October 30, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom says that you invited me to the PetExpo. I don't know what that is. Mom says there are lots of people and dogs and cats there. It's in the City. The only thing I know about the City is that is where people play baseball. Mom's not sure about taking me. I do really good in the woods. Maybe not so good in the City. I'm scared of cars. Mom said we might try an experiment this weekend to see how I would do in the City. I hope I do good because it would be great to see you!
This morning I woke Mom up really early. Mr Bunny was right under the window!! Then I heard Jimmy barking across the creek. He hasn't busted loose in awhile but he sounds OK, so I barked back. Then the wind blew all the leaves around in the driveway and I barked some more. FREDDDD!!! Mom made me lay back down. Since I was up, I played with the covers. All of them! Until Mom had no covers! FREDDDDDD!!! OK OK! I stopped playing with the covers. The pillows were a lot of fun until...FREDDDDDDD!! Mom finally got up! I barked I was so excited! That woke Dad up too. PennyCat was sleeping on the table and she woke up! Finally we got the day started! Dad said he will play some ball and tricks with me today. Mom said I hope so because I need some sleep!
Barks and More Barks! FredDog
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

October 27, 2014
Dear Terry, Today I had a scary. I heard noise and I didn't know what was going on. Dad was asleep! I tried to wake him up but he was snoring. I stuck my head under the couch as far as it would go, I was really scared. Only my nose fits under the couch but it made me feel less scared. Dad woke up and said Fred! What's wrong?? And he laid down on the floor with me and put his arm around me until I wasn't so scared anymore. Dad didn't hear anything but he can't hear like I can. Mom says he is selectively hard of hearing. I don't know what that is but he sure didn't hear what I heard. As soon as Mom got home Dad told her all about it. I did do something good today. I waved Bye Byes to Grammy! She was leaving and stopped her car right by the front door and I waved Bye Byes! but she didn't see me cause I'm short and part of the door blocked what she could see. Dad was real proud of me! Mom gave me a super good treat when she heard that! She picked it out special from the Treat Box.
Hope you had a good day,
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today I had a scary. I heard noise and I didn't know what was going on. Dad was asleep! I tried to wake him up but he was snoring. I stuck my head under the couch as far as it would go, I was really scared. Only my nose fits under the couch but it made me feel less scared. Dad woke up and said Fred! What's wrong?? And he laid down on the floor with me and put his arm around me until I wasn't so scared anymore. Dad didn't hear anything but he can't hear like I can. Mom says he is selectively hard of hearing. I don't know what that is but he sure didn't hear what I heard. As soon as Mom got home Dad told her all about it. I did do something good today. I waved Bye Byes to Grammy! She was leaving and stopped her car right by the front door and I waved Bye Byes! but she didn't see me cause I'm short and part of the door blocked what she could see. Dad was real proud of me! Mom gave me a super good treat when she heard that! She picked it out special from the Treat Box.
Hope you had a good day,
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 26, 2014
Dear Terry, Boy am I tired out! Yesterday me and Mom did everything together. We started cleaning off the deck for winter time. Then we cleaned inside. Mom and me ran errands together too. But the day was too nice to keep working the whole day. So Mom took me over to the Puppy Park again!!! No weirdos this time! Good friendly dogs were there and a police man. He brought his dog. She wasn't a police dog and she ran really fast. Mom let me play on the big dog side. I ran and ran and ran. Then I would run back to Mom and then take off running some more! Sometimes I ran so far away I couldn't see Mom and I would come racing back barking and barking. When we got home from the Puppy Park, Mom and Dad made picnic food and we had a picnic! Dad made everything on the Cheeseburger Machine. Hot dogs and of course Cheeseburgers!! I was so tired I couldn't even make it all the way into my bed. Today I was busy again helping Mom. We inspected the yard this morning. Front and Back. I helped her make Cupcakes. Carrot Cupcakes. I like Carrots. Me and Mom worked on the deck again. Only Mom worked harder than me. I fell asleep by accident in the sun. I'm already in my bed. I'm going to sleep all night long. Mom said I HOPE SO!