December 30, 2014
Dear Terry, The New Year is coming! Mom says that I had better resolve to not chase Penny Cat. I said WHY??? It's fun! Mom said rethink that. Penny Cat hissed at me too. We had fun yesterday. She wanted to watch the birdies at the bird feeder in the big basement window. I sat on the couch and watched her watch the birdies. I was really quiet so I wouldn't make her all fluffy. I'm not allowed to make her fluffy. I did eat all her food. I didn't mean too. I only meant to take a nibble but she hardly has any food in her bucket like I do. It was a tasty little snack. But boy was she mad when she was hungry. Don't worry, Dad put food down for her and she was ok. Oh! and last night the deer came right in the driveway by the window and went down into the yard. I barked like a wild dog at them and then watched out the window while they ate grass in the yard.
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

December 28, 2014
Dear Terry, Yesterday was packed full of un for me, Mom and Dad. We went for a walk in the park. I showed Dad where I dug an hole and Mom filled it back up. I showed him the new bridge. I walked across it and back again so he would know it was safe. Dad got tired so we headed back to the car and I licked his face so he would feel better. Then we went and picked up a Movie! It was Movie Night in the house! I like Movie Nights. We all sit on the couch and eat popcorn! Mom made the super buttery kind. Mom doesn't give me as much popcorn as Dad does so I sit closer to Dad. I was pooped out by the end of the movie and fell asleep. I might have eaten too much popcorn!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday was packed full of un for me, Mom and Dad. We went for a walk in the park. I showed Dad where I dug an hole and Mom filled it back up. I showed him the new bridge. I walked across it and back again so he would know it was safe. Dad got tired so we headed back to the car and I licked his face so he would feel better. Then we went and picked up a Movie! It was Movie Night in the house! I like Movie Nights. We all sit on the couch and eat popcorn! Mom made the super buttery kind. Mom doesn't give me as much popcorn as Dad does so I sit closer to Dad. I was pooped out by the end of the movie and fell asleep. I might have eaten too much popcorn!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dec 26, 2015
Dear Terry! Merry Christmas! Boy was I busy yesterday! First Mom woke me up and made me run all around the house before I discovered that I had a present!! A good smelly Present! And Santa left me a good biscuit w peanut butter frosting and my Present was a big bag of penut butter & banana chewy cookies!!!! A whole bag! Can you imagine!? It was very exciting! THEN we went for a walk in the park and it started raining ice on us. It sounded all crackly. THEN we spent the day at Gram and Pap's! Grammy made a ham and I got to eat some snibbles and Dad shared his sandwich with me and I got to see more of Dad's family and I barked a whole lot and then I pooped out. When we got home I told PennyCat all about it and she said Meow Meow. Mom got her special turkey treats. I know they taste good because Mom dropped one on the floor and you know what that means! It's MINE! Yummy!
Hope you had a great Christmas like me and Mom and Dad.
Barks and Wags! FredDog!
Dear Terry! Merry Christmas! Boy was I busy yesterday! First Mom woke me up and made me run all around the house before I discovered that I had a present!! A good smelly Present! And Santa left me a good biscuit w peanut butter frosting and my Present was a big bag of penut butter & banana chewy cookies!!!! A whole bag! Can you imagine!? It was very exciting! THEN we went for a walk in the park and it started raining ice on us. It sounded all crackly. THEN we spent the day at Gram and Pap's! Grammy made a ham and I got to eat some snibbles and Dad shared his sandwich with me and I got to see more of Dad's family and I barked a whole lot and then I pooped out. When we got home I told PennyCat all about it and she said Meow Meow. Mom got her special turkey treats. I know they taste good because Mom dropped one on the floor and you know what that means! It's MINE! Yummy!
Hope you had a great Christmas like me and Mom and Dad.
Barks and Wags! FredDog!
