January 29, 2015
Dear Terry, Kitten Petey is really a handful. Today he busted loose out of his room and ran all around the house. I didn't do NOTHING. I sat next to Mom. Mom was keeping him separate because he has worms but Petey said no way man I'm going to run through the house and he pushed the gate down. On my head. I didn't like that. And he took off running. I didn't run after him. I sat right next to Mom who was watching Kitten Petey run like a wild cat. Then guess what Kitten Petey did??? He jumped up next to me on the couch and I sat real still. And THEN he sniffed my butt and gave me a little headbutt. Then he took off running. Penny Cat didn't do anything at all. She didn't even hiss. I think all she wanted was her smooshie food. Mom separated all of us again so that Penny Cat could eat her food in peace. We do that every morning so she can eat. Sometimes, I eat her food and she gets upset so Mom makes sure she gets her food every day. I lick the spoon. I wonder if Kitten Petey will get smooshie food like Penny Cat does.
Trying to be good.....
Love FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here.That little kitten sure has Fred in an uproar. Good. I can't wait to tell him everything I know. He won't stop running around though. I know he's going to be my friend. Meow Meow, Penny Cat.
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

January 27, 2015
Dear Terry, I'm not so sure about this Kitten Petey. He gets into everything. EVERYTHING. He's even up on the desk helping Mom type. I bark at him a lot and get in trouble a lot. He's always talking about something. I'm kindof worried about getting close to him because something always seems to happen to me. The gate gets pushed over on me, I get clawed in the face, I get in trouble and Kitten Petey gets picked up and petted. Hummph. Mom says give it time Freddie and relax. Things will be OK. Mom's always right but I think she might be wrong about this. It's all fun and games until the dog loses an eye or two!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
P.S. I'm Kitten Petey. I can't hold still for very long. That Dog is realy wound up. I'm only a kitten but I can tell a loon when I see one. Wonder if he would ever want to play? ROARRRRRR! Petey.
Dear Terry, I'm not so sure about this Kitten Petey. He gets into everything. EVERYTHING. He's even up on the desk helping Mom type. I bark at him a lot and get in trouble a lot. He's always talking about something. I'm kindof worried about getting close to him because something always seems to happen to me. The gate gets pushed over on me, I get clawed in the face, I get in trouble and Kitten Petey gets picked up and petted. Hummph. Mom says give it time Freddie and relax. Things will be OK. Mom's always right but I think she might be wrong about this. It's all fun and games until the dog loses an eye or two!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
P.S. I'm Kitten Petey. I can't hold still for very long. That Dog is realy wound up. I'm only a kitten but I can tell a loon when I see one. Wonder if he would ever want to play? ROARRRRRR! Petey.
January 25, 2015
Dear Terry, I got in some trouble today. And I got some scratches on my face. Mom says I'm in the dog house. I came face to face with Petey! He started it! I wasn't even barking just kindof looking at him. Really close up that's all. I smelled his nose, he smelled my nose and BAM! He hit me with all his claws! I barked, he hissed and hit me again! I ran into the door, he ran under the cabinet. And Mom yelled at me! Mom says no matter what happens I am not to do that again. What about Petey hitting me??? Mom said it doens't matter and I will probably get hit again if I try sticking my face that close to him like that. Geez, I could have lost an EYE!! Humphhhh.
Barks and more Barks, FredDog.
Dear Terry, I got in some trouble today. And I got some scratches on my face. Mom says I'm in the dog house. I came face to face with Petey! He started it! I wasn't even barking just kindof looking at him. Really close up that's all. I smelled his nose, he smelled my nose and BAM! He hit me with all his claws! I barked, he hissed and hit me again! I ran into the door, he ran under the cabinet. And Mom yelled at me! Mom says no matter what happens I am not to do that again. What about Petey hitting me??? Mom said it doens't matter and I will probably get hit again if I try sticking my face that close to him like that. Geez, I could have lost an EYE!! Humphhhh.
Barks and more Barks, FredDog.