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Boy am I tired out! Yesterday me and Mom did everything together. We started cleaning off the deck for winter time. Then we cleaned inside. Mom and me ran errands together too. But the day was too nice to keep working the whole day. So Mom took me over to the Puppy Park again!!! No weirdos this time! Good friendly dogs were there and a police man. He brought his dog. She wasn't a police dog and she ran really fast. Mom let me play on the big dog side. I ran and ran and ran. Then I would run back to Mom and then take off running some more! Sometimes I ran so far away I couldn't see Mom and I would come racing back barking and barking. When we got home from the Puppy Park, Mom and Dad made picnic food and we had a picnic! Dad made everything on the Cheeseburger Machine. Hot dogs and of course Cheeseburgers!! I was so tired I couldn't even make it all the way into my bed. Today I was busy again helping Mom. We inspected the yard this morning. Front and Back. I helped her make Cupcakes. Carrot Cupcakes. I like Carrots. Me and Mom worked on the deck again. Only Mom worked harder than me. I fell asleep by accident in the sun. I'm already in my bed. I'm going to sleep all night long. Mom said I HOPE SO!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
October 23, 2014
Dear Terry, Crazy stuff going on around here! Last night when Mom got home, we played ball and watched TV until Mom fell asleep. But I wasn't tired even though everyone else was sleeping so I woke Mom up and tried to get her to play. That didn't work, so I decided to play with the blankets by myself. What fun! Then I barked out the windows, I don't know why, but it was fun too so I barked some more! I did sleep a little bit but then the Sun came up! I woke Mom up right away to tell her. She finally got up and we started the morning chores. Something was wrong!! HEY! Someone had been sleeping in MY blanket! Penny Cat!!! I barked a whole lot about that! I ran to find PennyCat but she was hiding. HUMMPH. Then the men came to work on the road and there were big trucks and people and beeping and loud noises. I ran into the bedroom but the curtains were in the way! Mom came to the rescue though and opened the curtains so I could see what they were doing. I barked at them too. Mom said I've been cooped up too long in the house and we went for a walk! Mom said she walked the feet right off of me. I sure was tired when we got back to the car. It was a good walk though! We saw lots of birds and the Mallard Family was out swimming on the pond. I barked at them and they quacked at me! The big tall water bird with the flappy wings was there too. We even went to the store after that and bought Dad a paper. I'm really tired now. I'm laying down on my blanket but I rearranged it so I have a spot to sleep on and Penny has a spot too.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. PennyCat here. That Crazy Fred finally left his blanket out and I rolled all over it, like he does with my blanket. And I moved it. I know that makes him crazy when his stuff isn't where he left it. He tried to find me but I was hiding up high from him. I think I might do it again tonight. Mom says I'm instigating. That must mean that I did a good thing! Meow Meow, PennyCat!
Dear Terry, Crazy stuff going on around here! Last night when Mom got home, we played ball and watched TV until Mom fell asleep. But I wasn't tired even though everyone else was sleeping so I woke Mom up and tried to get her to play. That didn't work, so I decided to play with the blankets by myself. What fun! Then I barked out the windows, I don't know why, but it was fun too so I barked some more! I did sleep a little bit but then the Sun came up! I woke Mom up right away to tell her. She finally got up and we started the morning chores. Something was wrong!! HEY! Someone had been sleeping in MY blanket! Penny Cat!!! I barked a whole lot about that! I ran to find PennyCat but she was hiding. HUMMPH. Then the men came to work on the road and there were big trucks and people and beeping and loud noises. I ran into the bedroom but the curtains were in the way! Mom came to the rescue though and opened the curtains so I could see what they were doing. I barked at them too. Mom said I've been cooped up too long in the house and we went for a walk! Mom said she walked the feet right off of me. I sure was tired when we got back to the car. It was a good walk though! We saw lots of birds and the Mallard Family was out swimming on the pond. I barked at them and they quacked at me! The big tall water bird with the flappy wings was there too. We even went to the store after that and bought Dad a paper. I'm really tired now. I'm laying down on my blanket but I rearranged it so I have a spot to sleep on and Penny has a spot too.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. PennyCat here. That Crazy Fred finally left his blanket out and I rolled all over it, like he does with my blanket. And I moved it. I know that makes him crazy when his stuff isn't where he left it. He tried to find me but I was hiding up high from him. I think I might do it again tonight. Mom says I'm instigating. That must mean that I did a good thing! Meow Meow, PennyCat!
