December 28, 2015
Dear Terry, We had some scary excitement here today. Mom says to tell you that no kitties were hurt. Petey has been bad again. He keeps opening cabinets and throwing stuff out. Mom's not so happy about that. This morning, Dad was putting his coat in the closet and Petey jumped in. But I was the only who saw him go in there. I knew it was trouble. Petey isn't allowed in the closets. He makes a mess out of whatever is in there. Dad shut the door and Petey was inside. At first he didn't make a peep. I'm not sure he realized that he couldn't get out. I was right there by the door. Then he tried to get out and couldn't and he panicked. MEOW MEOW MEOW. Mom didn't hear him. Dad didn't hear him. They were downstairs! Mom was getting ready to leave for work. Oh no! MEOW MEOW MEOW. Mom came to say good bye to me like she always does and she finally heard him. She said Fred? Where's the Cat? She opened up the door and Petey flew out and landed right on her shoulder! Mom said he jumped from the top of the hangers. She told Petey everything was OK and pretty soon he was purring. Good sign! Mom put him down once he was settled down and I sniffed him from the tips of his ears all the way to his tail. He was OK! Petey said WHEW! He sure was glad to see all of us! What a day! We took a nap together after all that excitement!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. That was scary. I was in the dark and I couldn't get the door open and Fred wasn't getting Mom or Dad. Dad never saw me go in the closet. I wanted to see what was in there and why I'm not allowed in there. Mom says it's becasue I take everything out instead of leaving everything in it's place. All I know is that I was sure glad to see Mom open that door! I was even glad to see FredDog. He let me lay down and take a nap with him. I sleep under his tail and rest my head on him. Maybe I won't chase him so much anymore. Maybe. I have to think on that some more.
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

December 26, 2015
Dear Terry, Santa outdid himself this year for my gift! I got big bag of chew bones. All for me! AND instead of biscuits, he left me a whole bowl of chicken stew. It had peas and carrots and chicken and some taters in there! I could smell it as soon as I got up and I pushed past Petey and ran into the kitchen and there it was in my bowl!! You should have smelled it. What a great gift! Mom said Santa must have thought I have been extra good to give me such a treat! I worked on that chew bone all day long. Nothing better then something to chew on for the day. I haven't had one in awhile. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP. Then me and Mom went for a walk in the woods. Not a long one though because it was late and getting dark. OH! And Grammy got me a glow in the dark leash! Me and Mom tested it out last night in the driveway. Mom can make it blink. I'm not sure I like it blinking but I kept turning around to see the glowing part. We had a lot of fun! Petey and Penny Cat got good stinky fishy food. They gobbled that right down! Mom even gave them jingle balls to play with in the basement. They have to keep them down there because I might accidentally eat them and Dad always steps on them. Hope you had a good Christmas and I hope Santa brought Newton the best biscuits ever!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Santa outdid himself this year for my gift! I got big bag of chew bones. All for me! AND instead of biscuits, he left me a whole bowl of chicken stew. It had peas and carrots and chicken and some taters in there! I could smell it as soon as I got up and I pushed past Petey and ran into the kitchen and there it was in my bowl!! You should have smelled it. What a great gift! Mom said Santa must have thought I have been extra good to give me such a treat! I worked on that chew bone all day long. Nothing better then something to chew on for the day. I haven't had one in awhile. CHOMP CHOMP CHOMP. Then me and Mom went for a walk in the woods. Not a long one though because it was late and getting dark. OH! And Grammy got me a glow in the dark leash! Me and Mom tested it out last night in the driveway. Mom can make it blink. I'm not sure I like it blinking but I kept turning around to see the glowing part. We had a lot of fun! Petey and Penny Cat got good stinky fishy food. They gobbled that right down! Mom even gave them jingle balls to play with in the basement. They have to keep them down there because I might accidentally eat them and Dad always steps on them. Hope you had a good Christmas and I hope Santa brought Newton the best biscuits ever!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
December 21, 2015
Dear Terry, Santa is coming soon! I know it! Me and Mom and Dad have been busy decorating to make sure Santa can find the house ok. Oh and we went to Nolan's Birthday Party. Meatloaf is good! so are mashed taters! Only I wasn't so good sometimes and I had to sit separate from everyone for a little bit until I could calm down. But only a little bit. I like to watch the gifts getting open. Everyone is always in a good mood at birthday parties! I even slept in Grandpap's lap for a little bit. I sure was wore out. We had snacks at night. I got to have crackers! and cheese! how can you beat that for fun!? We had a long drive home. Dad was really pooped out. We both slept while Mom drove the whole way. As soon as I got home I ran and found Petey Cat. He was meowing on the kitchen table. It sure was good to see my friend again. Penny Cat even came out and kissed me on the nose. She must have missed me too! Mom says you might be coming to see us soon. I can't wait to see you again Friend!! Wait until you meet Petey! Did you make a list for Santa? I asked Santa for frosted biscuits with sprinkles. I ask for those every year and every year Santa comes though for me and like magic they are on the counter for me Christmas Morning! Petey Cat is skeptical. He says how does Santa come in the house without us knowing? I said he comes in while we are sleeping and leaves us special treats! But you have to be GOOD. He's been bad. He steals ornaments off the tree and Mom has been finding them everywhere! She even found one in the litter box! PETEYNOOOOOO!
Oh I can't wait to see you Terry, Love and Woofs, FredDog!!
Dear Terry, Santa is coming soon! I know it! Me and Mom and Dad have been busy decorating to make sure Santa can find the house ok. Oh and we went to Nolan's Birthday Party. Meatloaf is good! so are mashed taters! Only I wasn't so good sometimes and I had to sit separate from everyone for a little bit until I could calm down. But only a little bit. I like to watch the gifts getting open. Everyone is always in a good mood at birthday parties! I even slept in Grandpap's lap for a little bit. I sure was wore out. We had snacks at night. I got to have crackers! and cheese! how can you beat that for fun!? We had a long drive home. Dad was really pooped out. We both slept while Mom drove the whole way. As soon as I got home I ran and found Petey Cat. He was meowing on the kitchen table. It sure was good to see my friend again. Penny Cat even came out and kissed me on the nose. She must have missed me too! Mom says you might be coming to see us soon. I can't wait to see you again Friend!! Wait until you meet Petey! Did you make a list for Santa? I asked Santa for frosted biscuits with sprinkles. I ask for those every year and every year Santa comes though for me and like magic they are on the counter for me Christmas Morning! Petey Cat is skeptical. He says how does Santa come in the house without us knowing? I said he comes in while we are sleeping and leaves us special treats! But you have to be GOOD. He's been bad. He steals ornaments off the tree and Mom has been finding them everywhere! She even found one in the litter box! PETEYNOOOOOO!
Oh I can't wait to see you Terry, Love and Woofs, FredDog!!
December 12, 2015
Dear Santa, Mom says I came up with a pretty good list this year, even though it looks a lot like last year's list. I thought I would tell you all the good things I did this year.
Good Things:
1. I learned how to play nice with my cat friends. Now I only chase Petey Cat when we play. And I hardly ever sit on him anymore when he annoys me. I think that's pretty good.
2. I hardly ever make Penny Cat fluffy. Not since I learned that cats have claws and aren't afraid to use them to put an eye out.
3. I help Dad all the time, especially when he doesn't feel good.
4. I don't steal underpants anymore. Hardly.
5. I bark real loud when anyone comes on the property to let Mom and Dad know something is going on.
6. I protected Mom in the park from weirdos.
7. I let Petey Cat sometimes eat my food. And I even let him sleep next to me and use me as a pillow.
See, Santa??? I've worked hard at being good!! What I would really like for Christams are some of those frosted biscuits you bring me every year on a plate!! The kind with the sprinkles on them. Maybe you could bring little ones for Petey and Penny Cat. We like any flavors. I already have my Christmas Collar on because I can barely stand the wait until the holiday gets here!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Santa, Mom says I came up with a pretty good list this year, even though it looks a lot like last year's list. I thought I would tell you all the good things I did this year.
Good Things:
1. I learned how to play nice with my cat friends. Now I only chase Petey Cat when we play. And I hardly ever sit on him anymore when he annoys me. I think that's pretty good.
2. I hardly ever make Penny Cat fluffy. Not since I learned that cats have claws and aren't afraid to use them to put an eye out.
3. I help Dad all the time, especially when he doesn't feel good.
4. I don't steal underpants anymore. Hardly.
5. I bark real loud when anyone comes on the property to let Mom and Dad know something is going on.
6. I protected Mom in the park from weirdos.
7. I let Petey Cat sometimes eat my food. And I even let him sleep next to me and use me as a pillow.
See, Santa??? I've worked hard at being good!! What I would really like for Christams are some of those frosted biscuits you bring me every year on a plate!! The kind with the sprinkles on them. Maybe you could bring little ones for Petey and Penny Cat. We like any flavors. I already have my Christmas Collar on because I can barely stand the wait until the holiday gets here!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
December 9, 2015
Dear Terry, I almost have my letter to Santa ready. Mom is helping me with the writing part. Petey is going to make a list too. He said his was pretty short. AND you won't believe who Dad found in the closet today! Santa!! He lights up. Mom says it is the real Santa's way of watching me and Petey. He doesn't watch Penny Cat because she's good all the time. I met Santa you know. I have the pictures to prove it too! Mom says me and Petey better come up with some good lists. She said Santa has his eyes on us. I believe her too. Oh and Mom put candles in the windows. She had to tape them down because me and Petey kept knocking them over. She said Duct tape is the best thing ever for Christmas ornaments. And The Tree goes up this weekend. We were going to do it last week but we got side tracked. Better go! I hear Petey making noise!! PETEYNOOOOO is his real name.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I almost have my letter to Santa ready. Mom is helping me with the writing part. Petey is going to make a list too. He said his was pretty short. AND you won't believe who Dad found in the closet today! Santa!! He lights up. Mom says it is the real Santa's way of watching me and Petey. He doesn't watch Penny Cat because she's good all the time. I met Santa you know. I have the pictures to prove it too! Mom says me and Petey better come up with some good lists. She said Santa has his eyes on us. I believe her too. Oh and Mom put candles in the windows. She had to tape them down because me and Petey kept knocking them over. She said Duct tape is the best thing ever for Christmas ornaments. And The Tree goes up this weekend. We were going to do it last week but we got side tracked. Better go! I hear Petey making noise!! PETEYNOOOOO is his real name.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dec 7, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom's really been working hard lately and we haven't written. She says I have to get my list to Santa ready. I'll be sending that soon! We tried to go for a walk yesterday and I was really excited about it. But it got wayyy to scary for me. Someone was shooting a gun in the woods. I don't like that. I started to panic and I forgot where the car was and I couldn't think straight. Mom sat down on the ground with me and held me tight and covered my ears until I could think again. She told me we would go right back to the car. That noise is so loud I never know what to do. Mom always knows though and she helps me out no matter how scared I am. When we got home Mom told Dad how scared I was and I snuggled in with him and watched football. Well, kind of watched football. We fell asleep! I better go see what Petey Cat is doing. He's never far away but I don't hear him at all. Mom says that usually means trouble! Sounds like fun to me !!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom's really been working hard lately and we haven't written. She says I have to get my list to Santa ready. I'll be sending that soon! We tried to go for a walk yesterday and I was really excited about it. But it got wayyy to scary for me. Someone was shooting a gun in the woods. I don't like that. I started to panic and I forgot where the car was and I couldn't think straight. Mom sat down on the ground with me and held me tight and covered my ears until I could think again. She told me we would go right back to the car. That noise is so loud I never know what to do. Mom always knows though and she helps me out no matter how scared I am. When we got home Mom told Dad how scared I was and I snuggled in with him and watched football. Well, kind of watched football. We fell asleep! I better go see what Petey Cat is doing. He's never far away but I don't hear him at all. Mom says that usually means trouble! Sounds like fun to me !!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
November 28, 2015
Dear Terry, Thanksgiving is over! And what a day it was! Mom and Dad and me got up early and starting baking stuff. Mom and Dad made a pie and some kind of cranberry thing. And I knew there was turkey coming up! Mom got out on of her special tablecloths for the table. She always gets out the special dishes too. The Breakables. Petey Cat didn't know what was going on. He sampled some raw egg that mom was going to use. YUCKO! Mom says his name should be Peteynoooo. He helped me look in the oven window as things were cooking. We helped Mom start to put up the Christmas stuff too while all the food was cooking. Oh and me and Mom went for a big walk in the park. I was tired after that but we had so much fun! When we got home, Mom was going to get out the Breakable Dishes. Then it happened. PETEYNOOOOOO. He pulled the tablecloth right off the table!!! I stood there with Mom, staring at the table. OH boy this wasn't good. Even worse, Petey kept playing with the tablecloth. Mom let out a big SIGH. I guess I won't be getting out the Pretty Dishes this year....Dad said, you better not... I said Woof! And Petey Cat said ROARRRRRRR and played some more with the tablecloth on the floor. Mom did give us all a little bit of turkey later on though! And I got to have a crescent roll with gravy! My favorite! Then we all watched TV. Me and Mom and Dad and Petey and Penny Cat.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Thanksgiving is over! And what a day it was! Mom and Dad and me got up early and starting baking stuff. Mom and Dad made a pie and some kind of cranberry thing. And I knew there was turkey coming up! Mom got out on of her special tablecloths for the table. She always gets out the special dishes too. The Breakables. Petey Cat didn't know what was going on. He sampled some raw egg that mom was going to use. YUCKO! Mom says his name should be Peteynoooo. He helped me look in the oven window as things were cooking. We helped Mom start to put up the Christmas stuff too while all the food was cooking. Oh and me and Mom went for a big walk in the park. I was tired after that but we had so much fun! When we got home, Mom was going to get out the Breakable Dishes. Then it happened. PETEYNOOOOOO. He pulled the tablecloth right off the table!!! I stood there with Mom, staring at the table. OH boy this wasn't good. Even worse, Petey kept playing with the tablecloth. Mom let out a big SIGH. I guess I won't be getting out the Pretty Dishes this year....Dad said, you better not... I said Woof! And Petey Cat said ROARRRRRRR and played some more with the tablecloth on the floor. Mom did give us all a little bit of turkey later on though! And I got to have a crescent roll with gravy! My favorite! Then we all watched TV. Me and Mom and Dad and Petey and Penny Cat.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
November 23, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what!? I went to the Pet Palace and Mom and Dad took a trip to eat some good food. At first I was nervous. I hadn't been there in awhile. But Mom made sure I had my bed with me and my blanket. Then I got to play with the other dogs non stop almost! I could run and bark and be silly. I liked all the dogs there. Before I knew it, Mom was there to pick me up! I ran and pulled when I saw Mom. It seemed like forever since I had seen her! The kennel lady let go of the leash so I could get to Mom faster. Mom gave me a big hug and when I got home I ran straight to Dad and then Petey and Penny! It was so good to see everyone! Me and Petey couldn't stop chasing each other. We laid down with Mom in the bed and fell asleep. All of us sure were tired!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Guess what!? I went to the Pet Palace and Mom and Dad took a trip to eat some good food. At first I was nervous. I hadn't been there in awhile. But Mom made sure I had my bed with me and my blanket. Then I got to play with the other dogs non stop almost! I could run and bark and be silly. I liked all the dogs there. Before I knew it, Mom was there to pick me up! I ran and pulled when I saw Mom. It seemed like forever since I had seen her! The kennel lady let go of the leash so I could get to Mom faster. Mom gave me a big hug and when I got home I ran straight to Dad and then Petey and Penny! It was so good to see everyone! Me and Petey couldn't stop chasing each other. We laid down with Mom in the bed and fell asleep. All of us sure were tired!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
November 14, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Mom went for a walk today in the park. We were the only ones there! How can everyone stay inside on a great fall day??? You know what we saw?? Deer! Lots of deer! They ran everywhere. I barked real loud at them. Then all we saw were their white butts running up the big hill! Oh and we walked down by the water too. Guess what we saw there!?? The Mallards! They went swooshhhh into the water when we got to close to them. QUACK QUACK. I didn't bark though. They eat sea monsters in the water so you can't upset them. Me and Mom also made some Christmas Cards today. I got to help write what's on the card. Mom said I did a good job! Dad laughed when he saw what we had made. Mom says we can't send them out yet because we have to wait until after Turkey Day. I like Turkey Day. Mom and Dad make lots of food that day! We share it all too. Petey doesn't know what Turkey Day is so I had to tell him all about it. He likes turkey too he said. I told him about how Santa comes and brings really good frosted biscuits too on Christmas Day but since he's bad a lot he might not get any. Mom says Santa doesn't think any kitten can really be bad so she thinks he will probably get a treat. I don't know about that.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. I don't know who this Santa guy is but FredDog says that you have to be really good for him to give you special treats. I'm a little worried about that. I do a lot of bad stuff by accident. Mom says Santa is pretty forgiving of kittens. I hope so! But is it really bad to smack the dog just because he might sit on me??? I've got a lot of thinking to do about this...ROARRRRRR.
Dear Terry, Me and Mom went for a walk today in the park. We were the only ones there! How can everyone stay inside on a great fall day??? You know what we saw?? Deer! Lots of deer! They ran everywhere. I barked real loud at them. Then all we saw were their white butts running up the big hill! Oh and we walked down by the water too. Guess what we saw there!?? The Mallards! They went swooshhhh into the water when we got to close to them. QUACK QUACK. I didn't bark though. They eat sea monsters in the water so you can't upset them. Me and Mom also made some Christmas Cards today. I got to help write what's on the card. Mom said I did a good job! Dad laughed when he saw what we had made. Mom says we can't send them out yet because we have to wait until after Turkey Day. I like Turkey Day. Mom and Dad make lots of food that day! We share it all too. Petey doesn't know what Turkey Day is so I had to tell him all about it. He likes turkey too he said. I told him about how Santa comes and brings really good frosted biscuits too on Christmas Day but since he's bad a lot he might not get any. Mom says Santa doesn't think any kitten can really be bad so she thinks he will probably get a treat. I don't know about that.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. I don't know who this Santa guy is but FredDog says that you have to be really good for him to give you special treats. I'm a little worried about that. I do a lot of bad stuff by accident. Mom says Santa is pretty forgiving of kittens. I hope so! But is it really bad to smack the dog just because he might sit on me??? I've got a lot of thinking to do about this...ROARRRRRR.