December 22, 2014
Dear Terry, We are back from the trip to the birthday party! What Fun! I was so excited sometimes I couldn't stop barking or jumping on people so Mom had to put me in the laundry area until I could get calmed down again. I got to eat some chicken and bacon. No cake though because it was chocolate. Aunt Laura gave me some left over bacon. How great was that?? and Nolan gave me a WHOLE bag of treats! Well, not all at once. Mom showed him how to not let me grab the treats. Isometiems forget I have to be gentle taking food from people. Oh and I watched a groundhog all night long almost out the patio door. He was really fat. Aunt Sue had a really sparkly tree too. I slept all the way home I was so pooped OUT! It was really good to see everyone again! Oh and I even managed to sneak upstairs but Aunt Laura BUSTED ME! Woof!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
Dear Terry, We are back from the trip to the birthday party! What Fun! I was so excited sometimes I couldn't stop barking or jumping on people so Mom had to put me in the laundry area until I could get calmed down again. I got to eat some chicken and bacon. No cake though because it was chocolate. Aunt Laura gave me some left over bacon. How great was that?? and Nolan gave me a WHOLE bag of treats! Well, not all at once. Mom showed him how to not let me grab the treats. Isometiems forget I have to be gentle taking food from people. Oh and I watched a groundhog all night long almost out the patio door. He was really fat. Aunt Sue had a really sparkly tree too. I slept all the way home I was so pooped OUT! It was really good to see everyone again! Oh and I even managed to sneak upstairs but Aunt Laura BUSTED ME! Woof!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
Deember 16, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom went out today to run some errands. One of the errands was THE VET. Mom forgot to tell me that part. I had to get my nails trimmed and butt cleaned. I was good. I even met a German Shephard puppy. I was good because I don't want to be smelly for the nephews or scratch them by accident. It's Nolan's Birthday and we are going to go to his party. I like Birthday Parties. We always have lots of fun when we see Mom's Family. There will be cake and presents and all kinds of fun. Usually we go for a walk too and Mom will give Nolan the leash so me and him can walk together. I can't wait!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom went out today to run some errands. One of the errands was THE VET. Mom forgot to tell me that part. I had to get my nails trimmed and butt cleaned. I was good. I even met a German Shephard puppy. I was good because I don't want to be smelly for the nephews or scratch them by accident. It's Nolan's Birthday and we are going to go to his party. I like Birthday Parties. We always have lots of fun when we see Mom's Family. There will be cake and presents and all kinds of fun. Usually we go for a walk too and Mom will give Nolan the leash so me and him can walk together. I can't wait!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
December 13, 2014
Dear Santa, I'm so glad I got to meet you! It was a dream come true! Mom said I should write and explain the badness in the store so I'm not on the Bad List. I made a list of a few things I did in the store and I hope you can understand and still bring me those good biscuits again this year.
1. I'm sorry I peed on the store floor. I was a little excited to finally meet you in person. Sometimes I accidentally have accidents when I get too excited. I did say thank you to your helper when she cleaned it up.
2. I'm sorry I barked a whole lot at the other dogs and got everyone excited. Mom had to take me out of line to get me calmed down and I kindof peed again.
3. I'm sorry that I caused Mom to have to buy a big bag of treats to bribe me to be good. Well, Not too sorry 'cause they are good treats!
4. I'm sorry that I almost pulled over a whole display of shirts. One of the shirt sleeves surprised me and I grabbed it. I didn't mean to pull it so hard.
5. I'm sorry I might have pulled on your beard a little with my foot. I wanted to see if it was real. That was a good beard! And you did laugh pretty good about it!
6. I'm sorry I tried to grab a cookie off the treat table. It smelled really good and I did think the treats were for all of us. Mom said NO and I realized to late that they were only for the humans. Your Helpers said it was OK because other dogs did it too.
7. I'm sorry I almost knocked the camera over when we were done taking pictures. Picture Lady called my name and I got confused. I didn't mean to. Maybe cameras should have sturdier legs.
8. Most of all, I'm sorry I didn't say thank you for the really yummy biscuits you left me last year. The ones with the frosting and the sprinkles.
