and he broke a lamp and messed up the drapes and broke the broke lamp again. Mom caught the bug. She stood on the sofa to smoosh it on the ceiling. Petey knew he was going to be in trouble so he ran and hid in his paper bag. He told me that he knows he's not supposed to climb the drapes but there was a BUG up there. That should be a good excuse. I told him, from experience, there are no excuses when it comes to Mom's drapes. No climbing, tearing, pulling, twisting nothing! Dad backed me up! So I ended up looking like I'm the REALLY GOOD pet in the house. Well, next to Penny Cat. Penny Cat is always good. But I'm a close second!
Woof Woof! Fred Dog!
May 25, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom says to tell Steve thank you for his service this Memorial Day. It's supposed to be a sad day to remember soldiers but we say thank you to Steve because he did some really tough service. Mom tried to get me to salute again but we will have to use the picture from last year since I couldn't hold still outside with all the good smells in the wind today! Mom said you had to work today and that you might be bummed out about that. I will tell you what we did to cheer you right up! First, Me and Dad went out on the deck. He still doesn't feel good but he felt good enough to go outside and sit and before you know it, we both fell asleep in the sunshine! Mom said we slept for hours. Then me and Mom worked on the deck, planting plants. I'm not allowed to dig in the dirt planters. This might be the first year I remembered that. Woof! We are going to grill out here real soon. Dad will fire up the Burger Machine so that Mom can cook. Oh and me and Mom went to the park again! We walked and walked all over the place. We even went down the butterfly trail so I could jump and try and catch butterflies! THEN Mom caught a big dragonfly right in her hair!! OMG she screeeeechhheedddd! Mom doesn't like big bugs. I was thinking maybe you could chase some butterflies when you get home. It makes every day better when you can do that!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom says to tell Steve thank you for his service this Memorial Day. It's supposed to be a sad day to remember soldiers but we say thank you to Steve because he did some really tough service. Mom tried to get me to salute again but we will have to use the picture from last year since I couldn't hold still outside with all the good smells in the wind today! Mom said you had to work today and that you might be bummed out about that. I will tell you what we did to cheer you right up! First, Me and Dad went out on the deck. He still doesn't feel good but he felt good enough to go outside and sit and before you know it, we both fell asleep in the sunshine! Mom said we slept for hours. Then me and Mom worked on the deck, planting plants. I'm not allowed to dig in the dirt planters. This might be the first year I remembered that. Woof! We are going to grill out here real soon. Dad will fire up the Burger Machine so that Mom can cook. Oh and me and Mom went to the park again! We walked and walked all over the place. We even went down the butterfly trail so I could jump and try and catch butterflies! THEN Mom caught a big dragonfly right in her hair!! OMG she screeeeechhheedddd! Mom doesn't like big bugs. I was thinking maybe you could chase some butterflies when you get home. It makes every day better when you can do that!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 23, 2015
Dear Terry, I've been busy busy busy! Dad is finally home! Mom says he came home Thursday. When I saw him I accidentally bonked my head off the window. I ran to the door and there he was!! He sat down right away because he was pooped out. I sat next to him and inspected him head to toe. I could tell his head was messed up so I paid extra attention to the spots up there where I knew were hurt. I stayed right by his side. He has to be real careful when he walks and he keeps grumbling because he hurts. He says it's real good to be back home with all of us! Yesterday I helped Mom make lunch for all of us and we all sat together like we did before! I kept Dad company too when Mom was working in the yard yesterday. Mom tried to take me for a walk but when we got there all I wanted was back in the Jeep. She took me home and I ran straight for Dad! Whew! he was OK. Mom says I have to go for walks or I will get crazy. I don't want to be crazy like Petey so I better listen to Mom.
Hope you are OK, Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I've been busy busy busy! Dad is finally home! Mom says he came home Thursday. When I saw him I accidentally bonked my head off the window. I ran to the door and there he was!! He sat down right away because he was pooped out. I sat next to him and inspected him head to toe. I could tell his head was messed up so I paid extra attention to the spots up there where I knew were hurt. I stayed right by his side. He has to be real careful when he walks and he keeps grumbling because he hurts. He says it's real good to be back home with all of us! Yesterday I helped Mom make lunch for all of us and we all sat together like we did before! I kept Dad company too when Mom was working in the yard yesterday. Mom tried to take me for a walk but when we got there all I wanted was back in the Jeep. She took me home and I ran straight for Dad! Whew! he was OK. Mom says I have to go for walks or I will get crazy. I don't want to be crazy like Petey so I better listen to Mom.
