April 29, 2015
Dear Terry, Dirt Guy came back this morning!! It was really early and I wasn't even outside yet! I watched him use the big digger machine and smoosh all the dirt down until it was flat and made a nice hill. It was really loud and sometimes it was so loud I barked and barked. Petey couldn't decide if he was scared or not so Mom put him in the bedroom so he wasn't so anxious. Before we knew it, Dirt Guy was gone! Mom took me out right away to see the smooshed dirt. Dad came out too. I peed on it. Good Dirt! When Mom got home tonight she let me play out on the deck. I'm allowed to do that by myself if she has yard work to do. If something goes wrong, like Mom falls, I run back inside and get Dad right away. But she didn't fall. She was raking the dirt. Bam Bam Bam. She would break up the big pieces of the dirt and pick out any big rocks. Dad said she did a real good job. I watched the whole thing. She worked until dark. Dad sure was gratful Mom did that work. He was so happy he made her a grilled cheese sandwich! Mom likes those. I even got a whole piece of cheese!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

April 28, 2014
Dear Terry, OH MY GOSH the DIRT guy came today!! He had lots and lots of DIRT! You can't imagine all the DIRT he brought to the house to fill in the root cellar. And he had a big truck and it was noisy and I barked at it. And then I barked at him. And he dumped the DIRT and went and got more and dumped it again. And one more time he got more DIRT and dumped it. It was so exciting that Dad called Mom and told her all about the DIRT. When Mom got home she took me outside and we inspected all the DIRT!! Mom says the pile is bigger than big! It's BIG! Mom let me dig a little bit of it. Mom said it gets smoothed out and wont be this big pile. I wasn't allowed to climb it because it's all loose and slippery. But I did pee on it a bit. It's DIRT! How could I not??? Mom says I get to go back out later and she will let me dig some more. Oh my gosh I can't WAIT!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, OH MY GOSH the DIRT guy came today!! He had lots and lots of DIRT! You can't imagine all the DIRT he brought to the house to fill in the root cellar. And he had a big truck and it was noisy and I barked at it. And then I barked at him. And he dumped the DIRT and went and got more and dumped it again. And one more time he got more DIRT and dumped it. It was so exciting that Dad called Mom and told her all about the DIRT. When Mom got home she took me outside and we inspected all the DIRT!! Mom says the pile is bigger than big! It's BIG! Mom let me dig a little bit of it. Mom said it gets smoothed out and wont be this big pile. I wasn't allowed to climb it because it's all loose and slippery. But I did pee on it a bit. It's DIRT! How could I not??? Mom says I get to go back out later and she will let me dig some more. Oh my gosh I can't WAIT!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
April 24, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what??? Mom came home early today!! AND she took me and Dad to the Ultimate Hambuger Palace. Dad calls it a car hop. The lady comes to your car window and brings you food!! They even make burgers for dogs like me!! Mom let me order too, she said Fred, What do you want? I said, WOO WOOOO. That's dog for HAMBURGER!!! We took a drive all around too. When we got home, Dad got the mower running and Mom mowed the front yard. She didn't want Dad to poop out. He gets tired still. Mom was sneezing and sneezing but I think she had fun. And there is nothing better than fresh mowed grass to pee in!! What a great day!!
Petey and Penny Cat are getting along really good. I wish I could say the same. And since Petey caught that mouse, he seems to get all the attention. Mom is still working with me and Petey. I got really upset the other day because I wasn't doing anything right and I made Penny Cat fluffy. And we all know that is BAD. Never make Penny Cat fluffy. Mom took me aside and we played games and I did my tricks and soon I forgot all about all the bad stuff I did and I didn't do bad things. In fact, Petey ran right at me and I just laid on the couch and didn't move. Even when he ran back past me. Dad gave me tons of pets for that! Even a tummy rub!!
Woofs and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what??? Mom came home early today!! AND she took me and Dad to the Ultimate Hambuger Palace. Dad calls it a car hop. The lady comes to your car window and brings you food!! They even make burgers for dogs like me!! Mom let me order too, she said Fred, What do you want? I said, WOO WOOOO. That's dog for HAMBURGER!!! We took a drive all around too. When we got home, Dad got the mower running and Mom mowed the front yard. She didn't want Dad to poop out. He gets tired still. Mom was sneezing and sneezing but I think she had fun. And there is nothing better than fresh mowed grass to pee in!! What a great day!!
Petey and Penny Cat are getting along really good. I wish I could say the same. And since Petey caught that mouse, he seems to get all the attention. Mom is still working with me and Petey. I got really upset the other day because I wasn't doing anything right and I made Penny Cat fluffy. And we all know that is BAD. Never make Penny Cat fluffy. Mom took me aside and we played games and I did my tricks and soon I forgot all about all the bad stuff I did and I didn't do bad things. In fact, Petey ran right at me and I just laid on the couch and didn't move. Even when he ran back past me. Dad gave me tons of pets for that! Even a tummy rub!!