Hope this explains all the badness in the store and could you maybe put me back on the Good list?
Love Fred Dog
December 13, 2014
Dear Terry, Today Mom had someting special planned for me. She said it was a SURPRISE. All day long I wondered what it could be. New snacks maybe? She found my blanket maybe? It got dark outside but no SURPRISE. Mom must have forgotten. But then she grabbed the leash and said come on Fred! We have to go see your SURPRISE! It was dark out though. Me and Mom don't go anywhere in the dark??? But we did! We went to the Tractor Supply!! And as we got close to the magic doors that open on their own, I saw HIM. THE REAL SANTA CLAUS!!!! I stopped! Oh my GOSH it was SANTA! RIGHT THERE. FOR REAL. I ran right over to him. He had a bell and a bag and he had his special Santa suit on and he was scratching my ears and everything!! Mom said I get to have my picture taken with him! OH MY GOSH! There was a line so we had to wait. I barked a whole lot because all I wanted to do was see SANTA. I wanted to tell him thanks for the biscuits last year and the fun toys and good food and everything! Mom had to take me out of line a few times. But then it was MY TURN. He had a big chair so we could sit together. I had my Santa Bandana on and everything too.Then I got scared. He would know I was really bad in the store. I hung my head. Then I licked his face and hung my head some more. Then we had to go. Mom said I should write him a letter to explain the badness and everything would be ok. Mom is going to get the pictures later on. We made a donation too to help some kids get special toys all through the year.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today Mom had someting special planned for me. She said it was a SURPRISE. All day long I wondered what it could be. New snacks maybe? She found my blanket maybe? It got dark outside but no SURPRISE. Mom must have forgotten. But then she grabbed the leash and said come on Fred! We have to go see your SURPRISE! It was dark out though. Me and Mom don't go anywhere in the dark??? But we did! We went to the Tractor Supply!! And as we got close to the magic doors that open on their own, I saw HIM. THE REAL SANTA CLAUS!!!! I stopped! Oh my GOSH it was SANTA! RIGHT THERE. FOR REAL. I ran right over to him. He had a bell and a bag and he had his special Santa suit on and he was scratching my ears and everything!! Mom said I get to have my picture taken with him! OH MY GOSH! There was a line so we had to wait. I barked a whole lot because all I wanted to do was see SANTA. I wanted to tell him thanks for the biscuits last year and the fun toys and good food and everything! Mom had to take me out of line a few times. But then it was MY TURN. He had a big chair so we could sit together. I had my Santa Bandana on and everything too.Then I got scared. He would know I was really bad in the store. I hung my head. Then I licked his face and hung my head some more. Then we had to go. Mom said I should write him a letter to explain the badness and everything would be ok. Mom is going to get the pictures later on. We made a donation too to help some kids get special toys all through the year.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
December 10, 2014
Dear Terry, First, Mom said to tell you NO KITTIES were hurt. But something really terrible happened last night. Dad took a stink bug outside because we hate stink bugs. It was really late at night. He didn't know Penny Cat snuck outisde with him. Mom was asleep but she heard the door and got up. I knew right away something was wrong. Mom said Where is Penny?? Dad said I don't know I haven't seen her. Penny Cat always comes when Mom calls her. Penny didn't come. Mom got in a panic and her and Dad were calling her name. Mom opened the backdoor where Dad had gone out and Penny Cat ran in from the deck! Mom SCOOPED her up and got her warm right away. Penny Cat was meowing and meowing and head butting Mom. I was so scared Penny Cat was lost forever. Penny Cat was all frazzled and couldn't stop pacing around the kitchen. Once Mom got her all settled down and snuggled in with Dad to watch some TV, me and Mom went back to bed. Oh Terry. It was so scary. I'm so glad she was found!!
P.S. BRRRRR...Love Penny Cat.