January 24, 2015
Dear Terry, Something new is is the house. It's a kitten! His name is Petey. Mom brought him in the house in a crate and I got to smell and smell him. I barked at him and he hissed right back at me! I don't know if he likes me yet. Mom and Dad are letting him calm down with lots of toys and food in the bedroom. I keep trying to see him but Mom says I have to wait until Petey calms down a bit. He's black and white. Mom says he's a breakable so I'm not allowed to touch him and I'm not allowed to make him fluffy. I have to stay calm. Mom gave me his blanket to smell and he smells like he's going to be a good cat to me! Penny Cat hasn't said anything yet to me about this. She's been sleeping through the whole big excitement! Dad's been wanting a kitten and him and Mom have been looking for just the right one. Dad says Petey looks like a winner to him!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Something new is is the house. It's a kitten! His name is Petey. Mom brought him in the house in a crate and I got to smell and smell him. I barked at him and he hissed right back at me! I don't know if he likes me yet. Mom and Dad are letting him calm down with lots of toys and food in the bedroom. I keep trying to see him but Mom says I have to wait until Petey calms down a bit. He's black and white. Mom says he's a breakable so I'm not allowed to touch him and I'm not allowed to make him fluffy. I have to stay calm. Mom gave me his blanket to smell and he smells like he's going to be a good cat to me! Penny Cat hasn't said anything yet to me about this. She's been sleeping through the whole big excitement! Dad's been wanting a kitten and him and Mom have been looking for just the right one. Dad says Petey looks like a winner to him!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
January 21, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what me and Mom and Dad did today!? We played in the SNOW! YAY! The snow was real deep. It was up to my chest in some spots! At first I didn't want to play. I was too busy smelling smells. Then Mom and Dad threw snow on me and I took off running as hard as I could. That's how we play. I run really hard in a big circle and Mom and Dad throw snow on me if they can as I run by them. I sure do get tired after we play. I must have been slow this time because I was covered in snow by the time we were done! What fun though! I took a nap until I heard neighbor John with his snow tractor. He was plowing the driveway. Back n forth, up n down he went. I barked so he would know I was watching from the big window!
Hope you had a good snowy day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what me and Mom and Dad did today!? We played in the SNOW! YAY! The snow was real deep. It was up to my chest in some spots! At first I didn't want to play. I was too busy smelling smells. Then Mom and Dad threw snow on me and I took off running as hard as I could. That's how we play. I run really hard in a big circle and Mom and Dad throw snow on me if they can as I run by them. I sure do get tired after we play. I must have been slow this time because I was covered in snow by the time we were done! What fun though! I took a nap until I heard neighbor John with his snow tractor. He was plowing the driveway. Back n forth, up n down he went. I barked so he would know I was watching from the big window!
Hope you had a good snowy day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
January 19, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom has a bum knee again. This morning she left at the wrong time so I knew she wasn't going to work. I wasn't allowed to go with her either. Dad said she was going to the knee doctor to make things better. Only she came home limping really bad and she had a band aid on her knee! I could smell the shot right thru her pants. It must have hurt her a lot because she wasn't walking good at all. When she sat down she let me see the band aid on her knee. Those smell funny too and I pulled at it with my teeth. Mom said Don't worry Fred everything will be OK. This is so we can go on good walks again instead of short walks. I have my doubts since she was limping so bad but Dad says Mom is always right. So I believe her. When she came home from work she was still limping. I walked real slow outside with her so she didn't have to worry about me. I hope she gets her knee better real soon!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
January 17, 2015
Dear Terry, I am POOPED OUT! Me and Dad got early with the birds and did the chores. Penny Cat even let me greet her this morning. I didn't make her fluffy so I knew right away it was going to be a GOOD DAY! And it was! We woke Mom up and then we had doughnuts! Mom didn't know I had some doughnuts. Dad snuck me some when she wasn't looking. Me and Mom took a walk in the park too! I haven't been on a good walk in FOREVER. We walked all around the park and then some. When we got home Dad fired up the Burger Machine and made hot dogs!! AND he made tater tots to go with the hot dogs. I like hot dogs. I really like tater tots! I helped Dad make the whole entire meal. Mom said we did good! Me and Dad are going to go to sleep now since we had such a big day.
Hope your day was Tater Tot good!
Love FredDog
Dear Terry, I am POOPED OUT! Me and Dad got early with the birds and did the chores. Penny Cat even let me greet her this morning. I didn't make her fluffy so I knew right away it was going to be a GOOD DAY! And it was! We woke Mom up and then we had doughnuts! Mom didn't know I had some doughnuts. Dad snuck me some when she wasn't looking. Me and Mom took a walk in the park too! I haven't been on a good walk in FOREVER. We walked all around the park and then some. When we got home Dad fired up the Burger Machine and made hot dogs!! AND he made tater tots to go with the hot dogs. I like hot dogs. I really like tater tots! I helped Dad make the whole entire meal. Mom said we did good! Me and Dad are going to go to sleep now since we had such a big day.
Hope your day was Tater Tot good!