October 21, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom were going to go for a walk today. It's raining. Kindof ruined everything. Mom even had the leash out. So I laid down to think. Hmmm What to do on a rainy day. I know! I ran and pulled my blanket off my bed. It's the big one. I dragged it into the kitchen. Then I hurried up and got my scrap of bone from under the couch. Just the thing for a rainy day! This was going to be so much fun! I hide the scrap in the blanket, shake the blanket up real good and then the bone comes flying out and lands somewhere! I played until I was out of breath. Whew! Maybe tomorrow me and Mom can go for a walk. I'm going to take a nap now after all that fun!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom were going to go for a walk today. It's raining. Kindof ruined everything. Mom even had the leash out. So I laid down to think. Hmmm What to do on a rainy day. I know! I ran and pulled my blanket off my bed. It's the big one. I dragged it into the kitchen. Then I hurried up and got my scrap of bone from under the couch. Just the thing for a rainy day! This was going to be so much fun! I hide the scrap in the blanket, shake the blanket up real good and then the bone comes flying out and lands somewhere! I played until I was out of breath. Whew! Maybe tomorrow me and Mom can go for a walk. I'm going to take a nap now after all that fun!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 19, 2014
Dear Terry, Dad's Home! He still has a bum foot but that didn't matter! He was still able to play ball with me just like Mom said! In honor of him coming home, I dug out my pig ear that I had put in my special hiding spot, and brought it out to eat right on his foot. It doesn't get any better than that! Dad took a nap after awhile. I was right there to watch him breathe. I kept touching him with my nose to make sure he was still ok. When Dad woke up we played the blanket game and then we played the tunnel game and it was great fun! As soon as I woke up this morning I ran and found Dad and made sure he was OK. He was! Whew! Because I had kind of dozed off last night after all the excitment!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Dad's Home! He still has a bum foot but that didn't matter! He was still able to play ball with me just like Mom said! In honor of him coming home, I dug out my pig ear that I had put in my special hiding spot, and brought it out to eat right on his foot. It doesn't get any better than that! Dad took a nap after awhile. I was right there to watch him breathe. I kept touching him with my nose to make sure he was still ok. When Dad woke up we played the blanket game and then we played the tunnel game and it was great fun! As soon as I woke up this morning I ran and found Dad and made sure he was OK. He was! Whew! Because I had kind of dozed off last night after all the excitment!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 17, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom took a field trip today! First, we took care of PennyCat. She was hungry. I always help Mom make up her food bowl. I get to lick the spoon clean of smooshie food. Yum! Then me and Mom went outside and it was all windy and leaves were blowing all around. That always makes me act silly. Mom said I have an idea Fred! We went back inside and she grabbed her keys and away we went! Nature Park here we come! Oh the leaves were really blowing all around there! I was jumping and snapping at them, trying to catch them. What fun! We walked all through the mud and the leaves. We had acorns fall on our heads too when a big gust of wind blew through the trees. It was great! After all that excitement, Mom turned the wrong way out of the park! I thought for sure we were going to the Tractor Supply store. Nope, we drove right past it. Mom took a new to me road and we ended up at the Burger Palace for some breakfast! Then of all things, I heard Dad's voice in the car! I've been missing Dad since his bum foot has him at the Hospital again. Mom's been keeping me busy with all kinds of stuff to do. I still miss Dad. Mom says he will come home soon. I hope so. Yesterday, I collected all my toys - Spot, Mr. Bubbles, chew stick, Yellow Puppy, the special balls from Grammy, my blanket and Dad's blanket and put them all in my bed. That way Dad will know where to find all of them. When he comes home, Mom said he will play games with me for sure! I'm Ready!