Woofs and Wags, FredDog
April 22, 2015
PETEY'S POST! Hi Terry, It's me Petey. Wanted to take over and tell you what I did! Mom said she was very proud of me. Oh yes she did! That's what she said. Oh. Mom says to tell you The FredDog is still alive. This is all about ME. I caught a real live MOUSE last night!! It was lots of fun. No one was up though to show it too. Well, Dad was kindof up but he thought it was one of my toys. Nope, the real thing!!! And no one saw it!! BUT I left the insides of it on the carpet for Mom to find. Mom was so surprised this morning!! No one will ever find the body. It's in my secret spot. Mom says there might be more since the basement had that big hole in it. That's all fixed. I told FredDog maybe I will show him my secret spot one day. He didn't fall for that trick. Mom told me to catch more mice!! I can't wait for tonight to see if any come out. Mom said I did real good. I don't do a lot of good things so I want to be sure to do this again for Mom. And I did it all on my own with no help!
Mom says to tell you FredDog is doing good too. Not as good as this cat who caught a mouse, but he's doing OK. I haven't put his eye out. Yet.
ROARRRRRRR, PeteyCat, Official Mouser of the House.
PETEY'S POST! Hi Terry, It's me Petey. Wanted to take over and tell you what I did! Mom said she was very proud of me. Oh yes she did! That's what she said. Oh. Mom says to tell you The FredDog is still alive. This is all about ME. I caught a real live MOUSE last night!! It was lots of fun. No one was up though to show it too. Well, Dad was kindof up but he thought it was one of my toys. Nope, the real thing!!! And no one saw it!! BUT I left the insides of it on the carpet for Mom to find. Mom was so surprised this morning!! No one will ever find the body. It's in my secret spot. Mom says there might be more since the basement had that big hole in it. That's all fixed. I told FredDog maybe I will show him my secret spot one day. He didn't fall for that trick. Mom told me to catch more mice!! I can't wait for tonight to see if any come out. Mom said I did real good. I don't do a lot of good things so I want to be sure to do this again for Mom. And I did it all on my own with no help!
Mom says to tell you FredDog is doing good too. Not as good as this cat who caught a mouse, but he's doing OK. I haven't put his eye out. Yet.
ROARRRRRRR, PeteyCat, Official Mouser of the House.
April 18, 2015
Dear Terry, Last night me and Petey and Penny were alone in the house. Nothing got wrecked. But Petey doesn't do so good if Mom or Dad isn't around. Mom and Dad went to a baseball game! I know because I could smell the city on them. Lots of good smells to smell. They didn't bring a hot dog home for me so I was a bit disappointed. Dad knows how much I like hot dogs! Dad is going to fire up the Burger Machine again this weekend and I bet he makes me hot dogs again! Today, Mom said I am going on a gigantic walk for being such a good dog this week with all the Fix It people here. Mom said we might go climb the Dog Mountain. That's what I call it because lots of people take their dogs for a walk up and down the mountain. It's a hard walk striaght up the side. Coming down is easier. Even Mom says so. Mom wants to see if her knee will work. I bet it will. But if she starts to limp I will help her out. I haven't figured out HOW yet but I will. Woof! I smell Sping in the Air! What a good day to be a Dog!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Last night me and Petey and Penny were alone in the house. Nothing got wrecked. But Petey doesn't do so good if Mom or Dad isn't around. Mom and Dad went to a baseball game! I know because I could smell the city on them. Lots of good smells to smell. They didn't bring a hot dog home for me so I was a bit disappointed. Dad knows how much I like hot dogs! Dad is going to fire up the Burger Machine again this weekend and I bet he makes me hot dogs again! Today, Mom said I am going on a gigantic walk for being such a good dog this week with all the Fix It people here. Mom said we might go climb the Dog Mountain. That's what I call it because lots of people take their dogs for a walk up and down the mountain. It's a hard walk striaght up the side. Coming down is easier. Even Mom says so. Mom wants to see if her knee will work. I bet it will. But if she starts to limp I will help her out. I haven't figured out HOW yet but I will. Woof! I smell Sping in the Air! What a good day to be a Dog!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
April 16, 2015