Love FredDog
January 14, 2015
Dear Terry, Boy did we have some excitement here this morning! Me and Mom went for a walk outside like we always do. I barked at the neighbor's cats, the birds squawked at me. AND THEN, we got around to the back of the house and me and Mom both smelled it! Gas! MY nose was in the air, and Mom said oh boy Fred that's not good! We came inside and told Dad all about it. He called the Gas Company right away and the Gas Man came right out. I barked from the bedroom window at him. I was telling him, hurry up and fix it, hurry up!! And he did! Everything is OK now. WHEW!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Boy did we have some excitement here this morning! Me and Mom went for a walk outside like we always do. I barked at the neighbor's cats, the birds squawked at me. AND THEN, we got around to the back of the house and me and Mom both smelled it! Gas! MY nose was in the air, and Mom said oh boy Fred that's not good! We came inside and told Dad all about it. He called the Gas Company right away and the Gas Man came right out. I barked from the bedroom window at him. I was telling him, hurry up and fix it, hurry up!! And he did! Everything is OK now. WHEW!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
January 12, 2015
Dear Terry, I've had the Mopes again. I can't play outside because it is too cold. It was so cold my feets were freezing and Mom had to carry me part of the way in the house bec my feets started to cramp up from the cold. Yesterday, though, wasn't so cold and me and Mom walked all around the house and the yard and guess what!? I followed the deer tracks all over the place and discovered they had visited the birdie feeders under the deck! That means they were really close to the house. I wish Penny Cat would let me see out the basement window. It's right by the birdie feeders and I bet I could see the deer real good from there! She doesn't ever let me see out that window. She told me it was all hers. Mom said the deer might be super hungry if they were visiting the birdie feeders. We threw some apples down in the yard for them. Lots of apples in case they are super hungry like Mom says.
Hope you stay warm!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, I've had the Mopes again. I can't play outside because it is too cold. It was so cold my feets were freezing and Mom had to carry me part of the way in the house bec my feets started to cramp up from the cold. Yesterday, though, wasn't so cold and me and Mom walked all around the house and the yard and guess what!? I followed the deer tracks all over the place and discovered they had visited the birdie feeders under the deck! That means they were really close to the house. I wish Penny Cat would let me see out the basement window. It's right by the birdie feeders and I bet I could see the deer real good from there! She doesn't ever let me see out that window. She told me it was all hers. Mom said the deer might be super hungry if they were visiting the birdie feeders. We threw some apples down in the yard for them. Lots of apples in case they are super hungry like Mom says.
Hope you stay warm!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
January 6, 2015
Dear Terry, Something Scary happened today. Don't worry, I was right there to help Mom. Someone strange came to the door. I could tell something wasn't right. Mom could tell something wasn't right. I was growling and snarling and barking. Mom didn't try and quiet me. He said he would give Mom a bottle of laundry soap if she donated money to his charity. Mom said NO WAY GO AWAY. You could tell Mom wasn't going to take any of his crap. And me neither. I was showing all my teeth to him. He went away real quick. We watched to make sure he really did leave. Dad was in the basement and missed all of it! As soon as he left, me and Mom ran to get Dad and told him all about it. I kept watch out the front window in case he came back. Mom said that was stranger danger and that I did a good job. Dad gave me lots of slaps on the side and told me what a good boy I was! I try and be friendly to nice people but when they don't seem so nice or I think Mom might get hurt I make sure no one comes near her. I was so worried all my hair was standing straight up!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Something Scary happened today. Don't worry, I was right there to help Mom. Someone strange came to the door. I could tell something wasn't right. Mom could tell something wasn't right. I was growling and snarling and barking. Mom didn't try and quiet me. He said he would give Mom a bottle of laundry soap if she donated money to his charity. Mom said NO WAY GO AWAY. You could tell Mom wasn't going to take any of his crap. And me neither. I was showing all my teeth to him. He went away real quick. We watched to make sure he really did leave. Dad was in the basement and missed all of it! As soon as he left, me and Mom ran to get Dad and told him all about it. I kept watch out the front window in case he came back. Mom said that was stranger danger and that I did a good job. Dad gave me lots of slaps on the side and told me what a good boy I was! I try and be friendly to nice people but when they don't seem so nice or I think Mom might get hurt I make sure no one comes near her. I was so worried all my hair was standing straight up!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
January 5, 2015
Dear Terry, Yesterday me and Mom went on a walk and boy was it exciting! Mom was driving and there was a big tree across the road! It must have fallen in the big winds. Mom drove off the road and around it! I barked at it. When we got to the park, there were lots and lots of people and dogs there. Dogs everywhere! The Park Manager came up to me and Mom and told us today the Search n Rescue Dogs were practicing to find people in the woods. Lost people. I know how to find Dad if he gets lost. Mom said it was like that only you have to find a stranger. Mom told me I had to be on my best behaviour and not interfere with what they were doing. They were all over the place. They were high up on the hillside and down by the ponds and deep in the woods. Sometimes we could only hear them. I was real good and didn't cause a rukus. I could tell they were all working hard. Then Mom got cold in the big wind and we came home. I told Dad and Penny Cat all about it.