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom took a field trip today! First, we took care of PennyCat. She was hungry. I always help Mom make up her food bowl. I get to lick the spoon clean of smooshie food. Yum! Then me and Mom went outside and it was all windy and leaves were blowing all around. That always makes me act silly. Mom said I have an idea Fred! We went back inside and she grabbed her keys and away we went! Nature Park here we come! Oh the leaves were really blowing all around there! I was jumping and snapping at them, trying to catch them. What fun! We walked all through the mud and the leaves. We had acorns fall on our heads too when a big gust of wind blew through the trees. It was great! After all that excitement, Mom turned the wrong way out of the park! I thought for sure we were going to the Tractor Supply store. Nope, we drove right past it. Mom took a new to me road and we ended up at the Burger Palace for some breakfast! Then of all things, I heard Dad's voice in the car! I've been missing Dad since his bum foot has him at the Hospital again. Mom's been keeping me busy with all kinds of stuff to do. I still miss Dad. Mom says he will come home soon. I hope so. Yesterday, I collected all my toys - Spot, Mr. Bubbles, chew stick, Yellow Puppy, the special balls from Grammy, my blanket and Dad's blanket and put them all in my bed. That way Dad will know where to find all of them. When he comes home, Mom said he will play games with me for sure! I'm Ready!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 14, 2014
Dear Terry, There is a lot of noise in the neighborhood today. My pal Cheyenne next door started all this crazy barking early this morning. I woke Mom up right away. We looked out the window together to see what all the commotion was about. Mom said Oh! It's a Tree Truck! I didn't know what that was so Mom told me it cuts down big big trees. We watched it pull into the neighbors yard a few houses away. Cheyenne was barking like mad and running all around. Mom put my leash on so we could go outside and see better. Cheyenne had to go back inside she was to excited. Mom said we could stay outside and long as I didn't act like a loon. You should see how big that truck is! We watched it drive through the yard all the way to the back and the men rode high up in the air in it. It looked like they were flying. I've never seen anything like it! It was pretty neat! Lots and lots of noise though. I don't like that part. We went back inside but I'm going to keep watching from the window. Best seat in the house!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, There is a lot of noise in the neighborhood today. My pal Cheyenne next door started all this crazy barking early this morning. I woke Mom up right away. We looked out the window together to see what all the commotion was about. Mom said Oh! It's a Tree Truck! I didn't know what that was so Mom told me it cuts down big big trees. We watched it pull into the neighbors yard a few houses away. Cheyenne was barking like mad and running all around. Mom put my leash on so we could go outside and see better. Cheyenne had to go back inside she was to excited. Mom said we could stay outside and long as I didn't act like a loon. You should see how big that truck is! We watched it drive through the yard all the way to the back and the men rode high up in the air in it. It looked like they were flying. I've never seen anything like it! It was pretty neat! Lots and lots of noise though. I don't like that part. We went back inside but I'm going to keep watching from the window. Best seat in the house!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
October 12, 2014
Dear Terry, Sometimes Mom goes to the store and good things happen! Like I get treats. Or she brings home Snacks. Or a new collar. Today Mom went to the store and I don't even know what to say. At first I was all excited she got me something! I didn't smell any food so I thought, must be a collar! Or maybe a new coat for winter! She got me bats for on my head. Sparkly Bats. Mom said they will look great with my Halloween Costume. I'm a skeleton every year you know! Now THAT'S cool, a skeleton! I dunno about bats on my head. Even Dad said Oh My Gosh, Bats on his head! I ran to Dad and avoided Mom. She took my picture anyways. Woof.
Barks and Bats, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. If cats could laugh, I would. Meow Meow!
Dear Terry, Sometimes Mom goes to the store and good things happen! Like I get treats. Or she brings home Snacks. Or a new collar. Today Mom went to the store and I don't even know what to say. At first I was all excited she got me something! I didn't smell any food so I thought, must be a collar! Or maybe a new coat for winter! She got me bats for on my head. Sparkly Bats. Mom said they will look great with my Halloween Costume. I'm a skeleton every year you know! Now THAT'S cool, a skeleton! I dunno about bats on my head. Even Dad said Oh My Gosh, Bats on his head! I ran to Dad and avoided Mom. She took my picture anyways. Woof.
Barks and Bats, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. If cats could laugh, I would. Meow Meow!
