Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
March 29, 2015

Dear Terry, I've been busy! My birthday was March 27. It was snowing and all yucky out so Mom said we would celebrate yesterday! And we did! Mom calls it my birthday, it's really the day she adopted me. To celebrate, Mom and Dad sang me Happy Birthday and I howled along with them. Then Me and Mom went to the Dog Park! THE DOG PARK! How could there be so much fun in one place! I got to play with a big Labrador Retriever. We ran and ran until we both pooped out and Mom was frozen from standing in the cold wind. I was covered in mud and spit and I didn't care! Mom got me cleaned up in the car. And I got to drink from the bottle instead of my bowl. Water went everywhere! Mom laughed because I had made such a mess. When we got home, Dad had a peanut butter biscuit waiting for me! Then I pooped out. I couldn't move an inch. I woke up this morning. It was a great day.

Barks and Wags, FredDog
March 26, 2015

Me again. Guess what!? I saw my Pap and Grammy today!! Pap pretended to shoot me with his finger and I jumped in his lap. I couldn't get him to share any of his nut roll with me. I tried too. Then the neices came and there was more excitement! Everyone pulled up a chair to see vacation pictures and I got to sit in a chair too! Pap made the pictures go on the computer and he talked and talked and I listened. I ran around a lot too. I fell sleep on the couch. Oh it was so much fun!!! when we got home Mom and me and Petey all worked on getting along together. I only chased him once and the leash stopped me. And I listened to Mom and went right back to her and sat down and I got a spoonful of smooshie food! Can you believe it? Smooshie food because I listened to Mom and stopped chasing Petey. Petey was running all around too and I stayed right by Mom so I could show her how good I sit instead of chasing the cat. I almost lost it though. I was being good and doing my tricks for Mom, and Petey started playing with my tail. I stood there nice and calm and Mom distracted me with more smooshie food! Pretty soon I didn't even notice the cat hanging off my tail!

Love and Woofs, FredDog

P.S. Petey here. My best efforts to make FredDog crazy failed today. I tried running under his nose, eating his food, drinking his water. I even played with his tail, complete with hanging off of it. Mom had Magic Food though so I couldn't compete. Yet. That's ok, every day I am bigger, faster, stronger. I will rule this house. Penny Cat told me to pipe down. ROAARRRR , Petey
March 26, 2015

Dear Terry, Guess what came yesterday! SPRING! It was only for one day though so I'm kindof disappointed. Me and Mom walked all around the yard and checked on things. That's one of my jobs, check on things. We checked on the birds building a nest by the garage. And we checked on the cardinals in the tree, the birdie feeders, the mailbox, and the branches in the yard. Mom says once the yard dries out we will play pick up sticks! Oh and Mom was making a lot of stuff in the kitchen yesterday. I supervised to make sure that anything that fell to the floor was cleaned up right away! I like it better when Dad cooks because all kinds of things fall to the floor then! Today it's raining so I'm not going for a walk. Mom says she can find plenty for us to do inside to keep me busy!

Love and Woofs, FredDog!

March 24, 2015

Dear Terry, I almost lost an eye today. Mom says that's what I get for messing with Petey. I keep forgetting Newton's advice. Mom says I'm being a blockhead. Petey wanted to help Dad at the kitchen table and I thought maybe I could just get a little closer to see what was going on. Keep an eye on things. Well, I nearly lost that eye and I didn't even see anything! Hummmph. Mom took me on a really good walk in the woods. She said I needed to let off some steam. Guess what we saw! We saw The Mallards! They came back to the pond! They were talking away, going QUACK QUACK QUACK! Then we went to my favorite store, Tractor Supply. I almost forgot to stop for the Magic Doors! I was very excited to be there. We were getting some biscuits for me. We walked all around and Cashier Lady gave me treats and everything! We even stopped off to see the baby chickens. I'm very pooped out now. It was a long walk. Mom says a tired dog is a good dog. Hope I remember to be good when I wake up!