Barks n Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday me and Mom went on a walk and boy was it exciting! Mom was driving and there was a big tree across the road! It must have fallen in the big winds. Mom drove off the road and around it! I barked at it. When we got to the park, there were lots and lots of people and dogs there. Dogs everywhere! The Park Manager came up to me and Mom and told us today the Search n Rescue Dogs were practicing to find people in the woods. Lost people. I know how to find Dad if he gets lost. Mom said it was like that only you have to find a stranger. Mom told me I had to be on my best behaviour and not interfere with what they were doing. They were all over the place. They were high up on the hillside and down by the ponds and deep in the woods. Sometimes we could only hear them. I was real good and didn't cause a rukus. I could tell they were all working hard. Then Mom got cold in the big wind and we came home. I told Dad and Penny Cat all about it.
Barks n Wags, FredDog
January 3, 2015
Dear Terry, What a morning! I woke up first. I waited and I waited like I'm supposed to but Mom wasn't waking up fast enough. I sat right by her head and stared. I was trying to decide if I should bark. Then I did. Ooops. Sometimes that happens, I bark! That woke Mom up alright! Then we went outside. It was very slippery and I kindof panicked and started pulling and it was slippery even more. I stopped. Mom slide to a stop. We didn't fall. Whew! We went back inside in a hurry after that. I ran and found Dad and PennyCat right away and told them how slippery it was. PennyCat said she is smart enough to use a litter box so she doesn't have to go outside. I think that is a load of... WOOF. Who doesn't go outside to poop!? Cats are so weird!
Slips and Slides..FredDog!
Dear Terry, What a morning! I woke up first. I waited and I waited like I'm supposed to but Mom wasn't waking up fast enough. I sat right by her head and stared. I was trying to decide if I should bark. Then I did. Ooops. Sometimes that happens, I bark! That woke Mom up alright! Then we went outside. It was very slippery and I kindof panicked and started pulling and it was slippery even more. I stopped. Mom slide to a stop. We didn't fall. Whew! We went back inside in a hurry after that. I ran and found Dad and PennyCat right away and told them how slippery it was. PennyCat said she is smart enough to use a litter box so she doesn't have to go outside. I think that is a load of... WOOF. Who doesn't go outside to poop!? Cats are so weird!
Slips and Slides..FredDog!
January 2, 2015
Dear Terry, Happy New Year! Mom helped me make a list for the new year. Mom says stick to the list Fred and things will go good this year!
1. Don't chase Penny Cat unless she chases me first. Mom thinks this should be NEVER chase Penny Cat. I think if she chases me first, all bets are off!
2. Sleep in more. Mom doesn't like to see the sun rise. Mom showed me where the sun should be in order for me to get up and start the day.
3. Help Dad. I already help Dad in lots of ways so I'm going to keep that up!
4. Don't eat blankets. Mom gave me that advice! Mom gives good advice because when I chew on blankets they get holes in them and aren't as warm as they should be.
5. Don't pretend I am deaf in public when I get excited about something. Mom says I should listen to her at all times especially in public so I don't look like a loon. Mom says she loves me no matter what but it would be nice to have me listen to her so we don't have disasters. Like the Santa Visit.
6. Love Mom and Dad even more than I did last year! Maybe I will even share my treats with them!
Barks and Wags! FredDog!
Dear Terry, Happy New Year! Mom helped me make a list for the new year. Mom says stick to the list Fred and things will go good this year!
1. Don't chase Penny Cat unless she chases me first. Mom thinks this should be NEVER chase Penny Cat. I think if she chases me first, all bets are off!
2. Sleep in more. Mom doesn't like to see the sun rise. Mom showed me where the sun should be in order for me to get up and start the day.
3. Help Dad. I already help Dad in lots of ways so I'm going to keep that up!
4. Don't eat blankets. Mom gave me that advice! Mom gives good advice because when I chew on blankets they get holes in them and aren't as warm as they should be.
5. Don't pretend I am deaf in public when I get excited about something. Mom says I should listen to her at all times especially in public so I don't look like a loon. Mom says she loves me no matter what but it would be nice to have me listen to her so we don't have disasters. Like the Santa Visit.
6. Love Mom and Dad even more than I did last year! Maybe I will even share my treats with them!
Barks and Wags! FredDog!
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