October 8, 2014
Dear Terry, Today Mom ran an errand, but I wasn't allowed to go with her. When she came home I was very excited! Dad took me out to meet her and he let the leash go so I could run to her. I'm good at that. I run right to Mom like I'm supposed to. Only I didn't. I was so excited I ran past her right to the car and pawed at the door so we could go for a ride! FRED! Mom caught me and we went back inside. That's OK because Mom came home and that was very exciting! But then Mom had to go to work and that wasn't so exciting. Dad came up with a good idea later on. He said, Let's make pierogie! Now THAT is exciting! And guess what! PennyCat came out to help us! Me and PennyCat don't do a whole lot of stuff together. Probably because I end up barking too much. This time I helped Dad chopped onions and she laid down and watched us work! Dad talked to both of us as he worked. It was very nice and I laid down not far from PennyCat. What a great time it was! I hope PennyCat does that more often!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. PennyCat here. FredDog was being really good today. We had the best time watching Dad work in the kitchen. He talked and talked to us. Fred even stayed calm enough to lay down and he kind of dozed off. I still kept an eye on him because he can get to barking at the the silliest of things. When Dad finished cooking I said Meow Meow and went to find a quiet place to sleep. I thought about going over to FredDog but decided to Let Sleeping Dogs Lie. JuneauCat told me that. But I was tempted to bonk him on the nose just because! MeowMeow PennyCat
Dear Terry, Today Mom ran an errand, but I wasn't allowed to go with her. When she came home I was very excited! Dad took me out to meet her and he let the leash go so I could run to her. I'm good at that. I run right to Mom like I'm supposed to. Only I didn't. I was so excited I ran past her right to the car and pawed at the door so we could go for a ride! FRED! Mom caught me and we went back inside. That's OK because Mom came home and that was very exciting! But then Mom had to go to work and that wasn't so exciting. Dad came up with a good idea later on. He said, Let's make pierogie! Now THAT is exciting! And guess what! PennyCat came out to help us! Me and PennyCat don't do a whole lot of stuff together. Probably because I end up barking too much. This time I helped Dad chopped onions and she laid down and watched us work! Dad talked to both of us as he worked. It was very nice and I laid down not far from PennyCat. What a great time it was! I hope PennyCat does that more often!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. PennyCat here. FredDog was being really good today. We had the best time watching Dad work in the kitchen. He talked and talked to us. Fred even stayed calm enough to lay down and he kind of dozed off. I still kept an eye on him because he can get to barking at the the silliest of things. When Dad finished cooking I said Meow Meow and went to find a quiet place to sleep. I thought about going over to FredDog but decided to Let Sleeping Dogs Lie. JuneauCat told me that. But I was tempted to bonk him on the nose just because! MeowMeow PennyCat
October 5, 2014
Dear Terry, Today was Cleaning Day! Mom didn't tell me. I don't like cleaning day because the Vacuum comes out. Both Mom and Dad Vacuumed! I ran around barking at it. Then Mom cleaned the bathroom and I could smell the stinky cleaner. It makes me sneeze. But we did some fun stuff too! Mom got me a new ball!! I was so excited I couldn't stop running and making it roll all over the house! Mom would throw it and I would run around some more. It's real slippery and it's hard to pick up so I make it roll more with my nose. Mom took me outside and I chased the neighbor's cat. I'm not supposed to chase Penny Cat but no one ever said anything about cats in the yard! Mom made me sit down and calm down. Dad's making grilled cheese now I can smell it. I bet he makes a little one for me! He knows how much I like cheese and Dad comes up with some good stuff for me to try out. I bet it will taste great!