November 27, 2014
Dear Terry, What a day! Happy Thanksgiving! Me and Mom got up early to get things started! You know today is the day we get to eat TURKEY!! Me and Penny both will get a plate with turkey and taters and gravy! Mom says if I'm good I might even get STUFFING. First thing we did was get things ready for the animals outside. We threw out the apples down into the yard for the deer, raccons and opssums and whoever else might like them. Then we made sure the birdies had food. Mom threw out some old bread and crackers for them too. Mom got the turkey going. I was right there by her side. Smells like a good one and it's not even cooked yet! Oh and Mom made some pumpkin pie rice pudding. I helped too. I got to lick the pumpkin spoon! Mom's going to make a pie too. Mom even set the table with all the breakables. I'm not allowed to touch those. Then after all that was done, Mom got my leash and said come on Fred! And guess what!? We went out in the snow to the park! We walked all around. We hadn't been able to go for walks since Mom was sick. She's OK now so we had a great time in all the snow. Big flakes coming down that I could catch on my tongue. But then it started snowing realllly hard so we called it quits and went back to the Jeep and got warmed up and headed home. Dad's sleeping. I can tell he is sick like Mom was. Mom has him all bundled up in the big blanket. I'm going to lay down with him to make sure he stays warm. He can't miss the big meal! Although...that could mean more turkey for me!! WOOF!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

November 23, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom is feeling better today. Guess what we did! We went for a ride in the Jeep. Mom drove to the hamburger palace so I could get a sausage sandwich. Yummy! Then we had to get gas and as we were almost to the gas station, GUESS WHAT! I saw Santa!!! Oh yes I did! He had his red suit on and everything! I was so excited to see him that I stood up against the window and started barking at him! Mom saw him too! Santa waved at me so I barked back at him! Mom said he was having a pancake breakfast. I like pancakes. Mom said it was to help raise money so everyone can have a Christmas Present. I like presents too. Mom said I better get working on my list.
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
P.S. PennyCat here. Dear Santa, all Fred needs is a lump of coal. He still chases me. Better yet, give me the lump of coal and I can drop it on his head when he barks. I thought he was going to bark his feet off when he got back in the house today! Meow Meow, PennyCat
Dear Terry, Mom is feeling better today. Guess what we did! We went for a ride in the Jeep. Mom drove to the hamburger palace so I could get a sausage sandwich. Yummy! Then we had to get gas and as we were almost to the gas station, GUESS WHAT! I saw Santa!!! Oh yes I did! He had his red suit on and everything! I was so excited to see him that I stood up against the window and started barking at him! Mom saw him too! Santa waved at me so I barked back at him! Mom said he was having a pancake breakfast. I like pancakes. Mom said it was to help raise money so everyone can have a Christmas Present. I like presents too. Mom said I better get working on my list.
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
P.S. PennyCat here. Dear Santa, all Fred needs is a lump of coal. He still chases me. Better yet, give me the lump of coal and I can drop it on his head when he barks. I thought he was going to bark his feet off when he got back in the house today! Meow Meow, PennyCat
November 22, 2014
Dear Terry, Sorry it's been so long since I wrote to you. Mom's been so sick all week long. She's been coughing really bad and she went to the doctors two times! I've been worried. Dad left yesterday to be go on a trip with Pap and Grammy. Mom was supposed to go but she was too sick. Dad told me to take good care of her. I have been. I have stayed right by her side the whole entire week. When she gets cold I lay right down on top of her and we snuggle in the blankets together. When she goes to the bathroom, I sit outside the door and wait and then walk her back to the bed. I'm being real good too so she doesn't have to worry about me and PennyCat. PennyCat has been very watchful too. If I fall asleep PennyCat is there to keep an eye on things. Dad talked to me on the phone and told me to keep up the good work he would be home soon. Sometimes Mom sleeps so deep I can't tell if she is ok or not so I have to wake her up to make sure things are OK. I lick her face until she moves and then I let her go back to sleep. I haven't eaten too much since Mom's been sick. Mom's not eating too much either so I gave her my favorite pig ear. I put it right on her chest while she was sleeping so she would see it as soon as she woke up. Boy did I get some good pets for that! I think she is doing better today though. I wish she was all the way better though so we can play ball again.