Hope you are OK, Love and Woofs, FredDog
May 21, 2015
Dear Terry, Yesterday I was by myself. Mom had to leave and go somewhere. She must have known I was lonely because you know what she did?? She made the machine go so I could here her voice. Fred! Fred! Where's my Puppy Dog??? Don't worry Fred, I will be home before you know it! I ran right away to listen to her voice! It's like magic! I barked to let her know I could hear her. I don't know how she does that but she knew just the right time to make that machine go. And you know what?? She was right! She was home before I knew it! And when she got home, I ran and barked and barked! It was great to see my Mom again!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
P.S. Mom says Dad still isn't better but he is getting there. I hope I can see him soon.
Dear Terry, Yesterday I was by myself. Mom had to leave and go somewhere. She must have known I was lonely because you know what she did?? She made the machine go so I could here her voice. Fred! Fred! Where's my Puppy Dog??? Don't worry Fred, I will be home before you know it! I ran right away to listen to her voice! It's like magic! I barked to let her know I could hear her. I don't know how she does that but she knew just the right time to make that machine go. And you know what?? She was right! She was home before I knew it! And when she got home, I ran and barked and barked! It was great to see my Mom again!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
P.S. Mom says Dad still isn't better but he is getting there. I hope I can see him soon.
May 18, 2015
Dear Terry, I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. We had a Big Scary here. Dad fell really bad and got really hurt. Things haven't been the same. Even Petey Cat and Penny Cat think so too. I try really hard to be a good dog for Mom. I eat my food, watch the neighbors and poop outside when she takes me out. Yesterday though, Mom said I needed to take a walk. So we did. First we went to see Gram and Pap. Pap teased me a whole lot and that caused me to bark at him a whole lot. I'm on to his tricks!! What fun! Then at the park me and Mom were walking, because that's what we do there, and we accidentally got to close to the goose nest. HISSSSS and HONKKKKKKK and flapping wings everywhere!!! They sure do make a lot of noise!! Me and Mom backed away slowly and quietly. Mom said it was her fault we got to close becasue she knew the nest was ahead but she thought it was further ahead of us. Oh and the Mallards were there too and they started QUACK QUACKING. We caused quite the rukus! We kept walking until we were tired. Then we came home and had an ice cream treat. Vanilla of course for me! Just what me and Mom needed, a good walk and ice cream!!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
Dear Terry, I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. We had a Big Scary here. Dad fell really bad and got really hurt. Things haven't been the same. Even Petey Cat and Penny Cat think so too. I try really hard to be a good dog for Mom. I eat my food, watch the neighbors and poop outside when she takes me out. Yesterday though, Mom said I needed to take a walk. So we did. First we went to see Gram and Pap. Pap teased me a whole lot and that caused me to bark at him a whole lot. I'm on to his tricks!! What fun! Then at the park me and Mom were walking, because that's what we do there, and we accidentally got to close to the goose nest. HISSSSS and HONKKKKKKK and flapping wings everywhere!!! They sure do make a lot of noise!! Me and Mom backed away slowly and quietly. Mom said it was her fault we got to close becasue she knew the nest was ahead but she thought it was further ahead of us. Oh and the Mallards were there too and they started QUACK QUACKING. We caused quite the rukus! We kept walking until we were tired. Then we came home and had an ice cream treat. Vanilla of course for me! Just what me and Mom needed, a good walk and ice cream!!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
May 12, 2015
Dear Terry, I kindof got hurt yesterday morning. See, Petey was in the basement - Because that's where Mom put him to be safe while she went in and out on the deck getting stuff cleaned up. Only Petey was trying to bust out and be bad. So I stuck my head through the folding door and BLAMMO! HISSSSSS HISSSSS HISSSSSSS. PETEY WAS STUCK TO MY FACE!!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!! He held onto both sides of my nose and it hurt really bad and I didn't know what to do. And finally he let go and he turned around and hit me again!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH !!! He really has a set of claws on him! Mom inspected my face to make sure I still had 2 eyes and a nose. Dad petted Petey! He should have gotten yelled at. HUMMPH. Petey is much bigger now and I don't think I should mess with him anymore. But after all that mess, we took a ride in the car and I got to see my Pap and Gram!!! No Petey around to hurt me. Mom said I did good though because I didn't even growl or bark. But that's kindof hard to do when Petey Cat is stuck to your face.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. I told that FredDog one day I would be bigger, stronger, faster, He should have listened to me. ROAAARRRRRRR!!!