November 13, 2015
Dear Terry, Did you hear the wind last night?? Me and Mom went outside and my ears blew straight up in the air! I could hear real good then! Oh and all the smells! And there were deer in the backyard! I told Petey all about it. I tried to tell Penny but all she wanted was her night time food. She didn't even kiss me! She must have been hungry. Oh and Dad and Pap went to the store together earlier today. My favorite store too, the Tractor Supply. Only I wasn't allowed to go. Mom had forgotten to buy my food! So I had no food in the morning but she made pretend food by putting Milk Bones in my dish for me until Dad could get the real stuff. Guess what flavor Pap picked out for me? FISH! YUMMY. I love Fish. Well, not when they are in the water becasue they look like sea monsters. But when they are in my bowl, they are tasty! That's why I like cat food! Oh and Mom gives me snibbles of salmon to eat sometimes too. What a good day!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Did you hear the wind last night?? Me and Mom went outside and my ears blew straight up in the air! I could hear real good then! Oh and all the smells! And there were deer in the backyard! I told Petey all about it. I tried to tell Penny but all she wanted was her night time food. She didn't even kiss me! She must have been hungry. Oh and Dad and Pap went to the store together earlier today. My favorite store too, the Tractor Supply. Only I wasn't allowed to go. Mom had forgotten to buy my food! So I had no food in the morning but she made pretend food by putting Milk Bones in my dish for me until Dad could get the real stuff. Guess what flavor Pap picked out for me? FISH! YUMMY. I love Fish. Well, not when they are in the water becasue they look like sea monsters. But when they are in my bowl, they are tasty! That's why I like cat food! Oh and Mom gives me snibbles of salmon to eat sometimes too. What a good day!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
November 8, 2015
Dear Terry, Petey Cat sure is tricky! We were playing and he decided to play hide n seek. I chase him until he runs then he finds a good spot to hide in. And then he pops back out and we take off running again only he chases me. But this time he was really tricky. He ran behind the sofa and never came out! Where was Petey Cat?? Not even a meow meow. No tail. No feet. I ran to the side then to the other side. No Petey! Then I figured out how I could could go behind the couch, I was sure he was behind it. NO CAT. HUMPPH. I could smell him but I couldn"t see him. Where was he??? WOOO WOOOFFFWOOOFFFFFF. I howled. No Petey. Then something touched my foot and I flew backwards!! Hey that was his foot! It came from IN THE COUCH. how could this be??? So I jumped up on the couch and he got me with another foot through the cushions! I couldn't stop barking! We played and played then it went quiet. I waited and waited. maybe he got tired. After awhile I got tired so I slept right on that cushion. When I woke up Petey was sleeping right next to me. HEY! I can't figure out his trick yet but it sure was fun!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Petey Cat sure is tricky! We were playing and he decided to play hide n seek. I chase him until he runs then he finds a good spot to hide in. And then he pops back out and we take off running again only he chases me. But this time he was really tricky. He ran behind the sofa and never came out! Where was Petey Cat?? Not even a meow meow. No tail. No feet. I ran to the side then to the other side. No Petey! Then I figured out how I could could go behind the couch, I was sure he was behind it. NO CAT. HUMPPH. I could smell him but I couldn"t see him. Where was he??? WOOO WOOOFFFWOOOFFFFFF. I howled. No Petey. Then something touched my foot and I flew backwards!! Hey that was his foot! It came from IN THE COUCH. how could this be??? So I jumped up on the couch and he got me with another foot through the cushions! I couldn't stop barking! We played and played then it went quiet. I waited and waited. maybe he got tired. After awhile I got tired so I slept right on that cushion. When I woke up Petey was sleeping right next to me. HEY! I can't figure out his trick yet but it sure was fun!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
November 6, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Petey Cat have been busy. Last night we had to help Mom find one of the remotes Dad lost again. Dad looses lots of stuff and Mom is always looking for things. I told Petey Cat we have to help Mom when she looks for stuff. This time she took the secret doors off the back of the recliner sofa. It's pretty neat, you pull the fabric and it makes a RIPPPPPPP sound and you can see what's in the secret place. Mom says that is the Velcro that makes that noise. I like to stick my head in there when it storms. And Petey uses the space to put all his toys. Mom said WOW! Look at all these toys! Petey said those are mine! We did find the remote. But not in the sofa. It was in Dad's slipper. I don't know why he puts things in crazy spots. Mom put the secret panel back and made sure to put Petey's toys back in there for safe keeping. Petey pulled back a corner to check and make sure everything was how he liked it. Oh and I helped Dad on the deck too. He was sweeping off the leaves. They were flying in the air and all over the place! What fun that was! Me and Petey woke Mom up this morning too. Bright and early! We didn't mean to, but the birds were right outside the window and me and Petey Cat were talking to them! Woof WOOF! ROARRRRRRR! It was very exciting! I better go help Mom get ready for the day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
November 2, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Petey Cat got in some trouble. It was all his fault. He was sitting in Mom's lap!! He knows not to do that! Then he was poking me in the head and I kept jerking around to see what he was doing. Mom wasn't saying anything she was trying to relax and watch some TV. Then, I couldn't take it any more. He wasn't even trying to share Mom. He was hogging her WHOLE lap. I got a running start and jumped on Mom. Petey got squished like I wanted. And Mom got mad like I didn't want. FRED! PETEY! Petey went flying because I pushed him off Mom, and Dad said HEYYYYY!! And the recliner kind of tipped and I jumped down and sat on Mom's foot. That's what I have to do when I get in trouble. Sit. Mom says it's so I can get my head on straight and hear myself think again. WOOF WOOF. Stupid cat got me in trouble. Once Mom got all settled in again, I jumped up and licked her face to tell her I love you Mom. She let me sit there and petted and petted me until I fell asleep. Petey slept on the back of the chair nice and quiet. He didn't tease me at all after all that. And we didn't break anything this time either. Mom says we need a little more work on the sharing thing yet. I agree! Petey has to know that I come first then everything will be OK!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. That dumb dog nearly flattened me jumping up on Mom like that. I'll get him back for that. He can't stand it when I sit in his food bowl. Mom says it's not nice to say Dumb Dog but I don't know any bad words yet.....Mom likes me best, it's time he figures that out.....ROARRRRRRR!!
Dear Terry, Me and Petey Cat got in some trouble. It was all his fault. He was sitting in Mom's lap!! He knows not to do that! Then he was poking me in the head and I kept jerking around to see what he was doing. Mom wasn't saying anything she was trying to relax and watch some TV. Then, I couldn't take it any more. He wasn't even trying to share Mom. He was hogging her WHOLE lap. I got a running start and jumped on Mom. Petey got squished like I wanted. And Mom got mad like I didn't want. FRED! PETEY! Petey went flying because I pushed him off Mom, and Dad said HEYYYYY!! And the recliner kind of tipped and I jumped down and sat on Mom's foot. That's what I have to do when I get in trouble. Sit. Mom says it's so I can get my head on straight and hear myself think again. WOOF WOOF. Stupid cat got me in trouble. Once Mom got all settled in again, I jumped up and licked her face to tell her I love you Mom. She let me sit there and petted and petted me until I fell asleep. Petey slept on the back of the chair nice and quiet. He didn't tease me at all after all that. And we didn't break anything this time either. Mom says we need a little more work on the sharing thing yet. I agree! Petey has to know that I come first then everything will be OK!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. That dumb dog nearly flattened me jumping up on Mom like that. I'll get him back for that. He can't stand it when I sit in his food bowl. Mom says it's not nice to say Dumb Dog but I don't know any bad words yet.....Mom likes me best, it's time he figures that out.....ROARRRRRRR!!
November 1, 2015
Dear Terry, Yesterday was Halloween!!!! Yay me!! Mom and me celebrated by eating some candy corn. Today we are going to take a Halloween walk in the woods. Mom puts on her Halloween shirt and Dad usually comes with us and he puts his Halloween shirt on too and we go walking in the woods! That's what we do! Mom gave me another piece of candy corn this morning. They must be pretty valuable because she only ever gives me one. I make sure to enjoy every bit of flavor. Oh and Mom and Dad and me were just out on the deck and they had the ladder out!! That means Mom is going up on the roof! I don't like her up there so I get a good spot where I can watch her every move up there. Up, Up she went and pretty soon leaves were flying out of the gutters everywhere! She works slow up there. Dad says that's so she doesn't get hurt or fall. I can't stand it. She was out of sight for a little but I could still hear her. I woofed real soft. Mom heard me though and she said, Don't worry Fred! I'm almost done! And sure enough she came back down the ladder. Dad's job is to hold the ladder. He doesn't like going up on things and he can never fall again. We make sure he stays on the ground. I'm not allowed on the ladder either. My job is to sit and watch and listen for Mom. I did a really good job and Mom said I could have a second piece of candy corn!! OH MY GOSH!!! I didn't share at all with Petey. Me, Petey and Penny are working hard to be friends. Petey and me sleep next to each other every single night and he keeps my nose warm with his tail. Last night he was laying curled up on my back and he started mushing and mushing and I didn't know what to do! Mom says that means he is really happy to have me as a friend. Dogs don't do that. Mom said it is another one of his special powers.
Hope you had a great Halloween!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday was Halloween!!!! Yay me!! Mom and me celebrated by eating some candy corn. Today we are going to take a Halloween walk in the woods. Mom puts on her Halloween shirt and Dad usually comes with us and he puts his Halloween shirt on too and we go walking in the woods! That's what we do! Mom gave me another piece of candy corn this morning. They must be pretty valuable because she only ever gives me one. I make sure to enjoy every bit of flavor. Oh and Mom and Dad and me were just out on the deck and they had the ladder out!! That means Mom is going up on the roof! I don't like her up there so I get a good spot where I can watch her every move up there. Up, Up she went and pretty soon leaves were flying out of the gutters everywhere! She works slow up there. Dad says that's so she doesn't get hurt or fall. I can't stand it. She was out of sight for a little but I could still hear her. I woofed real soft. Mom heard me though and she said, Don't worry Fred! I'm almost done! And sure enough she came back down the ladder. Dad's job is to hold the ladder. He doesn't like going up on things and he can never fall again. We make sure he stays on the ground. I'm not allowed on the ladder either. My job is to sit and watch and listen for Mom. I did a really good job and Mom said I could have a second piece of candy corn!! OH MY GOSH!!! I didn't share at all with Petey. Me, Petey and Penny are working hard to be friends. Petey and me sleep next to each other every single night and he keeps my nose warm with his tail. Last night he was laying curled up on my back and he started mushing and mushing and I didn't know what to do! Mom says that means he is really happy to have me as a friend. Dogs don't do that. Mom said it is another one of his special powers.
Hope you had a great Halloween!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 26 2015
Dear Terry, Boy Petey Cat sure can run. He runs past me and over me and under me and all around me. I bark. He still doesn't understand that Mom is mine. I sit next to her. And I sit on him when he tries to sit next to Mom. But he is pretty nice when he lays down next to me. This morning he snuggled in right next to me in the covers! He didn't bite my tail, He didn't poke me in the face with his paw. He was purring though! It's like magic when he does that. I can't purr, It comes out a growl. He won't tell me how it does it either. Mom says that's one of his special powers. He has a lot of those. Mom says let's be thankful he uses his powers for good and not bad!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Boy Petey Cat sure can run. He runs past me and over me and under me and all around me. I bark. He still doesn't understand that Mom is mine. I sit next to her. And I sit on him when he tries to sit next to Mom. But he is pretty nice when he lays down next to me. This morning he snuggled in right next to me in the covers! He didn't bite my tail, He didn't poke me in the face with his paw. He was purring though! It's like magic when he does that. I can't purr, It comes out a growl. He won't tell me how it does it either. Mom says that's one of his special powers. He has a lot of those. Mom says let's be thankful he uses his powers for good and not bad!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 24, 2015
Dear Terry, Petey and I had a sleepover. Mom let us run free in the house all night long. Well, not all night. Part of the night because things got a little out of hand. First we played and played. Then Mom went to bed. We had to decide who was going to sleep where. I got all settled in my usual spot next to Mom and Petey wanted there too. He started pawing at me and reaching for my eyes. I moved. Then he picked another spot altogether!! I barked right in his face. It took us a bit, but we finally all got settled in some good spots on the bed and Mom got out some treats for me and Petey. I showed Petey how I do my tricks and get a treat. I think he is catching on. Then we all went to sleep watching TV. Afterwhile Petey woke up and started playing with my tail and then my feet. And then my ears. And my nose. Wap wap wap. I woke up and he was standing on me and we started to play. I said we can't wake Mom up but we kind of forgot and started rolling in the covers because that's so much fun! Pretty soon Mom woke up because she had no covers on! We had ripped them all off the bed and some of the pillows were on the floor and somehow my food dish was knocked over. Oh boy. Mom had to get up in the middle of the night and fix everything. She shooed Petey out of the bedroom and told me to go lay down. Everything was OK though in the morning! And we didn't break anything that time.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Petey and I had a sleepover. Mom let us run free in the house all night long. Well, not all night. Part of the night because things got a little out of hand. First we played and played. Then Mom went to bed. We had to decide who was going to sleep where. I got all settled in my usual spot next to Mom and Petey wanted there too. He started pawing at me and reaching for my eyes. I moved. Then he picked another spot altogether!! I barked right in his face. It took us a bit, but we finally all got settled in some good spots on the bed and Mom got out some treats for me and Petey. I showed Petey how I do my tricks and get a treat. I think he is catching on. Then we all went to sleep watching TV. Afterwhile Petey woke up and started playing with my tail and then my feet. And then my ears. And my nose. Wap wap wap. I woke up and he was standing on me and we started to play. I said we can't wake Mom up but we kind of forgot and started rolling in the covers because that's so much fun! Pretty soon Mom woke up because she had no covers on! We had ripped them all off the bed and some of the pillows were on the floor and somehow my food dish was knocked over. Oh boy. Mom had to get up in the middle of the night and fix everything. She shooed Petey out of the bedroom and told me to go lay down. Everything was OK though in the morning! And we didn't break anything that time.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 22, 2015
Dear Terry, The other night Mom took me outside and I started growling and growling and barking. I had to protect Mom!! There was SOMETHING in the neighbor's yard. And it was moving! GRRRRRRR I almost ripped the leash out of her hand. I dragged her over to it and...Oh, it was a big leaf! Ooops! Woof Woof!
Last night Petey and I were running around trying to play. But he was being mean again and sat in my spot on the couch. I was able to bark in his face and make him move a little bit. But when he sat down next to Mom on the other couch No Way. That is MY SPOT. I tried to nose him out of the way. I poked him with my paw to move him. He wasn't budging. I jumped up and barked. Still didn't move. So I sat on him. That's right I sat on him. That showed him! Only he wriggled out from under my butt and head butted me. I did get my spot next to Mom though and we all watched TV together with Dad. Mom says to be careful sitting on Petey because he may not be so nice next time around!
So if anyone is bothering you Terry, I say sit on them. It works! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, The other night Mom took me outside and I started growling and growling and barking. I had to protect Mom!! There was SOMETHING in the neighbor's yard. And it was moving! GRRRRRRR I almost ripped the leash out of her hand. I dragged her over to it and...Oh, it was a big leaf! Ooops! Woof Woof!
Last night Petey and I were running around trying to play. But he was being mean again and sat in my spot on the couch. I was able to bark in his face and make him move a little bit. But when he sat down next to Mom on the other couch No Way. That is MY SPOT. I tried to nose him out of the way. I poked him with my paw to move him. He wasn't budging. I jumped up and barked. Still didn't move. So I sat on him. That's right I sat on him. That showed him! Only he wriggled out from under my butt and head butted me. I did get my spot next to Mom though and we all watched TV together with Dad. Mom says to be careful sitting on Petey because he may not be so nice next time around!
So if anyone is bothering you Terry, I say sit on them. It works! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 19, 2015
Dear Terry, Boy I was so tired yesterday that I didn't even eat my food. Me and Mom went for a walk in the cold windy air. I love it when it's like that outside. We saw lots of things at the park and we lost all track of time and when we got home Dad said THERE you are! I barked to let him know I was right there at his feet! Dad said the apple cider was finished. Mom had made that from scratch. I was right there when she was cutting up the apples. The whole house smelled like them. Mom and Dad sat down and had some to warm up. Then Dad let Petey out so I could play with him. We played and played. We still aren't allowed to be alone together. Mom says she wants the house to stay standing. Tonight I'm going to teach Petey how the couches are mine but maybe if he asks me I will let him sit with me. We did watch TV together last night. And for a little while we looked out the front window together because we both heard a sound. But then Petey sat in my seat again. I stood there and just barked at him and he didn't even move! All he did was grow tall and swat at my nose. So I barked some more. WOOF WOOF. He never did move. I had to go lay down on the floor. Humph. Then me and Mom went to bed to sleep and before I knew it, it was morning! How did that happen??? What a good day it was!
Hope you had a good barking day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Boy I was so tired yesterday that I didn't even eat my food. Me and Mom went for a walk in the cold windy air. I love it when it's like that outside. We saw lots of things at the park and we lost all track of time and when we got home Dad said THERE you are! I barked to let him know I was right there at his feet! Dad said the apple cider was finished. Mom had made that from scratch. I was right there when she was cutting up the apples. The whole house smelled like them. Mom and Dad sat down and had some to warm up. Then Dad let Petey out so I could play with him. We played and played. We still aren't allowed to be alone together. Mom says she wants the house to stay standing. Tonight I'm going to teach Petey how the couches are mine but maybe if he asks me I will let him sit with me. We did watch TV together last night. And for a little while we looked out the front window together because we both heard a sound. But then Petey sat in my seat again. I stood there and just barked at him and he didn't even move! All he did was grow tall and swat at my nose. So I barked some more. WOOF WOOF. He never did move. I had to go lay down on the floor. Humph. Then me and Mom went to bed to sleep and before I knew it, it was morning! How did that happen??? What a good day it was!
Hope you had a good barking day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 17, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what me and Petey have been doing? Playing! Well I play, he tries to figure out what I'm doing. No one has lost any eyes. Last night, I even licked him on the head some so he would know that I was only playing. Mom said, Fred are you being nice or are you tasting testing??? Petey started being mean though last night. Mom said he had enough of Fred Play. First he laid down in My Spot on the couch. I chased him out of there. Then he went to my Other Spot on the couch right next to Mom. I really didn't like that. He was doing it on purpose. I could tell. When I tried to chase him out of there he sat up reallllly talll and reached out and slowly swiped at my nose. I jumped back at least 10 feet. WHEW! He didn't have his claws out. Mom said that was a warning. Petey wasn't hissing or growling. But I got the message, Tall Petey means get away doggie! I wonder how he can make himself so tall like that. I wish sometimes I was tall. I could reach things on the counter. Or maybe see outside better. Mom says I'm just the right size and don't worry about it because cats have special powers like that. Oh and guess what else?? I saw snow today out the front window and I barked and barked at it. I don't know why I bark when it snows but I do.
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Guess what me and Petey have been doing? Playing! Well I play, he tries to figure out what I'm doing. No one has lost any eyes. Last night, I even licked him on the head some so he would know that I was only playing. Mom said, Fred are you being nice or are you tasting testing??? Petey started being mean though last night. Mom said he had enough of Fred Play. First he laid down in My Spot on the couch. I chased him out of there. Then he went to my Other Spot on the couch right next to Mom. I really didn't like that. He was doing it on purpose. I could tell. When I tried to chase him out of there he sat up reallllly talll and reached out and slowly swiped at my nose. I jumped back at least 10 feet. WHEW! He didn't have his claws out. Mom said that was a warning. Petey wasn't hissing or growling. But I got the message, Tall Petey means get away doggie! I wonder how he can make himself so tall like that. I wish sometimes I was tall. I could reach things on the counter. Or maybe see outside better. Mom says I'm just the right size and don't worry about it because cats have special powers like that. Oh and guess what else?? I saw snow today out the front window and I barked and barked at it. I don't know why I bark when it snows but I do.