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Sorry it's been so long since I wrote to you. Mom's been so sick all week long. She's been coughing really bad and she went to the doctors two times! I've been worried. Dad left yesterday to be go on a trip with Pap and Grammy. Mom was supposed to go but she was too sick. Dad told me to take good care of her. I have been. I have stayed right by her side the whole entire week. When she gets cold I lay right down on top of her and we snuggle in the blankets together. When she goes to the bathroom, I sit outside the door and wait and then walk her back to the bed. I'm being real good too so she doesn't have to worry about me and PennyCat. PennyCat has been very watchful too. If I fall asleep PennyCat is there to keep an eye on things. Dad talked to me on the phone and told me to keep up the good work he would be home soon. Sometimes Mom sleeps so deep I can't tell if she is ok or not so I have to wake her up to make sure things are OK. I lick her face until she moves and then I let her go back to sleep. I haven't eaten too much since Mom's been sick. Mom's not eating too much either so I gave her my favorite pig ear. I put it right on her chest while she was sleeping so she would see it as soon as she woke up. Boy did I get some good pets for that! I think she is doing better today though. I wish she was all the way better though so we can play ball again.
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
November 13, 2014
Dear Terry, Did you see it did you see it??? I saw it! SNOW! Where was Mom?? I ran looking for her but then remembered she was at work. Where was Dad?? Asleep! I woke him up! That was no easy task let me tell you. All I could think of was SNOW!! I went flying though the house, PennyCat went running. She doesn't get exited about snow like I do! Dad said what's all the commotion about Fred! So I showed him SNOW! and he said, SNOW! I barked and barked at it. If Mom had been home I bet we would have gone out to play in it. When Mom got home I told her all about it. She said, Don't worry Fred, there will be plenty more snow that we can play in. Mom's always right so I know there is more snow coming soon! Woof!
Barks and More Barks! FredDog.
Dear Terry, Did you see it did you see it??? I saw it! SNOW! Where was Mom?? I ran looking for her but then remembered she was at work. Where was Dad?? Asleep! I woke him up! That was no easy task let me tell you. All I could think of was SNOW!! I went flying though the house, PennyCat went running. She doesn't get exited about snow like I do! Dad said what's all the commotion about Fred! So I showed him SNOW! and he said, SNOW! I barked and barked at it. If Mom had been home I bet we would have gone out to play in it. When Mom got home I told her all about it. She said, Don't worry Fred, there will be plenty more snow that we can play in. Mom's always right so I know there is more snow coming soon! Woof!
Barks and More Barks! FredDog.
November 11, 2014
Dear Steve, What a day for you! Mom said, take a minute Fred and think of Steve and the work he did. I was a little confused at first because Mom said he was a Vet. I thought V-E-T, like an animal doctor. I was thinking, maybe I didn't know that Steve so good. Mom saw how worried I was and said NO like a VETERAN. Well, that made all the difference! Why didn't Mom just say you are important! Dad said he's very proud to know that you had served. Next time I see you I'm going to give you lots of barks, wags, licks and kisses.
Thanks Steve! Lots of Love, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. FredDog is a nut. Mom got him all wound up and worried when he thought she said the V word. I ran and hid again in case he foamed at the mouth. Luckily, Mom nipped that in the bud and got his goofy butt calmed down so I could come out again. Why can't he be calm! Mom says it's because he is high strung. That must mean he's got a screw loose. I slept on his blanket and moved his toys again so that might have added to the unrest in his head....Meow Meow, PennyCat!
Dear Steve, What a day for you! Mom said, take a minute Fred and think of Steve and the work he did. I was a little confused at first because Mom said he was a Vet. I thought V-E-T, like an animal doctor. I was thinking, maybe I didn't know that Steve so good. Mom saw how worried I was and said NO like a VETERAN. Well, that made all the difference! Why didn't Mom just say you are important! Dad said he's very proud to know that you had served. Next time I see you I'm going to give you lots of barks, wags, licks and kisses.
Thanks Steve! Lots of Love, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. FredDog is a nut. Mom got him all wound up and worried when he thought she said the V word. I ran and hid again in case he foamed at the mouth. Luckily, Mom nipped that in the bud and got his goofy butt calmed down so I could come out again. Why can't he be calm! Mom says it's because he is high strung. That must mean he's got a screw loose. I slept on his blanket and moved his toys again so that might have added to the unrest in his head....Meow Meow, PennyCat!