Dear Terry, First, Mom said to tell you NO KITTIES were hurt. But something really terrible happened last night. Dad took a stink bug outside because we hate stink bugs. It was really late at night. He didn't know Penny Cat snuck outisde with him. Mom was asleep but she heard the door and got up. I knew right away something was wrong. Mom said Where is Penny?? Dad said I don't know I haven't seen her. Penny Cat always comes when Mom calls her. Penny didn't come. Mom got in a panic and her and Dad were calling her name. Mom opened the backdoor where Dad had gone out and Penny Cat ran in from the deck! Mom SCOOPED her up and got her warm right away. Penny Cat was meowing and meowing and head butting Mom. I was so scared Penny Cat was lost forever. Penny Cat was all frazzled and couldn't stop pacing around the kitchen. Once Mom got her all settled down and snuggled in with Dad to watch some TV, me and Mom went back to bed. Oh Terry. It was so scary. I'm so glad she was found!!
P.S. BRRRRR...Love Penny Cat.
December 9, 2014
Dear Terry, Something awful is in the house and it's under the Christmas tree. Dad set up... A TRAIN. I didn't know what that was. Mom told Dad to turn it on. And the scariest thing happened. It came to life and then all the lights in the neighborhood went out for a minute. Mom was laughing and Dad said OOPS but then they realized it was everyone not only us. Mom said COINICIDENCE? I THINK NOT! I didn't think it was funny at all. I saw that train come to life. When the lights came back on, Dad made it go again and I couldn't stop barking at it and I was real upset and I kept charging it and it kept going round n' round. And Mom was trying to get me calmed down so I could just watch it but NO WAY. So I started to charge at it again. But it still wouldn't stop! Dad was trying to calm me down too. Then I attacked it. Mom said ENOUGH. Here's a picture of me attacking it. It's kindof blurry because I ran Mom over. Mom said it would be FUN. Dad said it would be GREAT. How could they have lied to me??? It was so scary!!! At least when I attacked it, it stopped.
P.S. Penny Cat here. That Fred is a Nut. He was barking like a lunatic at the train. He's never seen a train before since Dad has them on a table above his head. This one is on the floor and I thought he was going to lose his mind. I'm going to turn it on when he doesn't suspect and make it go to scare the crap out of him. That will teach him to chase me! Meow Meow, Penny Cat.
Dear Terry, Something awful is in the house and it's under the Christmas tree. Dad set up... A TRAIN. I didn't know what that was. Mom told Dad to turn it on. And the scariest thing happened. It came to life and then all the lights in the neighborhood went out for a minute. Mom was laughing and Dad said OOPS but then they realized it was everyone not only us. Mom said COINICIDENCE? I THINK NOT! I didn't think it was funny at all. I saw that train come to life. When the lights came back on, Dad made it go again and I couldn't stop barking at it and I was real upset and I kept charging it and it kept going round n' round. And Mom was trying to get me calmed down so I could just watch it but NO WAY. So I started to charge at it again. But it still wouldn't stop! Dad was trying to calm me down too. Then I attacked it. Mom said ENOUGH. Here's a picture of me attacking it. It's kindof blurry because I ran Mom over. Mom said it would be FUN. Dad said it would be GREAT. How could they have lied to me??? It was so scary!!! At least when I attacked it, it stopped.
P.S. Penny Cat here. That Fred is a Nut. He was barking like a lunatic at the train. He's never seen a train before since Dad has them on a table above his head. This one is on the floor and I thought he was going to lose his mind. I'm going to turn it on when he doesn't suspect and make it go to scare the crap out of him. That will teach him to chase me! Meow Meow, Penny Cat.