Love and Woofs, FredDog
March 21, 2015

Dear Terry, I've been getting in some trouble lately. Big trouble yesterday when I tried to climb the kitchen table to chase Petey. That didn't work out so good for any of us. At least the table didn't tip over. Mom was there. I'm not really tall enough or a good enough of a jumper to make it ON the table but I got a foot up there. Kindof. The chair fell, Petey ran, I fell, Mom yelled. I guess I can add no trying to jump on kitchen table to the bad things to try list. Mom decided I need to go be with other dogs. At first I didn't know where we were going but then I figured it out! We went to the dog park. And as Mom says, I ran myself stupid tired with the other dogs! It was so much fun!! When you go to the dog park, you can run and bark and chase and dig and roll all you want! Mom took me home after a long time there. She had to come and get me because I was way far out in the grass and I had pooped out and was laying down. Mom loves me. You know how much Mom loves me?? She named her baseball team on the internet after me! That's a lot of love if you ask me!

Barks and Wags, FredDog

March 17, 2015
Dear Terry, This is me in the park today! Mom's with me but you can't see her because she's taking the picture. Dad's with me too but you can't see him either because he's in the car staying warm. Petey's not with us because he's a Cat. This is my favorite tree. It starts out the beginning of my favorite trail. Sometimes I pee on it to let everyone know I was there. Me and Mom tromped all through the mud and then we practiced how to find Dad. Mom made me go pretty far into the woods and we couldn't see the car. I don't like to leave Dad. Mom whispered to me, Fred, Where's your Dad? And I knew just what to do!  And I turned right around and me and Mom ran back through the mud to get to Dad in the car. You might be wondering why Mom whispered. We practice that too. It's like our secret way of doing things. Mom says something real quiet so only I can hear it. And then I know it's real important to listen to whatever she says. Dad always says me and Mom have our own language and he's right! We do! I love my Mom.

Love and Woofs, FredDog
March 16, 2014

Dear Terry, Oh my GOSH did I have fun yesterday! Me and Mom only. Like we used to have fun before Petey. Mom took me for a ride to run some errands and we went to the park!! I didn't even care that it was wet and muddy! Me and Mom were at the park!! And there were other dogs there and we barked and carried on and everyone was laughing. We didn't go to close to the pond though because it was overflowing. Me and Mom were there a long time and it was so much FUN! We couldn't go on the trails either because they were muddy and Mom didn't wear her boots. But we walked all around on the grass and checked out all the buildings and then went up a partial trail but not very far. Mom showed me the bluebirds that were in the tree in front of us. Mom likes to look for different birdies. I bark at them. What a great day it was!! When I got home, Petey didn't seem so bad for some reason. Boy was I tired!

Barks and Wags, FredDog
March 14, 2015

Dear Terry, I don't think me and Mom are going to get in a walk today. It's raining. That makes my feet wet and I don't really like that unless it's snow.  But! we did take a quick walk outside this morning around the house and the backyard is all water! The creek is running really fast. AND there was racoon poop on the deck! How exciting is that?? Mom wasn't so excited about that though. I could tell because she didn't want to roll in it or even sniff it. Oh and yesterday, Dad was working with me and Petey. We are getting the hang of it! I try and stay calm and Petey doesn't put my eye out. I think it's the start to a good friendship. As long as he remembers Mom is all mine.

Barks and Wags, FredDog

P.S. Petey here. Fred seems to be getting nicer and I don't know why so I scratch him anyways in case he's pretending. But not when we are hunting the mouse. Then we work together. Wonder when he's gonna realize that Mom is all mine?? It sure would save him some scratches.  ROOOAAARRR. Petey.
March 12, 2015