Dear Terry, Boy things have been loud around here! Fix It Man came and fixed the garage and tore down the root cellar. He sure worked hard. I know because I watched his every move and listened to everything he was doing when I couldn't see him or his helpers. Dad brought him in the house a few times and I made sure he passed my inspection. I liked him. He's a good ear scratcher. Me and Dad have been going outside after they leave to look at all the stuff that's been fixed. Dad and me walked all around. Dad can walk pretty good now that his feet are fixed. Penny Cat has been upset with all the noise and commotion. Mom made her stay upstairs so the root cellar work could get done in the basement. We don't like Penny Cat upset. Mom made up the back bedroom with all her favorite things. She had her tennis ball and food and water and a litter box. Mom even pulled a curtain back so she could see outside. Mom put the gate up so that I didn't scare her. No Scaring Penny Cat is Rule #1. Oh and Petey Cat fell in the bathtub this morning while Mom was showering. I guess he didn't mind getting wet at all - he didn't even squeak!! Mom dried him off with a towel. He sure is a clean cat. I don't like getting a bath. That Petey sure is weird. I wish he wouldn't tease me so much. I'm tired of being in trouble. Mom still says that I am the bestest dog in the whole wide world no matter what. Mom's always right!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Boy things have been loud around here! Fix It Man came and fixed the garage and tore down the root cellar. He sure worked hard. I know because I watched his every move and listened to everything he was doing when I couldn't see him or his helpers. Dad brought him in the house a few times and I made sure he passed my inspection. I liked him. He's a good ear scratcher. Me and Dad have been going outside after they leave to look at all the stuff that's been fixed. Dad and me walked all around. Dad can walk pretty good now that his feet are fixed. Penny Cat has been upset with all the noise and commotion. Mom made her stay upstairs so the root cellar work could get done in the basement. We don't like Penny Cat upset. Mom made up the back bedroom with all her favorite things. She had her tennis ball and food and water and a litter box. Mom even pulled a curtain back so she could see outside. Mom put the gate up so that I didn't scare her. No Scaring Penny Cat is Rule #1. Oh and Petey Cat fell in the bathtub this morning while Mom was showering. I guess he didn't mind getting wet at all - he didn't even squeak!! Mom dried him off with a towel. He sure is a clean cat. I don't like getting a bath. That Petey sure is weird. I wish he wouldn't tease me so much. I'm tired of being in trouble. Mom still says that I am the bestest dog in the whole wide world no matter what. Mom's always right!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
April 13, 2015
Dear Terry, What a fun couple of days we've had here! First Dad got his boot off Friday so we went for a walk in the woods!! Dad was walking and everything! Then we went to see the Nephews and there was a Birthday Party! We like those! Uncle Tom and Aunt Linda and the Grandparents came. We had Chicken Tenders and Mac n Cheese for dinner. I like Chicken Tenders!Aunt Laura brought me some super special cookies to eat that were only for dogs! I helped get Nolan out of bed because almost everyone else was up and I even got to go into the basement! The drive was really long so me and Dad slept. We got home yesterday and I got in trouble right away because I chased Petey. It was good to be home!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, What a fun couple of days we've had here! First Dad got his boot off Friday so we went for a walk in the woods!! Dad was walking and everything! Then we went to see the Nephews and there was a Birthday Party! We like those! Uncle Tom and Aunt Linda and the Grandparents came. We had Chicken Tenders and Mac n Cheese for dinner. I like Chicken Tenders!Aunt Laura brought me some super special cookies to eat that were only for dogs! I helped get Nolan out of bed because almost everyone else was up and I even got to go into the basement! The drive was really long so me and Dad slept. We got home yesterday and I got in trouble right away because I chased Petey. It was good to be home!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
April 8, 2015
Dear Terry, Spring is here! I found crocus in the front yard that had bloomed and I peed on them! Then I found the daffadils had come up, so I peed there too! Oh and The Fix It Man came yesterday and he seemed OK so I stopped barking after awhile. He was real nice to Dad. He said he could fix things for us and Mom and Dad seemed pretty happy about that. Oh and it thundered yesterday. I tried hiding on the couch in my spot but that didn't work very well. Dad came to sit with me though until the noise stopped. I asked Dad to make it stop and he put his hands over my ears to help. Then we had Snacks!! That made the whole day better!
Happy Spring Terry, Love FredDog!
Dear Terry, Spring is here! I found crocus in the front yard that had bloomed and I peed on them! Then I found the daffadils had come up, so I peed there too! Oh and The Fix It Man came yesterday and he seemed OK so I stopped barking after awhile. He was real nice to Dad. He said he could fix things for us and Mom and Dad seemed pretty happy about that. Oh and it thundered yesterday. I tried hiding on the couch in my spot but that didn't work very well. Dad came to sit with me though until the noise stopped. I asked Dad to make it stop and he put his hands over my ears to help. Then we had Snacks!! That made the whole day better!
Happy Spring Terry, Love FredDog!