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
October 11, 2015
Dear Terry, Today was my favorite kind of a day. Sunny and cloudy all at once, good breeze and nice and cool. All day long Mom worked outside in the yard. I would bark to her so she would know I was still waiting. Mom kept telling me, we are going! Soon, Fred, Soon. Soon seemed like forever!! But then Mom grabbed the leash and said C'mon let's go! And we went! All the way to the Nature Park. The leaves were blowing all around in the air. People and other dogs were there. The trails were just right for me and Mom to walk on. We went clear to the top on one of the easy trails so Mom's knee wouldn't hurt too much. Way, way up we went and I stopped and smelled all the big leaf piles and Mom let me dig in them and throw them all around in the wind! There was even a lady who used the bathroom! Mom warned her though so I couldn't scare the beegeesus out of her coming out of there. Woof! She still jumped a little. Woof Woof! What a great day!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today was my favorite kind of a day. Sunny and cloudy all at once, good breeze and nice and cool. All day long Mom worked outside in the yard. I would bark to her so she would know I was still waiting. Mom kept telling me, we are going! Soon, Fred, Soon. Soon seemed like forever!! But then Mom grabbed the leash and said C'mon let's go! And we went! All the way to the Nature Park. The leaves were blowing all around in the air. People and other dogs were there. The trails were just right for me and Mom to walk on. We went clear to the top on one of the easy trails so Mom's knee wouldn't hurt too much. Way, way up we went and I stopped and smelled all the big leaf piles and Mom let me dig in them and throw them all around in the wind! There was even a lady who used the bathroom! Mom warned her though so I couldn't scare the beegeesus out of her coming out of there. Woof! She still jumped a little. Woof Woof! What a great day!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 10, 2015
Dear Terry, I thought today was going to be exciting. It was, right up until we got to the VET. I was so excited to go for a car ride. I should have known when Mom said you have to be good. We didn't turn to go to the park. We turned the other way. I let Mom know in no uncertain terms that I KNEW what she was up to! Mom said, FRED that's my ear you are barking in! HUMPPPH. I'm really good in the waiting room. Mom tells me to sit and I sit while we wait our turn. I'm not so good afterwards so Mom always pays first. I had to get my butt cleaned and a special pill so I don't get the Kennel Cough. Sometimes I can't go with Mom and Dad on trips so I have to sleepover at the Pet Hotel. It's not so bad there. I can run and play with other dogs my own size and Mom takes my bed and Spot for me. Spot keeps me company so I don't feel so alone. Spot has been my pal for a long time. Mom says that she isn't taking any trips for awhile, so don't worry. When we got home I told Dad all about how Mom tricked me and he was so upset he gave me a treat! He said I can't believe Mom did that! Have a bacon treat! WOOF! I can always count on Dad!
Oh and I've been trying to get Petey to play with me. Mom says it's been a disaster and I need to tone it down. But this morning when I said Good Morning Petey Cat and gave him a nudge he flopped over and played a little bit with me. I accidentally made him run away to the basement last night. I might have barked in his face. Stuff went flying all over the place. I didn't know that my food could fly so high in the air!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I thought today was going to be exciting. It was, right up until we got to the VET. I was so excited to go for a car ride. I should have known when Mom said you have to be good. We didn't turn to go to the park. We turned the other way. I let Mom know in no uncertain terms that I KNEW what she was up to! Mom said, FRED that's my ear you are barking in! HUMPPPH. I'm really good in the waiting room. Mom tells me to sit and I sit while we wait our turn. I'm not so good afterwards so Mom always pays first. I had to get my butt cleaned and a special pill so I don't get the Kennel Cough. Sometimes I can't go with Mom and Dad on trips so I have to sleepover at the Pet Hotel. It's not so bad there. I can run and play with other dogs my own size and Mom takes my bed and Spot for me. Spot keeps me company so I don't feel so alone. Spot has been my pal for a long time. Mom says that she isn't taking any trips for awhile, so don't worry. When we got home I told Dad all about how Mom tricked me and he was so upset he gave me a treat! He said I can't believe Mom did that! Have a bacon treat! WOOF! I can always count on Dad!
Oh and I've been trying to get Petey to play with me. Mom says it's been a disaster and I need to tone it down. But this morning when I said Good Morning Petey Cat and gave him a nudge he flopped over and played a little bit with me. I accidentally made him run away to the basement last night. I might have barked in his face. Stuff went flying all over the place. I didn't know that my food could fly so high in the air!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 8, 2015
Dear Terry, Last night I tried to be good. I did. Me and Mom were sitting on the cough watching baseball and here comes Petey Cat. I rolled my eyes. Mom said settle down there Fred, let's have a quiet evening. Petey walked all over the couch, all over me and my tail and my feet. He head butted me, Mom and Dad. He ran through the house. He went in the big picture window. My window. He fell off the window sill. He started to climb the drapes. And I was good. I sat right next to Mom. Every so often Petey would come and give me a head butt and then off he went. We thought he was calming down when he sat on the arm of the couch, right next to me. Only he was being a stinker as Mom says. He would reach out with one foot and TOUCH ME on the nose or ear. Then he would pretend he didn't. On and On he kept doing it. Mom would look over and Petey would stop. I snapped. I pushed him hard with my nose and snapped at his tail. FRED! PETEY! Mom says Petey is an instigator. I don't know what that is, but I think it might mean Get Fred In Trouble. I went to bed. No more getting in trouble that way!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Last night I tried to be good. I did. Me and Mom were sitting on the cough watching baseball and here comes Petey Cat. I rolled my eyes. Mom said settle down there Fred, let's have a quiet evening. Petey walked all over the couch, all over me and my tail and my feet. He head butted me, Mom and Dad. He ran through the house. He went in the big picture window. My window. He fell off the window sill. He started to climb the drapes. And I was good. I sat right next to Mom. Every so often Petey would come and give me a head butt and then off he went. We thought he was calming down when he sat on the arm of the couch, right next to me. Only he was being a stinker as Mom says. He would reach out with one foot and TOUCH ME on the nose or ear. Then he would pretend he didn't. On and On he kept doing it. Mom would look over and Petey would stop. I snapped. I pushed him hard with my nose and snapped at his tail. FRED! PETEY! Mom says Petey is an instigator. I don't know what that is, but I think it might mean Get Fred In Trouble. I went to bed. No more getting in trouble that way!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 6, 2015
Dear Terry, I'm all mixed up. Mom's schedule changed again. She leaves later and comes home later. I don't like it. She gets home and it's dark out now!! How are we supposed to go for walks? Dad says that I've been Mopey Dog. He said that means I lay around and feel sorry for myself and I don't do much. So Dad decided to fix that. He told me today is Fred Day. Well, that might be exciting. What do you do on Fred Day? Oh you can play ball, go out on deck with me, we can walk around the yard looking for walnuts, make some snacks. OOOOO this sounds like it could be really fun! Dad said I might even get some Pepperoni!! I like Pepperoni! He said we will have so much fun that time will fly and Mom will be home before I know it today! I told Petey Cat all about it. He head butted me. That means he thinks it's a good idea! He said maybe then I would quit fake jumping at him to see if he will fluff up. I've learned Petey Cat doesn't really fluff up to much around me, instead he strikes without warning. Sometimes he gives me the Stink Eye. But don't worry! I'm fast and we have made it into a sort of game. Mom says I'm going to lose an eye yet.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I'm all mixed up. Mom's schedule changed again. She leaves later and comes home later. I don't like it. She gets home and it's dark out now!! How are we supposed to go for walks? Dad says that I've been Mopey Dog. He said that means I lay around and feel sorry for myself and I don't do much. So Dad decided to fix that. He told me today is Fred Day. Well, that might be exciting. What do you do on Fred Day? Oh you can play ball, go out on deck with me, we can walk around the yard looking for walnuts, make some snacks. OOOOO this sounds like it could be really fun! Dad said I might even get some Pepperoni!! I like Pepperoni! He said we will have so much fun that time will fly and Mom will be home before I know it today! I told Petey Cat all about it. He head butted me. That means he thinks it's a good idea! He said maybe then I would quit fake jumping at him to see if he will fluff up. I've learned Petey Cat doesn't really fluff up to much around me, instead he strikes without warning. Sometimes he gives me the Stink Eye. But don't worry! I'm fast and we have made it into a sort of game. Mom says I'm going to lose an eye yet.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 1, 2015
Dear Terry, I've been busy again. Me and Dad had a pizza party the other day. Just me and him and pizza! It was cold and rainy so he said pizza would cheer us right up. And it did!! I told Pizza Man how great it was that he brought us pizza! The other thing I've been doing is being friends with Petey. Mom and Dad pretty much let him run all around the place now. I'm still not so good sometimes so Mom or Dad kindof keeps an eye on me. Kindof. They should keep more of an eye on Petey. He's really bad. Last night I wanted to snuggle in with Mom but Petey beat me to it. I still don't share too good. Neither does Petey. But at least we can kindof share things now. I usually let him win. That's what Newton said to do, let the Cats win. He wins the front door, the food bowls, the tv, the blanket, even my bed!!! He's big now and he's very strong. I still have both my eyes though. Petey still has his tail. We are becoming friends!!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I've been busy again. Me and Dad had a pizza party the other day. Just me and him and pizza! It was cold and rainy so he said pizza would cheer us right up. And it did!! I told Pizza Man how great it was that he brought us pizza! The other thing I've been doing is being friends with Petey. Mom and Dad pretty much let him run all around the place now. I'm still not so good sometimes so Mom or Dad kindof keeps an eye on me. Kindof. They should keep more of an eye on Petey. He's really bad. Last night I wanted to snuggle in with Mom but Petey beat me to it. I still don't share too good. Neither does Petey. But at least we can kindof share things now. I usually let him win. That's what Newton said to do, let the Cats win. He wins the front door, the food bowls, the tv, the blanket, even my bed!!! He's big now and he's very strong. I still have both my eyes though. Petey still has his tail. We are becoming friends!!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
September 27, 2015 The Fish Story
Dear Terry, Yesterday me and Mom has the BEST walk ever! We walked again today, but it wasn't nearly as exciting as yesterday! First there was a big Malamute that came running out of the woods and right up to me! He was pretty furry but very friendly. I howled because I was so excited. Then we went into the woods and there was a big tree down across the trail. Mom said come on Fred! We can jump it and Mom and me got a running start and Mom jumped and I stayed on the other side. Mom almost fell down. GEEZ Fred!! Sometimes I'm not so good at jumping. Mom said C'mon! and she made the leash really loose and I jumped and I made it over!!! I barked because it was so exciting! Then we went all the way back the trail and back down again and this time I jumped the tree like it was nothing! Yay Freddie! Mom said. We went back to the parking lot and there was a lady walking with a stroller and a tiny human. I used to be scared of strollers. I walked right on by it no problems! Now here is the really exciting part. Me and Mom decided to walk on the far side of the pond on the Jumping Bass Trail. That's a fish you know. Fish are like sea monsters to me when they come to the side of the pond and stick their heads up. Me and Mom were walking and I smelled a smell. Pretty soon I found what I was smelling. I dropped to the ground and started rolling and Mom said EWWWWW what is THAT SMELL?? WHAT are you rolling in??? I found a dead fish right on the bank and I rolled on it!! Mom was not nearly as excited about it as I was!! I kept on rolling and smashing the fish into the ground and the smell was great! STOP ALREADY!!! Mom did you say something?? I kept on rolling WOOF! I went to pick it up to take it with us and Mom said LEAVE IT. The smell will come with you. And she was right I could smell it the whole way back to the car! What a walk we had!!
You should get Newton a dead fish to roll in, tell him he can't imagine the fun it is!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday me and Mom has the BEST walk ever! We walked again today, but it wasn't nearly as exciting as yesterday! First there was a big Malamute that came running out of the woods and right up to me! He was pretty furry but very friendly. I howled because I was so excited. Then we went into the woods and there was a big tree down across the trail. Mom said come on Fred! We can jump it and Mom and me got a running start and Mom jumped and I stayed on the other side. Mom almost fell down. GEEZ Fred!! Sometimes I'm not so good at jumping. Mom said C'mon! and she made the leash really loose and I jumped and I made it over!!! I barked because it was so exciting! Then we went all the way back the trail and back down again and this time I jumped the tree like it was nothing! Yay Freddie! Mom said. We went back to the parking lot and there was a lady walking with a stroller and a tiny human. I used to be scared of strollers. I walked right on by it no problems! Now here is the really exciting part. Me and Mom decided to walk on the far side of the pond on the Jumping Bass Trail. That's a fish you know. Fish are like sea monsters to me when they come to the side of the pond and stick their heads up. Me and Mom were walking and I smelled a smell. Pretty soon I found what I was smelling. I dropped to the ground and started rolling and Mom said EWWWWW what is THAT SMELL?? WHAT are you rolling in??? I found a dead fish right on the bank and I rolled on it!! Mom was not nearly as excited about it as I was!! I kept on rolling and smashing the fish into the ground and the smell was great! STOP ALREADY!!! Mom did you say something?? I kept on rolling WOOF! I went to pick it up to take it with us and Mom said LEAVE IT. The smell will come with you. And she was right I could smell it the whole way back to the car! What a walk we had!!
You should get Newton a dead fish to roll in, tell him he can't imagine the fun it is!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 26, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom got me an ice cream cone the other night and she forgot to make it a kiddy cone. I can't eat the people cones because it is so much ice cream I explode. I exploded. Mom had to scrub the carpet and everything. Dad helped with the paper towels. I laid down until I felt better. Mom felt bad because she didn't get the little ice cream for me and I got sick. But I felt OK yesterday and today I can eat like normal again! In fact, I felt so good today that I chased Petey Cat. He was in my spot at the front door. Then he was in my spot on the back of the couch. Then I chased him. Mom warned me that Petey Cat will put my eye out. I keep forgetting that.
Mom has lots of stuff planned for us today. She wants me to play outside on the deck while her and Dad do some painting on the house. I play look out for anything that might be sketchy. Like a spider or something. Or a leaf blowing in the yard. I bark at the Ravens for sure though. Mean birds.
Hope you have a good Fall Day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom got me an ice cream cone the other night and she forgot to make it a kiddy cone. I can't eat the people cones because it is so much ice cream I explode. I exploded. Mom had to scrub the carpet and everything. Dad helped with the paper towels. I laid down until I felt better. Mom felt bad because she didn't get the little ice cream for me and I got sick. But I felt OK yesterday and today I can eat like normal again! In fact, I felt so good today that I chased Petey Cat. He was in my spot at the front door. Then he was in my spot on the back of the couch. Then I chased him. Mom warned me that Petey Cat will put my eye out. I keep forgetting that.
Mom has lots of stuff planned for us today. She wants me to play outside on the deck while her and Dad do some painting on the house. I play look out for anything that might be sketchy. Like a spider or something. Or a leaf blowing in the yard. I bark at the Ravens for sure though. Mean birds.
Hope you have a good Fall Day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 23, 2015
Dear Terry, Today is the first day of Fall! Me and Mom love Fall. The leaves fall down from the trees. We always find Dad the biggest leaf in the park and take it home to show him. Me and Mom also walk though the backyard and I sniff out the Walnuts and Acorns for her. I'm real good at finding them. When I find one, I push it with my nose and look up at Mom and she picks them up and puts them in her pockets. One year we found lots and lots of Walnuts and they filled up a whole big jar. I get big pets on the head for finding them. Another thing I like about Fall is that the nights are nice and cold and I get to sleep under the blankets. Mom and Dad sometimes hog the blankets so I paw at them until they wake up and get me under the covers! I can put the blanket on myself too. All I have to do is pull the blanket right off Mom and over my head. You can't pull the blankets off Dad. He holds on to them pretty good. Last night , Mom tried to get the blanket back from me and we had a tug of war. I won. Mom sighed. Woof woof!!!
Hope you have a good Fall Day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today is the first day of Fall! Me and Mom love Fall. The leaves fall down from the trees. We always find Dad the biggest leaf in the park and take it home to show him. Me and Mom also walk though the backyard and I sniff out the Walnuts and Acorns for her. I'm real good at finding them. When I find one, I push it with my nose and look up at Mom and she picks them up and puts them in her pockets. One year we found lots and lots of Walnuts and they filled up a whole big jar. I get big pets on the head for finding them. Another thing I like about Fall is that the nights are nice and cold and I get to sleep under the blankets. Mom and Dad sometimes hog the blankets so I paw at them until they wake up and get me under the covers! I can put the blanket on myself too. All I have to do is pull the blanket right off Mom and over my head. You can't pull the blankets off Dad. He holds on to them pretty good. Last night , Mom tried to get the blanket back from me and we had a tug of war. I won. Mom sighed. Woof woof!!!
Hope you have a good Fall Day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
September 22, 2015
Dear Terry,
Petey got in some trouble last night. I didn't, only Petey. Petey took Dad's wallet again. Last time he scattered everything all around the living room and Dad couldn't find his important stuff. Dad has a hard enough time finding things. This time Mom caught Petey in the act! PETEY!!!! but Petey didn't listen. He can be good at ignoring Mom. That's not a good idea. Then Dad said PETEY! Petey only flicked an ear at him. Oh boy. Mom got up and tried to take the wallet from him and he clawed her hand!!How come cats get to do that and when I do it, it's the end of the world. And I don't even do it on purpose when I scratch someone. Mom yelled at him, PETEY CAT and she scooped him and the wallet up and she put Petey on her sholder and the wallet in a safe spot. Petey Cat said MEOW! Mom said to Dad you better find someting else for him to play with. Dad got out the cat fishing pole with the talking mouse on the end. It drives me nuts so I bark. Me and Mom laid down in bed and Dad and Petey played and played and played. Mom said that's all Petey wanted to do when he took the wallet. I better go help Mom get ready for work.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Did you read how I wasn't in trouble!!!! That's right I was the GOOD ONE. WOOF!
Dear Terry,
Petey got in some trouble last night. I didn't, only Petey. Petey took Dad's wallet again. Last time he scattered everything all around the living room and Dad couldn't find his important stuff. Dad has a hard enough time finding things. This time Mom caught Petey in the act! PETEY!!!! but Petey didn't listen. He can be good at ignoring Mom. That's not a good idea. Then Dad said PETEY! Petey only flicked an ear at him. Oh boy. Mom got up and tried to take the wallet from him and he clawed her hand!!How come cats get to do that and when I do it, it's the end of the world. And I don't even do it on purpose when I scratch someone. Mom yelled at him, PETEY CAT and she scooped him and the wallet up and she put Petey on her sholder and the wallet in a safe spot. Petey Cat said MEOW! Mom said to Dad you better find someting else for him to play with. Dad got out the cat fishing pole with the talking mouse on the end. It drives me nuts so I bark. Me and Mom laid down in bed and Dad and Petey played and played and played. Mom said that's all Petey wanted to do when he took the wallet. I better go help Mom get ready for work.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Did you read how I wasn't in trouble!!!! That's right I was the GOOD ONE. WOOF!