Dear Terry, I kindof got hurt yesterday morning. See, Petey was in the basement - Because that's where Mom put him to be safe while she went in and out on the deck getting stuff cleaned up. Only Petey was trying to bust out and be bad. So I stuck my head through the folding door and BLAMMO! HISSSSSS HISSSSS HISSSSSSS. PETEY WAS STUCK TO MY FACE!!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!! He held onto both sides of my nose and it hurt really bad and I didn't know what to do. And finally he let go and he turned around and hit me again!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH !!! He really has a set of claws on him! Mom inspected my face to make sure I still had 2 eyes and a nose. Dad petted Petey! He should have gotten yelled at. HUMMPH. Petey is much bigger now and I don't think I should mess with him anymore. But after all that mess, we took a ride in the car and I got to see my Pap and Gram!!! No Petey around to hurt me. Mom said I did good though because I didn't even growl or bark. But that's kindof hard to do when Petey Cat is stuck to your face.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. I told that FredDog one day I would be bigger, stronger, faster, He should have listened to me. ROAAARRRRRRR!!!
May 10, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what I did! I learned a new trick! I learned how to turn on a light! No, not the kind on the wall. I'm too short for those. It looks like a big button and when you press it, it smooshes down and the light turns on! I can turn it off too! Mom taught me the other night when I was bored. It only took 2 strips of bacon treats to figure it all out. Mom said that's like 5 minutes. First I pressed it with my nose, but then I found my feet work better! Dad laughed and laughed when me and Mom showed him the On/Off trick! I can't mix them up either or I don't get the treat. Me and Mom had lots of fun!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what I did! I learned a new trick! I learned how to turn on a light! No, not the kind on the wall. I'm too short for those. It looks like a big button and when you press it, it smooshes down and the light turns on! I can turn it off too! Mom taught me the other night when I was bored. It only took 2 strips of bacon treats to figure it all out. Mom said that's like 5 minutes. First I pressed it with my nose, but then I found my feet work better! Dad laughed and laughed when me and Mom showed him the On/Off trick! I can't mix them up either or I don't get the treat. Me and Mom had lots of fun!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 6, 2015
Dear Terry, today there was a storm and it was scary. When Mom got home she took me outside but I didn't want to go to far. It was dark and scary outside even though it wasn't storming anymore. Mom said sometimes things get dark and scary but the sun always comes out. Then she said Joe was sick. Maybe you could lick his face and make him better. That's what I do with Dad. It works you know. Mom says that might look kindof weird at the Hospital. Maybe you could lick his face when no one is watching. I bet it would help. Me and Dad worked on the deck today. Dad put up a chair and sat in it and we fell asleep in the sunshine. That was hard work to get the chair just right! Woof!
P.S. Dad says chin up. I don't know why he says that. It's not like you have a good nose to put in the air like I do when I put my chin up. Mom says it means stay strong! Oh. Well then what's a chin got to do with it? Dad says OXO. That one I know! It means barks and wags! Only Dad doesn't bark or wag.
OXO! FredDog
Dear Terry, today there was a storm and it was scary. When Mom got home she took me outside but I didn't want to go to far. It was dark and scary outside even though it wasn't storming anymore. Mom said sometimes things get dark and scary but the sun always comes out. Then she said Joe was sick. Maybe you could lick his face and make him better. That's what I do with Dad. It works you know. Mom says that might look kindof weird at the Hospital. Maybe you could lick his face when no one is watching. I bet it would help. Me and Dad worked on the deck today. Dad put up a chair and sat in it and we fell asleep in the sunshine. That was hard work to get the chair just right! Woof!
P.S. Dad says chin up. I don't know why he says that. It's not like you have a good nose to put in the air like I do when I put my chin up. Mom says it means stay strong! Oh. Well then what's a chin got to do with it? Dad says OXO. That one I know! It means barks and wags! Only Dad doesn't bark or wag.
OXO! FredDog
May 6, 2015
Dear Terry, You can't believe all the junk at the curb! Mom and Dad put lots and lots of stuff out this morning. I can't wait until all the people start coming to get the junk. It is one of the best barking days in the year! I wait until they pick what they want then I start barking and surprise them! WOOF! Mom and Dad have a few more things to put out tomorrow too. Petey was running upstairs and downstairs to watch Mom and Dad. He couldn't figure out what they were doing out there. What fun! He doesn't like other people though. But I bet he will have a great time watching from the window. Dad said today me and him were going to work out on the deck in the sunshine. I can't wait! I don't know what we will be doing out there but usually we end up taking a nap in the glider or one of the reclining chairs. We like those the best.