November 10, 2014
Dear Terry, What a weekend! Me and Mom did everything together! I helped a whole lot. We cleaned up the deck and put stuff away. I help with the giant tarp she put over everything. I barked at the birdies to keep them away while we worked. After all that hard work we took a big walk in the park. You would think I would be tired after all that but I wasn't! So me and Mom went to the Tractor Supply store and walked everywhere in the store we could. I watched a man at the chains. He was pulling a giant chain and it was piling up on the floor. Clink clink clink. I woofed at him so he knew I was watching. He scratched my ears for me! The people in line were really friendly to me too. Lots of pets from some kids. My tail was really wagging. I got free treats from Cashier Lady. And I waved bye - bye to everyone! Then I helped Mom make some dinner when we got home. Talked to Penny for a little bit. Enjoyed some time out on the deck. Then I don't know what happened. One minute I was watching TV in mom's lap, next thing I know I woke up a long time later! I must have zonked out. Mom had to wake me up to go outside before bedtime. Mom was limping because her leg was asleep. Sunday, me and Mom and Dad all cooked stuff in the kitchen. Penny wasn't around because I scared her by barking at her. Sometimes I just can't help myself! Then tonight when Mom got home, we went outside like always and guess what! The Neighbors were on their ROOF! They had flashlights and a string of lights. Christmas lights!! I barked and told them that Santa was in our basement! I like all the sparkly lights.
Hope you had a good weekend like we did!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, What a weekend! Me and Mom did everything together! I helped a whole lot. We cleaned up the deck and put stuff away. I help with the giant tarp she put over everything. I barked at the birdies to keep them away while we worked. After all that hard work we took a big walk in the park. You would think I would be tired after all that but I wasn't! So me and Mom went to the Tractor Supply store and walked everywhere in the store we could. I watched a man at the chains. He was pulling a giant chain and it was piling up on the floor. Clink clink clink. I woofed at him so he knew I was watching. He scratched my ears for me! The people in line were really friendly to me too. Lots of pets from some kids. My tail was really wagging. I got free treats from Cashier Lady. And I waved bye - bye to everyone! Then I helped Mom make some dinner when we got home. Talked to Penny for a little bit. Enjoyed some time out on the deck. Then I don't know what happened. One minute I was watching TV in mom's lap, next thing I know I woke up a long time later! I must have zonked out. Mom had to wake me up to go outside before bedtime. Mom was limping because her leg was asleep. Sunday, me and Mom and Dad all cooked stuff in the kitchen. Penny wasn't around because I scared her by barking at her. Sometimes I just can't help myself! Then tonight when Mom got home, we went outside like always and guess what! The Neighbors were on their ROOF! They had flashlights and a string of lights. Christmas lights!! I barked and told them that Santa was in our basement! I like all the sparkly lights.
Hope you had a good weekend like we did!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Novemeber 8, 2014
Dear Terry, Did you see the snow yesterday?!! I ran and got Mom right away as soon as I heard the first flake fall! She was in the kitchen. I ran barking to tell her but she wasn't coming fast enough to see. I pawed at her leg. She hurried after me and we watched it snow out the front window together. What excitement that was! Me and Mom do almost everything together you know. Watching snowflakes is one of our favorite things to do! Sometimes we go out on the deck and look up in the sky and laugh as all the snow comes down on our heads. Mom did take me outside in the snow but I wasn't able to catch any snowflakes on my tongue. I tried too. Maybe next time. Mom said don't worry Freddie, there will be more snow coming for sure! I wonder when!?
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Did you see the snow yesterday?!! I ran and got Mom right away as soon as I heard the first flake fall! She was in the kitchen. I ran barking to tell her but she wasn't coming fast enough to see. I pawed at her leg. She hurried after me and we watched it snow out the front window together. What excitement that was! Me and Mom do almost everything together you know. Watching snowflakes is one of our favorite things to do! Sometimes we go out on the deck and look up in the sky and laugh as all the snow comes down on our heads. Mom did take me outside in the snow but I wasn't able to catch any snowflakes on my tongue. I tried too. Maybe next time. Mom said don't worry Freddie, there will be more snow coming for sure! I wonder when!?