September 20, 2015
Dear Terry, Yesterday, Me and Dad and Mom all went for a ride in the car. First we stopped and got some breakfast at the Burger Palace. Mom gave me bits n pieces. Then Dad said , Hey I have an idea! He said, Let's go to the Puppy Park!! The Puppy Park oh my GOSH. It's been FOREVER since I was there! Mom took us right away. I was barking already. I thought I might pee in the car I was so excited, but I didn't. When we got there, there was a dog just my size already running around and I joined him. We barked and ran all around and pretended to be tough dogs then run all around again. I got pretty hot. Mom got me a big drink of water to cool off. Oh boy did I have fun!! Dad had a good time too watching me run all around. Oh and Petey came into the bedroom again while I was trying to sleep. He kindof scared me so I went to the side of the bed. He head butted me and then bounded back out of the room. That's what he does, checks up on me and then goes and plays.
If you need to relax, Take a run at the Puppy Park! Don't forget the water though
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday, Me and Dad and Mom all went for a ride in the car. First we stopped and got some breakfast at the Burger Palace. Mom gave me bits n pieces. Then Dad said , Hey I have an idea! He said, Let's go to the Puppy Park!! The Puppy Park oh my GOSH. It's been FOREVER since I was there! Mom took us right away. I was barking already. I thought I might pee in the car I was so excited, but I didn't. When we got there, there was a dog just my size already running around and I joined him. We barked and ran all around and pretended to be tough dogs then run all around again. I got pretty hot. Mom got me a big drink of water to cool off. Oh boy did I have fun!! Dad had a good time too watching me run all around. Oh and Petey came into the bedroom again while I was trying to sleep. He kindof scared me so I went to the side of the bed. He head butted me and then bounded back out of the room. That's what he does, checks up on me and then goes and plays.
If you need to relax, Take a run at the Puppy Park! Don't forget the water though
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 16, 2015
Dear Terry, Whew! My dogs are still barking! Woof get it? Me and Mom went for a big walk last night and I'm still pooped out. We walked all over the park and I looked at everything and smelled everything that I could. I slept all last night and Mom had to wake me up this morning. I was really tired! Me and Dad napped all day long too. I don't even want to play ball tonight. But I did help make some ice cream for Pap. He likes ice cream. I wasn't allowed to lick any spoons though because it wasn't vanilla. Mom said she would make some vanilla just for me next time. Dad tried Pap's ice cream and said it was YUMMY! Oh and last night, Petey came in to see me while I was sleeping. Mom told him you should always let sleeping dogs lie, but you know Petey, he will try anything once. I heard him jump up real soft on the bed. Then he saw I had one eye open and he started to purr and head butt me and roll all around in the sheets. I was too tired to move. That seemed ok with Petey Cat though. Afterwhile, he jumped back off the bed and went to find out where Dad was sleeping and curled up with him. I'm still real careful around Petey, like Newton told me to be, because I don't want to lose an eye. Or an Ear. Or my nose. Or even my tail!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
September 15, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Petey are getting along pretty good. Mom even leaves us alone in the same room sometimes! Each morning we both help her pick out clothes. Then Petey headbutts me. After that we help Mom get the food bowls all sorted out and ready to go. And we help make the bed. Well, we do that if Petey isn't rolling around in the sheets and blankets. Oh boy did he get in big trouble the other day. He was walking on top of the shower curtain rod. It's all bent now. The shower curtain is all ripped up too because he was playing with that also. I better go! Me and Dad see Mom off to work each day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Me and Petey are getting along pretty good. Mom even leaves us alone in the same room sometimes! Each morning we both help her pick out clothes. Then Petey headbutts me. After that we help Mom get the food bowls all sorted out and ready to go. And we help make the bed. Well, we do that if Petey isn't rolling around in the sheets and blankets. Oh boy did he get in big trouble the other day. He was walking on top of the shower curtain rod. It's all bent now. The shower curtain is all ripped up too because he was playing with that also. I better go! Me and Dad see Mom off to work each day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
September 10, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what yesterday was??? Dad declared it Hot Dog Day! I like Hot Dog Day! We ate hot dogs from the grill. We had some for breakfast. We had some for lunch. Even dinner. Sometimes I got to eat pieces with bread, sometimes pieces with a little bit of ketchup on it. Dad said Hot Dog Day was a success! Dad said maybe we could do it again today only with Brats! Oh boy!!! Mom said I'm not supposed to eat so many hot dogs and brats. Party Pooper Mom! But I noticed she put a hot dog in her lunch bag! HEYYYY!!! Mom laughed and said she had missed out on Hot Dog Day.
Hope you have a good Day Terry!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what yesterday was??? Dad declared it Hot Dog Day! I like Hot Dog Day! We ate hot dogs from the grill. We had some for breakfast. We had some for lunch. Even dinner. Sometimes I got to eat pieces with bread, sometimes pieces with a little bit of ketchup on it. Dad said Hot Dog Day was a success! Dad said maybe we could do it again today only with Brats! Oh boy!!! Mom said I'm not supposed to eat so many hot dogs and brats. Party Pooper Mom! But I noticed she put a hot dog in her lunch bag! HEYYYY!!! Mom laughed and said she had missed out on Hot Dog Day.
Hope you have a good Day Terry!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 6, 2015
Dear Terry, I had a big scary the other day! Me and Mom went to the park for a walk Friday. Only Mom didn't check the Weather Rock like she always does. And when we got there I was nosing around smelling stuff when I heard it. THUNDER. I was in a panic! Good thing Mom was there! She sat down in the grass with me and covered my ears until I could think straight. My heart was pounding. We ran back to the car and Mom said we had better get home Fred! But it never stormed. It only thundered. It was still scary to me. Mom was really sorry she didn't check the Weather Rock before we left and promised that wouldn't happen again. Guess what we are doing today!? Dad said we are going to fire up the Burger Machine and make some Meat! I like Meat! And we are going to have the ice cream Mom made too! I like Ice Cream too!! Dad said he was going to make some more cookies. What a good Day it's going to be! Meat, Ice Cream and Cookies!!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I had a big scary the other day! Me and Mom went to the park for a walk Friday. Only Mom didn't check the Weather Rock like she always does. And when we got there I was nosing around smelling stuff when I heard it. THUNDER. I was in a panic! Good thing Mom was there! She sat down in the grass with me and covered my ears until I could think straight. My heart was pounding. We ran back to the car and Mom said we had better get home Fred! But it never stormed. It only thundered. It was still scary to me. Mom was really sorry she didn't check the Weather Rock before we left and promised that wouldn't happen again. Guess what we are doing today!? Dad said we are going to fire up the Burger Machine and make some Meat! I like Meat! And we are going to have the ice cream Mom made too! I like Ice Cream too!! Dad said he was going to make some more cookies. What a good Day it's going to be! Meat, Ice Cream and Cookies!!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 3, 2015
Dear Terry, I got in big trouble last night. So much trouble Mom made me Sit AND Stay all at once. I pushed Petey and then I chased him and Mom yelled at me. I should have listened to Petey. He kept telling me Don't chase me Doggie. But he trotted on ahead of me into the kitchen with that crazy tail of his waving all in my face and I forgot to be good. Then Mom forgot she told me to stay and she came back in the room a little bit later after she had gotten Petey his food, and I was still sitting there trying to be good. It wasn't all that long but when I'm in trouble it seems like a long time. Mom gave me pets and everything was OK again! This morning when Petey came in to say Good Morning Doggie!! He jumped on the bed like he always does and started rolling around in the covers for fun. I jumped up too because it looked like fun. And we rolled around together and got to be all silly! Even Mom was laughing! I got lots of pets for being a good dog! Petey got lots of pets for being a good cat! It was a good morning!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I got in big trouble last night. So much trouble Mom made me Sit AND Stay all at once. I pushed Petey and then I chased him and Mom yelled at me. I should have listened to Petey. He kept telling me Don't chase me Doggie. But he trotted on ahead of me into the kitchen with that crazy tail of his waving all in my face and I forgot to be good. Then Mom forgot she told me to stay and she came back in the room a little bit later after she had gotten Petey his food, and I was still sitting there trying to be good. It wasn't all that long but when I'm in trouble it seems like a long time. Mom gave me pets and everything was OK again! This morning when Petey came in to say Good Morning Doggie!! He jumped on the bed like he always does and started rolling around in the covers for fun. I jumped up too because it looked like fun. And we rolled around together and got to be all silly! Even Mom was laughing! I got lots of pets for being a good dog! Petey got lots of pets for being a good cat! It was a good morning!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
August 31, 2015
Dear Terry, Boy today was hot! Me and Dad stayed inside all day long. We went out once so I could pee but I hurried Dad right back inside. He doesn't do so good in the heat. Me and Mom didn't even go for a walk. When she got home we walked around the backyard and I rolled around in the grass and then I got hot so we came back inside. Lucky for me she brought ICE CREAM again! I got to have my little bit of vanilla. I don't usually get so much ice cream, but Mom said since it was so hot and sticky , it seemed like a good night for it. I agreed! I gobbled it all down. I thought Mom would give me some of hers. I was wrong! That's ok, it was a good way to cool off!
Guess what Petey did this morning when he came in to say Helloooo Doggieeee!?? He stood up and put his front feet on each of my ears and cleaned my whole head. Ears, nose, eyes, sides and right smack on my mouth. I held really still becasue I wasn't sure WHAT was going on. And you know he has claws on those feet of his. He was purring the whole time he was cleaning me off. I didn't think I was that dirty but he told me I was and that Cat Clean was the only clean there is. Petey is really big now and I don't want to mess with him so much any more. Mom told me I did really good! Not too many dogs go for a whole face wash like that but she said that was great I held still for it and didn't scare him. I think so too becasue I didn't lose any of my eyes or ears!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Boy today was hot! Me and Dad stayed inside all day long. We went out once so I could pee but I hurried Dad right back inside. He doesn't do so good in the heat. Me and Mom didn't even go for a walk. When she got home we walked around the backyard and I rolled around in the grass and then I got hot so we came back inside. Lucky for me she brought ICE CREAM again! I got to have my little bit of vanilla. I don't usually get so much ice cream, but Mom said since it was so hot and sticky , it seemed like a good night for it. I agreed! I gobbled it all down. I thought Mom would give me some of hers. I was wrong! That's ok, it was a good way to cool off!
Guess what Petey did this morning when he came in to say Helloooo Doggieeee!?? He stood up and put his front feet on each of my ears and cleaned my whole head. Ears, nose, eyes, sides and right smack on my mouth. I held really still becasue I wasn't sure WHAT was going on. And you know he has claws on those feet of his. He was purring the whole time he was cleaning me off. I didn't think I was that dirty but he told me I was and that Cat Clean was the only clean there is. Petey is really big now and I don't want to mess with him so much any more. Mom told me I did really good! Not too many dogs go for a whole face wash like that but she said that was great I held still for it and didn't scare him. I think so too becasue I didn't lose any of my eyes or ears!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
August 30, 2015
Dear Terry, Friday night Dad made us a big spaghetti dinner! He made sauce and noodles and biscuits. I like biscuits dipped in sauce. And Mom ran to the Hamburer Palace and brought home ice cream! Vanilla of course. She crunched it all up for me and put in my ice cream bowl. What a night!! It was all so yummy. I got little snibbles of biscuit and sauce. Then the ice cream. Boy did I sleep good! Yesterday, me and Mom waited until late in the day when it was cooler, and we went to the park. Guess what we found? A fall leaf for Dad. Mom took it home to show him that Fall was coming. Mom says that's your favorite season too. I like it when it's a little bit chilly. I can walk for miles and miles then in the woods! Mom got you a house warming gift. I barked at it because it was looking at me. I'm not allowed to say anything more about it. This week Mom says it's going to be really hot so we might not get a chance to walk as much as we want. Maybe Mom will take me in the yard at night and we can do a nighttime walk looking for critters!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Friday night Dad made us a big spaghetti dinner! He made sauce and noodles and biscuits. I like biscuits dipped in sauce. And Mom ran to the Hamburer Palace and brought home ice cream! Vanilla of course. She crunched it all up for me and put in my ice cream bowl. What a night!! It was all so yummy. I got little snibbles of biscuit and sauce. Then the ice cream. Boy did I sleep good! Yesterday, me and Mom waited until late in the day when it was cooler, and we went to the park. Guess what we found? A fall leaf for Dad. Mom took it home to show him that Fall was coming. Mom says that's your favorite season too. I like it when it's a little bit chilly. I can walk for miles and miles then in the woods! Mom got you a house warming gift. I barked at it because it was looking at me. I'm not allowed to say anything more about it. This week Mom says it's going to be really hot so we might not get a chance to walk as much as we want. Maybe Mom will take me in the yard at night and we can do a nighttime walk looking for critters!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
August 26, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have been busy! Dad too! Mom and Dad have been doing stuff in the morning before Mom goes to work. Yard stuff. Then Mom does stuff when she gets home and then we all sit down and watch baseball! Dad made grilled cheese last night and we had tomato soup to go with it! I don't get to eat the soup part but Mom gives me pieces of grilled cheese to eat. Yummy! Dad gives me a few pieces of his too. Sometimes the cheese squishes out and I get it on my face and Mom laughs. Me and Petey have been playing some in the mornings. We always say Hellloooooo first though. Petey zooms in and runs right up to me now. I don't chase him or anything. Well, I did when he pulled my whiskers. That wasn't very nice and Mom agreed! Petey likes to try and catch my tail. Or he likes to play with my feet. That took some getting used to because I don't like anyone touching my feet. Mom says that so far the house is standing, drapes are still hanging up and no lamps have been broken recently. Dad says that's a good thing!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have been busy! Dad too! Mom and Dad have been doing stuff in the morning before Mom goes to work. Yard stuff. Then Mom does stuff when she gets home and then we all sit down and watch baseball! Dad made grilled cheese last night and we had tomato soup to go with it! I don't get to eat the soup part but Mom gives me pieces of grilled cheese to eat. Yummy! Dad gives me a few pieces of his too. Sometimes the cheese squishes out and I get it on my face and Mom laughs. Me and Petey have been playing some in the mornings. We always say Hellloooooo first though. Petey zooms in and runs right up to me now. I don't chase him or anything. Well, I did when he pulled my whiskers. That wasn't very nice and Mom agreed! Petey likes to try and catch my tail. Or he likes to play with my feet. That took some getting used to because I don't like anyone touching my feet. Mom says that so far the house is standing, drapes are still hanging up and no lamps have been broken recently. Dad says that's a good thing!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
August 20. 2015
Dear Terry, I tried to get Petey to play with me this morning. It didn't work out so good. I scared him. Mom says that I need to turn the energy level down a bit. Dial it back. Chill Out. I didn't know what she meant so I just looked at her. Mom finally said Easy, Go Easy. Oh! That I know. That means slow down and calm down. I did that and Petey came back to head butt me! I did get him to play a little bit then. Mom says when I jump in a cat's face and scare him, I could end up with a face of claws again. I don't want that. Once is ENOUGH! It's kind of nice having another friend and I don't want to mess it up. Or lose an eye.
Hope you have a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I tried to get Petey to play with me this morning. It didn't work out so good. I scared him. Mom says that I need to turn the energy level down a bit. Dial it back. Chill Out. I didn't know what she meant so I just looked at her. Mom finally said Easy, Go Easy. Oh! That I know. That means slow down and calm down. I did that and Petey came back to head butt me! I did get him to play a little bit then. Mom says when I jump in a cat's face and scare him, I could end up with a face of claws again. I don't want that. Once is ENOUGH! It's kind of nice having another friend and I don't want to mess it up. Or lose an eye.