Have a sunshine day today!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, You can't believe all the junk at the curb! Mom and Dad put lots and lots of stuff out this morning. I can't wait until all the people start coming to get the junk. It is one of the best barking days in the year! I wait until they pick what they want then I start barking and surprise them! WOOF! Mom and Dad have a few more things to put out tomorrow too. Petey was running upstairs and downstairs to watch Mom and Dad. He couldn't figure out what they were doing out there. What fun! He doesn't like other people though. But I bet he will have a great time watching from the window. Dad said today me and him were going to work out on the deck in the sunshine. I can't wait! I don't know what we will be doing out there but usually we end up taking a nap in the glider or one of the reclining chairs. We like those the best.
Have a sunshine day today!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
May 4, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom made a mistake this morning!! She forgot to shut the door to the outside and Petey walked out!! Right onto the deck. I'm allowed to do that but not Petey or Penny because we don't want them to get hurt outside. Petey didn't get very far though because he got scared and when Mom called him he came right in to her. You should always listen to Mom even if she did make a mistake. That's what I told him. He said it wasn't as fun as playing in the rain in the busted root cellar anyways. But he was a little fluffy so I think he scared himself good. Mom brought the new patio table up on the deck this morning. It was very exciting! It smells like a good table. The other one is old and rusted and might fall down at any minute! Mom has the old one propped up with plant containers right now. Dad held the gate for her and pulled the new one the rest of the way up for her. We watered the plants too. There's not too many yet but that will change. Mom is going to plant plants tomorrow! I get to play in the dirt!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Mom made a mistake this morning!! She forgot to shut the door to the outside and Petey walked out!! Right onto the deck. I'm allowed to do that but not Petey or Penny because we don't want them to get hurt outside. Petey didn't get very far though because he got scared and when Mom called him he came right in to her. You should always listen to Mom even if she did make a mistake. That's what I told him. He said it wasn't as fun as playing in the rain in the busted root cellar anyways. But he was a little fluffy so I think he scared himself good. Mom brought the new patio table up on the deck this morning. It was very exciting! It smells like a good table. The other one is old and rusted and might fall down at any minute! Mom has the old one propped up with plant containers right now. Dad held the gate for her and pulled the new one the rest of the way up for her. We watered the plants too. There's not too many yet but that will change. Mom is going to plant plants tomorrow! I get to play in the dirt!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
May 2, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have been busy today. Junk Day is coming so we got junk ready! Every year I bark at all the people who come to pick through the junk! Even in the middle of the night.
Oh. Forgot. Almost got in some trouble. Not just me either. Me and Petey. Yesterday, Mom was getting ready for work and I was in the bedroom. I get a little nutty when she uses the hair dryer so Mom puts the gate up. Petey jumped the gate to come in with me. He never does that. But he jumped on the bed. The bed is MINE. He stood on his back legs and was waving his paws all in the air at me. Mom calls that Kung Fu Kitty. Since he wouldn't give the bed back to me, I took his Fishy Toy. The one he carries with him all the time. His most favorite thing. I didn't even bark. All I did was take the Fishy Toy. We were in the middle of the stand off when Mom caught us. Petey had to give the bed back and he got his Fishy Toy back and Mom separated us because we were both mad. Petey was squeaking up a storm and I was grumbling. Hmppphhh. Don't take my bed!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have been busy today. Junk Day is coming so we got junk ready! Every year I bark at all the people who come to pick through the junk! Even in the middle of the night.
Oh. Forgot. Almost got in some trouble. Not just me either. Me and Petey. Yesterday, Mom was getting ready for work and I was in the bedroom. I get a little nutty when she uses the hair dryer so Mom puts the gate up. Petey jumped the gate to come in with me. He never does that. But he jumped on the bed. The bed is MINE. He stood on his back legs and was waving his paws all in the air at me. Mom calls that Kung Fu Kitty. Since he wouldn't give the bed back to me, I took his Fishy Toy. The one he carries with him all the time. His most favorite thing. I didn't even bark. All I did was take the Fishy Toy. We were in the middle of the stand off when Mom caught us. Petey had to give the bed back and he got his Fishy Toy back and Mom separated us because we were both mad. Petey was squeaking up a storm and I was grumbling. Hmppphhh. Don't take my bed!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
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