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today was Cleaning Day! Mom didn't tell me. I don't like cleaning day because the Vacuum comes out. Both Mom and Dad Vacuumed! I ran around barking at it. Then Mom cleaned the bathroom and I could smell the stinky cleaner. It makes me sneeze. But we did some fun stuff too! Mom got me a new ball!! I was so excited I couldn't stop running and making it roll all over the house! Mom would throw it and I would run around some more. It's real slippery and it's hard to pick up so I make it roll more with my nose. Mom took me outside and I chased the neighbor's cat. I'm not supposed to chase Penny Cat but no one ever said anything about cats in the yard! Mom made me sit down and calm down. Dad's making grilled cheese now I can smell it. I bet he makes a little one for me! He knows how much I like cheese and Dad comes up with some good stuff for me to try out. I bet it will taste great!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 4, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had a big scary today. Don't worry I was there to protect Mom. It started out as a great trip to the Puppy Park! Except we were the only ones there. Probably because it was so rainy and chilly outside. I don't mind that if we go to the Puppy Park! But then someone else came to the park. But he didn't have a dog. He stood at the fence watching and trying to talk to Mom. He tried to make friends with me but I know a Weirdo when I smell one. I went over to the fence and showed him all my teeth and let him hear me growl. I have a good growl when I need to. He kept talking but backed away from the fence. Mom wasn't being so friendly. Mom knows a Weirdo too when she smells one. Or maybe when she sees one because she doesn't smell as good as I can. She knew he was a Weirdo though. Mom spoke real softly to me so only I could hear. It's usually a game we play. Only it came in handy today! Like a secret message. She said let's go. And I knew to go to the gate real fast. That crazy man kept talking and talking. I made sure to go out of the gate first and I came out snarling and growling so crazy man stayed away from us. We got to the car safe and sound! Mom said the foaming at the mouth was a nice scary touch! I got big pets from Mom and a big kiss on the head! As soon as we got home I ran and told Dad and PennyCat everything! I still had some foam on my face so I might have scared PennyCat.
Love and Woofs! FredDog
P.S. PennyCat here. That FredDog came charging in the house like his tail was on fire. I thought maybe he was rabid because he had foam on his mouth. I ran and hid. Best thing to do when he is all wound up. He's a nut. I guess he protected Mom so he can't be all bad. I won't bonk him on the face today since he did a good job. Meow Meow!
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had a big scary today. Don't worry I was there to protect Mom. It started out as a great trip to the Puppy Park! Except we were the only ones there. Probably because it was so rainy and chilly outside. I don't mind that if we go to the Puppy Park! But then someone else came to the park. But he didn't have a dog. He stood at the fence watching and trying to talk to Mom. He tried to make friends with me but I know a Weirdo when I smell one. I went over to the fence and showed him all my teeth and let him hear me growl. I have a good growl when I need to. He kept talking but backed away from the fence. Mom wasn't being so friendly. Mom knows a Weirdo too when she smells one. Or maybe when she sees one because she doesn't smell as good as I can. She knew he was a Weirdo though. Mom spoke real softly to me so only I could hear. It's usually a game we play. Only it came in handy today! Like a secret message. She said let's go. And I knew to go to the gate real fast. That crazy man kept talking and talking. I made sure to go out of the gate first and I came out snarling and growling so crazy man stayed away from us. We got to the car safe and sound! Mom said the foaming at the mouth was a nice scary touch! I got big pets from Mom and a big kiss on the head! As soon as we got home I ran and told Dad and PennyCat everything! I still had some foam on my face so I might have scared PennyCat.
Love and Woofs! FredDog
P.S. PennyCat here. That FredDog came charging in the house like his tail was on fire. I thought maybe he was rabid because he had foam on his mouth. I ran and hid. Best thing to do when he is all wound up. He's a nut. I guess he protected Mom so he can't be all bad. I won't bonk him on the face today since he did a good job. Meow Meow!