Love and Woofs, FredDog
November 5, 2014
Dear Terry, I've been all mixed up this week. Sometimes Mom is here. Sometimes she leaves and comes back then leaves for work. Sometimes Dad leaves then comes back. I can't keep up! So I bark. And I've been kindof bad too. I bark a lot. And I made PennyCat all fluffy. Mom's been trying to help me to be good again. I got a new chew stick. I run and get that when I am really mixed up and chew and chew and chew. I think when I chew like that. Then I'm not so mixed up. And Mom's been teaching me the names of all my toys. Mom even sings the Name Game Song to me. Then we play ball. Last night I couldn't calm down though so I started chewing on my feet. Mom knew just what to do - she got some Snacks and I had to do my tricks and I forgot all about chewing on my foot. Then I ripped all the covers off the bed. What fun! FREDDDDDDD. oops. Mom was cold! Mom says things will settle down but I have to remain CALM. Easier said than done! Hope you aren't having a mixed up week like me!
Love and Woofs, FreddieFreddieFoFreddieFeeFiFoFreddie...Freddie! Woof!
Dear Terry, I've been all mixed up this week. Sometimes Mom is here. Sometimes she leaves and comes back then leaves for work. Sometimes Dad leaves then comes back. I can't keep up! So I bark. And I've been kindof bad too. I bark a lot. And I made PennyCat all fluffy. Mom's been trying to help me to be good again. I got a new chew stick. I run and get that when I am really mixed up and chew and chew and chew. I think when I chew like that. Then I'm not so mixed up. And Mom's been teaching me the names of all my toys. Mom even sings the Name Game Song to me. Then we play ball. Last night I couldn't calm down though so I started chewing on my feet. Mom knew just what to do - she got some Snacks and I had to do my tricks and I forgot all about chewing on my foot. Then I ripped all the covers off the bed. What fun! FREDDDDDDD. oops. Mom was cold! Mom says things will settle down but I have to remain CALM. Easier said than done! Hope you aren't having a mixed up week like me!
Love and Woofs, FreddieFreddieFoFreddieFeeFiFoFreddie...Freddie! Woof!
November 2, 2014
Dear Terry, Yesterday I went Trick or Treating! Mom put my skeleton costume on me. I thought maybe she had forgotten about the bat ears but she didn't. Woof. Me and Mom and Dad all went to Grammy and Pap's house!! At first I couldn't find either one! I found Katie but still couldn't find them. I barked and barked. FINALLY Grammy came out and I ran right over barking to her. Me and Mom split a piece of bread. Mom was dipping it in soup Grammy was making. Yummy! Then Pap came in the room and I barked even more! After all the excitement, Me and Mom and Dad all went to the Car-Hop Burger Palace. Mom has to park backwards when we go there. That made Dad laugh a whole lot. Do you know that they make special burgers there JUST for dogs like me??? Mom got me one. What a good time! When we got home it was really cold so me and Dad laid down for a nap under the big blanket.
Hope you had a good Halloween,
Love and Woofs FredDog
P.S. PennyCat told me that since Halloween is over, Santa is right around the corner. I said no he's not, he's in the basement where Mom took him so I would stop barking at him. Maybe I should start to be really good though? Just in case.
Dear Terry, Yesterday I went Trick or Treating! Mom put my skeleton costume on me. I thought maybe she had forgotten about the bat ears but she didn't. Woof. Me and Mom and Dad all went to Grammy and Pap's house!! At first I couldn't find either one! I found Katie but still couldn't find them. I barked and barked. FINALLY Grammy came out and I ran right over barking to her. Me and Mom split a piece of bread. Mom was dipping it in soup Grammy was making. Yummy! Then Pap came in the room and I barked even more! After all the excitement, Me and Mom and Dad all went to the Car-Hop Burger Palace. Mom has to park backwards when we go there. That made Dad laugh a whole lot. Do you know that they make special burgers there JUST for dogs like me??? Mom got me one. What a good time! When we got home it was really cold so me and Dad laid down for a nap under the big blanket.
Hope you had a good Halloween,
Love and Woofs FredDog
P.S. PennyCat told me that since Halloween is over, Santa is right around the corner. I said no he's not, he's in the basement where Mom took him so I would stop barking at him. Maybe I should start to be really good though? Just in case.
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