Hope you have a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
August 18, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Mom didn't get much sleep last night because of all the storms. It kept thundering. Mom let me get under the covers with her and I hid my head under the pillow. Mom stayed awake with me the whole time to make sure I was OK. That helps a lot. Dad didn't help at all! He slept through EVERYTHING! Guess what Mom and Dad are doing today? Canning! First Dad is going to clean off the corn cobs. Mom is going to freeze all the corn. Then Dad is going to wash up all the tomatoes and the peppers. Did Mom tell you Petey nibbled on a pepper from the garden a little while ago and got the poops for 2 days??? Mom is going to put the tomatoes and the peppers all in jars so we can have for later on in the year. I like tomato sauce. That's what goes on pizza you know. I like pizza. Mom and Dad are going to make tomato soup too today. You know what you put in tomato soup? Grilled Cheese that's what! I like grilled cheese! It's going to be a good food day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom didn't get much sleep last night because of all the storms. It kept thundering. Mom let me get under the covers with her and I hid my head under the pillow. Mom stayed awake with me the whole time to make sure I was OK. That helps a lot. Dad didn't help at all! He slept through EVERYTHING! Guess what Mom and Dad are doing today? Canning! First Dad is going to clean off the corn cobs. Mom is going to freeze all the corn. Then Dad is going to wash up all the tomatoes and the peppers. Did Mom tell you Petey nibbled on a pepper from the garden a little while ago and got the poops for 2 days??? Mom is going to put the tomatoes and the peppers all in jars so we can have for later on in the year. I like tomato sauce. That's what goes on pizza you know. I like pizza. Mom and Dad are going to make tomato soup too today. You know what you put in tomato soup? Grilled Cheese that's what! I like grilled cheese! It's going to be a good food day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
August 16, 2015
Dear Terry, What a day yesterday! It was Cook Out Day here! Dad fired up the Hamburger Machine and friends John and MaryAnn came over. I barked a lot. I was so excited we had company and they brought food and Dad was making hamburgers and hotdogs and brats. Oh my gosh there was so much going on!! So I barked some more! I barked a lot. Should I greet the friends or should I help Dad at the Burger Machine? What was Mom doing? Guess what Mom did for me?? She made me a little burger of my own for Dad to put on the Burger Machine. I didn't have to share it or anything! MaryAnn gave me some hamburger bun and John gave me some blueberry treat. Mom let me have a cheesy potato. We watched baseball. Dad was so happy. Dad likes baseball and friends. He told me that was the best way to watch baseball - have a cookout with your friends and watch baseball. I was so pooped out I slept right though the night and Mom had to wake me up in the morning to go outside. I stretcchhhhhheddddd and grumbled and put my head under the pillow. Cook Out Day was exhausting! Mom says you will have to come over and we can do the same for you! I like having Friends! What a great day! Thank you John and MaryAnn! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, What a day yesterday! It was Cook Out Day here! Dad fired up the Hamburger Machine and friends John and MaryAnn came over. I barked a lot. I was so excited we had company and they brought food and Dad was making hamburgers and hotdogs and brats. Oh my gosh there was so much going on!! So I barked some more! I barked a lot. Should I greet the friends or should I help Dad at the Burger Machine? What was Mom doing? Guess what Mom did for me?? She made me a little burger of my own for Dad to put on the Burger Machine. I didn't have to share it or anything! MaryAnn gave me some hamburger bun and John gave me some blueberry treat. Mom let me have a cheesy potato. We watched baseball. Dad was so happy. Dad likes baseball and friends. He told me that was the best way to watch baseball - have a cookout with your friends and watch baseball. I was so pooped out I slept right though the night and Mom had to wake me up in the morning to go outside. I stretcchhhhhheddddd and grumbled and put my head under the pillow. Cook Out Day was exhausting! Mom says you will have to come over and we can do the same for you! I like having Friends! What a great day! Thank you John and MaryAnn! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
August 13, 2015
Dear Terry, Petey Cat pulled my tail this morning and he nipped me and he ran all around me. Mom said he was trying to get me to play. But I just stood there. I didn't want to get clawed. Instead what I got was my tail pulled and then he nipped my tail!! If I did that, it would mean Big Trouble for FredDog. Mom said it's ok to play a little bit with Petey. Only a little bit because I tend to get pretty excited about stuff. Mom doesn't want her house wrecked. Penny Cat has never pulled my tail. Now I see why Mom says PennyCat is the Good One. Dad says today is Cleaning Day and I get to help! Woof! I like helping. Plus, Dad gives lots more treats to his helpers then Mom does. Like Cheesy Puffs. I like those!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Petey Cat pulled my tail this morning and he nipped me and he ran all around me. Mom said he was trying to get me to play. But I just stood there. I didn't want to get clawed. Instead what I got was my tail pulled and then he nipped my tail!! If I did that, it would mean Big Trouble for FredDog. Mom said it's ok to play a little bit with Petey. Only a little bit because I tend to get pretty excited about stuff. Mom doesn't want her house wrecked. Penny Cat has never pulled my tail. Now I see why Mom says PennyCat is the Good One. Dad says today is Cleaning Day and I get to help! Woof! I like helping. Plus, Dad gives lots more treats to his helpers then Mom does. Like Cheesy Puffs. I like those!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
August 12, 2015
Dear Terry, I'm glad you liked my movie. Petey and I say Hello every single morning now. This morning I was especailly good and Mom left us alone to start the day. Petey head butted me and head butted some more. He jumped on the bed and instead of putting my eye out when I went to see what he was doing, he head butted me again! I'm still real careful around his feet. I don't like his claws. Oh and does Newt still stink? Mom says that's why we stay away from Mister Skunk. I hope I can remember that if we see him again. Newton really gives me good advice! No Skunks and Watch Your Eyes. Mom and Dad made stuffed banana peppers last night. They were filled with sausage. I wasn't allowed to have any. Not even the sausage! Mom said I would get sick and she didn't want that so I got a meat stick snack to eat! Yum!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
Dear Terry, I'm glad you liked my movie. Petey and I say Hello every single morning now. This morning I was especailly good and Mom left us alone to start the day. Petey head butted me and head butted some more. He jumped on the bed and instead of putting my eye out when I went to see what he was doing, he head butted me again! I'm still real careful around his feet. I don't like his claws. Oh and does Newt still stink? Mom says that's why we stay away from Mister Skunk. I hope I can remember that if we see him again. Newton really gives me good advice! No Skunks and Watch Your Eyes. Mom and Dad made stuffed banana peppers last night. They were filled with sausage. I wasn't allowed to have any. Not even the sausage! Mom said I would get sick and she didn't want that so I got a meat stick snack to eat! Yum!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
August 9, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what we did yesterday! We went for a drive to go see Tomato Lady. We didn't get tomatoes though. We got CORN and Peppers! I like Corn! Dad's going to do it up on the grill and Mom will put it in bags and freeze it so we can eat it anytime we want! Me and Petey have been getting along really good. I'm still really careful around those claws of his. They can hurt. Every morning Petey comes and says Good Morning Fred! And I wag my tail and hold real still while he wraps all around me. Some times I follow him up on the bed. But mostly we just say Hi and smell each other. Oh and yesterday too, Mom made us a homemade pizza! it had chicken on there and bbq sauce and everything. I got to eat some of the crust and Mom gave me snibbles of chicken to snack on. Mom's been busy. She's been painting outside. I try and watch from the window. She's working on the garage. She almost fell off the ladder because a spider dropped on her head and she had a small freak out moment.
Love and Woofs! Fred Dog
Dear Terry, Guess what we did yesterday! We went for a drive to go see Tomato Lady. We didn't get tomatoes though. We got CORN and Peppers! I like Corn! Dad's going to do it up on the grill and Mom will put it in bags and freeze it so we can eat it anytime we want! Me and Petey have been getting along really good. I'm still really careful around those claws of his. They can hurt. Every morning Petey comes and says Good Morning Fred! And I wag my tail and hold real still while he wraps all around me. Some times I follow him up on the bed. But mostly we just say Hi and smell each other. Oh and yesterday too, Mom made us a homemade pizza! it had chicken on there and bbq sauce and everything. I got to eat some of the crust and Mom gave me snibbles of chicken to snack on. Mom's been busy. She's been painting outside. I try and watch from the window. She's working on the garage. She almost fell off the ladder because a spider dropped on her head and she had a small freak out moment.
Love and Woofs! Fred Dog
August 4, 2015
Dear Terry, I am Petey Cat. Mom told me I had to get along with Fred Dog. No chasing the dog. No making him crazy on purpose and then letting him take the blame for the aftermath. Mom is taking all my fun away. But I have been trying. Sometimes Fred Dog is good company. Every morning I jump the gate and say Hello FredDog! I head butt him and walk all around him and head butt him some more. This morning he was being extra special nice so I head butted him and I walked under him and all around him and head butted him some more. You know what he did? He pushed me with his nose! Like he does to his favorite people when he checks on them. Like Dad. I purred for Fred and we sat quietly next to each other for a few minutes. Then I had things to do. Like takeover the living room. I jumped on top of the TV and played like I was the Lion King looking out over the kingdom. ROARRRRRR! Oh and then I pushed the gate over on Fred. Mom said PETEY that was on purpose! and I ran really fast like I see the cheetahs do on TV. I can't be good all the time now can I?
P.S. It's me Fred. Mom said sometimes I have to let Petey Cat write some stuff. I am supposed to make him feel like he is part of the family. So in the morning I let him come in the bedroom and don't make a fuss because then Mom gets upset. Sometimes he is pretty good company. I nose pushed him this mornig to let him know I can be his friend. Mom really liked that. I got lots of pets for being so good. Petey Cat said it's no fun being Good! You should do something bad once in awhile Fred! I try real hard not to be bad. I told Petey he should try too. Me and Dad had fun today. Dad lined up some snacks for me and he made blueberry muffins and I got a big bite of one! YUMMY!
Barks and Wags , FredDog
Dear Terry, I am Petey Cat. Mom told me I had to get along with Fred Dog. No chasing the dog. No making him crazy on purpose and then letting him take the blame for the aftermath. Mom is taking all my fun away. But I have been trying. Sometimes Fred Dog is good company. Every morning I jump the gate and say Hello FredDog! I head butt him and walk all around him and head butt him some more. This morning he was being extra special nice so I head butted him and I walked under him and all around him and head butted him some more. You know what he did? He pushed me with his nose! Like he does to his favorite people when he checks on them. Like Dad. I purred for Fred and we sat quietly next to each other for a few minutes. Then I had things to do. Like takeover the living room. I jumped on top of the TV and played like I was the Lion King looking out over the kingdom. ROARRRRRR! Oh and then I pushed the gate over on Fred. Mom said PETEY that was on purpose! and I ran really fast like I see the cheetahs do on TV. I can't be good all the time now can I?
P.S. It's me Fred. Mom said sometimes I have to let Petey Cat write some stuff. I am supposed to make him feel like he is part of the family. So in the morning I let him come in the bedroom and don't make a fuss because then Mom gets upset. Sometimes he is pretty good company. I nose pushed him this mornig to let him know I can be his friend. Mom really liked that. I got lots of pets for being so good. Petey Cat said it's no fun being Good! You should do something bad once in awhile Fred! I try real hard not to be bad. I told Petey he should try too. Me and Dad had fun today. Dad lined up some snacks for me and he made blueberry muffins and I got a big bite of one! YUMMY!
Barks and Wags , FredDog
August 2, 2015
Dear Terry, Last night we stayed up really late. Mom was waiting to hear about the Strike. No Strike for now! Mom and Dad were pretty happy about that. I wasn't, because all the extra time I was going to get with Mom isn't going to happen. I was pretty sad until Mom and me went to go to sleep and we had Lazy Dog Snacks. I like Lazy Dog Snacks. You know what I have to do to get them? Almost nothing! I lay down nice next to Mom and all I have to do is something cute and ta da! I get a Snack! We all were pretty tired, except of course, Petey. He was running all around being Petey Crazy even though it was really late at night. Petey got in trouble last night. And the night before! He's been picking on Penny Cat and we allllll know you don't do that. Mom actually yelled at him and everything. Boy was she mad. Dad was mad too. Penny Cat is real special, I told Petey, and you can never be mean to her or make her fluffy. To get Petey back on track Mom took out the Box. And sure enough, Petey Cat turned his attention to it and was playing with his toys in the Box. Things finally quieted down and we could all sleep. Maybe if things get crazy for you, Mom can give you the Box and you can sit down and have fun. I don't get it, but it sure helps Petey!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Last night we stayed up really late. Mom was waiting to hear about the Strike. No Strike for now! Mom and Dad were pretty happy about that. I wasn't, because all the extra time I was going to get with Mom isn't going to happen. I was pretty sad until Mom and me went to go to sleep and we had Lazy Dog Snacks. I like Lazy Dog Snacks. You know what I have to do to get them? Almost nothing! I lay down nice next to Mom and all I have to do is something cute and ta da! I get a Snack! We all were pretty tired, except of course, Petey. He was running all around being Petey Crazy even though it was really late at night. Petey got in trouble last night. And the night before! He's been picking on Penny Cat and we allllll know you don't do that. Mom actually yelled at him and everything. Boy was she mad. Dad was mad too. Penny Cat is real special, I told Petey, and you can never be mean to her or make her fluffy. To get Petey back on track Mom took out the Box. And sure enough, Petey Cat turned his attention to it and was playing with his toys in the Box. Things finally quieted down and we could all sleep. Maybe if things get crazy for you, Mom can give you the Box and you can sit down and have fun. I don't get it, but it sure helps Petey!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
August 1, 2015
Dear Terry, My ear hurts. Mom took me to the VET this morning to get it all fixed up. The Vet said I don't have an ear infection. I have The Allergies. Like that rash I had. Mom made The Allergies go away that time too. I have to get drops in my ear though. I don't like that part. Mom says it will make my ear less itchy and scratchy. Mom said I did really good this time too. I didn't even bark. And I rode up and down on the table like an elevator! I hope all this makes The Allergies go away.
Mom's been real worried lately because of the Strike. Mom finds out tonight about that. Mom says that means she won't be going to work if the Strike happens. Well, that doesn't sound too bad to me. Mom would be home all the time then! We could go for walks, eat Snacks together, sit out on the deck and watch the yard, we could have a pizza party. Mom says all that would be fun but it's important to work so that we still have a yard to play in and look at from the deck! Mom says Strike is like The Allergies, it makes you really uncomfortable for awhile but then it goes away. Maybe Mom could get Strike medicine like the drops I have to get in my ears. That would fix things right up!
The sun is shining today Terry, Mom said she is going to take me for a walk later on this afternoon! I can't wait!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, My ear hurts. Mom took me to the VET this morning to get it all fixed up. The Vet said I don't have an ear infection. I have The Allergies. Like that rash I had. Mom made The Allergies go away that time too. I have to get drops in my ear though. I don't like that part. Mom says it will make my ear less itchy and scratchy. Mom said I did really good this time too. I didn't even bark. And I rode up and down on the table like an elevator! I hope all this makes The Allergies go away.
Mom's been real worried lately because of the Strike. Mom finds out tonight about that. Mom says that means she won't be going to work if the Strike happens. Well, that doesn't sound too bad to me. Mom would be home all the time then! We could go for walks, eat Snacks together, sit out on the deck and watch the yard, we could have a pizza party. Mom says all that would be fun but it's important to work so that we still have a yard to play in and look at from the deck! Mom says Strike is like The Allergies, it makes you really uncomfortable for awhile but then it goes away. Maybe Mom could get Strike medicine like the drops I have to get in my ears. That would fix things right up!
The sun is shining today Terry, Mom said she is going to take me for a walk later on this afternoon! I can't wait!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
July 27, 2015
Dear Terry,
Turns out that there is a good reason to have a cat. Petey is a really good bug catcher! Mom said he would be great if only he would stop breaking things as he catches them. Oh and Mom got mad at him. He chewed on one of her peppers and pushed them all off the counter. Mom worked hard to get those to grow, I know because I helped her plant and water the plants. But he is a good bug catcher! Oh and Dad is doing really good. He mowed another section of the yard for Mom and I watched him from the window to make sure he was OK. Tonight we are all watching baseball together. That's what we do, watch baseball. I like listening to it because I relax and me and Dad cheer when there is something going on. Sometimes Mom makes snacks. Not tonight though. But maybe she will tomorrow!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry,
Turns out that there is a good reason to have a cat. Petey is a really good bug catcher! Mom said he would be great if only he would stop breaking things as he catches them. Oh and Mom got mad at him. He chewed on one of her peppers and pushed them all off the counter. Mom worked hard to get those to grow, I know because I helped her plant and water the plants. But he is a good bug catcher! Oh and Dad is doing really good. He mowed another section of the yard for Mom and I watched him from the window to make sure he was OK. Tonight we are all watching baseball together. That's what we do, watch baseball. I like listening to it because I relax and me and Dad cheer when there is something going on. Sometimes Mom makes snacks. Not tonight though. But maybe she will tomorrow!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 23, 2015
Dear Terry, I got little sick last night and threw up all over the floor. Bleh! Mom thinks maybe Dad had given me a bit of his fried fish sandwich to eat. I'm not saying. BUT I feel lots better this morning and me and Mom took our morning walk around the house and yard to make sure everything was A-OK. And it was! Mom took Penny Cat out on the deck with her this morning. I had to stay in the bedroom so she didn't get scared and run away. Mom likes her to have Penny Cat time. I watched from the window as best as I could. Penny Cat was helping Mom pull some weeds out of the containers. Penny Cat sure was happy in the sunshine. Petey isn't allowed outside at all. He's not good like Penny Cat. When Penny Cat came in she said Meow Meow! and went down to her cat tower to watch birdies in the big basement window. I'm not allowed to bother Penny Cat EVER. Mom says she's real special so I have to leave her alone. Funny, Mom doesn't say that about Petey! WOOF! I leave Petey Cat alone most of the time....
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I got little sick last night and threw up all over the floor. Bleh! Mom thinks maybe Dad had given me a bit of his fried fish sandwich to eat. I'm not saying. BUT I feel lots better this morning and me and Mom took our morning walk around the house and yard to make sure everything was A-OK. And it was! Mom took Penny Cat out on the deck with her this morning. I had to stay in the bedroom so she didn't get scared and run away. Mom likes her to have Penny Cat time. I watched from the window as best as I could. Penny Cat was helping Mom pull some weeds out of the containers. Penny Cat sure was happy in the sunshine. Petey isn't allowed outside at all. He's not good like Penny Cat. When Penny Cat came in she said Meow Meow! and went down to her cat tower to watch birdies in the big basement window. I'm not allowed to bother Penny Cat EVER. Mom says she's real special so I have to leave her alone. Funny, Mom doesn't say that about Petey! WOOF! I leave Petey Cat alone most of the time....
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 20, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what me and Dad did today!? We did everything! Everything together! Like old times. First we sat on the deck together in the morning and checked on all Mom's plants. Then I helped pack her lunch. And soon it was time for Mom to leave, so me and Dad waved bye-byes from the front door at Mom as she left. After that Dad and I watched a show on TV and Dad did some work on the computer. I sat and watched. Mom told me to take care of him. Oh and soon it was time to watch some baseball! Dad put a game on and we fell right to sleep! We didn't see much baseball but boy did we have a good nap together. We did all the things me and Dad do together. It is so great to have him back!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what me and Dad did today!? We did everything! Everything together! Like old times. First we sat on the deck together in the morning and checked on all Mom's plants. Then I helped pack her lunch. And soon it was time for Mom to leave, so me and Dad waved bye-byes from the front door at Mom as she left. After that Dad and I watched a show on TV and Dad did some work on the computer. I sat and watched. Mom told me to take care of him. Oh and soon it was time to watch some baseball! Dad put a game on and we fell right to sleep! We didn't see much baseball but boy did we have a good nap together. We did all the things me and Dad do together. It is so great to have him back!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 19, 2015
Dear Terry, Boy things are FINALLY back to normal around here. Dad is HOME!!! Mom's been doing all the stuff by herself and Dad has been trying to get better at the hospital and then at Grammy's house. I stopped eating. Who can eat when there is no Dad around to make it fun? And Mom was working. She wasn't even here or she would run out to see Dad without me. Even Petey was having problems. Sometimes he couldn't stop meowing. Sometimes I couldn't stop barking. Penny pulled at her fur. THEN one day Mom took me to Grammy's and Dad was THERE!!! Oh my gosh it was so great to see him! Then yesterday Dad came HOME!! HOME!!!! Oh we were all so excited to see him. Petey kissed him twice. That's a lot for Petey, he doesn't usually stop playing to do that. He even headbutted Dad. Penny had a talk with him. Meow Meow , she said, and Dad knew just what she meant! I ran and ran in circles. We even watched baseball together. Oh how great was that! I'm so glad Dad is home. Mom is so happy now. So are Petey and Penny. Everything is finally OK. Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
July 7, 2015
Dear Terry, What a day so far! Me and Mom went for a car ride and SOMEHOW it ended at the Vet's house. I think Mom might have tricked me. I got my butt cleaned and nails trimmed. And Dr K. looked at my bad itchy spot on my back legs. Mom calls it a rash. I call it ITCHY! I got a shot to make it stop itching and some medicine to take. I'm good at taking medicine as long as Mom puts it in the special cheese wraps. I only howled a little bit when they touched my feet. I even got on the table by myself. And the nurse lady made the table tall so Dr. K. could see me better. He's pretty tall and I'm pretty short so the table works best. Then I rode the table back down to the ground like an elevator! That part was kind of fun! Mom said this was my best behaved visit at the Vet ever! I didn't even make the other animals there nuts with my barking and carrying on. I was real good! Everyone said so! Mom gave me a treat when I got home ! Hope you have a good day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, What a day so far! Me and Mom went for a car ride and SOMEHOW it ended at the Vet's house. I think Mom might have tricked me. I got my butt cleaned and nails trimmed. And Dr K. looked at my bad itchy spot on my back legs. Mom calls it a rash. I call it ITCHY! I got a shot to make it stop itching and some medicine to take. I'm good at taking medicine as long as Mom puts it in the special cheese wraps. I only howled a little bit when they touched my feet. I even got on the table by myself. And the nurse lady made the table tall so Dr. K. could see me better. He's pretty tall and I'm pretty short so the table works best. Then I rode the table back down to the ground like an elevator! That part was kind of fun! Mom said this was my best behaved visit at the Vet ever! I didn't even make the other animals there nuts with my barking and carrying on. I was real good! Everyone said so! Mom gave me a treat when I got home ! Hope you have a good day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 6, 2015
Dear Terry, I haven't written in awhile because I have been scared. I don't know what Mom likes about July 4th Holiday so much but to me it is downright scary. Mom and Dad went to a picnic and didn't make it back in time and the neighbor started setting off fireworks and I got really scared so I ran and ran and ran around., Mom and Dad got home in the middle of it and I was still running and couldn't get myself to stop and I was too scared to even hear Dad's voice. But then I ran into Mom and she dropped onto the floor with me and gave me a big gigantic hug. And I Stopped. Mom was home. We sat together and Dad made sure I had a blanket to get under. Mom is happy to report though I didn't dig or throw up or make any messes. I'm so glad that day is over!