October 2, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had quite the adventure today! It all started with Dad leaving. He took his cane and walked down the driveway and then up the road. It was very distressing to me. Mom said Don't worry Fred, He is going to take a ride on the bus! A bus?? I bark at those. Mom said, No, not a school bus. A big bus. HMMPH. All I know is that Mom let Dad go out of our sight. I sat in the window and whined and whined. How could Mom let him disappear over the hill?? I barked at Mom. I didn't understand. Mom wasn't upset so I thought maybe Dad is OK even though I can't see or hear him. I barked some more because I didn't know what to do. Then awhile later, Dad called. And Mom got her keys. Dad missed the bus. I barked at Mom. See what happens when we let Dad out of our sight?? He missed the bus! Mom still wasn't upset though. I didn't understand. I ran to the door, I was GOING with Mom no matter what. And she said Let's Go Fred and I ran to the car. No time to waste! Then we drove to a new place to me. Mom called it a Walmart. It must be where the bus goes because there was Dad!!! It was very exciting! He had all kinds of stuff in bags. Dad was so happy about his trip on his own that we went to the Burger Palace to celebrate. You can't imagine how good it was to see Dad so happy. I'm still not so sure about Dad going on his own to the Bus Palace though. I can't keep an eye on him there. But he was happy and we took a nap together when we got home so everything is OK now!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had quite the adventure today! It all started with Dad leaving. He took his cane and walked down the driveway and then up the road. It was very distressing to me. Mom said Don't worry Fred, He is going to take a ride on the bus! A bus?? I bark at those. Mom said, No, not a school bus. A big bus. HMMPH. All I know is that Mom let Dad go out of our sight. I sat in the window and whined and whined. How could Mom let him disappear over the hill?? I barked at Mom. I didn't understand. Mom wasn't upset so I thought maybe Dad is OK even though I can't see or hear him. I barked some more because I didn't know what to do. Then awhile later, Dad called. And Mom got her keys. Dad missed the bus. I barked at Mom. See what happens when we let Dad out of our sight?? He missed the bus! Mom still wasn't upset though. I didn't understand. I ran to the door, I was GOING with Mom no matter what. And she said Let's Go Fred and I ran to the car. No time to waste! Then we drove to a new place to me. Mom called it a Walmart. It must be where the bus goes because there was Dad!!! It was very exciting! He had all kinds of stuff in bags. Dad was so happy about his trip on his own that we went to the Burger Palace to celebrate. You can't imagine how good it was to see Dad so happy. I'm still not so sure about Dad going on his own to the Bus Palace though. I can't keep an eye on him there. But he was happy and we took a nap together when we got home so everything is OK now!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 2, 2014
Dear Terry, It started happening again. Those stupid stink bugs are getting in the house. I bark at all of them. I don't stop until Mom or Dad gets the Stink Bug Collector and gets the bug. Last night there was a big one on the ceiling. At first Mom didn't pay attention to what I was barking at, so I kept barking and looking at the bug. Once she saw the bug she said Hold on Fred! And she ran right away and got the Stink Bug Collector. I followed her to the door to make sure the bug got outside. Dad thinks I'm a loon but he's never eaten a stink bug so he doesn't know how bad I hate them. Mom's never eaten one either, but she knows how much I hate those bugs. BLEH. Stupid Bugs.
Protecting the house from stink bugs,
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, It started happening again. Those stupid stink bugs are getting in the house. I bark at all of them. I don't stop until Mom or Dad gets the Stink Bug Collector and gets the bug. Last night there was a big one on the ceiling. At first Mom didn't pay attention to what I was barking at, so I kept barking and looking at the bug. Once she saw the bug she said Hold on Fred! And she ran right away and got the Stink Bug Collector. I followed her to the door to make sure the bug got outside. Dad thinks I'm a loon but he's never eaten a stink bug so he doesn't know how bad I hate them. Mom's never eaten one either, but she knows how much I hate those bugs. BLEH. Stupid Bugs.
Protecting the house from stink bugs,
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
October 1, 2014
Dear Terry, We had another exciting day yesterday! Me and Mom and Dad all went for a walk in the park. Dad didn't even have to use his cane! He walked with us. I was careful to walk slow so that we didn't lose Dad. I didn't have to worry though, Dad walked right with us. We walked all around the ponds and looked for frogs and toads. We went in the cottage to see all the stuff. We looked for bluebirds in the big field of flowers. I smelled poop. Dad didn't even have to stop to rest. When we headed back to the car, Dad beat us to the car he was walking so good! It was a good walk and a good day.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, We had another exciting day yesterday! Me and Mom and Dad all went for a walk in the park. Dad didn't even have to use his cane! He walked with us. I was careful to walk slow so that we didn't lose Dad. I didn't have to worry though, Dad walked right with us. We walked all around the ponds and looked for frogs and toads. We went in the cottage to see all the stuff. We looked for bluebirds in the big field of flowers. I smelled poop. Dad didn't even have to stop to rest. When we headed back to the car, Dad beat us to the car he was walking so good! It was a good walk and a good day.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
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