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Me Attacking the Train |
December 6, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess what Mom did for me!? I lost my blanket. I'm usually pretty good at remembering where I put all my toys and blanket but I lost my blanket. I still had my bed but no blanket! I can't lay in my bed without my blanket. Mom said Stop Worrying Fred! I've got a special towel just for you! Oh my gosh it was very exciting, a TOWEL! I chewed on it to make sure it was a good one. Yup it was! Mom folded it and put it on my bed and I sat on it to make sure it was really a good one. Yup it was! Then I wanted to put it on the couch, Mom moved it for me. I sat on it again to make sure she had it just right. Yup she did! I still hope she finds my blanket for me but The Towel seems to be working out pretty good! What a great day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Guess what Mom did for me!? I lost my blanket. I'm usually pretty good at remembering where I put all my toys and blanket but I lost my blanket. I still had my bed but no blanket! I can't lay in my bed without my blanket. Mom said Stop Worrying Fred! I've got a special towel just for you! Oh my gosh it was very exciting, a TOWEL! I chewed on it to make sure it was a good one. Yup it was! Mom folded it and put it on my bed and I sat on it to make sure it was really a good one. Yup it was! Then I wanted to put it on the couch, Mom moved it for me. I sat on it again to make sure she had it just right. Yup she did! I still hope she finds my blanket for me but The Towel seems to be working out pretty good! What a great day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
December 3, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom's been working late and coming home late. I'm all messed up again. Last night I was barking so hard through the window that neighbor lady Becky thought I was outside and said Hi Freddie! Ooops. Well, I was excited, Mom was coming down the driveway. Mom said she heard me from the road. Mom said you and Joe are coming to visit!! I can hardly wait! I mix up all the days so Mom will tell me the day of when you are coming. She said you would give me lots of pets and kisses. I hope so ! I haven't seen you in a very long time! This is going to be super exciting! I can show you all my toys and the tree and you can meet Santa. He's upstairs now. I hope PennyCat comes out for you too. She doesn't like it when I bark so I will try to bark softly. I can't WAITTT!!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
December 1, 2014
Dear Terry, Boy did I have some fun this weekend! Me and Mom went for a walk in the park. We were there forever and ever smelling smells. Then we went to the tractor store. There were so many people there! I did good though. I walked through a maze of shopping carts, people, dollies and displays. Oh and there were PUPPIES everywhere! They were all barking so I went over and barked too and they all stopped barking and looked at me and everyone laughed! They were getting shots. And the tractor store had the oddest things! Stuffed horses. At first I thought they were dogs like me. Same size same shape as me. But they smelled like my Pal Spot. Mom said they were kid toys only they stood up and rocked. Mom said they were rocking horses. I made all of them rock. Then we were standing in line for awhile and there was a grumpy man in line too. I went over to him to cheer him up . I wagged and wagged and barked at him until he put all his stuff down and started laughing and gave me a good pet. He wasn't so grumpy then. Cashier lady gave me a treat too! And yesterday I was outside a bunch. Then inside a bunch too because Dad was putting up the Christmas Tree! It's a new one this year. As Mom says, Fresh from the Box! Real pine trees make Mom sneeze. I can't wait for Dad to get all the sparkly lights on it! He said we can do that today. I bet Penny Cat comes to help too. She can't resist a good tree to climb in!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Boy did I have some fun this weekend! Me and Mom went for a walk in the park. We were there forever and ever smelling smells. Then we went to the tractor store. There were so many people there! I did good though. I walked through a maze of shopping carts, people, dollies and displays. Oh and there were PUPPIES everywhere! They were all barking so I went over and barked too and they all stopped barking and looked at me and everyone laughed! They were getting shots. And the tractor store had the oddest things! Stuffed horses. At first I thought they were dogs like me. Same size same shape as me. But they smelled like my Pal Spot. Mom said they were kid toys only they stood up and rocked. Mom said they were rocking horses. I made all of them rock. Then we were standing in line for awhile and there was a grumpy man in line too. I went over to him to cheer him up . I wagged and wagged and barked at him until he put all his stuff down and started laughing and gave me a good pet. He wasn't so grumpy then. Cashier lady gave me a treat too! And yesterday I was outside a bunch. Then inside a bunch too because Dad was putting up the Christmas Tree! It's a new one this year. As Mom says, Fresh from the Box! Real pine trees make Mom sneeze. I can't wait for Dad to get all the sparkly lights on it! He said we can do that today. I bet Penny Cat comes to help too. She can't resist a good tree to climb in!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
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