Oh and Mom says you start a New Job today! Happy New Job Day Terry!
Love and Woofs! FredDog
Dear Terry, I haven't written in awhile because I have been scared. I don't know what Mom likes about July 4th Holiday so much but to me it is downright scary. Mom and Dad went to a picnic and didn't make it back in time and the neighbor started setting off fireworks and I got really scared so I ran and ran and ran around., Mom and Dad got home in the middle of it and I was still running and couldn't get myself to stop and I was too scared to even hear Dad's voice. But then I ran into Mom and she dropped onto the floor with me and gave me a big gigantic hug. And I Stopped. Mom was home. We sat together and Dad made sure I had a blanket to get under. Mom is happy to report though I didn't dig or throw up or make any messes. I'm so glad that day is over!
Oh and Mom says you start a New Job today! Happy New Job Day Terry!
Love and Woofs! FredDog
July 3, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had a Summer Picnic last night! The cats were asleep, Dad was asleep. Mom had worked hard mowing the yard so she ran to the Burger Palace! When she came back, I could smell one of my most favorite things ever ! Ice Cream! First, we split a Cheeseburger. Then Mom put my ice cream cone in a dish for me, cone and all! She had her ice cream, I had mine! Mine is Vanilla of course! We ate ice cream together while everyone else slept! Me and Mom had the best time EVER! What a great Summer Day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had a Summer Picnic last night! The cats were asleep, Dad was asleep. Mom had worked hard mowing the yard so she ran to the Burger Palace! When she came back, I could smell one of my most favorite things ever ! Ice Cream! First, we split a Cheeseburger. Then Mom put my ice cream cone in a dish for me, cone and all! She had her ice cream, I had mine! Mine is Vanilla of course! We ate ice cream together while everyone else slept! Me and Mom had the best time EVER! What a great Summer Day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 1, 2015
Dear Terry, The Bad Day is coming. People are already practicing for it. You know, Fireworks Day. Mom promised me I would not be alone when that day comes. She said I will have my special no scary shirt on, and she will be right by my side. No repeats of the year I dug a hole in the carpet, threw up and pooped. At least I hope not. I don't know why Mom like this holiday so much. It's really scary. Dad said don't worry Fred! I will make sure we have lots of Snacks to eat from the grill and things will be OK! I sure hope so. Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, The Bad Day is coming. People are already practicing for it. You know, Fireworks Day. Mom promised me I would not be alone when that day comes. She said I will have my special no scary shirt on, and she will be right by my side. No repeats of the year I dug a hole in the carpet, threw up and pooped. At least I hope not. I don't know why Mom like this holiday so much. It's really scary. Dad said don't worry Fred! I will make sure we have lots of Snacks to eat from the grill and things will be OK! I sure hope so. Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 28, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom says you have been really busy with Kyle's wedding. Mom says it was in the rain. I've been busy taking care of Dad. I wish he would get better. Mom wouldn't let me take those stitches out of his face. That's for the Doctor, Fred! Humphh. I've busy helping Mom too. With all the rain, Mom was worried the basement might flood, so we would go down there and check for water. No water! Usually the basement is a Dog Free Zone for the Cats. Mom made an exception since I wanted to help. Me and Mom tried to take a walk yesterday while Dad was sleeping. We saw lots of water at the park. I don't really like water, except to drink it. The park had lots of water everywhere. Then we got rained on.We came home. I woke Dad up and he had Mom get a towel right away. He dried me off real good. Even my feet. Then me and Dad fell asleep together! What a day!
Love, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom says you have been really busy with Kyle's wedding. Mom says it was in the rain. I've been busy taking care of Dad. I wish he would get better. Mom wouldn't let me take those stitches out of his face. That's for the Doctor, Fred! Humphh. I've busy helping Mom too. With all the rain, Mom was worried the basement might flood, so we would go down there and check for water. No water! Usually the basement is a Dog Free Zone for the Cats. Mom made an exception since I wanted to help. Me and Mom tried to take a walk yesterday while Dad was sleeping. We saw lots of water at the park. I don't really like water, except to drink it. The park had lots of water everywhere. Then we got rained on.We came home. I woke Dad up and he had Mom get a towel right away. He dried me off real good. Even my feet. Then me and Dad fell asleep together! What a day!
Love, FredDog
June 24, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom says you got a new job! How exciting! Mom says that means you can buy Newton and the Cats more treats! Woof! You know what Mom told me about cats today? I was barking and barking at the neighbor's cat outside the window and when Mom took me outside I barked them away! Mom leaned down and whispered...they are EVERYWHERE Fred! WHAT??!!?? Mom said they are inside and outside and there is always a CAT around! Oh my GOSH how can this be??? I barked some more to make them all go away! Mom is always right...but I have my doubts on this....Today me and Dad took a giant nap together. Dad got out the blanket Mom had made and we snuggled in and snoozed the day away. What a good day! Well, not the part about CATS, but otherwise a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. Petey took dad's wallet last night and made a mess of all the stuff inside of it. Then he took the wallet and Mom found it this morning. Do you know he even tries to steal my food!?
Dear Terry, Mom says you got a new job! How exciting! Mom says that means you can buy Newton and the Cats more treats! Woof! You know what Mom told me about cats today? I was barking and barking at the neighbor's cat outside the window and when Mom took me outside I barked them away! Mom leaned down and whispered...they are EVERYWHERE Fred! WHAT??!!?? Mom said they are inside and outside and there is always a CAT around! Oh my GOSH how can this be??? I barked some more to make them all go away! Mom is always right...but I have my doubts on this....Today me and Dad took a giant nap together. Dad got out the blanket Mom had made and we snuggled in and snoozed the day away. What a good day! Well, not the part about CATS, but otherwise a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. Petey took dad's wallet last night and made a mess of all the stuff inside of it. Then he took the wallet and Mom found it this morning. Do you know he even tries to steal my food!?
June 22, 2015
Dear Terry, Yesterday sure was crazy. Mom cleaned the house top to bottom! I helped. Mom said I helped a little too much so she let me out to play on the deck in the sunshine! I helped her pull weeds, I helped do dishes, I helped clean the basement. We did everything together...except vacuum. I start barking when I see that thing and I run all around and knock things over. This time I almost attacked it. Almost. I jumped on the bed before it got to close to me! I barked a whole lot at it and at Mom. Oh and I helped Dad outside at dinner time. He fired up the Burger Machine for Mom! Dad told Mom that one burger accidentally fell off the grill, cheese and all. I like Burgers!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Yesterday sure was crazy. Mom cleaned the house top to bottom! I helped. Mom said I helped a little too much so she let me out to play on the deck in the sunshine! I helped her pull weeds, I helped do dishes, I helped clean the basement. We did everything together...except vacuum. I start barking when I see that thing and I run all around and knock things over. This time I almost attacked it. Almost. I jumped on the bed before it got to close to me! I barked a whole lot at it and at Mom. Oh and I helped Dad outside at dinner time. He fired up the Burger Machine for Mom! Dad told Mom that one burger accidentally fell off the grill, cheese and all. I like Burgers!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
June 20, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom sure has been working hard. Dad is feeling better. But he's down in the dumps. He wishes he was better right away. But! The other night guess what we did?? Mom got out my Snacks and gave them to Dad and we played Tricks for Treats! Dad was laughing and laughing because I cheat and steal the treat sometimes before I do the trick and Dad says Hey!!! I ran in circles for him and I did Sit and Down and Wave Bye Bye and Leave It. And I shook his hand and everything. Dad even threw treats in the air for me to catch! We had such a good time Mom gave us more treats and we had even more fun! Then we pooped out watching baseball. It was a great night!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
Dear Terry, Mom sure has been working hard. Dad is feeling better. But he's down in the dumps. He wishes he was better right away. But! The other night guess what we did?? Mom got out my Snacks and gave them to Dad and we played Tricks for Treats! Dad was laughing and laughing because I cheat and steal the treat sometimes before I do the trick and Dad says Hey!!! I ran in circles for him and I did Sit and Down and Wave Bye Bye and Leave It. And I shook his hand and everything. Dad even threw treats in the air for me to catch! We had such a good time Mom gave us more treats and we had even more fun! Then we pooped out watching baseball. It was a great night!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
June 16, 2015
Dear Terry, Dad was in the hospital again. It was because of his bad fall last week. He's home now but I was real sad without him. Mom says he might have to have surgery again. I'm going to be a real good dog. Maybe he won't have to have it if I take extra special care of him. Mom says I've been doing a good job. I get real worried about him and so does Mom. Oh my gosh then the scary storms came last night!! and the basement got water in it and the driveway had all kinds of stuff on it and I heard the water coming down the driveway really fast and I growled and ran to the window. What a mess! Mom is going to start to get that cleaned up. The basement is OK. Penny Cat really wants back down there but Mom won't let her because it still smells wet. And her cat tower is soggy. Mom is working on getting that cleaned up. Penny Cat doesn't like things to be different so I didn't even tell her about the surgery Dad might have. Mom says it's real scary but it will make Dad better. Mom is always right. Even Dad says so.
Trying to be extra special good,
Dear Terry, Dad was in the hospital again. It was because of his bad fall last week. He's home now but I was real sad without him. Mom says he might have to have surgery again. I'm going to be a real good dog. Maybe he won't have to have it if I take extra special care of him. Mom says I've been doing a good job. I get real worried about him and so does Mom. Oh my gosh then the scary storms came last night!! and the basement got water in it and the driveway had all kinds of stuff on it and I heard the water coming down the driveway really fast and I growled and ran to the window. What a mess! Mom is going to start to get that cleaned up. The basement is OK. Penny Cat really wants back down there but Mom won't let her because it still smells wet. And her cat tower is soggy. Mom is working on getting that cleaned up. Penny Cat doesn't like things to be different so I didn't even tell her about the surgery Dad might have. Mom says it's real scary but it will make Dad better. Mom is always right. Even Dad says so.
Trying to be extra special good,
June 10, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what happened today! Me and Mom found a four leaf clover!! I almost peed on it I was so excited! I didn't know what it was but Mom was so excited that I was excited too! She picked it out of the ground and showed it to me and I smelled it. Mom says they bring good luck to those who find them. We came inside right away to show Dad. Dad said she found it because Mom is Irish. I don't know what Irish is but Dad told me it means Mom can turn green at any moment. I looked at Mom to see but then he laughed and laughed. Mom rolled her eyes. That means Dad told a bad joke. I barked anyways because they were laughing. What a good morning we had!
Hope you find a four leaf clover too.
Love and Woofs! FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what happened today! Me and Mom found a four leaf clover!! I almost peed on it I was so excited! I didn't know what it was but Mom was so excited that I was excited too! She picked it out of the ground and showed it to me and I smelled it. Mom says they bring good luck to those who find them. We came inside right away to show Dad. Dad said she found it because Mom is Irish. I don't know what Irish is but Dad told me it means Mom can turn green at any moment. I looked at Mom to see but then he laughed and laughed. Mom rolled her eyes. That means Dad told a bad joke. I barked anyways because they were laughing. What a good morning we had!
Hope you find a four leaf clover too.
Love and Woofs! FredDog
June 9, 2015
Dear Terry, Boy I sure didn't feel good the past few days. My stomach was all rumbly grumbly and I kept burping and half throwing up. I ate some grass outside to help. Mom told Dad to get me a can of chicken and rice smooshie food yesterday. And he and Pap went to the store and got me some and I gobbled it right down. I like smooshie food. Now I feel much better. I didn't even wake Mom up at 515 in the morning like I did yesterday. But I thought I was going to get sick and wanted outside right away. I didn't get sick and Mom just looked at me. I'm so glad I feel better now. I think Pap petting me on the head helped too. I like my Pap.
Barks and Wags! FredDog
Dear Terry, Boy I sure didn't feel good the past few days. My stomach was all rumbly grumbly and I kept burping and half throwing up. I ate some grass outside to help. Mom told Dad to get me a can of chicken and rice smooshie food yesterday. And he and Pap went to the store and got me some and I gobbled it right down. I like smooshie food. Now I feel much better. I didn't even wake Mom up at 515 in the morning like I did yesterday. But I thought I was going to get sick and wanted outside right away. I didn't get sick and Mom just looked at me. I'm so glad I feel better now. I think Pap petting me on the head helped too. I like my Pap.
Barks and Wags! FredDog
June 4, 2014
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written. Mom has been really busy! Dad's had to go to a lot of places to make sure he's OK. Pap, takes him, Grammy takes him, Mom takes him. Mom works too. She hasn't had much time for me. Yesterday though she made the time! We went out in the sunshine for a big walk. We walked up the big hill and back down again and it was nice and cool and there was a breeze blowing with lots of good smells. We took our time and were gone a long time. So long that Dad had fallen asleep! I fell asleep when we got home. What a great walk! Mom says I get to help mow the grass today. I watch Mom from the deck and she pushes the mower. I bark if she misses a spot. Sometimes I just bark. Woof! Off to help Dad water plants!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written. Mom has been really busy! Dad's had to go to a lot of places to make sure he's OK. Pap, takes him, Grammy takes him, Mom takes him. Mom works too. She hasn't had much time for me. Yesterday though she made the time! We went out in the sunshine for a big walk. We walked up the big hill and back down again and it was nice and cool and there was a breeze blowing with lots of good smells. We took our time and were gone a long time. So long that Dad had fallen asleep! I fell asleep when we got home. What a great walk! Mom says I get to help mow the grass today. I watch Mom from the deck and she pushes the mower. I bark if she misses a spot. Sometimes I just bark. Woof! Off to help Dad water plants!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
May 31, 2015
Dear Terry, Yesterday was really hot. Mom was working in the yard again and she got hot. When she came in, all she wanted was ice cream! I like ice cream. I told Mom maybe she should make us some Puppy Pops. Mom said she didn't need to make them, they were already made!! Oh my GOSH. She got them right out of the freezer!! She said she made me a new flavor. I like peanut butter and banana Puppy Pops. Guess what flavor these were??? BLUEBERRY!!! I like blueberry! Mom gave me one right away. Do you know, they look like bones? I don't know how Mom does that but she sure does make a good Puppy Pop! I'm not allowed to have fresh blueberries. Mom gave me some once and I spit them all out and then smashed them in the carpet and then ate them. They are much better smashed. I made a pretty big mess of things and Mom said from now on, she will do the smashing to avoid any more dog disasters. Hope you are staying cool!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday was really hot. Mom was working in the yard again and she got hot. When she came in, all she wanted was ice cream! I like ice cream. I told Mom maybe she should make us some Puppy Pops. Mom said she didn't need to make them, they were already made!! Oh my GOSH. She got them right out of the freezer!! She said she made me a new flavor. I like peanut butter and banana Puppy Pops. Guess what flavor these were??? BLUEBERRY!!! I like blueberry! Mom gave me one right away. Do you know, they look like bones? I don't know how Mom does that but she sure does make a good Puppy Pop! I'm not allowed to have fresh blueberries. Mom gave me some once and I spit them all out and then smashed them in the carpet and then ate them. They are much better smashed. I made a pretty big mess of things and Mom said from now on, she will do the smashing to avoid any more dog disasters. Hope you are staying cool!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
May 29, 2015
Dear Terry, Petey sure has been in a lot of trouble this week. First he broke the lamp and messed with Mom's drapes. Then he was jumping up and down the wall, why, I don't know, and he knocked 2 of Mom's pictures to the floor. One was the portrait of me. I don't think that was a coincidence. THEN this morning. Petey didn't greet Mom at all. Mom called for Petey and no Petey. I knew he was in big trouble. You should always come when Mom calls. You know where he was???? He was stuck in the drop ceiling in the basement! OH BOY. Mom had to get the ladder out and Petey came running across the ceiling right into her arms! I think he was up there all night long. Mom cleaned him right up becasue he was all cob webby. He sure was hungry too. Penny Cat hit him on the head when he walked by her. I barked at him. Petey you had us all scared!! But he's OK. I sure hope next week is calmer around here!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Petey sure has been in a lot of trouble this week. First he broke the lamp and messed with Mom's drapes. Then he was jumping up and down the wall, why, I don't know, and he knocked 2 of Mom's pictures to the floor. One was the portrait of me. I don't think that was a coincidence. THEN this morning. Petey didn't greet Mom at all. Mom called for Petey and no Petey. I knew he was in big trouble. You should always come when Mom calls. You know where he was???? He was stuck in the drop ceiling in the basement! OH BOY. Mom had to get the ladder out and Petey came running across the ceiling right into her arms! I think he was up there all night long. Mom cleaned him right up becasue he was all cob webby. He sure was hungry too. Penny Cat hit him on the head when he walked by her. I barked at him. Petey you had us all scared!! But he's OK. I sure hope next week is calmer around here!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 27, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess What? I've been good! Mom said so this morning! She must think that because Petey was so bad last night. He was bug chasing and he broke a lamp and messed up the drapes and broke the broke lamp again. Mom caught the bug. She stood on the sofa to smoosh it on the ceiling. Petey knew he was going to be in trouble so he ran and hid in his paper bag. He told me that he knows he's not supposed to climb the drapes but there was a BUG up there. That should be a good excuse. I told him, from experience, there are no excuses when it comes to Mom's drapes. No climbing, tearing, pulling, twisting nothing! Dad backed me up! So I ended up looking like I'm the REALLY GOOD pet in the house. Well, next to Penny Cat. Penny Cat is always good. But I'm a close second!
Woof Woof! Fred Dog!
Dear Terry, Guess What? I've been good! Mom said so this morning! She must think that because Petey was so bad last night. He was bug chasing and he broke a lamp and messed up the drapes and broke the broke lamp again. Mom caught the bug. She stood on the sofa to smoosh it on the ceiling. Petey knew he was going to be in trouble so he ran and hid in his paper bag. He told me that he knows he's not supposed to climb the drapes but there was a BUG up there. That should be a good excuse. I told him, from experience, there are no excuses when it comes to Mom's drapes. No climbing, tearing, pulling, twisting nothing! Dad backed me up! So I ended up looking like I'm the REALLY GOOD pet in the house. Well, next to Penny Cat. Penny Cat is always good. But I'm a close second!