Dear Terry,

What a great day yesterday. Well almost a super great day. Mom was at work and me and Dad were watching some baseball on TV . And you know what? Petey came up to see us! I stayed really quiet and I remembered Newton's advice, no chasing Petey or he will try and put my eye out. In fact, We spent hours and hours looking for Mr. Mouse. He was under the sink in the kitchen. I can hear better than Petey and I heard him, then Petey heard him. And we waited. I can be real patient when I want to be. We waited and waited. We could hear him under there. Mom doesn't allow me to open cabinets so I couldn't open it. Petey kept saying just open the door Freddie! But I didn't listen to him. And before you know it, Mom was home! Oh boy the excitement! I ran right away to the door barking so she would know I was there waiting for her. Mom came in and was so happy to hear that me and Petey were getting along. And she told me how great I was and how great I was behaving. Then it happened. Mom turned her back to me to pet Petey! I forgot Newton's advice. How could My Mom do that??? I was right there in front of her and she turned her back! I charged right at Petey and cornered him and I got yelled at and sat down. Mom KNOWS when she gets home I get all the attention. Mom tried again to pet Petey and I got in trouble again. Stupid Petey. I come first. And Second and Third for that matter. Mom said she has to go back to the drawing board. I can't draw yet but I'm sure Mom will come up with something good.

Trying to be Mom's Favorite again.

March 10, 2015

Dear Terry, Boy yesterday was a BAD day. First, Mom took me to the VET. That wasn't much fun at all. But my bumps on my side aren't anything to worry abuot. The Vet said they were Old Dog Bumps. Hmmph. Mom covered my ears but I still heard the Vet say that. Then Mom went to work and things went downhill from there. I cornered Petey and I snapped at him and Dad was there and we knocked stuff over in the bedroom and there was a big mess and I got yelled at by Dad.  He didn't even have to tell me to sit, I did it on my own. Mom came home from work to the big mess we had made and she wasn't happy at all. This Be Nice to Cats thing is really hard for me. I tried to remember Newtons advice, but I got clawed in the face again. I just forgot what he said. Mom said that no matter what I do, Petey will try and scratch my eyes out. End of story. So I had better get this figured out.

Barks and Wags, FredDog
March 8, 2015

Dear Newton, WOOFWOOF!! I would smell your butt if you were here! Boy I wish I knew all this before Petey came along. Mom says I'm going to lose an eye yet because I keep forgetting to give Petey space. And not to chase. And not to tease. And not to follow. And not to get mad about my bed. Sigh. Mom says it's a good thing I have a big nose to make way for all the scratches. Me and Mom have been busy today. We went outside to inspect the yard and sidewalks. Mom went back out after we found all the slippery spots and shoveled off all the slushy stuff to make them safe for us to walk on. I sure did get muddy! Oh and guess what! The deer were right in the driveway last night! Right by my favorite window! I barked to let them know I was there.

Love and Woofs to my Pal!

March 6, 2015

Dear Terry, Oh Boy was yesterday pretty exciting! The Electric Man was here and he knocked on the door and everything! I barked at him super loud so that Mom could barely hear what he said. I wanted him to know this was MY house! He was going to change the meter outside. He used a ladder and I saw him in the window and I barked even harder. I barked so loud I got the hiccups! Then he went away and everything was quiet. Mom says me and her are going to take a walk this weekend because it will be kindof warm outside. I can't wait!

Love and Woofs, FredDog

March 4, 2015

Dear Terry, I was SURE today was going to be a spring day! It was so warm last night when me and Mom were outside in the dark. Mom woke up and I ran out of the bedroom to look outside....and more snow. Woof! That's not what I wanted!! I wanted SPRING to be here! We went outside anyways and didn't go far because we were both slipping and sliding in the wet gushy snow. My feet got really wet and I don't like my feet wet. I was going to run back inside until I slipped. I walked back inside. Mom said that was one of those times when I should have been thinking instead of doing because she nearly wiped out too!

Slipin' n' Slidin', FredDog!

P.S. Petey here. My plan to take over the house nearly complete! PennyCat stays away from me, FredDog gets in trouble if I even squeak a little. Today I am bigger, stronger, and faster than I was yesterday...ROARRRRRRR. Petey.