April 5, 2015
Happy Ham Day Terry! I am stuffed! I got to eat some Ham- lots of it actually- at grammy's house. I was a little bad there becasue I barked a lot when I got in the house. There were lots and lots of people. More than I have ever seen before in one spot! Mom got me and Dad situated in the sunroom though and I calmed down. That's when I got some Ham. Oh and a little kielbasa. With Mayo. I like Mayo. So does Dad! Dad gave me a potato piece too. I hope you had lots of Ham today!
Woof Woof Woof! FredDog!
Happy Ham Day Terry! I am stuffed! I got to eat some Ham- lots of it actually- at grammy's house. I was a little bad there becasue I barked a lot when I got in the house. There were lots and lots of people. More than I have ever seen before in one spot! Mom got me and Dad situated in the sunroom though and I calmed down. That's when I got some Ham. Oh and a little kielbasa. With Mayo. I like Mayo. So does Dad! Dad gave me a potato piece too. I hope you had lots of Ham today!
Woof Woof Woof! FredDog!
April 4, 2015
Dear Terry, Lots going on here! Mom thinks you might be down in the dumps but I bet you laugh at all the things I have to tell you! First, the root cellar ceiling caved in one night. It's kindof outside but has a secret door in the basement. Then another part of it caved in and it broke the door down. Only Mom didn't know until Petey jumped in her lap late one night soaking wet. Mom investigated and Petey ran right outside in the pouring rain into the root cellar! He came right back though when Mom called him. And Mom made it safe so he couldn't do that again. Penny Cat was beside herself meowing and meowing all worried. Dad said the Fix It Man should be coming soon. THEN, Dad had his toe operated on because I couldn't fix one of his boo-boos. He was back the same day but he was all mixed up and he smelled like Hospital. He was still so mixed up the next day that Mom took him to Pap's house while she went to work. Grammy fed him good food and he slept. I wasn't allowed to go. But tomorrow I get to go!! Tomorrow is Ham Day. Mom says it is called Easter but I don't know why. Should be called Ham Day. Everyone will be there and everyone will give me HAM!! I like Ham. Oh! And earlier this week, Petey was helping Mom at the kitchen sink and he was looking out the window and WHIRRRRRRR. His tail made the soap dispenser go and he got soap all over his tail! Then he stuck his head under it to see what happened and he got soap on his head!! Mom said he smelled cranberry good after she got it all washed out! He sure was sudsy! I can't seem to stop chasing him. I try real hard to be like Newton but I really just can't help it!! Mom separates us a lot so that Dad can get sleep when he isn't feeling so good. Petey sleeps against the door and I sleep right on the other side so we know where the other one is. Unless Dad needs me then I sleep next to him. And Baseball is on TV! Me and Dad fall asleep a lot when the games come on. I like to listen to games. Sometimes I go over to the screen and watch close up!
If you are down in the dumps, I recommend Ham for both you and Newton! Yummy!
Love, FredDog
Dear Terry, Lots going on here! Mom thinks you might be down in the dumps but I bet you laugh at all the things I have to tell you! First, the root cellar ceiling caved in one night. It's kindof outside but has a secret door in the basement. Then another part of it caved in and it broke the door down. Only Mom didn't know until Petey jumped in her lap late one night soaking wet. Mom investigated and Petey ran right outside in the pouring rain into the root cellar! He came right back though when Mom called him. And Mom made it safe so he couldn't do that again. Penny Cat was beside herself meowing and meowing all worried. Dad said the Fix It Man should be coming soon. THEN, Dad had his toe operated on because I couldn't fix one of his boo-boos. He was back the same day but he was all mixed up and he smelled like Hospital. He was still so mixed up the next day that Mom took him to Pap's house while she went to work. Grammy fed him good food and he slept. I wasn't allowed to go. But tomorrow I get to go!! Tomorrow is Ham Day. Mom says it is called Easter but I don't know why. Should be called Ham Day. Everyone will be there and everyone will give me HAM!! I like Ham. Oh! And earlier this week, Petey was helping Mom at the kitchen sink and he was looking out the window and WHIRRRRRRR. His tail made the soap dispenser go and he got soap all over his tail! Then he stuck his head under it to see what happened and he got soap on his head!! Mom said he smelled cranberry good after she got it all washed out! He sure was sudsy! I can't seem to stop chasing him. I try real hard to be like Newton but I really just can't help it!! Mom separates us a lot so that Dad can get sleep when he isn't feeling so good. Petey sleeps against the door and I sleep right on the other side so we know where the other one is. Unless Dad needs me then I sleep next to him. And Baseball is on TV! Me and Dad fall asleep a lot when the games come on. I like to listen to games. Sometimes I go over to the screen and watch close up!
If you are down in the dumps, I recommend Ham for both you and Newton! Yummy!
Love, FredDog
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