Woof Woof! Fred Dog!
May 25, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom says to tell Steve thank you for his service this Memorial Day. It's supposed to be a sad day to remember soldiers but we say thank you to Steve because he did some really tough service. Mom tried to get me to salute again but we will have to use the picture from last year since I couldn't hold still outside with all the good smells in the wind today! Mom said you had to work today and that you might be bummed out about that. I will tell you what we did to cheer you right up! First, Me and Dad went out on the deck. He still doesn't feel good but he felt good enough to go outside and sit and before you know it, we both fell asleep in the sunshine! Mom said we slept for hours. Then me and Mom worked on the deck, planting plants. I'm not allowed to dig in the dirt planters. This might be the first year I remembered that. Woof! We are going to grill out here real soon. Dad will fire up the Burger Machine so that Mom can cook. Oh and me and Mom went to the park again! We walked and walked all over the place. We even went down the butterfly trail so I could jump and try and catch butterflies! THEN Mom caught a big dragonfly right in her hair!! OMG she screeeeechhheedddd! Mom doesn't like big bugs. I was thinking maybe you could chase some butterflies when you get home. It makes every day better when you can do that!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom says to tell Steve thank you for his service this Memorial Day. It's supposed to be a sad day to remember soldiers but we say thank you to Steve because he did some really tough service. Mom tried to get me to salute again but we will have to use the picture from last year since I couldn't hold still outside with all the good smells in the wind today! Mom said you had to work today and that you might be bummed out about that. I will tell you what we did to cheer you right up! First, Me and Dad went out on the deck. He still doesn't feel good but he felt good enough to go outside and sit and before you know it, we both fell asleep in the sunshine! Mom said we slept for hours. Then me and Mom worked on the deck, planting plants. I'm not allowed to dig in the dirt planters. This might be the first year I remembered that. Woof! We are going to grill out here real soon. Dad will fire up the Burger Machine so that Mom can cook. Oh and me and Mom went to the park again! We walked and walked all over the place. We even went down the butterfly trail so I could jump and try and catch butterflies! THEN Mom caught a big dragonfly right in her hair!! OMG she screeeeechhheedddd! Mom doesn't like big bugs. I was thinking maybe you could chase some butterflies when you get home. It makes every day better when you can do that!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 23, 2015
Dear Terry, I've been busy busy busy! Dad is finally home! Mom says he came home Thursday. When I saw him I accidentally bonked my head off the window. I ran to the door and there he was!! He sat down right away because he was pooped out. I sat next to him and inspected him head to toe. I could tell his head was messed up so I paid extra attention to the spots up there where I knew were hurt. I stayed right by his side. He has to be real careful when he walks and he keeps grumbling because he hurts. He says it's real good to be back home with all of us! Yesterday I helped Mom make lunch for all of us and we all sat together like we did before! I kept Dad company too when Mom was working in the yard yesterday. Mom tried to take me for a walk but when we got there all I wanted was back in the Jeep. She took me home and I ran straight for Dad! Whew! he was OK. Mom says I have to go for walks or I will get crazy. I don't want to be crazy like Petey so I better listen to Mom.
Hope you are OK, Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I've been busy busy busy! Dad is finally home! Mom says he came home Thursday. When I saw him I accidentally bonked my head off the window. I ran to the door and there he was!! He sat down right away because he was pooped out. I sat next to him and inspected him head to toe. I could tell his head was messed up so I paid extra attention to the spots up there where I knew were hurt. I stayed right by his side. He has to be real careful when he walks and he keeps grumbling because he hurts. He says it's real good to be back home with all of us! Yesterday I helped Mom make lunch for all of us and we all sat together like we did before! I kept Dad company too when Mom was working in the yard yesterday. Mom tried to take me for a walk but when we got there all I wanted was back in the Jeep. She took me home and I ran straight for Dad! Whew! he was OK. Mom says I have to go for walks or I will get crazy. I don't want to be crazy like Petey so I better listen to Mom.
Hope you are OK, Love and Woofs, FredDog
May 21, 2015
Dear Terry, Yesterday I was by myself. Mom had to leave and go somewhere. She must have known I was lonely because you know what she did?? She made the machine go so I could here her voice. Fred! Fred! Where's my Puppy Dog??? Don't worry Fred, I will be home before you know it! I ran right away to listen to her voice! It's like magic! I barked to let her know I could hear her. I don't know how she does that but she knew just the right time to make that machine go. And you know what?? She was right! She was home before I knew it! And when she got home, I ran and barked and barked! It was great to see my Mom again!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
P.S. Mom says Dad still isn't better but he is getting there. I hope I can see him soon.
Dear Terry, Yesterday I was by myself. Mom had to leave and go somewhere. She must have known I was lonely because you know what she did?? She made the machine go so I could here her voice. Fred! Fred! Where's my Puppy Dog??? Don't worry Fred, I will be home before you know it! I ran right away to listen to her voice! It's like magic! I barked to let her know I could hear her. I don't know how she does that but she knew just the right time to make that machine go. And you know what?? She was right! She was home before I knew it! And when she got home, I ran and barked and barked! It was great to see my Mom again!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
P.S. Mom says Dad still isn't better but he is getting there. I hope I can see him soon.
May 18, 2015
Dear Terry, I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. We had a Big Scary here. Dad fell really bad and got really hurt. Things haven't been the same. Even Petey Cat and Penny Cat think so too. I try really hard to be a good dog for Mom. I eat my food, watch the neighbors and poop outside when she takes me out. Yesterday though, Mom said I needed to take a walk. So we did. First we went to see Gram and Pap. Pap teased me a whole lot and that caused me to bark at him a whole lot. I'm on to his tricks!! What fun! Then at the park me and Mom were walking, because that's what we do there, and we accidentally got to close to the goose nest. HISSSSS and HONKKKKKKK and flapping wings everywhere!!! They sure do make a lot of noise!! Me and Mom backed away slowly and quietly. Mom said it was her fault we got to close becasue she knew the nest was ahead but she thought it was further ahead of us. Oh and the Mallards were there too and they started QUACK QUACKING. We caused quite the rukus! We kept walking until we were tired. Then we came home and had an ice cream treat. Vanilla of course for me! Just what me and Mom needed, a good walk and ice cream!!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
Dear Terry, I'm sorry I haven't written in awhile. We had a Big Scary here. Dad fell really bad and got really hurt. Things haven't been the same. Even Petey Cat and Penny Cat think so too. I try really hard to be a good dog for Mom. I eat my food, watch the neighbors and poop outside when she takes me out. Yesterday though, Mom said I needed to take a walk. So we did. First we went to see Gram and Pap. Pap teased me a whole lot and that caused me to bark at him a whole lot. I'm on to his tricks!! What fun! Then at the park me and Mom were walking, because that's what we do there, and we accidentally got to close to the goose nest. HISSSSS and HONKKKKKKK and flapping wings everywhere!!! They sure do make a lot of noise!! Me and Mom backed away slowly and quietly. Mom said it was her fault we got to close becasue she knew the nest was ahead but she thought it was further ahead of us. Oh and the Mallards were there too and they started QUACK QUACKING. We caused quite the rukus! We kept walking until we were tired. Then we came home and had an ice cream treat. Vanilla of course for me! Just what me and Mom needed, a good walk and ice cream!!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
May 12, 2015
Dear Terry, I kindof got hurt yesterday morning. See, Petey was in the basement - Because that's where Mom put him to be safe while she went in and out on the deck getting stuff cleaned up. Only Petey was trying to bust out and be bad. So I stuck my head through the folding door and BLAMMO! HISSSSSS HISSSSS HISSSSSSS. PETEY WAS STUCK TO MY FACE!!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!! He held onto both sides of my nose and it hurt really bad and I didn't know what to do. And finally he let go and he turned around and hit me again!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH !!! He really has a set of claws on him! Mom inspected my face to make sure I still had 2 eyes and a nose. Dad petted Petey! He should have gotten yelled at. HUMMPH. Petey is much bigger now and I don't think I should mess with him anymore. But after all that mess, we took a ride in the car and I got to see my Pap and Gram!!! No Petey around to hurt me. Mom said I did good though because I didn't even growl or bark. But that's kindof hard to do when Petey Cat is stuck to your face.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. I told that FredDog one day I would be bigger, stronger, faster, He should have listened to me. ROAAARRRRRRR!!!
Dear Terry, I kindof got hurt yesterday morning. See, Petey was in the basement - Because that's where Mom put him to be safe while she went in and out on the deck getting stuff cleaned up. Only Petey was trying to bust out and be bad. So I stuck my head through the folding door and BLAMMO! HISSSSSS HISSSSS HISSSSSSS. PETEY WAS STUCK TO MY FACE!!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH!!!! He held onto both sides of my nose and it hurt really bad and I didn't know what to do. And finally he let go and he turned around and hit me again!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH !!! He really has a set of claws on him! Mom inspected my face to make sure I still had 2 eyes and a nose. Dad petted Petey! He should have gotten yelled at. HUMMPH. Petey is much bigger now and I don't think I should mess with him anymore. But after all that mess, we took a ride in the car and I got to see my Pap and Gram!!! No Petey around to hurt me. Mom said I did good though because I didn't even growl or bark. But that's kindof hard to do when Petey Cat is stuck to your face.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Petey Cat here. I told that FredDog one day I would be bigger, stronger, faster, He should have listened to me. ROAAARRRRRRR!!!
May 10, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what I did! I learned a new trick! I learned how to turn on a light! No, not the kind on the wall. I'm too short for those. It looks like a big button and when you press it, it smooshes down and the light turns on! I can turn it off too! Mom taught me the other night when I was bored. It only took 2 strips of bacon treats to figure it all out. Mom said that's like 5 minutes. First I pressed it with my nose, but then I found my feet work better! Dad laughed and laughed when me and Mom showed him the On/Off trick! I can't mix them up either or I don't get the treat. Me and Mom had lots of fun!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what I did! I learned a new trick! I learned how to turn on a light! No, not the kind on the wall. I'm too short for those. It looks like a big button and when you press it, it smooshes down and the light turns on! I can turn it off too! Mom taught me the other night when I was bored. It only took 2 strips of bacon treats to figure it all out. Mom said that's like 5 minutes. First I pressed it with my nose, but then I found my feet work better! Dad laughed and laughed when me and Mom showed him the On/Off trick! I can't mix them up either or I don't get the treat. Me and Mom had lots of fun!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 6, 2015
Dear Terry, today there was a storm and it was scary. When Mom got home she took me outside but I didn't want to go to far. It was dark and scary outside even though it wasn't storming anymore. Mom said sometimes things get dark and scary but the sun always comes out. Then she said Joe was sick. Maybe you could lick his face and make him better. That's what I do with Dad. It works you know. Mom says that might look kindof weird at the Hospital. Maybe you could lick his face when no one is watching. I bet it would help. Me and Dad worked on the deck today. Dad put up a chair and sat in it and we fell asleep in the sunshine. That was hard work to get the chair just right! Woof!
P.S. Dad says chin up. I don't know why he says that. It's not like you have a good nose to put in the air like I do when I put my chin up. Mom says it means stay strong! Oh. Well then what's a chin got to do with it? Dad says OXO. That one I know! It means barks and wags! Only Dad doesn't bark or wag.
OXO! FredDog
Dear Terry, today there was a storm and it was scary. When Mom got home she took me outside but I didn't want to go to far. It was dark and scary outside even though it wasn't storming anymore. Mom said sometimes things get dark and scary but the sun always comes out. Then she said Joe was sick. Maybe you could lick his face and make him better. That's what I do with Dad. It works you know. Mom says that might look kindof weird at the Hospital. Maybe you could lick his face when no one is watching. I bet it would help. Me and Dad worked on the deck today. Dad put up a chair and sat in it and we fell asleep in the sunshine. That was hard work to get the chair just right! Woof!
P.S. Dad says chin up. I don't know why he says that. It's not like you have a good nose to put in the air like I do when I put my chin up. Mom says it means stay strong! Oh. Well then what's a chin got to do with it? Dad says OXO. That one I know! It means barks and wags! Only Dad doesn't bark or wag.
OXO! FredDog
May 6, 2015
Dear Terry, You can't believe all the junk at the curb! Mom and Dad put lots and lots of stuff out this morning. I can't wait until all the people start coming to get the junk. It is one of the best barking days in the year! I wait until they pick what they want then I start barking and surprise them! WOOF! Mom and Dad have a few more things to put out tomorrow too. Petey was running upstairs and downstairs to watch Mom and Dad. He couldn't figure out what they were doing out there. What fun! He doesn't like other people though. But I bet he will have a great time watching from the window. Dad said today me and him were going to work out on the deck in the sunshine. I can't wait! I don't know what we will be doing out there but usually we end up taking a nap in the glider or one of the reclining chairs. We like those the best.
Have a sunshine day today!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, You can't believe all the junk at the curb! Mom and Dad put lots and lots of stuff out this morning. I can't wait until all the people start coming to get the junk. It is one of the best barking days in the year! I wait until they pick what they want then I start barking and surprise them! WOOF! Mom and Dad have a few more things to put out tomorrow too. Petey was running upstairs and downstairs to watch Mom and Dad. He couldn't figure out what they were doing out there. What fun! He doesn't like other people though. But I bet he will have a great time watching from the window. Dad said today me and him were going to work out on the deck in the sunshine. I can't wait! I don't know what we will be doing out there but usually we end up taking a nap in the glider or one of the reclining chairs. We like those the best.
Have a sunshine day today!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
May 4, 2015
Dear Terry, Mom made a mistake this morning!! She forgot to shut the door to the outside and Petey walked out!! Right onto the deck. I'm allowed to do that but not Petey or Penny because we don't want them to get hurt outside. Petey didn't get very far though because he got scared and when Mom called him he came right in to her. You should always listen to Mom even if she did make a mistake. That's what I told him. He said it wasn't as fun as playing in the rain in the busted root cellar anyways. But he was a little fluffy so I think he scared himself good. Mom brought the new patio table up on the deck this morning. It was very exciting! It smells like a good table. The other one is old and rusted and might fall down at any minute! Mom has the old one propped up with plant containers right now. Dad held the gate for her and pulled the new one the rest of the way up for her. We watered the plants too. There's not too many yet but that will change. Mom is going to plant plants tomorrow! I get to play in the dirt!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Mom made a mistake this morning!! She forgot to shut the door to the outside and Petey walked out!! Right onto the deck. I'm allowed to do that but not Petey or Penny because we don't want them to get hurt outside. Petey didn't get very far though because he got scared and when Mom called him he came right in to her. You should always listen to Mom even if she did make a mistake. That's what I told him. He said it wasn't as fun as playing in the rain in the busted root cellar anyways. But he was a little fluffy so I think he scared himself good. Mom brought the new patio table up on the deck this morning. It was very exciting! It smells like a good table. The other one is old and rusted and might fall down at any minute! Mom has the old one propped up with plant containers right now. Dad held the gate for her and pulled the new one the rest of the way up for her. We watered the plants too. There's not too many yet but that will change. Mom is going to plant plants tomorrow! I get to play in the dirt!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
May 2, 2015
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have been busy today. Junk Day is coming so we got junk ready! Every year I bark at all the people who come to pick through the junk! Even in the middle of the night.
Oh. Forgot. Almost got in some trouble. Not just me either. Me and Petey. Yesterday, Mom was getting ready for work and I was in the bedroom. I get a little nutty when she uses the hair dryer so Mom puts the gate up. Petey jumped the gate to come in with me. He never does that. But he jumped on the bed. The bed is MINE. He stood on his back legs and was waving his paws all in the air at me. Mom calls that Kung Fu Kitty. Since he wouldn't give the bed back to me, I took his Fishy Toy. The one he carries with him all the time. His most favorite thing. I didn't even bark. All I did was take the Fishy Toy. We were in the middle of the stand off when Mom caught us. Petey had to give the bed back and he got his Fishy Toy back and Mom separated us because we were both mad. Petey was squeaking up a storm and I was grumbling. Hmppphhh. Don't take my bed!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom have been busy today. Junk Day is coming so we got junk ready! Every year I bark at all the people who come to pick through the junk! Even in the middle of the night.
Oh. Forgot. Almost got in some trouble. Not just me either. Me and Petey. Yesterday, Mom was getting ready for work and I was in the bedroom. I get a little nutty when she uses the hair dryer so Mom puts the gate up. Petey jumped the gate to come in with me. He never does that. But he jumped on the bed. The bed is MINE. He stood on his back legs and was waving his paws all in the air at me. Mom calls that Kung Fu Kitty. Since he wouldn't give the bed back to me, I took his Fishy Toy. The one he carries with him all the time. His most favorite thing. I didn't even bark. All I did was take the Fishy Toy. We were in the middle of the stand off when Mom caught us. Petey had to give the bed back and he got his Fishy Toy back and Mom separated us because we were both mad. Petey was squeaking up a storm and I was grumbling. Hmppphhh. Don't take my bed!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
April 29, 2015
Dear Terry, Dirt Guy came back this morning!! It was really early and I wasn't even outside yet! I watched him use the big digger machine and smoosh all the dirt down until it was flat and made a nice hill. It was really loud and sometimes it was so loud I barked and barked. Petey couldn't decide if he was scared or not so Mom put him in the bedroom so he wasn't so anxious. Before we knew it, Dirt Guy was gone! Mom took me out right away to see the smooshed dirt. Dad came out too. I peed on it. Good Dirt! When Mom got home tonight she let me play out on the deck. I'm allowed to do that by myself if she has yard work to do. If something goes wrong, like Mom falls, I run back inside and get Dad right away. But she didn't fall. She was raking the dirt. Bam Bam Bam. She would break up the big pieces of the dirt and pick out any big rocks. Dad said she did a real good job. I watched the whole thing. She worked until dark. Dad sure was gratful Mom did that work. He was so happy he made her a grilled cheese sandwich! Mom likes those. I even got a whole piece of cheese!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Dirt Guy came back this morning!! It was really early and I wasn't even outside yet! I watched him use the big digger machine and smoosh all the dirt down until it was flat and made a nice hill. It was really loud and sometimes it was so loud I barked and barked. Petey couldn't decide if he was scared or not so Mom put him in the bedroom so he wasn't so anxious. Before we knew it, Dirt Guy was gone! Mom took me out right away to see the smooshed dirt. Dad came out too. I peed on it. Good Dirt! When Mom got home tonight she let me play out on the deck. I'm allowed to do that by myself if she has yard work to do. If something goes wrong, like Mom falls, I run back inside and get Dad right away. But she didn't fall. She was raking the dirt. Bam Bam Bam. She would break up the big pieces of the dirt and pick out any big rocks. Dad said she did a real good job. I watched the whole thing. She worked until dark. Dad sure was gratful Mom did that work. He was so happy he made her a grilled cheese sandwich! Mom likes those. I even got a whole piece of cheese!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
April 28, 2014
Dear Terry, OH MY GOSH the DIRT guy came today!! He had lots and lots of DIRT! You can't imagine all the DIRT he brought to the house to fill in the root cellar. And he had a big truck and it was noisy and I barked at it. And then I barked at him. And he dumped the DIRT and went and got more and dumped it again. And one more time he got more DIRT and dumped it. It was so exciting that Dad called Mom and told her all about the DIRT. When Mom got home she took me outside and we inspected all the DIRT!! Mom says the pile is bigger than big! It's BIG! Mom let me dig a little bit of it. Mom said it gets smoothed out and wont be this big pile. I wasn't allowed to climb it because it's all loose and slippery. But I did pee on it a bit. It's DIRT! How could I not??? Mom says I get to go back out later and she will let me dig some more. Oh my gosh I can't WAIT!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, OH MY GOSH the DIRT guy came today!! He had lots and lots of DIRT! You can't imagine all the DIRT he brought to the house to fill in the root cellar. And he had a big truck and it was noisy and I barked at it. And then I barked at him. And he dumped the DIRT and went and got more and dumped it again. And one more time he got more DIRT and dumped it. It was so exciting that Dad called Mom and told her all about the DIRT. When Mom got home she took me outside and we inspected all the DIRT!! Mom says the pile is bigger than big! It's BIG! Mom let me dig a little bit of it. Mom said it gets smoothed out and wont be this big pile. I wasn't allowed to climb it because it's all loose and slippery. But I did pee on it a bit. It's DIRT! How could I not??? Mom says I get to go back out later and she will let me dig some more. Oh my gosh I can't WAIT!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
April 24, 2015
Dear Terry, Guess what??? Mom came home early today!! AND she took me and Dad to the Ultimate Hambuger Palace. Dad calls it a car hop. The lady comes to your car window and brings you food!! They even make burgers for dogs like me!! Mom let me order too, she said Fred, What do you want? I said, WOO WOOOO. That's dog for HAMBURGER!!! We took a drive all around too. When we got home, Dad got the mower running and Mom mowed the front yard. She didn't want Dad to poop out. He gets tired still. Mom was sneezing and sneezing but I think she had fun. And there is nothing better than fresh mowed grass to pee in!! What a great day!!
Petey and Penny Cat are getting along really good. I wish I could say the same. And since Petey caught that mouse, he seems to get all the attention. Mom is still working with me and Petey. I got really upset the other day because I wasn't doing anything right and I made Penny Cat fluffy. And we all know that is BAD. Never make Penny Cat fluffy. Mom took me aside and we played games and I did my tricks and soon I forgot all about all the bad stuff I did and I didn't do bad things. In fact, Petey ran right at me and I just laid on the couch and didn't move. Even when he ran back past me. Dad gave me tons of pets for that! Even a tummy rub!!
Woofs and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what??? Mom came home early today!! AND she took me and Dad to the Ultimate Hambuger Palace. Dad calls it a car hop. The lady comes to your car window and brings you food!! They even make burgers for dogs like me!! Mom let me order too, she said Fred, What do you want? I said, WOO WOOOO. That's dog for HAMBURGER!!! We took a drive all around too. When we got home, Dad got the mower running and Mom mowed the front yard. She didn't want Dad to poop out. He gets tired still. Mom was sneezing and sneezing but I think she had fun. And there is nothing better than fresh mowed grass to pee in!! What a great day!!
Petey and Penny Cat are getting along really good. I wish I could say the same. And since Petey caught that mouse, he seems to get all the attention. Mom is still working with me and Petey. I got really upset the other day because I wasn't doing anything right and I made Penny Cat fluffy. And we all know that is BAD. Never make Penny Cat fluffy. Mom took me aside and we played games and I did my tricks and soon I forgot all about all the bad stuff I did and I didn't do bad things. In fact, Petey ran right at me and I just laid on the couch and didn't move. Even when he ran back past me. Dad gave me tons of pets for that! Even a tummy rub!!
Woofs and Wags, FredDog
April 22, 2015
PETEY'S POST! Hi Terry, It's me Petey. Wanted to take over and tell you what I did! Mom said she was very proud of me. Oh yes she did! That's what she said. Oh. Mom says to tell you The FredDog is still alive. This is all about ME. I caught a real live MOUSE last night!! It was lots of fun. No one was up though to show it too. Well, Dad was kindof up but he thought it was one of my toys. Nope, the real thing!!! And no one saw it!! BUT I left the insides of it on the carpet for Mom to find. Mom was so surprised this morning!! No one will ever find the body. It's in my secret spot. Mom says there might be more since the basement had that big hole in it. That's all fixed. I told FredDog maybe I will show him my secret spot one day. He didn't fall for that trick. Mom told me to catch more mice!! I can't wait for tonight to see if any come out. Mom said I did real good. I don't do a lot of good things so I want to be sure to do this again for Mom. And I did it all on my own with no help!
Mom says to tell you FredDog is doing good too. Not as good as this cat who caught a mouse, but he's doing OK. I haven't put his eye out. Yet.
ROARRRRRRR, PeteyCat, Official Mouser of the House.
PETEY'S POST! Hi Terry, It's me Petey. Wanted to take over and tell you what I did! Mom said she was very proud of me. Oh yes she did! That's what she said. Oh. Mom says to tell you The FredDog is still alive. This is all about ME. I caught a real live MOUSE last night!! It was lots of fun. No one was up though to show it too. Well, Dad was kindof up but he thought it was one of my toys. Nope, the real thing!!! And no one saw it!! BUT I left the insides of it on the carpet for Mom to find. Mom was so surprised this morning!! No one will ever find the body. It's in my secret spot. Mom says there might be more since the basement had that big hole in it. That's all fixed. I told FredDog maybe I will show him my secret spot one day. He didn't fall for that trick. Mom told me to catch more mice!! I can't wait for tonight to see if any come out. Mom said I did real good. I don't do a lot of good things so I want to be sure to do this again for Mom. And I did it all on my own with no help!
Mom says to tell you FredDog is doing good too. Not as good as this cat who caught a mouse, but he's doing OK. I haven't put his eye out. Yet.
ROARRRRRRR, PeteyCat, Official Mouser of the House.
April 18, 2015
Dear Terry, Last night me and Petey and Penny were alone in the house. Nothing got wrecked. But Petey doesn't do so good if Mom or Dad isn't around. Mom and Dad went to a baseball game! I know because I could smell the city on them. Lots of good smells to smell. They didn't bring a hot dog home for me so I was a bit disappointed. Dad knows how much I like hot dogs! Dad is going to fire up the Burger Machine again this weekend and I bet he makes me hot dogs again! Today, Mom said I am going on a gigantic walk for being such a good dog this week with all the Fix It people here. Mom said we might go climb the Dog Mountain. That's what I call it because lots of people take their dogs for a walk up and down the mountain. It's a hard walk striaght up the side. Coming down is easier. Even Mom says so. Mom wants to see if her knee will work. I bet it will. But if she starts to limp I will help her out. I haven't figured out HOW yet but I will. Woof! I smell Sping in the Air! What a good day to be a Dog!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Last night me and Petey and Penny were alone in the house. Nothing got wrecked. But Petey doesn't do so good if Mom or Dad isn't around. Mom and Dad went to a baseball game! I know because I could smell the city on them. Lots of good smells to smell. They didn't bring a hot dog home for me so I was a bit disappointed. Dad knows how much I like hot dogs! Dad is going to fire up the Burger Machine again this weekend and I bet he makes me hot dogs again! Today, Mom said I am going on a gigantic walk for being such a good dog this week with all the Fix It people here. Mom said we might go climb the Dog Mountain. That's what I call it because lots of people take their dogs for a walk up and down the mountain. It's a hard walk striaght up the side. Coming down is easier. Even Mom says so. Mom wants to see if her knee will work. I bet it will. But if she starts to limp I will help her out. I haven't figured out HOW yet but I will. Woof! I smell Sping in the Air! What a good day to be a Dog!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
April 16, 2015
Dear Terry, Boy things have been loud around here! Fix It Man came and fixed the garage and tore down the root cellar. He sure worked hard. I know because I watched his every move and listened to everything he was doing when I couldn't see him or his helpers. Dad brought him in the house a few times and I made sure he passed my inspection. I liked him. He's a good ear scratcher. Me and Dad have been going outside after they leave to look at all the stuff that's been fixed. Dad and me walked all around. Dad can walk pretty good now that his feet are fixed. Penny Cat has been upset with all the noise and commotion. Mom made her stay upstairs so the root cellar work could get done in the basement. We don't like Penny Cat upset. Mom made up the back bedroom with all her favorite things. She had her tennis ball and food and water and a litter box. Mom even pulled a curtain back so she could see outside. Mom put the gate up so that I didn't scare her. No Scaring Penny Cat is Rule #1. Oh and Petey Cat fell in the bathtub this morning while Mom was showering. I guess he didn't mind getting wet at all - he didn't even squeak!! Mom dried him off with a towel. He sure is a clean cat. I don't like getting a bath. That Petey sure is weird. I wish he wouldn't tease me so much. I'm tired of being in trouble. Mom still says that I am the bestest dog in the whole wide world no matter what. Mom's always right!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Boy things have been loud around here! Fix It Man came and fixed the garage and tore down the root cellar. He sure worked hard. I know because I watched his every move and listened to everything he was doing when I couldn't see him or his helpers. Dad brought him in the house a few times and I made sure he passed my inspection. I liked him. He's a good ear scratcher. Me and Dad have been going outside after they leave to look at all the stuff that's been fixed. Dad and me walked all around. Dad can walk pretty good now that his feet are fixed. Penny Cat has been upset with all the noise and commotion. Mom made her stay upstairs so the root cellar work could get done in the basement. We don't like Penny Cat upset. Mom made up the back bedroom with all her favorite things. She had her tennis ball and food and water and a litter box. Mom even pulled a curtain back so she could see outside. Mom put the gate up so that I didn't scare her. No Scaring Penny Cat is Rule #1. Oh and Petey Cat fell in the bathtub this morning while Mom was showering. I guess he didn't mind getting wet at all - he didn't even squeak!! Mom dried him off with a towel. He sure is a clean cat. I don't like getting a bath. That Petey sure is weird. I wish he wouldn't tease me so much. I'm tired of being in trouble. Mom still says that I am the bestest dog in the whole wide world no matter what. Mom's always right!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
April 13, 2015
Dear Terry, What a fun couple of days we've had here! First Dad got his boot off Friday so we went for a walk in the woods!! Dad was walking and everything! Then we went to see the Nephews and there was a Birthday Party! We like those! Uncle Tom and Aunt Linda and the Grandparents came. We had Chicken Tenders and Mac n Cheese for dinner. I like Chicken Tenders!Aunt Laura brought me some super special cookies to eat that were only for dogs! I helped get Nolan out of bed because almost everyone else was up and I even got to go into the basement! The drive was really long so me and Dad slept. We got home yesterday and I got in trouble right away because I chased Petey. It was good to be home!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, What a fun couple of days we've had here! First Dad got his boot off Friday so we went for a walk in the woods!! Dad was walking and everything! Then we went to see the Nephews and there was a Birthday Party! We like those! Uncle Tom and Aunt Linda and the Grandparents came. We had Chicken Tenders and Mac n Cheese for dinner. I like Chicken Tenders!Aunt Laura brought me some super special cookies to eat that were only for dogs! I helped get Nolan out of bed because almost everyone else was up and I even got to go into the basement! The drive was really long so me and Dad slept. We got home yesterday and I got in trouble right away because I chased Petey. It was good to be home!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
April 8, 2015
Dear Terry, Spring is here! I found crocus in the front yard that had bloomed and I peed on them! Then I found the daffadils had come up, so I peed there too! Oh and The Fix It Man came yesterday and he seemed OK so I stopped barking after awhile. He was real nice to Dad. He said he could fix things for us and Mom and Dad seemed pretty happy about that. Oh and it thundered yesterday. I tried hiding on the couch in my spot but that didn't work very well. Dad came to sit with me though until the noise stopped. I asked Dad to make it stop and he put his hands over my ears to help. Then we had Snacks!! That made the whole day better!
Happy Spring Terry, Love FredDog!
Dear Terry, Spring is here! I found crocus in the front yard that had bloomed and I peed on them! Then I found the daffadils had come up, so I peed there too! Oh and The Fix It Man came yesterday and he seemed OK so I stopped barking after awhile. He was real nice to Dad. He said he could fix things for us and Mom and Dad seemed pretty happy about that. Oh and it thundered yesterday. I tried hiding on the couch in my spot but that didn't work very well. Dad came to sit with me though until the noise stopped. I asked Dad to make it stop and he put his hands over my ears to help. Then we had Snacks!! That made the whole day better!
Happy Spring Terry, Love FredDog!
April 5, 2015
Happy Ham Day Terry! I am stuffed! I got to eat some Ham- lots of it actually- at grammy's house. I was a little bad there becasue I barked a lot when I got in the house. There were lots and lots of people. More than I have ever seen before in one spot! Mom got me and Dad situated in the sunroom though and I calmed down. That's when I got some Ham. Oh and a little kielbasa. With Mayo. I like Mayo. So does Dad! Dad gave me a potato piece too. I hope you had lots of Ham today!
Woof Woof Woof! FredDog!
Happy Ham Day Terry! I am stuffed! I got to eat some Ham- lots of it actually- at grammy's house. I was a little bad there becasue I barked a lot when I got in the house. There were lots and lots of people. More than I have ever seen before in one spot! Mom got me and Dad situated in the sunroom though and I calmed down. That's when I got some Ham. Oh and a little kielbasa. With Mayo. I like Mayo. So does Dad! Dad gave me a potato piece too. I hope you had lots of Ham today!
Woof Woof Woof! FredDog!
April 4, 2015
Dear Terry, Lots going on here! Mom thinks you might be down in the dumps but I bet you laugh at all the things I have to tell you! First, the root cellar ceiling caved in one night. It's kindof outside but has a secret door in the basement. Then another part of it caved in and it broke the door down. Only Mom didn't know until Petey jumped in her lap late one night soaking wet. Mom investigated and Petey ran right outside in the pouring rain into the root cellar! He came right back though when Mom called him. And Mom made it safe so he couldn't do that again. Penny Cat was beside herself meowing and meowing all worried. Dad said the Fix It Man should be coming soon. THEN, Dad had his toe operated on because I couldn't fix one of his boo-boos. He was back the same day but he was all mixed up and he smelled like Hospital. He was still so mixed up the next day that Mom took him to Pap's house while she went to work. Grammy fed him good food and he slept. I wasn't allowed to go. But tomorrow I get to go!! Tomorrow is Ham Day. Mom says it is called Easter but I don't know why. Should be called Ham Day. Everyone will be there and everyone will give me HAM!! I like Ham. Oh! And earlier this week, Petey was helping Mom at the kitchen sink and he was looking out the window and WHIRRRRRRR. His tail made the soap dispenser go and he got soap all over his tail! Then he stuck his head under it to see what happened and he got soap on his head!! Mom said he smelled cranberry good after she got it all washed out! He sure was sudsy! I can't seem to stop chasing him. I try real hard to be like Newton but I really just can't help it!! Mom separates us a lot so that Dad can get sleep when he isn't feeling so good. Petey sleeps against the door and I sleep right on the other side so we know where the other one is. Unless Dad needs me then I sleep next to him. And Baseball is on TV! Me and Dad fall asleep a lot when the games come on. I like to listen to games. Sometimes I go over to the screen and watch close up!
If you are down in the dumps, I recommend Ham for both you and Newton! Yummy!
Love, FredDog
Dear Terry, Lots going on here! Mom thinks you might be down in the dumps but I bet you laugh at all the things I have to tell you! First, the root cellar ceiling caved in one night. It's kindof outside but has a secret door in the basement. Then another part of it caved in and it broke the door down. Only Mom didn't know until Petey jumped in her lap late one night soaking wet. Mom investigated and Petey ran right outside in the pouring rain into the root cellar! He came right back though when Mom called him. And Mom made it safe so he couldn't do that again. Penny Cat was beside herself meowing and meowing all worried. Dad said the Fix It Man should be coming soon. THEN, Dad had his toe operated on because I couldn't fix one of his boo-boos. He was back the same day but he was all mixed up and he smelled like Hospital. He was still so mixed up the next day that Mom took him to Pap's house while she went to work. Grammy fed him good food and he slept. I wasn't allowed to go. But tomorrow I get to go!! Tomorrow is Ham Day. Mom says it is called Easter but I don't know why. Should be called Ham Day. Everyone will be there and everyone will give me HAM!! I like Ham. Oh! And earlier this week, Petey was helping Mom at the kitchen sink and he was looking out the window and WHIRRRRRRR. His tail made the soap dispenser go and he got soap all over his tail! Then he stuck his head under it to see what happened and he got soap on his head!! Mom said he smelled cranberry good after she got it all washed out! He sure was sudsy! I can't seem to stop chasing him. I try real hard to be like Newton but I really just can't help it!! Mom separates us a lot so that Dad can get sleep when he isn't feeling so good. Petey sleeps against the door and I sleep right on the other side so we know where the other one is. Unless Dad needs me then I sleep next to him. And Baseball is on TV! Me and Dad fall asleep a lot when the games come on. I like to listen to games. Sometimes I go over to the screen and watch close up!
If you are down in the dumps, I recommend Ham for both you and Newton! Yummy!
Love, FredDog
March 29, 2015
Dear Terry, I've been busy! My birthday was March 27. It was snowing and all yucky out so Mom said we would celebrate yesterday! And we did! Mom calls it my birthday, it's really the day she adopted me. To celebrate, Mom and Dad sang me Happy Birthday and I howled along with them. Then Me and Mom went to the Dog Park! THE DOG PARK! How could there be so much fun in one place! I got to play with a big Labrador Retriever. We ran and ran until we both pooped out and Mom was frozen from standing in the cold wind. I was covered in mud and spit and I didn't care! Mom got me cleaned up in the car. And I got to drink from the bottle instead of my bowl. Water went everywhere! Mom laughed because I had made such a mess. When we got home, Dad had a peanut butter biscuit waiting for me! Then I pooped out. I couldn't move an inch. I woke up this morning. It was a great day.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I've been busy! My birthday was March 27. It was snowing and all yucky out so Mom said we would celebrate yesterday! And we did! Mom calls it my birthday, it's really the day she adopted me. To celebrate, Mom and Dad sang me Happy Birthday and I howled along with them. Then Me and Mom went to the Dog Park! THE DOG PARK! How could there be so much fun in one place! I got to play with a big Labrador Retriever. We ran and ran until we both pooped out and Mom was frozen from standing in the cold wind. I was covered in mud and spit and I didn't care! Mom got me cleaned up in the car. And I got to drink from the bottle instead of my bowl. Water went everywhere! Mom laughed because I had made such a mess. When we got home, Dad had a peanut butter biscuit waiting for me! Then I pooped out. I couldn't move an inch. I woke up this morning. It was a great day.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
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